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04x14 - Smokin' Like A Virgin

Posted: 06/27/21 08:24
by bunniefuu
I want you and John to live here.

She would have been
eight weeks old today.

She was my daughter, too.

I can find another place to stay.

You can stay in the
house if you need to.

KATHLEEWho is this woman with two
children that wants to marry Tom?

Why would you be
looking for another job?

It's time to make a change in my life.

I don't want to be married. Me neither.

Apparently Camille is in love with you.

That's why she quit. What?

Don't you think it'd be
appropriate to tell your mothers...

That you three were living together?

You can't be in Florida already.

We're at Toby's grandmother's house.

Grace would never cheat on me.

She's on a medical mission.
Who would she cheat with?

Is Grace home? Are you Daniel?

My dad's got you working for him today?

Honored to be here.

I broke up with Madison.
I'm still in love with you.

You are not going to take
another drink again anytime soon.

I can talk to him if you want.

About the dangers of alcohol.

I had almost two years without a drink.

I take it you fell off the wagon?

This is your last chance
to be involved in my life.

I want to get pregnant again.

What if you have a new plan?

I would like you to move out.

Adrian is still in love with Ricky.

I feel a little relieved.

Well, would you feel
relieved if we split up?

Maybe I could rent
Ashley's room from you.

Maybe I could live here.

If I could get you a really, really
hot date, would you go out then?

Who would I fix her up with?

That guy upstairs.

We've been together
since the third grade.

You are not breaking up
with me at school, are you?

I know someone who lives upstairs.

You're Adrian? And you are?

Omar. His brother.

My husband and I are getting
a divorce. Divorce attorney.

I really don't want anything
to do with you, okay?

We're still friends.

valedictorian, Richard Underwood.

Amy Juergens, will you marry me?

Hi. I'm Grace.


Ben Boykewich. Dylan.

Heard you wanted one last kiss.

And what are you gonna do about it?

That was totally disrespectful.


Thanks, Henry.

I should let you go.

Why would you let me go?

Because we've been on
the phone all afternoon,

and it's Saturday, and
maybe you have things to do.

I don't. Me neither.

Oh. Another thing we have
in common! Another thing

we have in common!

Oh, it's crazy, isn't it?
How much we have in common.

My mom's Jewish. My dad's Catholic.

My dad had a Jewish grandmother
and a Catholic grandmother.

That's another thing!
That's another thing!

Wow. That's crazy, isn't it?

It's crazy.

Gotta go.

Who was that?

Just a guy I met. At the lake.

How old is he?

He'll be a senior. Uh-huh.


And he's the son of the Sausage King.

Really? But you're a vegetarian.

Well, at least for the past month,

which I'm still not sure is healthy.

Of course, it might be healthier
than eating sausage every day.

Mom, would you stop that?

He's cute and he's nice and he likes me.

This could be it.

This could be my first boyfriend.

Really? Robert! Get in here!

Did I hear you on the
phone all afternoon?

Oh, did you? Sorry.

Who were you talking to?

Just some girl I met at the party.


Dylan, huh?

Well, that's an interesting name.

Interesting girl. And she's
a redhead. I love redheads.

So ask her out.

I'm going to.

I will. Go ahead.

I don't know if this is the
right first boyfriend for you.

You don't get to pick
my first boyfriend.

Of course not. We just
get to approve of him.

So, when can you get him over here?

Yeah. Get him over here.

Hello! I have to wait until
he actually asks me out.

You've been on the phone with him
all afternoon. He didn't ask you out?

He likes me. I know he likes me.



Hi, Ben.

So, I was wondering. What
are you doing tonight?

What am I doing tonight?

Do you want to go to
dinner or something?

Sure. You want me to meet you somewhere?

My parents are standing right here.

My dad is standing right
here. It's another thing

we have in common! Another
thing we have in common!


Nosey, overprotective parents.

Oh, you ain't seen nothin' yet, kid.

I'll pick you up at 7:00. I'll
get your address from you later.

I don't really want an
audience for this conversation.


Me neither. Bye.

