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01x02 - Long Day's Journey into ICE

Posted: 07/07/21 11:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on "All Rise"...

Lola Carmichael's upcoming tenure

as L.A. County's newest
Superior Court judge.

Shut up. You brought that woman
into this courtroom...

Hey! Hey!


It's so weird... "Thanks
for sh**ting someone," but...

It's part of the job.

Rule number ... avoid trials.

With any luck, we'll get some plea deals

and live to fight another day.

- And where does justice fit in?
- Close second.

I cannot accept any plea,
given what I know.

We're going to trial.

It is on the record

that my dad was a grifter
who fixed races,

ran poker games.


♪ I've been waiting all day... ♪

Please remove your belt, shoes...

- Take something for it.
- No, I'm fine.

- Sleep is important.
- Not as important as my clients.

You're not sleeping because your
apartment has turned on you.

My apartment has not turned on me.

What would you call it, then?

- Insomnia.
- Because it turned on you.

No, I... No. It's...

No, I can't get comfortable.

I just... I thought,
with Joe finally gone-gone,

that I'd be able to relax, read.

Emily, buy some new furniture,

slap some fresh paint on the walls,

buy a bread maker.

None of that will help me sleep.

Okay, so then knock out a wall.

- Hmm.
- Knock out two walls.

I've got a sledgehammer.

- I'll bring it over,

open a bottle of wine.

You have no idea. It will feel so good.

You'll sleep like a baby.

- Amongst the rubble?

You know one of the things
I love about being a judge?

- Guess.
- MARK: Private parking.

- Nope.
- Your own bathroom.


You love recess?

No, I love saying it.

It's like I'm a kid again
and I'm up there

and I'm dressed as a judge

and I get to decide when recess is.

Lola, you're not dressed up as a judge.

You actually are a Superior Court judge.

I need to pee. Recess.

I need time to think. Recess.

You know what I can't believe?

The Clippers got Kawhi! Ha!

LeBron is still my guy.

I feel so sad for you.

I need a new mattress. I know that.

Something fresh with no lingering,

you know, indentations.

I love a new mattress.

You know what I really need?

I need to be by myself. I love it.

I need to know what being
by myself feels like.

But not for too long, Em.

Right now I need to get
ready for my trial.

These things need a time limit.

How's your dad? Have you
spoken to him yet?

Since I punched him? No.

Mark, he's your father.

That's how it goes with me and Vic.

Punch each other in the face
every years and then...

- Recess.
- Exactly.

Hmm. How's it going with the old guard?

Honestly, I think I'm winning them over.

Hold that.

You got this?

Got to get to trial.

Go good.


We need to talk unauthorized furniture.

Good morning, Sherri.

This is a perfectly good bookcase.

For "Game of Thrones."

I'm sure someone
around here will want it.

- Your Honor...
- Call me Lola.

Never gonna happen.

Let's give it a try.
It's a fun name to say.

Good morning, Sherri. Good morning...

Your Honor.

First up,

- grocery store trial... as*ault.
- Right.

Judicial assistants need to maintain

a respectful distance from their judge,

thus protecting the important
hierarchical traditions

without which the system would collapse

into chaos and muddy muck.

Keep moving things forward, Your Honor.

Our calendar is a mess. We're behind.

I've had to push cases to other judges,

- and they don't like it.
- No kidding.

I had to ride in the elevator alone.

Be ruthless. Don't tolerate dawdling.

Or backtalk.

No backtalk. Understood.


MAN: That's a total fabrication.

It's just not true.

They att*cked me.

They claim I was threatening,
that I att*cked them.

I was just trying not to get hurt.

And yet, despite the fact

that you clearly posed no threat

and that, according to the police report,

the grocery store security
guard sustained zero injuries,

somehow you're the one who's
been charged with felony as*ault.

Objection. Is there a question?

Ms. Lopez, is there a question?

Why were you in the store that day?

Are you familiar
with the term "food desert"?

- I am, but why don't you tell the court?
- Objection, Your Honor!

Overruled. Go ahead, Mr. Guerra.

It's an urban area with no access
to good quality fresh food.

The customers around this store are poor,

many elderly so they can't
afford to go somewhere else,

and this store routinely
stocks tainted meat,

expired dairy.

