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04x09 - Equal Justice For The Rich

Posted: 07/04/21 05:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dynasty...

Hello, is this Oliver Knoble?

I'm a friend
of your ex-girlfriend. Kirby?

Cristal? You okay?

I have a brain tumor.

I got to be straight with Jeff,
so do you want me to tell him,

or do you want to let him down first?

I like you both,
so I was planning on dating you both.

Good morning, handsome.

Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.

You traded a nonsinking house
for an empty hole in the ground.

And I will give you the full
hours to vacate the premises.



BLAKE: Thank you, Jeremiah.

And make sure the rest
of the staff knows

to remove all other vestiges
of Alexis's time here.

Taking a more active role in
management this time around?

Well, just making myself
a visible presence

so everyone knows who's in charge.

And removing the havoc of Alexis.

Which is everywhere.

It appears she has no interest
in claiming her possessions.

Well, that's not a problem.

We'll just collect it all
in a big pile for her.

If you see her, let her know

that anything still here
tomorrow will be donated.

And by donated, I mean b*rned.

Stop yelling at me!

I'll stop yelling if you push harder.

You use your legs, not your back.

Everyone knows that.


Oh, God. You're as useless
below ground as you are above.

Oh, I'm sorry,
is my "trapped in a mine" behavior

not up to your standards?

Why don't you do something?

Aside from hoarding like a rodent.

It's called rationing.

This is all of the food and
water left by the miners.

We have been down here for hours

and we have no cell reception.

Don't be melodramatic.

Fallon and Adam will
send out a search party

the moment they realize I'm gone.

Are you that deluded?
That moment is never coming.

They do not know or care where you are.

You are their mother in name only.

Now, if I were trapped down here

with Blake, we'd be saved already.

BLAKE: Alexis is gone,

and gluten is back, people.

Thank God, I was starting to
turn into a kale frittata.

ADAM: Well, it seems like today

is a day of Carrington celebrations.

Oh, crap, is it Fallon's birthday?

It's Adam's first day as chief
of staff at the hospital.

Very exciting,

even if it does mean he already has

less time for his girlfriend.

That's great news, son.
I'm proud of you.

Blake? Is everything okay?

Couldn't be better.

I'm back at the head of the table

with the woman I love by my side.

I'm just savoring the moment.

FALLON: Blake,
you're late for our meeting!

Well, it was nice while it lasted.

Well, I better be going as well.

Got to set a good example.

I'm late for a meeting
at the clinic as well.



KIRBY: Do you think it's
weird everyone has a job

they're passionate about but me?

You know that I'm your boss, right?

But I did take this aptitude quiz.

It said my true calling in
life is to be a "helper."

Hmm. "Helpers should seek a career

"that empowers others
by providing advice

or an essential service."

I already help events get planned.

Well, maybe you're looking
at it from the wrong angle.

Helper can mean a lot of things.

You got your work cut out for you.

This is how much the Scottish
castle restoration is costing?

Well, no one said
refurbishing a trebuchet

from was gonna be cheap.

But it got us the land.

Maybe, but if you don't start

paying off these loans,
you'll be shuttering

entire divisions before
the end of the fiscal year.

You don't need to tell me
my company's in danger.

Okay? I already know.

But if our IPO is approved,

then it'll all work out.

I mean, I know that it's
a risky move to go public

in order to cover debt, but...

Risky is when I let the Tesla self-drive

with my eyes closed for fun.

This is way beyond that.

Look, SEC approval for this
usually averages around days,

but I need it to happen... two.

Okay. Whose palms do we need to grease?

The palms of my assigned SEC officer.

Oh, Corinne Simpson.

We used to winter together in St. Barts.

Nope. I misread.

"Corinne Simon." Don't know her. Sorry.

LIAM: Uh, I know Corinne Simon.

- How long has he been in here?
- He's quiet.

Corinne is an old Van
Kirk family friend.

I'd be happy to make a call
when I take my next break.

- I'm researching a few potential stories...

Or I can take my break now.

Hey, Mom.
Haven't heard back from you yet.

But I was serious about talking.
Call me.

Hey, man. What brings you in?

I don't suppose that
was Mia on the phone?

Was it supposed to be?

Remember how I said I
would stand down with Mia?

I did, but then I stood up.

And then we kissed.

Okay, did she send you here
to talk to me or something?

No, but I need to.

Because now she wants
to date the both of us.

