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05x11 - Half Over

Posted: 06/29/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
of the American Teenager...

So you two, you've never
had sex with each other?

Well, we had sex before,
a couple of years ago,

and it was great, but as it turned out,

it wrecked our relationship.

On camera. We are on camera.

If our parents send us
to an all girl's school,

I may never see Ben again.

Or Henry.

I'm afraid you'd only fall in love
with me because I'm pregnant.

My mother is emailing and
texting and tweeting

everyone in the country that I'm gay!

We're going to a wedding.

Your wedding?

We should have done this years ago.

I just got everything
I've ever wanted in life.

That stupid couple told
her to break up with you.

But, I'm not going back

with her if she's going to listen to them.

You really don't want to
go to school in New York

like I know you always dreamed about?

Dreams change.

I want you to at least
want to get married to me

before I officially give up my
apartment and move in here.

I got an early acceptance into
Hudson University in New York.

Start praying, Christian.

Are you okay?

Yeah, thanks for coming.

So I woke up Grace and
asked her to come in here,

and then I'll tell her about Jack

and then I'll take her to the hospital.

I know if I tell Tom he's
gonna want to come too.

I don't know what to do.

I think you ought to tell him.

I can go with you and I can sit with him,

but he's going to want to go.
That's his buddy.

Yeah, but there's really nothing we can do.

I mean, he's still in surgery,
he'll be in surgery for hours.

What the hell happened? This guy
just came in and beat him up?

No one heard anything going on?

All those guys in that dorm
and no one heard anything?

Oh, no, they heard.

But by the time they got the
door open, Jack was unconscious,

and the other guy just walked away.

I guess Jack's teammates
rushed in to help him,

but no one went after the guy.

I would imagine no one would
want to after they saw Jack.

It's unbelievable.

What's George doing here?

Oh, my God!

You two idiots didn't get married, did you?

No, honey, we didn't.

George came over here because
Jack is in the hospital,

and I think that we need to
go down there right away,

and I needed some help with Tom.

What? What happened to Jack?

Someone beat him up, and he's badly hurt.
He's in surgery.

His dad just called me
about 20 minutes ago.

What? Who? Who would beat him up?

The guy got away,

but considering the
events of the past week,

I would think it's probably the
pimp for that girl he helped.

That's a dangerous guy.
Jack did the right thing.

I got to believe he's gonna be okay.

Mom, how seriously injured is he?

He's not gonna die, is he?

You said he's in surgery? He's in surgery?

Yes, honey. And I don't know,
I don't have all the details.

I know he has head injuries

and some broken bones,
and that's all I know.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! He's not going to die, is he?

No, he's not gonna die. I'm
sure he's not gonna die.

It's all gonna be fine.

But you're gonna be down
there when he wakes up,

and his dad wants you there,

so grab some clothes and
take off with your mom

and I'll explain to Tom and
we'll meet you down there.

Grace, go get dressed and
we'll go right away.

His dad is there by himself,

and his mom is at the condo in Arizona.

She went to get the last of their things,

and they're trying to reach her.

So we should leave right away.

Oh, my God. I feel sick. Oh, honey.

Quiet. No talking.

I don't want them to know
you spent the night.

Why do I have to sneak out?

You're a grown man. I'm a grown woman.

So, anything you want for dinner?

Mmm, anything that is fine with me.

Why don't you just say what you want?

Why don't you ever just say what you want?

Why don't we just eat out tonight?

Yeah. Why don't we get a babysitter

and the two of us eat out

and we can talk to happen next year

when we're not married

and you want to go out of state to school.

Ricky, we're getting married.

The plans are right there on the table.

Doesn't mean that you'll
go through with the plans.

I'll go through with the plans.

Will you go through with the plans?

You're the one who said
to run out, you know,

when we were at the wedding chapel.

Okay, well, we can talk
about that too, tonight.

Okay, fine then, tonight.

I'll call my dad and see
if he can come over.

That way we don't have to rush back.

We can take our time. It'll be like a date.


Well, I really have to go now.

Goodbye. Bye.

Did you want to kiss me? I don't know.

Well, I want to kiss you.

Maybe after dinner.

Okay, fine, after dinner.

Where's John?

I told him to change.
He's wearing a costume.

Oh, yeah, he wanted
to wear a costume today.

