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03x23 - Domino 4 The Mask

Posted: 07/08/21 08:15
by bunniefuu
[K.C.] Previously on K.C. Undercover...

Maybe we should just get out of town.

We still have to distribute
the rest of those weapons

or else The Mask...

...will freak out.

Mask? Who's The Mask?

First thing tomorrow morning,
we are taking the Bishops down.

Okay, but not Amy.

At least let me get Amy out of the house

before you bust Mitch and Danielle.

Absolutely not. We can't take
any chance of tipping them off.


Hi. We thought that we'd go
on a little road trip to...

[Together] New York City!

I just have to grab my purse.

Let's go, ladies.

[tense music]

[door slams shut]


[exhales] Look, Marisa, I know,

when it comes to
fashion, my opinion is...



Not the word I was going
to use, but it works.

Um, but I was just gonna say that,

even I can tell that outfit is amazing.

Thank you. With any luck,
my interviewer at F.I.T.

will take one look at this dress,

cancel the interview portion,

and walk me right into my dorm room.

Well, that's not great because
you're kind of our ride home.

Hey, thanks again for asking me

to come to New York with you guys.

Oh, yeah, of course.

it's great practice for Marisa because,

when she is a big-time
fashion designer,

she's got to get used
to having an entourage.

Wow, look at me, I have
an [sing-songy] entourage.

[phone rings]

Hey, Mom.

K.C., where the heck are you?

Johnson's ordered us
to take down the Bishops

and we don't know where Amy is.

And, for that matter, we
don't know where you are.

Oh, that's so sweet.

She said good luck on
your interview, Marisa.

Oh, thanks, Mrs. C.

She says thank you.

Amy is with you, isn't she?

Um, yeah, yeah, we
should be home tonight

around : o'clock.
Hopefully there's no traffic.

Give me that. You're too soft
on her. You gotta get tough.

K.C. Cooper, you get your
butt back here with Amy

right now before I strangle you.

Aw, can't wait to give
you a big hug too, Dad.

Honey, please come home.

I just made a huge mistake
in front of your mom.

Please hurry. I'll give
you a hundred dollars.

Okay, well, I'll see you
guys tonight. [chuckles]

Yeah, we're good now.

What was that all about?

[sighs] Nothing.

Helicopter parents. What can you do?

Cut the cord, people.


♪ Oh, when danger comes for you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside you ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep their head so cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way,
a way out of the fire ♪

♪ Don't tell nobody, tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I wanna tell you ♪

♪ But I, I, I, I
keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life, on red alert ♪

♪ Doin' my thing,
gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest,
baby, I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't got to worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

I keep it undercover.

I keep it undercover.

There's no easy way to say this,

so we're gonna cut right to the chase.

If you sign up with Cooper
and Cooper Accounting,

we'll throw in a free calendar.


That's right, it's free.

Oh, that's extremely tempting,

but we already have an accountant.

Not to mention the fact that
we have a calendar on our phone.

But not a calendar with
pictures of our family.


May is Judy month.

Wow, that is really giving
us a lot to think about.

So why don't you let us
talk it over and we'll, uh...

[door knocking]

Who is it?

Hey, it's Ernie Cooper.

Are my parents here?

It's an emergency.

Ernie, what's wrong?

Sorry to bother you, Mr. Bishop.

My phone is busted.

[Craig] Hands in the air.

And now you're busted, too.


[singing along] ♪ Oh,
when danger comes to you ♪

♪ Something something happens ♪

I like that song.

You don't know the
lyrics, don't sing along.

Says the girl who thinks

it's "The dawning of
the Age of Asparagus".

Oh, wait, look at,
there's a Penguin Burger

at the next exit.

Oh, I'm not really hungry.

Yeah, I don't think I'll
ever be hungry enough

to eat a burger made out of something

with cute little flippers.

It's just called Penguin Burger.

When I was a kid, every summer my family

would spend a week at the Jersey Shore

and it was my favorite place to eat

Okay, Marisa, we gotta
get to your interview

at F.I.T., okay?

We don't really have
time to take a detour

to have a burger that may or may not be

made out of an adorable sea fowl.

