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03x14 - Rules of Engagement

Posted: 06/27/21 08:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"The Secret Life of The American Teenager"

I knew you'd run from me the second

either one of us showed any
feelings toward the other one.

Maybe I'm just not ready to be
in an exclusive relationship.

I didn't say I was ready to
do that... just be with you.

If Grace were to have me back

and she wanted to give it one more shot,

I think I'd have to go back with her.

Who did you have a chance to
have sex with? Was it Ashley?

- You know I'd never have sex with Ashley.
- No, of course not.

I don't think Amy's ever gonna be able
to stop you from being with other girls.

You two really shouldn't be together.

And yet you're about to get
remarried to your husband.

- When are you gonna see Ben?
- I don't know when I'm going to see Ben.

I do plan on seeing him, but...

but you were waiting to see
how things go with me first?

Tell your mom thanks for inviting me over.

I just can't figure out why she let you

actually come over here
in the middle of the night.

She trusts us. She trusts me anyway.

I gotta talk to my dad
about giving you that ring.

The ring. I forgot all about the ring.

Please make it clear that
it's not an engagement ring.

Would you and John like
to go out with me tonight?

We would love to.

She's not here?
How could she not be here?

She has to be here!
You didn't see her when you got in?

No, I didn't!
Why is everyone yelling?

Could you stop yelling?
I'm not good with yelling.

Welcome home, huh?

Did Ashley see the two of you together?
Is that what happened?

No, that is not what happened.
We weren't together.

We weren't together together anyway.

You were together when I saw you.
We slept in Amy's room.

That's all we did in her room.
I didn't know if I should go home.

Amy said I didn't have to
go home. We were talking.

Why would he leave in the
middle of the night anyway?

But I should probably go home now, Amy.

I think I've been here long enough.

Maybe if I go home, Ashley will come back.

Come back from where?
How do we even know she's run away?

Because she wasn't here
when your mother went in

to say good-bye to her
before she left for work.

That's how we know she's not here.

Oh. What?

Maybe she got upset

because the two of you
are getting married again.

Maybe that's why she left.

Yeah. Maybe it has nothing
to do with Amy and me.

And maybe it does.

A friendship ring?

Yeah, a friendship ring.
And if the friendship grows...

And it better.
Or what?

Adrian is not getting
married before the baby comes,

and not any time soon
after the baby comes.

I am if I want.

And I'm not getting
married if I don't want.

Ben, you're marrying her.
It's not an engagement ring.

It's a... friendship ring.

A four-carat sapphire
ring is a friendship ring?

Do you know how much that thing is worth?

How do you know how much it's worth?

I had it appraised.


When I found your book hidden in here.



You had it in a book titled fake book.

I noticed it. I figured
a thief would notice it.

Well, whatever it's worth,

I don't care if Ben
gives the ring to Adrian

as a friendship ring or...
or any other kind of ring.



Oh, my gosh!

Oh, wow!

I feel like I'm on antiques roadshow.

Oh, ain't that something, Ben?

Betty, I... I told you, I don't
know if I can get it back.

I gave it to Adrian already.

And I told you if you gave her an
engagement ring, you're marrying her.

It's not an engagement ring.

Oh, so maybe you can get it back then.

He's not even a Christian.
That doesn't matter.

Honey, the two of you can still
make a promise not to have sex.

And that way, I would
feel a lot more comfortable

about your going to a sleepover
camp where he is for six weeks.

Mom, I can't ask him to make that promise.

Why not? The question is, why?

Grace, this probably isn't gonna be the guy
you're gonna be with for the rest of your life.

Okay, but what if there isn't a guy I'm
gonna be with for the rest of my life?

What, am I just supposed to not
have sex for the rest of my life?

I was fine with abstinence

when I was 16, and it was
Jack and me, but...


Um, I'm taking off tomorrow.

I just wanted to let you know.

So, what are we talking about? Abstinence?

I can't wait till I can have

a private conversation with my
mother without you listening in.

I overheard. I wasn't listening in.

And I'm all for
abstinence, if we're voting.

