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01x08 - Maricela and the Desert

Posted: 07/07/21 11:38
by bunniefuu

: , it's gettin' late

Already called you twice
on your prepaid


Black jeans and a turtleneck

Yeah, I got class, ever heard of it?

Meet me in the alley, we can pregame

Come on.

And I got us on the list
with a fake name

Time stopped when
we walked into the room

Got a buzz like we landed on the moon

- Step right.

Call me pretty 'cause
I'm breakin' all the rules

- I'm not doing anything.

You can stay mad if you want,
the pain don't stop

The girls don't notice
it's getting too hot

That the scene is dripping,
better grab a mop

Better grab your mop

- ♪ Better grab your mop

- ♪ Better grab your mop

Better grab your mop

To clean it up

We don't dance in chambers,
Your Honor. Liability issues.

Sherri, your punctuality is...

- Terrific?
- Annoying.

Here's your mail.

Today's trial... People vs. Flores.

Not even a.m.,
got myself , steps in.

Me and my girls have this little
motivational walking crew.

Good for you, Your Honor.

Ah-ah-ah. I don't do rolling backpacks.

Rather opt for
the lower back pain. What is...

Your supply kit,
as earthquake floor warden.


Your Honor...

this is a no-body m*rder trial,

and as such, passions tend
to run much higher

due to the gaping hole in the...

In the evidence. Thanks for
the crim pro refresher.

For the record,
I prosecuted a m*rder case.

No body. [SINGSONGY] Guilty.

Congratulations to DDA Carmichael.

Addressing Judge Carmichael.

[SQUEALS] Can you just
leave that in your office?

- Or put it anywhere else?
- It belongs to you.


Defendant's charged
with murdering his girlfriend

months ago.

My bigger concern is
the alleged victim's daughter,

Maricela. Maricela Aguilar Flores.

- Your Honor.
- The defendant, Felix Flores,

was her legal guardian.
No other relatives.

When he was arrested,
she ended up in the system.

Maricela's been placed
with a temporary foster family

for four months.

No little girl should
have to go through that.


One more thing.

Not a.m.

, steps.

Mom? What did she send me?

MARK: Paul, nice rig.

- Yeah, third operation is the charm.
- You look great.

I feel like I'm
in a David Cronenberg film.

Well, thanks for coming in early.

A few things to go over
before we get started.

Honestly, man, I'm really impressed

- with how well you're doing with all this.
- Uh, I'll walk again,

but I won't ever run,
so you don't have to do

the whole "lift his spirits" thing.

I know. You're right.

And it's not fair what happened to you.

I'm sorry. Pledging a fraternity

doesn't give someone the right
to throw you off a roof.

- Yeah.

So... [SIGHS] if we win this thing,

you think the judge will
let me kick him off a roof?

The, uh, courts aren't so big

on the whole eye-for-an-eye thing,

but Winston Beyers will get his
due, I promise.


Today we start to get you
the justice you deserve.

Let's do this. After you, sir.

Thank you.


Are you a lawyer?

Guilty. The suit give me away?

Are you my dad's lawyer?

Mari, shush.


- Is that sand?

Luke. Wow.

Are you... I thought you were off.

I am. That's a lot of...

- Were you working at the beach?
- I wish.

The Dennis the Menace trio struck again.

They hid my trial binder in the sandbox.

The only way to check nephews
is to speak their language.

You got to beat them at their own game.

They're , , and .
They don't have a game...

just their primordial
instinct for destruction.

I need to get out
of my brother's house ASAP.

What is with the suit?

Judge Carmichael arranged for me
to shadow Mark Callan today.

Seriously? Prosecutor? Hmm.

I'm keeping my options open.

I'll talk you out of that later.
Right now I have to defend

my client against a bogus m*rder charge

when the DA doesn't even have a body.


I didn't know social worker
meant babysitter.

You need to stop sneaking away
like that, okay? Come on.

- Come on.
- You know that girl?

No. But I know her father.

The court should not
admit the child's testimony.

Nothing in the initial reports indicates

that Maricela Aguilar Flores saw a m*rder

or anything resembling one.

Your Honor, Maricela came forward

with a new statement indicating
personal knowledge...

Knowledge that is substantially

more prejudicial
than probative, Your Honor.

