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03x01 - Coopers on the Run

Posted: 07/07/21 08:58
by bunniefuu

I have been waiting a
long time to meet you, KC.

I was once very fond of your parents,

but their love and marriage
made me go a little...

- what's the word I'm looking for?
- Insane?

I'm going to take away
everything your parents love.

Starting with you and
ending with the Organization.

"Hello, KC, if you're reading this,
then I have successfully escaped."

Zane's out there.

He hates my family more than
ever, and it's my fault.

Kira: Look, Marisa!

Yes! Marisa came to save us!

Wait, Marisa came to save us?

How did Marisa know we needed saving?

(Sings high operatic note)


What's going on in here?

You're sure Richard was captured?

So who's now in charge of the Other Side?

(Evil chuckle)

I was hoping you'd say that.

Looks like I'm going home.

I'll see you soon, KC.

No one's upstairs. They're all gone.

They must've been tipped off.

Where are the Coopers?!

Everything is gonna be all right.

Your mother's on the phone
with the Organization,

and I'm sure they'll come up with
a plan to keep us safe from Zane.

Hopefully it's more
thought-out than the last plan,

which was just a phone call saying, "Zane's
at your front door, Run, run now!"

(Loud yawn)

Ugh, what flavor is your mouthwash?

Hot garbage?

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't have
time for proper dental hygiene.

Up until ten minutes
ago, I was fast asleep.

Believe me, I wish we
could've left you behind.

In fact, I put it to a vote.

I lost.

If it makes you feel
any better, it was close.

No, that does not make me feel better.

That makes me feel worse.

Look, Zane knows where you live, and
none of us are safe until he's captured.

Okay, but my parents might
start to wonder where I am.

So what I'm hearing is we got a
couple weeks to get you back home.

All right, guys, we are gonna
be disappearing for a while.

The Organization is sending us to...

A castle, a castle. Please say a castle.

Yes, a castle, where you'll
be named prince of Dorkylvania.

Actually, we're going to a
safe house in Rio de Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro.

That means rio of the day.

That's not even close.


But that was.


Okay, eat lasers, henchmen.

♪ Oh, when danger comes for you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside you ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep their head so cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way,
a way out of the fire ♪

♪ Don't tell nobody, tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I wanna tell you ♪

♪ But I, I, I, I keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life, on red alert ♪

♪ Doin' my thing, gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest,
baby, I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't got to worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

I keep it undercover.

I keep it undercover.


What do you think you're doing?

- Get away from there.
- I'm bored.

We haven't been out of this
apartment for two weeks.

Well, you barely left our
house for the past years,

so you should be used to it.

Ernie, a little bit of boredom is
better than a lot of getting shot at.

I'd rather dodge laser fire than
listen to KC snoring all night.

It's even louder than Mom's snoring.

How did I get dragged into this?

Well, my snoring's better than
hearing you cry in your sleep.

Those are tears of joy because
I don't have to listen to

- the sound of your voice.
- (Both arguing)

Craig: Hey, you two. Don't
make me come out there.

- See, look what you did.
- (Arguing continues)

Stop bickering!

And be happy we're all
together in a safe place.

What else do we really need?

I'm gonna go with a door.

Okay, when I am bored,
I count hair strands.

I am up to , .

Or was it , ?

Ugh, now I have to start over.

One, two, three...

That's it. I'm shaving her head!

All: No, no!

Hey, hey, hey!

The whole point of us hiding from Zane

is to stay safe, so can we
please not k*ll each other?

Craig, look, it's been a week since we
last had contact with the Organization.

I mean, maybe they caught
Zane by now and we can go home.

Let's go to the dead drop and
see if we can get an update.

That's a good idea. I'm gonna go
'cause I need to get outta here.

That's not fair. I wanna go.

I'm gonna go 'cause I'm the oldest.

Will you kids stop the
fighting?! You both can go.

Fifty-four, , ...

And take that one with you.

- Come on.
- (Counting continues)

I am so excited we are on a mission.

I love being a spy.

You're not a spy.

And your only mission is to zip it.

You might wanna help
her on that mission, bro.

Listen, he's right; we
need to be very careful,

because anybody at this marketplace
could be here to eliminate us.