Yeah, well, we can't necessarily always

do what we want to do. Now can we?

No, we definitely can't,

but who cares what he wears to preschool?

I care. Ricky, come on.

He's three, it doesn't matter.

Yeah it does, or do I have no say in that

because he has your last
name and not my last name?

Whoa! Since when is that bothering you?

Since he started wearing costumes

and you think I don't have any say in it.

All kids like to wear costumes.

It's John's way of expressing himself.
He's just being creative.

He can be creative some other way.

It's not a big deal

and I refuse to make what
he wears so important.

How do you think that's going to work,

parenting John, with you in New York?

You'll just go to school and
leave John here with me

or are you thinking you'll take
him with you and leave me here?

Ricky, I'm not going to school in New York.

I told you, I applied there
before we even got engaged.

I applied to schools locally too, you know.

What I know is, your dream is to go to

Hudson University in New York.

If you go to school locally,

then you're always going to resent me.

Ricky, that's not true.

Look, I just applied to a stupid school

that I'm not going to go to,
to see if I could get in.

I love you. We'll see.

You know, if you're still hanging out
with nothing to do,

I'm still available for mentoring.

What are you doing here so early?

I'm waiting for Amy Juergens.

Amy Juergens-Underwood.

That's the one.

Even though she's married.

Even though.

So shoo, kid, shoo.

I'll shoo when she gets here, alright?
Just give me till then.

Talk to me, based on your experience.

I don't feel like talking, okay?

I prefer to until Amy gets here.

What happened to Dylan? The redhead.

We can't seem to stay out of trouble,

our parents don't want
us to see each other,

my best friend's in love with her.

It's as hopeless as hopeless can get.

More hopeless than Amy? Yes.

How can that be?

That's what you like, isn't it?


I mean first Amy, then Adrian, then Dylan.

All hopeless.

I guess you're what they
call a hopeless romantic.

Yeah, maybe I am.

Only sometimes I hope it

works out because there's reason to hope.

Reasons like what?

I just want something to hang on to, man.

I just want a reason to
hope that I can make

this relationship with Kathy work out.

Okay, I give you my solemn promise

to give you some of my
wisdom in the near future

if you will leave right this minute.

I'm working on it.

Okay, I really have to get to school now.

Go. I'll take care of John.

He's still in his costume, isn't he?

No, he's in his underwear now.

So Ben is outside of school?

Okay. Look, I don't know
how you know that...


Ben is waiting for me outside of school

because I'm going to tell him
that I do not appreciate

him calling over here to knock it off.

I'm married.

Only you're not.

Okay, fine. We're not. We're not married.

But since people think we're married,

you want to to knock it off?

You weren't in the library.

You were hanging out talking to Clementine

because you were you got that letter

and you needed to talk to someone.

I know you. I know that's what you did.

Ricky, why don't you try
going back to Dr. Fields

instead of going to talk to someone

who is a close personal friend

who shouldn't know any of our business?

Unless, of course, you're
interested in Clementine.

And you lied to me.

I know you and I know you lied.

See you at dinner.

Yo, it's me, babe, and I'll call you back.

George's house.

Nora? Ricky?

Good morning. I was looking for George.

Yeah, me too.

He's probably over at Kathleen's,
I'll try to catch him later.

No, I think he's here.

Or maybe he and Kathleen are here.

I heard them. I think I heard them anyway.


What are you doing here? Who's there?
Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Looks like we
had some sleepover company.

What are you doing here? I slept over.

What? You can't just sleep over

without asking the owners of the
house if you can sleep over.

Get a grip, Birdie, I slept over with Anne.

What? No!

No, you can't do that. You're my sponsor.

I know I'm your sponsor.

My sleeping over with Anne
doesn't violate any code.

Yeah, it does.

You know things, things I don't
care for her to know about.

Like my nickname is Birdie.

You know, we're not exactly
talking about you.

So come on, be happy for me.
Be happy for Anne.

We're in like, we were
up all night talking.

Um... Ethan texted Ricky

saying that you were waiting for
me and we got in a big fight,

but I'm sure you don't care about that.

Oh, but I do.

Hey, look, um, I keep hoping
that we can be friends,

but it's just becoming

more and more apparent that we can't, so...

I need you to stop calling
me and texting me

and even thinking about me.