I'm all for going back to that.

Are you really?

'Cause I heard that
you and Madison were...

I'm not making that same mistake twice.

I'm not gonna tell you what
Madison and I are doing.

I already told her.

Great. Thanks.

So, Jack, you feel that
you and Madison made a mistake,

you and Grace made a mistake.

It's my mistake to make.

And we do not need to ask Jack for
permission for me to have sex with Grant.

It's too soon. It's way too soon,
isn't it, Kathleen?

I mean, Mrs. Zegay.

I'm not making that promise,

and I'm not asking Grant
to make that promise.

I knew you were up to something

when you let him come over last night.

Found me.

I'm giving you two minutes to get dressed

and get out here, and
then I'm taking you home.

And if I don't?
I'm calling your parents.

And where are you going to tell them I am?

Why are you doing this?

I have to go to work. Geez, Ashley.

I hadn't planned on doing this...
on just showing up here.

I had planned on having a
little more time to do this

in my own space, in my own time,
before Amy got back from new York.

I am not gonna have sex with you, Ashley.

Why not? I know you've been
having sex with other women.

If you're sleeping around,
why not sleep with me?

For a long list of reasons.

I don't wanna be the
first guy you sleep with.

You're supposed to wait until you meet
the right guy, a guy you're in love with,

a guy you wanna be with the rest
of your life and sleep with him.


No, I am not that guy.

I think you are.

Maybe I could've been or would've been

or even should've been, but I'm not.

Ashley, your sister and I
have a son together.

I wanna see if we can be a family...
the three of us.

And give every girl hope that if she
gets pregnant, the guy will marry her?

This is not about every
girl or woman or whatever.

This is just about Amy and me and John.

And I know that most of the time,

an unplanned pregnancy does not result

in one big happy family, but couldn't it?

Oh, come on. You don't wanna
be married when you're 17.

I'm almost 18. And no,

I don't wanna be married
right away, or at all.

But maybe I should at least try

getting to know the mother
of my son, don't you think?

Look, I really want to do this.

I just wanna... Get it over with,

and you're the guy I wanna
get it over with with.

You can't have sex just
to get it over with.

Yes, I can.

Not with me. I'm taking you home,

and you can explain this
to your parents and Amy.

You're not taking me anywhere.

Come on. It's about the attitude.
You just gotta own it.

Do you wanna try this on
and see if you can own it,

'cause I don't think I can own it.

I can own it, maybe.

Hey, I'm really, really happy
that you guys stopped by,

but John's gonna wake up
from his nap any minute,

so I can't really hang
out until you go to work.

Come on. We haven't seen
you in almost four weeks.

You have to tell us what's going on.

Yeah. What's happening with Ricky?

I don't know. You gonna have sex with him?

Madison. Are you?

I don't know. But I do know

that we're gonna try to get
to know each other better.

By doing it. Come on, Madison.

I think we're just gonna do
what, you know, you two are doing.

You mean what Jack and I are doing?

'Cause those two don't do anything.

You and Jack
aren't doing anything either.

Not now.

What I meant was Ricky and
I are going to try dating.

Just dating. I've never really
been on a date before, ever.


You're gonna date the father of your baby?

Yes, I am. What about Ben?

If he asks you out, are you
gonna go out with him, too?

I'm gonna call Ben and ask him
to meet me somewhere and talk.

And that's all I wanna
say about it for now, okay?

When? When are you gonna talk with Ben?

When I can, all right?

When he's available
and wants to talk to me.

I don't wanna tell you what I
wanna tell him before I tell him.

That wouldn't be fair to Ben.

Hey, you know what?

Maybe Ashley's over at Ben's.

It is a great place to hide out.

I doubt Ashley's over at Ben's.

I don't know where she is,
but I doubt she's at Ben's.

Maybe she's over at Ricky's.

There you are. Sorry.

Amy got home last night,
and I just got back here.

Oh. So, what's Amy's
sister doing upstairs?

She, um... she's looking
for something for John.

What's going on? Nothing.

Nothing, huh?

