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05x21 - All My Sisters With Me

Posted: 06/29/21 07:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
of the American Teenager...

- Grandma?
- Who are you?

I'm Grace's...


And the thing is,

I'm in the finals for the spelling bee.

And I thought maybe you could tell
me what it's like to go to State.

You're really going to get married?
Amy said that she'd marry you for real?

- Yeah.
- Wait.

Why isn't she telling me this?

So I guess that if you're getting
married the day after we graduate then...

You must be planning to go
to summer school in New York.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, she thinks you were cheating.

And it was the teacher
that ratted you out, not me.

Amy's going to school in New York,
I'm going to school in New York,

and we're going to end
up living together. Wow.

You can stop pretending
you need a spelling partner.

If you want some help, I'll help you.

I'll give you a hint.

She's my mother.


I am not ready to get
pregnant and start a family.

All right.

And Kathleen... do you take
George to be your wedded husband?

I do.

Well, that was depressing.

It was a funeral, Tom.

It's not supposed to be fun.

Yeah, well, I'm glad Grandma
wasn't there to see it.

No one came.

She didn't live here, Tom,

and I'm sure she didn't
have a lot of friends.

I'm sure.

Your mother just lost her mother. Be nice.

Sorry, Mom.

I just thought she should
have been nicer to you.

Thank you, Tom.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I am.

I'm okay.

I wish she and I had
talked years ago, but...

But that's not really your fault.

You didn't know what was going
on with her or how she felt.

At least she got a chance
to tell you before she left.

Yeah, at least.

I'm happy she got to come to our wedding.

I know. Me, too.

And my mother.


I'm going to go upstairs.

Okay. Do you want me to come
up there for a while with you?

Uh, no, no, no, I just
need some time alone.


is your mother coming over?

I told her you needed some time alone.

Not that that will stop her.

I'm going to ask her to
go, it's time for her to go.

And she can always come back.

Not like your mother.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.

It's okay.

But if you could,

I'd just really like to
hang out in my kitchen.

Our kitchen.

Have my house to myself.

If she comes, I'll get rid of her.

She can go over to Amy's or something.

Or she could go to the restaurant with you.

Or over to Amy's or something.

What can I do for you, Grace?
How can I make this easier?

I don't think burying a
grandparent is supposed to be easy.

So I just need time to mourn.

More time to mourn.

Yeah. Take all the time you need.

I need to do it alone.

You don't have to do it alone, Grace.

I'm going to be here for you,
like you've been here for me.

Yeah, the thing is, I'd
like to be here by myself,

if you don't mind.

So you want me to go home?

You can go wherever you want, Jack.

I just really want to be here by myself

and remember my grandmother
and all that she meant to me.

I thought you didn't
like her all that much.

No, I love her.

I love that she came
here and apologized to us

and let us have one good memory of her.

It's just so much better than if
we just heard that she passed away

and never saw her again.

Yeah. The good die young.

Well, she was hardly young, Jack.

Or good. Until the end.

Well, she's in a better place now.

Six feet under is a better place?

It was a really nice
plot, Grace, she's lucky.

I really have to be alone.

Okay. Then, I guess death will do us part.

Can you go, please, Jack?

All right, Mrs. Pappas. I'll be back later.

Not tonight, okay? I just need time.

- I love you, Grace.
- I love you.

Okay, bye.


God, what have I done?

Okay, we'll set up a buffet, right?

And we're gonna try one of everything.

See if we like this Thai restaurant.

It's got to be better than...


Hi, Nora. I wondered where you were.

- I didn't see your car.
- I'm parked right out there in front of the house.

So, are you moving things out?

Yes. I'm moving everything
I want out of the house,

and I asked George and Amy and Ashley

to move everything they
want out of the house.

So I guess you want me out of the house.

I guess I do.

You couldn't have called me to tell me

that George and Kathleen got married?

There are so many people you know

that are closer to you than I am.

George, for example. Amy. Even Ricky.

So did George just move in with Kathleen?

Kind of, I guess.

It all happened pretty quickly.

I guess I have to put
the house up for sale.

Or not.

I guess you could keep the house if
you want. I mean, it's your house.

Maybe you and your mother
and Robie could live here.

No, I can't live here.

I can't take care of my mother every day.

Ugh! I just don't want
to let go of this place.

I know it's ridiculous to hang onto it,

you know, with the market coming up and...

I don't know.

