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04x18 - The Beach is Back

Posted: 06/27/21 08:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
of the American Teenager...

I'm not gay.
What are you talking about?

Your father saw me talking
to Nora a few weeks ago,

and then he accused me of looking at her.

I don't know if Amy's feeling confined

or it's just something hormonal,
but something's up with her.

I need a vacation.

That's not a vacation, traveling
with Robie by yourself.

What makes you feel like you
have to get married now?

I'm late.

Why haven't we met your stepmother?

They're actually going through a divorce.

Betty knew I was in love with
Camille when she left me.

I'm a generous man.

I'm going to make a check out
for three million dollars.

We have a brother we never knew about.

You know, I actually thought
that I k*lled Dad by having sex

and then I find out that every year

he's going on these missions
and cheating on Mom!

If I don't see you before you
leave, have a great trip.

Thanks, Nora. Any time.

I want you to take your check back.

Mr. Boykewich is a nice man.

Can't you see that?

Everything's fine.

Nice to meet you, Grace.

I'll be at Adrian's.

Hey! Is he ready?

I'll drop him off.

I got it.

Why's he wearing that?

Because we're going to the
beach, aren't we, John?

The beach? What about work?

You have to go to work, and
John has to go to the nursery.

No, remember?
I told you I have the day off.

Oh. Right. You did tell me.

But you also told me that there's laundry

and we need groceries and the
bathroom could use scrubbing.

That's what you said.

You didn't say anything
about going to the beach.

I know, but I read the weather forecast

and it's going to be really
hot and I want to get out.

The other stuff will get
done when it gets done.

And I'll do it, just not today,
I want to get out today.

Aren't you hot in that?

I didn't have any clean clothes.

We'll see you when you get home.

Okay, well. Just so you know,

I really want to go.

Yeah, well, every day you
want to do something

other than go to school and to work,

but that's your summer, school and work.

Those are the choices you
made, so live with it.

Why don't you just tell me you told me so?

You told me not to go to summer school.

I told you so. And just because
you can't go to the beach

doesn't mean that we can't go.

You mean just like Ashley
gets to go to Europe with Mom

doesn't mean I get to? Yeah, like that.

You can go to the beach Saturday
when you're off and I'm working,

or the three of us can go
Sunday when we're both off.

The beach is too crowded on the weekends.

I'll just call in sick, I'll go with you.

Call in sick to school and to work?

Unless you just don't want me to go.

I want you to go, but you can't.

So we'll see you when you get home.

Look, Amy, I love you,

even though you're kind
of being selfish here

and your selfishness is spilling over to me

and not just me, but John.

Okay, okay. You're right.

I'm not being a very good mom.

Or girlfriend or fiancee or whatever.


Have a good time.

I'll see you later, okay, John?


See you later, Amy.

It's going to be really
hot out today, you know.

Not where I'm going.

You know, our offices are
the same temperature

as the meat locker in the butcher shop.

Do you have to go in today?

I have to go and I want to go.

Can't Leo answer his own damn phone?

I guess he could,

but I want the job of
answering his own damn phone.

And I don't want to stay home
and babysit you and Robie.

Come on. You told Anne
you'd take care of him,

so take care of him.

And enjoy your time with him,

she's gonna be back in a couple of weeks

and then you won't have him
around every day to enjoy.

I know, but I miss having someone
around to share him with.

And I'm bored. And it's hot. I hate hot.

And I gotta go.


Hello? Hey, what are you doing today?

Are you working? Are you not working?

You want to hang out?

I'm not working,

but as much as I'd love to
hang out with you and Robie,

I'm taking John to the beach.

The beach? In this weather?

It's going to be 100 degrees, maybe higher.

Not at the beach.
It'll be cooler at the beach.

Tell you what. Come by and
pick us up, and we'll all go.

Didn't you once tell me how
much you hate the beach?

No, wasn't me, I love the beach.

All right, we'll be there in a few minutes.


Hey. No matter what,

you and I are going to have a good summer.




And I'm here with you.

I can't believe I let
you talk me into this.