I hope I didn't screw up our friendship.

Relax. If Mia wants

to test-drive two
high-performing cars at once,

I say we let her.

A little friendly competition
never hurt anyone.

Ah. I'm glad you're chill about this.

That makes me feel a lot better

about the brunch date I
have with her in a few hours

- at L'Etoile.
- Oh, I'm super chill with it.

Because I'm seeing her
later tonight for dinner.

So I guess that's game on?


BLAKE: So, you know how you're gonna

play this tonight?

I got this. Somewhere...

after surf, but well before turf...

I'll just casually mention

that Fallon Unlimited needs

the review process... accelerated.

And if we've sufficiently charmed her,

she'll think it's all her idea,
it'll be smooth sailing.

- Mm.
- I think you may need

to drop your anchor for a second.

I just spoke with some
old VKI colleagues.

Turns out Corinne helped
my father take VKI public

back in the day. And, uh...

this extravaganza's got to go.

What? Why?

Who doesn't like a
little special treatment?

Corinne. Anything
even resembling a bribe

will end this faster
than you can say chowdah.

Well, I would never say that,
fast or slow.

Yeah, who said anything about a bribe?

This is just a casual
dinner with a woman

- who happens to love New England seafood.
- New England seafood.

Trust me, this is how things are done.

Trust me, my father
is the one who knew her.

But, hey,
if you won't listen to my advice,

I don't need to be here tonight.

Okay, okay, okay. Fine.

We'll eighty-six the tanks,

and the chefs, the helm.

And, you know,
anything that feels nautical or bribey.


And, uh, that means you, too, Blake.

BLAKE: What?

Why do I have to go?

I mean, Blake Carrington in
the room will smell fishier

than that seafood tower
I just saw wheeled in.


I'm sorry, but...

I trust Liam.


Don't come running to
me when things go south.

I'll be getting my house back in order.

And I am taking this lobster with me.

Can someone bring me some melted butter?

♪ ♪

Wait a minute, did you...

CULHANE: Rent out the entire restaurant

and have them create
a special menu for us?

Guilty as charged.

(CHUCKLES) I'm flattered.

And relieved.

I was worried no one else in
the city wanted to eat here.


Well, I figured we'd cut out the noise

and distraction on our first date,

really get to know each other.

And I promise to stop thinking
about our kiss the other night.

Though, if it happens again...

I don't see kissing anywhere on here.

Oh, that's an off-the-menu item.

Welcome, to the both of you.

This is a Krug champagne.

Our rarest vintage.

I-I don't think I...

A Mr. Jeff Colby called

- to have it sent over.

That is generous of him,
but I was thinking of something

that pairs better with the menu.

Not a problem. Mr. Colby purchased

the restaurant's entire wine cellar

for your enjoyment.

Uh, bit of a waste for the two of us.

He mentioned anything you don't use

will be donated to tomorrow's One City,
One Voice dinner.

- I'll get you the wine list.

MIA: He already offered

to move the auction
to Club Colby for us.

He's in quite a charitable mood.

Yeah, he really is something.

If I'm dying, just tell me.

I can't tell you anything
until we do more tests.

What kind of tests?

Well, to start, an MRI.

You have a considerable growth

near the nerve leading from
your inner ear to your brain.

Now, if we're lucky,

it's an acoustic neuroma,
and that would explain your vertigo.

That doesn't sound lucky.

It would mean the tumor was benign.

But we need the scan.
I'll call Neurology to set it up.

Thank you for doing this.

And for not telling Blake.

Of course.

I don't want to downplay anything.

There's still a long way to go
before you're out of the woods.

I have to admit, the lack of
frills tonight was refreshing.

Well, this is how we eat most nights.

You know? Frill-less.

Well, you wouldn't believe

what some CEO-types try to ply me with.

Fancy seafood?

Pricey vintages of champagne?

- Live lobster?
- Point made, darling.

And more. Which is why

it's been so pleasant to just
catch up with an old friend.

Well, now that we're all old friends,

I do have a tiny,
little request to run by you.

Of course, I don't want
to cross any lines, but...

I assume you want my help
moving along your SEC review?

Okay, you didn't tell me your
friend was a mind reader, Liam.

- I saw your prospectus

come through this morning.
It's just impeccable.

So it's a yes, then.

No. I can't get to it
for at least two months.

My dance card is quite packed

with companies these days.

