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02x18 - Power

Posted: 06/28/21 18:12
by bunniefuu
ROMAN AS BLACK MASK: Good evening, fair citizens of Gotham City.

Black Mask here.

I ask you to look past this ghoulish veil and realize it is not the affectation of a madman but rather the necessary concealment of an altruist, so...

This isn't "America's Funniest Pets".

ROMAN: How does one fix...

- LUKE: It's on every channel.

- ROMAN: A broken city?

Well, I've heard the phrase "defund the police" bandied about.


The GCPD can't afford the hole in its doughnut.

Well, what about Arkham Asylum, that house of horrors that you fund with your tax dollars, or Blackgate Prison, too violent for Jacob Kane, loving father of lunatic at large Alice of Wonderland?

Well, how about Gotham City Hall then or the judges or the D.A. or the banks, all chock full of predatory degenerates so crooked they've got to screw their pants on in the morning?

And don't even get me started on Batwoman, operating without checks or balances, leaving the collateral damage of an untold number of innocents in her wake.

Why are we allowing these self-serving bandits to dictate to us what the terms fair and just mean?

We should be dictating these terms to them, so I'm asking you to join me for an evening of anarchy.

Help me raze every single one of these moldering institutions to their foundations.

I've dropped masks at a dozen street corners.

Stand up, strap one on, become your own vigilante, and when the dust finally settles over our failed system, well, Black Mask will still be standing, ready to lead you to your liberation because you know what they say about power, huh?

Use it...

or lose it.

- RYAN, VOICE-OVER: Dear Gotham, I loved being Batwoman, and I want you to know I never took wearing the symbol for granted...

Because I know how badly this city needed a protector...


Someone to inspire hope, someone to prove that there's something better for us out there.


You've always needed a hero, Gotham, but in this moment, maybe that's not me.

ROMAN: But I ask you to look past this ghoulish veil and realize it is not the affectation...

MARY: Okay.

Batteam mission to-do list.

Number one... find Circe.

Number two... get Kate back.

Number ... apprehend Black Mask.

Number ... stop a possible faction of very angry people from overthrowing the government.

Am I missing anything?



So it was my job to make the list.


Even if we did find Kate without the internet, without Wayne satellites, without phones and then I somehow managed to take out a homicidal sadist and his armed g*ng and then I kidnapped Circe without my Batsuit, it still doesn't mean we'll be able to pull Kate out.

Enigma is dead, trinkets didn't work.

Her own family barely made a dent.

There has to be something that we're not thinking of.

Yeah, but first, we need to find her.

First, we find Black Mask, then we find Circe.


Here's the list.

Renumber it however you'd like.

Sophie is on her way with supplies.

I need to head back to the clinic and prep for a very busy night.

When you guys come up with a game plan, call me or send a raven or whatever.


That reminds me.

They max out after miles, but they're better than nothing.

So click the button on the side to talk.


Thank you.

We all know how walkie-talkies work.

Be safe.

I love you guys.

I've watched this stream times, I'm at % battery, and I have no idea where Black Mask is broadcasting from.


Hang on.

I think I got something.


ROMAN: Now Batman, oh, there's a classic hero.

Great voice, no shame.

I mean, he built abdominals directly into his suit, right?


And he kept trophies from every single nut job he dumped at Arkham.

Keeping them off the streets my ass.

He wanted to relish in the feeling of being powerful.


Who can blame him?

In my day, Venom turned Bane into a hulking terror.

Guy could rip the tooth out of your smile while shrugging off a pipe wrench, you know?

Don't worry, Mr. Tavaroff.

I wouldn't do that to you.


CIRCE: And you convinced your lab rat that the tranquilizing properties of the Snakebite's vapor would counteract the Venom's roid rage.

Well, let's face it.

Everybody wants a bulletproof army, but nobody wants to deal with Bane's tantrums all day.

So you're building an indestructible army.

Was Black Mask not scary enough?


I don't want to be feared, sweetheart.