This is a last-minute stunt
to use a vulnerable child

as a prop to shore up a m*rder charge

that should never have been laid
in the first place.

Okay, Counsel, I've heard enough.

- Your Honor...
- From both of you.

Ms. Malick, in order for me
to rule on Ms. Lopez' motion,

I need to hear this new statement.

I'm going to do a formal hearing,

but because of the child's age,
I'd like to do it

- in my chambers. Any objection?
- No, Your Honor.

- No, Your Honor.

- Is Mari here? Can I see her?
- Felix.

Where is she? Can I see
my daughter, Judge, please?

Felix, you need to stop. You cannot talk

to Mari right now. She might be
a witness in your trial.

Four months. Four months!

I haven't seen or talked
to my daughter in four months.

Mr. Flores, you have retained counsel.

She is your voice now.

You shouldn't address me directly.

I don't know why I just
can't talk to her.

- Felix, stop.
- Judge, I am begging you.



I'm begging you. Please.
Just let me talk to her.

Mr. Watkins. Nice suit.

Paul, Luke Watkins,

future prosecutor once he passes the Bar.

I haven't decided that yet.
Today's a test drive.

- Nice to meet you, Paul.
- Hey.

MAN: Callan.
- There's one of our investigators.

Guys, give me a second.


- So, you and Mark buddies?
- Nah. Not really.

I mean, we know each other

I'm just here to shadow and learn.

I was gonna use my sports scholarship

to go to law school, and now that's done.

Maybe not.

There's, uh, an issue
with our star witness.

- What's up?
- He's in jail...

in Vegas.


So, Maricela, on top of
getting A's, you play soccer?

I tried out for soccer when I was ,

but my foot-eye coordination
wasn't the best.

I was a little... [WHISPERS] clumsy.

Want to see a funny picture?



Oh, my God. What are you wearing?

- I am not so sure.
- Is that your mom?

Yeah. That's Roxie.

Can't quite remember
what the occasion was.

It was around the time
I tried out for soccer.

I used to play soccer.

My dad would take me to my games.


I mean... Felix.

After Felix got, w-well...

I don't want to play anymore. So...

Maricela, we have
a few questions for you.

Ms. Malick.

Okay, Mari, you told Detective Taylor

you remembered something now?

Yes. The last time I saw my mom,

her and Felix had a fight.

I didn't remember before, and it was...


There's a chance you might be asked

to talk about that memory
in front of people,

including Felix.
Do you think you could do that?

Will you be there?

I will.


Mr. Lopez, any questions?

No, Your Honor.

Thank you for being brave, Maricela.

I'm gonna ask you to step outside,

- okay?
- Okay.



The child communicates well.

Her testimony is relevant.

Her testimony only serves
to unfairly prejudice my client.

But the prejudice isn't
substantially outweighed

by its clear probative value.
Motion denied. She will testify.

- If the defense wants to file

for a continuance, they should do it now.

And keep my client in Men's Central where
he could get shanked for fun.

- Ms. Lopez.
- Your Honor, Felix Flores

is the only father
that she has ever known.

For the past four years,
he has fed, clothed,

- and loved that child.
- Counsel.

Do you have any idea
what allowing her to testify

could do to their relationship?

Do you really want to be responsible

- for tearing this family apart?
- Enough!

I have made my decision, Ms. Lopez.

Maricela will testify.


First time in four months
he'll see his kid,

and it'll be when she's
testifying against him.

It'll devastate her, too.

I feel for Mari, but I have
a duty to my client.

- Hi.
- Sorry. This means no cheese, right?

- That's right.
- Just add her coffee.

- Thank you.
- Sure.

When Felix painted this loving portrait

of this surrogate
father-daughter relationship,

nothing in the case file contra...

- Do you believe him?
- Yeah. I do.

I mean, I know usually these cases,

usually it's the boyfriend
or the husband,

but not this time. She calls him "Dad."

Not today. She corrected herself.

Malick coached her.

- Ms. Lopez, a word.
- Catch you later.


We'll bump the m*rder charge
down to a vol.

years. Your client will
serve no more than .

Voluntary manslaughter of whom?

Oh, you mean the woman
whose body you haven't found.

- Emily...
- Come on, Malick. Your case

is circumstantial
at best, a train wreck at worst.

