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03x21 - Krewe

Posted: 07/13/21 10:19
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

(sirens wailing)

(tires screech)

Signal red! sh*ts fired!

sh*ts fired!



Multiple suspects!
Send everybody!

(tires screeching)

police radio chatter)



Hey, you shot?

I don't know.

I don't think so.


What the hell
just happened?

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

(electronics trilling)

What about my computer?

The... the webcam
or whatever it's called.

I mean, c-can't they
hack into that

and record me
without my knowing?

We've already
disabled it, Mr. Mayor.

Same with your
laptop and cell.

Yeah. You sure about that?
'Cause, uh,

I don't need no more leaks.
I got enough problems.

Certain people
try to bring me down

any way they can, you know?

We'll scan your car
and home next.

But, for now,
this room's secure.

Good. Phones, too?

Uh, don't use landlines.

But make sure your
assistant lets you know

if she hears any
echoes or clicks.

Could mean a wiretap.

And, if so, we should be
able to trace its source.

What about cell phones--
they good?

Cell's good.

All right.
We're good, then.

, , right?

Uh, that's okay,
we'll just bill you.

Uh, no. No, no.

No bills.

It's between us, you understand?



(phone beeps, line rings)

FRANK (over phone): Hello?
Frank, it's Hamilton.

FRANK: Are you sure
this line is secure?

HAMILTON: Honestly, I'm not sure
about anything anymore.

Gotten in pretty deep here.

Nor should you be, Mr. Mayor,
'cause I'm gonna be

up and in your grill, baby.

How can we still hear him
if they swept his cell?

You can't sweep
a Triple P shadow app,

which allows me
to listen to and record

any and everything
within earshot.

Problem is, anything
and everything isn't covered

under the wiretap warrant.

Only what's related
to Clearwater

or his alleged
offshore slush funds.

And Javier Garcia's m*rder.

Let Jess know,

uh, I won't be seeing her
for a while.

Can't risk the media finding out
about any more of these affairs.

Stop recording.
Wait, what?

IZZO: Personal information
is not covered

under the scope
of the wiretap.

Look, Dwayne, if this isn't done
within the strict parameters

of the order,
it won't stand up in court.

Mayor's dirty, Karen.

Look, Rita's put together
a solid circumstantial case,

but Jenkins-- he was
the only judge willing to risk

going up against Hamilton
to grant the tap.

I know how bad
you want to take him down,

but if you don't
do this by the book,

you're gonna
blow the wiretap.

And Hamilton
gets away with m*rder.

And everything else.

Stop recording.

(phone vibrates)

(recording stops)

Ah, all right,
I got a case.

Keep monitoring the mayor.

Are you sure Patton knows
what keywords to listen for?

Is he read in
on Clearwater,

every detail?

No, not everything.

Then I'd stay put
if I were you.

May only get this one shot
at Hamilton.

♪ ♪

Yeah, is Pride all right?
How'd he sound?


Had to talk him
into staying put,

focusing on trying
to get Hamilton

before Hamilton gets us.

Yeah, King's loyal to the job.

It's not easy for him not
taking the lead on a case.

All the more reason for us
to kick ass on this one.

Do you want me to go
pick up Percy?

No, I'm already here
at the coffee shop.

We'll meet you at the crime...



Lasalle, you still there?

Yeah, I'm still here.

We'll see you in a bit.


Country Mouse.

If I knew you were my ride,

I would've picked
you up a croissant.


Everything all right?

Yeah, sure. Let's roll.

(camera clicking)

police radio chatter)

SONJA: Hey, you sure
nothing's bothering you?

Me? No, why?

I don't know, maybe 'cause
you only said, like,

two words to me
on the way over.

Come on, it's me. What?

Gregorio, what do we got?

Hello to you, too,

Oh, girl, he is in a mood.

I can see that.

Heist crew were pros,

took out cameras,
jammed communication,

knew exactly what they were
after and where to get it.

Sebastian, what's the haul?

Couple hundred MP s
headed to Fort Bragg.

The Navy's still
doing an inventory

to get an exact
count, but...

SONJA: That's a lot
of serious firepower.