And when you see me at
school, just ignore me.

At this school or Hudson
University in New York?

I can't go to Hudson
University in New York.

You can if you want.

I'm married, I have a son,

and my husband goes to school here.

What's best for you and your son?

To go to school here or to live
out your dream in New York?

Look, because if that's the case,

then you should go to New
York and leave Ricky behind.

And I'm only saying that because...

Last night I was playing
around on the Internet.

Couldn't sleep, and...

Did you know that marriages
are public record?

Yeah. You can just look
them up on the Internet.

Anyone can do it. And I did it.

And you know what I found out?

You're not married.


But don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

I'll keep your little secret,

but I know the truth.

You're not married, are you?

Yes. And I am married, okay?

And we're going to have a second wedding,

which you will be invited to.

Have a second wedding.

But just know that I'll be
at the back of the church,

and if you decide to run,
I'll be waiting for you

because you didn't have a first wedding.

And that's all I wanted to say.

Hey, Amy. I tried to call your
dad about babysitting tonight.

I can't find him. How's your boyfriend?

He knows. What?

Ben. He knows. Knows what?

That you got into Hudson
University in New York?

I assumed that he knows that.

Ricky, he knows that we're not married.

No, he doesn't. Yes, he does.

He looked it up on the Internet.
It's public record.

And? And...

He said he wouldn't say anything, but...

But he won't. He won't say anything.

Because if he does say something,

he's going to answer to me.
I'll talk to him.

We have to move up the wedding date.

We're not doing anything just
because of Ben Boykewich.

We'll have the wedding when
we want to have the wedding.

Don't forget, your dad already knows

so if everyone finds
out, everyone finds out.

We shouldn't have lied to
everyone in the first place.

You shouldn't have lied to
them in the first place.

I have to go. Wait.

Shouldn't we just go get
married this weekend?

No. We shouldn't.

Because I'm not so sure
you want to be married.

Amy! Amy!

Hi. Good morning.

What's wrong? What's wrong?

I got an early acceptance into
Hudson University in New York.

That's great.

No, it's not a good thing.

Ricky is not happy about it,

because Ben also got accepted into
Hudson University in New York.

Why did he apply?

I don't know, why did I apply?

Because you wanted to have

a reason to get away from Ricky and John?

No. Of course not.

You'd take them with you

if you went out of state to school, right?

Guys, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm happily married and I have a son.

So, like you said, why did you apply?

Because it was my dream to go there

before I ever got pregnant
or ever met Ricky,

and I just did, okay?

Now look who's finally telling the truth.

Yeah, it's a truth that doesn't matter.

There's no fairy tale
ending to being a teen mom.

You can say that again.

Waiting for me?


Really? I'm sorry, too.

I've watched too many births on
the Internet since I met you.

It's desensitized me.

I'm sorry I said that horrible
thing about the birth

and handing over the baby and all that.

I'm just scared for you.

I know. I'm scared for me too.

A baby's head just looks so big.

But I got to do it. I don't
have any other choice.

Once the baby gets in
there, she has to get out.

Who, by the way, is going to
be there, when she gets out?

The parents, Jonathan and Sonya.

They want to see their
daughter being born and...

And what?

And hopefully it won't be a long birth.

Hopefully it'll be a very short birth.

Hopefully they won't
make it to the hospital.

Hopefully they do.

I want them to be there.

It should be a wonderful day,

the most wonderful day of
Jonathan and Sonya's lives.

To make it the most wonderful day

I need to spend more time with them,

get to know them better,
be comfortable with them,

because they're going to be with me

when I give birth to their daughter.

With you? Yeah.

Oh, uh... No.

That guy is not gonna be there.

And there aren't going to
be any videos or photos

or anything like that for him
to post on the Internet.

Jonathan and Sonya will

want to take pictures as
soon as they hold her.

I think they can wait until
then to take pictures.

Yeah, well, who cares what they want?

Uh, I do.

And that's why I think that we
should just agree to be friends,

because that's what they want.

They don't want me to have
a boyfriend right now.

But I am your boyfriend right
now, and I'll tell you something.

I also hope to be your husband some day.

That's sweet, that's really sweet.

And a little crazy to decide
that in the ninth grade.

Ethan, after the baby is born,

I'm going to be going
back home to my family,

I want to be home for Christmas.

