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03x13 - Up All Night

Posted: 06/27/21 08:17
by bunniefuu
Thanks for the kiss.
It taught me a lot.

Like what?
Like just because someone's

sexually attracted to you doesn't
mean they really love you.

I think Adrian and I
should get engaged.

Not married, just engaged.

I think it'll be nice,
especially for her,

if people think
that we're engaged.

Grace, you and Grant
aren't having sex, are you?

I'm thinking about it.

I don't want you
to have gateway sex.

But, mom, I really like him.

I should think you may be ready
to make a commitment.

I just said I slept with another
woman after telling Amy I wouldn't.

You wanna have a little fun?

No. I don't do this anymore.

One more time before the
girlfriend comes back home?

Madison's dad isn't gonna
let us go out all summer.

You can't stand the thought of my being with
someone else even though you have somebody else.

I wanna do the right thing

in case someday
you wanna get engaged.


What happened?
What are you doing here?

More important to see you
before anything happens...

anything that would
keep us apart.


You didn't have to do that.
I had to do that.

I know what they have to eat
on those flights.

You have to be hungry.
It's almost 11:00.

I should've just said
I'm starving. Thank you.

You gonna have something, too?

I'm not hungry.

What'd you have for dinner?

Same thing. Sandwich.

I went over to my apartment

and started getting things
ready to move back in,

so I just had a sandwich
from the butcher shop.


What do you mean, "oh?"

Don't you believe me?

Well, I believe you,
or I wanna believe you,

but I just can't picture
what you'd be doing

at your apartment
to get ready to move back in.

Just stuff.
I cleaned up.

I'm not over there every day,
so there was stuff to clean up.

I see.

I don't think you do see.

What stuff was there
to clean up?

What were you doing, dusting?

I might've been.
I dust.

Do you?

Amy, I can't just hang out here

all day and all night
with your family.

I can't. I've done
the best I can, all right?

And if you wanna accuse me
of having sex with another girl,

just come out and say it.

Just come out and say
what you're thinking.

You know I've been working
on that the last few weeks.

Yes, I know.
You told me.

I've been listening
to all the teenage mothers

and their stories about
how their boyfriends reacted

once they decided
they wanted a real commitment

and not just a promise
to help out.

Well, I'm not their boyfriend.

You're not even my boyfriend.

I want you to be my boyfriend,
but you know that, so...

What I'm thinking is

maybe you went out and had sex

with anyone you could
have sex with

just because you knew you only
had a week until I got home.

And maybe I didn't.
But I can if I want.

Yeah, I guess.

I didn't say I wasn't
gonna have sex with other girls.

You said I'd have to quit
having sex with other girls

if I wanna have sex with you.

Maybe I don't wanna have sex with you.
No offense.

Maybe I'm just not ready to be in
an exclusive relationship with you.

I... I didn't say I was ready
to do that... just be with you.

All right.
Maybe you're not, and maybe you are.

Just keep your voice down.

I don't wanna wake up
everyone in the house.

Look, you're tired.
It's late.

You go to bed, and I'll just
go home to my apartment.

You wanna fit one more girl in
before we finish this discussion?

How do you do it?

How do you just go out
at midnight,

or whatever time it is,

and find some girl to go home
and have sex with you?

Is that what you were gonna do?

No. I was just gonna
go home and go to sleep,

because I don't feel
like talking to you anymore.

I should've known that weekend in
New York was too good to be true.

I knew you'd run from me
the second either one of us

showed any real feelings
toward the other one.

I'm right here.
I'm not running.

Not yet. But another five
minutes of this, and I will.

I really don't feel
like talking about this.

If you're not ready to be in an exclusive
relationship with me, that's fine.

You're not ready.

I'm ready for that kind
of relationship,

but you're not,
so maybe we could just date.

What do you mean?

I mean date.

You call me and ask me out
or I call you and ask you out,

and we go to dinner
or go see a movie

or you, me, and John
go to a circus.