Well, I could offer to rent it,

but I'm sure it's way
out of my price range.

George and I lived here
for almost 20 years.

We raised a family here.

And now I guess he's just going
to go back to his first wife

and forget all about the
life that we had together.

I guess.

Have you forgotten that you're...

It would have been nice if they
had invited me to the wedding.

Yes, it would have been really nice.


Um, I'm just going to let
you talk to your mother.

Come on, Moose, we're
gonna eat in bed tonight.

Mom, did you really need
me to come over right now?

I'm busy, I have homework and a test and...

I mean, what, do you really
want me to move all my stuff out?

I don't know, Amy,

I just felt like seeing you.

I felt like seeing my daughter
in my house one more time.

Isn't that a little dramatic?

Yes. But, I don't know,

I'm still kind of surprised
that your dad and Kathleen

got married without telling me.

I know that I'll never be with
your dad again, but still...

But still what?

But still you're gay?

Yeah, I don't know. Yes. Yes, I am gay.

And I'm happy that I finally
came to terms with that.

And it's been a really great
time discovering who I am

and what I want to,

but still, your dad and I were married

and we had a family.

Now we're not and we don't.

Oh, come on.

Last time I checked, you were
still my mother. I'm your family.

- Yeah, I know, but...
- But what?

You and Ricky, you're still getting
married the day after you graduate, right?

- Yeah.
- I just thought of something.

No, Mom. We're doing the wedding ourselves.

It won't cost anyone anything.

What if after you and Ricky get married,

you move out of that little
apartment into this house?

The three of you, and Nora if you want.

Just stay here as long
as you want the house.

I don't know, Mom.

I don't... I don't know if we want a house.

Or if we can handle a
house. I mean, it's a house.

I'm just getting out of high
school and I'm getting married

and going to college.

That's a lot as it is.

Even maybe too much.

I don't know if we, uh,
want to take over this house.

Forgot something.

Need a couple of plates.

Think about it, Amy.

You and Ricky would have
so much more room here,

and Nora could be here to help babysit

and John could have a yard.

You wouldn't have to go to the park!

You loved growing up here

and John would love growing up here.

He already loves it here.

Nora, would you like to stay here

if Amy and Ricky and John moved in here?

Mom, we need to talk about this.

Yeah, you two talk.

Mom, I want to go to school in New York.

I'm going to school in New York.

I haven't quite made
that clear to Ricky yet,

but I'm going to summer school.

But you're getting married
the day after you graduate.

Yeah, because that was the only way
that I could go to summer school.

Look, I'm going to give
Ricky what he wants.

We're getting married.

But I also want to give me what I want.

And I want to go to school in
New York, starting this summer.

But, I mean, maybe Ricky
and his mom could live here

while I live in New York
and go to school there.

And, you know, it would
be really nice for Ricky

to have her here to help him out.

And then, when I come home to visit,

I would be visiting our house
and that would be really nice.

What do you think?

I think you either get
married and stay here

or you move to New York and go to school,

but not both. It's one or the other.

- Why?
- The two things do not go together.

And it sounds to me like
you're only marrying Ricky

because you don't want to tell him

that you don't want to be married.

You want to go to New York by
yourself and be a single mom.

I don't know if I want to
take John with me to New York.

I mean, it may be best for
him to be with Ricky, here.

Either way, I'm still
going to have to get a job

and I'm still not even going to be
able afford being a single mother

and living New York and
going to school there.

All right, I'll tell you what.

Don't get married.

I'll sell the house and
I'll give you the money

so you can go to New York and
be a single mom and go to school.

I already told Ricky that I'd marry him.

Margaret has to have a computer.

I know she does. She has a laptop.

She wouldn't let me on it.

And they wanted to go out and
they dumped me over here, okay?

- Leave me alone.
- I have stuff to do, too!

- Sit down.
- No!

Then you're going to bed.

- Hello?
- Amy is going to summer school in New York?

- Where'd you hear that?
- From Amy.

She's in the kitchen, talking to Anne.

Anne offered to let you and Amy and John

live in the house, and me, too!

But Amy's apparently
going to summer school.

No, she's not. I think I would know.

- Would you?
- Mom, we're getting married.

Why would she take off for New
York right after we get married?

We're still trying to
figure everything out.

We don't even know if she can
afford to go to that school.

Never mind.

Just do your homework so
I can do mine, all right?

I don't think you're going to be able to

get any homework done now.

Shut up and focus!