Your attitude sucks, you know that?

And what happened to you
being all excited and happy

that you're not pregnant again?

That lasted what, five minutes?

Well, how long is it supposed to last?

Okay, all right, fine.

But you'd think he'd still be
excited over that proposal.

And a few weeks later you're back to

complaining like it never happened.

I am happy and excited.

Uh, no, you're not.

Okay, It's not everything, okay?

And I'm hot. It's hot in here.

Uh-huh. And Ricky and John are at the beach

where it's nice and cool and
they're having a good time.

You know, I thought more
fun than it is, too.

But my best friend slept with my boyfriend

and my other best friend, you,
are not any fun at all.

Thanks a lot. You're welcome.

Your attitude sucks. It's contagious.

And now I have a sucky attitude

and I'm not about anything either.

Good morning. Is it?

No, not for me.

I have no friends here, no one likes me

and no one wants to hang out with me.

I tell you this Margaret is relying on you

to make summer school a
good experience for me.

Yeah, well, let me a
good experience for you.

It's all about attitude.

You need to change your
attitude, you know that?

If your life isn't then
do something about it.

Stop being who you are and
be who you want to be.

Sometimes when people tell me what to do,

I find they're telling me what
they think they should do.

I think it's called transference.

Are you transferring feelings
about yourself onto me?


No, I don't know. I doubt it.

It's hotter than hell in here
and it's eight in the morning.

Even juvie had air conditioning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

So, this is your big surprise?

Yeah, how do you like it?

I'm not sure. What's going on?

The four of you to head back to school.

Yeah. We just thought that

since we can't hang out
at your house or my house

that we'd hang out with you here.

Here? How are you going to do that?


Yeah. That's our plan.


I'm not so sure you can blend in here.

Please. We can blend, we know how to blend.

Watch this.

Hi. I'm new here,

and I just started this summer

so I could kind of get used to the school

before everyone comes back in the fall.

Could you counselor's office is?

I was there but I can't find it.

Sure, no problem.

That, my friend, is blending.

It's part of Ninja training.

Only you wouldn't see a
real Ninja of course.

That's the They're invisible..

That's a concept that Hollywood
has failed to grasp.

Do Ninjas sweat?

Never. Why?

There's no air conditioning in this school.

Yeah. Maybe we won't blend.

Yeah, I don't want to touch
anyone's sweat outside bed.

There's no air conditioning? Nope.

You just want us to go home, don't you?

You're not disappointed this
is the surprise, are you?

No, no, no, no. This is a great surprise.

I was just hoping that you were coming here

to tell me changed their mind

about letting you go out with me.

If we rely on our parents to say

when and where we can see each other again,

we may never see each other again.

Good morning, Ben.

Good morning...

I'm Ben's cousin.

I'm from Chicago.
We're visiting Ben and his dad.

My dad was Ben's mother's brother.

We don't get to see each other very often

and Ben was going to ask if I can

just hang out and observe today,

because otherwise we may not
be able to see him at all.

Maybe for years.

Well, I guess we can work something out.

Really? Thank you.

I'll text Uncle King so
he can let the driver go.

Ben, I'll let your teachers know
that you have a visitor today.

Have a good day.

See? Everything is going to be fine.

You're my cousin.

Didn't think that through.

You are a very bad influence
on me, you know that?

Am I? I'm sorry.

But if we get into any
trouble, any trouble at all,

I'm going to take full responsibility.

Just like you did with the pot?

Well, like I did eventually.

What the heck, it's summer school.

Oh, hi, Katelyn. Kathleen.

Grace's mom?

Oh, I take it you haven't had
a chance to get my message.

I left you a message last night.

Hi, Kathleen,

and no, I didn't get a
chance to get your message.

And who's this?

This is Jacob, he's a friend of the family.

Am I?

He's visiting with us this summer,

and I was wondering if it was possible to

get him into summer school.

I know classes started weeks ago

but Jacob's very smart,

he's from South Africa.

And he's hoping to go to school
here in the U.S. Permanently.

And is he going to be living with you?

It looks as though he might
be living with me, yes.