I don't really care
just as long as we're dating.

I don't date, Amy.

I'd rather join a circus
than date.

Dating is what guys do when they're
trying to get a girl to have sex.

I don't have to do that.

You don't date?

I don't date.

You wouldn't date me
even if you thought dating me

would eventually lead
to having sex with me?

No, I wouldn't.

I don't get it... dating.

It's just a waste of time.


No problem.

Spend the night with me.


♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ is such an easy
thing to do ♪

♪ birds can do it
we can do it ♪

♪ let's stop talking
let's get to it ♪

♪ let's fall in love ♪

wanna stay over?

I can't, Adrian.
Um, I have to go home.

Do you ever think
about having sex with me?

You're funny.

You just had a scare
with the baby today.

How can you even think
about having sex?

I don't know.

I'm just thinking about it
for some reason.

Don't panic.
I don't mean tonight.

I mean, sometime in the future.

We could have sex again
if we wanted.

Well, when my doctors
tell me it's safe again.

When they say it's okay.

I'm already pregnant, so...

So I don't think
that your doctors

would give you the okay
to have sex with me

even if you weren't
having a baby.

I mean, those guys
definitely don't like me,

and I'm sure they don't want me
anywhere near you.

And I'm sure that
your father doesn't, either.

Not until there's a ring
on your finger.

Well, your other finger.

No, that's the right finger.

But you know what I mean.
An engagement ring.

And, besides,

we're under doctor's orders
to grow up,

and I'm not sure
that having sex

just because you can't get
pregnant again

is evidence that
we're growing up.

Who knows
what a grown-up is?

My doctors get to say whether or
not it's safe for me to have sex.

They don't get to say
with whom.

And my dad doesn't get
to say anything at all.

I have to go, Adrian.


Another night.

Another night.

And, um, let's make it
another night

before Amy Juergens
gets back from New York.

Why do you say that?

I say that because

if Amy comes back here

and she gets into
a big fight with Ricky,

and she decides she doesn't
want Ricky and does want you,

you'll be gone.

Of course,
I'll still have the ring.

If that happens,
you can keep the ring.

No, no. But that's
not going to happen.

And even if it does happen,

nothing that goes on
between Amy and Ricky

is gonna change anything
between you and me.

It could happen.

In fact, it's likely to happen.


Because Amy doesn't understand Ricky
the way you understand Ricky?

She doesn't.

I have to go.
I'm tired,

and I don't really care to hear
how well you know Ricky.

Okay? Good night.

Good night, Adrian.

I'm happy that everything
worked out today

with you and the baby.

I'm happy that you're okay
and the baby's okay.

But...Good night.

We are not gonna have sex
under the king's roof.

He'd never allow it.
He's not home.

He might come home.

Let's just get up
and get into our sleeping bags.

I don't like
the sleeping bag arrangements.

I think we're getting too old for it.
Don't you?

We're gonna be juniors
in high school next year.

We're never gonna get
too old for it.

I love sleeping in the
sleeping bags in Ben's room.

It's one of my
favorite things in life.

It takes me back to the time
when we weren't having sex.

We were young and innocent.

We're still young and innocent.
Young maybe.

What's so great
about being innocent?

I like having sex with you.

No. I love having sex
with you.

Yeah, I know.

And you?

I love having sex with you.

But how long will we love
having sex with each other?

Forever. Or until
we graduate high school.

Not funny.

Maybe we can just sleep here
until Ben gets home.

There's no harm in that...
in just sleeping.

I guess not, especially
since we don't know

if we'll be together
after high school.

That was a joke, okay?

You're going on vacation
with my family.

You're in for life.

And you're going
on vacation with my family,

and it could be over for life.

I love you, Alice.

I love you, Henry.

I think I heard a car door.

Just one car door?
Yeah. Ben.

Hey, throw the cover over us.
We'll surprise him.

It'll be funny.


What are you doing here?

