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01x21 - Runaway Robot

Posted: 07/05/21 07:28
by bunniefuu
You know you got that one wrong, right?

It's X=Y minus .

I knew that.

( Boy shouting): Judy!


What do you want, Petey Goldfeder?

My mom says your mom hasn't
RSVPed for my birthday party today.

RSVP, it's French for
"are you coming or not?"

I'll let you know, which is
Judy for "don't count on it."

You know you have to go
to that birthday party.

Not gonna happen, Cap'n,

Look, you need to listen to
your big sister all right?

Birthday parties are a lot of fun,
and I don't want you to miss out.

Plus, I really want some cake,

and I can't show up to a
nine-year-old's birthday party alone.

It's kind of creepy.

Let's go.

But birthday parties are stupid.

How do you know if you've
never actually been?

My conclusion is based on the concordance

of multiple premises that are
generally assumed to be true.

Plus, I hate kids. They're annoying.

Well, then, you should fit right in.

All right, let's go.

Woman singing: ♪ Oh,
when danger comes to you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside ya ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep their head so cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way ♪

♪ A way out of the fire ♪

♪ But don't tell nobody ♪

♪ Tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I want to tell you ♪

♪ But I ♪

♪ I keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life on red alert ♪

♪ Doin' my thing gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest
baby I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't gotta worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

♪ I keep it undercover ♪

♪ I keep it undercover cover ♪

What do you mean you're
not showing up for work?

What do you mean I can't
use the credit card anymore?

I've got a kid's party in an hour.

How am I gonna prep it?

Um, how am I supposed to get money
if you don't give it to me?

I have to get a job.

I have to find an employee.

Well, good luck with that.

Hey, wait a minute.

Oh, hey, honey.

How was the seminar on booby traps?


I'm guessing you're not
giggling about the word "trap".

Sorry. Anyway, they said
I have a real knack

when it comes to... you know what traps.

I'm thinking instead of computer guy,
maybe I'll be known as... "booby guy".

A mother's dream come true.

Oh, they gave out practice
assignments, so be prepared.

You never know when booby
trap guy will strike.

(Device beeping, splat)

Strike one.

So he just hired you on the spot. Mm-hmm.

No application?

No "are you likely to eat the profits"

screening questions?

It's awesome, I have learned
so much about responsibility.

Marisa. Just a second!

And respect.

Did you know that the mess
that we usually leave here,

somebody has to clean up?

Marisa. I said just a second.

That Paul guy is so bossy!

You mean that Paul? Your boss Paul?

Come on, guys.

(Kids cheering)

Marisa, you're really nice,
but this isn't working out.

Wait, this sounds familiar.

Are you breaking up with me?

No, I'm firing you.

Well, I never!

Work! You never work!

K.C., you will not believe this.

You just got fired?

How did you know?

Lucky guess.

By any chance, do you have any gum
or mints or, um, memory spray?

(Sharp whacks thumping)

Petey: Judy, that's not
the pinata and you know it!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Aw, what the heck.

I'm letting Judy pummel
Petey on his birthday,

I might as well let you spray your boss.

Ugh, the things I won't do for cake!


K.C., I gotta tell you, I'm having
a great time at this party.

And it's all because of you.

Well, huh, that's what big
sisters are for, you know?

To teach and to lend a guiding hand.

So, big sis, when's my birthday?

You what now?

The day I was born. My special
day, when everyone celebrates me.

When do I get a cake?

Uh, right. Yeah, Judy, um...

About that, you see,
I don't really know how

to break this to you, but, um...

birthdays are usually for
people who were "birthed," right?

And... And you, you
were... assembled.

No offense. None taken.

I guess I'm human enough
to be your little sister

and celebrate other
people, but not human enough

for anybody to care about me.

Judy, wait.


Hey, what are you...

See you tomorrow, Paul.

No, I know Judy's been really down lately,
so this surprise is going to rock

her little robot world.

You're a great big sister.

Oh, stop, okay? This isn't about me?

This is about how much
Judy is being helped by me.