You guys are lucky
you got a newbie detective

to even walk it through,

and your victim, Linda Aguilar,
was a drug addict.

Two years clean. NA meetings daily.

Got the sign-in sheets to prove it.

Once an addict, always an addict.

All that jury needs is one seed of doubt

that she relapsed
and abandoned her family.

Here's my short list.

Your client didn't report her
missing for five days.

A bloody, stained rag
was found in his truck.

The last location of her cellphone

was on their property.
I have percipient witness

and corroborating testimony
from Felix Flores' daughter.

Uh, yeah, I think I'm good.


I'll take it to my client.


I'm thinking one-way
closed circuit television.

Is that a yes coffee or a no coffee?

I spoke with IT. They can
set up Maricela's testimony

in a room adjoining . No coffee.

- You're risking an appeal.
- I'm just trying

to figure out a way to make this
as painless as possible

- for that little girl.
- I get that.

But don't equate discomfort with trauma.

- [MOUTH FULL] Judge Benner.
- Okay.

- You need to stop that.
- Okay... what? Stop what?

Lisa. My name's Lisa.

Try calling me that. We're colleagues.

Not equals... [CHUCKLES] but still.

Lisa, California case law doesn't require

in-person testimony
if the child is traumatized

by face-to-face confrontation
with the defendant.

Which the facts don't support.
If you have the child anywhere

other than the courtroom
when she testifies,

you'll violate the defendant's
right to confront that witness.

Any conviction can get reversed.

- I know the issue...
- Maybe look into

- getting the child a support dog.

Oh. You'd better be looking for me.

- Of course, Your Honor.
- [WHISPERS] Tell you later.

Not if you want your case dismissed.

Without Chad Hill's testimony,

I can't proceed with today's
preliminary hearing.

Your Honor, the prelim
has been continued twice.

Granting a third will violate my client's

Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial.

It was continued twice
because on a scale of to ,

the victim's pain was a .

Sitting for longer than five minutes

was impossible, Your Honor,
let alone an hour on the stand.

He is gonna walk again, isn't he?

Say that to me again.

Mr. Callan, do not make
a witness out of me

in my own chambers.
Mr. Fox, show some respect.

Understood, Your Honor. Apologies.

All right, this case has gotten too old.

I'm not gonna give you a continuance,

but I will allow you
to trail to last day.

Mr. Callan, you have
until : a.m. tomorrow

to get your witness
or proceed without him.

Eat the dairy-free sandwich.

I'm not hungry.

So we agree. No to the plea offer.

Next topic... Mari.

She remembers a fight
the day Linda disappeared.

- Want to tell me about that?
- Me and Linda were arguing.

She said she felt like...


Suffocated by what?

Our house.

She told me she craved... more.

It was a... She said she wanted more,

a more exciting life.

And she threw a vase at me.

- Linda threw a vase?
- Yes.

- Not you, Felix?
- No!

She threw it.

She threw it, and then
Mari came running in,

and Linda was crying, and I, uh...

I told Mari it was my fault.

So maybe she could think it was me.

I don't know. I need you

to arrange for me
to speak to my daughter.

Felix, you know that I can't
do that right now.

I need to understand.

Why didn't you tell me about this fight?

- I did.
- No, you said it was a small argument.

Mari's gonna testify otherwise.

I told you that me and Linda
were arguing a lot.

After a while, those arguments...
they just run together.

How many more of these
arguments have you forgotten?

I'm the only one Mari has.
Then I get arrested,

and then she's in foster care?

If I can just speak to her, then I can...

Felix, you cannot communicate
with Mari right now.

She is testifying against you,

which means that I need you
to be honest with me

so that I can properly question her.

I swear that was
the only fight like that.

You can't hurt Mari. You can't upset her.

You can't treat her
like the other witnesses.

I don't care about my case.

I care about her.

That's it.

You understand?

- You hate Vegas.

I mean, Mark, you really,
really hate Vegas.

I know, but my witness is there,
and we need to get him back.

- Why not just take a plane?
- Budget.

- Car's cheaper than three tickets.
- Three?

My witness, your bailiff, and me.

- Luke's going with you?
- You'll get him back.

- Mr. Watkins, can you hear me?
- Yes, Your Honor.

You know why you're there, don't you?

