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05x01 - To Begin With...

Posted: 06/27/21 08:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
of the American Teenager...

All I know is I kissed a
girl and now I'm gay.

Look. Don't you think you've joined enough
clubs at school without joining this one?

Mom, you're not gay.

Yes, I am gay.

Could you kiss me again?


Goodbye, Omar.

George, I'm gay.

We're still going to love you, you're
still Amy and Ashley and Robie's mom,

and you're still my Anne.

I think I love you.

I love you, too.

Did they say what
caused the fire?

Started in one of
the science labs.


Thank you for coming over here,

it may be the last chance I ever
have to have sex with a woman.

Let's just do what you wanted to do,
and just run off and get married.

Really? You want to do that?

Yeah. I want to do that.


My door is locked!

Oh! Sorry!

Sorry! I don't know
what I'm doing!

I can't believe I didn't
open the door for you!

It's okay, it's okay.

I love you.

I love you, too.


♪ It's a beautiful night

♪ We're looking for
something dumb to do

♪ Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you

♪ Is it the look in your eyes

♪ Or is it this dancing juice?

♪ Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you

♪ Well, I know this little chapel
on the boulevard we can go

♪ No one will know

♪ Oh, come on, girl

♪ Who cares if we're trashed

♪ Got a pocket full of cash
we can blow

♪ sh*ts of Patron

♪ And it's on, girl

♪ Don't say no, no, no, no, no

♪ Just say yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ And we'll go, go, go, go, go

♪ If you're ready
like I'm ready

♪ 'Cause it's a beautiful night

♪ We're looking for
3omething dumb to do

♪ Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you ♪

(EXHALES) I just need
to catch my breath.

It's all just too much

I just need to stop
for a minute. Thanks.

Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.

Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.

I cannot believe we did that.

I can't either.

We're crazy.

Yeah, we are.

(SIGHS) Are we going to
tell your dad we did this?

I mean, he's
babysitting John and...

I don't know what
we're going to tell him.

Or anyone else.

For now, let's just
keep it a secret.

♪ Falling in love is
such an easy thing to do

♪ Birds can do it We can do it

♪ Let's stop talking
Let's get to it

♪ Let's fall in love



Hello. Finally, someone
answered the phone.

What is going on there?

Nothing. Who didn't
answer their phone?

You. Amy. Ashley.
My entire family.

We text, we don't
answer the phones.

We only did that when
you were away.

Now that you're home,
it's back to the usual.

You want someone,
you have to text.

I don't want to text,
I want a voice.

Human contact.

I don't want words on a screen.

I'm the mother.
I'm still the mother.

Still? What do you mean?

I mean, my whole life
just changed.

What happened?
What happened?

I told everyone that I'm gay
and then I come home and then nothing.

No one calls me,
no one's answering my calls.

Oh. That's all?
Nobody really cares.

It doesn't really matter
that you're gay. So what?

So what?
This is huge for me.

And Amy kind of
came around in the end, but

I don't know, I have the feeling
that Amy is not happy with me.

Maybe not because I'm gay.

Maybe it's because of
the way that I told her,

or that I told Ashley first,
I don't know.

It's just a gut feeling.

You're making too big a deal
out of this.

Am I?

All right, well, anything else,

other than for us to
answer our phones?

George, I just feel
kinda vulnerable right now.

And I want to stay
with my family.

You were so supportive
of my coming out.

I just really need
with all of you.

All right, well, we'll try to do a
better job of staying in touch.

Everything else okay?

Pretty much, I guess.

Mimsy is doing okay,
and Robie is good.

I don't know,
I'm just feeling lonely.

I was thinking of asking
Amy and John and Ashley

if they wanted to come down here
tomorrow and spend the night.

Hang out, talk.

Amy went somewhere with Ricky,

they're coming back
tomorrow, I'm babysitting.

Why don't you try
texting Ashley?

Ashley doesn't have
her driver's license,

so if she wanted to come here,

I guess I'd have to
go and get her.

Unless you wanted to bring her?