Okay, uh, if I can't get the
apartment and the dorm room,

I'll take the apartment.

I think it's best if you live in the dorm

your first year of school,
get to know some new people.

Some not-Amy people?

You said it, not me.

But yes, some not-Amy people.

But I can get the apartment if I want?

Yeah, you can make the decision
as to where you're gonna live

from whatever choices
I've approved for you.

Don't forget, I'm paying for it

and you're going to be on a budget.

You think you can get an
apartment cheaper than the dorms?

Well, I've been looking and an
apartment might be slightly more.

Couple of hundred a month
more, for something near campus.

But it would be quieter
and probably safer and...

Fine. Let's see what we can find.

You look and I'll look.

But don't come back to me with one
place that you just have to have

that's twice what the dorms would be.

And if Amy needs...

Stop trying to find a
place that fits you and Amy!

You're already giving them a
place to live on the West Coast,

why not the East Coast, too?

What on earth are you envisioning?

That she's going to be his wife
here and your girlfriend there?

I'm envisioning her not getting married,

breaking things off with Ricky
and moving in with me as a friend.

You're not having any pizza?

Guess he's not having any pizza.

I can eat my pizza somewhere
else if this is a bad time.

Yeah, this is a bad time.

I would do anything to get Ben to drop this

stupid, stupid pursuit of Amy Juergens!

- Maybe I can talk to him.
- No one can talk to him.

My son is going to ruin
his life no matter what.

He's already wasted his high school years

and now it continues into college.

- Hey.
- Hey. I said I didn't want any pizza.

Okay, well, I'm going to have some pizza

and I don't have anyone to
talk to while I eat the pizza,

so can I hang out in here?

I'm feeling kind of lonely.

Chloe, you got to make
some friends, all right?

I've got about a month to find
the perfect apartment in Manhattan,

so I'm kind of busy here with my life.

All right, well, I can help you.

I know how to use a computer.

Or I could bring my computer in here

and we can get online at the same time.

Look, it's just that...

I'd like to include you
in what I'm doing here,

but I talk to you and you talk to Dad,

so I don't really want to
include you, not to be rude.

Yeah, not to be rude.

We're not friends,
we're brother and sister.

Or like brother and sister.

- Like?
- Come on.

You're coming here at 16 and I'm 18

and we're not brother and
sister and we're not friends.

We're just living in the same
house with the same parents.

But I'm moving out soon and you
can have them all to yourself.

And good luck with that.

I know it's nice living here and all,

but you may find it a bit restrictive

if there's ever anything you want
to do that they don't want you to do,

like grow up.

All right, I'll just eat this in my room.

Bon app?tit.


I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

I'm just... I'm a little caught
up with this apartment thing.

No, you didn't hurt my feelings.

And I do have friends
and I have my own life.

I just thought I would try to talk to you

because your dad can't
seem to talk to you, so...

So, yeah, that's what I thought
that was it. Go eat your pizza.

Hi, sweetie.

Are you sure you don't
want anything to eat?

No, I'm not really hungry.

I have to go back to school tomorrow
and I have this test tomorrow,

so I just kind of want to be alone.

Seriously. I need to be alone.

So do I, but Eva is here

- and I told her I wanted to be with you.
- What's she doing here?

She thinks she's helping,
she wants to help.

Help do what? She can't bring Grandma back.

Sorry. I shouldn't have said that.

You seem kind of angry.

Well, aren't you?

I guess the Lord giveth
and the Lord taketh away.

I mean, it just seems so unfair.

Like, she finally shows
up after all these years

and then we find out we've been
robbed of a relationship with her

because Grandpa was in some kind of cult.

I am never going to let some
guy tell me what to do or think.

I hope not. I'm not.


And just because Jack wants
to get married right now,

I'm not going to get married right now.

I'm not going to get married
before I'm ready to get married.

But you're wearing an engagement ring.

So what?

I can wear this thing for
years before we get married.

Is that what you're planning, you and Jack,

to be engaged for years?

I don't know!

Now he wants to follow me to
whatever school I get into,

but I don't want him to follow me.

Like, I want him to be his own
person and go to his own school.

And you would go to a school out of state?

It would make things a little
bit difficult, don't you think?

Not for me.

I'm not going to school to see
what other guys are out there

or to date or have a good time.

I'm going to school to study
to get into medical school,

which is why I can't go to Jack's school,

which doesn't mean he
should go to my school.