♪ Falling in love is
such an easy thing to do

♪ Birds can do it We can do it

♪ Let's stop talking Let's get to it

♪ Let's fall in love

I thought we were taking a nap.


I can't sleep.

I can.

We hardly got any sleep last night,

and we've got John at 5:00, so...

So... Thank you for this.

Thank you for saying yes.

Was there ever any doubt?

No. Or I wouldn't on the line like that

in front of so many witnesses.


Can we talk about this
later? to do this, do nothing.

I don't either, (CHUCKLES)t help it.

You can help it. Come here.

So, you gonna want a big wedding?

I don't know. I never thought about it.

Never thought about it?

You were practically
married for months now.

You haven't kind of planned the wedding?

I wasn't begging you!
And, no, I haven't.

I just wanted the ring.

But you don't want to get married?

It's an engagement ring.
You know that, right?

You realize you said you would marry me

in front of like 200 people,
That's what "yes" means.

I know that, but...

We don't have to get
married anytime soon.

And when we do, to be anything big.

I just wanted the ring, really.


I don't need anything
else besides this ring.

With this ring, totally committing to me

and so does everyone else.

Okay, well, I didn't
just give you a ring

to mark my territory or something.

I actually want to be married.

I do too, but I think we should wait

until I've graduated,
at least. Don't you?

I guess.

And then, maybe, if we feel like it,

we can just run off one
weekend and get married.

Whatever you want.

But I wouldn't make it too long,

'cause sometimes getting engaged

can just make two people more
attractive to other people.

You know how it is.

People like trying to take
someone that they think

belongs to someone else. It's a game.

Like Madison going after Jesse?

How do you know going after Madison?

And I am not getting
and you shouldn't either.

I'm talking about us.
Anyway.king about you.

Guys might be more attracted to you

now that you have that
ring on your finger.

What makes you think that?

I've been a guy. I mean, I am a guy.

You're my guy.

I love you.

Well, look who's up.

I didn't get much sleep last night.

Good party, huh?

It was a great party.

Great because?

Did you and Daniel...

No, Mom, we didn't.

Oh, excellent. you would. thought

I mean, Daniel doesn't
seem like the type

to be so public about his private life.

Well, neither am I.

No, I guess you're not.

I'm not.

Wow, for someone who was
at such a great party,

you don't seem very happy.

Honey, is everything okay?

Yeah, everything is okay.


Daniel? Daniel?

DANIEL: Yeah, it's me. Grace, I'm sorry.

I apologize.

I totally overreacted my old girlfriend.


You're apologizing? I thought
you'd be upset with me.

Why would I be upset with
you? You didn't do anything.

No. No, I just... I mean...

I should have just left with you.

I don't know why I stayed.

Because I was being a jerk.

Can I make it up to you tonight?

Um, sure.

But not saying that you
have to make it up to me.

Why don't we just forget about it?

I never should have asked you
to take me to that stupid party.


What time should I pick you up?


Hey, what are you doing?

I've been waiting for you
to get up so we could talk.

Jack, look, I made a mistake.

I don't think that we
should get back together.

I mean, that kiss, that was just a kiss.

No, it wasn't just a kiss.

It wasn't just a kiss at all.

And I'll prove it to you.

You want me to kiss you again? No.




Where is he? Is he there?
He's not taking my calls.

Who is this?

Who do you think it is? It's
Adrian! I'm looking for Omar.

I blocked your calls.

Yeah, I unblocked them from
your phone last night in the car.

Where is he?

I haven't seen him
since I dropped him off.

And what time was that?

Uh, I don't know and I don't know
that that's any of your business.

Dropped him off where? He
lives upstairs from you.

Again, I don't know that
that's any of your business.

Daniel, please, please,
tell me where he is.

Look, I've lost enough this
year. I can't lose him, too.

I really care about him and
I want to apologize to him.

Please find him for me, please.

I'll see what I can do, Adrian.

Thank you.


She's called me 27 times.


And I know she's trouble.

But I'm attracted to
her in some crazy way,

and I'd call her if...