But before he commits to that,
and before I commit to that,

I just thought that maybe he
should try summer school.

It's nice to meet you.

You too, I'm Katelyn O'Malley.

Jacob Bowman Gudina.

Oh! Bowman? A cousin?

Ben Boykewich brought his
cousin to school today, too.

I don't know why I never thought

that families don't visit
each other during the summer,

but I guess they do.
I mean, of course they do.

I'm not Grace's cousin.

I'm her brother.

Oh. Well, that's very interesting.

Yes, I'm sure a lot of
people will think so.

What'd I tell you?

He doesn't know he's not at the beach.

Look at him, he's having a great time.

It's 72 degrees and sunny,
no humidity, no sand,

and we got the place to ourselves.

Besides, Robie would
never nap at the beach.

Yeah, I guess it's not that bad.

It's not the ocean, but it
does have certain advantages.

How's Amy doing?

She still jealous her sister got to

go off to Europe with her mom?

Today she's mostly jealous she

didn't get to go to the
beach with John and me,

but maybe it'll make her feel better

when she finds out we didn't go
and we just came here instead.

She's been in a bad mood all summer.

For someone who just got engaged,
she's a real sourpuss.

She's not upset about Anne, is she? Anne?

Her mother. I know that.

I don't think Ashley has any idea.
Any idea about what?

You know what. No, I don't know what.

We've had this conversation before.

What conversation?

The "Anne could be gay" Conversation.

Oh, geez. Did she tell you she's gay

since the last time we talked?

No, she didn't tell me she's
gay, but she and your mother

have cut me out of their
conversations completely,

so what else would they be talking about?


No. They talk about me
right in front of me.

What is your investment in that?
In Anne being gay?

My investment in that is that

there's some reason she's
not with me besides me.

If you're not the guy for her,
then you're not the guy for her.

Go out and get yourself another woman,

a woman who loves you.

You want to be married?

Find someone you want to be married to

who wants to be married to you.

Want me to crank the air?
You getting too hot?

No, this has nothing to do with
the air or the heat or whatever.

I'm fine.

You're really young, you know that?

No woman is going to be interested
in me when she hears my story.

I'm too complicated.

You're not that complicated.

You know what I mean, I have a son.

So? Haven't you ever heard of step-parents?

People get involved with people
who have children all the time.

I'm a grown man who slipped
up with his ex-wife,

I'm not like you and Amy,

I can't blame what happened
on stupidity and hormones.

You and Anne have been going
back and forth for years.

Why don't you do something,

one way or the other, just do something.

I am doing something.

I'm waiting for Anne to
come out of the closet.

And if she doesn't, if
she's not gay, then what?

Then I'm screwed.

I'm screwed anyway.

I'm going to get a popsicle,
you want a popsicle?

Why not?

What happened to family friend?

I thought the plan was to say
you're a friend of the family.

That was the plan, but once
said, it felt like a lie.

You know, some people think that

the intentional omission
of information is lying.

Who's omitted anything?

My mother and I came and met
you and told you who I was

as soon as we found out you were around.

Well, maybe your mother
should have done that

14 years ago when you were born.

What would have happened then?

Then I would have known.
And if you had known?

If I had known,

I certainly wouldn't have stayed
married to Marshall Bowman.

Then you would have missed out
on many years of happiness.

But I wasn't really happy

because I didn't know
about his cheating on me,

and I didn't know about you.

What's the better thing then,

to know everything and be unhappy

or to not know and be happy?

It was not our decision,

my mom's decision or my decision,

it was my father's decision.

This is my decision.

To have you know, to have Tom know,

to have Grace know.

My point was, I would have
liked to have known sooner

because then maybe I would've
have had a shot at being happy

with someone who wasn't raising a child

in another country with another woman.

I'm sorry.

It's probably just the jet lag.

I know that my phoney
marriage was not your fault.


It was not my fault.

It's not usually this hot here.

That's not my fault either.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

Hey, what's going on?

I just wanted to let you
know that I met Jacob,

and I think we can get him
into school this summer,

but we'll have to see if

he can actually complete any of his courses

with it being such a late start.

