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05x14 - It's A Miracle

Posted: 06/29/21 07:36
by bunniefuu
GRACE: Previously on The Secret
Life of the American Teenager...

I have to go back to my family.

If her parents want her back in Houston,

they want her back in Houston

and we shouldn't interfere with that.

But maybe Ethan should.

Why would you think I'm going
to back out of the wedding now?

Because you bought that dress.

Are you serious about her?

I don't know yet. Are
you serious about her?

Because for some reason,
George seems to think

that you're either interested in
Anne or you're interested in me.

So, you don't think they're married?

Or you don't think
they'll get married again?

What? No. I didn't say that.

- Your face said that.
- No, it didn't.

Uh-huh, it did.

School starts again tomorrow.

I hate school. I'm like two years behind

and it would be three, but then they'd
have to put me back in middle school.

I don't know why I'm not happy.

You're tired of doing what
everyone else wants you to do

and you just want to run away.


Robie is not your son.

He could be. He looks like mine.

If you'd rather have the window seat...

What are you doing?

I'm going home with you.

Oh! Hi there, Counselor.

Hi. What brings you by?

Uh, school?

School's over. Where have you been?

And, by any chance,
has Ethan been with you?

Yes, he has. But he should
be halfway to Texas by now.

Uh, his foster parents
gave him permission to go.

And I gave him the encouragement
and a ride to the airport,

and, hopefully, I've changed the
lives of two teenagers for the better.

- Because...
- Because I'm a dreamer

and a self-appointed dream maker.

I want to make his dreams come true.

And what dream was that?

The dream of actually making that
first love the love of his life.

Isn't that your dream?

Well, isn't that everyone's dream?

Have you thought about
going back to counseling?

Mmm, many times, but no longer necessary.

Hey, glad I found you.

Just need you to sign off on
the paperwork for my school.

Oh, Omar, we're gonna miss you around here.

And I'm gonna miss you. And this school.

This was a good experience,

except for the first day and
the months of investigation,

but everything turned out
fine in the end, I guess.

So what's next?

I don't know. I'm trying to
get my first real teaching job,

but I have an interview with
a production company today.

I have this idea I want to pitch to them.

It's really a personal project, you
know, just something I want to do.

- Oh?
- Eh.

Got me an interview, but
we'll see how it goes.

I don't want to talk about
it, I don't want to jinx it.

Thanks for everything.

Oh, if anything opens up here,
you'll be the first to know.



Oh. I thought the student
teaching gig was up.

I never got a chance to say
goodbye but I guess I don't need to.

The gig is up. So, bye, Ben.

I know I caused you a little trouble here,

but all's well that ends well, right?

I guess. Yeah. Sure.

And look, Adrian is a very nice woman,

and I hope that you two
are very happy together.

I hope that you two get married
and have lots of children,

and good health and a happy life.

Wow. Uh... thank you.

And have a nice day.

I'm having a stupendous day.

- Stupendous, huh?
- Yeah. See ya.

Amy! Happy I ran into you.

Yeah, I heard you took
Ethan to the airport?

Guilty as charged.

He's on his way with Kathy to
start their new life together.

He's not moving to Texas, is he?

Oh, hell no. No, no.
He's coming back with her.

It's Casablanca with a return
flight and a happy ending.

Oh, Ben, ever the romantic.

Maybe not so much. Goodbye,
Amy Juergens. Hello, life!


* Falling in love is
such an easy thing to do

* Birds can do it We can do it

* Let's stop talking Let's get to it

* Let's fall in love

Where the hell were you?

Did you forget that I was gonna
need a ride home from school?

- Ben...
- Oh. Geez.

I'm sorry. I did. I forgot all about you.

I thought you were my
brother, my big brother,

and that you'd be looking
out for me today at school.

- Did something happen?
- No!

But something could have happened.

Ben, you knew Chloe was feeling anxious

about going back to school. Where were you?

That's not important,

the important thing is
that nothing happened.

Everything is fine. You're
fine. And I do apologize,

but I had some important
business to attend to.