So, you should just go out
with Francine or Jody

or whoever you want to go out with.
Get a real girlfriend.

You deserve a real girlfriend.

I thought we just apologized.

I thought we were getting back together.

Maybe after I have the baby and I go home.

Maybe we can keep in touch.

See you.

Didn't want to interrupt.

Maybe you should have.

Okay, so what is it that you
really need my help with?

There are 20 minutes before homeroom

and I'm feeling slightly generous.

Forget it. I don't need any help.

It's over, all right? We broke up.

She's going to have the
baby then go back to Texas.

And I'm gonna go on with my life.

Pleasure serving you.

Oh. Hi, Ben.

I was just leaving. Leaving?

Yeah. You know Wendy is going
to this all-girls school

and I just thought it would
be best if I joined her.

We're all going to join her.

But why?

Why? Because...

Ben, I know you and I made
some stupid, stupid mistakes,

but I really did care about you.

And I you. No, not really.

You really cared about Adrian and Amy,

but I don't think you
really cared about me.

And frankly, I deserve better than that.

I deserve someone like Henry.

Like Henry, but not Henry?

Well, he's so cute, and he's so nice.

And if we'd met first, maybe
we would have hit it off

but we didn't meet first, and I have to say

I was quite smitten with
you, Ben Boykewich.

We did have some fun and crazy times,

but Henry is a very nice guy.

I know that.

And if you want to be with Henry,
then you should be with Henry.

I don't want to be with Henry.

I don't want to be with either of you.

So where are you going? I'm transferring.

And so are my friends.

But isn't your old school going
to be finished in January?

Are you going to transfer again?

What are you going to do,
transfer every quarter?


Wendy says the girls school
she's going to is great.

She loves it, and we love Wendy.

So that's where we're going,
to school with Wendy.

But her dad was trying to get

her away from you and
your friends, wasn't he?

He was. But he can't.

We're friends! We're best friends.

And friends are more important
than anything else.

So, sorry if I came between you and yours.

A temporary conflict. And if you
want Henry, he's all yours.

He's not yours to give away, Ben.

I have to go.


Bye, Alice. Bye, Henry. Bye, Ben.

Have a nice life.

What's going on?

Dylan and her friends are transferring.

In the middle of the year?

Wait. It's not even the middle of the year,

it's not even the end of the first quarter.
They're leaving?


Maybe you should go talk to her.

Uh, maybe you should go talk to her.

You don't want her now?
You don't want Dylan?

Yeah, why is that?

Wouldn't you like to know?

We'll get it out of him.

Hey, there.
You on your way to classes this morning?

Yeah, I was just waiting till you got here.

Your classes weren't canceled?

Why would my classes be canceled?

I don't know. Something hooker-related
going on at the school.

Why would they cancel
classes because of hookers?

Not hookers. Pimps.

Some guy beat up a student.

Not just beat him or her up,

they're in critical condition.

They weren't releasing names,

but they did say that some
classes are canceled.

So, if you want some extra hours...

Who'd you say got beaten up?

I didn't say.

They're trying to reach a parent
before they put out a name,

but I'm sure some of the
students know who it was.

Surely word has gotten out on campus.

I was making breakfast, I
didn't hear the whole story.

I thought I'd get it down
here, but apparently not.

They didn't say who got beaten up?

Hello! For the third time,

the kid's mother is out of town.

They want to notify her
before they release a name.

I'll let you know what I find out,

and if I don't have classes,
I'll come right back.

If you don't go to the library to study.

I need to work, but yeah,
I also need to study,

so I could do that, go to the library.

You could, but you might
want to avoid the library

if you're all high on caffeine,
if you know what I mean.


He's a beautiful boy!

Oh, thanks.

He really doesn't look
anything like George.

He doesn't really look like
either of you, does he?

Did you ever have blonde hair?

Not natural blonde.

I think he looks more like me than
like George, don't you think?

Yeah, from what I've seen
in the pictures at least.

Were you ever married?

To a man? Yeah.


Stupid question?

No, no questions are stupid.

I had a really great time last night.

Mmm, since we really didn't do anything,

I'm guessing that we could

probably have a better
time than last night.

If you want to.


Well, I should probably
get going, you know?

I know. I got to get back to Palm Springs.