She took my extra key I had at their house

and let herself in,
and I can't get her out.

So I'll just leave her up there.

Eventually she'll have to go home.

What's she doing up there?

She ran away from home.

She didn't get very far. No, she didn't.

Please tell me nothing's going
on with you and Amy's sister.

No, there's not.


I look at the security tapes.

You know I look at the security tapes.

Why do you keep bringing women up here

knowing I look at the security tapes?

What women? You know what women.

I know what women. I'm trying.

Hi, Amy.

I was gonna call you.

You get 60 seconds,
and not a second longer.

Is Ashley over there?
Yeah, she's over here.

I got here and she was here.

I told her to go home, and she's not
going. At least that's what she says.

What's she doing there?

Oh. I guess I know what she's doing there.

She said she just wants to, you
know, do it and get it over with.

That's what she said. Wasn't that long ago

I was saying the same thing to my friends.

I'm sorry, but I can't talk. I'm at work.

Good morning.

Yeah. Good morning. What's going on?

Amy's home. She came
back a few days early.


Yeah. She got in late last night.

That's interesting. I didn't
expect her back so soon.

I didn't expect you back so soon, either.

I didn't come to ask for my job back.

I just came by to thank you for
letting me work here with you.

I really learned a lot.

Like you can't attack
another employee at work?

That, and I learned

that jobs are not a
right, they're a privilege,

especially when working
for someone so experienced

and knowledgeable and patient

and kind and...Pretty.

You can go now.


You don't wanna cross any
sexual harassment lines.

You were saying?

I need some advice.

I have to earn $50,000 fast.


A...Friendship ring.

No friendship ring costs 50 grand.

You're getting engaged.
You're gonna marry Adrian?

The last person that shoved
a person no longer works here.

And he said, "friendship ring."

Nobody said anything about marriage.

$50,000 for a friendship ring?

Are you getting married?

You're not getting married.
I might be getting married.

Why? Why?

You two don't even know each other.

Yeah, well, maybe we should've
thought about that earlier,

but at least we're thinking about it
before you and Amy thought about it.

Bunny, I need to run an errand.

Where are you going?

You better not be going to Adrian's.


Ashley was over at Ricky's apartment.

Oh, good. He found her.

But that's not why I'm calling.

Why you calling? I was
just thinking about us.

About getting married and the wedding.

You don't wanna know what
Ashley was doing over at Ricky's?

Okay, fine. What was Ashley
doing over at Ricky's?

I don't know. Amy went
over there to get her.

Good. That's good, I guess.

Look, you've been so generous lately

with offering to hand over the business

while you stay at home with robie and cook

and take care of
the house and...

thank you.

You're welcome.

And I was just thinking

that every time you've
been generous in the past,

it's been because you
were hiding something.

And I just came across

some very interesting
entries in the books here,

and... I'm suspicious.

I wish I weren't, but I am.

Suspicious of what?

You don't wanna get married, do you?

If you did wanna get married,
you wouldn't want me to know

that you cheated... again.




Hi. And, um, hi, John.

He's gotten bigger
since the last time I saw him.

Yeah. He gets bigger every day,

which is a really stupid thing to say.

Geez, I don't know why this is so awkward.

I mean, I do know why, but...

How've you been? I've been okay.

How is Adrian? How's she doing?

She had a little scare yesterday,
but, uh, she's all right.

It was nothing. Oh.

I'm sorry about the scare.
I'm happy she's doing fine.

I'd love to sit down and talk with you,

but I have to go upstairs.

Amy, we should talk.

Yeah, we should talk.

Um, coffee this afternoon?

You drink coffee now?

We have to go out for coffee, like
two people who just met on the Internet

or through a dating service or something?

You can't just come over to my
house, or I can't come over to yours

like we've done a hundred
times before? All right.

Well, uh, come over to
my house around 3:00,

when John takes his nap, if you want.

All right.

Come on, John.

If you're looking for Ricky,
I think he might be at Adrian's.

I know that. He texted me.

All right. I'll tell you what.