Anybody? What about Father
Time; is he out to get us too?

Yes. He could just be a guy
dressed in an old man's disguise.

(Crashing sounds)

Or he could be an actual old
guy who's gonna need a new hip.

This is the alley we're looking for.

Okay, me and Marisa will check it
out, you stay here, keep lookout,

and do not play that scavenger
hunt game on your phone.

We do not need your
cell pinging off towers.

I'd like to ping you off a tower.

Excuse me.

Uh, I said...

I'll be happy to keep lookout.

Yeah. That's right, that's what you said.

Welcome back to Scavenge Extreme.

The next object to find, photograph and
upload is something made of wicker.

Hmm. Something made of wicker.

That can be a toughie.

This has gotta be, like, the
most beautiful alley in the world.

These tiles have been
a tradition for decades.

It was started by a Chilean artist,

and now, tourists from all
over the world bring tiles,

and they glue them to the walls.

Wow. I love how every country has
their own little traditions...

Wait. How do you know that?

We've been locked in that
safe house for two weeks.

I've had no choice but to... read.

Oh, wow, look at this tile.

It's so beautiful.

Uh, wow, I would hate to see what
you do to the ones you don't like.

No, no, no, I'm looking for the dead drop.

Oh, of course.

The dead drop. I knew that.

Now where's that dead drop?

It's gotta be around here somewhere.

You have no idea what
a dead drop is, do you?

Not a clue.

A dead drop is how agents get
information about a secure network.

So behind one of these
tiles is a hidden USB port,

and I take this and it allows me to
download updates from the Organization.

Cool. Got it. I'll check this side.


Hey, when we're done, can we go back?

You really wanna go back
to that dumpy apartment,

because I can go my entire
life without ever seeing

Ernie take another sink bath.

I meant back home. It's our senior year.


So it's our year of lasts.

Our last first day of school together,
our last pep rally together.

Our last homecoming dance together.

Okay, Marisa, you know I
don't support homecoming,

because of my stance against
voting for king and queen.

Plus, no one ever asks me, so...

KC, I'm serious.

You've been my best friend my entire life.

That's why this year is so important.

After graduation, we're
gonna go our separate ways.

You to some fancy Ivy League school, and
me, to Pierce Junior Junior College,

AKA th grade.

Both: Fingers crossed.

I really think we should appreciate
what little time we have left together.

Marisa, relax.

Okay, look, I promise you, no
matter where we go in life,

we are still gonna be best friends.

Assuming we get out of here alive.

(KC laughs)

Well, look at you, Nancy Drew.

- You found the dead drop.
- Maybe I really could be a spy.

Yeah, sure, but I would send in

that junior junior college
application, just to be safe.

You know, good to have a back-up plan.

Oh, a used diaper.

Ew, a used diaper!

Congratulations on your used diaper.

You've earned triple scavenge points.

You're currently in , th place.

Yes! Top , .

Your next object to find,
photograph and upload

is someone with very hairy ears.


I've hit the Mother Lode.

The hairy Mother Lode.

Are you playing Scavenge Extreme?

Yeah. This game is the only thing
that's kept me sane on this trip.

Congratulations on your hairy ear pick.

You are currently in th place.

Ooh! What place are you in?

Uh, th.

So you're Pretty Princess ?

Yes, I am.

But you can call me Ernie.

Hi. I'm Zoe.

It is so good to talk to another American.

I'm from Kansas. Where are you from?

Uh, he's from Monrovia.

His visa has just expired,
and we must go now.

What did you do that for?
That Zoe girl was into me.

Which makes me think she's either
an enemy agent or psychotic, or both.

She's just a tourist.

This is the last time I'm gonna tell you.

No more talking to strangers.

Fine, but for the record, there's
nothing shady about her.

It's Zoe. I've made contact.

Excellent. Do not engage yet.

Track their movements until
they lead us to the others.

Then we can eliminate the
Coopers once and for all.

Good news, Coop troop.

♪ We have an update! ♪

♪ Now I have ringing in my ears ♪

Okay, so Organization intel says
Zane has no idea that we're in Rio.

Well, it sounds like we're safe.

All right. Yeah!