K.C., we have plenty of time.

I don't have to be five
hours early to my interview.

[phone chimes]

[reading] Bishops are in custody.

Safe to break the news to Amy.

On the other hand, it
might be a nice place

for us to just chill, relax,
and then have a little chat.

Oh, yay, we're going to Penguin Burger!

Oh, we almost missed the exit.

[tires squealing]

Okay, let's hope she does
better at the Fashion Institute

than she did at Driver's Ed.

[tense music]

For the last time, we don't
know anything about weapons.

Oh, really?

Then how do you explain this?

Boom! Gotcha now!

-We didn't even know that room existed.

If we did, we would have
turned that into a home office.

That is some very
valuable square footage.

You two are gonna find my
foot square on your butts

if you don't start
giving us some answers.

Where you keeping the distribution list,

and who is The Mask?

This is the last time
I'm going to ask you.

Oh, thank goodness, because
I'm running out of ways

to tell you I don't know what
the heck you're talking about.

We know who you are, and
we know what you're doing.

We bugged you buggin' us buggin' you!

Spill the beans, Bishop.

-Spill the be...
-Okay, okay.

-Do I have to...
-Honey, honey, honey.

Relax. Relax.

These are reasonable people,

so we can talk to them reasonably.

Tell us what we need to know, Danielle,

or things are gonna get ugly in here,

starting with a capital you.

Okay, hey, hey, hey.

Enough bad cop, worse cop.

Tell us everything, or your daughter Amy

is gonna pay the ultimate price.

-Agent Johnson...
-That's right.

We have Amy, and we're
not afraid to use her.

-Uh, Agent Johnson?

A word, please.

We don't have Amy.


K.C. is protecting her.

She-she took her to New York City

Well, that's gonna take
the sting out of my threat.

Ernie, track down K.C.
and Amy, get 'em back here.

Don't worry, sir.

You can count on me.

I know I can because
you are not going alone.

Who am I going with?

I'm surprised that your
car smells this nice.

I thought it would stink like... farts 'cause I'm a butt.

Yeah, yeah.

What is your problem?

Besides the fact that your
insults are totally unoriginal.

You're my problem.

You messed with my family,

you messed with my friend Marisa,

and I know you're just
waiting to do it again.

You can't be trusted.

Look, I know you don't like me,

but I'm with the organization now,

and Agent Johnson assigned
me as your partner,

so do you think we can
at least try to get along?

Fine, but the less we talk, the better.

[on radio] ♪ Oh, when
danger comes for you ♪

[radio stops]

I am so sick of this song.

Finally something we can agree on.

I think everyone can agree that
you're an untrustworthy creep.

Well, maybe if you stop
acting like a child,

you'd see that I know what I'm doing

and that I can help you.

Uh, why are you taking
the Jersey Shore exit?

We're supposed to be headed to New York.

Don't you know anything?

Yeah, I know that I put
a tracker on Marisa's car

and they're headed
towards the Jersey Shore.

Well, that was really smart,

but I'm saying it in a hateful
tone because I hate you.


[singing] ♪ Oh, when
danger comes to you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside you ♪

[singing together] ♪ 'Cause
ain't nobody something something ♪

♪ Oh ♪


Wow, everything looks
the exact same way it did

when I was a little girl.


It's Irving the Penguin.

Um, excuse me, is it still
Harold that plays Irving?

Don't worry, I know
he's not a real penguin,

so I won't cry if he takes his head off

like I did when I was seven.

And eight.

And .

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

I know it's a lot, but it's all true.

How could my parents be
spies and I have no idea?

I know what you're feeling, okay?

I didn't find out that
my parents were spies

for a long time either but, of course,

my parents are kind of,
like, the protecting the world

kind of spies, and your parents
are, like, more exploiting

the world for evil
and profit kinda spies,

but that's not making
you feel any better.

Wait, wait, no, no, no.

What-what if my parents go to prison,

what would happen to me then? I-I...

Okay, relax. Okay?

I know you're not involved
and I'm gonna protect you.

I'm gonna talk to my parents
about letting you stay with us.

You'd do that?