But their applications can't
be as good as mine, right?

I mean, you said "impeccable."

No, they're not. Especially not

the one I'm working on right now.

Ooh. It's a tech company, I bet?

Millennials are the laziest.

More infomercial than anything, but...
I can't talk about it.

Oh. Okay, okay, I understand.

So Corinne, when was
the last time we saw each other?

I know exactly when it was.

Your th birthday.

Oh, right.

My mother had too much
Chardonnay and fell in the pool.

(CHUCKLES) Laura was in fine form.

But I remember that day
as the last time I saw

your father in good spirits,
despite everything.

W-What do you mean,
"despite everything"?

You know, uh,

everything going on with the tankers.

I'm not sure your time line makes sense.

Maybe we should just drop it.

These granola bars are
riddled with gluten.

Fine. Save them for me, then, and help.

I'm a little tired.

You seem to know everything.
You got this.

So you're still mad at me for
what I said about your kids?

Get over it.

Oh, the words of a failed
nightclub singer like you

don't have an effect on me.

Especially when we all know
who the worse mother is.

Please. I know I'm not perfect,
but unlike you,

I can accept the place
I'm at with my children.

The place where they don't like you?

If that's a reality you accept,

you're even sadder than I thought.

The reality

is that none of our kids
care enough to find us.

It's just you and me.

So I'll say it one more time:

get your child-neglecting ass
over here and move a rock.

Okay, well, thanks to Corinne's clues,

I was able to scour the SEC's time line

and as soon as I buy out a
company called Spartan Shakes,

a spot will open up,

which is, uh...

Clearly you're paying
no attention to me.

On my th birthday,
a VKI tanker broke down,

and my father only told four people.

Now, we were all sworn to secrecy

so VKI could take the
week to strategize.

So as far as the world knew,
it happened a week later,

on this date.

I feel like this has nothing
to do with my IPO launch.

Before the story broke,
a ton of stock was unloaded.

People had clearly been tipped off,

and my father was accused
of insider trading,

a charge he denied
until the day he d*ed.

Well, is it that crazy to think

that a man who impregnated
his son's girlfriend

also dabbled in illegal stock trading?

But if Corinne knew on my th birthday,

she might've been the
one tipping people off.

I need to talk to her.

No. No, no, no, no.

That's exactly what you need not to do.

I need Corinne's approval, okay?

And if you start to scare her,
then my IPO is DOA.

But Fallon,
this could exonerate my father.

Who? The man who's been dead for years?
I think he can wait.

Resting peacefully, of course.


Promise me

that you will not reach out to Corinne

until after the SEC paperwork's cleared.


I promise.

So, what do you think?

Do the tannins taste different up here?

Neither of us actually knows
what tannins are, right?

- Not really.

But you've always been the
classy one in this operation.

(SIGHS) Jeff, this is really lovely,

but why a hot-air balloon?

Ouch. Okay.

You really don't
remember our first date?

What, like, our first first date?

You told me that you had a dream
to look down on every state

from a hot-air balloon.

I don't remember saying that.

But it's sweet you did.


Well, you make being a
good listener pretty easy.



"Look west, and enjoy the show.

"Have a great time tonight.

Love and lights, Michael."

Looks like Mr. Culhane is paying
you back for the wine cellar.

Yeah. Guess so. (CHUCKLES)

What a guy.

So, how's the bartending going?

Have we found your calling?

If I have to listen
to one more sob story,

I'm going to stick a
maraschino cherry in my eye.

I think I just need to accept

that my boyfriend is boring,

my job is boring,

and I am,

by association... Oliver?

- SAM: Who?
- My ex,

from back in Australia.

Well, if he looked like that
when you broke up with him,

then shame on you, honey.

Cover for me? Thanks.


What are you doing here?

Kirby Anders?

Is that really you?

Or is this hotel called
La Mirage for a reason?

How about you answer my question?

'Cause I'm kind of
freaking out right now.

I'm here for a photography gig.

I can't believe this.

You look...

You do, too.

We're complimenting each other, right?


You've really cleaned up a lot.

At least, on the outside.

Inside, too, I hope.

Maybe you can see for
yourself over dinner?

I have a boyfriend.

And he doesn't allow you to eat?

Fine, forget about dinner.

But I won't let this
serendipity go to waste.

How about you come by the
photo sh**t tomorrow morning?

Okay. That sounds safe.