Jacob? I don't really know
anything about Jacob.

Jacob who? I don't think that's
really any of my concern.

I just get the feeling that it
might be some of your concern,

to have your brother suddenly
show up at your school.

My what? He's not my brother.

Who told you he's my brother?

He did. He and your mother.

He is not my brother! I am an only child!

Except for Tom! Tom is my brother.

Jacob is not my brother!

We don't even know who he is!

Excuse me. I have to go.

I can't take this stupid heat, okay?

I'll be right back.

Perhaps Ben's cousin could tell
you some more about Chicago.

Does anyone have any questions?

Please. You're not his cousin
and you're not from Chicago.

What's going on with Grace?

And who's this Jacob character?

All of a sudden she has a brother?

It's her brother. It's her half-brother.

Apparently her dad had another child

with some woman that he used to see

when he went back to do

all that volunteer medical work in Africa.

Are you sure, Madison?

Oh, look who's speaking to me.

You know, spreading rumors

about adults is a little different than

spreading rumors about one of us.

It's not a rumor, it's the truth.

Who told you? Jack?

If Jack and I were talking, would
that bother you? Why is that?

Yeah, why is that?
Are you really going out with Jack?

You know he's still in love with Grace.
Don't be an idiot.

Jack and I are just friends,
so who's the idiot?

Let's face it, we're all idiots.

Yes. I'd have to agree.

I'm your best friend.
You could have told me.

I would have told you.

I would have told you if I'd known
he was going to show up here

and tell everybody, I would have told you.

I just... I thought he was going to lie,

I thought my mom was going to lie.

Does she want people to know
that my dad cheated on her?

That he has some child that
he never told her about?

My father never told
anyone about me, Grace.

Not until I showed up.

So what are you saying?

You know how he feels? You're on his side?

What about how I feel about this?

You know what, you're supposed
to be my best friend.

Can you just be my best friend for once?

You know how cool that is?
Being from another continent?

We can use that. We can totally use that.

Use that how?

You stick with me, I'll show you how.

Welcome to America, my
friend, land of opportunity.

Hey, you! Let's take a walk.

Is she talking to you or me?

You. Let's go.

Careful. I don't know if
you're ready for that one.

Grace's brother?

Yeah. I'm Jacob.

Grace's best friend and roommate. Adrian.

We have to talk.

Fine with me. I'm happy talking to anyone.

I'm like you, my father
didn't marry my mother.

Well, not until I was 17, anyway.

Then you're not like me

because my father never married my mother

and he's never going to marry my mother.

He's dead.

Which is no reason to come to America

and t*rture the Bowmans, okay?

He's just as dead for them.


People who have the privilege

of growing up in a home

with a mother and a father who are married

don't get that that's not how
it is for a lot of people.

Grace doesn't even get it.

Doesn't mean you can strike out at her.
Because you can't.

I will come after you if you do.
You got that?

And I'm not striking out at anyone,

I'm just curious as to who my
father was and who I really am.

Well, in the process of doing that,

you're making Grace very unhappy.

And that makes me very unhappy.

You don't want to see me unhappy.

Listen to me, woman,

according to Tom, Grace
is always unhappy anyway.

So if you want to talk
to someone, talk to her.

Don't worry about him, he'll make friends.

And you know what, don't worry about Grace.

I mean, she'll get through this.

How about you? Are you okay?

I will be. I guess.

I mean, it's not Jacob's fault,

so I can't really be upset with him.

And well, Marshall is no longer with us

so why be upset with him?

Who's going to benefit from that?

I should have just made things work

with my first husband, you know.

Then I wouldn't have been
trying to make things work out

with my third husband and I
never would have met Jacob.

You know,

I never really had the guts
before to split up with Jeff

but now maybe I do.

I mean, I'm not who I thought I was

and my family is not who
I thought they were.

I thought we were this
upstanding Christian family

but as it turns out, we're just
as screwed up as everyone else.

Which kind of takes the pressure off

trying to be good all the time,

which is a pressure I've
felt my whole my life.