You'd bring her if
she wanted to come?

Yeah. All right.

Can you talk to her?
Talk her into coming here?

Yeah, okay,
I'll give it a shot.

I realty miss her.
And Amy.

It's really important that I
spend time with them right now.

All right.

So where did you say
that Amy is?

It's the last day of school, she
and Ricky took off somewhere.

I don't know.

It was a last minute thing.

They just wanted to take a
drive, take a night off.

Well, so what if something
happens to John?

How will you get
in touch with them?

I'd text them.


What do you mean,
that's my diploma?

You're just going to
Just like that?

Well, school is out,

and you've already
required subjects

and you've already gone
to a graduation ceremony,

so, yeah, that's your diploma.

Take it.

What do you mean, "No?"
I don't want it.

Well, not like this,
a napkin or something.

I want special.

I could roll it up
and tie a bow around it.

No, it's not that, it's just...

This isn't right.

This is not how
it's supposed to end.

It's the culmination of
12 years of education,

thirteen if you count kindergarten
and I count kindergarten.

I don't know what
you want me to do.

We don't have
a graduation ceremony

for the summer school
graduating class.

At least not this year anyway,

because there's only
three of you.

So we're graduating
in summer school!

What, if you prick us,
do we not bleed?


Merchant of Venice. And I want
some recognition for graduating.

There's no graduation ceremony.

How could you not know this?

I thought today
you were gonna tell me

that it was next week
or something,

I thought you had to see
if I finished my classes.

Do you know what hell I went
through to graduate high school?

Yes. I know you've
been through a lot,

which is why I pushed to
have you included

in the other graduation
ceremony with your friends.

I'm leaving for vacation

and I want to get out of
town before it gets dark.

I'm driving to San Clemente, and I'm
going to the beach for two weeks.

I paid for it with my credit card
points and I can't get those back.

So I am going to get packed
up and get out of here.

What kind of
a counselor are you?

Oh. I know what's going on.

You don't want to leave school.

I want to leave.

I am definitely ready
to get out of high school.

I just don't want to
leave like this.

Why wouldn't I want to
leave high school?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe
because your boyfriend

is going to be
student teaching here?

Say what?

You are done here, Adrian,

Omar or no Omar.

Actually it's "finished." It's
not "done," it's "finished."

You're a high school graduate.


There's nothing
special about it,

it's just another day.

Goodbye, see ya.
Thanks for nothing.




I'll see you in a couple of
weeks, cutie.


Bye, high school.

sign here, please.

Sign it Mr. and Mrs.

I don't think
we have to do that.

This is just a credit issue,
not a morals issue.

They don't care
if we're married.

We're on our honeymoon.
Kind of. We eloped.

Which is why I don't have a wedding band.
Just an engagement ring.

He proposed to me
at graduation.

You really don't
have to explain.

Oh. That's nice. Why
didn't you say something?

We have a honeymoon suite.

Oh, well, we're kind
of on a budget.

The whole world's on a budget,

that's why we have
so many rooms available.

You know, I'm going to
give you an upgrade.

For the price of the room you can
have the suite. Our compliments.

That's so nice of you.

Isn't it... Dear?

Yes, dear, it is.

So what did you
get your degree in?

Child psychology.

Well, that's interesting.

I suppose you're going
for your master's now.

I suppose.

Oh, my God,
isn't this is great?

If you call lying great.

It's not lying exactly.

I don't have a degree.

Yeah, but you will someday.



My mother is texting me now.

She wants to know where we are.

Are you going to tell her?

No, I don't want to
deal with her today.

Today is just for us.

I don't feel like talking
about her and her new life.

All right, but she'll probably
keep calling or texting.

Yeah, well, my dad will text me

if there's a problem with John,

and that's the only person
I'll respond to, is John,

or my dad calling about John.
Which he won't.

You could just let her
know where we are.

Your dad probably told her he's
babysitting and she just wants to know.

That was almost
her text exactly.

But really, I'm not calling
or texting anyone.