It's not that far to Palm Springs.

I'd like to take the drive
down there sometime.

Any time.

And thanks for sticking
around this morning.

Well, thanks for letting me.

Perfect timing, with
George out of the house.

Yeah, I can't wait to meet him.

Oh, I can. I can wait for you to meet him.

Do you even want to meet him? Yeah.

I'll give you a call, okay?



It's going to be all right.

I hope so,

because on top of all this,
I have to fire Tammy.

For what? Sleeping with me!

Yeah, I don't know about that.

You want to go grab some lunch?

We can talk about Tammy,
get our minds off Jack.

I am not hungry.

All right, we'll wait.

Say, how did Tammy get in the
house without anyone hearing her?

She's living at her parents' house again.

I walked down and got her.

So her parents knew she was coming over?

No, she snuck out.

Sneaking out is never a good idea.

If there's nothing wrong
with what you're doing,

then there's no need to sneak around.

So you left your house and
walked down there at what time?

Midnight. Right after I left?

Yeah. Well, personally,

I think the two of you are old
enough to have a little sleepover

if her parents don't object.

Her parents? How about my mom?

Hey, everyone needs a friend.

You need a friend, your mom knows that.

I need a wife.

Me too.

Hey, have you talked to anyone?
Does anyone know how he is?

Who? How who is? What's going on?

You haven't heard? Jack got beaten
within an inch of his life,

probably by that pimp. It's Jack?

Yeah, his mom's out of town,
they're trying to find her.

His dad begged the police
not to release the name

until he can let her know what's going on.

Is he going to be all right?

The guy beat him with a baseball bat.

I think it's pretty bad.

He's in surgery, head
injuries, broken bones.

I don't know if he's going to be all right.

Does Grace know? Has Amy seen her?

Has anyone talked to her?

I didn't find out until I
got to school this morning.

Hey. Hi, Omar.

No, Adrian, I don't know if
anyone has talked to Grace.

Amy doesn't know or she didn't
when she left this morning.

Bunny told me something was going on,

but she didn't know it was Jack.
I didn't either.

I tried to call Grace.

I called the house, I called Tom.
No one is answering.

I'll try George again,
maybe he's with them.

He wasn't answering this morning either.

What happened?

The guy came to his room,

locked the door behind
him and assaulted him.

Was it the guy who was
in here the other night?


And they haven't arrested
him, they haven't found him?

No, he's probably out
of the country by now.

That's what my dad said anyway.

I hope not. I hope they find him.

I'm not going to feel
comfortable until they do.

Oh, no. Me neither.

Well, do you want to come
over and stay with us,

or stay at our apartment?

Our? We're still talking.

I'll be fine here.

Really, Ben, you cannot say a word

about what you think you
found out, all right?

The power of suggestion
can be really strong,

you know that,

and if you start suggesting to people

that Ricky and I aren't married...

All right, it'll just be
between you and me and Ricky,

just like things have always been.

Well, it's time for things to change.

I'll say. I completely understand
why you didn't get married.

You've always thought you should,

and you're going to because
you think you should,

but deep down inside, you don't want to.

Even if that were true, which it's not,

I still wouldn't go back with you.

I bet you would.

But hey, no one's pushing you.

We've got four years of
college to get through.

There's plenty of time.

Unless you screw it up.

See you.

Hey, Amy, I'm sorry about this
morning and about last night

and about everything.
We really should talk.

Why are you so nice all of a sudden?

Aren't I always nice?

No, and neither am I. What's going on?

Amy, have you heard about Jack?

What about Jack? Did he
save another hooker?

If that's what he was doing the first time.

Amy, he's in the hospital.

He's a football player, I'm not surprised.
What happened?

He got beat up by some pimp

and it's bad. He's in critical condition.


There aren't any classes
today, classes are canceled.

They're still looking for the guy.

They think it was the guy

who was in the bookstore the other night,

the one who scared Adrian and Clementine.

Where are you? Are you with
Adrian and Clementine?

I'm on my way home.

Adrian's going to the
hospital and you should, too.

I'll go with you. What about John?

I'll pick him up at the nursery
and tell them you won't be in,

and I'll take him over to my mother's.

Just go home, Amy. Meet me at home

and don't tell anyone there at school.