What are you doing there
in my bed? That's my bed.

You told us
you'd be home hours ago.

Yeah, okay.

When I wasn't,
you devised a plan

to k*ll me
by scaring me to death?

Sorry. We thought
it'd be really funny,

not that a lot of planning
went into it.

Well, it wasn't.

It was just scary.

Just like the rest of my life.

What's going on?
Is... is Adrian okay?

Is the baby okay?
I thought she said everything was okay.

It's not them.
It's... it's me.

I think I might've
screwed up, again.

What'd you do?

Hey. What's going on?

I just got home.

I know. We pulled in
right behind you,

but you took off up the stairs.

Henry, Alice.


I didn't see you.

I was just focused
on getting up here.

I wanna go to bed,
and I'm sure you do, too.

So good night, dad.
You didn't see us?

No. I swear.

I just really
want to get to bed.

I'm exhausted. It's been a long day.
Good night.

Wait a minute.
Is everything okay with Adrian?

Everything turned out
all right, right?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Um, she asked me to stay over, but
I thought I should come on home.

So good night.

What? Well, go back
over there if you want,

if you think Adrian needs you.

No. She's fine.

Adrian really doesn't need anybody.
You know Adrian.

Do you know Adrian?

You sure she doesn't
need anyone?

She doesn't need you tonight?

She doesn't
need me tonight, no.

She asked me to stay,
but she's fine.

Yeah, well,

anytime she needs you,
you be there for her, all right?

Of course.

So, uh, anything else
going on with you and Adrian?

No, nothing else.

Is anything going on
with you and Betty?

Had a very nice night tonight,
Betty and me.

I decided not to let you,
or Adrian and you,

uh, take up too much
of our time tonight.

Tonight was about us.

Tomorrow we'll get around to you.
We'll talk tomorrow.

Okay. Well,
until tomorrow then.

Until tomorrow.

Good night, Henry.
Good night, Alice.

Good night, Mr. Boykewich.

What did you do?

I gave Adrian a ring.

He told you not to do that,
and we told you not to do that.

Only he told you if you did,
you're engaged.

Yes, but it's not an engagement
ring, and we're not engaged.

You just wanted her to have the ring
before Amy gets home, didn't you?

What? No.
Giving Adrian a ring

is not gonna make Amy
come back to you.

That's not why I did it.

I didn't give Adrian a ring
to make Amy jealous,

and she didn't take that ring
to make Ricky jealous.

So why did you give it to her?

I don't know exactly.

Why did Adrian take the ring?

I don't think
she knows exactly.

Uh-oh. I think I know.

I think you might
care about her.

Yeah. And maybe
she cares about Ben.

We don't care about each other.
Not like that.

Then like what?
Well, like we're having a baby.

Every day, you get deeper
into this, my friend.

If you're not careful,
you're gonna end up married.

For real this time.

You might just be right, Hank.

This time, you might be right.

From communicating
with Jack and Jesse.

I mean, I'm sure there's
some way we can get to them.

Yeah, I'm sure we can,
but we're not going to.

We're on the honor system.

We agreed
not to make phone calls

or texts or e-mails
or anything else.

Well, we didn't promise not to call,
text, or e-mail through a third party.

You know how this works.

If we go by the rules
for a while,

our parents will probably
shorten our sentence.

So just go by the rules
for once.

This is so unfair.

I feel like I'm in prison.

Wait. No. On second thought,
if we were in prison,

we would have better uniforms than what
we have to wear to the food court.

Just do the time and
stop complaining about it.

Complaining about it
only makes it worse.

Yeah, it only makes it worse.
Hi, Jason.

Hi, Madison.

Good night.
Thanks for dropping by.

All right. I'll leave.
Good night, Madison.

So it's another summer
at med camp, huh?

Uh, day after tomorrow.

Good night.

I saw your boyfriends
at the party. Good night.

Wait, wait. Uh, what party?
What happened?

Uh, who...
who were they there with?