If frat bro Chad starts
talking about the case,

that means new evidence,
Mark being the new evidence,

Mark could be called
as a witness at his own trial.

Yes, but there's another reason.

Vegas is tricky

for my friend. I need you to make sure

- Mark comes back in one...
- You... break... up.

- [BEEP]
- You just hung up on my judge.

You can choose the music.

Hello? [SINGSONGY] Hello? [SIGHS]


Has Your Honor decided...

Relax, Sherri. I'm not
asking for a therapy dog.

- Oh, thank goodness.
- Not a dog lover?

Why is the baseline always "lover"?

When Maricela testifies,

we'll find a way to make her feel safe.

- Did you call your mother?
- About?

Your big existential question?
What does this photo mean?

Call her.

[SCOFFS] That's... not really our thing.

She expects for me to figure out
the meaning on my own.

That's... Roxie's style.

Oh, just say what you mean. It's easier.

Let's get this trial started.

I do like a good cat, Your Honor.

I can't even begin to imagine

how much that little girl's
going through.

- Felix didn't mention

that scary fight to me until
I asked him about it today.

Maybe he didn't remember those details?

Or purposely left them out.

I really can't talk about it
until it's on the record,

but it's fine.

- I'm % sure it's fine.
- The other %?

Peanut butter in my compact.

Your nephews seem like great kids.

I took over their basement
play area. They want it back.

I need to find an apartment soon.

- You will.
- Maybe I just want Felix to be innocent

because I think
that I'm defending a man who...

It's all good.

Everyone's entitled
to a robust defense, right?

- It's almost your color.
- Get out of here.

Mr. Flores reported Ms. Aguilar
as a missing person

five days after he claimed
he last saw her.

- That's highly unusual.
- Detective Taylor,

in your experience, is it unusual

for known drug addicts
to disappear for a week or more?

Linda was a recovering addict.

Two years clean,
same pattern every day...

work, NA meetings, her daughter.

People don't suddenly change
their pattern of behavior,

a mom, no less.

Hmm. Detective, you testified

that a rag with Ms. Aguilar's blood

- was found in Mr. Flores' truck.
- True.

- Mr. Flores is a handyman, isn't he?
- Yes.

Lots of tools in his truck, right?

- Drill bits, sharp objects.
- Sure.

And Linda used his truck
to run errands, right?

She was known to use the truck.

Hmm. Ever cut yourself shaving?

- Objection.
- Withdrawn. Isn't it possible

to cut one's self
when moving tools like that?

There was a lot of blood on the rag.

Be a pretty deep cut.

Maybe when Linda comes home,
we can ask her about it.

- Objection!
- Nothing further, Your Honor.

Hey! It already happened...

Anything actually live out here?

- Want half?
- No, thanks.

No wonder why people fly to Vegas.

[MOUTH FULL] It's minutes
instead of hours,

and you get to drink.

Judge Carmichael said
that Vegas is tricky for you?

A funny thing happens
as you start getting closer,

the city comes into view.
Folks start driving faster.

The city does things to people.

You spend a lot of time there?

You never been?

No. No, I'm not much of a gambler. You?

So... you and Emily Lopez.

You guys, uh, just friends or...

Yeah. We're just friends.

How's that going?

So you and the DA's office.

Whoo. What do you want to know?

Kind of a to job, is it?

Well, they're not sending us
over state lines every day,

- but they keep us pretty busy.
- I like busy.

You have to talk a lot more
than you do as a bailiff.

Oh ho ho ho. Don't you worry.
I got lots to say.

And the DA's office
is where you want to say it?

Judge Carmichael is pretty sure
that that's the place to be.

She given you the whole authority
and responsibility speech yet?

Ha ha! Couple times.

Well, it's not really true.

You don't have much authority
choosing our cases anymore,

and the responsibility's
a double-edged sword.

- How so?
- You do this job for the victims.

Well, I do anyway. And when you win,

it's great, you know, totally gratifying,

and when you lose, you got to
look that person in the eye

and tell them their truth wasn't enough.

It's tough.

Well, I plan to win every case

so I can avoid those conversations.



Oh. Son of a bitch.

- That's funny?

MALICK: You trusted each other.

Yeah. Linda was my only friend.

[SNIFFLES] I loved her.

So, Raquel, tell us
what you saw and heard

the week before
Linda Aguilar was m*rder*d.