You can't go to Jack's school or you
don't want to go to Jack's school?

You just lost your
mother. I can handle this.

Well, honey, you haven't lost
your mother, I'm right here.

Grace, tell me what's going on.

I saw you crying at my wedding.

You're not going away to school

because you don't want to be here,

where you'd be around George and me?

That's not it, is it?

I could tell you that was
it, but that's not the truth.

The truth is I'm not
going to be like Grandma

when she was married to Grandpa.

I'm not even going to be like
you when you were married to Dad.

I'm going to be like me.

And I am going to do what I want
to do and be married to Jack.

Well, marriage is all about compromise.

At 18 you want me to compromise?

No. I am sure that Jack
can do what he wants to do

and I can do what I want
to do and we can be married.

I guess your mom just
doesn't have an appetite.

Guess not.

Tom, I really feel like
I need to hit the road.

You can't. The other grandma just left.

You can't leave, too.

It's different. I can come back.

My mom lost her mother, she needs you.

For what, Tom?

To do what mothers do.

I don't do what mothers do.

I'm not that clingy.

My son's grown up and he's on his own

and he and your mom just got
married, and they need time to...

They've been doing that
and I need a grandma.

I really never had one.

I can be your grandma and
send you postcards and stuff.

That's not what a grandma is.

You're supposed to knit me things.

I don't knit, Tom.

- You can learn.
- I don't want to learn.

It's me, isn't it?

You didn't know about me.

You don't want to be my grandma, do you?

Oh, Tom, of course I do.

Oh, hi, Eva. Um...

I'm just gonna be upstairs.

- Anything I can do?
- Oh, no, no. Thank you, though. Um...

maybe George could use
you at the restaurant.

He always needs help down there,

and I just need to spend some time alone.


See? I'm not really needed.

They've just been pretending to
need me to make me feel better.

And it doesn't.

- I need you.
- No, you don't.

- Hello?
- Hey, buddy, you got to do me a favor.

Tell my mom to go home. To go
over to my house or something.

She's getting on your mother's nerves.

What? You two told me to make
her feel like she's needed.


That was days ago. I love her, but
your mom and I need to be alone.

But I like her.

I like having a Grandma.

I love her, she's my mother,
but this is not a good time.

Your mom and I just got married,

and she just lost her mother,

and we need time with each
other. Just each other.

I got it.

Thank God. Phew! I can go now.

I want to go. I never get to go anywhere.

Ever ridden on the back of a bike?


What do you mean you found
a condo for us to buy?

I saw some condos when I was there

and the one I like,
there are other offers on.

But they're going to take
offers through this weekend

so we should either look at it
together or you should trust me.

I didn't even know you
were looking at condos.

You never even mentioned that to me.

The company has a department
that helps people with relocation

and the woman just suggested that
we look at some possibilities and...

Oh! So you and some woman

picked out a place for you and me?

- What?
- That's her job,

to help people relocate.

I just wanted to see what was out there.

And there's this one condo that is so...

No! I told you, a year from now

we'd get married and move there.

I'm not going to rent for a
year and then buy something.

That would be a waste of money.

Well, you're not going to live in
a condo for a year before I move in

because then it would be like
me moving into your condo.

- You mean like I did here?
- That's different, okay?

I was living here when you met me.

So it's your place that we're living in,

whereas it would be our place in New York

that I live in until we're
ready to live there together.

You know what?

Your mother told me
how much she missed you.

So why don't you go
spend the night over there

'cause I really don't feel
like seeing you right now.

I just got back.

I just got used to your being gone.

Okay, then, fine.

Couldn't have come at a worse time.

Do you have an office where we can talk?

- No.
- Yes, you do.

I'll meet you at the bar.

Hey, you don't happen
to like women, do you?


The hostess will be right with you.

So, where's Robie? In your purse?

He's with his father tonight.

I went to the house to pack up a few things

since I heard you got married.

What, you just heard?
That was almost a week ago.

- I thought Amy told you.
- Yesterday, just yesterday.

You couldn't let me know? I like Kathleen.

I'm glad you like Kathleen, but we
don't have to tell you what we're doing.

It was spur of the moment.

And I don't really see how our
getting married concerns you.

You're living in my house.

Not anymore.

You don't see how that presents a
problem, you not living in my house?

It really doesn't until Nora's not there,

and then it's a problem
because it's an empty house.

Okay, fine, George, I'm dealing with it.