Your Honor, this is an as*ault charge,

not a seminar on urban food issues.

Duly noted. Counsel, continue.

- Mr. Guerra.
- We were gathering data.

We work for a neighborhood
action group...


We were monitoring...

the best "before" dates and taking
pictures of the spoiled food

and placing warning stickers on it.


And the manager knew that.

And he sent the security guards

to intimidate us.

Mr. Guerra, is everything okay?

I'm not sure, Your Honor. I...

Excuse me, sir, man in the black coat,

stand up, please.

I think you'd better identify yourself.

Sal Soto, ma'am.

Purpose of your presence today, Mr. Soto?

I work for U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement.

ICE. Seriously?

Didn't you get the memo?

You are not supposed to be in here, sir.

Your Honor...


- Whoa!

No! This is a restricted area!



Stand... Hey!

- Hey!
- Nowhere to run.

There's nowhere else to go.

- It do... Uhh!
- Back!

You stop!

No! I said stop!

Mr. Guerra, you need to stop running now!

I can't go back! I can't go back!

On your knees! Hands behind your head.

If you let them take him back
to Nicaragua, he'll die.

Kimani, take a breath.
You do not want to get arrested.

Bailiff, you need to keep him
in the building.

- He still has rights.

Hey! Listen up!

This is still my house,

and we play by my rules,

and my rules say...

- The federal government...
- No backtalk!

This young man deserves his day in court,

and I intend to give it to him.

Put Mr. Guerra in holding

so Ms. Lopez can speak with her client


It's okay, baby, it's okay.

- We're gonna figure this out.
- I know. I'm sorry.

I love you.


ICE is in your courtroom.

Walked right in like he owned it

in the middle of the defense
presenting her case.

The governor signed a bill last year.

I thought we won this battle.

We did.

Hey, I need to talk
to the L.A. County Sheriff.

He's not gonna take the call,

so you just have to
thr*aten him a little. Thanks,

[SIGHS] What are the charges?

Felony as*ault. First offense.
No warrants out on the accused.

He's undocumented.

From Nicaragua. It's in his file.

This doesn't make any sense.

How did ICE even know he was there?

Somebody tipped them off.

Or they're planning something bigger

and are softening the ground

with the least experienced
judge in the building.

Where's the defendant now?

Courtroom holding. We're in recess.

Judge Carmichael,

your court is now a legal
and political minefield.

Please endeavor not to blow anything up

until I can get some answers.

Got it. Don't blow anything up.

How exactly do I do that?

Remain impartial.
And don't let any of this

affect the outcome
of the defendant's trial.

- In other words,

get your house in order.

Sheriff, Supervising Judge Benner.
It's been a while.

I'm a valet parking attendant.

I was at work. I work at Bestia on th.

[WHISPERING] Bestia is so good.

And what did you witness at : p.m.?

I had just brought
a Tesla Roadster around.

The customer was inside.

When I exited the vehicle,

a young woman approached suddenly,

got in, and drove away. She stole it.

And do you see that young woman
in this courtroom today?

No, sir, I do not.

Excuse me?

No, sir, I do not.

Mr. Kothari, you testified

in a preliminary hearing under oath...

I was mistaken.

I identified the wrong woman.

Okay. Let's go back over this

because mistakes can be costly.

You gave a detailed
description to the police.

I was mistaken.

You picked her out of a police lineup.

I was mistaken.
I identified the wrong woman.

Let me remind you, Mr. Kothari,

that perjury is a criminal offense.

Deputy District Attorney
Callan, knock it off.

The witness answered the question.


Anything further, counselor?

No, Your Honor. Nothing further.

Witness may step down.

No other witnesses, Mr. Callan?

The state rests, Your Honor.

Your Honor, motion to dismiss.

Penal Code .

The People have failed
to show any evidence

my client committed the charged offense.

Granted. Case is dismissed.

Defendant's discharged.



Mr. Lambert, hey, quick question.

How much does a witness cost?

- Excuse me?
- More than a good tip

at the Wilshire Country Club

and not as much as an appeal?

- Hey, easy.
- You paid that witness

- to change his story.
- That's absurd. Maia!

