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01x14 - The Neighborhood Watchdogs

Posted: 07/05/21 07:16
by bunniefuu
(Mrs. Goldfeder screaming)

I think that was Mrs. Goldfeder.

I think you're right.

Go lock the door.


Come on, please? Please lock it. Lock it.



Mrs. Goldfeder, what's wrong?

Other than the fact that I now
have a shattered eardrum.

My house was robbed!

Hold me, Craig.

I feel so violated!

Oh, now, I do too.

They took our computer and TV.

But luckily, they didn't get the
money Ma hides under the mattress.

Petey, that's a secret!

Where did you get such a big mouth?

He must have got it from his father.

Boy, I cannot believe something like
this happened in our neighborhood.

We got to do something.

What if we have like a
neighborhood watch group?

We got to fight back.

Whoa, whoa, slow down, KC.

Those things require organization
and strong leadership.

Thanks for volunteering, Craig.


Yeah. Dad, who's a
better leader than you?

Please, Mr. Cooper, it would make
me and Ma feel so much safer.

Uh, okay. Wow.

That's enough of that.

All right, I'll do it. I'll do it.

Just tell everyone in the neighborhood
to be here tomorrow night at : .

Perfect. If it's not too much
trouble, put some snacks out.

Nothing fancy, maybe a
deli platter for .

Great. Now, I got to feed the whole block?

Dad, no one wants to talk about taking
down punks on an empty stomach.

(Music playing)

♪ Oh, when danger comes for you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside ya ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep they head so cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way ♪

♪ A way out of the fire ♪

♪ Don't tell nobody, tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I
wanna tell you, but I ♪

I keep it undercover!

Living my life on red alert ♪

♪ Doing my thing, gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest,
baby, I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

Ain't got to worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

♪ I keep it undercover ♪

♪ I keep it undercover ♪

(Music playing)

You know, it's scary when
things are amiss in the hood.

Don't worry.

The E Man is ready to protect you.


(Scoffs) And who exactly is
gonna protect the E Man?

Hey Marisa, where's your parents?

Oh, my dad says it
wasn't necessary to come.

He figured if the house was broken
into and the credit cards were stolen,

the thieves would spend
less money than my mom.

Oh, hey.

Look who got all dressed up for
the neighborhood watch meeting.

No, this is how I always dress.

Chicks dig berets.

So that's what I've been doing wrong.

Yeah, 'cause that's what's hurting your
game is your lack of a French hat.

Hey, I wanna welcome you to our first
meeting of the Melby Lane Watchdogs.


Uh, Mrs. Goldfeder.



Good girl.

All right. Now, I wanna introduce our
watch leader, my dad, Craig Cooper.

Craig: Thank you. Thank you.

I'd like to start by reassuring everyone
that I've spoken to the authorities

and everything is under control.

Under control?

Strangers went through
my unmentionables drawer.

My unmentionables, people!

My unmentionables!

Or mentionable, she
definitely mentions them a lot.

So when do we get our pepper
spray and maximum impact Tasers?

Ho, ho, ho, Herb, with all due respect,
more accidents happen when civilians

try to do the police's work.

(All sigh in disappointment)

With somewhat less respect, you're
talking out of the cheeks you sit on.

I think what everyone's saying, Dad, is
that... we need to take some action.

All: Yeah!

But as for leader, you should
probably tell them your plan.

I will.

Thank you.

I suggest you all go home and buy
motion sensor lights for your driveway.

Call the police if you
see anything suspicious

and stay informed by
signing up for my email list.

(All sigh in disappointment)

Yeah. Email list!

Now, that's what I'm talking about, Dad!


Wait a minute, what are
you talking about, Dad?

That's your solution?

Why don't we just put signs on our doors
that say, "I'm a sucker, rob me"?

But my dad has another plan to
take shifts patrolling the block.

Craig: No, no one is patrolling the
streets because no one is trained. Okay?

This is a neighborhood watch, people,
so everyone just go home and watch.

(Music playing)

Look what I made for you, Judy.

It's a painting of the sun.

What do you think?

Slippy, I think it would be less
painful to stare at the actual sun.

Let me see yours.

Judy, it's beautiful,
breathtaking, and perfect.

Just like you.

Ms. Fortunato, I need a bathroom pass.

I'm gonna be sick to my stomach.

(Music playing)

Hey, Dad! Hurry up. Hey, yo!

What happened? What's wrong? I don't
want you to be late for your debriefing.

Yeah, but I have plenty of time...

I know. It's okay. Love you, bye.


Finally, I thought he would never leave.

You got a lovely home, KC.

By the way, you're out of air
freshener in the guest bath.

Well, now you are.

Herb, you do realize that
"make yourself at home"

is just an expression.

All right, everyone, I'm really
excited to be your new group leader.

Uh, KC... Marissa, just wait.

KC. I think you should know...

Marissa, just a second.

Like I was saying, I will
be calling all the sh*ts,

but my dad cannot know about that.

Actually... Marissa, just wait.


Now, where was I?