I mean, it's not like
I have much else going on.


This woman saved every piece
of paper she's ever had.

Should you be rifling through that?

Oh, no, this is gonna be good.
It says "Manor."

Oh, probably all her decorating
ideas she never got around to.

There's a lot of that, some notes

about calling lawyers to countersue.

Receipt for a wire transfer
to Adam for $ , ?

It's a forwarding address.

To the same town where we
had our refinery expl*si*n.

Well, that could mean anything.

No, it means one thing.

It means that Adam fronted the money

to some local for the att*ck on C.A.

Which means that Adam played a
key role in destroying my life.


Betrayal and hurt are valid emotions.

In fact, it's probably what Adam felt

when you almost left him
for dead in Moldavia.

Are you telling me I deserved this?

No, no,
it's just that you've fought so hard

to get back to where you are.

You don't want to throw
it away in a fit of rage.


We need to move on to the next look.

Can someone get me an ETA on Mirabella?

I never really thought you'd
make it as a professional.

Mostly because you were always high.

Ouch. But fair.

Until yesterday,
I wasn't even sure if you were alive.

I think the last time I saw you was...

...when I left you on
the steps at the ER.

I should've stayed.

No, absolutely not.

You were right to leave.

What we had was fun,
but I took you down a dangerous path.

You skipping town was the
wake-up call I needed.

I checked myself into
rehab the next day.

It seems like you've really
made something of yourself.

It's very impressive.

Mm. Kind of inspiring.

Mirabella's out.
She broke up with her boyfriend,

shaved her head,
now the entire show's palette is off.

And who is she and who reps her?

Oh, this is my friend Kirby.

Perfect. We need a redhead.

Oh. Uh, I'm-I'm not a model.

And I'm really more of
a strawberry blonde.

Weren't you just telling me
that you're bored at work?

You'd actually be doing us a favor.


Oh... Corinne!
What a nice surprise.

Hi, Fallon. I just came
to give you the good news

that Spartan Shakes,
the company impeding

your approval,
withdrew from the calendar.

That's unbelievable.

What's unbelievable is Liam

investigating my supposed misconduct

at the SEC.


Well, that sounds like a mistake.

I hope so. Otherwise you'll be waiting

a long time to get on my calendar.

Get him to drop it.

Uh, thank you so much for
the opportunity, Jordanna.

Uh... No, you have a good day. (GASPS)

- Didn't get it?
- They want me back for the rest of the sh**t.

Well, I guess that quiz was
wrong about you being a helper.

Well, no,
I'm gonna help the world realize

how fantastic I look
in designer clothing.

(GASPS) Wait, I need to text Oliver.

Hold on.

Is he gonna be the
photographer the whole time?

Yeah, but it's not a big deal.

Look, take it from me.

It can be confusing and heart-wrenching

to work with an ex.

You think you can be professional,

and then the light hits
in just the right way,

and then it's too late.

Oh, my God. You slept with Fletcher.

Of course I did.

And I feel awful about it, okay?

I keep avoiding Fletcher,
I keep avoiding Ryan,

I can't even look in the mirror.
It's terrible.

Oh, I'm sorry you're going
through that, Sammy Jo,

but I'm gonna be fine, I promise. Okay?

Adam and I are purely platonic.

(GASPS) Oliver.

I mean, Oliver and I. (CHUCKLES)

Yeah. That's not concerning at all.

So, when's lunch getting here?

I'm kind of hungry.


In the meantime, how's
your search for a new story coming?

- Pretty good...
- Lies.

I know you're investigating Corinne.

There's not gonna be any lunch,
is there?

Lunch is only for well-behaved
husbands who follow orders.

So, what, now you're General Fallon?

I have to do exactly as you say

and salute every time I see you?

That's not gonna happen.

This is a real story, Fallon.

I'm meeting with a former
VKI colleague of my dad's

who's behind bars for insider trading.

I don't know, maybe he was set up, too.

And what is this loser's name?

You don't know him. His name's Harold.

And technically,

I did just as you asked.

I didn't reach out to Corinne.

Oh, really, Liam? A loophole defense?

Obviously Corinne

was going to find out, which she did,

and thr*aten to hold up my approval,

which she also did.

Wait, wait, wait.
Corinne's holding your approval hostage?

I mean, Fallon, right there,
that's basically an admission of guilt.

I don't care if she admitted
to sh**ting Lincoln, Liam.