Yeah. I heard. You drove
Ethan to the airport.

I could have ridden with you, you know.

Well, I don't think that you should
skip school, even if Ben does,

you're trying to catch up.

Why did you drive Ethan to the airport?

Because he's totally in
love with Kathy and...

And you don't want to see him
lose her like you lost Amy.

Geez. You are such an idiot!

I couldn't agree more.

Chloe and I are going to the bookstore.

We're buying a set of the classics.

She's gonna be trying to catch
up at home on her own time,

while she still goes to
classes with everyone else.

Good for you, let me know if I can help.

Oh, yeah, you're a big help.

Your dad said we should
all meet at Geoff's at 7:00.

I think I'll just get something here.

Let your dad know.

On second thought, I'll see you at 7:00.

Hey, I didn't say anything about...

you know.

I don't like surprises.

I didn't mean to surprise you.

It was last minute. I
literally ran onto the plane.

Otherwise, one of us would have called you.

You don't have my phone number,

- do you?
- Well...

- no.
- Good.

Let's keep it that way.


state your case.

Uh, okay.

Is it possible to get
something to eat first?

We had an early dinner on the
way to the airport. Thank heavens.

After the airport, I
wouldn't have had an appetite.

They didn't feed you on the
flight? No food in first class?

They fed us but it wasn't a meal,

and I have a high metabolism.

That's because you're young.

Too young to be in a serious relationship,

and so is Kathy.

So, state your case.

And don't waste my time. Or yours.

You're flying back tonight,

you're going straight back to that airport.

Yes, I know that.

Just say what you want to say, then.

The clock is ticking.

Okay. Um,

should I stand?

Why not?

To begin,

you don't seem that angry that I'm here.

You seem

more, like, annoyed,

but not, like, so angry
that you wouldn't at least

consider letting Kathy go back with me.

I'm angry,

I'm just civil.

Go ahead.

Thank you for clarifying.

Okay, so...

Kathy has been through a lot.


and so has her mother,

and so have I.

Whatever you say.

Although, shipping her
off to her grandmother

doesn't seem as if you
went through a lot to me.

Phone call, plane ticket,

a few lies to your friends, done!

Whereas Kathy had to move away from home,

away from her friends, away
from everything she knew.

She had to go to a new school

and keep up with her
schoolwork while she...

you know, while she had a baby.

Tell me something I don't know.

I know all of this,


that's what you get when you're a teenager

and you get pregnant.

There are limited options,

and moving was Kathy's best option.

Drop-kicked to Grandma's house?

That was her best option?

I won't argue the point.

Anyway, Kathy has been through a lot,


she's just really settling in

and focusing on school

and getting comfortable.

I don't want her...


She shouldn't be comfortable!

She shouldn't be going out on dates,

having a good time, enjoying herself.


Because there's a lesson
to be learned here.

What, she just has a baby and just goes
back to her life as if nothing happened?

Guilt is a good thing.

And so is a small amount of shame.


You're kidding, right?

She should walk around
hanging her head or something?

Wait. You don't also believe in
smacking her around or anything?


- I do not.
- Good.

'Cause if you did, I would
smack you right here and now.

And I won't feel the least
bit guilty or ashamed.

Hit me.

Go ahead.

See what happens.

- Stop!
- Stop!

Edward! What are you doing?


Don't hit my father.

He said to hit him.

Everyone! Sit.

I thought you guys were
making sandwiches or something.

I'm really hungry.

Enough with that.

Say what you want to say

and get the hell out of here.

- Both of us?
- BOTH: Him.

If I could just have some
chips, a cr*cker, anything...

- Are you okay?
- No!


You rang?

Could you please make my friend a sandwich?


I think he's getting a little delirious.

Why not?

He doesn't have a housekeeper at his house,

he doesn't know that she would
bring the sandwich to him.

He's sweet!

Don't you think it was
sweet of him to come here?

Sweet and brave.

Okay, kid, listen up.

You got to be a man here.

Her dad's isn't gonna let
her go back to La-la Land

with just some guy.

You got to prove yourself.

You know, you got to get his attention.