I want to be loved.

By dawn tomorrow, the GCPD will have collapsed under the weight of its own depravity, and Mayor Akins will have been, shall we say, removed from office, and they by noon, well, the good people of Gotham...

and there's millions of them, believe it or not...

will be quaking with fear.

"Who will save us now?" And that's when Roman Sionis swoops in and puts a b*llet right through Black Mask's shiny skull.

This of course after I've offered a raise to whoever volunteers to wear my mask that day.

And with Black Mask dead, Gotham crowns Roman Sionis as their white knight.

City is mine.

I'm the establishment.

I'm the system.

I'm the invulnerable ruler, and anyone who tries to stop me gets to meet you.




And they wonder why we test our products on animals first!

Get rid of him.


begs the question...

how does one become invincible?

LUKE, ON COMMS: It's the Channel Gotham Live logo.



How did you get online?

"How'd you get online?

Over". We can't talk on top of each other.



Turns out I should have explored my dad's old workshop sooner.

I found a bunch of old city almanacs, and I matched the letters you found in Black Mask's reflection to the old Gotham Live logo.


Hope you can read a map.


We'll radio when we get there.

Didn't realize this was a date.

Bitch shot me with a crossbow while I was trapped in an elevator.

Yeah, and she beat my ass twice, and I wasn't.

Sophie, Circe is stronger, and she's ruthless.

And you're Batwoman.

Am I?

Without the suit, the gadgets, the symbol, I'm just Ryan Wilder.

Damn right you're Ryan Wilder, and this chick's about to learn that the hard way.


Uh, where's Kate?

What are you doing in my loft?


I'm sorry.

Your loft?

You took her bedroom, too?

Kate's not Kate.

Circe played us.

I know.

Safiyah told me.


Safiyah's still in Gotham.

She's not gonna be a problem unless of course you're rooting around the east side scrapyard looking to strip an ' Firebird for parts.




SOPHIE: Ryan, you take the guy in the car.

It's Mayor Akins.


Hey, Mayor.

Stay with me.

Stay with me.

Come on.

You can't let them take our city.

You got to hold on, okay?


Emergencies are channel .

Keep trying till you get through.


Where the hell are you going?

I know how to beat Circe.

Ryan, I need to go with you.

He needs you here now.



RYAN: Remember when you needed someone to stand behind so False Face's b*ll*ts didn't hit you?

Time to return the favor.

We infiltrate Black Mask's hideout, and we pull Kate out together.

Let me guess.

You don't feel confident fighting without your supersuit and don't want to risk Soph's life, so I'm her crash test dummy?


Take the mask, Alice.


Just say the magic words.

I need you, okay?

I know.


what were you up to?



We need oxygen!

WOMAN: Let's get that door open.

Hurry up.

You've got to be kidding me.

- You know him?

- Unfortunately.

Someone found him in a dumpster.

Checked his heart in the alley.

No idea how he's not dead.

I can't believe we're wasting oxygen on this guy.

I don't remember him being this huge.

That might have something to do with whatever he mixed with the Snakebite in his arm.

How'd he get Snakebite?

Batwoman shut down the manufacturer.

There shouldn't be any left in the city.

Apparently he knows someone who knows someone.

Looks custom.

It's being atomized through the respirator.

The vapors must be lessening the hit.

A longer high without ODing?


Don't want to leave.

Makes the memories last forever.

I got to go.

That makes sense now.

Are you talking?

I just realized why your mail's in my sister's loft.

You "live there" now.

You read my mail.


It's just a supersexy power bill, postcard from Angelique...

she sends her X-Os...

Oh, and, uh, don't forget you have a parole board hearing tomorrow at : .

They really let anyone be a superhero these days, don't they?

Trust me.

You're not the only one in the car shocked I've served more time than you.

Oh, I'm serving my time, dear, just not in the traditional sense.

Remind me to get the name of your lawyer.

Safiyah's punishment is worse than a stint at Blackgate.