It's our day. And it's
going to be our night.

Did you know that there was
no graduation ceremony?


I got handed a piece of paper in the
counselor's office and that was it.

Done, over.

You didn't really think there was
gonna be a graduation, did you?

I mean, you went with everybody
else when they graduated.

I would've thought that
would've turned you off

wanting too to
another graduation.

Why's that?
Uh, Ricky proposed to Amy.

Ugh! I don't care.

Okay, well...

My mom and Tom and Jacob
are waiting for me.

So I should really go.

You say that like you're
never going to see me again.

You're going to see me again.

I mean, we're still
friends, aren't we?

Just because we're
no longer roommates

and we're not going
to the same school

doesn't mean
we're aren't friends.

I'm happy you brought that up.

Brought what up?
Our friendship.

Because you know,
if you think about it,

you and I are really
going our separate ways.

You're going off to college
and I'm still in high school.

You're a whole year
older than me.

Ten months.

You're going to have
new friends

and view life
experiences, and...

Jack's going off
to college, too.

Are you giving him
this same speech?

No, you're not.

Because you're trying to
end our friendship

because of that kiss,
aren't you?

You're not just here
to say goodbye,

you're here to say you don't
want to be friends with me.

I just feel like it's the best thing.
For both of us.

Are you kidding me?
I'm sorry.

Fine. Go pack up the rest
of your things and go home.

I packed.
Everything is in the car.

Goodbye, Adrian.

Good luck to you at school.

Yeah, and good luck to you
getting another best friend.


Oh. Hey.

I just thought I'd drop by.

Why's that?
Why just drop?

Why not text or call or
throw a rock at the window?

You can't just drop by, Henry.

Oh. I thought I could.

I've kind of been dropping
by since the third grade.

Well, we're not in
the third grade anymore.

Okay, but it's
the last day of school,

and we always do
something together.

I tried to catch up with
you after the last class,

but it looked like you and
Alice were in some kind of,

I don't know,
private conversation.

Ben, can I ask you something?

What is this, some
kind of interrogation?

I just get the feeling that you and
Alice aren't telling me something.

What wouldn't we be
telling you?

Something you don't
want me to know?

That was
an intense conversation.

What is going on?
Just tell me.

Okay, look. Truth?

I'm having a harder time being
around you than I thought I would.

I mean...

I want things to just be
the way they were, but...

You slept with Adrian.

Are we back to that?
Back to that?

Did we ever really
get away from that?

Uh, I thought we had.

Well, I'm trying, okay?

I'm really trying, but...

I mean, that was a terrible
thing to do, Henry.

And I know you're sorry,

but sometimes it's just hard
to look you in the face.

Shouldn't it be hard for me
to look you in the face?

It should be,
but I guess it isn't.

But, Ben, I thought
you forgave me.

I forgave you but I
didn't forget about it.

I wish I could, but sometimes

it just gets to me.

Like today,
on the last day of school,

when traditionally the three
of us would get together.

The last last day of school,
you slept with Adrian.

And I got to tell you,
Henry, you lost some trust.

And over time,
I'm sure I'll trust you again,

but I'm not there yet,
all right?


And sometimes I just need to
talk to Alice all by myself.

All right.
I understand.

Alice is great to talk to.

And I just really appreciate

that you're willing to take the
time to try and trust me again.

I'm here for you,
if you need me.

And I'm sorry,
again, I'm sorry.

I suck!


Hey, Dylan.

Hey yourself, boyfriend.

You're smiling.

Yeah. Haven't been
doing much of that lately.

It's Friday night,
school is out,

so come over here and get me.

The last time we went out,
something bad happened.

Ben, you worry too much.

Come on.
I haven't seen you all week.

Your dad still
hasn't said anything?

No. He hasn't said a word,
neither of them have.

You know he knows
we were there.

I'm sure he does.

And I'm sure he's seen
all the footage

from all the cameras,
from every angle,

and that if he thought we actually
burned down the building,

he'd say something.
Believe me.