So, fine.

- You bought the restaurant?
- Yep.

So you were hiding money.

I wouldn't say hiding, exactly.

What are you going to do about it, sue me?

Nothing. I'm not going to sue you.

I have enough money of my
own without taking yours,

even though I am entitled to it, thank you.

You have enough money to buy
me out of the furniture store?

I asked Donovan, but he
can't, he's got five kids.

I'm not here to help you out.

I am not here to solve your problems.

I'm here to solve mine.

That being said, I might be interested

in buying out your share
of the furniture store.

You might as well, you're
there more than I am anyway.

And I want a clean break.

I don't want to be tangled
up with you anymore.

Nice. Well, I'm married now.

And we don't have a son and our
daughters are living their own lives

and you're living your
life, so there you go.

"There you go"? That's it?

No notice, no discussion, no attempt
to be civil, just, "There you go"?

What do you want from me,
Anne? I've been busy all week.

Kathleen's mother showed
up, my mother showed up,

then Kathleen and I got married

and then her mother
passed away the next day.

We just had the funeral today.

I haven't had time for civilization.

Your mother was here?

- I love your mother.
- And she likes you.

Maybe you can take her to Palm Springs.

Wait. Kathleen's mother passed away?

She passed away and there was a funeral

and I didn't know about that either?

You're not part of our family.

This is my new family.

Kathleen was the old family, but now she's
the new family and you're the old one.

And that's just how it
is. She's the priority now.

Okay. I got it, old husband.

And just so you know, I
told our old oldest daughter

that she and John and Ricky can get married

and live in the house with Nora,

or she can move to New
York and be a single mom

and I'll sell the house
in order to sponsor that,

but if, and only if, she
decides not to get married.

Because you know what? I'm not so
sure that she wants to be married.

That's not your family either.

So why don't you leave them alone, too

and not set up a reward for
Amy doing the wrong thing?

She needs to get married, go to school here

be a mother to John and wife to Ricky,

and that's all there is to it.

Well, you have your
opinion, and I have mine.

I can offer my daughter anything
I want to offer my daughter.

You don't see anything wrong in bribing
your daughter to do something immoral?

Being a single mom is immoral?

I'm a single mom.


No, I'm not telling you I'm going
to summer school, I'm asking you.

You're asking me after you signed up.

Did you ask me to set a date for the
wedding before or after you signed up?

What difference does it make?

Before or after?

About the same time!

No, no, no, not about the
same time! Before or after!

Okay, fine. You know what?
Before. But who cares!

I care! You just gave me what I wanted

so you could have what you wanted and

then you were dishonest about it!

This is the biggest decision that
we're ever going to make together

and you're being dishonest about it!

You know what, if you don't like
it, why don't you just leave?


Oh, what? You still
consider this your apartment?

Fine. I'll leave.

Really, I should be the one to leave.

Margaret and Shakur are coming
to pick me up. Goodnight.

- When did he get here?
- Hours ago.

He needed to use the computer.

Ugh. You know what? I'm gonna go
over to my dad's house for the night.

I really don't feel like
being with you right now.


Hey, there.

Brought you some ice cream,
thought it might help.

Help what?

Ease your pain.

It's Rocky Road.

Because life is a rocky road and I'm
here to help you get down that road.

Thank you, but I don't
really want any ice cream.

Besides, I don't really want
to be bad to myself right now

by eating junk when my grandmother
just died of heart disease.

So I'll just put it in the
freezer. You can eat it later.

Okay, well, um, thank you
for coming over to bring that.


I thought I'd stick around.

I thought you were going to
give me some time to myself.

You shouldn't be alone at
a time like this, Grace.

Come on, let me be
there for you. I owe you.

Okay. If you really want to
do something for me, go home.

I really want to do something for you,

but that's not what I want to do.

I want to stay here
tonight and be with you.

Is that how this is gonna be?

Like, I tell you what I want, what I need,

and you just tell me you're
going to do something else?

Like, I am my own person.
I'm going to get what I want,

whatever is the right thing
for me. Not you, for me!

Not you and me, but me!

Grace, no offense, but
that doesn't sound very


I mean, marriage is all about compromise.

I'm not gonna compromise!
Not tonight, not any night!

You want to stay here, you stay here!

Well, that's compromising, isn't it?

I'm leaving.

I wish someone had let me know.

I would have sent flowers
or called you or something.