You were saying something about
your dad not finding out.

A little tip, KC, if you're
gonna be the watch leader,

you should at least know
when someone is watching.

By the way, your dad's here.

(Music playing)

Dad, okay, it's not what it looks like.

So you didn't secretly take
over the neighborhood watch.

Okay. There's a very strong
resemblance to what it looks like.

Is this what you people really want, a
-year-old leading you instead of me?

Okay, Dad, it is not a competition.

Says you.

All those in favor of the
pencil-pushing accountant

who wants to email crime
away, raise your hands.


Everyone who wants KC to teach
us how to knock the bajeepers

out of anyone who messes with us?

You wanna count up those votes, Craig,
or do you need your calculator?

(Music playing)

Hi, Judy. Hi, Judy.


Slippy, if you're going to
be my man, you need to know.

I hate puppies, I can't stand
cartoons, videogames make me sick,

and I love Brussels sprouts.


I know.

I'm not the girl you thought I was
and you don't want anything to do

with me now, right?

I don't know how it's possible,
but I love you more now

than when we started this conversation.

We have so much in common, darling.

Can I call you, darling?

Just call me idiot because I
actually thought this might work.

(Music playing)

Dad, may I please have the butter?

I don't know.

Am I good enough to pass you the butter?


Let's take a vote.

All those in favor of me giving
KC the butter, raise your hand.


I'm starting to think this has
nothing to do with butter.

I distinctly told you that
getting the civilians riled up

about fighting crime was a bad idea.

But, Dad, that's not what the
neighborhood watchdogs think.

And they want a leader who
actually listens to them.

Oh, I know how they feel because
I wanna be listened to also.

Dad, I only disobeyed you
because I don't agree with you.

I mean, do I have to do everything you
say and agree with everything you do

just because you're an adult?

Yes, that's the way it works.

I give an order, you listen to it.

Okay. Is that my ranking
officer talking or my dad?


Yeah, well, could my ranking
officer tell my dad

that he's being completely unfair.

(Music playing)

I don't think so, hooligan!


What's wrong?

This clown was breaking into my house
so I had to introduce his face

to the pavement!

Dad, you're the neighborhood burglar?

Please tell me you did not go
through her unmentionables.

(Music playing)

I cannot believe you broke
into Mrs. Goldfeder's house.

Please tell me there's some
kind of reasonable explanation

for why you would do that.

Of course there is.

I wanted to make you look bad.

Oh, interesting.

'Cause who exactly would
you say looks bad now?

Because I'm pretty sure it's not me.

I meant I was trying to prove you
were taking them down the wrong road.

Those people aren't equipped
to handle a real threat.

I think we both know
what you need to do now.

Of course, I do.

(Sighs) Go ahead. I'm listening.

I'm making my own watchdog group
and we're taking yours down!


You know what? That was not the
apology I was looking for!

Crowd: Watchdogs! Watchdogs! Watchdogs!

Watchdogs! Watchdogs!

Okay. Okay. My three-pronged strategy
to dealing with... Sorry, Dad,

could you speak up?

I can't hear you over KC's
much larger, much louder,

and much better organized
neighborhood watch group.

It's not about the numbers.

Thank you, Herb.

It's about having a cooler name.

How about...

the Watchdogs?

That's what KC's group is called, Herb.

They're chanting it now.

(Crowd chanting)


How about...

the Dog Watchers?


That doesn't even make any sense!

Look, the name is not a priority, okay?

We need to focus on
building an operation that...

Yes, Herb?

The Looky Loos.

Excuse me?

That should be our name, the Looky Loos.

The Looky Loos, very catchy.

Okay. Stop, stop, stop with the name.

You're losing sight of
what's important here.

Catching bad guys? No, being
better than KC's group.

Do you smell hot wings?

I think they're serving
hors d'oeuvres downstairs.

I think I'm just...

You're not going anywhere, Herb.

(Music playing)

I'm sorry, Slippy.

It's not you.

Somebody else already has my heart.

I think you're making this up
because our feelings for each other

are too powerful for you to deal with.


Keep telling yourself that.

For the last time, I already got a boo.

And that boo ain't you.

Sure you do.

Petey: Judy!


Step off, Slippy!

I'm her man!

See, I said it just like you told me to.

Oh, wait.

I forgot to hold your hand.

Let me start again.

Step off, Slippy!

I'm her man!


What? Nothing.

(Music playing)

KC: And then my dad tells me to grow up

and when I do, he still
treats me like a child.

Like, when is he gonna realize that I'm
old enough to have my own opinion?

KC, between you and me, you're
times the man your father is.

Are you trying to build my
self-confidence or make me cry?

(Cell phone ringing)

Hello. Yes, that is the right address.

Just make a right at the shrubbery.



This is for you. Thank you.

Seriously, you ordered a pizza?

Oh, no, I ordered the chance
to slip Matt Danson my number.

The pizza just came with it.

(Music playing)

See anything suspicious?

Yeah. Those guys ordered a pizza,

but it doesn't seem like
there's any cheese on it.