Maybe he just doesn't
know what to say.

Or maybe he doesn't
want to say anything.

Maybe he wants to keep whatever
information he has to himself.

Like there's no evidence that we had
anything at all to do with that fire.

Dylan, you and I both know we were
in the lab with a Bunsen burner

that we probably left
burning when we left.

I doubt it. What else
could have happened?

I don't know. But the
security guard let us in.

He could have let
other people in.

He's an idiot. Maybe he set the fire.
Just let it go.

Yore kind of scaring me with how
cool you are about all of this.

That's because
we didn't do anything.

I just wish we could be sure
that we didn't do anything.

Ben, I know this all
seems bad right now,

but something good
will come of this.

What? What possible good
could come from this?

You haven't heard?
Heard what?

It's going to take at least a
year to rebuild the school,

so they're leasing space
from the city,

and that space is your school.

We're going to be going to
school together after all.


And you're not afraid that might
be interpreted as motive?


I'll talk to you later,
my dad is here.

Hi, there.

So Henry didn't stay long.

He just dropped by, but I was
waiting on a call from Dylan.

And Dylan called.

I wanna ask you something

that I've been wanting
to ask you all week,

and I already know
the answer to this question,

so I want you to answer it
carefully and truthfully.

Did you and Dylan have something to
do with that fire at her school?


No. Absolutely not.

That's your answer?

That's my answer.

Your mother wants to know
if you want to go to her place tomorrow.

No, why would she think that?

I don't know, what are
you doing this weekend?

Do you have
something better to do

than going to
see your own mother?

I don't have any plans.

I just spent weeks running all
over Europe with my own mother.

I've seen enough of my own mother.
I have a life, too.

Your mom needs you
for emotional support.

You can't just hang out
in your room forever.

It's very stressful
being around this family.

Just saps all my energy.

I just got home a week ago
and all hell's broken loose.

So do you mind if I take comfort
in my bed in my bedroom

for a week, maybe two weeks,

and then I'll get out
of your way!

Oh, hey.

Sorry I'm late, there was
an incident on the bus.

But I'm ready to watch John

if he's asleep in bed with very
little chance of waking up

before you get back
from Kathleen's.

Me and Moose ran him around
the yard for an hour,

he could hardly stay awake long enough
to eat his dinner. He should be fine.

All right, go, I got it.

Oh! By the way, um,

where are Amy and Ricky?

They went somewhere,
I don't know.

I don't know.
School was over today

and they wanted to go away
for a night, what do I care?

I don't care either,
I'm just asking.

I'll see you later.

So how are things
going with Kathleen?

Who wants to know?

We're not doing anything,

we're just hanging out
together having a good time.

Really? So you're okay being in
a sexless relationship again?

What again? I wasn't in a
sexless relationship before.

Anne and I had sex
and plenty of it!

Hmm. Would you two stop talking!

I remind you,
you and I were friends

long before you and
Anne were friends.

You were my friend first.

I know. And I am still
your friend, George.

But you don't answer your phone

and neither does Amy or Ashley,

and Anne is feeling
very vulnerable right now.

So unless you want to
talk to her...

No, no. I know she's going
through some stuff,

but that's not my area,
you talk to her.

Just not about me.
About her. Goodnight.

So we don't know where
Amy and Ricky are?

They're not here,
that's where they are.

Amy asked me if I would pick up
John and I wanted to see him,

so I picked him up. They'll
be home tomorrow by lunch.

They didn't go to Vegas or
anything like that, did they?

What if they did?

Well, if they did go
to Vegas for a night,

then I'd say
maybe they might be...

They might be getting married!

Or they got married!

Married? What?

Why would they go
away for the night?

I don't know. Because they live
in a shack above a meat store

and they wanted to get out?

Don't jump to
conclusions like that.

Like them getting married.

Married? Geez.

I don't know, that's just
what came into my head.

Well, you got a weird head.

I know.


And so what if they did?

What do you mean
what if they did?