I mean, this can't just
be about selling them

on the black market.

We're dealing with
some kind of militia?

Well, whoever it was,
they came prepared.

According to the railway cops,
they all had body armor,

were using AR- s,
concussive grenades.

How many were injured?

That's the thing-- none.

Whoa. Heist crew
using AR- s, grenades,

making off with MP s,
and no cop gets shot?

Oh, no, cops were shot all
right, just not with b*ll*ts.

Yeah, not with lethal rounds.

With rubber b*ll*ts.

designed composite,

packs a heck of a punch,

especially coming
out of an AR- .

It's more than enough to
knock the wind out of you.

But not k*ll.
GREGORIO: Which begs the question,

what kind of heist crew steals
hundreds of lethal weapons

using nonlethal rounds?

Yeah. Doesn't make sense.

Yeah, well, fortunately
the rail cops

were using live a*mo.

They tagged one of the crew.

Lost a lot of blood. I should
be able to get a DNA I.D.

All right, let us know
what you find, Sebastian.

Who's the fat cat?

Owner of the company
that makes the g*ns,

Justus Bancroft.

Or the victim.

Whoa. Spent a lot
of years at A*F

seeing the pain
Bancroft g*ns cause.

Hardly makes them a victim.

Excuse me.

NCIS. Mind if I get a word?

Sorry, is there a problem?

No, no, no, not at all.

It's just that, uh, well,

we already told the police
everything we know.

And we have to go.

I'm sorry, who are you?



Special Agent Lasalle.

We'll talk with NOPD afterwards,
but if you don't mind...

No, no, of course, of course.
Ask me anything.

Well, it's just that,
uh, we're hosting

our annual charity
event tomorrow.

I kind of think a couple hundred
missing submachine g*ns

trumps your little party,
don't you?


No disrespect, but, uh,

we got to do our jobs,
and that's a lot of g*ns.

Oh, yeah, trust me, I know.

It's not the first time
we've been hit, either.

You've been robbed before?

Well, not to this extent,
but yes.

Uh, the FBI, A*F,
they both investigated

the other two times,
and, uh, come up empty.

I'm just glad none
of the police got hurt.

Well, third time, there's
got to be a connection.

We'll dig into it and
let you know what we find.

All right.
We'll be in touch.

You, uh, call me anytime.

Thank you.
All right.


I don't think King

would've much liked
the way you talked to her.

Don't much like the way
you talked to me.

She acted like this
was nothing more

than an inconvenience.

That didn't bother you?

Oh, I forgot,

bothering you.


Making yourself at home
at my desk?

Oh, Pride, no, no, no.
I'm sorry.

I just, I didn't want to

bother you and Patton.
It's okay, Sebastian.

Just teasing. Sit down.

Be more than happy to trade
places with you, believe me.

Sitting on a wiretap's
kind of boring, huh?

More like tedious.

Plus, I'm learning
more about Hamilton

than I ever wanted to know.
A lot more.

But nothing that connects him
to the murders or Clearwater?

Not yet.

But it's just

a matter of time.

Where are you on the case?

Well, using the DNA I
found at the crime scene,

I'm trying to I.D.
our wounded bad guy,

but nothing's coming up so far,

which is, you know,
a little odd.

Okay. But not unusual.

I just got off
the phone with FBI,

checked on the prior heists,
and they got nothing, either.

Well, that's
hard to believe.

Three high-profile
hits, no evidence.

How's that possible?

Even stranger, none of
the past stolen g*ns

have showed up on
the street or black market.

It's as if they
just disappeared.

Yeah, maybe I should
get involved.

No, Hamilton knows
you're after him.

You can't let up now.
It's too important.

So is a couple hundred
missing g*ns.

Oh, no wonder I
didn't get a match.

I programmed the I.D. search
for bad guys, not bad girls.

That's male bias,
by the way.

I apologize for that.

Uh, Josephine Bellacroix.

First Lieutenant,
born in New Orleans.

A Marine?

Yeah, flawless record, too.

She did a tour
in Somalia and Sudan.

Left the Corps a year ago.