They haven't found Jack's mom yet

so she doesn't know

and they're not releasing his name
to the press until they find her.

I'll be right home, Amy, I'll
get there as soon as I can.

You're sure you're okay in the dorm?

Yeah, of course. It's just, um...

I'll feel a lot better
when they find the guy

and when they find out
Jack's gonna be okay.

I guess we knew this was a risk, but now...

Now it's the same risk.
Nothing has changed.

We always knew that a guy like
this was capable of v*olence,

and we're not gonna live our lives
in fear because of some punk.

We offered to take this girl in.

I say we stick to our promise,

because we only promised
that we'll see how it goes.

All right, well, I really want to do this.

Unless you feel it's inviting
trouble into your home.

It's our home now.

And I want to help her and
you want to help her.

But we both have to keep in
mind that it may not work out.

Like Dr. Fields told us,

taking an older kid into your
house doesn't always work out.

Hell, having a kid from birth in
your house doesn't always work out.

It seemed like such a
positive story, you know?

I mean, this girl returning

home to her family after
years on the streets.

I can't believe she was abused at home

before this guy ever grabbed her.

Guess she had a reason
to want to leave home.


She's going to need a lot of love, Leo.

I know, but we can't feel sorry for her.

She's going to need a lot of
therapy and a lot of boundaries

and strong parents to keep
her within those boundaries.

Besides, it'll give us some practice

in case the two of us decide
to have a kid of our own.

Are you disappointed that we
didn't get more time together

before we took on something like this?

It's a big house.

We'll have plenty of privacy.

We can still get away and take little
vacations like we did last night.


Hi, Leo. Camille.

Hello, Fairy Godfather.

Fairy Godmother.

Mr. And Mrs. Boykewich, I'm
Leo and this is Camille.

And as it turns out,

this isn't Ginger, or Ginger's
name isn't Ginger. It's Chloe.

Yeah. If you don't mind,

I'd like to ditch the street name

and go with the name I used to have.

Not a problem. Sit down, Chloe.

I'm going to let the three
of you get acquainted,

and I will be in touch,

'cause I know you're going
to need me, all of you,

and you can call me too, Chloe.

Got to get back to work.

Thanks, Margaret. Bye.

So, it looks like you didn't
bring anything with you.

You and I are gonna have
to go out this afternoon

and get a few things, get you settled.

Oh, I'm fine wearing
this seven days a week.

Still, you're going to have school
and you're going to need things.

Just remember the things are a privilege

and privileges can be taken away.

Got it.

I just can't believe that you
guys are doing this for me.

Okay, so first question.

Why the hell would you take me in?

And thank you,

no matter what the reason is.

Unless it's a bad reason.

Oh, no, no, it's not for a bad reason.

We have a mutual friend named Betty,

and if somebody had reached out
to Betty when she was your age,

then her life would have
been completely different.

As it was, I reached out
to her in her forties.

It's a long story.

Let's get something to eat, Chloe.

We'll tell you all about us

and you could tell us all about you.


I'll start.

I know who you are.

Margaret told me, and I just
want you to know I love meat.

Everything from Spam to filet mignon.

Then we'll get along great.

Camille worked with me for over
20 years before we got married.

When did you get married? Yesterday.

We moved up the date because
social services told us about you,

and, well, we would like
to have you in our family.

Really? Really.

Look, there was something
in the news this morning

that Margaret thought we
should tell you about.

Don't you want to sit down, honey?


What could they be doing? Why
is the surgery taking so long?

Hopefully, it won't be much longer.

I wish Jack's dad would come back out.

Why can't we wait with him?

It's a small area, family only.

He'll come out as soon
as he knows something.

I wasn't nice last night.

I wasn't nice the last
time I talked to him.

And the same thing happened
with Dad, you know?

The last conversation
we had was an argument

and I've never forgiven myself for it.

Even after I found out
what a louse Dad was,

I still hate what I said to
him the last time I saw him.

Of course, if I had known
what he was doing over there,

I probably would have said worse things.

Yeah, well, it is difficult
not to judge him,

but we shouldn't judge
him, that's not our job.

You just never know when the
last time you talk to someone

is going to be the last
time you talk to someone.

No. You don't.

What are you doing home?

Decided to come home for lunch.

I didn't know you did that,
come home for lunch.