How do you stand it in here?
I think it's a thousand degrees!

Yeah, it gets pretty hot.

It's probably like 70 degrees at the beach.

Would you just shut up about the beach?

We can't go to the beach, get over it.

I can't help it, Lauren,

we're supposed to be having fun this summer

and it's all going by so quickly,

and we're not having any fun at all.

I don't even know if I
know how to have fun.

My family's not any fun.

And you think being the

daughter of two shrinks
is a picnic in the park?

You know what, I'm going to
do something about this.

I'm going to get happy.

How are you going to do that?

I don't know, but I'll figure it out

and I'm going to do something.

Yeah, well, do something about
this heat while you're at it.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

There you are.

You changed?

Yeah, we changed.

We wore our poor clothes to blend

but now we're leaving and our

poor clothes are sweaty,
so yes, we changed.

It's really hot in here.

But thank you for giving us a
glimpse into public school.

Yes, it was very revealing.

Your dad makes you go here?

Well, no, my dad doesn't make me go here,

but my two best friends
were going here, so...

I mean, it's a good school.

A good school would have air conditioning.


So you're still happy we came, right?

I'm happy any time I get to see you.

Yeah, and this time, no
one got into any trouble.

Well, no one got into any trouble yet.

Did you want to kiss me goodbye?

Bye, Cousin Ben. Goodbye.

Maybe I'm having a heat stroke.

Hi. Hi, Henry.

So are you seeing Jack again?

That's how you knew about Grace's brother?

No, Grant keeps calling me from med camp,

he's been talking to Jack.

I miss Jack.

And I miss Amy and Lauren.

I really miss Amy and
Lauren more than Jack.

Yeah, I miss Ben more than Alice.

But I miss Alice, too.
I miss having friends.

And maybe you were right,

maybe the two of us need
each other right now.

You want to go some place air conditioned

and grab some coffee or
something after school?

I'd love that.

Hey! What are you doing here?
Is everything okay?

Everything is fine. Your dad called,

he wanted us to go to the beach
with him and Robie, so...

Oh, no. So you went to the
Juergens' indoor beach.

Yeah. He hates sand.

He pretty much hates everything.

Yeah. He used to do that
whole indoor beach thing

with us all the time when we were little.

No wonder I'm so warped.

You are warped.

Are you still upset with me?

Why? Because you and John

are out having a good
time again while I'm not?


I can't help it. Maybe I can help it.

Your dad is going to keep John
while we go out for dinner.

I want to take you out to dinner.

That way you can have some fun, too.

Don't take me out to dinner,
that's not going to help anything.

I'm just not that much fun,
I'm not a fun person,

and it's too hot. I don't want to eat.

You really suck at being
happy, you know that?

Actually, I do know that.

You got a little sweat
on the top of your lip.

Hmm, I'm not surprised.

It's really hot in here
in the summer, isn't it?

Enjoy summer school. I'll see you tonight

and I'm going to make you happy.

I doubt it.

Betty? Nora?

Yeah. Nice to meet you finally.

How'd you know who I am?

Oh, I'd know you anywhere.

I've seen some of the
pictures around the office.

And I was expecting you.

Still, I mean, I'm just so
surprised you recognized me.

These are my new school clothes.

You know, I've had to
change my entire wardrobe,

you know, so I could fit in.

My counselor is helping me with
that, with the fitting in.

Well, you do look different.

Um, you look, um, younger.

Oh! And smarter.

Speaking of which, I have
your tuition check for you.

Oh, thank you, Nora. Yeah.

And please thank Leo for me. Will do.

Leo really loves that air
conditioner, doesn't he?

Yes, he really does.

Oh, you know, Betty,

if you don't mind my asking,
I was just wondering,

what did you decided to major in?
Just out of curiosity.

Oh. It's called Anthropology.

And it's the study of man.

Uh-huh! Yeah, good choice.

I bet you'll do well with that.

Oh, I hope so.

I mean, I don't really
know what I want to do,

you know, I just want to study something,

even if I have to change
my major, like, later on.