What if you and Anne and
Margaret and Shakur and I

missed seeing
those two get married?

They're living together and
they have a child together,

does it make sense to you
to spend money

on throwing them a big wedding?

You know, I hope they did go
to Vegas and get married.

But I seriously doubt it.

And do not talk to Anne
about this.

You still didn't tell him?

No. Not the right time.

He's going to find out
sooner or later

and when he does,
he's going to freak out.

There is no right time.

Although before we did anything

might have been
better than after.

I don't really care.

It's none of his business.

And if he makes it
his business, well...

I'm not afraid of him.
I am.

Well, don't be. We don't have
to tell him what we're doing,

but I am not going to
hide from him.

I don't care what he thinks.
He or my own mother.

Besides, he's too wrapped
up with wife number one

to even know that
you're over here.

He's like a dog, he can only
focus on one thing at a time

and right now,
he's focused on her.

I just don't want him
to focus on me.

He's going to
blame me for this.

Just don't worry about it.


Uh, that lady is at the door.

Oh. Nora.

I got to ask you something.



Do you have any idea where Amy is?
Amy and Ricky?

Their apartment?

They went out of town
for the night.

Your dad and I are
babysitting John.

Wouldn't that require
your being near the baby?

I've got the Walkie-Talkie.
I know how to use it.

(SIGHS) You don't
think they would...

Like they would run off and get
married or anything like that?

I hope so. I sure as hell don't
want to be at that wedding.

Is anyone uncomfortable?

I thought you might
know something.


All right.

I just have this gut feeling.

Why don't you just call Ricky?

Oh, I don't know.

No, that seems
rather intrusive.

And yet...

He won't care.


It's not like they'd be having
sex for the first time.

Oh. Geez. Oh, I'm sorry.
Are you two like...

Us? No.
Not at the moment.

Does your dad know he's here?

Toby. And no.
He does not.

All right.

Well, I never saw you.

Wait a minute.
Does your mother know?

This is none of my business.

No, it isn't.

Carry on.

Or don't carry on.

Or, you know what, if you
do carry on, be safe.

No judgment.

I'm just...
I'm gonna leave.

She's going to tell her.

No, she's not,
she's an ex-con.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Still.


This *** was such a great idea.

Well, I wouldn't have wanted to get
carded over a bottle of champagne,

since you already lied
about how old we are.

I didn't want
champagne anyway, so...

To us!
To us!


It's my mother again!

Yeah, my mother
keeps calling me, too.

You don't think
my dad told them?

My mom can get
anything out of anyone.

Yeah, but he swore
he wouldn't say anything.

Yeah, I know,
but he's your dad.

Yeah. I guess we should have called
him when we left the chapel.

Yeah, we probably should have.

You could call him now.

No, no. I said we weren't
calling anyone so...

We can just explain to them
when we get back.

Or we could explain now
so they can leave us alone.

I said we weren't calling them

so we're not calling them, or
texting them, or anything else.

All right.

MAN: Room service.

Did we order anything else?

I don't think so.

One second.

I have something for you

from the manager and our staff.

We just wanted to say
congratulations to the newlyweds.

That's so sweet!
Thank you so much.

I'll just tip him.

Isn't she just the sweetest!

And you will not tip me. It was
my pleasure to serve you.

We're just hoping you'll come back
every year for your anniversary.

Please. Take a twenty.
I'd feel better about it.

All right, well...
Thank you.

And goodnight now.

I'll put the "do not
disturb" sign on.


What? We don't have to
drink the champagne.

We can save it for later.

And this is coconut cake!

Oh, my gosh!
I love coconut cake.

All right, well, we should
enjoy tonight

because tomorrow is
sure to be hell.

My mothers are no fun when they're
angry and neither is yours.

Eh, I don't care.

Oh, Ricky, okay, pick up a
piece of cake, like this.


I'm gonna feed it to you and
you're gonna feed it to me, okay?


And we're gonna do this.


No. I hate that tradition. I don't
want anything smashed in my face.