Just before the first heist.

Wonder what made her
start stealing g*ns.

Pick her up, find out.

And before you do that...
All right, I'll call Lasalle.

He and Sonja are
still in the field.

Sebastian, start looking
for known associates,

see if we can find out
who she's working with.

I'm on it.


We got this.
Don't worry about us.

If you're gonna keep giving me
the silent treatment

and being mean to me...

I'm not being
mean to you.

Okay, so what's your problem?

I don't understand.

I was just surprised
this morning,

seeing you with that guy
at the coffee shop.

Wait, Tom?

I didn't know you
were dating anybody.

I'm not dating anybody.

It was just coffee.

Besides, I barely know that guy.

Well, you knew him
well enough to kiss him.

I didn't kiss--
he kissed me.

Are you jealous?


You're jealous.
You're trippin', girl.

Come on. Let's gear up.

(lockbox beeps)

Shotguns? Really?

Yeah, wounded Marine.

She's probably armed
with a MP by now.

Better safe than sorry.

(g*n clicks)

Federal agents!


SONJA: No way that's just
from the heist sh**ting.

House across the street
has a security camera,

but it's a bad angle
to I.D. anyone

going in and out
of Bellacroix's place.

Ooh, so no one walking out
with an MP ?

Lady carrying a small bag.
That's about it.

SONJA: It's looking
more and more like

the crew took her out
to cover their tracks.

Takes a pretty vicious crew
to take out one of their own.

We need to find out
who they are

so we can get
those g*ns back, fast.

The problem is, they're so good
at covering their tracks,

we got squat.

Yeah. If we could just figure
out what made a decorated Marine

join a heist crew
in the first place.

Are you sure
there weren't any red flags

in her service record?

No PTSD, no psych alarm.

Any of her known associates
with criminal backgrounds?

No. Bellacroix's a NOLA native,
LSU grad, top of her class.

Like I said, squat.

Look, I know the Hamilton wire
is important and everything,

but think maybe it's time
to loop Pride in?

King's expecting us
to find leads.

Let's keep digging.

GREGORIO: All right.

(video call ringing)

Hey, guys.

Oh, man, it's so weird
being back here

and seeing you guys there.

It's like, “Just when I thought
I was out, they pulled...”

It's Michael Corleone,
from, uh, from The Godfather .

Guys, I think my...
my screen froze.

LASALLE: Ballistics on
the victim, please.

Right, sure.

Well, the b*llet pattern
on our dead Marine

suggests that all b*ll*ts
came from an MP .

Which, if you ask me,
that's overkill.

Even more reason to suspect
her crew took her out.

Still, something doesn't add up.

They went out of their way
to use rubber b*ll*ts

for the heist,
but then use real b*ll*ts

to k*ll one of their own?

Maybe they knew k*lling cops
guarantees the needle.

Yeah, but if any of those g*ns
end up as the m*rder w*apon,

they'll get the needle anyway.

We're missing something.

Hey, did you get anything
on those rubber b*ll*ts yet?

(computer beeps)

You wanted me to call

as soon as the autopsy
was completed.

Whoa. Hey, Doc.

This is so crazy,
it's like old times.

You, me, plasmas.

I didn't know you were
in your lab, Sebastian.

Why didn't you say something?

SEBASTIAN: Well, I know
better than to bother you

when you're elbow deep in liver.

I hate to interrupt.

Autopsy results, right.

Okay, no surprises.

C.O.D.: multiple g*nsh*t wounds.

The b*ll*ts hit every
major artery and organ,

and any one of them
would've sufficed.

This was obviously
a statement k*lling.

One way to keep the rest
of the crew in line.

However, there
is an anomaly.

Before Ms. Bellacroix
was m*rder*d,

someone sutured
the initial g*nsh*t wound

inflicted by the railway officer

during the heist.

Even removed the b*llet.

Wait, why would they try
to save her only to k*ll her?

That doesn't make any sense.

Especially when you factor in
that they gave her

broad-spectrum prophylaxis
to fight infection.

b*llet removal, sutures,

I mean, this has to

have been done
by a doctor, right?