If she hadn't met my brother first.

That wasn't bothering you before.

Well, it's bothering me now.


Because I don't like
seeing her kiss another guy.

We should have stayed at
that stupid party, man.

Hi. Your mom let me in.

Yeah, well my mom doesn't know
that you slept with my boyfriend.

And my mom doesn't know that I hate you.

Get out!

Wake up. Huh?

(GROANS) Oh. How are you?

I'm not good. How are you?

(SIGHS) I'm all right.

You're all right? You're all right!

Henry slept with your
wife and you're all right?


What happened?
He stood you up?

Do you want me to have my dad go over
to his house and arrest him or something?

'Cause he will. If I ask
him to, he definitely will.

I don't know what I did wrong.

We talked on the phone for hours.

Oh. That could've been it.

What? We found out we
have a lot in common.

Well, maybe he just doesn't want to
go out with someone just like him.

Yeah. Maybe.

Well, you have to leave a
little mystery, you know.

You can't just tell
him everything at once.

But we were having such
a good time talking,

and then he called and asked me out.

And just a half-hour ago, he
called and said he couldn't make it.

Maybe that girl that was there,

that kind of trashy-looking girl...

They all looked trashy. Which one?

The only other girl he
was talking to all night.

Oh. That's his ex-wife.

Or she will be his ex-wife
when they get divorced.

What? So, he's married
and he's getting a divorce,

and he's still in high
school? Hello? Loser.

DYLAN: Well, no, not a loser.

Unfortunately, he just
got this girl pregnant.

MERCEDES: He has a kid?

No, they lost the baby.
The baby passed away.

Get away from my door!

The guy is married!

(CHUCKLING) He can't be!

He had to get married, and then
something happened with the baby.

I didn't get that.

No, whoa, I think you've heard enough.

Come on.

He didn't want to be married
to her in the first place, so...

Still, I mean, maybe you should just

stick to guys at our school.

But we're not in school all summer.

I wanted to meet a guy this summer.

And I did. I want Ben Boykewich.

Even knowing all this?


Well, if you want him, you
should have him. Let's go get him.

Yeah, let's just go get him. What?

When you were talking to him,
did you find out where he lived?

Kind of. He kind of said
where he lived, and then

I found it on the Internet.

It's a nice house.

Okay, we can't just go get him.

Yes, we can.

Can we?

Yeah, we can if we want.

Okay, well, should we just go
get Daniel for you, as well?


I can get Daniel without having
to go and get Daniel, okay?

All I have to do is forward a picture.

Who's that?

I'm sorry, who is this?

Geez, it's me, Madison, and
you better learn who I am

'cause I am possibly your only friend.

Madison, of Lauren and Madison?

Isn't Lauren your friend? And Amy?

Lauren was my friend. And
Amy was my friend, too.

Until I slept with Jesse.

Who's that?

Uh, Jesse. Lauren's boyfriend.

Oh, yeah, the guy throwing the party.

Yeah, the guy throwing the
party, and Lauren's boyfriend.

So, you called me because...

Because I slept with Jesse last night,

and you slept with Adrian...


People know? Does everyone know?

I thought maybe only Alice knew.

Uh, no, everyone knows. Are you kidding?

And now, now we are outcasts.

Oh, God.

Which is why I was considering if maybe
you would like to sign up for summer school.

What? No way. Adrian
is in summer school.

So am I. I mean, I was
supposed to go with Lauren.

But, you know, now
she's going to be there,

and I cannot just go in
there alone, you know.

I can't. I need a friend.
I have to have a friend.

Someone. Anyone.


I just want to talk to him.

Adrian, this is so not like you,

to beg a guy to go out with you.

Oh, well, it is so like you to
be going out with Jack and Daniel

at the same time, but criticizing me.

You're no better than I am.
You're too fickle, you know that?

No, I'm not. I'm not fickle.

And I'm not going out with Jack and
Daniel at the same time. I just...

I just kissed Jack.

I just kissed him again. I
don't know why I did that.

Why did I do that? What am I doing?

