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05x20 - First and Last

Posted: 06/29/21 07:44
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on The Secret
Life of the American Teenager...

I know Amy wants to go
to school in New York,

and I don't think she wants
to get married before she goes.

How the hell are you going to
live in two different cities

and be parents to a three-year-old?

I'm gonna get algebra removed
from the school curriculum.

- You don't want to go to New York.
- Maybe not this year.

The school I visited
in Utah, it was amazing.

I could just transfer and go with you.

Did you have a good time?

Wasn't really there to have a good time.

I notice you're not
wearing your wedding band

or your engagement ring.

If I could get that apartment,

I would definitely go to Hudson University.

You are not going to New York.
The whole thing is ridiculous.

If I don't go now, I may
never have this chance again.

That is not a compliment,

that a woman looks like a stripper.

You are good looking enough to
take your clothes off for money.

You were pretending to be married
to me and you stole my wedding rings?

Do not marry someone you're
not madly in love with.

You're trying to find a
way to break up with Jack.

You are not breaking up
with him until I say you are.

You think she just doesn't
want to be married to me?

I think she feels trapped.

Let's set a date.

So let's stop kidding
around and make it official.

Hi, mom.

What happened to the wallpaper?

Who needs wallpaper?

Before it looked like a home.
Now it looks like an institution.

Who picked out the paint color?


And I painted it just the
way Kathleen wanted it.

Like a dog in heat marking his territory.

- Woof.
- What happened to your second wife?

Oh. She's gay.

She's gay?

She sure is. And proud of
it. And I'm proud of her.

Oh really? What are you
wearing to the parade?

Anything I want. And I'm
taking Kathleen with me.

Hoping to turn her gay too?

You can't turn straight into gay anymore
than you can turn a witch into a warlock.

Actually, I think you can do both,

but I'm not interested in
discussing conversion therapy

or transsexual surgery with you.

It's called gender reassignment surgery.

Sit down, I'll get you a drink.

Oh that's right, you don't drink.

You want a cup of coffee? Oh that's right,

you don't drink caffeine.

How 'bout a game of cards?

What am I saying? Cards are
at the instrument of the devil!

George, please.

What? Your mother has a sense of humor.

Don't you Victor Victoria?

Can I get you some cookies ' and warm
milk before you go to bed, mother?

Did you make the cookies?

Yes, I did.

Oh, no thank you.

I'll have some.

So what dragged you out of hiding?

I haven't been hiding,

I've been in the same house
that I've been in for 40 years.

Kathleen knows where I
live. And she has my number.

When's the last time
you and Kathleen talked?

I believe it was when Marshall passed away.

- Oh, right. So you don't know about...
- Ooh...

Here are your cookies, dear.

(Mutters) Dear.

- We don't need to mention.
- Mention what?

About your not coming to the funeral.

You couldn't get it together for
your daughter, your grandkids?

Don't want to tell her about the grandkids?

(Sighs) No. Not right now.

So, how's dad?

- Dead.
- Yes. Dad?

Dead. He's dead.


My father died and you didn't even call me?

He's dead to me. (Sighs with relief)

He's still alive and well, somewhere.

- Somewhere?
- He left.

(Laughs) You? He left you?

How'd that happen?

Oh, shut up, George.

Is that why you're here,
mom? To let me know about dad?


I'm here because I'm going to
need someone to take care of me.

I got the name of a rattlesnake wrangler.

We'll call him.

(Crickets chirping outside)



This is who he left the restaurant with?

- Yeah.
- Grace!

How are you? And what are
you doing in that get up?

That's hardly appropriate
for someone your age.

- Hi.
- Who are you?

Well, um... I'm Jack.

I'm Grace's...


* falling in love is
such an easy thing to do

* birds can do it we can do it

* let's stop talking let's get to it

* let's fall in love

I can't wait to see how you
do on the algebra test today.

I bet you do really well.

I'm not going to abandon my campaign
to get algebra removed from the required

course list, no matter how I do.

I think just being interested in the
subject, pro or con, may help you.

Just being interested in something does
not mean you're suddenly good at it.

And I'm not interested.

Okay, okay I'll drop it, but...

what subjects do you really like?

Other than music?

I don't know, free period.

What do you use that
time in free period for?