But she didn't go to a hospital.

The lady with the bag.

WADE: Sebastian,
did you tell them about

the rubber b*ll*ts yet?

No, not yet.

So, um, police everywhere
have been

looking to use more and more

nonlethal a*mo.

It's been a real boon
for g*n manufacturers.

Fortunately, each company
that makes rubber b*ll*ts

uses its own
proprietary design, so,

the b*ll*ts used by
the heist crew

are actually Bancroft b*ll*ts.

Bancroft b*ll*ts used
to steal Bancroft g*ns?

I might've found another
Bancroft connection.

Sorry, Doc, I need
the screen for another doc.

Emma Miller, a Doctors
Without Borders physician,

also Bellacroix's doctor
of record.

They grew up in
New Orleans together

and graduated LSU
at the same time.

Which makes sense Bellacroix
would call a doctor friend

to stitch her up
without ratting her out.


Yeah, we need to find Dr. Miller
and see what she has to say.

What's the Bancroft connection?

A big one.
Dr. Miller sits on the board

of the Bancroft Family
Foundation of New Orleans.

Which means that she could be at
that charity shindig right now.

SEBASTIAN: Bancroft b*ll*ts,
g*ns and friends.

You guys think
this is an inside job?

Only way to find out is for us
to crash their little party.

Hold on.

Bancrofts are
a founding family here,

go back for generations.

We can't just show up
and start asking questions.

Maybe we can't, but Pride can.

♪ ♪

♪ You pull up in your Hummer ♪

♪ And you park next to my Volt ♪

♪ Wearing Armani three-piece ♪

♪ I wear Levi's full of holes ♪

♪ I might walk along
the left side ♪

♪ And you walk along the right ♪

♪ We're both trying to reach
the same place ♪

♪ We might not
get there on time ♪

♪ But you know what's best... ♪

Some little party.

They landed Sheryl Crow, really?

Well, it is
for a good cause.

♪ We all know the rest, yeah ♪

♪ Baby, if you dare ♪

♪ If you really care ♪

♪ Baby, if you dare ♪

♪ Won't you meet me
halfway there... ♪

Maybe we should walk
a little slower, you know?

So we can catch the show.

SONJA: We're not
here for autographs.

These people have g*ns out on
the street and they're partying.

Thank you for giving
so generously

to the Bancroft Foundation
Humanitarian Aid .

(crowd cheering)

Justus Bancroft?

Special Agent Dwayne Pride.

A moment?

Will you excuse me, please?

♪ ♪

♪ I like the sunshine... ♪

Now, look, if this about
those stolen g*ns,

now is not the best time.

Someone was k*lled with
one of your g*ns, Mr. Bancroft.

And if we don't find out
who stole them real soon,

more will likely die.

Well, still, there are a lot of
very important people here.

Well, good for you.

(chuckles softly)

Have you seen Dr. Emma Miller?

Well, sure, of course.
She helped set up.

What's she got to do with this?

Yeah, we're not sure. That's why
we want to talk to her.

We'll be discreet.

Split up,
search the grounds.

You got it.

NADINE: Daddy,
what's going on?

nothing to worry about,

Nadine, honey, they're
just looking for Emma.

Have you seen her?

Yeah, she's here somewhere,
but can't you do this later?

Afraid not.

How well do you know Dr. Miller?

She's like
a sister to me.

We've been friends for forever.

Pride, we got a problem.

We're behind the fountains.

Come take a look at this.

♪ Baby, I don't like
to wait... ♪

What is it, Chris?

LASALLE: Caterer came back
here to get more champagne.

Emma Miller.

ex*cuted, just like Bellacroix.

Looks like it happened
a couple hours ago.

Maybe even before
the party started.

Well, we just got back
from Dr. Miller's house.

Found body armor, a balaclava
and night vision goggles.

So, unless she liked
performing surgery in the dark

and under enemy fire, I'd say
she was part of the heist crew.

Two women on the crew?
That's unusual.

Yeah, but if it's true,
it doesn't make sense

that the crew's trying
to cover their tracks now.

It's got to be
somebody else targeting them.

Like what, a rival crew?