I don't know. What am I doing?

What, are you doing something?

(SIGHS) I did something.

What did you do?

You don't know? I don't know.

Oh, I hope Ben doesn't know.

I think I may have reached rock bottom.

Yeah, me too. I mean, me.

I love Daniel, but...

I kind of maybe still love Jack.

I slept with Henry. Henry? Henry who?

Of Henry and Alice?

Yeah, I know. I know.

I know what this is about.

You had hours to say
something to me, Henry!

Hours! I had to find out that you
slept with Adrian through Alice!

Ben, I'm sorry.

I would never have even
approached her. You know that.

She's my wife!

Well, ex-wife, or about to be.

Not that that makes any difference.

It was a betrayal on
a level I didn't think

I was capable of, t it wasn't my fault.

Oh, dear God. You're not
going to go there, are you?

You're not going to blame
her for seducing you.

She did not seduce me or you!

Yes, she did!

No, she did not.

She is not to blame for what
happened in that car that night.

I'm as guilty as she is
of betraying Amy and Ricky

and getting pregnant as a result.

You'd like to think so, I'm sure, but...

What? She just...

I didn't even... You were with
that girl, that other girl.

Not that that's any excuse.

It's just that she
felt rejected by Ricky,

and then by that other
guy and then by you,

and she didn't have anyone to turn to,

and I guess I just felt sorry for her.

And we went into that bedroom to talk,

and it was late and
we were just talking...

And then, we were not talking...

And Ben, I am so sorry.
I am deeply sorry.

I'm ashamed of myself.

We've known each other since the
third grade. You're my closest friend.

Or you were.

I know I deserve this, Ben, but...

Don't ever come over to
this house again, Henry.

You're no longer welcome here.

MERCEDES: Go on! RAVEN: Get up there!

WENDY: Mmm-hmm. Ask him.

Hi. I'm sorry to just show up like this,

but, um, my friends were wondering...

Why'd you break our date?


Because when a screen
becomes this good...

just showing off in front of the class?

You're not really going to marry her?

What? No. Not me. It's not me.

Dad, what a terrible thing
to say to my future husband.

I think that's what he's getting at.

"Future." How far into
the future, do you think?

Would you two calm down?

Why should they be in such a hurry?

Hurry? You call waiting two years
after the baby is born a hurry?

Good one. Thank you.

They don't have to get married at all.

Okay, okay, I said yes,
okay? I want to get married.

I just don't want to spend
my senior year of high school

making wedding plans.

I wanna make sure I get
into a good college, too.

For what? He's the man.

He got into college.
You don't have to go.


Oh, great. She thinks he's funny.

You don't think George is funny?

I mean, it took me a while to
get used to his sense of humor,

but come on. He's funny.

He's not that funny.

Okay, well, maybe we'll just
wake John up and take him.

It's almost his bedtime
and he's still napping.

If you wake him up now, he's
going to be in a bad mood.

A worse mood than you?

I'm not in a bad mood.

Okay, I'm really starting to hate
this arrangement. You know that?

I think somebody regrets
sleeping with somebody else.

You told her that?

I think I'll just go to my room.

Yeah, go to your room, young lady.

You know, George, I didn't object
to Ricky's mother living here,

but now I do.

Wait. Do you want to live here?

I know I don't even want to stay
here another five minutes. Amy?

You think it's gonna be any better

when we go over to your parents' house?

With Margaret and Shakur?

Yes, with Margaret and Shakur.

Yeah. I do.

So your parents are
better than Amy's parents?

My parents are even
better than my parents.

Your parents... Never mind.

How did this even happen?

We just wanted to come pick up John,
and kind of celebrate getting engaged.

Engaged means you're getting married.

I just told her that this afternoon.

I did.

Okay, listen to me.
Everyone. Yeah, everyone.

I am thrilled to be engaged to Ricky.

It's what I've wanted
for a long time now.

But I just want some
time to enjoy it, okay?

When we get married,
hopefully we'll be married

for the rest of our lives, no offense.

None taken.

None taken.