You still haven't gotten me
anything for my last birthday.

Yeah, well, etiquette says I have a year.

That's what etiquette said last
year, and still I got diddly squat.

You know, I'm not gonna feel bad when
you set off one of my booby traps,

so you better be on your toes.

(Kicks device, loud bang) Ow!

My toes!

Strike two.

Oh, Judy, we need you.

So, uh, why are you guy hiding
behind the counter with cake?

All: Happy birthday!

Surprise. We're throwin' you
a little birthday party.

So what do you think?

How convenient. The day after I
complain I don't have a birthday,

suddenly it's my birthday.

I don't know when I was born,
but I know it wasn't yesterday.

Man, what is up with her attitude?

Can we discuss it over cake?

Aw, it's not her fault.

But I mean, she appears as if she's
human, we treat her as if she's human,

but she knows deep down
inside she's different.

You know what, guys?

I don't think this is
about a birthday at all.

I think Judy just really needs
to know where she comes from.

I'm gonna talk to the organization,
find out who designed her,

and I'm gonna track them down.

Oh, good.

For a minute there I thought I was gonna
have to have a conversation with Judy

about the birds and the bees.


Or would it be the nuts and the bolts?

(Knock on door)

Who is it?

Uh, my name is K.C. Cooper.

I'm looking for Simone Devereaux.

(Device beeps)

(Voice transformed to child's)
There's nobody here by that name.

And my mommy told me
not to answer the door.

Well, could the tough guy I was
just talking to answer the door?

Look, I have been looking for
Simone all over D.C., okay?

It's about her Judy.


Judy? Well, why didn't you say so?

Yeah, uh, just wait a minute.

I'll unlock the door.

But first, could you do me a favor and
wipe your feet on the welcome mat?

(Beeping, air whooshing)

Yeah, not to be nit-picky or anything,

but, uh, your hostess skills
could use a little work.

I mean, would it k*ll you to
put out a plate of cookies?

Maybe hide the dirty socks?

Don't you...

I wanna know who you are.

And I wanna know right now.

Get that dirty sock out of my
face and no one gets hurt.

Look, I'm with The Organization.

The Organization?

Uh-uh, I'm done with you people.

Well, it looks like you're
done with all people.

Look, I heard you are a total recluse
and no one has talked to you for years.

And I'm assuming that
includes your housekeeper.

Look, I just want to
talk to you about Judy.

You mean Junior Undercover Digital Youth?

Yes. Never heard of it.

You're a liar.

Listen, calling me a liar is not
gonna get you out of those chains.

No, but my bracelet will.

I believe you invented it?

Yeah, back in the day.

When I worked for The Organization,
I invented a lot of things.

Including the Judy.

Worst thing I ever did was invent the Judy.

The Organization, they
kept pressuring me...

"When is it gonna be ready?
When is it gonna be ready?"

And it got even worse when the other
side realized what I was working on.

I'm with... The Other Side.

Do as I say, or your dog gets it.

I don't have a dog.

In that case, I'm gonna get you a dog!

Give you a few weeks to
get very attached to it,

and then, if you don't do
what I say, your dog gets it.

You're a monster. A monster!

You are gonna build a Judy
and turn it over to me

as my w*apon of mini destruction.

And you're not going to
tell anyone about this.


I understand.

They were gonna use my Judy for evil.

That's why I disappeared, and
also why I never got a dog.

Smells like you got a dog.

Look, the point is Judy really
needs to know where she came from.

What? Wait, are you saying
that The Organization

actually... they
actually made a Judy?

Yeah, and she's absolutely amazing.

Well, not really a social butterfly, but
now we see where she gets that from.

Anyway, she has to meet you.


There's a Judy?

Okay, what's her name?



What are we waiting here for?

Take me to my baby!

Marisa, someone forgot to lock
up last night and we got robbed.

They stole everything.

The cash registers, the
tables, all the yogurt!

This is horrible.

What idiot forgot to lock the door?

It was me, wasn't it?


You're fired.

Um, any chance we can forgive and forget?

Or at least forget?