Show some testosterone.

What kind of chips are these? They're hot!

(SCOFFS) Man up! This is Texas.

I'm a man who doesn't like hot.

Yeah, whatever. That guy in there,

he breeds horses for a living,

and he's a tough guy.

And if you're going to come up against him,

you're going to need some cajones.

I don't get hot. Why do people want hot?



I don't even like her.

She bought a rag for a wedding dress.

It's a rag.

She says she's going to fix it up,

but I think she just didn't want
to waste any money on a dress

when she knows she's never gonna wear it.

I admit. I did hear about the dress.

So, even her best friends
think it's a rag, don't they?

It's her dress, her decision.

Yeah, I know, and I told her that,

and I apologized for
getting all crazy about it,

but it's not just about
the dress, I know it's not.

I've been working my ass off.

I'm studying really hard,

I'm working really hard,
I'm paying the bills,

I cook most of the meals,

I do my share of taking care of John.

I'm tired of arguing with
Amy. I'm tired of Amy.

I don't want to get married.

But you're already married.

No, I'm not. We lied.

I don't know what it is.

It took me years to fall in love with Amy,

and I am in love with Amy,

But I know she's not in love with me,

and I want a woman who's

totally in love with me.

I deserve that

and I'm gonna have that.

You say you lied?

About being married? You're not married?


No, we're not married.

(SIGHS) We lied.


I need you to cut this off.

Cut what off, sweetie?

The cast. This one. The
one holding up my arm.


Because I don't have a broken arm anymore.

Really? How's that?

- It's a miracle.
- Yeah, it would be a miracle

if your arm that's broken in three places

healed weeks before the
doctors said it would.

Well, I can feel it. It's
healed in all three places.

Well, the doctor will tell
you when your arm is healed,

and he'll take the cast off for you, okay?

I'm getting the cast off,

and I'm getting back on the
field before spring training.

What about your broken leg?

Well, when I get my arm free,

I'm gonna cut the cast off my leg as well.

Oh, because your leg has healed too?

- Praise the Lord.
- Praise the Lord, and pass the sanity.

Jack! I'm trying to study,
okay? Why don't you just...

why don't you just try to settle down,

and watch a little TV or something?

I think the Mighty Hour is on.

I mean, if this is a miracle,
I think I could get on that.

Come on, Grace, just
cut the cast off for me.

I can't cut a cast off with
my mother's pinking shears.

She doesn't have one of
those little saws, does she?

No. She does not.

Well, can you take me
over to the emergency room?

No, I cannot take you to the
emergency room, I'm trying to study.

Grace, you know, you're the one
who got me back into Christianity,

I thought you'd be a little
more excited about this.

What does Christianity
have to do with this?

I prayed that my bones would heal.

Faster than anyone else's bones on Earth?

Well, I didn't think about
it like that, but why not?

Because bones heal like bones heal.

They just need time. Okay?

I don't have a lot of time,
I have to work out for months

before spring practice starts,
and I've got twig arm over here.

Why don't you pray your twig arm gets

little muscle tone while its healing?

Come on, Grace! Surely,
if God saved me from death,

he can heal bones.

Surely if God gave you
doctors to set bones,

surely you can wait until the bones
are healed to get the damn cast off.



- Hey.
- Hey.

I got some steaks, I thought maybe
we could grill steaks tonight.

Oh, wow. Thanks.

I'll be in charge of dessert.

I like that idea.

Would you like dessert
before or after dinner?

I think before.


Someone is in a good mood.

How'd the job interview go?

I'll tell you about it later.

I think there's some
possibility of employment there.

Employment would be nice.

- Really nice.
- Mmm.

I think you might be
right about the furniture.

I'm going to get rid of it.

If you want,

or I guess I could get used
to it if you want to leave it.

Nah, I'm tired of torturing you with it.

You like psychology, don't you?

I do like psychology.

And you know, there's a
whole field of psychology

in regard to jury selection.
It's a big business.

I didn't know.

And if you make it in the big
business of jury selection,

are you going to be okay
being married to a teacher?