I do.



Where have you been?

Oh. Hi, Grace.

What are you doing here?
Hi, Grace.

What am I doing here?
I live here.

Oh. Do you?
Are you back for good?

Are you?
Yeah, I am.


Yeah. "Oh."

Please don't tell me you guys
were out riding bicycles

at this time of night.

I took your mother for a little
spin on my bike, my motorcycle.

But we went very slow.

That was slow?
You did what!

Hey, George. I didn't
know you were here.

He took Mom out
on his motorcycle.

What are you doing here?

I live here!

Oh. You're back?

Yeah, I'm back.

And I am not about to let our mother
go around riding a motorcycle

at night while
she's still married.

Okay, Grace, maybe I won't be riding
around on a motorcycle again,

but I am getting divorced,

and I will be going out
with George again.

Will you take me out
on your motorcycle?

No, Tom.
That's not a good idea.

If it's not a good idea,
what are you doing

going riding on a motorcycle,
Miss Mid-Life Crisis?

Let me handle this.

Handle what?

You two have literally both lost
your minds, do you know that?

Hey, Grace.
What are you doing here?

I live here!


I'll talk to her.

Oh, there will be plenty
of time for that.

Who wants cake?

I do!
I do!

Damn! Oh. Sorry.

You don't curse, do you guys?

I don't.
I do.

What's wrong?
I have to go.

Nora says I need to come home.

Oh! Is everything okay
with John?

Yeah, he's asleep, she thinks
Anne might be on the way up here.

Oh, hell.

Really? She'd get Robie
up at this time of night

and drive him
all the way up here?

I don't know, she might.

Sometimes we drive him in
the car to make him sleep.

Yeah, but, driving him around
and driving all the way from Palm Springs

are two different things.

I mean, she wouldn't drive two or three
hours just to put the baby to sleep.

What's going on?

Oh, she thinks Amy and Ricky
ran off and got married.

Oh. Wow.

Did they?
Is that where they are?

I don't know.

But if they did get married,
would that be so bad?

Getting married is
a good thing,

especially if you did a bad
thing and got pregnant first.

Not that there's
anything wrong with

two consenting adults having
a child out of wedlock,

if that's what they want to do.

Even if one of them was married at the time.
I have to go.

Don't forget the helmet.

No. That's for you.
You keep that.


Thank you.

Talk to you later, doll.



Let's go tell Grace
about Ricky and Amy.

No, no, no. Let's not
tell anyone anything

unless we know for sure.

I have no family,
I have no friends,

no best friend, no boyfriend...

I give up! Okay?
I give up!

I am not meant to be a sinner!

Forgive me Lord, I have
ruined my life with sex!

I could have been somebody!
I could have been a contender.

Guys used to
fall over themselves

looking at me in the hallway.

I was the "it" girl
of Grant High!

I was the hot virgin that
everyone wanted to have sex with!

And then I had sex.

And now I'm just like
every other girl in school!

I've made my whole life
about boys and sex, and...

And then I kissed Adrian!

God! How could I kiss Adrian!

How could I ask her to kiss me!
She's my best friend!

Now I just don't
have a best friend!

I am a giant loser!

Because sex made me
a giant loser!

I don't want to be
a giant loser!

I don't want to
have sex anymore.

From this point forward, I'm
not gonna have sex anymore.

With God as my witness,

I'm never gonna have sex
again until I'm married!

And this time I mean it, okay?

I really...
I really mean it this time.

Is this a good time?


Yeah. Jack, actually, I want
you to be the first to know.

I am going back to church.

Oh, good.

Yeah, my dad says attendance
is really off this summer.

He was hoping to get things
going again in the fall.

I mean, we weren't going to
have sex anyway, were we?

Well, I was still
thinking about it,

and then tonight,
just now, it hit me.

I don't want to have sex again.

Unless I'm married.

All right, well, I don't think you
need to get all Christian again

just to have a reason
not to have sex.