The bribery of a witness
carries serious time

in state prison, Mr. Lambert.

Mm-hmm. Talk to my lawyer,

the one that beat you in court.

I did just kick your ass.

I'm not letting this go, Amy.

It was good to see you, Mark.


I've got calls into our office

to get an immigration attorney,

but I can't tell you when
they're gonna get back to us.

The backlog is insane,

and they're spread out
all over the county.

You're my lawyer. I trust you.

I appreciate that, but... Okay.

In the meantime, tell me...

I came across at Tijuana.

I had counterfeit papers.

In Nicaragua, the government
has become a dictatorship,

grabbing land,

attacking basic human rights.

We were protesting.

They responded with arrests, t*rture.

Uh, we. Who's we?

I need you to be more specific, Leo.

Unión de estudiantes at the Polytech.

I was one of the leaders.

We were peaceful.

I love my country.

It is very important to me.

But I can't return.

We were att*cked by the police.

Some of my friends were
m*rder*d in the streets.

I understand.

And so you came here. Asylum?

I was hoping to apply for asylum,

but, with new rules, there's no chance.

They'd lock me up and deport me.

I couldn't risk it.

But, Leo, once you got here,
you didn't stop protesting.

- I know.
- Why?

Why put yourself in the spotlight?

Trust me, I've been asking
myself the same question.

It's just...

[SIGHS] it's who I am.

I can't stand by.

I just can't do it.


And I fell in love.


Big mistake.

Mm, that's it. There's the real reason.

Hmm. Yeah, that's trouble.


You're going after the father?

- He bribed my witness.
- Can you prove it?

- Not yet, but I will.
- Let it go.

Five giant stacks of files waiting,

and five stacks officially
makes a mountain.

- Move on.
- We can't move on.

Callan, you've been in this job
for what, like a month?

And already I can see

that beneath that calm, quiet demeanor,

you've got a bit of an issue
with authority... mine.

Actually, I have an issue

with investment bankers from Hancock Park

buying justice.


Thomas, this is... it's fundamental.

Either the District Attorney's
office thinks

that the truth matters, or it doesn't.

So go after the valet for perjury.

The valet is poor. He's scared.

He's not the bad guy here.

You don't want to go
after him because what,

you think he's just being a good dad?

That's not what I think, but
that's what a jury might think.

He did it for his daughter. No big deal.

Just bought out
a little victimless crime.

This is not a good father.

I hear you, Callan,
and I'm not indifferent.

Really? 'Cause it feels like
you're a little indifferent.

Grant Lambert has been investigated

by the Securities Commission
a half a dozen times,

and nothing has stopped.

Not my circus, not my monkey.

This guy is the enemy!

Not your monkey, Mark.

I want the monkey.

Show me the monkey!


Well, for that...

and because you clearly have

some daddy issues of your own
you need to sort out,

I'll throw it to one
of our investigators.

If they smell something,
they should bring it to me.

Now go back to your mountain.


Normally, there'd be
a place for you to sit.

I'm not being inhospitable.

Just still getting organized.

I can tell. And congrats.

Hell of a promotion.

You know who I am.

I do my homework.

Ambitious, young
African-American female DDA

gets thrust onto the bench.
Looks good on everyone.

I'm glad you accepted
my invitation to talk quietly.

Love to talk. Let's talk.

Mr. Soto, you are not an ignorant man.

I'm sure that you're aware that
California is a sanctuary state,

which means undocumented...

I know what it means.

So then okay, we know what we mean.

Perhaps you could explain why you...

There is one way to get me out, ma'am.

"Your Honor" or "Judge Carmichael."

And do not interrupt me.

Courthouses work well for us, okay?

Ahem. The targets are already screened...

Excuse me. Targets?

Ah, Judge Carmichael, there are laws.

If these targets are afraid

that you are going to be here...

So you can interrupt me?

That's right,

because this is my house.

I had a partner.

Stabbed at a raid.

I have been shot at.

This is a safe place

for us to do our job, our duty.

It is my duty to make sure

that you don't use these
courts as a stock pond

because people need to believe

that this is a just place.

- It's citizens.
- Citizens?

People, then.

If people think they'll be deported,

they won't show up.