I need her stamp of
approval to move forward.

I mean, do you have any idea
what I have riding on this?


We're supposed to be a team.

No, no, no, no, no.. If we were a team,

you wouldn't ask me
to sacrifice something

you know I have a personal stake in.

I know you make more money than I do,

but my goals aren't any
less important than yours.


this time they are less important.

And that's just something
you're gonna have to deal with.

No. I don't think it is.

I need to find the truth
out about my father.

And I hope you'll find
a way to support me.

Hey, Mom, it's me again.

It's clear you're ignoring
me for whatever reason,

so I'm gonna respect your wishes.

I won't be calling anymore.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't the wine king.

- Thank you for that.

No, thank you for those fireworks.

I mean, it really brightened
up a date that was...

already pretty hot.

This is gonna get awkward pretty soon.

One of us should probably bow out.

Hmm, or maybe when this event is done,

we can just let Mia decide.

Sounds like a plan to me.

As long as there's no
jockeying for position here.

Truce tonight?

You got it.

I'm gonna go check out
the silent auction.

Mia mentioned it was important
for tonight's success.


I don't do this often.

So you'd better cherish the moment.

I'm sorry for causing the cave-in.

It's not your fault.

We're both being punished for our sins.


You want to talk about sins?

Honey, mine could run laps around yours.

I seriously doubt that.

You are talking to the
woman who purposefully

gave food poisoning to Ashanti.

I flew Kirby's ex-boyfriend
here all the way from Australia

so he could break up her
relationship with my son.

Which is hopefully happening right now.

I slept with my stepdaughter's boyfriend

for the publicity of a
love triangle scandal.

I hired a man to cut off
his finger and pretend

to be my long-lost kidnapped son.

Severed finger, you win.



You slept with Michael Culhane?



- Good for you.
- It was.


I lied yesterday.

I'm not at peace in my
relationship with Jeff.

Not by a long sh*t.

And I know that I've done a
lot of harm to Fallon and Adam.

Neglect and manipulation
of our children.

That's the sin we're paying for.



My heartrate is slowing.

We're probably running out of air.


I hope the champagne in
hell isn't too b*rned.

ADAM: The mass is a stage-four



what are my options?

Given the proximity of the tumor

to the brain stem, I...

I don't think it's operable.

I'm so sorry.

So if I try to have surgery,

I die?

And if I don't... I die?

We're gonna get the best oncologists

and the best neurologists
in the world on this.

If there's a way out of this,
we're gonna find it.

But we probably won't.

So what do I do now?

I think the time has come for
you to tell the people you love.

Starting with Blake.

Okay, y'all. It's the moment
you've been waiting for.

The silent auction is closed,
and I have the winning bids

- listed right here.

Let's start big.

The all-expenses-paid
trip to Paris for two.

- Ooh là là.

And the winner is... of tonight's sponsors,
Michael Culhane.

- A double thank you to him.

On to another big item.

The beautiful XSR powerboat.

And this one goes to...


...the very generous
owner of tonight's venue,

- Jeff Colby.

Clocks in a little higher than
your weekend getaway, huh?

I'm not worried.


And the private dinner for
goes to Michael Culhane.



One moment, please.

I have to apologize.

Seems that there may
have been a malfunction

in the bidding process.


♪ ♪


JENNINGS: Drinking while
distantly staring into the fire.

Not a good sign.

Well, such is the custom

when you've spent the afternoon in jail

blackmailing a felon into silence.

It hasn't been the best day.

What's that? Did you get Blake

a "welcome back to the manor" present?

I'm sure he would love
another portrait of himself.

It's actually for you.

It was gonna be your wedding gift,

but that day didn't go quite as planned.

Then I was gonna give it to
you for your anniversary,


why wait?


My wedding invitation.

People always remember to
frame their wedding photos,

but... sometimes it's the little things

that feel the most special.

You and Blake seem good.

We are.

Great, actually.

Losing C.A.

might have been bad for him,
but it was good for us.

He finally treats me like an equal,

which is all I ever wanted.


I mean, after all,

marriage is a partnership. (EXHALES)

Anyway, I'm sorry
it was such a hellacious road

for you to get there.

Me, too.

I wish we hadn't wasted all that time.

Such a precious thing.


Thanks for celebrating with me,

but I should probably call it a night.

I promised Adam I'd be
home when he got back.