Wow, how many times can
I get away with this?

That's it, you're outta here.

I don't think so.

Marisa, you had a ten-minute
break and you took an hour!

You're fired!

What's that, Paul? Take another hour?

Sure thing.

Marisa, the five-second rule
doesn't apply in food service.

I've had it with you.

Have you? Have you really?

Mom, I found her.

I found her. Okay, this
is Simone Devereaux.

Without her, Judy would not exist.

Well, I don't know whether
to hug you or slap you.

Is neither a choice?

Judy is gonna love you.

And she's going to love me even
more for finding you... Judy!

What do you want?

Is it my birthday... again?

No, um, I know that you have been

a little down lately because you
don't know where you come from and all,

so I have someone I want you to meet.

This is Simone Devereaux.

She is your inventor.

Come to mama, baby.

Oh, look at you!

You were just an idea in my head,
and look, now you're real!

From your adorable little
extra-receptive sensors

down to your cute-as-a-button
piezolectric actuators.

I can't believe I'm meeting you.

I just knew you were brilliant.

Especially after I noticed
the neuromorphic chip

and Cartesian manipulators
you built into my system.


Did you understand any of that?

Last thing I understood was "come to mama".

By the way, you hit it out of
the park with my... Judy puffs.

Especially since they
double as... well, you know.

I do. I do know!

(Both laughing)

(K.C. laughing along)

Did you get it, she
said... "Judy puffs!"

(Judy, Simone stop laughing)

I don't get it.

Both: You wouldn't

They don't even seem to care that I went

through all that trouble to find
someone who's off the grid.

Well, looky here.

Simone Devereaux is back on the grid.

With any luck, she'll
lead me straight to Judy.


You know, I don't think
booby trapping is your thing.

In fact, when it comes to booby
traps, you take the booby prize.


Please stop. It hurts when I laugh.

I know. Next time you'll think twice
before you booby trap my toilet.

Petey (Shouting): Judy!


She's at her friend's house, Petey.

Fine, I'll just wait for her.



I coulda been one of the greats.

Strike three!

Well, well, well!

Look who finally decided to who up.

I was with Simone.

I waited for almost an hour for you.

Relax, I just lost track of time.

Yes, that explains why you didn't call,

you didn't text, and you pressed "ignore"

when I tried to hologram
you... seven times!

If you had a room, I would send you to it.

You know what?

Go to your box!

Please, save the drama for your mama.

Oh! I do not like your tone, little missy!

Okay, I waited to watch
Houseboos with you.

And you know what? You missed it.

Actually, I didn't. I
watched it with Simone.


But that is our thing!

You know what you are?

No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me.

You are an ungrateful little robot.

Oh, please, girl, megabyte me!

(High-pitched voice) Oh, no, you didn't!

Look, I am the one who
was concerned about you.

I'm the one who spent my
time to track down Simone.

And you know what I get?
A whole lot of attitude,

and not a whole lot of appreciation.

You never even said thank you.

What's your problem? Did you do
this to help your little sister

or to feed your big ego?

You know what? Forget it, okay?

I'm done worrying about you.

From now on, we are just co-wokers
that live together, okay?

I'm no longer your big sister.

Fine. Who needs you?

I've got Simone.

(Mockingly) "I've got Simone!"

So I figured I'd live with you.

You know, maker, makee.

Just two single gals in the city.

One taking charge, the other
one who needs to be charged.


Are you even listening to me?

Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm
just totally preoccupied.

Ooh, meeting you has totally inspired me.

That's so flattering.

To create a better version.

Excuse you?

See, when I invented you, I was .

But with all the knowledge that I have now,

oh, your replacement is
gonna be extraordinary.

My replacement?

For your information, it
doesn't get any better than this.

Actually, baby, it does.

You're just not equipped to envision
it, but the next Judy will be.

See, once I perfect the cognitive
architectures for functional imagination,

she will be capable of
autonomous free-thinking.

Oh! I'm autonomously
thinking all sorts of stuff.

And if you were really so smart,
you would recognize I'm all that

and a bag of microchips.