Witnesses will refuse to testify.

Defendants will skip bail.
Crimes will go unreported.

Obstruction of justice
is a federal offense.

Excuse me?

It is a federal crime
to corruptly obstruct,

influence, or impede
on any official proceeding

or attempt to do so.

This can carry a sentence of years.

- A threat?
- Statement of fact.

I'll take my chances.

And since we are dealing in facts,

anyone who refuses to adhere
to the court's orders,

attempts to interfere
with the court's proceedings...

Judge Carmichael,

the people that give me my orders

are, uh, humorless.

How about you finish your job

so I can do mine?

- He could be your nephew.
- He's not.

You don't feel a connection to them?

Some empathy?

How many people have you put in jail

that could have been your brother?

Or your son?

Mr. Soto, if you so much

as set foot in my courtroom,

I will charge you with contempt

and you will go to jail.

Statement of fact.




I haven't heard anything from anyone.

So no reports of other ICE
agents in other courtrooms?

No, and we're, like, always texting.


Not about the trials.

About, like, cool restaurants

- and podcasts.

Thanks, Sara.

But people have heard what's happening.

Lawyers are asking for continuances.

Defendants are being told not to show up.

It's getting kind of crazy.

I think I saw someone
hiding in the bathroom.

Sounds like a drama.

Judge Rogstad.

Judge Carmichael. Ms. Kansky.

Hey, when you're ready to play the bigs,

come over to my court.
We have Pizza Night.

I'll keep that in mind, Your Honor.

I love what you've done with the place,

making it your own... exotic.

What, the pillows?

Okay, let's go.

The ICE thing... appreciate it
if you don't drag the rest of us

into your little theatrical.

I'd think you would be

just as concerned about
this situation as I am.

Not everyone in this building
thinks like you, Judge Carmichael.

To assume that only reveals your youth.

It's not like we don't
have enough customers

to keep us all busy.

My advice... pull the thorn
and keep walking.




What the hell happened
in this morning?

Why? What did you hear?

It's not what I heard. It's what I saw.

Who's the prosecutor?
It's, uh, Katie Malick.

She was talking to some guy
in the bullpen...

about six feet tall,
buzz cut, very ICE-like.

Are you serious?

What the hell is going on in that office?

Are you all collaborators?

Oh, my God, you sound
just like your mother.


- Mark Callan.
- I do not sound like my mother.

That's just me.

[WHISPERING] I love Roxie.

I do, too. Still me.

Mark Callan. Hello.

Oh. Hi.


You're here?


Okay, yeah. I'll be right there.


Got a very expensive defense attorney

waiting for me in my office.

Amy Quinn.

- How'd you know?
- That smile.

You always had a thing for Quinn.

- Not true.
- Okay, not true.

What else do you know about my ICE guy?

One of the guys in my office said
the ICE agent convinced Katie

that her future as a government attorney

would look a lot brighter

if she could make that case go away.

That same agent threatened

to put me in jail for years.

- That's not gonna happen.
- Gets your attention, though.

He was just picking on you
'cause you're the rookie.

I hate bullies.

So punch back.

The robes keep getting in the way.

Just do what's right.

That's what you'd tell me to do.

Sorry. I really have to...

Go. The Mighty Quinn awaits.

Ha ha ha.


Judge Carmichael seemed
to be on your side.

She might have been,
but there are no guarantees,

especially now.

I'm trying to reach
an immigration lawyer.

Can you hold this, please?

- Thank you.
- Why don't you wheel around

one of those big black suitcases
like all the other lawyers?

'Cause this isn't an airport

and my client files aren't
luggage. And they're ugly.

- Emily.
- What can I do for you, Katie?

Is the bailiff holding your bag?


Anyway, we're dropping the charges.

- What?
- Made a mistake.

Client's free to go. Okay?


You win. Congratulations.

Wait. Why?

Because it was a time suck.

Because I don't like surprise visits

from big, beefy guys with big badges,

and because I was losing.

We need to talk to Judge Carmichael.

- Is she...
- I'll check in with the JA.

You know what you're doing, right?

My client will be sent back to a country

that is k*lling kids

for walking down the street
shouting slogans.

Might want to think about that.