Never did it before. We have to talk.

I'm sorry. I don't kiss and tell.

That's my sponsor. You can't date her.

I thought you can't date her.

I can date her, I'm not in AA.

You know what?

The longest relationship
she's been in is two months.

Well, maybe I don't want a
long term relationship, okay?

Really? Really.

I don't believe you.

I think you want to find someone

to get married to, settle down with.

This isn't about your having a
crush on Willowdine, is it?

She's my sponsor!

Okay, let me think about this.

A lot has happened for
me in the last 24 hours,

so I'm just going to drive home

and I will call you, just like I always do.


Do that.

Drive safely.

Are you sure he's not dead already?

It's been hours and hours.

I think the worst is over.

I think they're setting bones now.
Poor guy.

Let's go see Grandma.
Grandma wants to see you.

Hey, David! George Juergens.

Oh. Oh. Uh, yeah. George.

Anne's husband.

I'm just going to see my mom,
she's here in the hospital.

And those two cuties,

those are your sisters?

Funny. How's your son?
You have a son, right?

Right. Well, give Anne my best.

I think you might have done that already.

Uh, this is not really the place.

I'll be in touch.

That's okay, not looking
for you to be in touch.

And by the way, Anne is gay.

I got the email. From Mimsy.

And I follow her on Twitter.

Good to see you.

Okay, guys, let's go find Grandma.
She's down this way.

This is such a personal procedure.

Are you sure that you want
me in the room with Kathy?

I already said you could.

You're going to be up here. At this end.
And no pictures.

No. No, definitely not.

And are you gonna want
your mom and dad there?

I don't know about that.

There's not a lot of room up at my head.

And it's not like a spelling bee

where they'll be proud
of my accomplishments,

but I think they'd want to be close by,

just in case anything goes wrong
or just to know that I'm okay.

Then again, they did want me
out of the state of Texas.

So, I don't know if they
want to be there or not.

Whatever is good for you.

I think it's time you started
coming to our young mothers group.

It's teens who are pregnant,
some have already given birth.

It's a terrific support group.

And there are some girls in the group

who have also decided to have
their babies be adopted.

I don't know if I want to hear about it.

I feel like it's kind of special.

I don't know if I want to feel like

I've joined some kind of weird club.

If you ever want or need to talk,

you know you can call
me at any time, right?

And you can call me if you have a
question or if you're nervous.

Just leave me a message,

and I always return those calls
in the evening, after dinner.

It's like everyone thinks I'm
going to freak out or something.

I'm not.

I want you to have this baby.

I know you're going to be good parents.

And I'm not going to try
to grab her and run.

Just the same,

it is a very emotional moment

when the adoptive parents
walk out the door,

and so whatever we can do to
help you prepare for that...

Why don't we have a dry run?

Here you go.

She's not in a good mood.

We asked hero break up with this
guy she's gotten involved with.

I'm really not sold on being in the room.

I'm not sure either of us
should be in the room.

I'm going to be in the room,

I'm going to be holding her hand,

and I'm going to see our daughter
when she enters the world.

Okay, I'm gonna wait till
she comes out of the tunnel

and she's been through the car wash.

Joking. Joking.

I do that when I'm nervous.



Why are you here?

I'm just walking around.

Everyone else is downstairs,

they're all waiting to see what's
going to happen with Jack.

Who's Jack?

You know that Christian girl you hate?

Grace? I don't really hate her, but yeah?

It's her boyfriend.

Some pimp att*cked him.

Ew. He uses hookers?

No, he was trying to help some
girl who was being trafficked.

He did help her, actually.

He helped her get back to her family.

Oh. Well, that was nice of him.

I hope he's okay.

So you just wandered up
to the maternity ward?

Well, it's a lot more fun
than most of the wards.

You told Amy you had an appointment,

she told Ricky, he told me.

I came up here hoping to bump into you.

You're making it difficult
to stay away from you.

And I'm here with Jonathan and Sonya.

Hey, I got an idea.

Get in that wheelchair over
there and let's escape.

Yeah, I'd like to escape from my life,

but since I can't,

I'm gonna have to try to
deal with it the best I can.

You're so serious. Come on.
It's just a ride.

Let's go for a ride.

Hey! Be careful, all right?

We'll get together again
and we'll talk, Ethan.