So, we've got plenty of time.

A long engagement is never good.

It's not.


Oh, thank God. It's Lauren.

I'm as surprised as you are.

I thought she'd want to
get married next week.

Maybe you should talk to her.

What, about getting married

her senior year of high school?

It's a nice night. I'll just be outside.

Or somewhere other than here.


How did we screw up so badly?

How did we take a marriage
and three lovely children,

and turn it into a divorce
and living apart, and...

This is not how things
are supposed to be!

This is not how I saw
my life turning out!

As a divorced mother of three
arguing with her ex-husband

on a Saturday night about
when our teenage daughter

should marry the father of her baby.

Anne, there's nothing
wrong with this life.

It's just life.

Well, it's not the life
that I want. It's really not.

And I don't know what
I'm gonna do, but...

I'm gonna make some changes.

Any changes that include me?

I think I hear Robie.


Nice room.

I think you've seen it before.

Don't remind me of my mistakes

and I won't remind you
of yours, all right?

Deal. How are you?

I'm fine. Little tired of
waiting around for John to get up.

What time did he go down for his nap?

Mmm, beats me. I don't know. 5:00?


I hate it when he gets off his schedule,

when other people let
him get off his schedule.

It wasn't me.

And I can't believe I'm hearing
those words come out of your mouth.

Why not? I'm his dad.

I know, I know. I didn't mean
it in a bad way. I just meant...

I can't believe you turned out to be

such a beautiful person after
all the hell I put you through.

Me neither.

That was one beautiful proposal.

Too bad it's not ending in
a marriage. What's going on?

I don't know. I think she's
just really happy with the ring.

I guess, that's all right, isn't it?

Yeah, sure, it is. I mean...

You get married, you get
married, you don't, you don't.

No, I asked her because
I want to get married.

I want to get married.

Someone's looking for you.

John! Gotta go.

Hi, sweetie, how are you?

Look. Look.

Mommy got her ring! You told me
I would get a ring, didn't you?

He kept pointing to my hand,
saying, "Ring." He's so cute.

John, wanna go play with
your toys? Here you go.

Amy, don't let Ricky or
your father pressure you

into having a wedding until
you're sure you want a wedding.

Really sure you want a wedding.

Mom, I wanna get married.

I love Ricky, and I want to spend
the rest of my life with him,

but there are still other
things that I want to do.

I mean, I want to finish
high school and go to college,

get my masters and teach,

and along the way, maybe offer
my experience as a teenage mother

in a way that would make a
contribution to other teenage mothers.

I want to be married.

John and Ricky are two of the most
important people in my life, but...

I honestly don't know how you
top that graduation proposal.

That was better than any
wedding could ever be.

But it doesn't mean the same thing.

An engagement is not a marriage.

Geez, does everyone
just think I'm stupid?

No, everyone just thinks you
don't want to get married.

That's crazy! Of course I want to.

I just don't know when.

And I don't feel as if I have
to decide when right away.

My life could not get
any better than this, Mom.

I mean, I got what I wanted.

I'm happier than I ever knew I could be.

And I don't feel that it
could be taken away from me.

I mean, I waited for
this. I earned this.

This is like a badge
of honor, this ring.


I don't just love Ricky and John.

I love myself.


That's what I want. That
feeling, I want that.

Then you should have that. Get that.

Get what?

Ashley! Oh!

It's so good to see you!

Why didn't you let us
know you were coming?

We didn't really know. We
just started driving last week,

and well, here we are.

I wish you had been
here for the graduation.

Ashley, Ricky proposed to me.

He called me up on the stage and he
proposed to me in front of everyone.

Really? How embarrassing.


Guess what? I got into college.

Yeah, I was a year
behind Amy in high school,

but I'll be a year ahead in college.

Wait, you got into college? I did.

Toby and I both did. In Florida.

Oh. So, it's not Oxford.
It's clown college.

Shut up. You shut up.

Hey, what's going on?

I didn't know you
were back. How are you?

Dad rented out your room, you know.


This is his room!


Yeah, we could do something with this.

I like my room.