What do you think about when
you have an hour to think?

You mostly.

You know, one day you're going to
have to make a living at something.

The more you know, the more
options you're going to have.

You should use high school as a
way to find out what interests you,

outside of me,

then you'll know what you
want to study in college.

I have to go, you've got hours
before that test, so... (Sighs)

look at the material
again, just to refresh,

and I'm sure you're going
to do really well this time.

- Hey, Ethan.
- Oh. Hi, Layla.

What's up with the girlfriend?

I think we may have spent
slightly too much time together

last weekend, too much studying.

So you two don't...

That's what you do on weekends, study?

And we took a survey, I'm trying to have
algebra dropped from the requirements

because no one really uses it in real life.

Hand it over, I'll sign it.

Really? So you agree with me?

Yeah. Who doesn't?

- Kathy.
- Oh? Really?

You mean she actually
wants to study algebra?


Wow. This is a lot of signatures.
Maybe you can actually pull this off.

I mean,

I'm sure you could pull
this off, you're a smart guy.

And you're not bad looking.

Hey, you didn't text me back.

- You texted me?
- I thought I did.

Didn't you participate in the
spelling bee back in Texas?

- Yeah.
- Are you going to compete this year?


No, not this year, maybe next year.

This year I was new at school and...

that takes up a lot of time and...

And you had a baby, I heard about that.

So, uh...

how are you doing with that?

I don't really want to talk about it.

See, this is why I've never
really approached you before,

I didn't know if I should
bring that up or not and...

I thought I should, you know, because

I don't really care.

But I guess I was wrong. And the thing is,

I'm in the finals for the spelling bee.

And I thought maybe you could tell
me what it's like to go to state.

Study strategies, that sort of thing,
maybe throw some words at me at lunch...

or after school or something.

You made it to state? That's
great! Congratulations!

Yeah, I kind of got involved
because my mom made me, but...

I'm a little competitive.

Yeah, I am too.

So could you help me?

I mean, I know that you have
a boyfriend, but this is...

just a friend thing.

If you're allowed to have friends.


I can have friends.



Is that?

Yeah. Yeah.

Jack and I are engaged.

When did you get engaged?

Last weekend. He surprised
me. He totally surprised me.

- That's so nice. Congratulations!
- Thank you.

So. When's the wedding?

Oh, don't worry, we're going to wait
until after you and Ricky get married,

because you two were engaged first

and we don't want to step on your toes.

Oh no, you shouldn't
plan around Ricky and me,

You should get married
whenever you wanna get married.

Of course.

Well, that would depend on when
you and Ricky want to get married.

And Adrian and Omar. Because
they were ahead of us too.

Isn't it crazy? We're all
engaged, the three of us!

All three of us girls getting married.

It is kind of crazy.

Yeah. Well, there you go.

All of us, young and in love and

getting married and going to college.

It's an exciting time.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

So are you going to college out of state?

I don't know if that's
still an option for me now.

Are you?

I don't know.

I guess Adrian will. I mean,
if she follows Omar to New York.

It could be you and Ricky and
Adrian and Omar all in New York.

(Laughs) Yeah.

If I go to New York and if Ricky goes too.

Wouldn't Ricky go too?

I don't know.

But I do know we are getting married.

I mean, we just set the
date last weekend and

I guess it's not a secret so...

Good morning.

I hope it's a good morning
because it was a lousy weekend.

- So what's up?
- Why was it a lousy weekend?

You saw her.

Kathleen's mother showed up here

just as Kathleen and
I were about to run off

and do what you and
Amy were supposed to do.

Why couldn't you take her mother with you,

wouldn't she want her there?

Her mother never really liked me,

then she hated me when
Kathleen and I divorced so...

I don't think we have her
blessing, not that we need it.

She just showed up? She didn't know you two

were going to run off?

Purely coincidental.
Kathleen didn't even know.

I was hoping to talk her
into it and just take off.

(Laughs) You weren't going to tell Amy?

I might have told her, I might not have.

I'm not her son, she's my daughter.

I'm going to do what I want,
what Kathleen and I want.

If Kathleen had wanted to take off and
tell no one, I would have done that,

if she had wanted to ask you and Amy and

Grace and Jack and tom, then
that would have been fine too.