I mean, if you don't wanna have
sex, you don't have to have sex.

What's going on?

Lots of things, I guess.

With you.
Oh. With me?


You remember that girl

that I made out with
at the party,

your old boyfriend's

Daniel's girlfriend? The one who's
friends with Ben's girlfriend?

The skanky looking one?

Or sexy. However you
choose to look at it.

What about her? I'm going
to go out with her.

I've kind of been out with her.

Well, I'll pray for you.

All right. Well, goodnight. That was
easier than I thought it would be.

Hey, honey. You asleep?

I think your mom might be
on her way down here.

Although I texted her to wait
until tomorrow morning.

TOBY: Oh, no.

What are you doing
in bed so early?

Where did you get
the two other feet?

Whose feet are those?

They're mine, sir.

What the hell is going on?

Nothing's going on, we were
just sleeping. Right now.


We've had sex before,
but we were just sleeping.

Don't k*ll me.
Please don't k*ll me.

I'm not going to k*ll you.
I might punch you.

You're not going
to punch anyone.

Why are you getting so upset?

No one is pregnant here.

No one is doing anything wrong.
We're safe.

God. Ashley!


What did you expect? We traveled
across the country together.

Not "together" together. This is
new, we just started doing this.

You're not going
to cry, are you?

It's better than punching me.

I don't blame you if you do punch
me, but it's okay for boys to cry.

I even feel like crying.

Well, don't. Not if you want to
keep doing what we're doing.

All right, just turn out the light.
Let's go back to sleep.

No, I know they did it.
That girl is evil.

Evil, I tell you. She doesn't
fool me for one minute.


Yeah, I know, Ben is
stupid, but he's not evil.

And you want to have
more children? With me?

Well, yes, I do.

Sooner or later, they all get into trouble.
All of them.

Well, I'm sure you got
into some trouble, too.

Yeah, but not
this kind of trouble.

You don't even know what this kind of
trouble is, you don't know what he did.

I don't think Ben
even knows what he did.

Well, he could say that. He could
tell me that, but no, he lied.

I'm sure if Ben had something to do
with that fire, it was an accident.

It was an accident that happened when
they were illegally in the school,

and had, apparently,
lit a Bunsen burner.

A Bunsen burner?
You left that part out.

Yeah. What the hell
were they thinking about?

It takes one bad decision
to ruin a life. Just one.

And unfortunately he's made one
after another after another.


Who is it?

RUBEN: It's your dad.

Hi! What are you
doing here?

Hey! What are you doing
with a bat?

Well, I didn't know who
was at the door. Come in.

Uh, don't open the door to a
stranger just carrying a bat, okay?

Are those for me?

Oh, yeah. They're
from your mother and me.

She missed a connection. She
was really trying to get here.

We both wanted
to say congratulations.

Aw, thank you. You didn't
have to, it's no big deal.

Hey, listen.
It is a big deal.

And, look, truthfully, Adrian,

your mom and I were just going
to call you this weekend

and maybe go out
to dinner or something,

but your counselor called.

Oh, so she's not
so bad after all.

I'm very proud of you,
and so is your mom.

And I came right over here
with those flowers,

hoping you weren't out
for the night.

And hoping you weren't in
for the night with Omar.

Oh, Omar and I broke up.

What? Why, I never even
got a chance to meet the guy.

Yeah. You'd like him.
I like him.

What happened?

I don't know. He's graduating from
college and getting his masters,

and he's very serious
about life right now.

And, well, I'm very serious
about school right now.

I'm really looking forward
to starting college.

And I'm hoping to kind of leave
behind who I was in high school,

and be who I really want to be.

And who is that?

The kind of woman my daughter would
have been proud of to have as a mother.

Oh, Adrian.

No, it's okay.
I'm not so sad anymore.

I mean, I still think about her all
the time and about what happened.

I just, I don't think I'm going
to be ready to get married

or have a family any
time in the near future.

Did you tell Omar that?

No. I thought if I did,
I might lose him.