I love that college lingo.

"My major."

Oh, I really am excited.

That's something I've
always wanted to do but...

I don't think I could do
at this point in my life.

Well, you could if you wanted to.

Leo would let you off work, I'm sure of it.

No, I'm just not the college type.

There is no type.

You could do it.

You should do it.

Think about it, Nora,

think about going back to school.

Obama wants you to.

And if you want to do it,

then maybe you and I could
share a dorm room together.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Well, actually, I think it
would be a little too close

to what my last place was,

but I will keep it in mind. Thanks, Betty.

Think about it.

All right. Well, take care.

Thank you very much.

I just didn't want to get
involved in a conversation

when I've got this guy coming up here.

No problem, just doing my job.

What's with the coat?

My fingers were getting numb.

You know, if you want to...

No, I don't. I don't want to go to college.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you, you know,

I didn't go to college myself.
And I've done pretty well.

On the other hand...

Can you leave it, all right?

You're too hot in the
coat, that's the problem.

Heat makes people cranky.

Everyone thinks better in cold air.
It's a proven fact.

Leo. Robert.

Pudding Pop.

I told her. Well, great.

It's a term of endearment.

I may not be King of anything,

but I run a successful business.

I know you do, I checked it out.

Well, good, I checked out your
sausage business as well.

Good for you.
Look, all I really want to say is this.

No guy is going to be good
enough for your daughter,

and no girl is going to be
good enough for my son.

So why don't we just call a truce

and let the two of them
make their own decisions?

I came down here in a heat wave

to hear that my daughter

should be allowed to go out with your son?

You don't get to make that decision.

It is freezing in here.

Yeah. Feels good, doesn't it?

I didn't decide anything.

I just said they should
make their own decisions

and I was just hoping that you'd
go along with me on that,

you and your wife.

I thought about it

and at this point, I think we can see

that they're determined to see each other

and they're going to find
a way to see each other.

Oh, no, they're not, not if I
have anything to do with it.

Well, apparently, you don't
have anything to do with it.

Dylan and her friends have been
at school with Ben all day.

He called me, he told me.

Could I get you a jacket?

All day? I'm afraid so.

It is really cold in here.

But it's nice.

It's even colder in my office.

Really? Come on.

It's just that I want Dylan to be happy.

Her mother and I want her to be happy.

It's just we don't want
her happy and pregnant.

I hear you.


All I'm saying is, don't dig your heels in

before you even hear what he has to say.

He is your brother and you don't
really even know him enough

to know if he's a good guy or
whether you like him or not.

Yes, I do know.

That I don't like him at all.

And you can't expect me to like him,

he just shows up here out of nowhere

and completely destroys our
family and our reputation.

What is that look?

Everybody knew my dad was
an upstanding citizen

and we were a strong,
upstanding Christian family.

Now we all look like a bunch of idiots

and he looks like some pervert.

I was actually looking at you.

Are you sure you should be walking around

like that if we're just friends?

I don't know where the thermostat is.

Okay, well, is that what you think?

That you and your family look like idiots?

What do you mean is that what I think?
Yes, that's what I think.

I just said that's what I think.

But your dad would be more of
a philanderer than a pervert.


People thought my dad was a saint.

I thought my dad was a saint.

I can't believe he was
telling us not to have sex

when he was having sex with
someone other than my mother.

No one's a saint.

No one thought your father was a saint,

they thought he was a good
man and he was a good man.

Well, he obviously wasn't.

We thought he was but he wasn't.

I cannot believe Jacob would do this to us.

I mean, how does this happen?

You know how this happens. It just happens.

And when it happens, it's
certainly not the kid's fault.

This isn't Jacob's fault,
he's innocent in all this.

Innocent? He's not innocent.

He came here to ruin our lives,

the way his life had been ruined.

I'm not so sure his life has been ruined.

He seems like a pretty confident guy

and he comes from a really nice family.

Yeah, my family!

I meant he and his mother
have a very nice life.

He's not trying to take
anything away from you.

Well, he did. He took away my dignity.