You really are a friend.

Come here.


What's wrong?

Is it the hat?

I feel like I missed something.

Either you start talking

or we're going to
eliminate your daughter.

Be my guest.

Excuse me?

I'm talking about
threatening your little girl,

and you're okay with that?

You two are really ruthless.

No, you don't get it.

-Amy isn't our...
-Danielle. Quiet.

-But Mitch, maybe it's time...
-I said quiet.

Please, I think that
we need to tell them.

No, I'm afraid whatever
they're gonna do to us

is nothing compared to
what The Mask will do.

Okay, you two aren't making any sense.

Look, we're gonna go to prison anyway,

maybe they can protect us.

From who?

From Amy!

Okay, I get that teenagers can
be a little obnoxious sometimes,

but are you really afraid
of your own daughter?

Amy's not our daughter.

She's a monster.

We work for her.

Amy is The Mask.

Are you two so pathetic
that you would sell out

your own daughter to save yourself?

She's not our daughter.

She's years old.

She has been in charge of this cell

since the beginning.

All right, you know what,
I've heard enough of this.

I haven't.

I think they might be telling the truth.

Keep talking, you two.


I'm so sorry, Amy, honestly.

I had no idea.

And if it's any consolation,
I actually recently

just found out that my mother...

secretly dyes her hair.

Yes, Marisa, because
that is the same thing

that Amy is going through right now.

Look, everything's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna call my parents and we...

Wait a minute, where's my phone?

I don't know. When was
the last time you had it?

When Ernie texted me.

Then it must still be in the car.

Marisa, can you help me
and check in the parking lot

and I'll check the car?
We'll be right back, Amy.

[tense music]

[reading] Bishops are in custody.

Safe to break the news to Amy.

[phone chimes]

Careful, Amy is Mask. Take her down.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

[intense music]

You know why I don't trust you, Brady?

Because I can tell if
someone is good or bad

just by looking at him.

I've got a sixth sense
for that sort of stuff.

Take my sister, for instance.

Good person.

Right now, she's gently
breaking the news to Amy

about her parents. You know why?

Because Amy is a good person.

I knew the minute I met her.

[phone rings]


Got it.

Who was that?

That was my mom.

Apparently Amy's The Mask,

she's totally evil, and
we've got to take her down.


Cannot find my phone anywhere.

It's like it disappeared.
What am I gonna do?

Well, at least you didn't find out

your parents are laser
w*apon dealing spies,

so, any time you want
to trade places with me,

just let me know.

Well, it looks like you're
feeling a little better.

I'm still really upset,
but what choice do I have

but to just move on with my life?

That's a really good attitude Amy,

but, not that I'm surprised.

Penguin Burger could turn
any frown upside down.

Well, at least I have you guys.

Here's to true friends.

[Together] To true friends.


She's The Mask!

What are you talking about?

Oh, no, my outfit is ruined!







[g*n zapping]









Oh, great.

So, now, not only did Amy get away,

but she didn't charge my phone. Yeah.

I'm at %.

I hate The Mask.

Great, Amy got away.

What do we do now?

Uh, I'll tell you what I'm not gonna do,

get into F.I.T. "Oh,
hi, nice to meet you."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, we've
already filled our quota

for students that look
like a fast-food dumpster!"

Marisa, I think we've got
bigger problems than your outfit.

Okay, we do, but she doesn't.

We're talking about her future here.

Look, Marisa, you have worked
really hard for a long time.

Um, well, not that long

and not that hard, so, um...

you have worked pretty hard recently.

And the point is is, you
deserve to get into F.I.T.,

and I'm not gonna let this
mission get in the way of that.

Okay, maybe we should just...

Okay, so, here's the plan,

Ernie, you get Marisa to New York,

K.C. and I will take down Amy.

Since when do you call the sh*ts?

I should go with K.C.

Sorry, but agent Johnson
assigned me to take down Amy,

and that's what I'm gonna do.

Besides, I have more combat experience.

Yeah, the most recent
being catching a beat down

in a three-on-one

You were there too, man.

Look, you may be a better fighter,

but K.C. and I work better as a team.