Okay, well.

Amy and I do want you at our wedding.

Go on.

Amy and I are getting married
the day after she graduates.

- Are you now?
- Yeah.

I'm going to want to be
there for verification.

I said we wanted you there.
You and Anne and my parents.

We're just going to go to have

a little ceremony down
at Jack's dad's church

and invite our families and
then go back to our apartment

and have a cake or something.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

You're really going to get married?

Amy said that she'd marry you for real?

- Yeah.
- Wait.

Why isn't she telling me this?

Cause she couldn't come
over here this morning

to tell you and I wanted to tell you.

She's gonna call Anne.

Amy wanted you to tell me,
she didn't want to tell me?

Either way, it's still good news, right?

There's some reason she doesn't
want to tell me face to face.

- Like what?
- I don't know, but there's a reason.

I guarantee you there's a reason.

She had to go to school.

She'll end up telling her friends,

and we wanted to make sure
you knew before everyone else.

No, there's something else,
something's off about this.

All right, well,

I just thought you should know, so.

I appreciate it. Son.

So you want to stick around, I'll
take you out to breakfast or something?

No, I have to go to school.

Okay, but,

you might as well tell
me what's really going on

'cause I'll find out.

Hey, I was just talking to Grace.

She told me that you and Ricky
set a date for the wedding.

So, I want to make sure I
mark the date on my calendar.

Oh, well, I hate to disappoint you Ben, but

I don't think we're going
to have a big wedding,

so I don't think we're inviting you.

I mean, I didn't come to your wedding.

Well, still. Even if I don't come,

I'll want to send flowers
or a gift or something.

So when's the date?

We're going to get married
the day after we graduate,

just a simple ceremony
at Jack's dad's church,

with our families and
then cake at our apartment.

The day after we graduate?

Yeah. I decided I don't want
to wait any longer than that.

Uh-huh. So I guess that if you're getting
married the day after we graduate then...

you must be planning to go
to summer school in New York.

No, you're not.

No, I am.

I'm going to just hang out here,

not at my grandmother's
house, and coach him.

- Just for a few days a week.
- No.

Ethan, he's just a friend.

No, he's not. He wants
to have sex with you.

How did you jump to that conclusion!

I'm a guy. And I know things.

Like. If that guy is smart enough

to make it to the state spelling bee,

then he doesn't need your help.

He may not need it, but he wants it.

My point exactly.

He wants something from you

and it's not to correct his spelling.

There's a lot involved.

There are these drills that
people do to get prepared

and you need another person for that.

And there are word lists, I have
all these word lists he could use,

and you have to memorize the rules,

you have to know what
to ask about the words.

Everyone uses a study partner.

He wants me to be his study partner.

I cannot believe that after
all you've been through,

you would fall for this.

You're repeating the same
mistake you made with don,

who, as I recall, also went
to the state spelling bee.

Break the pattern! Stay away from spellers!

We have algebra! We
walk together to algebra!


Okay. What's up with you?

You usually spend the first minute or two
in here trying to act as if you don't see me.

Amy and I set a date.

Oh? For what?

For our wedding. And it's
not the Fourth of July.


When is it now? Labor Day?

Arbor Day?

No, wait, no. I got it.

- Halloween.
- Day after Amy graduates.

With her master's degree?

In just another six weeks.

In six weeks, we will
be officially married.

Aw, well, do I get to come?

Sorry. Just family.


I'll be inviting the two
of you to our wedding.

Oh, and when is that?

Well, everyone was waiting to set a date
until you and Amy announced your plans.

So now that I know when your
wedding is, I can plan our wedding.

I just hope you don't get cold feet again.

We won't get cold feet again.

Oh, I hope not.

Because if I plan my wedding around yours,

and Grace plans her wedding around yours,

and then you don't have a wedding,

we're all going to get screwed up.

Grace and Jack are getting married?

That's what she told me.

When did that happen? Is
he okay to get married?

Life is good! Praise the lord!

Got engaged last weekend and this
morning I finally got the cast off.


On both counts.

Thank you very much.

Too bad he didn't have a cast on his
head so we'd know when that'd be healed.

Hey, be nice.

I am nice.

Yeah, Adrian, you are nice.

And I hope you and Omar are
going to be very happy together.