This could be a trap.
Don't break the rules.

Well, it's not against the rules
to just ask about Jack and Jesse.

Let me see. Uh,

they were with each other
'cause they're both losers,

and it was the football team-cheerleaders
"get to know you" party

for the new team members
and the new cheerleaders.

I think that's where
grace met Jack

a couple years ago, isn't it?

No, they met at church.

Their first date
was at that party.

What's your point?

Yeah, what is your point,

besides the fact that
you still haven't forgiven Jack

for stealing Madison from you?

Lauren, that's not true.

I mean, Jason and I just weren't even
interested in each other, right?

No, definitely not.

And I don't have a point, okay?

I just wanted
to say good night.

Oh, I almost forgot.
Uh, Jesse wanted me to give you a message.

But I know you're not supposed to get messages
from Jesse, so I won't give it to you.


Do you know
what the message is?

He said to tell you
he loves you.

Oh, wait.
No, that wasn't it.

He said hi.

To tell you hi.

This stinks.
That's what I'm talking about.

I wanna see
what it's like up here.

I haven't been up here since...
well, in a long time.

Since dad died.

Don't worry.
He's here.

Dad's still here with us
in the guest house.

Okay. Now that I'm
totally creeped out,

I think I'll just
go back to where I was.

I thought you meant
you're going home.

No, I told you I'd stay here
till Jack got home.

I'm fine. You don't
have to stay out here.

I don't mind, really.

I do mind.

I'm tired.
I wanna go to bed.

What time is Jack
supposed to be home?

I don't know.
He doesn't have a curfew.

Well, he left to go out
awfully late.

Where is he?

Who wants to know?

Well, I imagine Madison
wants to know.

I imagine she does.

Does he have a date?
Is he dating 'cause he and Madison can't date?

They were just forced
to break up.

I can't imagine he'd be out
this soon, but that's Jack.

Just tell me where he is.

I'm not gonna pay you.

Come on.
Just tell me who he's with.

Twenty bucks!

I don't have 20 bucks on me.
I'm in my pajamas.

Go get it.


You know, I change my mind.

I don't wanna know where he is.

Oh, yeah, you do.

Oh, no, I don't.

Wherever he is and whoever he's
with... it's none of my business.

Not my problem.

And I have to say,
it doesn't bother me

if Madison spends the whole
summer worrying about Jack

like I spent the whole summer
worrying about him last summer.

And if he cheats on her,
who's gonna be surprised?

Not me.

Is he cheating on her already?

Come on.
Just tell me where he is.

At the party.

That's where you two

first got together.


It's not that I still
care about grace.

I just don't want
to see her get hurt.

You just don't want her
to have sex with another guy.

Yeah, that, too.

I just wish she'd wait.

Until you see if things
are gonna work out with Madison?

Yeah, because I'm the only guy
grace has ever been with,

and I'd like it
to just stay that way.

Well, it's not
gonna stay that way.

Sooner or later, grace bowman

is gonna hook up
with some other guy, you know?

And whether that guy is Grant
or some other guy...

And you've been
with some other girls.

And I'm sure you're gonna be
with some more girls.

Maybe, maybe not.

"Maybe not"?

Do you really think that you're gonna be
with Madison for the rest of your life?

I might.
No, you won't.

Not unless you wanna stay here and
go to college. I could do that.

Just to be with Madison.
I could.

You could get into
a dozen out-of-state schools

on a football scholarship,

but you would stay here and go
to school because of Madison,

who you're not even sure
you wanna be with,

depending on grace
and what she does?

Okay, that's enough.

Let him know you're here.
This isn't nice.

He isn't nice.

Grace was my first love.
Our first date

was at that party we were at
tonight... the football party.

I wasn't gonna go,
but then coach called...

you're the quarterback. You're the team captain.
You're supposed to be there.

I was there.

Well, it didn't seem right to be out
partying when Madison's at home.

They couldn't go with us.