I'll talk to your dad
about giving your job back,

but you're not gonna be
able to save 50 grand,

so you might as well just take back
that friendship ring and be enemies.

I'm not sure I can take a $50,000 ring

off the finger of the
woman who's having my baby,

especially since I gave it to her.

Was there anybody around
when you gave it to her?

Because if there were no witnesses,

then the matter of whether
you gave it to her or not

is just hearsay.

Her doctor was present.

Ta-da! You lose.

Come in.

Look, John. It's aunt Ashley
trying to have her own baby.

Not really.

Go get your toys, John.

So what are you doing here?

Well, didn't Ricky tell
you? Of course he did.

Well, he doesn't tell
you everything, you know.

He doesn't have to. He really
doesn't have to tell me everything.

He did tell me that you wanna have
sex because you wanna get it over with.


So, so do a lot of girls, Ashley.

They just wanna be like everyone else.

They wanna have sex to
be like everyone else.

News flash... not every
teenager is having sex.

And I'm not just talking about
the teens who don't get offers.

I'm talking about the teens who consciously
decide that it's not the best thing

because they're too young
or because they're not ready

or whatever reason they
choose not to have sex.

Oh, no. You haven't become an
expert in teen sex, have you?

I mean, I knew you were an expert
in pregnancy and motherhood.

But now sex, too? Amazing.

Obviously I don't know anything about sex

or I wouldn't have John.

But crazy as it is, I was thinking
the same thing you're thinking

when I went off to band camp.

Now look at me. I'm a teen mother.

Do you wanna be a teen mother?
No one wants to be a teen mother.

Of course not. That's why I'm on the pill.

Why, Ashley? Why are you doing this?

Is it to get back at me?
You're not doing this

to get back at me for getting to
Ricky first or something, are you?

No. It's just that...

I don't think he'd be interested in
you if you hadn't gotten pregnant.

I think he'd be interested in me.

Or at least he could be interested in me,

but you got pregnant, so...

There. I said it.

You wanna know why that doesn't bother me?

Because I said that same thing
to myself over and over again--

the part about Ricky not being interested
in me if I hadn't gotten pregnant.

And every girl who finds
herself in this situation

asks herself the same thing,
probably for her entire life.

Of course, that's not the worst thing.

The worst thing is when a guy and a girl

really care about each other,

then the guy hates her because
she finds out she's pregnant,

feels trapped, takes off.

There's really nothing good about
getting pregnant when you're a teenager.

I'm sorry. I may have gone
a little too far with that.

No, it's okay.

It was honest.

Maybe what you said is true. I don't know.

That's why I'm gonna see if Ricky
and I really do care about each other,

and that's why you're going to
stay away from him, okay, Ashley?

You and I really don't need
to hurt each other anymore.

Just go home. Come on, John.

I just wanna see what the big deal is.


That's all I want.

I wanna know why...

why girls are willing
to risk getting pregnant

when they haven't even had a
chance at living their own life yet.

I wanna know why girls and
guys are willing to risk

getting infections and diseases that
will last the rest of their lives

just so they can have sex.

And I wanna know why grown men and women

will risk their entire families
just so they can have sex

with someone outside of their marriage.

I just want...

I wanna see what's so great about it.

I wanna know why is it
that people will take

all of those risks just to have sex.

Are you thinking of any grown
men and women in particular?

No. You weren't thinking
of, say, mom and dad?

No, of course not. Mom and
dad are getting married again.

Yeah, but what if they don't?
Well, why wouldn't they?

I don't know. I'm sure you do.

I care enough about you to tell you

that that would be a
really stupid thing to do.

And why is that? Didn't you tell me

a couple days ago that maybe
Ben and I should get married?

I didn't mean it. And you
don't wanna get married.

Are you really gonna make
another mistake? Are you?

What... what are
you talking about?

I'm talking about you and Amy.

Look, I think they taught those girls in
new York how to trap their baby's dads.

So you could be getting
married and not even know it.

No one has said anything
about getting married.

You're not thinking about
getting married, really?

Maybe. Like, years from now.
Many, many years from now.

And did you tell Amy that...
the "many years from now" part?