Do you?

Yeah, I do.

I don't think high school was
that great for any of us so...

I hope that college and the rest
of our lives go a little better.

The rest of us, including Ben?

Yeah, why not?

You know he's hoping Amy will
end up living with him in New York

and going to school there.

Well, even if that happens,
she'll be married to me.

Even if that happens?

You would actually let her live with Ben?

He's really not a threat to me now,

not that he ever has been.

Man, I can't tell you how happy I am.

I feel so blessed.

Me too.

(Laughs) Well, me too.


Hey. I'm not finished.

- Are you cheating?
- No.

I am not cheating.

I'm not cheating.

You've never done this
well on a test before.

Well, I studied all weekend.

With her. Ask her.

(Clears throat)

- Dad? Is everything okay?
- Ricky told me you set a date.

Yeah, but dad, I can't talk right now,

I'm supposed to be in class.

I just answered because I thought
there might be something wrong.

- Is something wrong?
- What?

Why didn't you come by
here and tell me yourself?

Because I didn't have
time to come by there so...

Ricky came by there, he wanted to tell you.

Why aren't you happier?

Because I think it's weird that
Ricky told me and you didn't.

That's not like you.

Well, I guess it is like me
because I let him tell you,

I just wanted to make sure you knew.

- Why the day after graduation?
- Why not?

I wanted to be out of high school
and I'll be out of high school.

Come by the restaurant
either before you pick up John

or after you pick up John,

I want to see you and talk face-to-face.

Dad, you'll see me.

Ricky and I will come by and
have dinner one night this week.

- Tonight.
- Why tonight?

Can't you do what I ask you to
do just for once in your life?

- All right. I'll come by there.
- Good.

George, your mother is here to see you.

You mean Kathleen's mother?

She said she's your mother.

No, it wouldn't be my mother.

- Mommy!
- Georgie!

- Where have you been?
- What do you care?

What do I care? I've always
cared. You're my mother!

You took off, you left
no forwarding address.

You were cheating on your wife!

Which, as it turns out,

was perhaps reasonable
under the circumstances.

I have to hear Anne is
gay from Kathleen's mother?

You know how distasteful that is,

hearing that judgment laid
out for me by that witch?

Kathleen's mother called you?

Victoria? Victoria found
you? How did she find you?

Oh, those churches have more
information than the CIA.


- This is yours huh?
- Yeah, this is mine.

You couldn't have called?

Hi. Can I talk to you?

I'm having a problem with my girlfriend.

I don't think so Ethan, but if

you want to talk about any
problems you have with classes,

anything related to school,

I could help you with that.

Okay, yeah. It's about that spelling bee.

That's an extracurricular activity,

I asked Kathy when she came
here if she wanted to participate

and she said that she didn't,

it wasn't the right time for her to

get in front of class.

How do you get in that? That spelling bee?

You have to qualify,

you compete with other
students in your class,

then a student from each
grade competes against

the other students, and then
the winner from this school

goes to the district and then
the district winners go to state,

and then the state winners

compete for regional titles
and then the regional winners

go to the national competition.

How come no one asked me
to compete in my grade here,

in the freshman class?

Notices were posted, you have to sign up.

There aren't invitations.

Did you want to participate?

You could start now and
get ready for next year.

Eh, we'll see.

Meanwhile, maybe you should
stay focused on algebra.

I think I did really
well with that test today.

Your teacher thinks you were cheating.

- Again.
- No. I was not cheating.

Did you let someone look at your paper?

I didn't let someone.

Someone may have looked
at my paper, I don't know.

You and the girl sitting
next to you, Layla?

You missed the same question.

You both missed the same one question.

I only missed one?

Shouldn't we be talking about that?

I only missed one question on that test?

That's an A. I made an
A! In my worst subject.

A subject...

I want dropped from
the required curriculum.

Very impressive. If you had
spent the time you had taken

doing this, studying a little bit more,

you might have made a hundred on that test.

I'll take missing one, thank you.

So you weren't cheating?

Didn't I tell you when I was cheating?

I would tell you if I was cheating.

Letting someone copy
your paper is cheating.

Okay, then I was cheating.

I did not attempt to cover my
paper, so if someone looked at it,

then okay, yeah, I was cheating.