"All that and a bag of microchips"?

(Door shuts)

Ooh, you gotta update that slang drive.


Are you Judy?

Who wants to know?

(Beeping, processing)

Unh! Yaa! Hyah!

Don't even think about it, you two.

That's right, I literally have
eyes in the back of my head.

You got two seconds to tell
me why you're following me

before I eliminate you.



Now you just got one second!

You are the most amazing
machine ever created.

We want you to work for The Other Side.

So what I'm hearing is... I'm wanted?

Well, don't just lay there on the ground.

Come on, let's go.

Marisa, I have to let you go.

Oh, on a break? Finally.

I have been working
for at least minutes.

No, I mean you're fired.

Fired? I cannot believe this.

I have never been fired
from a job in my life.

And I'm not gonna start now.

(Empty click)

(Empty clicks)

What are you doing?

Um, I am getting my stuff and going.

I can't believe I ran out.

I'm looking for Judy. She's not here.

She left hours ago.

Hours ago? She hasn't checked in.

You can't let an
eight-year-old walk out alone.

Oh, sweetie. (Chuckles)

She's equipped to walk on the moon alone.

She's a very capable robot.

She's not just a robot, okay?

She's my little sister.

And I probably shouldn't have told her

that I didn't want to be
her big sister anymore.

Why would you say
something like that to her?

Well, because she hurt my feelings.

She's a robot, she doesn't
understand feelings.

Well, then, why hasn't she checked in?

Because she's probably
starting to understand feelings.

Oh, she's starting to understand feelings.

Oh, man, and then I just
stepped all over them.

She was trying to explain to me

how upset she was, and I
just... just wrapped up in my...

Okay, we have to apologize to her.

But we don't know where she is.

Oh, that's easy.

See, when I designed the Judy,

I installed an ocular
geosynchronous positioning system

as a part of her original schematics.

Now we just have to see I
The Organization included it.

(Chuckling) What?

"If The Organization included it"!

Why would I even say
that? Of course they did.

The design is flawless.

(Laughs) Okay, can we bask in your glory

after we find my little sister, please?

Oh, look, now we can see what Judy sees.

Oh, thank goodness she's okay.

No, she's not okay.

That's Christos Markos.

He's been obsessed with building
his own evil Judy for years.

And now he's got our Judy.

Wait, we need to notify The Organization.

No, no, no, we can't! We can't.

'Cause if The Organization
finds out that Judy's missing,

the protocol is to remotely shut
her down and wipe her memory.

She won't remember who you are.

She'll be lost forever.

We need to get Judy back.

Judy wouldn't be in danger
if she hadn't run away.

Why did she do this?

Okay, you can put your
eyes back in your head now.

If you have something to say, just say it.

Oh, no, I ain't got nothin' to say.

"You know, I was just
trying to get into Judy

and tell her what I was
gonna do to see you."

(Indistinct mumbling)

How dare you mumble that!

I am not the reason she ran away.

Well, she wasn't programmed like that.

So you know what? It's your fault.

No, it's your fault. It's your fault!

It's definitely...
It was your fault!

Stop it before I slap some
sense into the both of you!

I'm trying to find out where
Christos has taken Judy.

K.C.: You're right. Ernie, I
apologize for Simone's bad behavior.

Oh, oh, you don't apologize for me.

I apologize for you.

I hope you're not fond of that hand
'cause you're about to lose it!

You gonna cool down?

Stop it!

I've hacked into Judy's GPS system,
and I'm triangulating her signal too.

Got it. "Lola's Mexican restaurant.

$ nachos every Thursday."

Oh, sorry.

Pop-up ad.

Judy's in an office building on F Street.

All right, guys, it's time
for operation get Judy back.

Good, you guys go handle that.

I'm gonna check out
these $ nachos at Lola's.

No. If you go there, it'll be
the last meal you ever eat.

You are coming with me.

No, I'm not. No, I'm not. Yes, you are.


No. Let me tell you why, all right?

'Cause when I was in The Organization,
I didn't even go on field missions.