Wait, the cheese is in the crust.

That's not fair.

If the Watchdogs get pizza,
the Looky Loos should too.

Hey, I never approved that name.

We're not getting pizza.

We're here for one
reason and one reason only

and that's to catch a thief before KC does,

so I can hold it over her
head and make her group

rue the day they banished Craig Cooper!

I thought we were here to stop crime.

Yeah, that too.

I need a few minutes.

I need to use the Looky Loo.

I got to pee.

Here, use my place.

Let yourself in. That'll work.

I don't know why he couldn't just use
these bushes like everyone else.

Oh, Ernie.

My bad.

(Music playing)

(Gasps) I see something.

Let me guess.

You ordered frozen yogurt for dessert?

Don't be ridiculous.

They refuse to deliver to a bush.

Give me those!

I do see something suspicious.

Big mouth was right.

I'm the one with the big mouth?

Let me see.

Wait a minute.

There's a guy taking
stuff out of that house.

This is what we trained for, people.

Let's sic 'em, Watchdogs.

(All three barking)

Dad, the Watchdogs are mobilizing.

There must be a burglar.

We got to get him first. Come on. Let's go.

Looky Loos!

That is not our battle cry.

They got the barking, we need something.

(Music playing)

Freeze, dirt bag!



What is wrong with you?

You're right. I should've done this.


Too late, Dad. You snooze, you lose.

Score one for the Watchdogs.

No way. I'm taking him in.

What? No! I'm taking him in!

No, I'm taking him in!

No, Dad, I said I'm taking him in!

Who's taking me and where and for what?!

For robbing this house.

It's my house!

I was taking out the trash.

(Clears throat) You got him, Dad.

Wait, Mr. Hancock?

Wow, you've lost weight.

And got hair plugs.

You look great.

Thanks for noticing, big mouth.


(Siren blares)

Ernie: Hey look, the police
are pulling into that house.

Guys, that's our house.

Come on. Let's go.

Looky Loos!

Cut that out!

This neighborhood's going down the toilet.

What's going on, Officer? I live here.

Well, got a call from your
neighbor across the street.

He saw your floodlights
go off in your driveway,

called us, said there was a suspicious
man loading things into a car.

Man, what kind of creep would do that?

That would be me.

Herb, you're a disgrace to the Looky Loos.

I know.

All right. Let's go, you. Come on.

So, Cooper, you recruited a robber
into our neighborhood watch group,

invited him into your home to case the
joint, and then let him rob you blind

while we were squatting in the bushes.

That's not how it happened at all.

Yeah, he didn't break in.

Dad gave him the key.

Thank you, Ernie.

Dad, I'm really sorry.

Your whole plan of having everyone
just stay at home and keep watch

and let the police do their
job was completely right

and I should've listened to you.

You are the grown-up.

Well, maybe next time,
I'll actually act like one.

I'm sorry, KC. I can't blame these
guys for wanting to follow you.

You're a good leader.

Hey, I wonder where I get that from.

(Both laugh)

Hey, I mean this thing
isn't a total loss, right?

I mean, at least we got to
get to know our neighbors.

Mm-hmm. Maybe instead of a
neighborhood watch group,

we could do like book club.

Yeah, we can call it the Booky Loos.

Booky Loos!

Give it up, Ernie.

What? It's catchy!

(Music playing)

Petey: Judy!

I got you strawberry swirl.

It's as sweet as you are.

How many times do I have to tell you?

You don't have to pretend
to be my boyfriend anymore.

Who's pretending?

I'm crazy about you, baby.

You're loud, you're obnoxious,
and you spit when you talk.

You remind of my mom.

Ah, shut your yogurt hole.

That's just what Ma would say!

Well, now that I know
how you feel about me,

it's time you know how I feel about you.

So I invited my friends
Pentatonix to sing it you.

Hit it, guys.

One, two, three, four.

♪ I want you ♪

♪ I got one less
prob-prob-prob ♪

Here we go, come on.

♪ I want you ♪

♪ I got one less, one less ♪

Listen to me. ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Hey, baby, even though I hate ya ♪

♪ I wanna love ya ♪

♪ I want you ♪

♪ And even though I can't forgive you ♪

♪ I really want ya ♪

♪ I want you ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me, baby ♪

♪ Why can't you leave me ♪

♪ Cause even though
I shouldn't want it ♪

♪ I gotta have it ♪

♪ I want you ♪

♪ Head in the clouds ♪

♪ Got no weight on my shoulders ♪

♪ I should be wiser and realize ♪

♪ That I've got ♪

One less problem without ya ♪

♪ Ooh ♪ One less problem without ya ♪

♪ One less ♪ One
less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less, one less problem ♪

♪ I got one less problem without you ♪

♪ I got one less problem without you ♪

♪ I got one less problem without you ♪

♪ I got one less, one less ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

I can't believe you actually got
Pentatonix to sing that song to me.

You really like me.

(Music playing)

Woman: Rob, your name's on TV.