Teachers don't make a lot of money.

Don't worry, I'll take care of you.

I'd love for you to take care of me.


All right, let's see.

Mmm. Uh...

- What is this?
- Oh, don't get excited,

- it's just a gift.
- A gift for who?

For you.

Maybe I didn't ask you
the right way before,

but I'm asking you now.

Will you marry me?

Uh, you know what?

I think I will. Yes.

- Really?
- Yeah. Open the box, open the box.

Oh, it's beautiful!

It was my grandmother's.

I'll take very good care of it,

and I'll take very good care of you

because I love you, Omar.

Look, it may not be the right time,

and I may want a long engagement,

but you're the right man

and I would love to be married to you.

Adrian and I had a better
relationship than what Amy and I have.

She said what she was thinking,

she was passionate about everything, she...

I don't know. She loved me.

I don't know what I'm saying.

No, I do know what I'm saying.

(SIGHING) I wish Amy made me feel like

she wanted me the way Adrian did.

I don't think she wants me.

No two women are alike.

The relationship you have with Amy

is certainly a more
complicated relationship

than the one you had with Adrian.

It certainly is, yeah.

I don't want complicated.
I'm tired of complicated.

Wait a minute. Are you trying...

Are you trying to justify
sleeping with someone else?

Are you cheating on Amy?

Amy is my wife.

Or, she's like my wife.

That wasn't the question.

- Adrian?
- No. Not Adrian.

And I just thought about
cheating a few times.

I wouldn't really do anything.

Why is that?

Because I love Amy.

I have to love her.

You have to?

Why is that?

Because I want the perfect

family for our son.

You know,


being able to say the worst
of what you're thinking...


Hi, I'm supposed to meet my family here.

Anyone here yet?

No, but I'm happy to seat you.

We have a nice booth for you.

I think my dad likes a table.

I know, but he asked for a booth tonight.

Oh. Maybe he's in the mood for a booth.

Right this way.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm meeting my parents here.

You have a reservation for
three under Prince Albert?

We do.

And does your dad always go
under the name of Prince Albert?

Yeah, it used to make me
laugh when I was a kid,

but I'm not that easily amused anymore.

Are they here?

No, but would you like to be seated?

Yes, please.

- Right this way.
- Thank you.


What is this? Did you do this?

Did I do what?

- I'm meeting my family.
- I'm meeting my family.

Oh, brother. Looks like we've been had.

I'm not following you.

This seems like a set-up to me.

Has your family eaten here?

No, it's the club and
home, and that's about it.

My mom cooks dinner almost every night.

But you know that.

Yeah, I do know that.

You look really nice.

It's good to see you.

Thank you. So do you.

It's good to see you, too.

So... how's school?

The girls school?

What were we thinking?

And the classes are difficult

and the girls hate us because
we're the new girls. But...


It's funny that my dad would
set this up for tonight.

- Why's that?
- Oh. I don't know.

I've just been having
a really wonderful day

and this makes it all the better.

I was having a really bad day and

this makes it all the better.

I wasn't ready for you
the first time around.

Or the second. But... (CHUCKLES)

Would you be up for a third time around?

I don't know Ben.

I mean, what's the point?

I want to be with you. But...

I know you want to be with Amy.

Yeah, about that...

Funny thing happened on the
way to the airport today.

Don't worry. You'll make it.

I can't believe I'm doing
this, it's so exciting.

I know I can get her parents to let
her come back here, I just know it.

Just like I know, someday, that

I'll ask her to marry me.

We'll have a wedding and
invite all our friends,

and we'll have children

and name them after people
who have been good to us.

We'll live in a little house

with a little yard, with a dog,

and couple of cats, and a big TV.

Been there.

So tell me, huh? How'd you
fall in love with Amy Juergens?

It was the first day of school.

I was smitten with Grace Bowman,

only she was a Christian back then, too,

and Alice told me that she
would never go out with me,

but maybe someone else would.

And then she directed my
attention to Amy Juergens.

So, she found Amy for you.


Your friend Alice picked out Amy for you.

Well, I mean...