Trying to get the g*ns
for themselves, possibly.

Could be a black market buyer
double-crossing them.

You find any rubber b*ll*ts
at Miller's house?

Yeah, several boxes, actually.
All of them made by Bancroft.

Bancroft's name just keeps
popping up, doesn't it?

PATTON: Popping up in
more places than you think.

You need to hear this,
but hurry.

You need to get NCIS

off my back, you understand?

I can't have them investigating
those missing g*ns,

not now.
What does that mean?

You know where they are?

Mayor Hamilton?

PATTON: Hamilton was on
the phone just starting

to talk about Clearwater
when Bancroft bulled his way in.

HAMILTON: But I got enough

of my own problems with NCIS.

There's nothing I can do.

You can use
your connections.

Go over their heads.

Say you'll get the g*ns back
on your own. Be a hero.

Yeah, and how am I supposed to
get those g*ns back exactly?

You leave that to me.

Wasn't anything to do
with Clearwater,

but I thought I should
record it anyway.

Can't believe Bancroft
stole his own g*ns.

Yeah, question is: why?

Company's doing
great financially,

doesn't need
the insurance payoff.

Doesn't matter, we can't use
what we just heard anyway.

Scope of the wiretap

is only for Hamilton
and Clearwater.

Well, we can't
just ignore it.

Man all but
incriminated himself.

Why don't you just
bring Bancroft in, scare him?

And let the lawyers argue

whether it was
admissible or not later.

Because then Bancroft would
find out about the tap,

which means so
would Hamilton.

And then it would blow your
one chance to bring him down.

Yeah, on the other hand,
two people are already dead

'cause of those g*ns.

How many more are gonna die
before we get them back?

So what are you gonna do?

You're making a mistake.

It's a big risk, Pride.
Just saying.

Hope we don't lose
Hamilton over it.

Me, too.

Got to say,
I'm a little surprised.

Man of your means--

would've thought you'd have
asked for a lawyer by now.

I'm innocent.
I don't need a lawyer.

Well, innocent men don't tend
to incriminate themselves,

Mr. Bancroft.

How else do you think I would've
gotten an arrest warrant?

I don't know, you tell me.


(laughs) Yeah.

I'm sorry, Bancroft,

but I got enough of
my own problems with NCIS.

There's nothing I can do.

You can use your connections,

go over their heads.

Say you'll get the g*ns back
on your own. Be a hero.

HAMILTON: Yeah, and how am I supposed
to get those g*ns back exactly?

You leave that to me.

Doesn't sound
so innocent to me.

That is taken out of context.

Besides, how'd you get that?

You put a tap on me?
On what grounds?

Tap wasn't on you.
It was on the mayor.

You just got help
from the wrong person,

got caught.

I don't give a damn
why you stole your own g*ns.

I just want to get 'em back
before anybody else gets k*lled.

I didn't steal them.

Then why do you know
where the g*ns are?

How come you told Hamilton
you can get 'em back?

Unless you start talking,
U.S. attorney's gonna charge you

as a coconspirator,
felony m*rder.

You don't want to spend
the rest of your life in prison,

talk... fast.

I can't.

(knock on door)

Sorry, Pride, but Izzo's here.

She insists on talking to you.

IZZO: Do you realize how many
hoops I had to jump through

just to get that wiretap granted
in the first place?

I know, Karen, but I had...

No buts, Dwayne.

You based the arrest of
Bancroft on Hamilton's wiretap.

A good defense attorney
will get that kicked easily.

Well, Bancroft
incriminated himself.

What was I supposed to do?

You were supposed to ignore

what you heard, that's what.

Too many g*ns are missing.
I had to make a choice.

A choice that's probably
gonna cost you

any chance of
bringing down Hamilton.

He's gonna find out,
if he hasn't already.

I'll worry about that later.

No, you need to
worry about that now.

Dwayne, if Mayor Hamilton
is as dirty as you say he is,

he's going to retaliate.

You know he will.

I wasn't gonna let
more people get k*lled.

You should've called me!

I didn't have time,
I had to act.

I warned you.