- Objection.
- Sustained. Ms. Malick.

Apologies, Your Honor.

The week before she... disappeared.

Mari was with her little friend.

I saw them ride by on their bikes.

Felix and Linda were in the driveway

between our houses, fighting.

He was right, like, right up in her face,

and it was scary.

Linda had to keep moving back

until he had her up against the wall.

Could you hear anything?

Not until Linda started pushing him away.

And Felix... he was yelling.

"Malparida, te mato."

- [WHISPERING] She's lying.
- "I'll k*ll you.

- I'll k*ll you."
- She's lying.

MALICK: "I'll k*ll you. I'll k*ll you."

Sounds scary.


Friendship is a beautiful thing.

Ms. Villalobos, where were you

when you saw this alleged incident?

In my kitchen.

I was looking down out my window.

Did you try to help your friend?

- No, I was...
- Call the police? - - ?

- No.
- It was so scary, that you did nothing.

And you say that my client
said what exactly?

"I'll k*ll you."

Sorry. No. Sorry. You testified...

Ms. Garcia, would you
please read that back?

"Malparida, te mato."

Thank you. "Malparida, te mato."

For the record,
your country of origin is?

Ms. Villalobos?


- Maricela.
- Dad?

- Uh, sweetie, are you okay?
- Hey, Mari.

Who is looking after this little girl?

- Mari.
- Mr. Flores, I am warning you.

- Hey, just give me one second, please.
- Daddy! Daddy!

- Step back, sir.
- Bailiff.

- Bailiff.
- Let me make sure she's okay.

- Please?
- Maricela.

Maricela, come here.

- Mari!
- No, no, no, no, no.

- It's okay. It's all right.

Daddy! Daddy!


- Mari's too skinny.
- You can't do that again.

The foster family she stays with,

do they know that dairy
hurts her stomach?

I mean it. You cannot
do that in court again.

'Cause I love her. I miss her.

I'm worried about her.

I know that you are.
We need to talk about the trial.

I told you, that fight
that Raquel is describing,

- it didn't happen.
- I understand.

I would never...

Do you speak any Spanish or...

Más o menos. It's L.A., right?

We know a little bit
to get by, but not really.

"Malparida." What does that word mean?

I don't... I have no idea.

It's an insult from
South America, mostly Colombia.


I need to talk to that detective.

Seeing Mari in that court,

I can't put her through this.
I want to talk about a plea.

- No. Not yet.
- Ms. Lopez...

do you know what it's like
to lose your family?


I do.

Felix, years in state prison,
Maricela is gone forever.

Stay calm. Think about that jury.

They are watching your every move.

Don't give them a reason
to doubt your innocence.


Because I don't.

- I told you I have his bail.
- And I told you it's not set.

That little douchebag
assaulted a peace officer.

He stays in the t*nk
until he sees a judge.

- Officer...
- Meade.

Officer Meade, this is
a special circumstance.

I drove from L.A. I am
a Deputy District Attorney.

- I have a victim...
- No one left instructions.

There is a young man
whose leg was shattered

when he was pushed off a roof.

The only justice he's going to get

is with that kid's testimony.

- Then your case sounds weak.

- That's funny. He's a funny guy.
- Okay.

Officer, is there some kind
of after-hour court system?

He's not gonna help us, Luke,

unless maybe he's looking
for something else.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Hey, Mark, can I talk to you outside?

You need some help paying your
bills this month, Officer Meade?

I think it's time for you guys
to get the hell out of here.

Not without my witness. How much?

If you want me to throw you in the t*nk

with the rest of the idiots, I will.

Mark, let's go.

A busted leg and a crooked lawyer.

That kid doesn't stand a chance.

Whoa! Mark! Mark!

- No! Mark! Mark!

- Mark!
- I am a lawyer!

That son of a bitch called me a...

- Mark!
- Get off of me!

I hate Vegas!


LUKE: Come on. This is Vegas.

You don't want the drunks
in there marinating overnight.

- I know how it is.
- You on the job?

Deputy Sheriff, bailiff for now.

- In L.A.?
- Mm-hmm.

I can see why you'd want out.

- So what's next?
- Lawyer.

Out of the drunk t*nk,
into the snake pit.

[LAUGHS] They're not all bad.

And my friend out there...

he came out the womb
fighting for justice.