Yeah, but I fell in
love with her instantly.

Even though she was your second choice.


And she fell in love with you instantly?

Well, she didn't see me in
the hallway that day, but...

Now that I think about it,

she didn't even say hello
to me in the hallway.

She was staring at Ricky.

She didn't even know who I was

when I called her that
night to ask her out.

But we were in love with each
other at first real sight.

- I think.
- You think?

Weird. I was looking at her,

she was looking at Ricky.

Even then. Nothing's changed.

I've still been looking at her,

and she's still looking at Ricky.

But we were in love.

I was, anyway.

Or you wanted to be in love

and then when you found out about the baby,

it was hard to tell if you
were in love or in sympathy.

I know, that's what
I've been going through.

I wasn't really sure

until the baby was
adopted that I loved Kathy.

But I love Kathy, and Kathy loves me.

What about the guy she got pregnant with?

Where's he?

He's not in the picture, he took a powder.

And you know, when I first met her,

I thought she needed me
because she didn't have him.

But she didn't need either of us.

That's when I knew I loved her.

When you knew she didn't need you.

Yeah, not good to get
those two things mixed up.

It can turn into a
rescue mission, you know?

You okay?


for someone who just had an epiphany

that his first love was
perhaps not his first love,

yeah, I'm fine.

Thanks for the ride.

You've changed two lives for the better.

Maybe even three.

Well, I guess things went pretty
much like we thought they would.

Hey, I'm not done yet.

Oh, come on, you can't wear him down.

He's not gonna change his mind.

You know what?

You're a grown woman.

You can make your own decisions.

You just made an excellent decision

for yourself and for your child.

You can do this.

I'm gonna march out of here
and you're gonna go with me,

and they're not gonna stop you.

Yes, they are.

Well, Ethan, I guess
it's time to say goodbye.

The car is here.

The car to take you to the airport.

I love her.

I've never loved anyone in my
life like I love your daughter.

And so,

if you will let her return to California

to be with her friends and her grandmother,

and to continue at a school
that she's done well at...

Don't end a sentence with a preposition.

At which she's done well, then...

I'll make the ultimate sacrifice
to make you feel comfortable.

I will agree to be castrated,
just like one of your horses.


So, just take me to your barn.

Let's just get this over with.


Not the reaction I was hoping for.

What the hell are you talking about, son?

I'm talking about, if you're afraid that

she's just going to get pregnant again,

and that's why you're making
her stay here with you,

that's not gonna happen.
Not with me anyway.

What does that mean?

It's not gonna happen with anyone.

That's what I meant.

We know that's not going to happen.

We're not insisting that Kathy stay
with us because we don't trust her.

We want her here.

We love her more than you do,

she's our daughter.

We've missed her.

And we don't want her making any decision,

or any more decisions,

based on a guy. She's 15.

It's not about a guy.

Not completely about a guy.

It's about me.

I can't go back in time and change things.

I got pregnant, I had a baby.

I'm sorry I made a
stupid decision one night,

but I can't take it back.

And I feel like my life started again

once I placed my baby with her mom and dad.

Please, both of you,

I don't want to come back here

and put you in a position where
you have to answer awkward questions

and your friends are gonna
stare at you and judge you

and think you're bad parents
because I did what I did.

You're the best parents in
the world and I love you.

But I also love me.

I've made a life for
myself out in California,

and I like my life there.

And I know you don't want to hear this,

but I love Ethan.

Please, please let me go.

I feel like castrating you.

I do.

You're my daughter, I love you.

Maybe we were wrong to send
you away in the first place.

We thought it would be easier on
all of us, and it probably was,

but sometimes the best thing to do

is the very hardest to do.

Here's something else
Tammy's parents told me.

They told me that you said that
Tammy could move into your room.

I told her that, but I didn't mean it.

Then why did you tell her that?

Oh. To get laid.

- Yes.
- Tom!

You lied to Tammy just to
get her to have sex with you?

We just fooled around a little, that's all.

No, that's not all.

She's expecting to move in with you.

Oh, come on! My room is
way too small for that.