He's right. I really hate
to say this, but he's right.

I don't know.

If you want me to start trusting you,

you need to start trusting me.


Okay, don't worry, I think we're
gonna get you there just in time.

Why bother? I'm a mess.

They're gonna laugh me out of the room.

No, they're not.

Look, it's-it's all about
how you carry yourself.

You know, it's about confidence.

Oh, I'm confident.

I'm confident I look like a freak.

Okay, look, Marisa, I've
been a spy for years,

and if you walk into a room

like you belong there, then
people are actually gonna think

that you belong there.

Once, I snuck into a sold-out
performance of Hamilton.

Sure, I had to sit on an old
lady's lap the whole time,

but, uh, you know what,
she didn't complain.

You know why?

Because you acted like you belonged?

That, and she had fallen asleep

right after yelling at the stage,

"That's not historically accurate!"

Come on, Marisa.

You can do this.

You know what?

Yes, I can.

In the words of Irving the Penguin,

"Let's waddle!"

Uh, don't wear the hat in the interview.


I cannot believe what
an idiot I've been.

"It's fine, Amy. I trust you.

"Why don't you move in with us

and-and maybe you can eliminate
me in the middle of the night?"

Don't beat yourself up.

Look, I knew there was something
off about her from day one,

but, I have a sixth sense
for these sort of things.

Are we even sure she
headed to the beach?

Well, she ditched the
car in the parking lot,

so she's got to be
around here somewhere.

[phone ringing]

Hey, Mom.

K.C., do you have Amy?
Are you on your way back?

Look, we don't technically have Amy,

but we are working on it.

It's getting dark. We're
never gonna find her.

Like I said, we're working on it.

Well, get on it faster.

Amy's dangerous and we don't
have the arms distribution list,

which means she must have it on her.

Get her and get that list.

Let's go.


We're almost out of daylight.

This is hopeless.

Okay, relax. Do not give up, okay?

There's gotta be some type
of sign of where she went.

It wasn't a sign, but it
was definitely a signal.


I think I'm beginning to see the light.

[tense music]

Well, Marisa, I was impressed
with your design submissions,

and loved your essay.

Thank you so much. [laughs]

But, and this is a very big but...

I'm talking, humongous,
elephant sized but...

How could you show up wearing

that sorry excuse for an outfit?

Because... this sorry
excuse for an outfit

is what fashion is all about.

It's called taking risks,
and you may not like

my version of Boho chic
with a seagull sauce twist...

but, the point is, at
least I had the guts

to take a chance, and
even if you hate it...

I do. least you're gonna
remember what I wore.

Marisa Miller doesn't
fade into the woodwork

when she could stand out.

Why take a dip when
you can make a splash?

That is the philosophy I
will bring with me to F.I.T.

And why, one day,
everyone will want to wear

a Marisa Miller original.


I'm glad I packed these
experimental grappling belts.

They're working great.

These are experimental?

Have they even been tested?

Of course. Being tested right now.

If we fall from up here, we could die!

Oh, relax, we're not
gonna die from a fall.

[laser zaps]

You're right, we could
die from laser fire!

[singing] ♪ Oh, when
danger comes to you ♪

♪ Time to something something ♪

[door opens]



She said I had excellent qualifications.


But then she made fun of my outfit.

Not so great.

But then I acted like
I belonged at F.I.T.


And, starting this Fall,

I'm gonna be sitting
on that old lady's lap.

-You're in?
-I'm in!


Is it my imagination
or are we still hugging?

Looks that way.

Do you want me to stop?

Not particularly.

Wait, are you hugging me
because you're on a mission

and your assignment is to hug people?

No, uh, this is a standard, off-duty,

I think I really like you hug.


I think I really like you, too.

But, uh, before we
get any more involved,

I hope you're okay with
long-distance relationships

because, coming this
Fall, I'm going to F.I.T.!




Hey, hey, hey!

[K.C.] What are you doing?

Ernie, we are sitting ducks here.

We need to get up there.

Um, I'm kind of stuck to you.

You're gonna have to carry me.

Don't worry about it. I'm used to it.

I've been carrying you for three years.