Aw. That's really sweet, Anne,

but there was nothing
anyone could really do.

It took a few days to notify my dad,

and then he actually sent a telegram

saying that he and his new wife
were unable to come to the funeral.

- That's pretty cold.
- Yeah.

But I guess in his
eyes, my mom betrayed him

so he'd already said goodbye to her.

Well, is there anything I can do?

I don't think so.

- Unless...
- Unless?

How well do you know George's mom?

Well, I haven't seen much of her

since the girls were in elementary school.

She used to spend the summer
with us here and there,

but she's always been a bit of a nomad.

Do you think she would
like to see Palm Springs?

George already asked me to ask her.

She's great, don't get me wrong,

but I just... I really want to settle
in with George and she's just...

- I got it.
- Thank you.

And if she doesn't want to
go, it's fine, we'll be okay.

No, I can talk her into it, I'm sure.

And thank you for asking
me to do something.

I'm feeling a bit like
a woman with no country.

I don't have my old
family, as George puts it,

and I don't have a new family,

so I'm just feeling a little bit lost.

Anyway, I guess I thought that since we've
all known each other for such a long time,

and you and I get along, and
our daughters are friends,

I don't know, I just...

I guess I thought that I would
still be a part of the family.

That sounds ridiculous now that I say it.

No. No, it doesn't.

- It does to George.
- I'll talk to George.

You know, he's... he's
still angry about Robie.

He's angry?

I still can't believe that
he claimed to be his father.

A noble gesture.

Completely misguided
and legally-questionable,

but I guess you could
also consider it noble.

- Sorry.
- I thought you weren't speaking to me.

You've hardly spoken to me all week.

Yeah, well, I missed you.

You just showed up because you missed me.

All right, I was at
Ricky's using his computer

and Amy came home and they
got into a big argument

and I didn't want to wait for
Shakur and Margaret to pick me up

so I took the bus here.

I knew how to take the bus here.

Oh. Okay.

So it had nothing to do
with your wanting to see me,

it was just convenient for you to drop by.

Yeah, but I wanted to see you.


You've avoided me all week at school.

- No, I haven't.
- Yeah, you have.

Well, I've had a lot of tests and...

I'm still getting the hang of algebra.

Are you still coaching Brian?

Are you still helping Layla?

Helping her with algebra? No.

Are you going out with Layla?

Going out with her? I can't
drive, where are we going to go?

Answering a question with a question

is usually a sign that someone is lying.


Well, you answered my
question with a question.

Are you coaching Brian?

Yeah, I am.

But I am not going out with Brian.

I didn't ask you that.

Look, Kathy,

you're my girlfriend,

or I want you to be my girlfriend,

and I really did want to see you.

I've been wanting to talk to you because...

I just want to know where we stand.


Because I want to know.

Because I care about you.

And because, honestly,
Layla is offering me things

that would put us on an equal status.

You can wait for your
parents on my front steps.

Goodnight and goodbye.

I hope we can still be...

Hey, kiddo, we're taking off.

Just wanted to let you know.

And you can let my mother know.

And by taking off, you mean what?

A spin around the neighborhood?

Salmon fishing in Alaska. I
got some friends up there...

Oh, no, no! You cannot go to Alaska.

Why not? It's a beautiful ride.

We're going to see the
Redwoods on the way up.

Did you ask your mother about this?

I'm a grown man. I left a note.

Well, I doubt she's found it or
she would have called me by now.

I know, that's why I
said you could tell her.

I need a word with my mom, Tom.

No. I know what you're going to say.

Damn it.

- What?
- Uh, Mom, Tom has a job.

He can't just hop on a bike and take off.

He called his boss, Milton.

Milton said he could go. Once
in a lifetime opportunity.

- He has to ask his mother.
- He asked your mother and I said yes.

Come on. Tom on the back of
a bike for thousands of miles?

- I've never had an accident.
- I know that, but...

But what? We're not wanted
at home, we're taking off.

Who said you're not wanted?

It's just... I know.

You just got married, her mom
died, there's stuff going on.

I don't take any offense,
but I think Tom did somehow.

Did you tell him you need time alonf?

- Yeah, but...
- But you just meant me.

- I love you, Mom.
- I know.

We can go a decade
without seeing each other

and when we do it's still nice.

If you want to go up to the Redwoods for
a night, I can probably make that fly.

Hi, Kathleen, don't worry, they're
here, they haven't gone anywhere.

But they're going to Alaska?