My conversations with
Amy are just that...

conversations with Amy.

They're private and personal,

just like I hope this
conversation between the two of us

will stay just between the two of us.

Sure. Fine with me.

But, well, also, just between me and you,

you're going along with getting to know Amy
just so you can have sex with her, aren't you?

No, I'm not.

I bet you would even marry her

just so you can have sex with her,

whether you wanna marry her or not

or whether you think you'll
be faithful to her or not.

You know what?

I just realized something about Ben.

Something else I really like about Ben.

I never have to worry about
Ben cheating on me, ever.

Unless, of course, I don't marry Amy.

You know, maybe I'll get to
know her, and I won't like her.

I think what you mean is
maybe she'll get to know you,

and she won't like you.

Even though

I know you're completely loveable

and you could really love a girl

and be faithful to her,

I always believed that...

I just...

I just always believed
that it would be me.

And do you still want it to be you?

Hey, angel face, how's it going?

I can help you with that.

Oh. Thank you.

So how'd it go with ash?

Good. Really good.

I don't know if you want to hear
this or not, but, uh, I think Ricky...

is over at Adrian's. I know that.

He told me that he was going
over there to talk to her,

and I told him that Ben was coming
over here later to talk to me.

Hey, dad,

how would I know if
Ricky was cheating on me?

I mean, if we were ever,
like, boyfriend and girlfriend

or ever even husband and wife.

How would I know if he's cheating on me?

He'd be over at Adrian's talking.

Wouldn't that be a hint
he's cheating on you?

There's no cheating on me for now.

We're not exclusive.
We're not, like, planning

on getting married like you and mom.

We're just dating,

and it doesn't mean he
can't date anyone else.

He can see anyone he
wants to and so can I.

That's a nice arrangement.
I hope it works.

Yeah. Me, too.

But, really, how would a person know

if the other person's cheating?

I guess you would notice that

even though he does all the right things

and he says all the right things

and he tries really hard
to make everyone happy

because he really wants
everyone to be happy...

I guess you would notice that

he's not really happy because
his heart just isn't in it.

I noticed.

I really did.

Amy, I'd like to speak to
your dad, please, alone.

So you went so far as to
get a marriage license?

What, were you just gonna wait
until you were in front of the judge

to tell me that you changed your mind?

I wasn't gonna change my
mind. I was gonna get married.

I figured once I was locked
in, I was locked in... this time.

Ah, I see.

So you sabotaged the wedding plans

by putting some very interesting
receipts into the books at work

knowing that I would
come across them. Wrong.

I'm not really that calculating.

I forgot about the receipts.

In the back of my mind,
I think I had some thought

about going through the
books again before you did,

but I just didn't.

And all that stuff was old, from
last summer while you were away.

I didn't know what was gonna
happen. It was a long time ago.

Not that it doesn't count, but
hey, we're not married, remember?

Yeah, I remember.

And I'm kind of relieved
that this happened.

Relieved and confused and hurt.

But mostly relieved.

I figured I would go
along with what you wanted

because it would be best for
our son and for our family.

But now I don't
know if that's true...

if it's best for two people
to get married or stay married

for the children when
they shouldn't be married.

And we shouldn't be married, George.

We really shouldn't.

But like you, I thought that if
I just committed to the marriage,

if I tried really, really hard
to do all the right things,

I could make it work.

But now I can't.

Or, more importantly, I don't want to.

What do you wanna do, Anne? What's next?

Well, I have some ideas.

I'd love to hear them. I
mean, if you're talking to me.

I'll always be talking to you.

Not talking to you would
hurt robie and Ashley and Amy,

and I don't wanna hurt anyone.

I really don't. Me, neither, Anne.

Well, we'll just have to figure this out.

I agree.

Can we still be friends?


All right.

Well, we'll see how we can best split
up with as little damage as possible.


Wow, this is some, uh...

What is it that you call
this? A friendship ring.

Yeah, this is some friendship ring.

Thank you. Do you want a piece of fruit?

I'm just gonna have a tangerine. You
know, they're filled with vitamin c.