I warned you about the risk

of going after a powerful man
like Hamilton,

about blowing the wire.

You have no idea
what you've done.

Well, she doesn't seem happy.

She's not.

But let's stay on point.

Bancroft's not talking,
and I think I know why.

I don't know how he's involved
with the stolen g*ns,

but there's no question
in my mind

that he knows where they are.

But he still wouldn't tell you?

And I think it's because
he's protecting somebody,

somebody he's willing
to go to jail for.

His daughter.

How can Nadine

possibly be involved in this?

SEBASTIAN: Well, she may be
more involved than you think.

I just ran case
and victim profiles

through advanced link
and social network analysis;

guess whose name
lit up the scoreboard.

(Sonja scoffs)
Nadine Bancroft.

She connects to the case
on several levels, too:

geographic, socioeconomic, age,
schools, social media.

I mean,
all were bridesmaids

at three other
friends' weddings.

Doctors Without Borders,

Nadine joined the Peace Corps.

I mean, these are hardly just
a bunch of rich debutantes.

Could explain why nobody's
been able to catch the crew.

Nobody would ever
suspect them, plus...

Nadine would know exactly
how to steal the g*ns

without getting caught.

Are you seriously
suggesting that

Nadine Bancroft
is part of the heist crew?

That she stole the g*ns
from her own family? Why?

Don't know, but if her father
found out what she was doing,

makes sense
he's trying to protect her.

And that's why he told Hamilton
he'd get him back the g*ns.

So, what, Silver Spoon here
is vying for attention?

Rebelling against
how rich they are or something?

Nah, there's got to be another
reason why they're doing this.

Yeah, it's a lot of g*ns,
whatever the reason.

Problem is, we're never gonna
figure out who's k*lling off

the heist crew
unless we figure out why.

Which means, they could be
after Nadine next.

Alert NOPD.

Get 'em out to the Bancrofts'.

Let's go.

PRIDE: We're on scene,
Christopher. Stand by.

Copy that. Any sign of Nadine?

No, not yet.

sh*ts fired!

I think they've got Nadine!

PRIDE: We're in pursuit!
(siren wailing)

They're coming your way!

Box 'em in!

We're almost there.

(siren wailing)

SONJA: Here they come!
We got 'em, Pride!



Drop, Nadine!


You're okay.

You're okay. You're okay.

PRIDE: Hate to rush you,
Loretta, but...

please tell me
you can help us identify...

They're Boko Haram.

At least, that's the particular
t*rror1st group

these two gunmen belonged to.

Boko Haram in New Orleans?

Are you sure?

Unfortunately, I am.

Notice the scarring
from forehead to nose,

the two rectilinear
lines down the cheeks.

Tribal scars.

Many African ethnic groups use
distinctive facial markings--

Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa--
but these men are Kanuri.

Heavily recruited by Boko Haram.

I couldn't believe it
myself until

I saw the keloid tattoo
on their ankles.


You know how much time
I've spent

volunteering in Africa, Dwayne.

I've witnessed firsthand

the horrors
these animals perpetrate

on innocent women and children.

I know, Loretta.

We're gonna do everything we can
to stop them.

SONJA: Yeah,
the question is:

what are they doing here?

And why are they k*lling
the heist crew?

They must want the g*ns.

But still, how'd they
know Nadine and her crew

were gonna steal the
g*ns in the first place?

I don't know.

Maybe Nadine
could tell us.

Let the rest of the team know
we're heading back.

Have Gregorio

alert DHS and FBI.

Doubt these are the only
two members of the hit squad,

which means we could use a lot
of help finding the others.

On it.

Must've taken Nadine
instead of k*lling her

in hopes that she would tell 'em
where the g*ns were hidden.

No doubt by
torturing her.

What do you mean?

From the Marine.

Torn ligaments,
antemortem bruising.

I didn't see it
in the prelim,

but the poor woman
was clearly tortured

before she was ex*cuted.

They would've gotten
everything they wanted from her.


you've got to get
these bastards.

But be careful.

You saved my life,
and I'm grateful.

But I can't tell you
where the g*ns are.

SONJA: Okay, I
don't understand.