I'm kind of hoping that he can help me

get in at the DA's office.
This would help my cause.

Look, your kid's booked.

I can't let him go until he sees a judge.

You know any judges in Vegas
who might be up late?

I might know one or two.



Detective Taylor,
thanks for sticking around.

Hey, Em.

Haven't had a case
in Sara's court in ages.

I'll let you two talk.

Hey, I'm still trying to get an invite

to one of those famous poker nights.

What can I do for you, Ms. Lopez?

Raquel Villalobos... her testimony.

- What about it?
- "Malparida, te mato."

- That's Colombian slang.
- Okay.

My client barely speaks Spanish.
There is no way

Raquel heard those words
coming out of his mouth.

She lied. That fight never happened.

- So bring it up in court.
- Detective...

Ms. Lopez, I have a suspect in custody,

- and I happen to think he's guilty.
- There is probable cause

to issue a search warrant
of Raquel's house.

- Knock yourself out.
- Her testimony also qualifies

- as an inconsistent statement.
- Your opinion, not fact.

In addition, your cellphone data
is inconclusive.

The range covers both
Felix and Raquel's house.

And probably several more neighbors,

none of whom were suspects.

Except the one who just lied under oath.

She is hiding something.
She knows that I know.

- She might be a flight risk.
- Oh, that may be a stretch.

Look, the trial is gonna keep going.

If you don't find anything,
the jury will give us an answer.

But if I am right,

don't you want to know why Raquel lied?

-year-old Lola had style...

kind of Steve Urkel meets Kimmy Schmidt.

We have got to get you
a bell, like a cat.

Manual on domestic v*olence.

Seeing Maricela in my courtroom,

- she looked so...
- I know, Your Honor.

How do we protect that little girl

and still preserve
the defendant's rights?

That style got me no friends,

- just haters and hecklers.

Why did she send that to me?

Maybe you should call
your mother and ask her.


Go home. I'll see you tomorrow.

- Call her.
- Hmm.


Did you stop by a preschool
on your way in to work?

Family court. They have
a room full of them.

And before you criticize,

read the highlighted passage
in that book.


"Evidence Code .

"With a witness under the age of ,

"the court shall take special care

"to protect him or her

from undue harassment or embarrassment."

- Aah! Oh!
- [THUD]

Are you okay?

I'm good.

I'm fine.

- You sure?

Modification of a courtroom
qualifies as special care.

- What has Maricela lost?
- Her family.

And what is family? Home.

That little girl's been
ripped from her home,

so I'm bringing home to .

- Mm.
- Or at least I'm trying.

How can I help?

There's some blankets.

Cover the chairs?



Don't worry

Sweet baby

Don't you ever worry about a thing

Put your worries...

So what's the game plan?

The truth. He's a judge, right?
He must be a man of reason.

WOMAN: You did it again, Judge.

Pai gow! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Judge Randall Roberts, Mark Callan,

Deputy District Attorney
of Los Angeles County.

Sorry to interrupt.

I know this is an unusual circumstance.

Yeah, I heard you two were coming.

- Emergency bail hearing, is it?
- That's right. Yeah.

- Well, what's it worth to you?
- Your Honor?

- Two words.

Pai gow.


Ha ha ha ha!

What's wrong, son? You a little
wet behind the ears?

As in seven cards, two hands,
two cards on top,

five cards on bottom,

win both hands to win,
lose both hands to lose?

Yeah, I'm... familiar.

You a card sharp, Counselor?

No, sir, just a man trying to win a case.

- And who are you?
- A student of the law.

Student of the law. Ha ha!

I like that. [LAUGHS] Tell you what, son.

You win, I'll waive bail entirely.

I win...

Well, we'll think of something. Ha ha ha!

- Best out of .
- out of ?

Do you have any idea
how long that'll take?

Take it or leave it!

Are you seriously doing this?



I'm bankrolling this one, darling.

Sure you want to take
that chance, Your Honor?

From now on, you can call me
Daddy Warbucks.


Come with me

Sweet darlin'

I've got two tickets for the plane

We're gon' fly to Waikiki,
it'll just be you and me

Show your hands, Counselor.

Ha! I got a straight.

I got a flush with a joker.

Flush beats straight, so... pai gow!

That was round one.