When I was in school, I
didn't even go on field trips.

Heck, I've never been on a field!

I don't play baseball,
I don't play football.

I don't know what that is! Stop it!

Look, you have to come with me because
if anything goes wrong with Judy,

you are the only one who can fix her.

So you are going, even if I have
to drag you kicking and screaming.

I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go!

(Both grunting and straining)

Listen, Christos, you
guys have been awesome,

and movie night last night
was off the chizzain!

But I overreacted about K.C.

and Simone and everything.

So me teaming up with The Other Side
really isn't going to work out.

Anyway, good luck with your evil
takeover or whatever you're planning.

You are totally free to leave as
soon as I reverse engineer you

and make an army of Judys.

I know I'm adorable, but, uh,
what do you need more me's for?

Because Judys are the only robots in
the world that can pass for humans.

And that makes them the ultimate w*apon.

Huh. Sounds great.

Let me just go to the little robots'
room, and then we'll get right on it.

I don't think so.

I really do have to peeeee...

(Powering down)

Simone, come on!

This is ridiculous.

No one in their right mind
is gonna believe I'm a man.

Not with all this

Okay, would you stop whining, okay?

And... dude up! I'm sorry, K.C.,

but this undercover stuff
is just not my bailiwick.

Okay, rule number one of being a dude,

you don't wanna use words like "bailiwick".

I don't know if I can do this, all right?

I'm just so nervous.

I mean, how many times to I have to
tell you I am not a field agent?

I was hoping just !

Because if I hear it again, I swear I'm
sticking this plunger up your nose.

How dare you speak to a lady that way!

Look, relax, okay?

If anyone comes, I will do all the talking.

Got it, yes! You do all the talking.

I will keep it quiet.

No matter what happens, my
lips are zip, zip, zip.

We need paper towels in the men's ' room.

Oh, yes. You need paper towels?

You need paper towels? You
always need paper towels.

Everybody needs paper towels.

Paper towels, paper towels, paper towels.

When I was in my generation,
back when I was fly,

we used to have paper,
and we used to have towels.

We used to have paper to write
with, and towels to wipe with.

But now you want all the paper
towels together, don't you?

Paper... Paper
towels. Paper...

Take your paper towels

and get back in that room.

Nobody wants to use you
or your paper towels!

Good job at keeping zip, zip, zip.

You know what? I was wrong.

I'm better at this undercover
stuff than I thought.

I'm amazing. You know what I'm saying?

I got this. I was in the zone.

I was feeling it. I'm like a diamond.

I shine under pressure.

Man: Hey, you two, you're
not supposed to be in here.


Wait up, Diamond!

(Alarm sound effect)

Hey, guys, Mr. Biscuit reporting for duty.

Computer image: Just in time. DCFOX here,

you've got two sn*pers on your left.

Take that, alien scum!

DCFOX: Ooh, nice shot, Mr. B.

Thanks, Foxy.

I did what I did because I do what I do.

By the way, glad you're here.

Me too. I don't usually go for players,

but for you I will make
an exception, player.

Man onscreen: Hey, you two
lovebirds wanna be left alone?

(Computer g*nf*re) Yes.

As a matter of fact, we do.

I like your style, Mr. Biscuit.

Thanks, Foxy. Right back at you.

DCFOX: It's so weird, even
though we've never met before,

I feel like we've
known each other forever.

Oh, I feel the same way.

DCFOX: Oh, sorry.

I hit the wrong button.

This is the one. Yeah, good.

You go check that out,
and I'm gonna go in here

to the ladies' room and see
if they need any more towels.


Judy is not here. No one's here.

So you know who's not about to be here? Me.

Hold up. Look.

"OS importing." So?

So? O.S. Other Side?

Oh, please, "O.S." could
stand for a million things,

like operating system, octopus sausage.

Oprah's sister.

Hey, wait, this is a barrette
from one of Judy's puffs.

How do you know it's from Judy?

It could be from Oprah's sister.

Okay, how about you just look on the
computer and find out where she went.



You do realize you're not
an actual janitor, right?