I was expecting a call
from your assistant,

or a snarky email.

I had a motion, so...

Good. I mean, I'm glad.

And I've never actually
been in these offices.

I always thought I would end up here.

Yeah? What happened with that?

Oh, you know, student loans,

L.A. real estate, the whole thing.

Your message said you wanted
to interview Maia Lambert.

- Yeah.
- So you're really doing this.

You're gonna go after her dad?

He bribed a witness.

"A," no, he didn't.

The valet just made a mistake.

And "B," why would you think

Maia would incriminate her own father?

The valet did not make a mistake,

and you know that as well as I do.

And frankly, Amy, the fact

that you're standing behind Grant Lambert

is not a good look.

Okay. I should go.

If we found out you had
something to do with this, Amy,

you won't just be disbarred.
You'll go to jail.

Well, that's a big g*n.

I thought we liked each other.

This is in no way an admission.


You can have minutes with Maia.
My office. That's it.

- I'll take it.
- You know, Callan,

there are a lot of guys
like you at my firm.

If you ever wanted to cross the
street, you can make a lot of money.

It's not a compliment.


But if I have to do it...

They're both here?

Yes, Your Honor.

Thanks, Luke.

Before you go in, may I say something?

Since when do you ask?

That kid Leo, he has a lawyer.

Let Ms. Lopez take care of him.

He is in my court.

ICE is just doing what they do.

What they're doing is wrong.

It's not new. You are.

This affects everyone
in the building, Your Honor.

Don't try to fix what you didn't break.

It's not your job.


You're trying to protect me.

Why are you doing that to your face?

Because you like me.

No. It's just I don't have it in me

to break in another judge.

That's practically a hug.


Counselors, make yourselves comfortable.

Sorry. I don't know where to sit.

Your Honor, the prosecution
is throwing its case.

They're dropping all charges.

How is that throwing?

We made a determination

that the case is not worth
moving forward with...

- Tell her the truth.
- That is the truth.

The second they drop the charges,

ICE will detain and deport my client.

What ICE does is not our business.

And you don't get to direct my strategy.

It's not your strategy. It's theirs.

You caved, and now
Leo has to pay the price.

Katie, I'm going to ask you a question.

Yes or no. Are you ready?


Have you spoken or communicated

with Agent Sal Soto about
what to do with this case?

Next question. Who do you work for?

The people of the state of California.

That's right. The people,
not the federal government.

Katie, I know most days

this feels like an adversarial system,

and it is, but the truth is we
are actually on the same team,

going for the same goal... justice.

And a team is only as strong as its...

God, what's the rest of that quote?

- It's a quote?
- Of course. Sports quote.

It'll come to me.

But the point is, Katie,

do your job, not theirs.

- Your Honor...
- Weakness!

The team is only as strong
as its weakest link.

Sorry. It was gonna drive me crazy.

So, Katie, what would
the people wish you'd do next?

Better question. Malick is...

I'm guessing Irish?

Your family immigrated here
about a hundred years ago.

Am I close?

My great-grandparents.


What would they wish you to do next?

Uh, they would want me
to proceed with the trial.


We'll see you in court.



Mr. Lambert. Why am I not surprised?

Maia asked him to be present.

Afraid what your daughter might say?

It's okay. I'll step out.

You good with that, Maia?

Be right outside.


Let me be clear.

Maia is doing this voluntarily.

She is cooperating because
she has nothing to hide.

Did you know Parin Kothari was
gonna change his testimony?

- She did not.
- Did your father offer

any material benefit

to induce Mr. Kothari
to change his testimony?

Were you aware of any such plan?

No and no.

I'd like to hear it from Maia.

My father's a crook, too.

You hate what he does for you,
how he does it,

but you almost kind of admire it.

And you want to protect him.

- What exactly...
- I mean, they have the power, right?

That can cut a couple of ways.
We both know that.

Ask a question, or you can leave.

I'm gonna make you
a promise, Maia... full immunity.

All you have to do is tell the truth,

which I'm guessing you want to do anyway

'cause you're not like him, are you?

The existential questions
you don't have to answer.

In fact, you don't have to
answer any of them

if you don't want to.


Just think about it, Maia.