And as it turns out,
I lost him anyway.

Maybe it just wasn't
the right time.

He's a really nice guy.

Look, you're going to meet a lot of
nice guys when you get to school,

but listen,
stick to your plan, okay?

Finish college,
go to law school

and then think
about marrying Omar,

or whatever guy you end
up falling in love with.

And until then,

you can count on me to lean on any
time you need a guy to lean on.

I wasn't there for you growing
up, but I am here now.

And I'm never too busy for you.

And I hope you don't get too busy
for me when you go to school.

Thanks, Dad.


So, uh, you seen Ben lately?

No, he's all involved with some crazy
redhead from the private school.

What do you mean by crazy? Crazy
because she smokes pot or something?

Oh, I forgot I told you
about that,

about Ben and her smoking pot.

I don't know,
she just seems crazy.

Like, she's nice
on the outside,

but not so nice on the inside.

I don't know, something
is off with that chick.


Well, she can't be too off
if Ben likes her, right?

Well, you know Ben,
he likes us bad girls.

So you think you and Ben
will ever get back together?

Ricky and I have a better
chance of getting back together

than Ben and me.

Good to know.


We're doing
my favorite thing again,

sneaking around at night
in strange places.

Isn't the park spooky at night?

A little.

Dylan, I can't
really live like this,

I have to tell my dad
what happened.

'Cause I think I recall
your dad telling you

that if you got into any trouble
with me, you're on your own.

Yeah, but... I mean,
this is big trouble.

Or no trouble at all.

Ask your dad. Please,
ask your dad about it.

And just tell him we were there,
and just see what he says.

I've got to know, Dylan.

Okay, Ben,
I'll ask him. Promise.

But that doesn't mean he'll tell
me what he knows. He can't.

Come on, what are we
talking about this for?

Let's talk about school. I can't believe
we're going to be in the same school.

Yeah, only if we're not
in jail.

Oh, Ben,
you're just so dramatic.

It'll be fine.

It will.

And even if it's not, even if we did
accidentally burn down the school,

our dads will take care of it.

Look, Dylan, I don't think that
we should be seeing each other.

I am realizing

that I am not as oblivious

to the rules and...

And the law. You are, and I'm...
I'm a worrier.

I'm a worrier,
and I can't handle this.

Ben Boykewich, you are
not breaking up with me.

Unless you don't want
my dad to protect you, too.


I'm joking.

I'm joking.

Are you?

Ben, we got in this together, and we're
going to get out of it together.

And we can't do that if
we break up, now can we?

I didn't say I wanted
to break up, I just...

It's going to be fine.

Took you long enough.

You knew I'd want
to come talk to you?


How'd you know?

Because you're a decent guy, and
that's what a decent guy would do.

Which doesn't mean I approve of
you sleeping with my little girl.

I didn't figure you'd be
too happy about this,

but Ashley wanted this and, of
course, I wanted this. And...

I love her.

You better love her. And you
better not love anyone else.

And you better not
get her pregnant.

No, of course not.

That's how babies
are made, you know.

I know. But she's on the pill
and we're using condoms, and...

No more details.
That's enough.

Is, uh, Anne coming here tonight

because she knows
we're sleeping together?

How would she know?
I didn't tell her.

That other woman
might have told her.

Who? Nora?

Nora knows you two are doing what
you're doing and she didn't tell me?

She just found out.

Oh, great!

Then I think we can count on Anne
coming here as soon as possible.

God, I'm in so much trouble!

I thought I was the one
in trouble.

Nah, you're just a stupid kid.

I told Ricky and Amy I'd babysit
if they wanted to go elope.

I even paid for the hotel.
Because I don't believe in this,

in two kids living together
and doing what you're doing.

I'm not living with Ashley.

Can I go tell her this?

No! Don't tell her anything.

Isn't it going to get out?

Yeah, and when it does,
you act surprised.

Yeah, okay.

But if Ashley
and I didn't tell her...

You want to be part
of this family?

You learn to keep a secret!