Yeah, sure. I'd love a tangerine.

You wouldn't...

you wouldn't be thinking about
getting married, would you?

No. No, we're just...

we're thinking about thinking
about getting married.

But first, we're gonna be
friends, get to know each other

and see what happens.

Anything can happen.

You wouldn't get married in High School?

Well, I'm having a baby
in High School, so...

So, you still wanna go
to college and law school?

Well, yeah, but that doesn't
mean I can't go to school married.

But having a baby's gonna
make that a real challenge.

I guess.

But, well, I'm going on a, you know,

boykewich scholarship.

Leo says they will definitely
help me go to school.

Isn't that great? Yes, that's great.

I mean, I guess I feel

like maybe you'd have a
greater sense of accomplishment

if you paid for it on your own

or if you got a scholarship
based on your grade point average.

But... but that's great.

Grace, I really care about Ben,

and Ben really cares about me, and,

well, we both really care about the baby.

You know Ben's going over to Amy's
this afternoon at 3:00 to talk?

I'm okay with that.

And you wanna know why I'm okay with that?

Because we're friends.

So, my mom wants me to promise her

that I won't have sex
with grant this summer.

However, when I came
into the house last night,

I told her all about our conversation,

and she said if we wanted
to continue talking,

he could come over.

So he came over,

and he spent the night
in my room, on the floor.

Wow. Fun.

Yeah, it was fun. Why
would she let grant do that?

I've been thinking about that,
and I think she's leading up

to asking me to put the
promise ring back on again.

Like you did with Jack.

Yeah, like I did with Jack.

But the thing is, when someone
tells you not to do something,

it just makes doing it
seem so much more fun.

Being bad is fun.

Are you kidding me?

Oh. Yeah.

It's not always fun, I guess.

You guess? Come on, grace. How many
of your friends have to get pregnant

before you realize this is not what
you want for yourself in High School?

It's just when someone
tells you not to do something

that you know is really, really fun,

it just makes it seem more fun.

Or not.

Adrian, I'm not gonna get pregnant.

I'm not.

Oh, like I meant to do this?

It's something I feel very strongly about.

And if grace's dad were alive,

he would feel very strongly about it, too.

My parents think it's okay if I
have sex as long as I'm careful.

Well, I don't think it's
okay. I think it's wrong.

Based on what, if you
don't mind my asking?

I mean, as long as we're having an
open discussion, which is kind of cool.

I've never done this before
with someone else's parents.

Yeah. Well, I've never done this
before with someone else's son.

But I don't know how cool it is.

But to answer "based on what,"

it's based on my own personal beliefs.

Your religious beliefs? Yeah.

With all my faults, I
consider myself a Christian.

Grace told you about my past?

I don't know anything about your past.

But she told me you like...

Some things.

What about grace's personal
beliefs, my personal beliefs?

We may not believe what you believe.

Okay, but here's what I believe.

It's just really not something
you should do outside of marriage

or a committed relationship
before you're even old enough

to be in a committed relationship.

Says who? God?

Says me, your girlfriend's mother.

Okay, forget personal beliefs.

How about it's just not good common sense

for young adults in High School
to have sex with multiple partners?

I mean, besides the
risk of getting pregnant

or an infection that can last a lifetime,

sex can take an emotional
toll on a young woman

or a young man.

Grant, I don't want you to
have sex with my daughter.

Not even...

Gateway sex? She told me.

I know that this is
gonna be grace's decision

and your decision,

but would you please wait?

Please don't run off to
med camp and have sex.



If you feel that strongly about it.

I feel strongly about that, too.

We're still talking
about abstinence, right?

Yeah. Yeah, but this time,
someone's actually listening.

You know why?

Because I really want this
relationship with grace to work out,

unlike your relationship with grace.


Hi. Come in. Let's go in the living room.

I made some lemonade.

I picked up some wings today
just for old time's sake.

Remember the first time
we had wings together?

Uh, yeah, I remember.

I remember it well. It was
the day I proposed to you.

I can't
believe you proposed to me.