I didn't know that about your dad.


- I talked to the sheriff.
- And?

Reminded him of his campaign promise

to keep ICE out of our courthouses.

- And what did he say?
- Not much.

But he's smarter than to let Immigration

walk in wearing a black hat.

He'd tell them to use undercover proxies.

Whoever called ICE, it wasn't him.

And you? I'm assuming you haven't
smuggled the defendant out

under that robe.

The DDA wanted to drop the charges.

That would be the end of it.

After a short meeting, she reconsidered.

Oh. So it continues.

Judge Benner, I am trying

to figure out the right thing to do here.

We can't help ICE.

No. But you can't delay
the game indefinitely.

Are the parties ready to reconvene?

- Yeah.
- Then finish your trial,

and we'll take it from there.

And the ICE man,

he will cometh.

Yeah, but he can sitteth
outside and waiteth.


LEO: What are my options?

You don't have any good ones, Leo.

What are my bad ones?

I managed to get a hold of one
of our people in Immigration,

and they said, on this timeline...


Plead guilty.

Request immediate sentencing hearing,

then get the DDA
to ask for the maximum...

four years.

In prison?

It buys you four years

to see if you can find
asylum in another country,

four years to see
if an immigration lawyer

can find a way to have your case retried.

And four years with Kimani.

She can visit you.


I can't recommend this, Leo.

State prison is not a good place, and...

It's better than a Nicaraguan jail

or getting k*lled.


I was arrested for no reason.

I'm innocent.

I know.

I'll do the four years.


I'm sure. I really am.


Thanks for coming.

I can't talk to you without
your lawyer present, Maia.

Amy, it's Maia. You're fired. Sorry.

Did you mean what you said
about immunity?

- Sure. Maia...
- I stole the car.

I was drunk. I was upset.

I just had this massive fight with my dad

about basically what a giant ass he is.

Anyway, uh, is there maybe

some kind of community service
that I could do?

Is that stupid?

No, but it's not really justice, is it?

I mean, who are you accountable to? Me?

It's not how this works.

He does this stuff
just to show that he can,

that he's above the law, above everyone.

It's arrogance.

Walking through the world
like he owns it.

And now he's pulled me into that.

I hate it.

Mine was a bookie.

He was a lot of things,
none of them legal,

but one of them was a bookie.

And he always kept a tab.

So I'm , and my dad...
his name's Vic...

he was indicted,

and Vic needed an alibi witness.

So I stood up in court,

and I lied.

Hand on the Bible,

and I lied for him.

Not many people know that.

You get caught?


That's a bit of a head-spinner.

I let him turn me into
something that I wasn't

because I didn't think I had a choice.

You have a choice, Maia.

Who do you want to be in the world?

How important do you want
the truth to be in your life?

What do you want to see
when you look in the mirror?

Your face or his?


All rise.


of the Los Angeles Superior
Court is now in session.

Judge Lola Carmichael presiding.

Welcome back, everyone. Let's settle in.

Ms. Lopez, as you were.

Your Honor, the defendant would
like to change his plea to guilty.

In the middle of the proceedings?

Your Honor, the People accept the plea

and ask that we move
immediately to sentencing.

We intend to ask for the
maximum sentence of four years.

Both of you, get up here.

Oh, my God.

Seriously, you'd put this man
in prison for four years?

It's the best I can do right now.

When he's there, we'll find a
country who'll grant him asylum.

You don't think that's a long shot?

For the record, I think it's
a terrible idea, Your Honor.

No, your idea was to sell out to ICE

- to close a file.
- Okay, go sit down.


Mr. Guerra.

You understand that a felony conviction

makes you ineligible

for legal immigration
into the United States?

Yes, Your Honor.

After four years in prison,
ICE will be notified,

and you will be immediately deported.

Yes, Your Honor.


Your Honor?

Recess. Court's adjourned until tomorrow.


I didn't know what else...

If something happens to Leo in prison...

You didn't make that guy
come here without papers.

You didn't prevent him
for applying for asylum.

No. That was poverty,

government corruption,
global capitalism...

Beating yourself up isn't
gonna solve the border crisis.

I'm not trying to solve the bo...