Yeah, I do, it's just this nasty keyboard.

I wouldn't touch it with your
fingers. (Pounding on door)

Man: I know you're in there.

I know you're not janitors.
I've got backup on the way.

You're in big trouble.
Let's go, open up this door!


Okay, could you take it
down a few octaves, Beyonce?

Please, go back. Please.

Oh, okay, what's this? What's this?

I don't know what OS
importing is importing,

but it's going to a warehouse in Alaska.

In other words, a remote location where
no one else would think to look.

Uh, I bet you that's where they're
holding Judy, or my name isn't... Bucko.

(Pounding on door)

They're inside. Help
me break down the door.

We're trapped! We're
trapped! We're trapped!

We're trapped! We're
trapped! We're trapped!

What are we gonna do?

Hopefully stop saying "we're trapped".

But we're trapped.

Okay, you know what? If we can't go out
the door, we gotta go out the window.

stories up? I don't think so.

Yeah, well, think again.

(Pounding on door)

You gotta get on my
back. No, are you insane?

I'm not getting on your
back. I'm an inventor,

not some comic book action
girl with her own TV show!

Fine, then stay behind.

Wait. (Screaming)

Simone: You better not drop me, Parker!

(Dogs barking)

K.C.: Mush! Mush!

I can't take mush more of this!

Are we almost there?

The warehouse is still
another miles away.

What? Well, if you would've told me that,

I would've used the
ladies' room before we left.

Now, pull over!

Oh, yeah, sure.

Would you like me to
stop at the gas station?

Or maybe wait till we
get to the pancake house.

There's a pancake house?

No, because we are in
the middle of nowhere!

Ugh, we don't have time to stop.

We need to save Judy.

All right, well, can you
hold this cup for me, please?

And pulling over.

(Dogs barking)

You know what? This is the last time I
take you on an Alaskan dogsled ride

to save my robotic sister!

Do you promise?

Look, I'm sorry.

I told you I'm not good
at this kind of stuff.

I'm just slowing you down.
Just leave me here to freeze,

and go rescue Judy yourself.



K.C., are you there? You're there, right?

Yes, yes,
I'm... I'm here.

Look, I cannot do this alone, okay?

You're the only one I can turn to.

You can handle this.

The person who put all the ideas together
to make something as amazing as Judy

is capable of doing almost anything.

Including peeing their name in the snow.

Ha, nice work.

You really think I'm up for this, K.C.?

I do.

Thank you.

All right, now let's go get our Judy back.

(Dogs barking)

You do realize that because
you insisted on stopping,

the dogs ran away, right?

Yes. Yes, I do.

You know what's gonna happen now, right?

Yes, I do.


(Beep, Judy powers up)

Good afternoon.

While you were powered down, I
figured out the missing components

to complete my version of the Judy.

Instead of a "junior"
undercover digital youth,

I have created the "dedicated"
undercover digital youth.

Dedicated undercover digital youth.

So while I we asleep, you made a Dudy?

Yes! And I made it all by myself!

When I'm up to speed, I'll be able
to make nine, ten Dudy's an hour.

Take a look.

Can I just say your Dudy stinks!

Oh, hey, Marisa.

Oh, hey Ernie. I can't
really talk right now.

I'm actually looking for someone.

That's okay, I'm looking for someone too.

Mine's actually a date.

That's funny, so is mine.

Technically, it's our first date,

but we've been playing...
Please say Chinese checkers.

Please say Chinese checkers.

Dangerous Ops.

Mr. Biscuit?


Both: Noooo...

Okay, I admit the first
batch had some issues.

What do you think about this one?

(Robotic whirring)

(Power down)

(Power down)

I think making a Dudy is a lot
harder than you thought it would be.

Anyway, I'm gonna get going now.

It's been real.

No, I need your help.

There's no way I'm going to help you.

Fine, then I'll just
throw you in the compactor

and recycle you along with
the rest of the rejects.

On second thought, let's go to your lab,
take a little look-see and fix this.

He couldn't get me to build him Judy,
so he's trying to build his own?

We have to stop him.