Yes, I am out of this
apartment, and into a sarong.

I'm dying to check out Carnival.

I just wanna find a private bathroom.

Yes, we all want that for you, Dad.

But unfortunately, we are not on vacation,

because the Organization gave us a mission.

(Gasps) Oh, they gave us a mission.

No, they gave us a mission.


If you want me, I will
be in the other room.


The Organization couldn't
give us one day off?

Boy, are they cheap.

They're cheap? Craig,
when we go to the movies,

you only buy one cup of soda for all of us.

I don't buy one cup.

I find one in the trash, wash it off
in the bathroom, boom, free refills.

Uh-huh. See, that's not
cheap, baby, that's smart.

No, actually, Dad, that's just gross.

Okay, guys, I know it's a bummer that
we have to jump right back into work,

but I tried, okay? I asked the Organization

if we could stay in Rio and
soak up the local atmosphere,

but they wouldn't budge,
no matter how many times

I begged and begged and begged and begged.

You requested the mission, didn't you?

Yes, okay, I'm bored.

Yet I'm the one banished
behind the shower curtain.

You banished yourself.

Tell it to the curtain!

See, everybody's going after each other.

Yelling and fighting, and Judy's
been throwing more shade than usual.

No, I haven't, you bug-eyed loser.

Okay, maybe I have.

Come on, just one big family mission.

For me, please?

- Okay. - Whatever.
- All right.

Okay, not the resounding
enthusiasm I was hoping for,

but you know what, I'll take it.

Okay, come on.

Our mission is to stop a ring
of international bird smugglers.

Bird snugglers? Who snuggles with a bird?

They poop and pee out of the same place.

It's true, it's called a cloaca.

Great. Not only am I reading,
I am retaining knowledge.

No, not bird snugglers.

Bird smugglers.

They capture and illegally transport
exotic birds out of the country,

which messes up the local ecosystem.

Seriously? I can't get
a mango through customs,

and this guy is getting
whole birds through?

Okay, so our job is to find and
capture the head of the ring.

His name is Passaro Grande, AKA Big Bird.

Well, we better get on it
before he flies the coop.


Oh, now I'm laughing at Ernie's jokes.

We gotta get out of Rio, guys.

Step right up, folks.

Get your cooked animal
carcasses with starchy food,

grown in soil fertilized
by those same animals.

Yum, yum, yum!

Yo, Leticia, your sales
pitch needs a little work.

So does your cooking.

No one wants a dried-up kebab
that can double as a belt.

Speak for yourself.

I see your point.

All right, we've circled the entire market.

There's no sign of the target.

Do you guys see anything?

No, but I sold three sketches.

I could have a real future
doing big-head caricatures.

Way to aim high, son.

I just spotted one of
Passaro Grande's crew.

The woman in red by the entrance.

Okay, Mom, time to put a
little more bait on the hook.

This is a lovely leather mosaic purse.

It's Brazil-liant!

Don't you think so, Lavender dear?

Ugh. Makes me wanna
bring the cow back to life

and slap it for getting involved.

But it has fringe, and you love fringe.

And it's so colorful.

Mom, I don't want a stupid purse, okay?

I want, like, a rare exotic
bird to take back home.

And I want it now!

I want it now, now, now!

Lavender dear, we can't possibly
take rare birds back to America.

It's illegal!

I could not help overhearing.

You want to purchase a rare bird?

Yes. The more expensive, the better.

Well, I can introduce you to a man
that can get you any bird you want.

He goes by the name of Passaro Grande.

Meet him in that alley at midnight.

Midnight? She wants us to meet a
smuggler in an alley at midnight.

It's good to be working again.

Received the images.

I can confirm those are the Coopers.

Hi, Ernie.

Sorry. I don't talk to
strangers, and I'm not Ernie.

Uh, really?

Because you were Ernie yesterday
when I met you in the marketplace.

I'm Zoe.

Sorry. No ingles-a!

I speak-a the

That's not Portuguese.

That's just you adding a lot of vowels.

And if you don't remember me,

then who's riding the horse with
you through the fields of Kansas,

where coincidentally, I'm from.

In that case, what's Portuguese-a for,
"Oh, yeah, I guess I do remember you"?