Hmm. My client was not guilty,

but his best case scenario
is four years hard time

- because someone narc'd on him.

Hello. Kimani?

Slow down. Where are you?

I'll be right there.


I... What?



Ms. Lopez, over here!

- You're her lawyer?
- What are you doing?

You can't detain this woman.

This woman was trespassing.

You want me to call the police, I will.

- Kimani.
- She was banned from the store.

I wanted to show the judge
what we were doing,

putting warning stickers
on the expired food.

- Scaring customers.
- Hey.

- It's rotten meat.
- It's perfectly edible.

You people... She and her
boyfriend broke the law.

"You people"? Coming in here...

Did you seriously just say that?

Get this girl out of here.

Mr. Harris, did you call
Immigration about Leo Guerra?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

They come here,
and the first thing they do

is complain on their social media.

- You called...
- I can barely keep this place open.

- He's the one? He called?
- I know what he did.

Let's go. Come on.


You have a guilty plea
and a sentence recommendation.

- I do.
- So why aren't you taking it?

If I can find a misdemeanor
that fits the fact pattern...

A nonviolent misdemeanor.

- Yep.
- Very creative.

A fraction of the time,

and ICE won't be notified
upon his release.

You're gonna be one
of those creative judges.

You say it like it's a bad thing.

You really want to make this your fight?

Of course I don't want

to fight the entire federal government,

but I will.

- Your Honor...
- What choice do I have?

If I don't save this
young man's life, who will?

This is my house. It's my court.

And it has to be
a safe place for everyone,

and if they want to come in here

and start throwing punches,

well, then I am gonna punch back.

If you think that that's stupid

or career su1c1de, then so be it.

I didn't say it was stupid.

I said it was creative.


It's late, Sherri. You should go home.

I go home when you go home, Your Honor.

I'll be in my office if you need me.


Okay, we are back on the record.

Your Honor, I'd like
to move for a mistrial.

Pardon me? On what basis?

Permission to approach?

Expired May .

Baby formula.

Expired three years ago.

Your Honor, my client
Leo Guerra and his partner

were affixing warnings to these products

to alert their community
about their risks.

In retaliation,
the manager of the supermarket,

Mr. Dwight Harris,

brought hell down upon them,

first by reporting to the police

his security personnel
have been att*cked.

Then, during this trial,
he also decided to contact ICE

in a vindictive effort
to have Mr. Guerra deported.

Your Honor, I wish I could
cite specific case law,

but frankly what has
happened here is so audacious

that there's nothing on point.

But the facts speak for themselves.

The second Mr. Harris decided
to override the justice system

by summoning ICE into this courtroom,

my client's Constitutionally
guaranteed right

to a fair trial

was violated in such a profound
and fundamental way

that the interests of justice
simply require a mistrial.


You know,

I think we might need
to take another recess.


Ms. Lopez, I don't think

that a mistrial would
benefit your client.

Your Honor, Leo would remain in custody,

safe from deportation.
It would allow him time

to meet with an immigration attorney.

Hang on. You said he affixed
warnings on the food?

Uh, yeah. They had stickers.

Stickers. Tell me about these stickers.

They had them printed up,
put them on things

to warn customers about the spoiled...

Unauthorized writing.

Found it.

Section .

"Placing unauthorized writing
on a consumer product."

A nonviolent misdemeanor.

Would mean a much shorter sentence

and preserve Leo's chance for asylum.

And the sheriff would be prohibited

from disclosing his release date to ICE.

If the People wish
to drop the felony charges

and the defense agrees to plead
guilty to a lesser charge,

then the court can certainly entertain

such an agreement.

The people are entirely
amenable to that, Your Honor.

Ms. Lopez?

I think we can make that work.


Excuse me.

You bullied my daughter.

You intimidated her
into making a statement.

- You worked her.
- Dad, stop it.

It was entirely her choice, Mr. Lambert.

It's never your fault, is it?

- Maia.
- Well, I'm not gonna be like you.

I'm done.

All rise.

District of the Los
Angeles Superior Court

is now in session.

Judge Lisa Benner presiding.

Be seated.

What's the big emergency?

We just filed a single count
felony complaint

- for bribery of a witness.
- Really?