It's kind of plain compared to the
rest of the house, don't you think?

I guess, but it's been
like this for years.

It's been like this? For years?

And you like it like this?

Hey, be nice. He's new to us.

Yeah, be nice.

Well, I mean, it kind of looks like
a place that people might hang out in

and smoke pot or something. Mmm-hmm.

No, no, no, no. I guarantee you
no pot has been smoked in here.

Would you like to smoke pot in here?

I don't smoke pot.

Really? Ever tried it?

No, never have.

Why? Do you want to smoke pot in here?

I don't smoke. Not only is it illegal,

but I don't like to
alter my mind that way.

Don't let them pressure you.

If you don't want to smoke,
you don't have to smoke.

I don't want to smoke.

Do you mind if we smoke?

You smoke pot?

Well, not really, no.


Huh. All that conversation and you
never mentioned that you smoke pot.

Okay, do you mind, or don't you?


I don't mind. Yeah. Go ahead.

First one's free.

Little joke. Very little.


Sorry to keep you waiting.

That's all right. This
will only take a minute.

What will only take a minute?
I thought we were going out.

I don't really feel like going out.

Oh. Is something wrong?


What's that? (SCOFFS)

Oh. It's a text message with an
attachment from your old girlfriend.

And it's you and your old boyfriend.

Yeah, it is.

The morning after you left me

at an all-night party all by myself.

But I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have stayed without you, and...

I shouldn't have done
this. I'm sorry I did it.

And I just want you to
know that this is all I did.

I didn't do more than that.

And I'm really sorry, Daniel.

Are you? Of course I am.

You sure this didn't follow
a long night together?

No. It didn't.

And why is your old
girlfriend sending you that?

What is she, like, the kissing police?

All I did was kiss him.

No, no that's not all you did.

You gave me a reason to
never trust you again.

And you gave me the feeling
that you don't care about me.

You care about Jack. You
still care about Jack.

I didn't give you any of that.

Your old girlfriend gave you that.

And when she texted you that picture,

that's exactly what she wanted to do.

To make it so you never trust me again.

So, you know what, forget it.

Go back to your old girlfriend
if that's what you want to do.

That's not what I want to do.

But I don't want to be with you, either.

Well, I hope you're happy.

I hope you and Jack are really happy,

because Daniel just broke up with me.

Oh, honey, that doesn't make me happy.

I like Daniel. I like him.

Or at least I thought I did.

He just broke up with you?

Yeah. Just now.

He came over here. I
thought we were going out,

and then he just broke up with me.

But why? Why would he do that?

Because his stupid ex-girlfriend

sent him a photo of me and
Jack kissing at that party.

I can't believe you let me go to that!

What are you, crazy? I'm 17!

Mom, I should not be allowed
to go to all-night parties,

especially when there are seniors there!

You know, if Dad was alive, he never
would have let this happen, so...

I'm going to Adrian's.

So, did I hear yelling?

Uh, yeah. And maybe Grace
would want to tell you

what all that yelling was about.

Daniel broke up with her.

Yeah, and that does not mean
she'll go back with you, Jack.

If anything, it may mean
she'll just blame you.

But she already blamed you.

That could change.

Jack, just because Daniel and
Grace had this big argument,

it doesn't mean they're broken up.

I mean, sometimes jealousy can
make people cling to each other.

Even when they shouldn't.

Are you talking about me?

It's just that you're
going to college, Jack,

and you're going to be
playing football in college.

And it's all going to
be new and exciting.

And it's a great opportunity
for you to get a fresh start

in your education, in your athletic
goals and your personal life.

Jack, there's gonna be a lot of girls
at college that you've never met before.

So, I don't know. Maybe, just maybe,

it's time for you and Grace
to really just be friends.

I'm so happy you came over here.
I hate being here by myself.

He broke up with me.

Okay, you have to remember
that phones have cameras.

Hello! Cameras are everywhere.

Well, that didn't bother you
when you were sleeping with Henry.

Uh, I'm pretty sure that no
one took any pictures of that.

