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02x19 - Virtual Insanity

Posted: 07/07/21 08:48
by bunniefuu
KC Cooper, get down here!

You're gonna be late for school.


Sorry, Mom, okay?

You know I can't go to
school until I look perfect.

KC, why can't you put as much
effort into actually learning?

I was up all night studying.

Online videos on how to
choose the perfect lip gloss.

Uh, nailed it.

I just don't feel right about
it, KC. It's too dangerous.

What other option do we have?

Ernie has been taken prisoner, the
Organization cannot locate him,

and we know he's been put into
this virtual reality program,

but unless you put me in there with him,

we're not gonna be able
to find out where he is.

We don't have a choice, Craig.

All right. According to intel,

the group that took Ernie was after a
top-secret password that he created.

He never revealed that
code in the real world,

but in this virtual program,
it's only a matter of time

before he spills his guts.

Yeah, and the results would be uglier
than that time he spilled his guts

after eating that raw onion.

Did you really have to bring that up now?

That is exactly what I said to Ernie.

Okay, now remember, once
you enter virtual reality,

you become a part of the program,

so you're not gonna
remember who you really are

or why you're there until you break
through virtual disorientation.


Meaning things in that world could be
very different just to throw you off.

Please, guys. I can handle this, okay.

I'm not gonna forget who
I am or what I came to do.

Mom, I don't think I
can go to school today.

Oh, poor baby.

What's wrong? You have a fever?


Split ends.



Why does this have to happen to me?

♪ Oh, when danger comes for you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside you ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep things hustle cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way,
a way out of the fire ♪

♪ Don't tell nobody, tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I wanna tell you ♪

♪ But I, I, I, I keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life, no way to learn ♪

♪ Doin' my thing, gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest,
baby, I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't got to worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

I keep it undercover.

I keep it undercover.

Oh, hey, Jason, hey, Joey.
Hey, Seth, hey, Scott.

Wassup, Kirk?

Uh, KC, when you're done saying
hi to every boy in school,

would you mind saying
hello to your best friend?


Oh, hey, Marisa.

Quick question. Are you planning on
tending to the pigs and chickens

in your pappy's farm after school,
because that is the only reason

I could think of for you
to be wearing overalls.

I'm too busy studying to
worry about clothes, so...

You're also too busy studying to worry
about hair, and makeup and boys.

But you know what? We can fix that,
when we go to the Halloween dance!

Great. I can go dressed as someone who
would rather be anywhere else. (Snorts)

Students: Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie.

Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie.

That's weird. It seems like Ernie's
the most popular kid in school.

Uh, don't be ridiculous.

He's the most popular kid in the world.

That's weird.

All of a sudden, I have this weird
feeling like I'm forgetting something.

Is it to go to class, 'cause
you always forget to do that.

No, I don't think it's about school.

With you, it never is.

Yo, Mr. Awesome, I need your help.

Dude, I can't win every
game by points for you.

Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I can.

Actually, I need help
remembering my locker combination.

It's a code, and it's
impossible to figure out.

It just so happens I know a code
that's impossible to figure out.

It's -V...

Hey, Ernie, what should I
wear to the Halloween dance?

Why don't you go dressed up as the
most annoying person in the world?

Oh, wait, you do that every day.


Even though you're mocking me, your own
sister, and I feel you should be heard,

I also find it hilarious.

(Forced laughter)

Did you see that?

Ernie was about to say the code
when that KC avatar cut him off.

There's a system breach. They're on to us.

The organization must've inserted
the real KC to rescue her brother.

Or maybe she's there because she
couldn't get a flight to Cancun

Oh, no, I'm pretty sure
the Organization's on to us.

I know. I was being sarcastic.

Oh. (Laughs) Sorry.

It's hard to tell because
you're... such a good actor.

That code is locked in this loser's brain,

and his stupid sister's not
gonna stop me from finding it out.

KC Cooper doesn't scare me.

In fact, she'll make
the game more fun to win.

(Raucous laughter)

That's a good one, Darcy.

I wasn't being sarcastic that time, Damon.

I knew that.

- No, you didn't
- No, I didn't.

If the jock can't get the code out of him,

I know someone in his life who
won't take no for an answer.

Hey, you!

Isn't this free garlic knots day?

I want my free garlic knots.

Where are my garlicky knots?

So it's not free knots day.

Oh. Well, knot, knot, who's there?

Guess what. I still want my free knots.

All: Ernie!

Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie!

Oh, you guys don't have to shout my
name every time I walk in a room.

Feel free to mix it up and
throw some flower petals.

Yeah, like that.

Hi, Ernie.

Oh, hi, Mrs. Goldfeder.

What a coinky-dink running into you.

Yeah. , lines of code.

Real coinky-dink.

Ernie, or should I say, Mr. Awesome, I
could really use your help with Petey.