Your Honor, my client
would like to throw himself

at the mercy of the court
and plead guilty.

Well, then, Mr. Lambert,

to the charge of bribery of a witness,

in violation of Penal Code
Section Subdivision A,

- how do you plead?
- Guilty, Your Honor.

Then I find the defendant guilty.

With regards to sentencing...

Your Honor, my client would like

to address the court, if he may.

Sure. Go ahead.

Your Honor, I take full
responsibility for my actions,

but I stand before you to say
that I have learned something,

learned from my daughter Maia

about principles and consequences.

I give you my solemn promise

that I will change,

devoting my time and much of my resources

to legal aid clinics

and doing good works
in disadvantaged communities

in the greater Los Angeles area.

Deputy District Attorney Callan?

The People recommend

months state prison, Your Honor.

Mr. Lambert, you have launched an attack

on our most sacred institution.

If men like you are allowed
to buy their own justice

at so little cost to themselves,

we might as well all pack it in.

I hereby sentence you
to two years in state prison.

No credits.

Defendant is remanded into custody.




Hands behind your back, sir.

I want you to get on this.


BAILIFF: Come this way.


I hope I did the right thing.

You did the right thing.

- I guess.
- No, I mean it.

I... I wish I had the courage

to say those things to my dad.


yet at least I can look myself
in the mirror now, right?


With all that considered,
how do you plead?

Guilty, Your Honor.

Your Honor, per the agreement,

the defendant has waived
his pre-sentence report.

The proposed sentence is three months.

Well, any second thoughts?

And are you sure you want me
to approve this agreement?

Yes, Your Honor.

Okay, then, any objections?

- No, Your Honor.
- No, Your Honor.

Then it is the order of this court

that such sentence be imposed.

The defendant is remanded into custody

for three months only.

- Court is adjourned.

Leo, good luck.

Thank you, Your Honor, for everything.


♪ I'm amazed ♪

Okay. It's okay. Say goodbye.

♪ Humbly I pray ♪

♪ I'm just trying to find my way ♪

♪ I had to think about
all the times of doubt ♪

♪ And all the beauty parts
are beauty scars now ♪

♪ I had to let you fade away ♪

I'm so tired.


I haven't been...

Apparently, my apartment
has turned on me.

I have no idea what that means.

Right? Also, these shoes
have zero arch support.

You can tell my stress level
by the height of my heels.

Easy-peasy plea deal, comfy flats.

These... These are my ass kickers.

- Hmm.
- m*rder on the feet

but perfect for the big battles.

Like if I'm trying to solve
America's border security issues.

- Okay. Look...
- Or something.

- No, it's okay.
- I just want you to know

I didn't think that the ICE guy
could be in here, either.

Good, 'cause if you did,

then I'd have to burn
your law school flash cards.

Oh, okay, okay.

You don't want to argue?

You're gonna be a terrible lawyer.

- I like to argue.
- Just not with me.

I'm happy to argue with you.

Good, then we can be friends.

♪ It's simply divine ♪

♪ I believe ♪

♪ I believe one day ♪

♪ All mistakes will be explained ♪

♪ And I think of why leaving you behind ♪

♪ Didn't satisfy that it was more kind ♪

♪ But it would save myself for... ♪

How do you keep getting back here?

I have my ways.

After your big dustup
with the feds today,

I thought you might want
to go for a drink.

I'd love to, but work.

You kicked the federal
government's ass today.

Did I? I didn't mean to.

Maybe I did.

How did it feel?

Not as great as LeBron
in Game in Oakland

but all right.

How'd it go for you today?

A rare win for the good guys.

I know you've been, you know, nesting,

so I thought a housewarming
gift might be in order.

You can say you got it
from a cousin or something.

What did you get me?



The star in my sky. My goddess.

She made me feel like I could be anybody.

I know. I had to sit
through endless episodes

with you during college.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So okay, so do I have daddy issues?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I do, right?

Call Vic.

Maybe he'll be up for a drink tonight.

Okay. I got to go.

Uh, may the force be with you?


♪ ...feelin' ♪

♪ It's higher than helium ♪

♪ To try and figure out why ♪

Welcome home.

♪ It's simply divine ♪

♪ It's simply divine ♪