Zoe and I talked for, like, minutes,
and I had her laughing the whole time.

- What?!
- And not just at me, with me, too.

Oh, it sounds like my son's
turning into a real lady-k*ller.

And no, I'm not talking about that
accident on your last mission.

May she rest in peace.

You need to stop encouraging him, okay?

Look, I know the Organization said Rio
was clear, but Zane is still a threat,

and I do not trust that little Kansas girl.

Why are you so wound up lately?

She's not an enemy agent.

She's just a regular girl on vacation.

In Brazil?

The land of hunky soccer players.

She is in a sea full of steak.

Why would she pick a shrimp?

Are you saying the only reason

a girl would talk to me is
because she's trying to k*ll me?


They also wanna die of boredom.

She could just want her computer fixed.

She might be on a dare.

How dare you?!

I am sick and tired of
you underestimating me.

Then stop making it so easy.

(Both arguing)

Stop, stop, stop. Enough, you two.

Come on, KC, your brother has a point.

You need to put some respect on his name.

Yeah, respect it.

Your brother's got it goin' on.

Yes, I do.

Thank you, Dad. I'm glad
somebody's got my back.

Hey, I always do, son.

And don't you forget it.

Would you keep an eye on that girl?

I don't trust her neither. What the
heck is she talking to Ernie for?

It's almost midnight. Big
Bird should be here any second.

Okay, real quick. After
we catch the smuggler,

can we go back to the market
and get that fringe purse?

- I thought you hated that purse.
- No, Lavender hates the purse,

but KC wants to fill it with rocks
and use it as an improvised w*apon.

Excuse me. Are you Passaro
Grande AKA Big Bird?

What gave it away?

Lucky guess.

My daughter wants your
rarest and most colorful bird.

A rainbow with wings, if you will.

And money is no object.

I like your style.

And your money.

Oh, yes. Let me get a rag, just in case.

You know, birds poopy and
pee out of the same place.

It's called cloaca.

- So I've heard.
- Okay, be right back.

Oh, hey, KC, hey, Mrs. Cooper.

Oh, I love those wigs.

Cool birds.

Oh, you must've caught that bird
smuggler guy and took him down.

Oh, Marisa.

All right, stay there.

Not you, Marisa.

You gotta help.

Hey, find the guy?

We had him, but we lost him.

How the heck did you lose him?

Let's not get bogged down in details.

You don't understand the immense
pressure KC was under back there.

- Marisa mess it up?
- Big time.

(All groaning)

Okay, this is no time for the blame game.

But just to be clear, it
was all your fault, Marisa.

What now? Passaro Grande could
be anywhere in this crowd.

There's too many people. We
need a better vantage point.

If only you had a
technologically advanced humanoid

who could do a facial
recognition scan of the crowd.

Oh, wait, you do.

I'm just gonna need all eyes on me.

Well, I think I can get
everyone's attention.

I mean, I am fly.

Yeah, speaking of which. Again, bro.

- There's gotta be...
- I have an idea.

- All we have to do...
- Pick me, pick me.

Oh, pick me, pick me, me, me, me, me!

Pick me.

Yes, Marisa. What?

As you've pointed out on many occasions,

I am an expert at calling attention
to myself, so let me do my thing.

I never thought I'd say this, but
Marisa, what do you wanna do?

I'm gonna need a short dress, high
heels, and a whole lot of sparkle.

♪ I'm in charge of a mission! ♪

I'm already regretting this.

Hey, can I try?

I don't think so, honey.

Well, I do.

All right, initializing
facial scan of the crowd.

Where are you, Passaro Grande?

- Oh, I know this song.
- I do, too.

I think we can do this. On three.

Okay, one little problem. I don't sing.

Oh, that's okay. Just follow my lead.

Maybe I wasn't clear. I won't sing.

Just follow my lead.

Okay, Marisa, I don't
think you're hearing me.

Read my lips, okay? KC don't sing.

Follow my lead!

♪ Whoa, whoa, when my baby ♪

♪ When my baby smiles at me ♪

♪ I go to Rio ♪

(Off-key) ♪ De Janeiro ♪

♪ Me salsa fellow ♪

♪ When my baby smiles at me ♪

♪ He shines the lanterns of my life ♪

♪ And I am free at last ♪

♪ Free at last ♪

♪ What a blast ♪

What a blast.