He's always looking at cartoons on my
tablet, and I need a secure password.

Perhaps something that starts with -V.

V, or not V.

That is the question.

(Raucous laughter)

But it is -V. What's the rest?

-V- ...

Hey, bro, I need to talk to you.

What are you wearing? You look different?

I know. No makeup, no dress, no heels.

If being glammed out is
wrong, I don't wanna be right.

KC's back and her virtual
disorientation's wearing off.

Really? I didn't notice.

No, it's true. You can tell because...

Oh, you got me again.

You gotta keep her away from Ernie.

Come on, Mrs. Goldfeder.
Get him outta there.

Hey, Ernie, there's some
people down the street

who want to listen to
you describe in detail

the plot to all three
Lord of the Ring movies.

Duty calls. Gotta go.


Excuse me, Mrs. Goldfeder. I
need to go talk to my brother.

You'll have to get through me first.

Well, that doesn't sound very pleasant.

Oh, it's not gonna be.

Well, that wasn't very
neighborly of you, Mrs. Goldfeder,

but then again, neither is this.

Wait. How do I know how to fight?

Because I've been trained to fight.

(Both scream)



Uh-oh. I'm gonna need
my garlic knots to go.

All right, whoever you are, wherever you
are, I broke out of my disorientation,

and I remember what my mission is.

Look, I'm coming for you,
and whatever you throw at me,

I will beat you and save my brother.

And I sure hope that
somebody sees me right now,

or else this rant is
extremely embarrassing.

There's our little superstar.

No, he's not little. He's an ideal size.

Compact and pleasantly proportioned.

I love you, son.

Not as much as I do.

I made your favorite dinner.

Turkey tetrazzini.

Pinch me, I'm dreaming.

Why would you say that?

There's no dream. Everything here is real.

Extremely real. Here. Have a puppy.

A puppy?

And it's just like the
one I always dreamed of.

Oh, it's no accident.

Although that is.

By the way, honey, Rihanna, the
international famous pop star,

called you, and she wants you to be her
special guest at her concert next week.

I wrote down her number.

-V- .

Oh, no. I can't read the rest,
because the dog peed on it.

Don't sweat it, Mom. That
number sounds familiar.

-V- -J...

Ernie, stop!

Don't say anything else.
Mom is trying to trick you.

What are you talking about?

Does -V-J- sound like
a phone number to you?

Actually, no. It doesn't.

Oh, look. Surprise!

We got you two puppies.

Two puppies?!

Puppy, puppy, puppy!

Ugh. KC again.

Aw, come on.

All right, Craig and Kira Cooper,
you brought KC into this world,

now it's time to take her out.

Ernie, don't...

Ernie, get to school!

Or you'll be late for tonight's
Halloween dance, honey.

Ooh. Halloween dance.

Will there be a kiddie
pool full of frosting?

Sure. Why not?

Ernie, do not listen to anything...

Hurry up, Ernie.

You don't wanna keep those
pretty young ladies waiting.

You're right. Time to get my boogie
on and show off some new moves.

You can't dance. Your
Nae-nae's a no-no.

Uh, excuse me, Mom. I
need to talk to Ernie.

What's the rush, KC? You've always
wondered if you could take us.

Well, now you're about to find out.

I can't fight my own parents.

Oh, good. Then that'll
make this go a lot faster.

Something's upset KC.

I hope no one in that virtual
world is trying to hurt my baby.

Hang in there, KC. Hang in there.

If I could just get my hands on
whoever's in there hurting my little girl.

Wait. This isn't happening.
This isn't happening.

You guys aren't really my parents.

You guys aren't even real.

Not real, huh?

Was that real enough for you?

Hey, guys, I have this
Halloween dance to go to.

I'll probably miss my curfew, so if any
of you guys have a problem with that,

please let me know now.

Didn't think so.

Hi, Ernie.

Oh, hi, Marisa.

I've done research on this Ernie guy,
and he's got some secret feelings

for this Marisa girl.

Well, I guess when two people are
close, friendship can turn into love.


But not with us.

I knew that, I knew that.

It's not like I'm into you.

We work together. That would be weird.

Unless... you don't think so.

- I think so.
- Me, too.

Okay, Marisa, time to turn on the charm.

And when she does, Ernie will be
begging to spill the rest of the code.

Nice cloak.


I love costumes on Halloween.

They can be a little silly,
but they can also be hot.

Is that a...

Is that a Swords and Dragons
role-playing goblin costume?

It is.

I have a secret to confess.

I'm a fourth level dungeon master.

I have a secret to confess, too.

I've always wanted to date a
fourth level dungeon master.

What are you doing?

Dancing with you. Aren't you enjoying it?

Well, maybe a little.

What about now?

I can dance like this
all night if you want to.

I want to, I want to!

I have another secret to confess.

But suddenly, I can't remember what
it is, and it's really bothering me.