Well, it's kind of hard to
have any kind of dignity

when you're dressed like that.

Not that you don't look
good like that, but...

But stop looking.



Did you tell Jack to come over here?

No. No. -- Yes, you did. Your mother did.

Your mother asked me to talk to you.

Okay, so you talked to me.
You can leave now.

Yeah, you can leave now. I've got this.

All right, well, if you
need to talk to anybody,

Grace, you know how to reach me.

I'm just trying to be a friend.

Well, if you like Jacob,
and you're on his side,

then you are not my friend.

I talked to Jacob.


Jacob can't help it if his mother
had an affair with your dad.

You're too late.
Jack already gave me this lecture.

And he can help coming here,
he did not have to come here.

No, he didn't have to,
Grace, but he wanted to.

Just like I wanted to meet my dad.

You helped me meet my dad,

why don't you help him
get to know your dad?

Because I don't even know my dad!
So why should he?

Okay, neither of you really
knew everything about him,

but if the two of you
get to know each other

and in doing that, you'll get
to know more about your father.

And before you say anything,

look, maybe you'll find out some stuff

that you won't be that happy about,

but maybe there's other

stuff that you'll be really happy to know.

Adrian, if this happened to
you, you'd go after this guy,

and you'd seek revenge,
just like you always do.

You're probably right. But you're not me.

You're better than me.

That's why I wanted you
to be my best friend.

I'm so not better than you.

Well, not right now, no.

I'm just kidding.

Don't you feel better?

Just a little bit better?

Okay, we really need to find
out where that thermostat is.

Go on. Do it. You know you want to.

I want to, I'm just not sure
if it's going to do any good.

Just call her.



Oh, hi, Lauren.

I'm surprised you took my call, thank you.

I actually was thinking about calling you,

I called Jesse.

You did?

Yeah, I told him the same
thing I want to tell you.

What was that?

Madison, I'm really tired of being angry

with Jesse and with you about
what happened at that party.

You are? Yeah, I am.

Neither of you are bad people,
you just did a bad thing.

And it doesn't feel good
to be angry for this long,

it's making me really unhappy,

so I just want to let go of all that.

And I'm going to forget

about what happened just
like you asked me to.

You are? Really?


But what I can't do, Madison,
is still be best friends.

And I don't say that out of anger,

it's just the truth.

I guess sometimes relationships
change and it's no one's fault

and no one's to blame.

So I hope we can both move on

and coexist peacefully in the
same school our senior year.

So you're basically just

breaking up with me and
Jesse for a second time?

If that's the way you want
to look at it, I guess so.

But I'd like to look at it
more as I'm letting go.

I just want to let go and move on

and hopefully that will make me happier.

And you too, Madison, I
hope you'll be happier

knowing that I'm not angry with you.



So she's not angry with me anymore,

she's just letting go of our friendship.

Yeah. Oh.

So, want to call Alice?

No, I think it's better I don't.

Uh, Ben? Try Ben.

He's not picking up.

He's not going to pick up.

We wouldn't have sex with each other

just to get back at Lauren and
Ben for breaking up with us

because we had sex with
people they love, would we?

That would be really stupid, wouldn't it?


I don't need someone else
to sleep with, Madison,

I really just need a friend.

All right. Yeah, me, too.

Besides, it's so hot out.
I'm all sweaty and everything.

Sweat kind of turns me on.

I like sweat.

I like hot, sweaty, dirty


So why don't you tell me
something about yourself

that has nothing to do with sex.

Like, I don't know, about Japanese people.

I'm not Japanese, I'm Filipino.

Wow. Like that.

So is it hot where you're from?

I'm from here.

Oh, wow. Me, too.

Don't tell me you're
actually doing homework.

I thought this was summer school.

I thought you didn't have any homework.

Turns out Dylan and her friends

are a little competitive
on the academic side,

so I was just doing some studying
on my own, not homework.

Ah, so there could be something
good about the relationship,

if she inspires you to
learn a little something.

Did you talk to her dad?

I talked to him. He came down to the
office and we talked to each other.