♪ Whoa, when my baby ♪

♪ When my baby smiles at me ♪

♪ I go to Rio ♪

♪ De Janeiro ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

Put your hips into it.

Put a sock into it.

♪ Rio ♪

♪ Rio, Rio de Janeiro ♪

♪ Rio! ♪

Passaro Grande over there!

- He's getting away.
- Not this time, he's not.

All right, Big Bird, time to
lock you up in your own cage.

Wait, wait, wait. We
can make a deal, right?

You want a bird.

I got a bird that can insult
you in five different languages.

Yeah, no, thank you. I got a little
sister who can do the same thing.

I'm not going to jail.

All right, Passaro Grande, you are...



Huh. Couldn't have said it better myself.

All right, let's roll.

That's excellent news.

You have the green light to engage.

Operation Good-bye Coopers is a go.

So now that we're done with
the mission, can we go home?

Maybe we can make our
last first day of school.

Yeah, it'll be your last
first day of detention.

It's not up to us when
we get to leave, Marisa.

It's up to the Organization.

Yeah, my parents should have an update

when they get back from turning in
Birdman to the local authorities.

So for now, let's just enjoy
the fact that we're safe.

(Toilet flushes)

If we're all out here, who just flushed?

I'll bet it's your girlfriend
from Kansas here to eliminate us.

Actually, I'm Sheena.

From Canada.

Home of maple syrup, Celine Dion,
and deadly hired assassins.

Oh, and just to be clear, I'm
not sweet, and I don't sing.

Okay, this is the unsafest safe house ever.

Who sent you?

Don't tell them, Sheena.
I don't trust them.

You don't have to trust them, Sheena.

You just have to eliminate them.

Oh, yeah, you're right.
That's a good point, Sheena.

I'm sorry, I hate to interrupt, but is
one of you gonna tell us who sent you?

That would be Zane.

And that would be pain.

Ooh, that was a good one, Sheena.

Thank you, Sheena. Let's
do it again. Get up!

Wait, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Were you talking to me that time?

Is that all you've got?

You've gotta come on with
the come on, KC. Get up!

If you want me up so bad, why
did you throw me on the ground?

Come on, Ernie, you really
gotta work on your aim, bro.

Okay, okay, Ernie, a little help here?

Ooh, I knew that bag would come in handy.

Not gonna lie. That hurt.

Okay. Okay, I'm up, I'm up.

I'm up.

- Boo.
- (Shrieks)

You wanna know the
difference between me and you?

I'm not cat-pee cuckoo?

No. I'm walking out of here in one piece.


Aw, frick, there's another one.

I told you Kansas was no good.

You're right, I'm not good.

I'm the best.

I'm starting to think you're
not really here on vacation.

I'm with the Organization.

I've been tracking your family
since you arrived in Rio.

I was sent to protect all of you.

Ha! See?

She wasn't pretending to
like me so she could k*ll us.

No, she was doing it
'cause she was ordered to.

I'll take it.

Look, we don't have time for this.

She could have back-up on the way.

You wanna live, follow me, people.

They're running away, Sheena.

That's okay, Sheena.

We'll just catch them.

Oh, this should be fun, Sheena.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Wait, but you did just say it yourself.

Don't correct me.

Okay, Zoe, just out of curiosity,
where the heck are we going?

To the extraction point, where you'll
be taken to your new safe house.

Just keep driving.

And by the way, a little
more AC would be great.

The assassins might not have gotten
us, but the humidity is a k*ller.

I know, right? It is like a sauna in here.

And not in a good, "spend the
day at the spa" kind of way.

Tell me about it.

Uh, KC, turn off the headlights.

Uh, yeah, and just to make
things a little more interesting,

maybe I should just
drive with my eyes closed.

No, that would just be stupid.

Okay, since you wanna
call all the sh*ts here,

how about you just take the wheel?

- I'm navigating.
- Oh, really?

Legs probably can't reach the pedals.

Look, I'm just trying to be extra cautious

in case we're being
followed, so chop-chop.

Okay, Junior. All right.