I can't believe we actually
got illegally married.


I didn't meet one other
teenage mother in that program

who was that lucky.

I feel really, really lucky, Ben.

I managed to get through
my entire pregnancy

and the first year of John's life

without losing my closest friends,

without losing my family,

without dropping out of school.

I really am the luckiest
person in the world.

Okay. And?

And I just wanted to
tell you face-to-face

how much I appreciate
everything you did for me.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

What's going on here? I
don't know what's going on.

Not much more than that really.

I just wanted to say thank you.

That's the least I owe
you, don't you think?

I guess.

I don't think that you owe me anything.

Do you think we could be friends,

even though you're gonna
have a baby with Adrian,

and even though I'm gonna try

to have some kind of a real
relationship with Ricky?

You mean a sexual relationship?

Why does everyone always ask me that?

Probably because any
relationship with Ricky

would require sex.

And I don't like the idea of that.

Although, I suppose, at this point,

it's really none of my business.

It's really not. Yeah, I guess not.

So, I'm just gonna see how it goes.

We don't have to feel
all weird and anxious

every time we bump into each other.

No. We don't have to.

I don't know if it's gonna
happen right away, but, um,

I think you should know

that I'm thinking about marrying Adrian.


Yeah, I, uh... I didn't know.

Yeah. Um...

I'm... I'm just thinking about it.

I gave her a ring.

Not an engagement ring.
More like a friendship ring.

It's really hard to know
what to do in this situation.

I like Adrian.

I like her a lot. But do I love her?

Could I love her?


I mean, there are arranged
marriages all over the world,

and at least some
percentage of those people

have to be happy, right?

Yeah, I suppose so.

I thought this would kind
of be a clean start for us

in that maybe we could just be friends

and be okay with that, but...

It feels more like a clean ending.

I, uh...

I guess I should go now

while I still have the strength
to make myself leave this place


Bye, Ben.

I guess I'll see you around.

I guess we'll see each other around.

I just thought I'd stop by. Is that okay?

Yeah, that's okay. Come in.

So, um, how'd it go with Amy?

Grace told me you were over there.

Fine. I just thought
I'd drop by and see you.

I said, I know you were over at Amy's.

Grace told me.

Yes, I was over there, and now I'm here.

You want the ring back.

Yeah, the ring.

How is the ring?

It's, um, still the ring.

The same gigantic,

beautiful sparkly ring
that you gave to me.

I'm happy you like it. I love it.

That's good,

because I'm gonna pay Betty for it.

I'm gonna buy it from her. Really?

Yeah. I think maybe I should.

And you know what? I want to.

Um, it's probably a really expensive ring.


I don't know how expensive, of course.

About 50 grand, for insurance purposes.



Um, okay. You know what?

You take this back right now

before I lose it or something.

It's really nice, but I can't accept it.

You know what? No, I'm
not gonna take it back.

I'm gonna find a way to pay for
it, because I want you to have it.

Even if we're never more than
friends, I want you to have it.

Even if it takes me 20 years,
I want that ring to be yours.

No! Yes.

Okay. Thank you.

But are you sure?

I would really hate to start off
this little project we have in debt.

We're already in debt.

We owe it to this baby to be
the best parents that we can be

for who we are at this time in our lives.

I don't know, Ben boykewich.

If you keep saying things like that to me

and giving me expensive jewelry,

maybe I could fall in love with you.

Maybe you could.

All right, buddy. I'm taking off.

I'm going to see my parents, then
I'll be coming back for football camp.

But I'll be getting in pretty late every
night. Yeah, yeah. Have a nice trip.

Are you gonna stay out
here while I'm gone?

Who wants to know? All right, all right.

Do you wanna come with
me to see my parents?

I can't. Have to find a job.

Uh, good afternoon.

Is, uh... is this guy, like,
your personal bodyguard, Tommy?

I keep seeing him everywhere.

Yeah, maybe I am Tom's personal
bodyguard. What do you want?

Uh, can I come in?

Come in.


I wanted to let you know that I got a job.