Kathy, we'll just be waiting in
the car, whenever you're ready.

I can't shake them.

Or me.


His name has been released.

Yeah, his mom is in there now.

They sold the condo and she was
there packing everything up.

They turned the phone off already,

and she hadn't charged her cell, so...

His dad had to tell her on the phone

and then she had to drive back by herself.

How's she doing?

I just saw her for a minute.
She didn't look good.

Neither did his dad.

I just wonder if there's
something they know

that they're not telling us.

It's weird, isn't it?

We're really not good at being
friends until something goes wrong.

Yeah, we need to learn
to be better friends.

Thank you guys for coming. I'm so
glad you guys are here with me.

So, the doctor let Jack's
parents go in with him.

I don't know what's going on,

but I guess they'll come out and
talk to us as soon as they can.

I wish they'd find the guy who did this.

They probably won't.

Or they probably will. Be positive.

They're going to find him and k*ll him!

I need to talk to you.

Don't like the wedding plans?

I don't like the bride right now.

I love her, but I don't think
she wants to get married again.

Of course she does. She told me she did.

She says she does,

but if I said, "Let's leave
here and go get married again,"

she wouldn't do it.

I'm just telling you. She
got an early acceptance

to Hudson University in New York
and I think she wants to go.

I think she wants to be single.

I think she wants to move
out and move to New York.

I'll talk to her.

I love her. You know I love her.

But I don't want to marry someone again

who's going to regret
getting married. Again.

Hey, Betty.

Oh, hey, Tom.

Did you see the news?

Did you know a pimp beat up my buddy, Jack?

I saw the news earlier, but...

But I didn't know that was Jack.

They just said it was a student.

That was Jack?

Did you see that picture?

The picture of that guy that beat up Jack?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, he was pretty scary.

But let me tell you something.

All those guys are scary, all of them.

Do you know him?

Do you? Tom...

If he were to find out that
I was looking for him,

he'd do whatever he did to
Jack, he'd do it to me.

I mean, I don't even know... Is Jack okay?

'Cause I heard on the news

that the student is in critical condition.

Yeah, that's right. He could die.

Please try to find this guy.

Find out where he is.

No. No, I can't, Tom.

Yes, you can! I'm not
afraid to go to the police.

The police will get this guy!

Find out where he is!

Hey, we just heard on the news. How is he?

He's not good. We need to talk.

We can talk later.

There's nothing new. He's
in critical condition.

His mom just got here

and we're hoping to find out
something any minute now.

I want to talk to you. Why
don't we go sit down?

Whether or not Amy and I are married

or whether or not we have a
wedding or a second wedding,

that's none of your business.

I actually think it's everyone's business

after that big welcome back
to school after you eloped.

Or not.

Now, listen to me. Stay out of it, Ben.

And don't tell me you just can't,

because I have a son with Amy.
And that hasn't changed.

Nothing is ever gonna change that.

Ben's here.

Yeah, I saw.

Yeah, I... I don't really
want to talk to him.

Are you okay?



Last time you were at this hospital,

you were giving birth
to Mercy, weren't you?


I don't really like hospitals much.

Why don't we, uh, say goodnight
to Grace and go home?

All right, we could do that.
We can go home, if you want.

Do you want to have children?


Sure. You?


Yeah, I want to try to have a baby again,

or two. I want to adopt children too.

I want a lot of children.

That's a bigger commitment
than getting married.

Yeah, I guess.

Let's do things in the right order.

What's the right order?

Could you, um...

Could you make the stone
just a little bit bigger?

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm okay.

I just, um, forgot the
last time I was here.

Ugh. My dad keeps bugging me.
He and Camille are home,

they want to show me some big surprise.

Is she pregnant?

You should call your mother,

ask if it's okay if we're still here.

John may be getting cranky by now.

My mom can handle any kid.

I don't think she'll have a
problem with her own grandson.

I do want to get married, I really do.

I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.

Or you're just feeling sensitive

because we're waiting to hear
what's going on with Jack.

If his parents come out here

and say that he's going to be
fine, he'll recover fully,

then my guess is we're both
going to go right back

to where we were this morning.

On the other hand, if they say
he's not going to make it,

then maybe each of us will learn that

sometimes there's not another chance.

Sometimes that's just it.

Shall we pray?