Did you also tell her
that you would marry her

after you live with her a while?

- Yes.
- Are you gonna marry her?

- No.
- Then why did you tell her that?

See if you can explain it, buddy.

He just wanted the physical contact.

The commitment was a lie.

He's just like any other man.

He was saying things she wanted to hear

- so he could get what he wanted to get.
- Exactly.

I am really disappointed in both of you.

(CELL PHONE BEEPS) I'm just translating.

- Do you have to go?
- He's about five minutes away,

he can wait.

You don't want to make him wait,

you want to hear what
he has to say. So, go.

All right, I'll go.

Tom, it's not nice to
promise a woman something

you have no intention of giving her

just so you can have your way with her.

She was using sex

to get me to let her move in and marry her.


She's tired of living at home.

They got mad at her after
the (WHISPERS) divorce.

I say he's off the hook. Good night.

Hey, are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Do you want me to go with you?

No. It's a man thing.

You want me to come?

Nah, you got your own trouble here.

Okay. Call me the second he leaves.

So, Tom,

I think that maybe you and Tammy
should get together and talk.

In my room?

Tom, I'm not gonna let you use Tammy.

Shouldn't that be up to her?

Tom, do you love her?

No, but she's a special girl.

She was my first love.

Yeah, well... George was my first love.

Yeah, don't make too much of that.


So, I have to drive Jack
to the emergency room.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

Nothing is wrong.

He thinks his casts need to come off

because he thinks all of his broken
bones have been miraculously healed.

- Is that even possible?
- No.

Then why are you taking
him to the emergency room?

Because he thinks it's possible
and until he knows that it isn't,

I'm not going to be able
to get anything done.

Well, send him back to
the dorm or back home.

He went back to the dorm, and then
the coach sent him to his house,

and his dad called me
to see if I would mind.

He doesn't want people
to think at the hospital

that he thinks he's some kind of
faith healer or something, so...

Well, take your books. Emergency
rooms can be pretty crowded at night.

Yeah, I know that.

- Grace,
- Yeah?

tell me the truth.

Do you think that I got back with George

because I really love him
and I've always loved him,

or because he was my first real love

and I already knew him,
so it made things easier?

The second one.

Face it, Mom. You're a lazy dater.

Well, so are you!

You and Anne took my son and
had a paternity test done?

There's a good chance that he's my son

and Anne decided she wanted
an answer as soon as possible.

It's a simple swab test.

It was nothing, but

it could be everything.

Well, even if it turns
out that you two have

the same spit or genes, or whatever,

that doesn't mean anything.

It means that Robie is my son.

No, it doesn't.

Uh, biologically, and legally, it does.

No, it doesn't.

George, I know this is
difficult for you to grasp,

but it changes everything. Or it could.

No, it doesn't.

It doesn't change that I
delivered him here, at this house!

I've looked after Robie
every single day of his life.

He doesn't live here with
you, he lives with Anne.

He's here a lot.

- Okay.
- He calls me "dada."

- Okay.
- Don't just sit there okaying me!

Robie is my son and you can't have him!

I don't care what the test says.

Besides, I already had a test.

A paternity test?


- What?
- I had a test done way back when.

- And?
- And nothing.

You weren't around, so
he's my son by default.

You mean to tell me you've known
all along that Robie is my son?

You left. I stayed!

I stayed with a gay woman,
that's what a good dad I am.

Anne is going to k*ll you!

For what? For doing the
right thing when you wouldn't?

Never mind, I'm going to k*ll you!

Why the hell didn't
you find me and tell me?

I didn't want to find you.

I think there might be a law against this.

Oh, no, there isn't. I wasn't
pretending to be the father,

I am the father.

You just said I was the father.

I'm the father? I'm the father! Oh, my God.

Oh, no, don't go getting all excited

because you haven't been the father

and you're not going to be the father.

Look, George, you can
still be in Robie's life.

I'm sure you'll always
be in his life, I guess.

Hell, yeah! I'll be in his life.

You know, better think about this.

This is going to upset
the entire ecosystem.