It was just for the guys
and the cheerleaders.

I know.

But, still,
if grace were to have me back

and she wanted to give it
one more shot,

I think I'd have to
go back with her.

She's not gonna do that.

Probably not.

Besides, even if she did,

you're gonna be going off
to college in a year.

Yeah, but I don't
have to go out of state.

I can go in state. I was gonna go
in state anyway because of Madison.

Deciding which college you go to
is an important decision.

You can't decide which college
you go to based on a girl.

Or two girls.

Actually, I can.

Is that grace?


Is it too late to call?
Are you in bed?

I'm still out.

You're still out
with your mother?

You and your mother
are still out this late?

Hello, grace.
Yes, it's me, Grant's mother.

that's not your mother.

You're not out
with your mother, are you?

Well, grace, if you're not
gonna have sex with me,

you know how it is.
Stop it.

No, I don't.
How is it?

I'm just kidding around.
Yes, I'm out with my mother.

We stopped on the way home to
have ice cream at the dairy shack

just like we used to do
when I was a kid.

And guess who's here.
Your ex-girlfriend?

Your old boyfriend.

Jack and Jesse are
sitting right behind us.

I'll call you back.
Is it too late to call you back?

I hope not.

Jack's there.
Grant's gonna call me back.

Hey, Jack.
Hey, Grant.

So you're Jack,
grace's old boyfriend.

I've been dying to meet you.
Grace, too.

Only Grant
won't bring her over.

This is my mother Carrie.
Oh. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.
Would you and your friend like to join us?

Oh, that's very nice of you
to offer, but no, thank you.

We were just leaving,
since apparently

someone's been sitting here
listening to our conversation.

Yeah, pretty much.

Yeah. Well, good night.

Good night.

His mother.

You gotta hand it to the guy.

He's determined
to keep me away from grace.

And why is that?

You're not already
having sex with grace, are you?

Not yet.
Maybe this summer.

Maybe. I don't know.


Well, take plenty of condoms
with you to med camp.

That girl has
way too many pregnant friends.

Just two.

That's two too many.

All right.
I'll be right back.

Ask for the check, please.


What are you doing up so late besides
waiting for me to call back?

Oh, I'm just hanging out
in the guest house with Tom.

He doesn't like
to be here alone.


You're not just waiting
for Jack to come home?

I ask because he told his friend
he's still interested in you,

so maybe you're
still interested in him.

And maybe you're still interested
in your old girlfriend?

That wasn't exactly a no.
Are you?

No, I'm not. We don't
let her live at our house

so I can still see her
every day and every night.

I really care about you, grace.

We have an agreement.

You're not gonna stomp
on my heart.

No, I'm not gonna
stomp on your heart.

I care about you, too.

I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

And just so you know, I'm leaving
the guest house right now

before Jack even gets home,
so I won't be talking to him.


I like that.
Good night.

Good night.

Good night, Mrs. calabash,

wherever you are.

I can't sleep.
I can.

You can?

Come on, Amy.
I knew I should've gone home.

I just have to ask you
one thing.

Can't it wait until morning?

You know how you said maybe you
had sex with someone else?

Did you?

"Don't ask me about
my business, kay."


"All right.

This one time I'll let you
ask me about my affairs."

What are you talking about?
I feel like Michael Corleone

when his wife, kay,
cornered him.

The godfather.

What godfather? The movie.
You've never seen the godfather?

No. Then never mind.
Just go back to sleep.

I just have to know.
Just tell me the truth. Did you?

All right. I was gonna
tell you at some point anyway.

So go ahead.
Tell me.

Don't get upset.
I won't get upset.

As long as you tell me the
truth, I won't get upset.

I had a chance to,
but I didn't.

Which doesn't mean I will never
have sex with anyone else again.

So you haven't had sex with anyone
since you've been back from New York?

Thanks for telling me.

Okay, but...

no. No "buts."

I don't wanna discuss this, especially
in the middle of the night.