- I don't know about that.
- Well, I think it's fantastic!

Tom on a motorcycle,

off with his new grandma, seeing
things he's never seen before,

while we're here, just
hanging out and being a family.

- Just you and me?
- Well, and Jack and Grace. And Anne.

- Who's Anne?
- Oh, George, she stopped by and...

Honey, Anne is part of our family, too.

I mean, we're all just one big family.

And she's welcome here anytime.

Maybe I'll come with you.

You can't. You're married
now. Your life is over!

It's nice of you to be nice to my ex,

but our lives are just starting

and I can't wait to get home to you,

so say goodnight to Anne for
me and send her on her way.

- I love you, Kathleen.
- I love you, too, George.

Chloe? Can I come in?

Hi, brother Ben.

Uh, I just want to talk to you about...

Do you want to put something over that?

- Why? Because that's...
- That's a little...


I like you, Ben, you know that.

And I can make you forget
all about Amy Juergens.

- Goodnight.
- Wait.

Chloe, you're not a hooker, all right?

You're a nice girl, okay?
You don't do this anymore.

I do if it will help someone.

No, you don't.

Look... Chloe,

even if having sex with you would make
me forget Amy for the rest of my life,

I wouldn't do that to you.

You went through too much
and you've worked too hard

to make a new life for yourself,

and we've done a lot for you here,

my dad has anyway,

but you've also done a lot for yourself.

Don't go back there,

don't be that girl again.

We care about you.

I care about you.

As a sister and a friend.


And I'm not going to
tell my dad about this,

and I don't think that you should, either.

Just talk to Dr. Fields, all right?

I forgot something.

Oh, yeah? What's that, Omar?

I forgot to kiss you goodnight.

I don't want to kiss you goodnight.

- I love you, Adrian.
- No, you don't.

No, I do.

And I want to marry you right now,

but if you want to wait
a year, we can wait a year

and then we'll look for
something to buy together.

Who cares if I waste a
year's rent in New York,

as long as you love me
and want to marry me.

What's a year?

I won?

- Yeah, if we don't mind wasting a year's rent in New York.
- I don't mind.

Adrian, it's like $60,000.

It's a lot of money, that's
why we should buy something now.

But we don't mind wasting the money

so we're not going to, right?

Besides, you'll get to
know New York and so will I

and we'll know more about where we
want to live this time next year,

when I pick out the condo.

- With me.
- Yes, of course with you.

Why don't you go to New York alone

and let this woman from
our company take you out

to look at some condos and
see what you come up with?

Why don't we go to bed and
see what we come up with?

I see how I keep losing.

I finished the ice cream.

You want to come back or do
you still feel like being alone?

I still feel like being alone.

Why do you do that? I just said to
you that I still feel like being alone.

Nobody feels like being alone.

It's lonely being alone.

No, sometimes it's good to be alone.

Yeah, but, Grace, not
for the rest of your life.

I know you're having second
thoughts about getting married,

but it'soing to be fine, Grace.

I'm going to be a good husband to you.

I know we're young, but we've been in love

since the first time we saw each other.

You mean in heat. We've been in heat

since the first time we saw each other.

The two feelings are kind of confusing.

But I love you and I want to marry you

and I want to sleep with you right now

and for the rest of our lives.

Right now? You want to
sleep with me right now?

Well, of course I do, but I'm not
gonna. We're going to wait, right?

Yeah. But, I don't know, I mean, maybe...

maybe that's what's wrong with me.

Maybe I'm anxious about
getting married because

I'm nervous about sleeping with you again.

What if the first time was only
exciting because it was the first time?

What if we're not compatible that
way? Maybe we should find out.

Grace, come on, we're going
to be compatible that way.

We don't have to sleep with each
other right now to know that.

All right, well, all
I'm saying is, we could.

Did you find whatever you were looking for?

Yeah, I just needed my lotion.

It's hypo-allergenic.

I need to use it after
I shower in the morning.

All right, goodnight.


Any idea where you'll be in
case there's an emergency?

I'm not sure yet.

I mean, if I go to my dad's old house

then your mother will know we're arguing,

and if I go to his new house,

then he and Kathleen and Grace
will know that we're arguing so...

I really don't know.

Well, text me if you figure it out.

Of course, I'm sure
Ben's door is always open.

Say hi to Leo for me.

If I end up going over there, then I will.


Oh, come on, you know I'm
not gonna go over there.