By k*lling Ocean, she made sure I would spend the rest of my life in agonizing grief.

She didn't let me say good-bye.


We're here.

I'm saying I get it.

I get why you hate me.



I said I'm sorry.

What do you want, forgiveness because you know what it feels like to have the one person who cared about you ripped from your life?

Get this through your head.

You don't deserve my forgiveness.


Because you're the hero and I'm the villain?

You're not a hero, Ryan, but you already know that, which is why I'm here, which is why you're so desperate to get Kate back...

because your city is falling apart, and you can't save it.

Put on your mask.

What kind of hero kills the first woman they've ever met?

What are you talking about?

Your biological mother died in childbirth, right?

See, when a girl leaves me at the whims of a madman with a fingernail extractor, my first task upon escaping is to learn everything about her, and I know that your first act on this earth resulted in Mommy's death, so if you want to point fingers at who k*lled the moms in your life...

We are gonna find Kate.

Then I'm gonna do everything in my power to dump your ass behind bars.


Mary to Luke.

I have a crazy idea.




You need to lie down.

Where is it?


- I don't know!

- Where is it?

I get that this is a hail mary, but we've exhausted every other idea, and an atomized dose of Snakebite is way less dangerous than the injectable, so we expose Kate to some vapors, it triggers a core memory, and we bring her back.

- LUKE: That is...

- MARY: Insane?



Did I lose you?

Luke, can you hear me?

- LUKE: Mary, do you copy?

- MARY: Yes.



So Snakebite yea or nay?

I think it's brilliant.




Oh, my God.


ROMAN, ON P.A.: Evening of anarchy.

Help me raze every single one of these moldering institutions to their foundations.

I've dropped masks at a dozen street corners.

Stand up, strap one on, become your own vigilante, and when the dust finally settles over our failed system, well, Black Mask will still be standing, ready to lead you to your liberation...


Well, this looks like it's gonna end well.

He's experimenting.


We need to get these out of here.

Heads up!

You're gonna use my own staff against me?

CIRCE: Is it really yours, though?


You were really gonna s*ab your own sister in the back?

It's kind of our thing.

Thanks for once.

ROMAN: Get that stuff home and lock it up.

Follow her.

I'll distract him.

I can't beat her.

And I can't drive the Batmobile.

Save my sister.



VESPER: The letter dropped off at multiple news outlets around the city.

The letter from Batwoman went on to say, "Someone to prove that there's something better for us out there".

The crusader ended her handwritten note with this...

"You've always needed a hero, Gotham, but in this moment, maybe that's not me.

Maybe it's a job for all of you now to trust what you know in your heart to be right and good and to find the courage to use that feeling as a uniting force against hate".

- BOY: Guys, look.

- MAN: We're listening to Vesper.

BOY: No, seriously, look.

MAN: Is that one of those skull masks?

Why is that in this house?

Our neighbors put one up in their window.

Can we?

Well, I'll be damned.







Where's my Snakebite?


Come here!

Where is it?


Give me your bag!


I'll give you the Snakebite.






Back away, or neither of us get it.

Now you're just being an idiot.








Still working out the kinks.


what is happening?

This acts like an aerosol, but it's still Snakebite, so make sure you get close but not so close that you accidentally spray yourself.


You need to go.

I can't stop Circe.

Ryan, yes, you can.

I tried, Mary.

I can't, not without the suit.

They improvised.

So can you.


You don't need the suit to be Batwoman.

She's already in you.





What the hell are you?




ROMAN: You want to know why you failed as a villain?




How did you know?

You can't be bad and have feelings.

You can't hate Batwoman and protect her identity.

You can't hate your sister and risk your life for her.

See, it's confusing.

You can't sell a confusing message.

Says the freak with two names.


Two names, one goal.

Black Mask terrifies the city.

Roman Sionis rescues it.

Ha ha ha!

You know who was a great villain?

The Joker!



It won't come off!

Good luck with your messaging.