You stole
your father's g*ns.

Two of your friends
were k*lled,

you were nearly k*lled,

and you won't
cooperate with us?

Who do you think you are?

Doesn't matter,
you won't believe me.

Try me.

Emma and I visited Jo in
Sudan a couple of years ago.

We were shocked.

It couldn't have been more
different than here--

w*r-torn, famine.

Place is a
humanitarian disaster.

We volunteered to help
villagers set up

a girls' school
in Khartoum,

but then Boko Haram att*cked.

We were whisked

into the embassy
for safety, but...

we watched the attack keep
happening through the gates.

And nobody tried to stop it.

Women being r*ped,

children being shot.

And there was nothing
we could do.

You don't ever unsee
something like that.

g*ns are for the villagers.

To protect themselves.

'Cause nobody else will.

But Boko Haram
must've found out

what we've been doing,

so they came here
to try and stop us.

It's a noble cause,

but it's-it's
completely illegal.

Stealing g*ns,

smuggling them
out of the country...

breaks federal laws,
you know that.

You're really willing to risk
your life for this, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

If you don't
let me go,

get the villagers those g*ns...

...Boko Haram
will keep attacking them

until they're all dead.

Can you really live with that?

We have to find
a way to help her.

Well, there's no way
to help her, Sonja.

We can't let her go.

But what if Nadine's right?

We can't just
let those people die.

It's halfway around the world.

There's people like that

we can't help 'em all.

Yeah, but we know
about these people

and can do something about it.

Helping Nadine
means breaking the law.

So? We've risked
breaking the law before

to do the right thing.

Not like this.
This is different.

How? How is this different?

If you have to ask,

you're not thinking straight.

Now take a breath.

LASALLE: Seems like

we're danged if we do
and danged if we don't.

I mean, if we don't
do something,

the t*rrorists are gonna get
their hands on them g*ns anyway.

Yeah, and probably use them
against the very people

Nadine's trying to save.

Nadine knows we know that, too,

probably hoping we'll let her go
because of it.

It's a catch- .

All right,

we'll let her go.

But only to follow her
so she leads us to the g*ns.

Wait, you mean
we're gonna trick her?

No, not trying to trick her,
trying to save her life

and keep Boko Haram
from getting those g*ns.

And that's gonna have to be
enough for you.


SEBASTIAN: Nadine's still
heading east towards

Stars and Stripes Boulevard,

going about miles
over the speed limit,

in case you want to
add that to the charges.

Think she's heading
to the airport?

I hope not,

'cause all the RF
and cell signals

might screw up the geotracker
you put in her coat.

Counting on you, Patton.

We got to stay close enough
to protect her

in case the t*rrorists attack,

but not so close
that she spots us.

I wonder why they haven't
att*cked her yet.

LASALLE: Maybe they already
found the g*ns,

and if so, they don't
need to follow her.

Except they didn't come
for the g*ns first,

they came for Nadine.

Don't worry, we're not gonna let
anything happen to her.

PRIDE: Just remember, as soon
as she leads us to the g*ns,

we got to get Nadine,

get the g*ns,
and then get out of there.

Especially if they
already found them.

They could be lying
in wait for her.

She's getting off on Crofton.

She might be headed
to the charter hangars.

Damn it,
her signal's breaking up.

We got to close the gap.

I don't know about this,

I still can't believe
we're gonna arrest her.

King made the call.
Let's just do our jobs.

The storage pods were
supposed to be unloaded

and on the plane by now.
I can't wait that long.

MAN: I'm sorry, Nadine,
but we got delayed

getting to the airport.

Wait. Something's happened.

Where are the g*ns?

What do you mean,
where are the g*ns?

Nadine, what's wrong?

Is everything okay?

Nadine? Nadine!

(phone beeps)


What are you doing...

(sirens wailing)

Nadine, stop!

You followed me.

Yeah, and saved your life again.

Run to the terminal.
I'm gonna run farther than that.

Boko Haram's gonna retaliate
against the villagers for this.

If I can't get them g*ns,
at least let me warn them,

move them.


I have the means.