There's nothing I can do to
get into that spelling bee?

Nope. Too late for this year.

Hi. You wanted to see me?

Yeah, she thinks you were cheating.

And it was the teacher
that ratted you out, not me.

Yeah, yeah, we'll talk later.

He's not going to let
you go to summer school.

He's just going to be
happy I'm out of the house.

He's not going to let you go
to summer school just because

Amy Juergens is going to summer school.

I think I know my dad a
little better than you do.

He told me he thinks you're going
to end up in Europe somewhere.

He wishes I'd end up in Europe somewhere.

It would probably be cheaper than
getting an apartment in New York

and going to Hudson university.

He's not going to let you
get an apartment either.

You're going to have to pay for that.

And you don't like working for Ricky,

so how are you going to work enough
hours to pay for that apartment?

I have money, my own money.

Yeah, but it's all locked up, you can't
get to it until you're thirty and even then,

you can only get to so much
a year until you're forty.

- How do you know this?
- Leo told me.

- Why'd he tell you?
- Because I asked.

I wanted to know how that works.

But frankly I think you're
kind of stupid to leave town

and hand over the family business to Ricky.

Why? I don't want in the family business.

What kind of business do you want to be in?

I don't know. Maybe I don't
want to be in business.

Maybe I want to be an artist of some sort.

You should be a meat artist. I
hear there's a lot of money in it.

There's a lot of money in a lot of things,

but you got to love what you're doing

and the only thing I love
right now is Amy Juergens.

She's been sort of the muse
for my entire high school life

and I'm going to follow that
muse as far it'll take me.

Hmm. Right into the crapper.

Speaking of which. Are
you invited to her wedding?

No, but that doesn't mean
there will be a wedding.

- She would bolt a second time?
- Yeah. Even a third.

But that's the point. Married or single,

Amy's going to school in New York,

I'm going to school in New York,

and we're going to end up living together.


The day after graduation.

Well, we've got some news too.

On three. One, two...

We got into Berkeley! Both of us!

We're going to Berkeley!

Both of you? Wow.

Gosh, Madison I didn't even know

that you were applying to Berkeley,

I just thought I'd take a shot, and...

We got in!


Although, I have to admit,

I was secretly hoping that
you'd both apply to Hudson.

Oh, we got into Hudson,

not early acceptance like you,

but we didn't want to be obligated.

In case we both got into Berkeley!

Do you guys mind if I join you?

No. Please.

Hey, look at Grace's hand,
that's an engagement ring.

Oh. From Jack?


Feel like you and Jack, were meant to be.

Besides, we got into Berkeley.

Berkeley, huh?


Pretty impressive. So...

you're just going to stay here, Grace?

Go to school with Jack and Ricky
and Adrian, if she's still here.

Yeah. Maybe.

I mean, Jack still has that scholarship and

I feel like his life has
been disrupted enough so...

I think I'm just gonna go there and

hope that I can get into any
medical school when I finish.

There's not a medical school
connected with that school so...

I guess you heard our parents almost
ran off and got married last weekend.

Oh. No.

No. I didn't hear that.

Yeah, my dad wants me to stop by

between school and nursery so...

I guess that's what he wants to tell me.

I guess we both knew
that was going to happen.

So... what stopped them?

My grandma Victoria showed up.

We used to call her queen Victoria,

then the nicknames got
worse as we got older.

She didn't even show
up for my dad's funeral.

So she showed up for their wedding?

For my dad's and your mom's
wedding? Second wedding?

Coincidence apparently.

And then she ruined it,

pretty much like she's ruined
anything in my mom's life.


I wonder if that will
change any wedding plans.

Your mom's or even yours?

My wedding plans? No.

I don't think my grandma would be an ex...


- Do you need an excuse?
- Do you?


You mind?

No, go ahead.

Please. Be our guest.

Ethan is driving me crazy today.

I can't even be friends with another guy

without him getting in the middle of it.

Then break up with him.

You're really too young
to have a boyfriend.

You should just play the field,

there are so many nice guys out there.

Not that you even need a guy.

I'm sorry. Wrong table.

I feel like I'm sitting with my mother.

I've seen the entire country.

I've driven in all 50 states.

Well, you got to do something
when you're avoiding your family.