SOPHIE: The Sionises live at Finger Hill, at least according to the Gotham White Pages from years ago.


I'm on th and Grey.


Trigate's the only bridge out of the city in that direction, so if you turn left on Adams and take riverside, you might be able to cut her off.

I got eyes.


Good luck.



So that's how you want to play, huh?

Damn you can ride a bike.



All right.

This bitch is crazy.


Time to give up, Ryan.

Call me Batwoman.




What are you doing?

Tatiana's on her way here to k*ll you.

Get up!

I'd love to.

Unfortunately, I'm very distracted renting us a camper at the moment.

I'm sorry.

Tatiana got the jump on you because you were booking us a vacation?

Not a vacation, Alice, a new life so you and I could disappear together on the other side of the globe, get away from...

all of this.

Safiyah was right.

I was always gonna have to choose one of you.

Since you wouldn't choose, Safiyah chose for you.

I thought this Snakebite high was supposed to be fun.

I think you're missing the point.

This is my good-bye, but I don't...

I don't want to say good-bye to you.

Do me a favor, Alice.

You know this feeling that you feel?

That's good, and now that you know you're capable of feeling it, chase it again.

So you gonna say good-bye to me or what?

WOMAN: ♪ I'd broken free ♪

♪ I feel the siren's call ♪

♪ Head above water ♪

♪ A thousand seas ♪

♪ Rising back up just to fall ♪

♪ Guess you could say I'm scared to look in the mirror ♪

♪ 'Cause what if I'm ♪


♪ The very thing I fear? ♪

♪ And the heavy silence can't be any clearer ♪

♪ Tells me the lies I want to hear ♪

♪ Follow, follow me down ♪

♪ Hollow, the sweetest sound ♪

♪ Flows to the river ♪

♪ Pouring me in ♪

♪ Follow, follow me down ♪


♪ Only have a moment ♪

♪ Before it's all over ♪


Kate, wake up!

RYAN: Move, move, move.

, , , , .

Do you know what you're doing?

Tilt her head back.

Help me.

- What?

- She needs air.


what do I need to do?

So you're gonna use one hand to pinch her nose and the other to stabilize her head.

Start breathing.

WOMAN: ♪ Pouring me in ♪

Nothing's happening.


♪ Follow me down ♪


Don't die!

Please don't die.


We got this, okay?

Do it again.



Don't leave me.


WOMAN: ♪ Just when I thought that I'd broken free ♪


♪ I feel the siren's call ♪

MAN: Over here!

Found some people.

That's Alice from the Wonderland g*ng.





Can't leave!

No, no!


VESPER: Batwoman, if you're listening, we got your memo, and challenge crushed.

Gotham rejected Black Mask's call to overthrow the government last night, and despite the citywide power outage, sanity prevailed.

Word is leaders of both the False Face Society and the Wonderland g*ng are en route to Arkham, which just leaves one last thing to reject...

your resignation letter, B-woman.

Come back to us, sister.

Gotham needs you, and more importantly, Gotham loves you.

So, Ms. Wilder, I see that you've been out of Blackgate for months and that your P.O. has requested that you be released from restrictions early, so two questions for you.

Have you changed and how?

Have I changed?

Honest answer...


I haven't changed.

I am still the good, caring, intelligent human being I was the day I was wrongly arrested and the day I met my cellmate and the day I was dumped before this board and told I had a % chance of being a repeat offender, but since I know this committee wants to do the right thing today, allow me to give you the answer you need.


I've changed.

I've changed because I stopped seeing myself the way you see me and started seeing myself for who I am, a woman who has found her power.

All in favor, raise your hand.

On behalf of the power invested in me by the City of Gotham, I hereby deem the supervision of the parolee Ryan Wilder unnecessary.


Wilder, you're hereby released from parole.

Best of luck to you.

KATE: Ha ha ha!

MARY: Okay.

So then me and Ryan are standing on this pressure plate in the middle of "Quiz Bowl" studios, having to answer all of Cluemaster's questions like we didn't have anything better to do on a Friday night.