Our family, your family.

You think your wife is
going to be happy about this?

I have a son! Oh, my God! I have a son!

And my wife knows what's going on.

She knew I was getting tested,

and that Robie was getting tested, too.

She knew that I was going
to talk to Anne and then you.

She's accepted the possibility,
but geez, this is a reality.

What kind of wife is that,
that just accepts that

you have children outside of your marriage?

It was before we got married,

and Anne's gay, so she's
no threat to my wife.

Look, George, I got to go.

But we'll work something out where you're

allowed to see Robie,

at least in the transition.

Allowed? Allowed to see my own son?

Stop saying that, it's not true!

You told me it's not true.
He's not your son. He's my son.

You want to call Anne or
you want me to call Anne?

Why does anyone have to call
Anne? We know who the mother is!

Good night.

Damn it.

- Did we get you on the waiting list?
- Yep.

Aren't you the guy that got
beat up by that no good pimp?

- Yes, ma'am.
- I'm going to get you right in.

- And what's going on?
- Are you in pain?

- No, ma'am. I'm not.
- Oh.

- Okay.
- He thinks he's had a miraculous healing.


I just need to get these casts off.

Have you been taking a lot of pain meds?

Nope. None.

All righty.

Well, let me get to work on this.

Grace, I think I've chosen my major.

Hmm, that's nice.

- I've been called.
- Hmm?

The Lord has spoken to me.

Through the miracle of the bones?

I'm gonna become a minister.

That's what I want to do
with the rest of my life.

I'll tell you what.

If your bones are completely healed

like you think they are,
then I think you should do it.

And if they're not, I
think you should reconsider.


Hi. How'd it go?

It went well. It was just
what I needed. Thanks.


You're just now eating dinner?

Yeah, but I brought plenty for you. Taco?

- You know I cooked.
- Taco?

Stop it! It was good. I made something new.

- Miso soup and edamame.
- Taco.

No! But I'll take one of those
apple things if you have it.

- I have it.
- Yes!


So, what'd you talk about? Me?

You and me and life,

the universe, everything.

But mostly me.

Mostly me.

Did you tell him that
we're not really married?

These tacos are great.

Yeah. I told him, but
he's not gonna tell anyone.

I wish you'd talk to me about
whatever it is you talked to him about.

No, it takes an hour of
saying random meaningless stuff

and dumping out all the junk in your brain

before you get around to finding
out what you really want to say.

- You should try it sometime.
- Maybe I will.

And what is it that you
really want to say, Ricky?

That I love you.

That's what it all came down to.

I love you and I want to be married to you,

and have a wonderful
life with you and John.

- Oh. (SIGHS)
- Oh.

What did you do when I was gone?

Well, I had some time, so
I took a long, hot bath,

and got all rested so that I
could spend some time with you.




I've never been happier.

You want to call your parents?

- Why spoil it?
- Come on, they're gonna be happy.

All right, look, let's just...

Let's just wait and show them together.

But we can call your parents if you want.

My parents already know.

I had to get the ring from them.

They don't know that I said yes.

I texted them when you
were getting undressed.

No, you didn't!

I figured it was my last chance.

Okay, look, let's talk about this.

No children before I get out of college.

Absolutely not.

I think we should wait
until you get out of college

and we have a couple of years
to travel around together.

And how are we going to afford to take

a couple of years to
travel around together?

I'm going to be getting into family law

and you're going to be a teacher.

I think we're doing road trips.

You know the job interview today?


I got the job.

Well, it's not exactly a job.

They bought my idea and
they're going to let me make it,

and, well,

I think you and I are gonna be okay.

What was your idea?

I want to put education on film.

Kindergarten through high school.

Get the best teachers in the country,

follow them through their
lesson plan for the year,

and then, boom, it's all on DVD.

Hopefully, it'll run free on educational
stations or you can just buy the set,

and people who never had
a chance to go to school

could get an education,

or people who are
home-schooling their kids

can get help from the
best teachers in America.

Or, if you just need
help with your homework,

there it is on DVD.


Omar, that's a great idea!