It's not my first time at the
"I've escaped an assassin" rodeo.

I happen to excel at evasive driving.

She also excels at evasive dating.

Not helping, Marisa.

Stop being so stubborn and
shut off your headlights.

Just because it wasn't your idea
doesn't mean it's not a good one.

I know what I'm doing.

For the last time, no one is following us.

You haven't lost yet,
Sheena! The game is still on.

Sheena, what did we say
about talking to yourself?

It's nice to speak to
someone of equal intelligence?

Darn right!

But hey, don't repeat that to anyone, okay?

It makes us look full of ourself.

I guess you're right.

We may be deadly, but we do
keep it one hundred, okay.

We're under attack, we're under attack!

How did I not see that
somebody was behind me?

I'm guessing they were smart
enough to turn off their headlights.

Okay, I'll do it.

Little late for that.

Okay, you know what? New plan.

We're getting off this road
and driving through the jungle.

Wow, you're just a barrel of bad ideas.

I don't think you should do that.

Yeah, well, I think you're wrong.

Ah! I did it. I lost 'em.

(Tires exploding)

Yeah, you lost them,
and three of the tires.

- (Tire explodes)
- Wrong again, Zoe.

I lost four of the tires.

This cave will be a perfect
place to spend the night.

There's a sentence no one's
said in about five million years.

Ooh, I hear a stream.

I'll go fill up the water bottles.

(Mockingly) "Ooh, I hear a stream..."

Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Oh, you were talking about Zoe.

I hope she brings back
some food; I'm starving.

I could literally eat
anything at this point.

Well, you two are in luck.

Yep, that's right.

This is dinner, okay?
Zoe's not the only one

who knows how to survive in the jungle.

Are you kidding me with that?

Look, it may not be
pretty, but it's protein.

No, protein is breaded, fried, and
served with a starchy side dish.

I'm not eating bugs.

Why not? You ate boogers
until you were six.

They weren't alive.

Just close your eyes, okay.
It'll help you get it down.

I'm not worried about getting it down.

I'm worried about keeping it down.

Well, you should be worried
about getting it down,

because if you don't, they'll
lay eggs in your throat.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Sort of.


No, no, no. No, no. I'm not eating those.

Marisa, come on, you gotta eat.

You need some energy to
trek through this jungle.

No, there's absolutely nothing
you can say to make me eat those.

- They'll make your eyelashes grow.
- Give 'em to me.

Oh, it is squishy, it is moving,

- and it is biting me back.
- Just chew through it, okay.

What are you eating?

Bugs for nutrition.

I'm sure the fact that
you're not thinking about that

has you kicking yourself.

If not, I'd be happy to do it for you.

You know, this reminds me
of the time I was trekking

through the hot jungles of Central America,

helping to bring down a corrupt monarchy.

I spent three days on
a bare sustenance diet.

- Know what I learned?
- Apparently not how to get to the point.

That when you're on the run,
always bring protein bars.

I'm gonna k*ll you!

Sh! Don't move.

If that Brazilian jumping spider bites you,

you'll be temporarily
paralyzed from the neck down.

Well, there goes dessert.

We'll start the hike to the
extraction point at sunrise.

Ernie, you wanna help
me find some firewood?

You mean, just the two of us, alone
out there in the dark jungle?

I thought you'd never ask.

Protein bars.

They must've changed survival
training with her class.

Young agents are soft, I tell you, soft.

♪ We just caught the bad guy,
we just caught the bad guy ♪

♪ Where the heck's the window? ♪

♪ Where the heck's the window? ♪

♪ Where the heck's the children? ♪

Where the heck's the children?!

Kira, this doesn't look good.

Doesn't sound good either.

Somebody's a little pitchy.

You wanna help?

Yeah. (Sings operatic note)

Now that's where you wanna be.

Analyze the crime scene, girl.

I found a footprint.

Too big to be KC, and
too small to be Ernie.

See, I do help.

Maybe it's Marisa's footprint.

No, this is a work boot.

We all know she don't like to do any work.

But it does belong to a young woman.

I bet it's that girl that
was pretending to like Ernie.

KC was right about her.

I found some DNA on this fabric.

If we can match who it belongs
to, we can find KC and Ernie.