So where were you?


Nerd flirting with a ginger cutie!


We were deciphering a labyrinthine cryptogram to save your ass.



Anyway, Ryan zip lines us out of there like a boss and saves the day per usual.

Well, I'm glad to hear that nothing's changed in Gotham, although a little birdy told me that we have a plus-one in the hero department.

Where did you find a supersuit?



So... when I was a kid, I drew pictures of how I imagined a Black Batman would look.

It turns out that my dad was secretly turning those pictures into reality, but, like, today's not about me, okay?

Kate, you're home, and you're safe, and you're healthy, and Mary and I talked about your future plans, and we support you.

Thank you.

But million-dollar question.

How does Alice fit into those plans?

You know, I spent so long thinking that it was up to me to bring Beth out of Alice.

Turns out Alice brought Kate out of me.

She's my twin.

She'll always be a part of me, but until Alice wants to be Beth, I can't help her.

RYAN: Hey.

Am I interrupting?

KATE: Not at all.

We saved you vegan pizza.

Apparently you and I have the same taste.

Understatement of the year.

You guys mind if we have a minute?


Of course.


Of course.


It's really good to see you.

It's good to see you guys, too.

When did we get a Batmobile?

Sick, right?

And just so you know, that was actually me taking it easy on you, so...



- This is probably...

- So this is...

- Wait.

- Wait.

- You first.

- Okay.

I just want to say thank you.

That suit changed my life in more ways than one, and it has been an honor to be able to wear your symbol.

I put that suit on to give back to my city.

You put it on to survive.

You know better than anyone what that symbol means to people who have no hope left.

Batwoman's yours, Ryan.

As for Mary and Luke...

they are my family, and I'm going to take care of them.

Thank you.

FLEURIE: ♪ Someone told me ♪

♪ Write clear and true... ♪

I hear you're not gonna try to k*ll me this time.


I'm not gonna k*ll you, but I can't promise that you're not gonna want to k*ll me.

You're leaving Gotham.

Of course you are.

First to see my dad and then a friend in National City.

Then I'm off to find Bruce.

Why Bruce?

My sister spent years waiting for me to find her, and I didn't.

If Bruce is alive and trapped somewhere, maybe finding him is the only way for me to forgive myself for not finding Beth.

None of that is your fault, Kate.

I wish that made me feel better.

So you and me and timing, huh?

Maybe in another universe, we were meant to be together.

But in this one?

In this one, I think we both deserve something a little easier.

FLEURIE: ♪ Someone told me ♪

Well, whoever that is for you, I really hope for your sake...

that she can compete with this.

FLEURIE: ♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

♪ Love has no limits ♪

♪ No limits ♪

♪ No limits ♪

RYAN: Well, last night proved we made a impact on this city.

We're not just taking bad off the streets.

We're putting good back in.

So what's next, Batwoman?

We find that case of Batman trophies before anyone else does, and from the sounds of it, I am gonna have backup!

And now that your clinic is legit, I was thinking what if we build our community center above it, make it a all-in-one medical, mental health, hangout for teens, and you take point?

I'm so down with that.


We start today.

And where are you going?

Just tying up a loose end.

ROMAN: Janus!






Kane, visitor.

Make it quick.

Not a problem.


Security's worse than I thought.

I only gave him bucks.

Well, here you have it...

Alice behind bars, the jumpsuit, embarrassing lack of shoelaces, a neighbor who's crazier than me.

Is it everything you'd hoped for?

I just wanted the system to work for once.


It finally did.

This is justice for my mom.

Just happy I got to see it with my own eyes.

I hope we never see each other again.

Funny you should mention mothers actually.

You remind me almost daily that your adoptive mother is dead, but maybe there's a little wiggle room for bio mom.



You don't know.


Well, maybe it's time someone told you.

Your mother didn't die in childbirth, Ry-Ry.

Mommy dearest is still very much alive.