Oh, I didn't realize
you'd gotten married.

And were living in the s.

You gonna make him a nice pot roast

when you get back, too?

Come on. Stay out a little bit longer.

Or are you really so
determined to be that boring?


But if I stay out,
I'm gonna need sh*ts, if that's okay.

Of course.
I mean, I don't drink, but I'm no saint.

If you're gonna hit the hard stuff,
I think I might...

Actually, don't worry about it.

- I'll be back.
- Where are you going

and why are you being so mysterious?

Look, it's not a big deal.

I'm just going to the bathroom
for a quick bump of, um...



So when you said you were "sober..."

I am. Basically.

I'm just fighting a
nasty bout of jet lag

and I could use the help.

And I don't want to tempt you with it

because you're in a different,
less adventurous place,

and I totally respect that.


if you want me to stay out with you,

I'm gonna need a little energy, too.

I don't have to be boring every night.

JEFF: We, uh, owe you an apology.

Yeah. We know how that looked.

Did you at least salvage the auction?

Yes. Second highest
bidder wins the item.

And we'll cover the difference
in the cost for the charity.


But your little game of
one-upping makes it clear

that dating you both
is not going to work.

We agree.

Which is why we think you
should make the choice,

before this gets any weirder.


Here's my choice.

You two should date each other.

You both are great guys, but...

I don't want to get in the
middle of a friendship.

- We're really not that close.
- No.



we keep saying it's timing, but...

I'm starting to think that
it's just not meant to happen.

And, Michael,

we work really well together.

And that's how we should've kept it.

You're both gonna find
someone great one day.

Hopefully, it's not the same someone.



Mia's right.

Things would've got ugly between us.

Yeah. Yeah.
It could've got a whole lot uglier.

Especially if your
scorned ex-wife Alexis

had shown up like I asked her to.

- Damn.
- But she never called me back.

She's been unreachable.


I-I haven't been able to
reach Dominique either.

♪ ♪

I hope I'm not the
reason you and Corinne

had to stay late tonight.

- You are.


- How did you...
- I "found your phone."

I was just at the prison.

And you had the nerve

to call me deceitful?
Maybe you can explain

to me why the only thing that
Harold Duffy seemed to remember

was the finale of The Sopranos?

Would you please stop?
You're embarrassing...

Mallory. And I'm fine.

I know what you did, Fallon.

Your name was on the visitors' log.

Okay, well, they promised me

they weren't gonna show you that.

Is this a game to you?
Or are you this determined

to t*nk my career just
to prioritize yours?

Unfortunately, Corinne is ready for you.

Liam! Hold on.

Come in with me.

Really. I want everyone to hear this.

Not you, Mallory.

We're going to die here,

all alone,

leaving a sad legacy
of secrets and lies.

Well... if this is really it,

I sure could use a confessional.

I don't think we're
finding a priest down here.

My ears are all you got,

holy or not.


Bless me, Alexis,

for I have sinned.

I actually got married
again years ago,

shortly after I left Cecil.

Wasn't a long time...

before... it didn't work.


It got so messy.

The divorce got tied up in court,

and the dissolution was never finalized.

So, technically...

I'm still married.

He doesn't know.

No one does.

Not even my kids.


When Fallon and Steven were little,

I had an affair while I
was still married to Blake.

Yes. Another one.

We were barely speaking at the time...

...and I had a fling
with my yoga instructor.

It didn't mean anything, except...

...I got pregnant.

So I suggested a trial
separation from Blake,

and I moved to Europe for five months,

where I had the baby.


I gave her to a...

distant relative to raise as her own.


And now I have...

a second cousin

who I barely know...


...who is actually my daughter.

I don't have anything
snarky to say, Alexis.

Deserved or not,

we've both experienced a lot of pain.

♪ ♪



Is that machinery?


JEFF: Alexis! Dominique!

Are you down there?!


CORINNE: I don't understand.
Are you sure?

I have officially decided
to withdraw my application.

I will resubmit it to a
different office of the SEC,

where you can't touch it.

This will be a financial setback

and maybe even a public one.


it's a risk I'm willing to take

to support my husband's work.

Fallon, this isn't what I meant.

You don't have to give it all up.

No. I never should have sabotaged you.

We are a team.

Corinne is the villain here.

Holding my company
hostage to cover your ass?

I hope you look good in prison sweats.

You have it all wrong.

Or do I have it all right?