You told me to get out of
your house and never come back.

- I know, but...
- But what?

I was... embarrassed.

You caught me cheating before
Anne caught me cheating.

And I was just being defensive.

You told me not to leave
Kathleen in the first place,

to try to work it out with her,

- but...
- But she was the one who cheated on you.

She told me. So I accepted it.

I accepted that you would not forgive her

and you needed to go on with your life.

But then to have been hurt like that

and then do it to someone else,

cheat on Anne.

I just couldn't believe it,

which doesn't mean I

wouldn't have come to accept it,

if you had given me time.

I know. I know. But time went by and...

Yeah, times goes by.

And now you're back to Kathleen.

Yeah. But, uh...

I kind of had forgot how her mother is,

and now Victoria wants to
be a part of the picture.

- You know why?
- Yeah. Her husband left her.

Yeah. You know why?

- Isn't it obvious?
- She's got a bad heart.

- She has a heart?
- It's serious, George.

Serious like months, years?

Mom, you don't have to do that.

Please don't do that.

Well, your dishes are
not near the dishwasher

so you have to walk all the
way over there from here.

It's never been a problem.


Mom, we should talk.

We should but it's too much to talk about.

When you said you need
someone to take care of you,

you really think I should take care of you?

You want me to take care of you?

I didn't even think you liked me.

I like you.

I just don't like some of
the choices you've made.

You don't like any of
the choices I've made.


Why do you always choose
men who cheat on you?

I've got news for you, mom.

George never cheated
on me. I cheated on him.

And he left me,

letting people think that
it was the other way around.

- What?
- And wait...


Marshall was the only other man in my life.

Except for Jeff. But never mind.

Yeah, Marshall.

He cheated on you too.

What do you know about that?

I didn't not go to the funeral

because it was at your church and not mine,

I just didn't want to go
to that scoundrel's funeral,

especially when he died going back to

see his girlfriend.

Did you know he had a girlfriend?

I found out.

How did you find out?

Like missionaries don't gossip?

He had a child.

His name is Jacob.

He found me last year and

he came here

and he met Grace and tom and

then he went home.

You deserve better.

I think that's the nicest
thing you've ever said to me.


And why are you saying this to me now?

Because you want to move in here?

I want to...

get to know you.

- And Grace. And Tom.
- Why now?

Why not now?

Because mom,

I don't want my children to
be subjected to your judgment,

the way I was.

I'm sorry.

I just don't know how not to judge people.

It's a bad habit.

I got it from going to church, our church,

the church that I

joined when I got married to your dad.

I didn't realize.

Yeah, well...

I was into it for many years

and then I got this stupid diagnosis.

I wanted to see you

and ask for forgiveness.

And he said no.

And I said I was going to do it anyway and,

basically, I was shunned

for not obeying my husband.

After all these years.


Forty years

and the one time I really wanted something,

he refused me,

and he divorced me,

took another wife,

someone who would obey him.

I used to be a fun person,

I liked to dance,

I liked to have a good time,

I was very popular in high school.

I even planned to go to college,

Europe, become a writer or an artist but...

I met your father and...

Do you really think Grace
should be getting married?




Oh. Hi, Grace.

I just wanted to tell you,

in case you haven't heard,

Jack and I are getting married.

I heard. Great news.

- I'm going to Harvard.
- What!

- Wow.
- That is so unfair.

It's fair. I earned it.

I made the grades, I went
to med camp every summer.

- How is it not fair?
- Oh you're just trying to make me jealous.

Jealous of what? Of my school?

Yes. You didn't even want to go to Harvard.

- Yeah, I did.
- Well, so did I!

- Then you should have applied.
- I did. I didn't get in!

I don't believe this. I'm
so much smarter than you.

No, you're not, because I never
let relationships in high school

interfere with my life plans.

I would like to sleep with you.

- What!
- Yeah.

When we had sex before, it
was really great, wasn't it?

- I guess.
- You guess!

Okay. Yeah.

We have so much in common,

we want the same things out of life,

we're both smart and ambitious
and we're both winners!

You sound a little crazy. Are you okay?

Yeah. Just... I don't
really know what I'm doing.

Help me.

Grace, you've been under a lot of
pressure this year too, haven't you?