You've forgotten what it's like
getting up with John in the morning.

Save your energy for that.

Who did you have a chance
to have sex with?

Was it Ashley?
No, not Ashley.

You know I'd never
have sex with Ashley.

No, of course not.

I already told you
I'd never have sex with Ashley.

We already talked about her.

You know everything she ever said to
me and everything I ever said to her.

Then who?
That's it, Amy.

I can't take it anymore.

That's the end
of the discussion.

If you keep talking about this,
I'm going home.

I'm really going home.

Go back to sleep.

Okay, okay.

I won't talk about it anymore.

Can I just take another guess?

Please don't.


Good night, Amy.

Good night, Ricky.

Oh, great.
He probably heard you.

He probably heard us.

And are we gonna
get up and see about him,

or will I be doing that?
Could you?

Fine. I'll get him.

Why shouldn't I get him?
I've been getting him for the past month.

I've been getting him
for the past year.

Bring him in here, okay?

That's not a good idea.

It's fine.
He's used to being in here.

I like him in here.

Well, I like to leave him
in the nursery.

And it's better for him.

He's not used to being in here
with the two of us.


So he thinks he knows best.

Was that Robie
just a minute ago?

No, not Robie.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

What time is it?


I had a dream
that Amy was home.

Yeah, she's home.


I heard her.
She and Ricky were talking.

Kind of loud.
I think he left.

Wait. What?

I forgot to tell you.

She called to find out
if she could change her flight.

She didn't say she was coming home.
She just was thinking about it.

It's a refundable ticket.
What... Amy's home?

She's home early,
and you didn't even tell me?

You were asleep, and when I saw
her, so was she and so was Ricky.

I figured you'd find out
in the morning anyway.

That my daughter
is home from New York early?

Thanks a lot, George.

I wanna know what
she's doing home early.

Ask her.

I will.



I'm so happy you're home.

Why are you home?

I missed John and Ricky,
and I wanted to see Ricky.

Well, why is that?
Why'd you wanna see Ricky?

You just saw Ricky.

Did you have a fight with Ricky?

Well, you didn't just leave
that program early

because you missed
John and Ricky.

And by the way,

didn't you miss me and your dad
and Ashley and Robie?

Okay, Amy.
We'll talk in the morning.

I'm happy you're home.

I think.

Yeah, me, too.

Good night, Amy.


I love you.

You, too.

So you're still here.
You didn't go home?

I'm here. But don't worry.
I'm going home.


When Amy gets up.

I see.

She asked me to stay.

Oh, so of course
you had to stay.

What's going on??
Why is she home early?

She just wanted to come home.

She said she was ready
to come home.

And why is that?

It's her home.


I was just checking on John.
He woke up.

He's already
back to sleep, so...

so you're just gonna go
back in there with Amy.

I could sleep on the couch.

That would be a lot more
comfortable and quieter.

Quieter, huh?

So you two were fighting.

Let me guess.
You went out with some other girl.

Or, rather, you slept
with another girl,

and Amy felt like she had to
rush home to keep you

from being with that girl
or with anyone else.

She just wanted to come home.

I don't think Amy's ever gonna be able
to stop you from being with other girls

'cause that's just
the kind of guy you are, Ricky.

And Amy's either gonna
have to live with that

or you two are gonna have to
face the fact that despite John,

you two really shouldn't be together,
because that's what life would be like.

And yet, you're about to
get remarried to your husband.

Good night.
I'll be in the living room.

Oh, no.

You could've just
stuck your head in

and told me you weren't
coming back to my room.

Your mother met me
in the hallway.

She didn't really want me
to come back in your room.

I've managed to survive here
for the past month

without getting on anyone's bad
side except for maybe Ashley's,

so I came in here.

Please, Amy, would you just
let me get some sleep?

You just got home.

We got all summer to talk to each
other, to be with each other.

You're right.

Who was it?
Just tell me who it was.