I've been thinking about it for years.

I put together a proposal

and asked for a meeting and I
got a check for a million dollars.

And that doesn't cover my
salary which I'll be getting,

or the royalties on the project.

I wasn't even looking
to make money from this,

it was just something I thought
would be a good thing to do.

I knew you were brilliant.

You know, it might be really
good in third world countries.

I know.

Of course, this is good anywhere.


Hey, look who's sitting in the den
waiting to hear how my night went.

How'd it go?

Why on Earth would you
set me up with a woman

that you think is no good for me?

I thought about it and
I know you're lonely,

and I know despite all the
trouble you two got into,

that you have feelings for Dylan.

And someone, like my new little sister,

told you that Amy Juergens isn't
really married and you panicked.

Have I ever panicked?

- I don't know, but...
- But how was your night?

My night was good, but
my day was even better.

Yeah, I heard you drove
the kid to the airport.

And on that drive, I realized

perhaps Amy's pregnancy
had more than a little to do

with what I felt for her,

and maybe I've just
always wanted to feel that

someone needed me the way she did,

so I could be strong for someone
and feel important because,

well, my dad is a very strong and

very important man.

You grew up on the way to the airport?

(CHUCKLES) I might have.

So if I had just waited one more day...

I think I might have circled
back around to Dylan anyway.

I like her.

I'm not sure that I'm in love with her,

but I don't think there's anything
wrong with falling in love over time

falling in love over time

as opposed to love at first sight.

I see how happy you and Camille are,

and how well suited you are for each other.

Who is this guy? I like this guy.

- Good night, Dad.
- Night, son.

I love you.

And tonight, I mean it.

Love you, too.



It's okay,

we can just cuddle.


Oh, it happens.

You have a lot on your mind.


And Tom is across the hall,

the timing just wasn't right.

I swear this isn't our future.

It's okay, George.

I love you.

I don't know why.

Jack, there you are! How are you doing?

Are you ready for me?

Uh, your orthopedic surgeon
is still in emergency surgery,

but I talked to him and he said that

he saw you just last week and that
you're making very good progress.

I know.


the casts aren't coming
off for a few more weeks.

I'm sure you're ready for
them to come off right now,

looks very uncomfortable.

Are you taking your pain meds?

I don't need to take my pain
meds, my bones are healed.

Jack, I want you to
give me a call tomorrow,

after you've had time to get some rest,


come in and see me.

Let's talk about what happened to you,

what you've been through.

I'm sure it's been really difficult.

I heard about the attack

and I know your doctors have suggested

that you get some counseling,

but you haven't been open to it.

But would you come in and talk to me?

About what? I don't need a
psychiatrist, I just need a saw.

Do yourself a favor, don't try to take

that cast off yourself, all right?

And this young lady?


Hey. I know you.

Grace Bowman! From med camp.

- Yeah.
- Of course! How are you?

Dr. Chan. Missed you last summer.

Wait. As I recall, you are a bit

religious yourself.

Did you suggest that...

No. No, I did not.

I think the bones will heal on their own.

I just gave Jack a ride over
here because he insisted.

Jack, are you getting any sleep?

Yeah, I've been getting plenty of sleep.

I could sleep better
if this was off, but...

But come and see me tomorrow.

Good to see you, Grace.

He doesn't know anything
about bones or God.

He's a psychiatrist.

Let's go.


Oh, I am so happy to see you!

I was going to be so lonely without you.

They're just letting me stay
until the end of the school year.

"Then we'll see." That's what they said.

I'm surprised that you
returned all in one piece.

- He almost didn't.
- Oh, come on,

was there ever really any question that

weren't coming back here together?

- Yes.
- Yes.

Say goodnight and get out of here.

You know, just because you got me back here

doesn't mean I owe you anything,

like sex or anything.

- Who asked you?
- I just don't want any misunderstandings.

But thank you.

You're welcome.

I love you.

- I love you, too.
- You think it'll last?

Oh, come on. Don't spoil our
goodbye by planting any doubts.

So, you don't have any doubt?

No. You're the guy for me.