I never should've
stalled your application.

I'm sending it through immediately.

And... I was trying to steer Liam away

from this investigation, but...

not for the reasons you think.

I was protecting you.

I don't want your protection.

I just want to know the truth.

The truth is your father was caught up

in a powerful insider trading ring,

and he confessed to me,

hoping I could help him expose it.

Why didn't you tell someone?

Because things got scary.

And I have a family of my own.

A family I'm putting in danger
by telling you this even now.

After what happened to John...

What do you mean,
"what happened to John"?

Liam, I'm so sorry,

but I don't believe your
father's death was an accident.

I think he was m*rder*d.

♪ ♪

JEFF: Well,

I think I'll walk these guys out.



So, I assume we can agree

that what was said in the
cave stays in the cave?

You mean the secrets? Of course.

Though you can tell mine
to whomever you want.

Since I made it up.

Only you would use a near-death
experience for your own gain.

Well, Alexis looks pissed.

So I'm guessing things are
status quo between you two.

We're fine.

Thanks again for saving us.

I was trying to get
ahold of you for days.

I wanted to tell you
that it's time for us

to put the past in the past.

All I could think about
while I was down there

was how much I wanted
to fix our relationship.

Well, here's to a fresh start.

♪ ♪

Why are you still here and
dressed like a Burrito Supreme?

I've had a rough couple of days.

I don't suppose you noticed I was gone.

I've been busy.

But I'm guessing you were...

I want to say... camping?

I was trapped in a collapsed mine.

I barely survived.

Thanks for asking.

Okay. I'm sorry, but...

maybe this was the universe
putting you in a time-out.

I mean, you never deserved
this house in the first place.




...I am happy that you're okay.

Text me where you're staying.
Maybe we can...

meet for lunch sometime.

♪ ♪

You wanted to see me, Father?


I know you lied to me.

You let me think that the
oil disaster was an accident,

when it was your treachery.

You helped Alexis and
Jeff crush my company

and steal the manor.

I-I really didn't. I... (EXHALES)

I mean, I... (EXHALES)

See, I'm not gonna punish you.

Because I probably deserve worse.

I'm your father,

and I should always protect you.

I didn't do that in Moldavia.

Betraying family is unforgivable.

And I started the cycle.

But now I have a chance

to rebuild, to be a better man,

a better father...

...and a better husband.

And I'm not gonna throw

that chance away for anything,

especially not for revenge.

And I promise you that,

from this moment on,

my loyalty will never waver.

(EXHALES) Not sure

what that was,
but it sounded very level-headed.

(SIGHS) The high road is exhausting.

No wonder I don't take it that much.

What have you got there?

Oh. Um, just some files from the clinic.

Nothing important.

I thought maybe...

we could hit the hot tub.

The one at La Mirage didn't
have great jets and...

wasn't in our bedroom.

I would like nothing more.

♪ ♪


LIAM: Back to work on the IPO.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

But I'm not thrilled with
what it took to get there.

Or how I treated you.

It's okay. I forgive you.

And, luckily,

I don't see our careers going
head-to-head again like that

anytime soon.

Though if they do,

then we'll figure out a
way to support each other.

How are you holding up?

I know you don't like talking
about your dad's death.


I guess I was just ashamed.

He drowned in a lake after
falling off his boat.

Cops found six empty bottles
of scotch in the cabin.

There was nothing suspicious about it.

Yeah, it was just, uh...

Well, it was shocking, I'm sure.

It was pathetic. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY)

That man was my hero.

If Corinne is right... (INHALES)

...if my dad was m*rder*d,
I need to find out the truth.


But you heard her.

Those are dangerous people,

and this is your life.

Which is why...

I have to go.

I've already tracked down a lead

who can get me closer to the truth.

Corinne's former boss.

He works at a corporate
think t*nk in Washington.


listen to me, okay?

This is not worth the
risk of getting hurt.

Yeah, but it is.

If my father was m*rder*d,

then maybe he wasn't just
some drunk that I barely knew.

He can be my dad again,

at least in memory.

My plane's off in an hour.

So I'm leaving you copies
of my research and itinerary

so you know exactly where I'll be.

Just in case.

I really don't want you to do this.

I know.

But it's something I need to do, Fallon.

♪ Can you feel it coming ♪

♪ In the air tonight ♪

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

- I love you.
- ♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ Oh, Lord. ♪