If you weren't gonna tell me who it was,
you shouldn't have brought it up.

I didn't bring it up.
You brought it up.

Okay, fine. I brought it up.
Who was it?

It was someone
you don't know, all right?

Really? It was someone
I don't know?

Yeah, it was someone
you don't know,

so don't start guessing a list
of names here, all right?

Are you sure it was someone
I don't know?

Maybe you're lying about that.

Maybe. Maybe I'm lying.

And maybe I slept with
another girl or two

or three or four,
and you know all of them.

No, I believe you... that you got
the opportunity but didn't.

I'm just trying to think of who you had
the opportunity to sleep with but didn't.

Was it Adrian?

Was it Adrian? Was it?

What the... Adrian?

I don't even talk to Adrian,
and Adrian's having a baby.

You can still have sex
if you're having a baby.

I would have sex with Adrian
while she's having Ben's baby?

She might've offered,

and that's a situation which you
might've turned down, if offered.

I can't believe
you're telling Adrian

you wanna be friends with her when you
don't think any more of her than that.

I didn't really have
these thoughts about Adrian...

you and adrian... until tonight
when you said you turned down sex.

So... so, when are you gonna see Ben?

Maybe he'll offer
to have sex with you,

and you can turn him down,
and then we can be even.

I don't know when
I'm going to see Ben.

I do plan on seeing him, but...

but you were waiting to see
how things go with me first?

You were waiting to see
if Adrian and I

had been sneaking around
behind your backs?

Jeez, I can't believe
you would think that.

I was wrong.

I don't think it was out of the
question, but I was wrong.

I would never get in the way
of Ben having a relationship

with the woman
he's having a baby with.

He needs to be
with Adrian right now.

Now? What about later?

I doubt that he and Adrian
will end up together.



Because Adrian's not
good enough for Ben?

I didn't say that.
That's what you think...

that she's not
good enough for him

because he's such a nice guy,

and he would never get involved
with a girl like Adrian.

I did not say that.
She's a nice girl... Adrian.

I know.
No, you don't know.

You're being nice to her,
but be honest here.

You think it was lousy
of her to seduce Ben,

and you feel badly for him
that she got pregnant.

I don't think there was a whole
lot of seduction going on.

He wasn't just friends
with Adrian

to be friends with Adrian.

He was curious about sex
with Adrian all along

because he's attracted to her.

So when he got his chance,
he took it,

whether he cared anything
at all about her or not.

And let me tell
you something, Amy.

When he does get to know her,

when he does find out
how smart she is

and what a big heart she has,

he might just fall in love
with her.

And he might've anyway,
baby or not.

I doubt it.

Are you planning
to use this time

while Ben's with Adrian
as some experiment?

You know, a time to find out if
we're really meant for each other

so that if we're not,

when Ben and Adrian's
baby gets here

and all hell breaks loose
a couple months into it,

you'll know whether or not
you'd rather be with him?

No! This has nothing to do with
them... with Ben and Adrian.

This is about us.

I want this summer

to be our time to get
to know each other

and to see if there's any chance
we can actually be a couple

and actually get married
in the distant future

and be a family...
the three of us.

I have a difficult
time believing

that whatever our feelings are
for Ben and Adrian...

that those feelings
don't have something to do

with everything going on
with us right now.

And I also have
a difficult time believing

that going to movies
and going out to dinner

and taking John to the circus

would help us decide what our
feelings are for each other

and whether or not we wanna be
together the rest of our lives.

But that's what
people do, okay?

They go out. They talk.
They get to know each other.

They... they fall in love,

and then they get married...

I want that.

And while we're going out
and talking

and getting to know each other

and falling in love,

I wanna graduate high school,

and I wanna graduate college
and start a career.

I wanna be a teacher.

I wanna teach girls
to believe in themselves,

because I believe in myself.

I believe I can be
a good teacher

and a good mother

and a good wife to you,

Grace, your phone's beeping.

I think you have messages
or something.