It's not easy seeing someone you love

go through what Jack went through.

He's going to ruin my life!

Okay, look, this is not the
place for this discussion.

Maybe I'm not even the
person for this discussion.

No, you are.

You could always listen to
me when I needed to talk.

I need to talk.

I think you should talk to,

maybe a professional.

A professional what?

You're right,

if I go see a psychologist
and the psychologist says

that marrying Jack isn't good
for me, then I can get out of it.

You're trying to get out of a
marriage with a doctor's note?

Grace, marriage is for grown-ups.

That's not exactly a mature
approach to a life decision.

If you don't want to get married to Jack,

that should be the only reason
you need to get out of it.

No. You don't understand. He's
just been through too much.

I can't just say no to him. I can't.

All right, well...

let me know how that turns out.

I really have to go.

Bye, Grace.

Bye. Call me.

I looked for you at lunch.

Do I know you?

I think you know me. I'm Kathy's boyfriend.

Hi, Kathy's boyfriend.

What can I do for you?

You can stop pretending
you need a spelling partner.

If you want some help, I'll help you.


What's your GPA?

I don't drive, I don't have a car.

Little joke.

Doesn't matter what grades I make,

I'm smarter than you, and
I'm better looking than you,

and Kathy likes me more than you.

We're just friends.

And I do need the help getting
ready for State. You can spell?

- Throw me one.
- Ubiquitous.

Please. (Laughs)


Give me something a
little more challenging.




- A-p-
- (Buzzes) Wrong!

Geez, the girl troubles
just won't go away, huh?

- No girl trouble.
- You're in trouble with me.

- You said I was cheating.
- How smart are you?

You copied my paper, every single answer.

If you'd changed even one of
your answers, you'd be home-free.

And I didn't exactly say
you were cheating, I just

said I wasn't covering my paper.

- I hate algebra.
- Well.

I do too, but

apparently, I'm getting better at it,

if you want some help...

Really? You have time
to help me and have a...

What were you doing when I walked up?

Having some sort of spell off?

Believe me, I'd rather punch the guy

but that would be too easy and
I'd get kicked out of school

and then I'd never get,

you know, anywhere with Kathy.

Yeah, I know.

Just do me a favor,

don't text me any offers.

I've had some problems in that area.

So have I.



I'm sure neither of us

wants to make the same mistake twice.

I'm sure.

Are you?

Never had that happen before.

How did the condom break?

Uh. I don't know.

Well, it's your fault, you were wearing it.

Okay, but uh...

you're on the pill, right?


Weren't you on the pill when
you got pregnant with Ben?

I was changing pills,

it was in between one
kind of pill and another

and I don't want to talk about it.

All right.

Well. If you're worried about it, you could

get a morning-after pill, couldn't you?

Yeah. Yeah. I guess.

But I'm not that worried about it.


What's the worst that can happen?

I get pregnant and then
you get what you want,

I'd have to go with you to New York.

But you are on the pill?

Yeah, yeah.

"Yeah, yeah" what?

All right. Old beef.

New meat.

Boykewich beef.

There is a difference!

Hey, kiddo.

This is Eli, the chef.
Eli, my daughter Amy.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

- You too.
- You want anything to eat?

Not really.

Kind of lost my appetite when I
talked to Grace this afternoon.

All right, we'll do this later. Thanks.

Before you say anything,
I just want you to know

that Kathleen and I are
going to get married,

we almost got married last weekend.

Dad, you know that I already knew that.

Is it my fault if you
sent your husband down here

to talk to me this morning
instead of coming yourself?

Grace told me that, not Ricky,

and I wanted you to know first about Ricky
and me before we told everyone at school.

You didn't care enough to tell me first.

I mean, you could have
called me or texted me.

I could have. You're right. I'm sorry.

I've got another surprise for you.

- Really?
- Really.

Are you giving me the money for school?

What? No. That's not the surprise.

I told you I'm not doing that.

You're not doing what?

Oh, dear lord. Amy!

You're all grown up.

- Uh...
- I'll give you a hint.

She's my mother.

Oh Amy, you turned out... nice.


What! I thought you were
living in a biosphere in Sweden.

I was. For a while.

Too confining though, had to hit the road.

How have you been?


She knows.