How do you know? I mean,
maybe his old ex-girlfriend

that was at that party,
maybe she took photos

of everyone and sent them out.

Wait, which one was she?

That trashy-looking one.

They all looked trashy. All those girls.

Yeah, they are trashy. And
it's trashy to take a photo

of the girl that your
old boyfriend is dating

when that girl's kissing
her old boyfriend.

Sit down.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

I missed a phone call
when I was letting you in!


It's him! It's him!

Oh, my God, it's not him. It's
his brother! It's Dante! (SCREAMS)

So, you going to go out with his brother
now that Omar won't go out with you?

I don't know. What's
the right thing to do?

What? No, seriously, what
is the right thing to do?

I don't know. (PHONE CHIMES)

He's here. Quick!

Give me an answer! Should
I go out with the brother,

or should I tell him the truth?



Tell him the truth.

Hey. Hey.

Come in.

All right.

Hey, I'm just gonna be back there.

I didn't know you were dropping by,

but it's really nice to see you again.

What about you? Is it really
good for you to see me again?

(HESITANTLY) Yeah. It, um, is
really good for me to see you again,

but I have to tell you something.

Have you been home yet?

No, I mean, I picked
up all your messages

on the way back from the airport,
then I came straight here.

Look, I'm sorry, okay.

Look, I should've told you
that I was leaving the country.

I went out with your
brother while you were gone,

but now he hates me but
I still care about him.


It was just
a temporary solution, my staying here.

Well, you can have it. I'm
leaving. I don't live here anymore.

Ashley, Nora can stay in my room.

I really don't live here anymore.

No, your room seems to have
a curse on it or something.

How can you say that? All
my dreams just came true.

Oh, you always dreamed of
having a baby in high school?

And then having to
marry the baby's father?

Well, I guess dreams do come true.

Well, um...

Okay, I'll just be somewhere else.

We haven't missed you, you know.

Not one minute.

You think you're better
than everyone else.

But I am better than a lot
of people. You, for example.

I thought that maybe your
trip would teach you something.

Well, even if it didn't, I'd
still be smarter than you.


It's too late for you to leave.

It's never too late for me
to leave. And I already left.

I meant it's too late for you
to be driving with our son.

I know what you meant.

Say goodnight to the people
who laid that egg in there.

Good night. Good night.

Good night, John.

It's just been a very emotional weekend.

Thank you for keeping John. Good night.

Yeah, good night.

Good night.

See ya.


Damn. I lost my mojo.

Sweet girl, that Ashley.
I'll just be going.

Wait. You don't have any
place to go anand neither do I.

I know. Rummy?

I'll rummy you.


Thanks, Grace.

You know, telling the truth
doesn't always work out.

I knew in my heart that the
right thing to do is to lie.

I'm sorry.

I just want to get through summer
school and start a new life.

I wish I was going to summer school

and then off to college,
and then start a new life

instead of going to the
same stupid med camp.

What if you don't go to med camp?

'Cause I have a great idea.

What if you go to summer school with me?

What? Why would I go to summer school?

Why not?

You could take a couple
of courses and get ahead,

and have a really easy senior year,

maybe improve your grade point average.

My grade point average
is pretty darn good.

Is pretty darn good going
to get you into med school?

Well, to tell you the truth,
I really don't want to spend

another summer in med camp.

I mean, another summer of
unair-conditioned dorm rooms, and bad food,

and sneaking around trying to...

Oh, that's right, I won't be
sneaking around trying to see Grant.

I don't want to see Grant.

I would be seeing a lot of Grant.

Maybe you're onto something.
Maybe I should ask my mom.

Do it! Ask her. Oh, you
know what else you should do?

Ask her if you can live
with me this summer!

We can keep each other out of trouble.

And I have an extra bedroom.n
You can have Ben's room.!

I don't think she's gonna
let me live with you.

Okay, what if I asked her?

What if I just explain how I
really need a friend right now,

a friend, instead of turning to guys,

just random guys...

Guys like Henry.

I wouldn't bring that up.

I know, I know, I was
just thinking out loud.