And here's the deal, for you anyway.

You want to make your own
decisions about who you date,

make your own decisions.

You want to go out with
Dylan, go out with Dylan.

I know there's a catch to this.

There is a catch to this.

You're responsible for
anything that happens.

And I'm not.

If you and Miss Dylan get into
any trouble from this point on,

I'm not bailing you out.

If you go and wreck the car,

you buy a new one if and when you can.

I'm not replacing or fixing any car you
damage when you're out with Dylan.

You get busted for
drinking or anything else,

you get your own attorney
and you pay for him or her.

And if you get this girl
pregnant, you figure it out,

there's not going to be any help
from me if that happens again.

That's it?
That's it.

So before you pick up that
phone and make a date,

you better think about it.

Because as attracted as
you are to this girl,

this time you may want to make
your decisions with your head,

not your heart, or any
other part of your body

if you know what I'm talking about.


I can tell you're making a decision
without thinking about it.

I'm asking you to think
about it until tomorrow.

If you call her, call her tomorrow.


I promise. I'll wait until tomorrow.

And if she calls you tonight?

Dad, come on, I'd have to talk to her.

I love you, Ben, and I meant
every word that I said.

If you loved me, you'd turn off the air.

I'm not sure I get it.

Get what?

I'm sure you wanted to come
back here for a reason.

I did. This is where we first met.
I thought it'd be fun.

To come back to the scene of the crime?

Neither of us really had
a good time, did we?

Yeah, we did. The sex wasn't
great but we had a good time.

I can't believe we did what we did.

I mean, I was hardly 15.

Yeah, I really shouldn't
have even approached you.

But that was me, that
was me three years ago.

You've changed a lot in three years.

So have you.
I don't think so.

You don't want to think so.

I was hoping if we could
take a look at the past

then maybe we could kind of
move ahead with the future.

What do you mean?

I mean, I think we ought
to take a little time

to think about all the hell we went
through over the past three years

and appreciate where we are right now

so we can start enjoying life together.

We kind of have been through a lot.

You had a baby in high school.

And you stayed in school and you're
going to graduate and go to college.

That's huge, Amy, it really is.

I guess.

Come on, Amy, there's a
reason you're so determined

to have some fun this summer.

You haven't had any fun any
summer since I met you

other than here and that
lasted about two seconds.

I so thought sex was going to be
like how it is in the movies.

It wasn't,

but I hope it's a little better now.

More than a little.

See? Things have changed, things
have changed for the better.

The trouble that started here is over,

a bad thing became a good thing,

it became you and me and John.


I guess it could have
gone a lot differently.

It could have been worse
than just losing the time

I had to be a teenager to being a mother.

Oh, my God, did I just say that?

That sounds horrible.

Yeah, but it's true, that is what happened.

And I can't get the past three
years back for you, Amy,

but I'm going to do my best
to make the rest of our lives

as happy and as much fun as I can.

I don't want either of us to live in that

could-have-been, should-have-been world.

We can still have a good
life together, with John.

Even if you are in summer school.

I was feeling really good about myself

after you proposed to me, like I won.

I got through all the hard stuff

and all that was over and I
was victorious or something.

Then that kind of all went away

and I felt as if nothing had changed

other than I had this ring on my finger

and I just wanted to go back
and get everything I missed.

Yeah, I know.

I used to want to get my life back,

get back the years from like three to 13.

And when my life did get better,

I still hung on to wanting
my childhood back.

Eventually I realized I
wasn't going to get that

and when I realized that, then
life started getting better

and I got a little happier
one day at a time.

I love it when you talk to me like this.

Are you sure that you're not
trying to have sex with me?

I didn't even bring a condom.

I did.

What? It is band camp.

It's funny you called me, I hadn't
set the beach up for years.

No, I actually thought
you might since it's so hot out.

The whole thing was your idea, wasn't it?

Was it? I don't remember.

You wanted to wear a bathing suit
but you didn't want to get any sun.

That's right.

So, Marshall has a kid, huh?


I don't know what's more shocking.

That or that Anne is gay.

Could be.