Yes, but our priority is to rescue Judy.

How do we do that?

Well, you know the old saying.

If you wanna beat 'em
down, you gotta join 'em.

That's not the saying.

It is now.

You really think this is gonna work?

Yes, okay? You just have
to act exactly like Judy.

Okay, all right.

Don't get all up in my grill again!

Yep, not that much like Judy.

All right, so we got in here undetected.

Now we need to find Judy.

Yeah, and a sandwich. I haven't eaten
since those peanuts on the plane.

I told you to eat the meal.

They ran out of chicken,
and I don't trust fish

in the air...
it's unnatural.

All right, we don't need
these irregulars anymore,

now that I've perfected my Dudys.


What's so funny? Nothin'.

I'm shutting them down.

(Powering down)

Put them on the conveyor belt.

We'll crush them for scrap metal.

Simone, you need to shut down.

I'm not shutting down. Shut... down!

You shut down.

I'm not gonna get scrapped for parts.

You are not a robot. You don't have parts!

Honey, speak for yourself, all right?

'Cause whatever parts I
do have I'm holding onto.


You're not an irregular.


K.C. Simone!

Judy, I'm so glad you're okay.

We're right here, all right?

Look, I want Judy back,
and I want her back now!

Huh, you want Judy? Fine.

Eliminate them.

Eliminate them.

All: Eliminate them. Eliminate them.

Eliminate them.

They're evil.

But adorable.

All: Eliminate them. Eliminate them.

Eliminate them.

You said you were popular.

I am popular.

In the online gaming community.

And since when do you like w*r games?

I thought I'd talk to cool guys, but
we all know how that plan worked out!

Look, this isn't gonna work for me.

Uh, that's fine because this
isn't gonna work for me.

But most importantly, this isn't
gonna work for me. Okay, Ernie,

Let's not fight, I am
letting you down easy.

No, I'm letting you down easy.

Does it matter who is
letting who down easy?

I guess not.

Good. But for the record, It is
me who is letting you down easy.

But what's really important is...

Both: Nobody tells K.C.

Judy, you know I love you.

I'm sorry for what I said.

You'll always be my little sister.

I would never do anything to hurt you.

(Judy powered down)

K.C., he immobilized me.

I can't move. Help.

Simone, a little help here?

Oh, yeah, sure, I got this.

I'll save you, Judy.

Judy: Help!

Will one of you hurry up?
I'm barely four feet tall.

I don't think I could handle
being any more compact.

I got you, Judy.

Get out of my way.

I don't think so.

Man, why you gotta bring
laser g*ns up in this?

Why can't we just fight with our fists
like regular, civilized human beings?

That's what you get for
ripping off my design!

I got a copyright and a patent pending!

Judy: Help!

Make me come all the way down to Alaska.

I had to pee into snow!

Hey, in snow!

Judy: Help!

K.C., help.

I am an action girl.

Thank you, K.C.

Don't you want to thank Simone, too?

Of course, but you first.

You are my sister.

I mean, if you still wanna be.

Judy, of course I do.

Look, I feel terrible
about what I said, okay?

You know what? You are always
gonna be my little sister.

I love you, K.C.

Love you too. so sweet.

Maybe a little too sweet.

Are you sure we got the right Judy?

Yes, you got the right Judy!

Can't you tell the difference
between class and trash?

I think we got the right one.

We're home.

Judy! You're okay.

I'm glad you're back.

Ernie, anything interesting
happen while I was away?

No, no! Nothing at all.

Zilch, zero, nada.

Well, I'm gonna go
upstairs and call Marisa.

Uh, call her, I don't care.

That's your business, not my business.

Who were we even talking about again?


Nice place. So why'd you bring me here?

Simone reprogrammed you not to be evil.

So I figure what the heck?

You're cute. No, you're cute.

No, you're cute. Who are we kidding?

We're both cute.

Man, it's nice to finally have an
intelligent conversation around here.

(Both laughing)

K.C. (Shouting): You
know you can't keep her.

I know.


Woman: Rob, your name's on TV!