It's a code,

and it starts
with -V- -J...

-V- -J...

R... Wait, this doesn't feel right.

Why, 'cause I'm dressed like a goblin?

No. Because you're like my sister.

No. You're best friends with my sister.

Wait. Where's my sister?

(Scoffs) Why didn't that work?

She was really laying on the charm.

Huh. I guess some people
don't know a good thing

even when it's staring them in the face.

Please stop staring at me.

I wasn't.

- You were.
- No, I wasn't.

Okay, maybe a little.

Ernie's beginning to realize
this world isn't real.

We're running out of time.

I'm going in there and
getting that code myself.

But if KC destroys you
while you're wired in,

your consciousness could be lost forever.

Yeah, and if I destroy her,
she'll be lost forever.

Game on, KC.



KC, I am so glad you could make it.

Oh, wait, there are boys here.
Of course you could make it.

Oh, right, because I'm boy crazy.

Yeah, you know me. I love, love, love boys.

Anyway, where's Ernie?

KC, don't be so rude.

You haven't even said
hi to my new friend yet.

Let me guess? A new boyfriend?

Please. I'm too busy
studying to worry about boys.

Ha. Now I know we're in a fantasy world.

KC, say hello to Darcy.

Nice to meet you, KC.

- Welcome to the game.
- Excuse me?

Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie, Ernie.

Ernie, Ernie.

Me, me, me.

KC, how come you're not chanting?

Ernie, I need to talk to you now.

Actually, I need to talk to him first.

Please, Mr. Awesome?

Oh, is that a kiddie pool full of frosting?

Sorry, KC, but the only way
you're getting to your brother

is over my dead body.

Et tu, Marisa? Et tu?

Nice Julius Caesar reference.

Oh, so now you know Shakespeare.

Huh. Well, you definitely
aren't the real Marisa.

Let's go.

Look, Ernie, I couldn't say this in
front of KC, but your sister is sick.

Tell me about it.

She is jealous of the attention my
parents pay to me, their favorite child.

Sure, they say they love us
equally, but really, they don't.

Number one. Numero uno.

She really is sick.

She was exposed to a toxin
that makes her act irrationally.

There is an antidote, but
it's locked in a cabinet,

and we don't have the access code.

This was supposed to be a piece of cake.


It starts with
-V- -J-R...

and then we don't have the rest.

Well, this is a big mess.

Fortunately, it's also not real.

- It's -V- -J-R...
- Ernie, stop.

Oh, come on. He didn't even
say another digit this time.

It's you, isn't it?

You're the one that's been making
me do all these terrible things

like wear dresses and heels and makeup

and fight my best friend
in a pool full of frosting.

Although I gotta admit, that
last part was actually delicious.

But that is not the
point. The game ends now.

I don't think so.

I created this world, remember?

Okay, Ernie, sh**t her.

- Darcy: No, sh**t her.
- Don't listen to her.

I don't know what to do!

Ernie, listen to me.

You're in a virtual world.

The real Ernie is not Mr. Awesome, okay?

The real Ernie's a total loser.

And you want me to leave this virtual
world and return to my real life why?

Okay, so maybe I didn't
phrase it the best way,

but look, I need to get you out of here.

Don't listen to her, Ernie.

She's the only thing that stands
between you and eternal happiness.

Just get rid of KC, and you'll
be the most important Cooper.

One shot and all your
dreams can come true forever.

Are we talking turkey
tetrazzini every night?


Well, I guess I have no choice.

- (Laser g*n firing)
- (Shrieking)

Well, that takes care of that.

Ernie, you did it.

You took out Darcy.

You broke the virtual disorientation.

You're you again.

Yeah. Hello, Ernie,
good-bye, turkey tetrazzini.

At least I still have my new puppies.

- Uh, well...
- Oh, great.

Ernie, we're trying to
find you in the real world.

Where are they holding you prisoner?

In a storage facility on Trendell Road.

Okay, I'm on my way.

Guys, we've gotta save Ernie.

He's at a storage
facility on Trendell Road.

Which unit? There's hundreds
of 'em at that location.

Aw, man!

Don't just stand there. Put
the wire back on my head.

Darcy, Darcy.

I'm okay, I'm okay.

Get off me.

It's over. Let's go.

Hey, bro.


Am I still popular?

Uh, well, um...

To me you are.

So that's a no.

You kept me from revealing the
secret code, and you saved my life.

Hey, you saved mine first.

Yeah, well, I guess I'd rather be a loser

in a world with KC than
in paradise without her.


You really are Mr. Awesome.

Uh, KC?


My bad, bro.

(Sighs contentedly)

Aren't you glad that we ran away, and
now we can spend the rest of our lives

together on this beach?

I'm not complaining.

Can you pass me my fresh
papaya smoothie, please?

Anything for you... babe.

KC. We're going to the movies now.



Never mind.

Rob, your name's on TV.