A real job. I mean, I am...

well, I'm back on top, baby, okay?

My old partner... he came to me.

Wants to start a new company.
Totally legit all the way.

Good for you,

but still, I don't have a job.

Yeah, nice of you to come
all this way to rub it in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Have a
little faith, young fellas.

I didn't come here to rub it in.

I came here to share my good fortune.

Tommy, how would you
like to be vice president

at investment central?

Vice President of the company?

No, no. Not the whole company, Tom.

See, that would require
an advanced education

and some expertise and know-how
based on a body of work.

Vice president of what?

Well, what else? Human resources.

Hr, baby. The job starts Monday.

Thanks. I accept.


The whole compan.

What did you do that for?

Your mom asked me to.

No. I wanna do what we were gonna do.

What were we gonna do?

You know. We were going to explore

our feelings for each other.

We can still do that.
We just can't have sex,

oral or otherwise, for the next six weeks.

It's just six weeks.

We'll have plenty of other
things to do at med camp.

Like what?


It's not that easy. At
least it wasn't for me.

It was for me.

Oh, yeah? Where'd you come
out at the end of the summer?

What do you mean, where'd I come out?


I heard they put out rankings
at the end of the session

just like they do at med school.

No, they didn't. Yeah, they did.

They're still on the web site... the rankings.

How'd I do? Good.

Not as well as I did, but good.

I never knew you were so competitive.

Yeah, I am.

I was fifth, and you were 23rd.

Out of 125, so that's still really good.

But we should both focus on our
studies for the next six weeks,

not that we can't still see each other.

No, of course not.

We just can't touch each other.

What happens in six weeks when
we come home from med camp?

I don't know.

Maybe we should ask my mother.

I can't have another
conversation like that again.

I barely got through this
one. I only got through it

because I gave her my word
that we wouldn't do anything.

Well, I promised her and my dad before

that I wouldn't do anything,

but then I did it, so...

So you can't keep your promises?

Yes, I can keep my promises.

Come on. Let's keep
my promise to your mom.

It'd be a good way for us to
start out, don't you think?

Did she convert you to christianity, too?

I want her to like me. Why?

Because she's your mom, and I like you.

Just not enough to do it?

I feel kind of pressured here.

I've never been in this
situation. All right. Okay.

No sex this summer.

So, we still talking about abstinence?

You're starting to bother
me less and less, Jack.

I'm leaving. I just
wanted to say good-bye.


See you.

I better be going, too. I'll
pick you up in the morning.

We're off for a summer at med camp.

I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Wait. You were fifth?


What's that look on your face?

That's not a good look.

Yeah, it's not a good look.

I can't hide anything from you.

Did you come to say good-bye?

No, I didn't come to say good-bye.

Your mom and I wanna talk to you and Amy.

Well, you and mom are completely clueless,

because John and Amy just
left to go out with Ricky

on their first date.

All right. Well,

we were hoping that we
could have dinner as a family

and talk.

Because no matter what, we're a family.

Maybe a different kind of family
than we've been, but a family.

Well, I hatemy to
tell you this, dad,onight.

But Amy, Ricky, and John...
they're a family, too.

Their own different kind of family.

We'll see, ash. We'll see how that goes.

Yeah, we'll see how it all goes.

No, don't say anything.

Amy and I made a pact to
get through this together.

Get through what? I don't know,

but whatever it is,

it can wait one more day.

Say hi to daddy, John.

You look really nice, Amy.

Thank you. You look really nice, too.

Should I come in?

Oh, yeah. Of course. Come in.

Okay, buddy. Hey, go get your toys.

You look really nice.

You said that. But, again, thank you.

You gonna go around looking
like that all the time?

I don't know.

I learned a few things in new York.

It's our first date, kind
of. I wanted to look special.

You are special, Amy.

And... and you don't want
to have another kid, do you?

Because I don't know

if I can stay away from you
if you're gonna look like that.

Maybe in a few months you
won't have to stay away from me.

We'll see how it goes with you
and all the women in your life.

Yeah. We'll see.



I'm happy to have you home.

I'm happy to be home.