Let's see how your luck
shakes out, Counselor.

All right

Pai gow.

Pai... gow?

Pai gow.


MARICELA: I heard screaming.

Who was screaming?

My mom and my dad.

I-I mean... Felix.

Then what happened?

Then they threw a vase,
but nobody got hurt.

Who threw the vase?


- You saw him?
- I think so.

Maricela, when you spoke
to Detective Taylor,

you told him you did, didn't you?

What did you say
to Detective Taylor, Maricela?

That I thought that I saw him
throw the vase at my mom.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Ms. Lopez, your witness.

Maricela, do you like cheese?

No. It gives me stomachaches.

Didn't Felix take
all of the milk and the cheese

out of your refrigerator?


Why did he do that?

Because he didn't want me to get sick.

And because he...

[CRYING] He... he... he...

Tell me you didn't hurt Mommy.

- No, baby.
- Mr. Flores.

I would never hurt her, okay?

- Felix, stop.
- But I'm sorry.

- Sweetheart, I'm sorry.
- Mr. Flores, that is enough.



Flores is out.

I am removing your client
from my courtroom

for the remainder
of Maricela's testimony.

- Your Honor, you can't remove

him from his own trial.

That's a clear violation
of his Constitutional right.

Flores has been warned three times.

- The witness addressed him.
- The witness is years old.

Should the jury return a guilty verdict,

you are more than welcome to take this

to the Second Appellate District.

- Counsel.
- Your Honor, Flores is a father.

Any father would have done
the same thing,

and I say this with the upmost respect.

It wasn't my choice to put
that child on the stand.

- It was yours.
- We are done here.

I hope there's vodka in that.

Not yet. Got any?


- This building creates orphans.

Em, you are busting
your ass for this guy,

even at the risk of getting
testy with Judge Carmichael.

- [SCOFFS] I never got testy.
- Mm, a little testy.

Well, families are hard.

- We all have them.
- Not everyone.


Another plea offer, Malick?

No. Maricela is missing.

It was a stupid hazing thing.

Paul and I were pledges
for Sigma Epsilon Alpha,

and Winston, who organized
the whole thing,

ordered all of us to go up
on the roof of the house.

When we were up there, blindfolded,

Winston was screaming.
He was screaming at us

we had to jump off the roof into a pool.

- And what happened next?
- Paul was helping another pledge.

The guy was freaked.

Paul told him he didn't have to do it.

He said he didn't want to do it either.

They could just walk away.

So the victim didn't jump into the pool.

No way.

Tell us what you saw.

Winston got pissed, said he was in charge

and that there was
only one way off the roof.

Then he shoved Paul,
just shoved him hard,

and the sound his leg made

when it hit the edge of the pool...

I am so sorry, man.

Anything further, Mr. Callan?

Nothing further, Your Honor.

Man, thank you so much.


Yellow's a good color on you.

Thanks for making the switch.

Battery causing serious
bodily injury. Two years max.

I'll bump the aggravated
down to PC ... mayhem.

- Eight years.
- For an accident?

For a deliberate intentional retribution.

You know, according to my eyewitness.

[CHUCKLES] I'll take it
back to my client.



We found her, Judge Carmichael,

but she'll only talk to you.

All right, everyone,
give us a few minutes

- and some space. Thank you.
- MAN: Yes, Judge.

Should we get her something?
Juice or a muffin?

I appreciate it,
Ms. Lopez, but that's okay.


Can I sit next to you?


You know you're stealing
my hiding spot, right?

I come here whenever I wanna
get away from everything,

people telling me how to act, what to do.

- [WHISPERS] It's annoying.
- Yeah.

Here I can just be me.

I cried in the court.

I'm sorry.

Don't feel embarrassed about crying.

It just means you have this.


- What's in your hand?
- It's my mom's.


That's so pretty.

I keep it in my pocket for when she...

if she comes back.
I don't want her to get lost.

When I was growing up, my mom was busy.

She was gone a lot.

And when I needed her most,
she wasn't there.

It made me angry and confused,

but it didn't stop me
from wanting her to come home.

And is your mom dead?

Is she gone, too?

No. She's not.

Do you think my mom will come back?

I don't know, Maricela.

I don't know if your mom will come back,

but I know two things.