That's okay.
I'll just check them later.

I'm gonna go home, all right?

Tell your mom thanks
for inviting me over.

She didn't invite you.
I invited you.

She just let you come over.

Maybe next time
she'll let me sleep with you.

Don't bet on it.

Okay. I won't bet on it.

It was fun
having you sleep here.

I just can't figure out
why she let you

actually come over here
in the middle of the night.

Why not?
Why not?

I mean, she's made it pretty clear
that she doesn't want us to have sex,

but then she lets you
sleep in my room?

Oh, no. I hope
she's not up to something.

She's not up to anything.
She trusts us.

She trusts me anyway.

See you later.
I'll call you.

Tell your mom I said hello.
I'm really looking forward to meeting her.

I'll introduce you.

She's a very special person...
my mom...

and way too involved in my life,
so let's just wait until,

you know, you know you like me.

I like you.

Where's your dad, by the way?


Long story.

I'll tell you about it
some other time.

It's nothing bad.
He's around.


Okay, see you.
See you.

She's up to something.

Okay, you gotta go home.

You've gotta go home.
I've gotta get up and get my day going.

Oh, so much for sleeping over.

Being close and all that, huh?

Yeah. It's not me.

Then who was it
that I was with last night?

Go home.


I've got to talk to my
dad about giving you that ring.

I'm sure he knows.

Oh, yeah. The ring.
I forgot all about the ring.

It's like a dream or something.

Only better 'cause it's real.

I can't wait to show grace
and my parents

and everyone I know,
or don't know.

Okay. Well,
when you show it to them,

please make it clear that
it's not an engagement ring.

If we say it's an engagement
ring, then we're in trouble.

You're in trouble, not me.

Okay, I'm in trouble.
It's not an engagement ring.

I know.

Get up, bedhead.

I always have bedhead.

It's worse if I shower
right before I go to bed.

It's cute. I like when
you're not so perfect.

Which is most of the time, right?

No, most of the time
you are perfect.

Too perfect for me.

Adrian, I am not too perfect,

especially for you.

In fact, I don't even know
if I feel worthy of you.

What are you talking about?

You're just so...

Full of life and...Fun

and crazy and carefree


and I'm not.

But you're very confident

and considerate and...Just
such an honorable person.

You have dignity...
real dignity, Ben.

Oh, at least
when your hair is combed.

I really appreciate
you standing by me like this,

and I hope you continue
to do that...

to stand by me even when Amy
comes back from New York.

And I think it's really nice
that she called me

and that she's offering
to be my friend,

but, well,

I have to say,
I really didn't miss her.

I'm happy that she's been away

and that we've had this time
together without her around.

And I know that you just can't
wait to talk to her face-to-face,

but I think it was
kind of a blessing in disguise

that she went away and that
she wasn't talking to you.

It gave us a chance to talk
to each other... you and me.

Um, I'll call you later.

And if you have
any problems today,

do not go to the hospital
again by yourself, okay?




Ooh. I'm starting
to get a little bump.



Oh, look.
My two boys are here.

Good morning, John.

Good morning, Ricky.

You put me through hell
last night.

Don't say that in front of your son.
He might repeat it.

I'm gonna go home now.

Can't you stay
and have breakfast?

No, I can't.
I have to work today.

You want me to drop John off?

No. I'm gonna keep him
with me today.

I wanna spend some time
with him.

I really missed him.

Well, bye, Amy.

It's been nice being here,
kind of.

Thank you for doing this.

Thank you for letting me
go to New York

and being with John.

You're welcome.

I'll call you later.

Great. I'll look forward
to hearing from you.

That sounds kind
of formal, don't you think,

for two people who have a son?

Well, I just thought it sounded polite.

Is there something else
you wanted?

Something you wanted to ask me?

Would you and John
like to go out with me tonight?

We would love to.

What time will you
be picking us up?

Or we could pick you up.

That's less date-like.

I'll see you around 7.