I can easily leave the
country if you let me.

No, I'm sorry, Nadine, I can't.


Percy, you good?

How's Nadine?

Where is she?

Sh-She got away.

Stay with him.

I want to know what
happened out there today.

I told you
what I know, Pride.

You told me what
you want me to know.

No way Nadine got
away from you.

Damn it, Sonja,

I worked too hard to rebuild
this team after Brody left.

Stronger than ever.

How could you be so willing
to risk throwing it all away?

This team means as much, if not
more, to you than to anybody.

I know that.

Then why the hell won't you
tell me what happened?

What difference does it make?

We got the t*rrorists,
didn't we?

And the g*ns.

Nadine is not the bad guy.

Then how come half
of law enforcement's

still out there looking for her?


If I told you, Pride, and
anybody outside of this office

found out,

you would get in trouble, too.

I can't let that happen.

I'm already in trouble.

I sacrificed Hamilton
for this.

God only knows
how he's gonna retaliate.

This is serious, Sonja.

Not just legally.

You cannot cherry-pick
which orders to follow--

not on my watch.

That is not what a team is.

And I won't stand for it.

And we've had
this conversation before.

What happened to Nadine?

I'm sorry.

I can't.

That'll be all.



You waited for me?

Well, I was a little worried.

Everything all right?

I don't know.

Pride is pretty pissed.

Can't say I blame him.

And I... I don't know
what he's gonna do yet.

What does that mean?
Do what?

I don't know if he's
gonna report me to HQ.

King's not gonna do that.

He knows you'll be done for.

Yeah, like I said,
he's pretty pissed.

Well, did you tell him
what really happened?

What, you're trying
to find out, too?

Don't you trust me?

Were you jealous?

Guy in the coffee shop.

Now, what does that
got to do with...

Ah, you can't expect me
to trust you

if you don't trust me, right?


Well, honestly, I don't
know what I felt.


Maybe I could have
been a little jealous.

And maybe I could have
let Nadine go.

Hey, look, I don't need
a lecture from you, Christopher,

and I don't want this
to bite you in the ass later,

so please,

don't ask me
any more questions, okay?


Come on, let's
get out of here.


Just got off the phone with
Assistant U.S. Attorney Izzo.

Judge wants us both
downtown now.


IZZO: The evidence
clearly contradicts

Agent Percy's statement
to the court.

You lied.

No. See...

the team was in the middle
of a firefight. I...

You said in
your sworn statement,

and I quote,
“Nadine Bancroft got away.”

Clearly, you could have arrested
her right then and there.

Cuffed her before
you went back in.

I was worried about my team.

I made a judgment call.

You let a felon escape.

Okay, hold on.

Just out of curiosity...

what made you think
to look for surveillance?

That's not the point.

It is if this is more about
retribution than justice.

Are you condoning your agent's
behavior, Agent Pride?

I'm not condoning a witch hunt,
if that's what you're asking.

What the hell are
you two talking about?

Your Honor, Agent Pride
and Mayor Hamilton

don't exactly get along.

And what does that
have to do with this?

Because when the mayor
heard about what happened,

he asked the inspector general
to open an investigation.

Retribution for
my investigating him.

Like hell it is!


You two can argue
about this later.

But it doesn't change
the facts.

You're in serious trouble,
young lady.

Because as far as
I'm concerned,

you're not telling me the truth.

You have one last chance.

I want to know why you didn't
arrest Nadine Bancroft,

and I want to know
where she is,

or I'm gonna charge you
with perjury

and hold you in contempt.

Do you understand?

Karen, Karen,
come on, come on.

Why are you doing this?

Don't blame me, Dwayne.

Your agent brought
this on herself.

I'm just doing my job.

Yeah, more like doing
Hamilton's bidding.

Didn't realize that you were
in the mayor's pocket, too.

You know that's not true.

Do I?

Bottom line:

your agent screwed up,
and Hamilton pounced.

I warned you what would happen
if he found out about the wire.

There's nothing
I could do.

That's not true.

You gave him the opening,
now you have to live with it.

What just happened, King?

Where's Percy?

They're taking her to jail.