Can't wait to meet Ricky
and my great grandson.

I love saying that.

Can you believe I'm a great grandmother?

Hell, I look so young,

a couple of people have

mistaken me for his wife today.



It's so good to see you, grandma.

I think. Are you sticking around?

I'm sticking around for tonight.

Tonight? What's tonight?

I don't even know why you
wanted me to help you babysit.

Because Ricky and Amy didn't
want me to do this by myself

and no one else was available.

Thanks a lot.

I hope this didn't mess up
any study plans with Brian.

I heard you offered to
help Layla with algebra.

And that would be different from
your helping Brian with spelling how?

You're just flirting with
her to make me jealous.

I'm not flirting with her,
she's flirting with me,

just like Brian's flirting with you.

You know what?

We're too young to just see each other

and have no other friends.

You have girlfriends, hang out with them,

maybe Jody or Francine
need help with spelling.

No, they don't.

Why couldn't you have just been nice
to Brian so we could all be friends?

We need friends,

we don't need to just
hang out with each other.

Why not?

You're afraid you'll
want to have sex with me?

I'm not having sex in high school again.

So if you want to have sex,

then have sex with Layla,

because it's not going to be me.

- Okay. I take that back.
- Too late.

We could maybe make-out a little.

You sure you don't want to
get that morning after pill?

I'm sure.

All right, well,

I hate that I have to leave again.

That's all right, you'll be back.

Yes, I will.

- I guess you're right.
- About what?

The worst that could happen is that,

you get pregnant and we start a family.

If I thought there was a remote chance

that I could get pregnant,

I would talk to my doctor
about emergency contraception

to see what the side effects are

and if I can take it while I'm
taking my birth control pills,

and I can determine that it was
right for me as a last resort

I would use it,

because I am not ready to get
pregnant and start a family.

All right,

all right. I'm just saying,

it's always a possibility
when you're having sex,

and while we take a lot of precautions,

we are having sex, so

- what if that did happen?
- I already told you.

Okay. I don't want a
family right now either.

I don't want to start a family
until you're out of law school.

- Good.
- It's just that with what

happened this afternoon, it's
a good time to talk about it.

To talk about what?

I already had to get married

and I lost the baby

so I am not having to get married again.

I learned my lesson.

Maybe we should get married
before we have sex again.


You want to stop having
sex until we get married?


And don't try to force
me into getting married

and into moving to New York,

I am not going to be pressured.

Wasn't doing that. Just talking.

A year from June.

I want to finish my sophomore year

and then I'll transfer
to somewhere in New York.

I'll take it.

You wanna put that ring back on?

Thanks for hanging out with me.

Almost closing time.

- Yep.
- You okay?

Yeah Leo, I'm good.

Of course we haven't talked
about the one thing I thought

you wanted me to come
down here and talk about.

Couldn't decide if I wanted to bring it up.

She's going to marry Ricky, right?

I think so.

And then she's going to
go off to summer school

in New York with Ben.

- She didn't tell you?
- No.

Then don't say anything,

maybe she hasn't even Ben told me.

Told Ricky.

Summer school starts the
week after high school's over.

And Amy wants to start in summer school.

I knew there was something
she wasn't telling me.

Why on earth would Ricky agree to that?

I don't know. I think he just
desperately wants to marry

the mother of his son.

And I guess that's the only
way she thinks she can go to

New York and not feel guilty.

I got to talk to her.

But not tonight. Tonight's your night.

Okay, daddy, we're ready.

Good luck.

- Congratulations.
- Thanks, Leo.

We are gathered here together tonight

on this happy and joyous occasion

to rejoin these two people

in holy matrimony.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

We could be next.

Marriage is an awesome institution,

God's way of giving us a lifelong lesson

in forgiveness

and acceptance and love.

It is forgiveness and acceptance

that have brought us here tonight

and love that will keep
this family together.

(Both sobbing)

I felt the same way at my wedding.

Me too. But I did it anyway.

Is everyone okay, should we continue?

Yeah, it's good.

If you two would face one another please?


do you take Kathleen
to be your wedded wife?

I do.

I do.

I do.

- And Kathleen...
- Yes.

Do you take George to
be your wedded husband?

I do.



Are you up?


Do you want some breakfast?