I know she never left you
because she's right there,

and the second thing
is that in the meantime,

in her absence,
you will find other people,

people who will be there for you

- when you need them.
- Like Felix?

I think you should wear
your mom's necklace

when you come back to my court

so you can feel her close to you.


Okay, we are back.

Ms. Lopez, your witness.

It's nice to see you again, Maricela.

Ms. Lopez?

Right. Yes. Thank you, Your Honor.

You mind if I call you "Mari"?

Okay. I like "Mari" better.

It's a good nickname.

You know what my nephews call me?

They call me "Stinky Butt Ant Emily."

And I shower every day. I...

- Mari, do the other kids

in your school call you "Mari"?

They call me "No Mommy Mari."

Why you think those kids call you that?

They said my dad k*lled my mom.

Did you ever tell them that?

No, I didn't. I said it wasn't true.

- Why'd you change your mind?
- I don't know. I just...

They kept on saying it
over and over, and I...

I guess I just started to believe them.

Mari, is it okay if I ask

a couple questions about the vase?


Did Felix tell you
that he threw the vase?


- Yeah.

He did.

But you didn't actually
see him do it, did you?

No. I didn't.


Mari, have you ever
seen Felix hit your mom?

Never. He's a good dad.

Your Honor, sorry.

Something has just been
brought to my attention.

I'd like to request a sidebar
with you and opposing counsel.

It might be best in chambers, Your Honor.

The search warrant
was ex*cuted earlier today,

after which Raquel Villalobos
was questioned

and then taken into custody.

She made a statement declaring

that she and Linda Aguilar
were sh**ting up

methamphetamines in Ms. Villalobos' home

when Ms. Aguilar overdosed and died.

Ms. Villalobos then stated

that she was frightened and scared

and as a result,

she disposed of the remains
on her property.


In black and white

And I see myself

In another time

I'm always dreaming

In black and white

♪ Like I'm someone else

But it's still my life

♪ Going back, the two of us

♪ Somewhere in my mind

Anyway, "congratulations"
is not quite the right word,

but it's the one I got. Eight years.

Well, now Paul can get on
with the rest of his life.

[SINGSONGY] There she is...
your, ahem, friend.

We agreed to take it slow,
but I don't know, man.

Want some unsolicited advice?
Stay on the horizon.

Do not get too close. Do not get too far.

Just stay in her eyeline.
That'll mean something.

Stay on the horizon.

- I can do that.

♪ Had dreams of yesterday ♪

Seems I was older

Than I am today



Come in.

Ms. Lopez.

Did Felix and Maricela...

Yeah. Just now.

Long road for them.

I wanted to...

This case, I got a little...

No, I-I got a lot...

And I'm... I'm sorry.

I understand your passion, Ms. Lopez,

but I am not a prosecutor
for you to do battle with.

I am the judge, and you crossed
the line several times.

And I apologize, Your Honor. I...

But there was an -year-old girl

about to lose the only family
she had left.

As a lawyer, if I were in your shoes,

- I would have done the same.
- Thank you.

- Good night, Your Honor.
- Good night.

[THE w*r ON dr*gs'

- ♪ Lost in the dream

Or just the silence of a moment

[SIGHS] You started the party without me?

- Don't worry. Nobody saw me.

- ♪ It's always hard to tell

How was Vegas?


Did Luke have to bail you out of jail?

Any barroom brawls I should know about?

Nope. In and out. No drama, no problems.

Fine. I'll get the truth out of Luke.

- What you looking at?
- My mom sent me that picture.


With the... whoo.

- How do you really feel?
- When was this?

I think it... [SIGHS]

It had to be the first day
of second grade.

School mandated uniforms,

but I refused to put it on that morning,

so Roxie let me dress myself.

Got made fun of all year long.
Had no friends.

It was the loneliest year of my life.

Well, I think you look cool.

Why did she send it to you?

It's what I spent the last
two days trying to figure out.

She wanted to tell me something.

Maybe a reminder that she fought

to make sure little Lola
could wear whatever she wanted.


She may have been gone a lot,
trying to change the world,

but she was always there,

supporting me in her own way.

Working in the background.

Not a lot of little girls get that.



If you want some more of my whiskey,

you got to tell me about Vegas.

- All right, what you wanna know?

- Uh, where to begin?
- Come on.

Pai gow!

- Give me some details.