- And Marisa.
- Yeah, her too.

♪ Let's go out and find them,
let's go out and find them ♪

♪ Let's go out and find them... ♪

So we're not doing that anymore?

Both: No, we're not doing that.

What's that, KC?

You need a break?

Okay, we should probably
stop here and rest.

You know, for KC's sake.

Okay, we'll rest a few
minutes, then head due north.

Actually, due north is that way.

- I think you're mistaken.
- I think I'm mis-not-staken.

All I need is to get on this
tree, and see where the sun is.

It's not my fault.

The tree's a little wet and slippery.

A wet, slippery tree in a rain forest.

Who would've seen that coming?

I'll do it. The trick is using your legs.

Wow, she is so much
better at that than you.

Whose side are you on?

Why are you throwing so much shade at her?

Because I can't throw a rock
at her and not get in trouble.

How can you guys stand being around someone

who constantly insists on being perfect?

I don't know.

Why don't we ask anyone who's
ever met you, Miss Perfect?

I never said I was perfect.

She's the one talking about she's perfect.

North is that way. I was right.

Mm, perfect.

Good news, Zane.

I've located their Jeep in the jungle.

That would be wonderful, if your mission
was to find and k*ll their Jeep.

Hang up and keep tracking them.

I'm on it. Ugh, he is such a tool.

Sheena, he's your boss,
okay, show some respect.

Fine. I'll just pretend I respect the tool.

Sick burn, Sheena.

You didn't disconnect.

I can still hear you.

Oh. On it, sir.

Ugh. The way this is
going, I'm going to miss

the entire first week of school.

Yeah, well, normally, you
miss the entire first month,

so this is kind of an improvement.

It is not funny, KC.

The one time I actually
want to go to school,

I am stuck on a spy mission
in the jungles of Brazil.

Why does this always happen to me?

Always? Always, Marisa?
This always happens to you?

Is this some type of recurring thing
that you failed to mention to me?

Marisa, if it's that big of a deal,

the Organization can always
go into the school's database

and change your attendance record.

While they're in there, can
they give me a B average?

They're good, but they're not that good.

I'm tired. Are we there yet?

Uh, yeah, yeah, Ernie.
Actually, this is our backyard.

It's just, we've been gone so long,

so it's overgrown with
palm trees and stuff,

so you might wanna actually bring out

your garden tools and clean up around here.

A simple no would suffice.

Oh, look, a waterfall. How beautiful.

Hey, I say we take a break and go swimming.

That does sound refreshing.

But we don't have any swimsuits.

Fortunately, I brought my birthday suit.

Okay, I'm shuttin' this down right now.

Has everybody forgotten
that we are on the run,

looking for an extraction point?

What's wrong with a little break?

Everything's fine, and we're in no danger.

(Sheena yelling)

Ah, well, look at that. The one
time little Miss Perfect's wrong.


whose coconut should be next?

And just in case there's any
confusion, by coconut, I mean head.

Very witty, Sheena.

I try, girl. I try.

You got 'em right where
you want 'em, Sheena.

We should just take 'em
out right now, Sheena.

Oh, no, I think we need to take
our time and enjoy it, Sheena.

Uh, excuse me, Sheena, is it?

Look, that is very impressive sword work.

You should go on one of
those TV talent show things.

I bet you a lot of people
will call in and vote for you.

Okay, okay. Not a huge fan of talent shows.

I feel you, I feel you.

But listen, you don't
have to do this, okay?

You seem like a sensible person,

aside from the whole
talking to yourself thing,

and the wackadoo look in your eyes.

Okay, how about this?

How about you just let us go, and go
ahead and start a new life for yourself?

Ugh, you sound just like my parents.

Your parents?

Did you let them go?

I mean, they wanted me to
go to college and everything,

and become an engineer, you know.

But I really don't like putting
things together, as much as I like...

taking them apart!

Ha! Don't make me use this.

Why, because you're gonna hurt me?

No, because it's not a very effective
w*apon, and I'm probably gonna lose.

No, you're definitely gonna lose.

Oh, really, well, if you haven't noticed,

it's four of us, and only one of you.

All right, well, now it's just you and me.

Rob, your name's on TV.