I mean, Henry?

(GROANS) I can't believe I did that!

Yeah, I should just concentrate
on school this summer,

and just forget about guys.

Just for the summer.
Just clear my palate.

Yeah, that's a great idea. Me, too. I
just need to take the summer off from guys

and think about myself and do what
I want to do and focus on school.

Maybe we can convince my mom that's
what we're really going to do.

That is what we're really going to do.

Really? You think the two
of us can really do th?

I think the two of us can do anything.

If your mom lets you stay here.

I just can't do it on my own.

Everything that's
happened to me this year

has made me too weak.

I need Grace. I need my
best friend to live with me.

The two of us need each other,

and together, we can do anything,

including staying away from guys.

Mmm-hmm. Please, Mom, please, please.

You know, Adrian, Jack is moving out,

so maybe you two girls could live here,

and I can help you stay on track.

Or I bet if you just move home,

your mom can help you focus on school.

It doesn't work living here, Mom.

You see what's happened to me.

I just end up going out with
guys to get away from being here.

Please, please. You have to
let me grow up eventually.

I'm going away to college in a year.

Okay, if I don't do
what I say I'm gonna do,

we don't do what we're
saying we're gonna do,

which is to focus on school
and not go out with any guys,

I swear to you, I swear,

I will stay at home to go to college.

For the first year.

Please, Mom. Please, please. Please.


Well, I think that's an excellent idea.

What's an excellent
idea? That we go home now?

I think that's an excellent idea.

No, Amy was telling me that she's, uh...

Thinking about going to summer school.

What? Why would you do that?

Because she coutd, you know,
get some courses out of the way,

and then focus on some other things.

Like wedding plans, even. Maybe.


There's nothing wrong with
her going to summer school.

Mom, she's just going to summer school

'cause Lauren is going to summer school,

'cause she and Madison
decided to go to summer school

because their parents were making them

either get a job or go to summer school.

And now, Lauren is not
speaking to Madison,

so apparently, now Amy is
going just to support Lauren.

You think I can't hear you on the
phone when you're in the car with me?

It doesn't matter why I'm
going. It would be good for me.

Yeah. And you know who
else it would be good for?

No. Ethan.

Ethan? Ethan's in juvie for the summer.


Oh, no.

They have a little issue with
overcrowding, so we're getting him early.

But he's going to continue doing his
community service work on the weekends,

but I want him in summer school as well.

You just got Nora out of here
after just getting me out of here,

after just getting a dozen
other kids out of here.

I know. That's why I have the room

and the time to bring Ethan in.

He stole from you.

You stole from me.
You stole things, too.

Yeah, like food, maybe.


What? He is way worse than I was.

He is. I like a challenge.

And so does Amy.

And if Ethan is in summer school,

I'm sure Amy wouldn't mind keeping
an eye on him, would you, Amy?

Uh, no. No, of course not.

I'm gonna go visit with John and
Shakur. Let the two of you talk.

You really want to go to summer school?

'Cause you don't have
to go to summer school,

and you don't have to plan a wedding.

You're absolutely right. You shouldn't be
in any rush, and you should take your time

and plan the wedding for whenever
you want. It's your wedding.

Well, it's our wedding.

Not really. But I promise to show up.

And you can decide everything,

I'll go along with anything
you want, even the date.


I was thinking maybe June?

All right.

Sorry, we were sitting
in front of your house.

We just didn't expect
you to drive up, you know.

We LoJacked her.

And all her friends. We
always know where she is.

I understand. If I had a daughter,
I'd be protective of her, too.

Yeah, it's just...

This is her first boyfriend.

And she's our only
daughter, and, well...

She told us about Ben's life...

It's not as bad as it
sounds. He's a good kid, Ben.

They're probably all just off at the...


Do I smell pot?

Do you? Does he?

Yeah, I think he does.
Dylan, what's going on here?


My, uh... My fault.

Someone gave me something
at the party last night,

I just suggested...

Yeah, he did.

You're Dylan's...

Yes. Yeah.

Hi, King.