No, I don't.

In fact, for all I know, you and Ben
are living together at summer school.

Um, actually, I do have a
solution to that housing situation.

If you want to hear about it.

I heard about it.

Your mom offered to let me
and you and John live there.

Which makes it a long commute to New York,

so I don't really see how
that's a solution to your problem

because I know you're not gonna do that.

You're right. I'm not going to do that.

I want to get married the day
after I graduate, like I said.

I want us to be a family,
Ricky, a legal family.

And we're going to have to live apart

for the first few years of our
marriage, but it'll be okay.

Just please, please let
me go to summer school

without making it any big deal out of it.

I just want to get started and get finished

so that we can live together all the time.

I love you.

Are you sure you want to get married, Amy?

Because if you don't, this
is the time to tell me.

I want to get married.

- I'm leaving.
- Bye, family.


I love you. I love you.

So I should tell the counselor...

That you're going to summer school.

We just don't know how we're
going to pay for the housing yet.

I don't know either, but I love you, Amy.

I love you, too.

I'm so excited!

I'm going to go by and tell my mom.

She said she'd be at the
house, so if we leave now...

Yes, leave now.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

Come on, Mommy!

- Bye, Daddy.
- Bye.

Oh, George, you don't have
to do this every morning.

I might want to do this every morning,

especially if every
night is like last night.

Oh, well, somehow my mother
dying really made me want to live.

Good morning!

Morning, George.

She was already headed
up to bed when we talked.

- You didn't know I was here?
- Didn't know you were here.

Do you want some breakfast?

No that's okay, I'm going
to head over to the house.

Amy wanted to come over and see me.

- Good luck with that bribe.
- It's not a bribe.

- It's an option.
- An option?

- To getting married.
- Oh.

Maybe I should come up
with one of those myself.

- Huh?
- For Grace.

Thank you, Kathleen, for
inviting me to stay over

and to be a part of your new life.

- You're always welcome.
- Well, maybe not always.

- Call first.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I thought I said...

I know. I know what you said,

but there's not the old
family and the new family.

There's family and
we're all one family now.

And that's what I want and I
know that's what you want, too.

But you just can't let yourself
be nice for some reason.

For many reasons.

George, she's had a tough year.

She taking care of her
mom who has Alzheimer's,

she's a single mom now dealing
with the baby's father's family.

She needs us.

I'm fine with her being around.

Because she's gay?


I have to see you.

All right, you can see me. What's going on?

I did something really stupid.

I had sex with Jack last night.

How's that stupid? You're
going to be marrying the guy.

I was trying to get out of the marriage.

- With sex?
- I don't know how it happened.

I know how it happened.

Grace, I said I was going to wait
a year to get married to Omar,

but I really need the year
to just think about it.

I love him, but...

I know! And I love Jack, too.

And Omar really loves me.

- And Jack loves me.
- I just...

- I don't know.
- I don't know, either.

Do you think we can get together
sometime in the next week?

I just... I can't talk
to my mother about this.

I can't tell her I slept with Jack.

Yeah, definitely we'll get together.

I think we should ask Amy
if she wants to join us.

- Really?
- Really.

Good morning!

Is that for me?

This is for you, Anne!

This is for you! Good morning!

What's all that shouting about?

Oh. Hi, Anne.



You remember Willowdine? My friend...
your friend, Willowdine, right?

I'm sorry, Anne, we didn't realize.

Well, I guess this is why
I haven't heard from you.

Uh, we, um...

we both switched groups and, uh,

I got a different sponsor.

I'm really sorry, Anne, I couldn't tell
you why I didn't want to be with you.

Of course not.

But good to see you're still
keeping it in the family.

It's my fault.

No, it's not, it's my fault. I...

I don't love you, I love her.

I love Nora.

And I just didn't realize
that till after we got together

that I want to be part of this crazy
family Nora's always talking about.

This crazy family that's
so accepting and wonderful.

Stop. Okay?

Just stop.

I'm not happy about this.

I really hate surprises

and this week has been full of them.

But all the surprises
haven't been bad, so...

Are you decent?

Yes. I'm decent.

So, uh, ready for school?
We need to get going.

I can get Leo or Camille to take me.

No. You don't have to.

Let's just get things back to
normal around here, all right, sis?

All right, bro. I'll be right there.

Hey, it's me. Ginger.

I knew you'd call me, toots.

Those people aren't your family.

I'm your family.