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03x07 - New York, New York

Posted: 06/27/21 08:07
by bunniefuu
of the American Teenager"...

- Nice meeting you.
- I'm having an abortion.

- I changed my mind. I couldn't do it.
- We're having a baby.

Amy doesn't know
anything about this? Nope.

Are you gonna tell Amy?
I think Ben should tell her.

If you wanna set down some rules
for Jack, I totally understand.

Rules for you and Jack. I'm not living
with Jack. Jack's living with Tom.

No one's living anywhere
unless there's some rules.

Adrian's having the baby.
I don't think so, Tom.

- No. She is.
- If Mrs. Bowman or Mrs. Zegay

or whatever
she's calling herself
said that you couldn't,

then the answer is no, you
can't live in the guest house.

I don't want Amy to find out.
It would break her heart.

But Ben's gonna have to tell her
before someone else tells he

- Did you tell Amy?
- I'm going to tell Amy.

You're damn right
you're gonna tell Amy.

And I'm really happy
Adrian changed her mind.

You're really okay with
Adrian being a mother at 17?

Today you just found out
you're becoming a father,

so you can't tell the woman you
love that on the very same day.

- It's understandable.
- Just don't wait too long.

- Good morning.
- Yeah. Good morning.

- Is John awake?
- I haven't heard him up.

He's been awake,
but he's back asleep now.

- I guess I overslept.
- Sorry.

Thanks for getting him. I got
in kind of late last night.

But who's asking? I hadn't
seen my mother in a while,

so I just wanted John
to spend some time with her.

You don't have to tell me lies.
We're not seeing each other.

No, we're not,
and I'm not lying.

- Really?
- Really.

- Ashley, I'm not lying.
- You listen up.

I've never given you
any reason to lie to me,

so don't lie to me.

It's insulting that you even think
that I would ca what you were doing,

because I don't care
what you were doing

or who you were
doing it with.
Okay? I don't.

But you were definitely not spending
time with John at your mother's.

I'm not stupid.
I thought you didn't care.

You know, this is why you and I will
never ever be really involved, ever.

'Cause I took my son
to visit my mother?

You and I are never
gonna be really involved

because I could
never marry you,

and that's the only way I would
be really involved with you.

Oh, no. You can't use that.
That's my line.
That's what I told you.

All right, then. We're never
gonna be really involved

because you're practically
my sister-in-law.

- Oh. Sister-in-law.
- Is that right?

Well, then, I guess you won't
have any trouble telling your wife

that the guy she really loves,
Ben, is having a baby

with the girl
she really hates, Adrian.

'Cause there's only so long I can keep
avoiding her without telling her myself.

No, you can't tell her. Ben
has to be the one to tell he.

Yeah, he should be,
but he's not going to be.

The next time she calls,
I'm gonna tell her

you have something
you wanna tell her.

- I'm not telling her.
- Why not? She's your wife.

I didn't say that. You
know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I do know
what you're talking about.

No, no, no. Do not blame me
for what's been going on here.

- What's been going on here?
- Shh.

You know what's
been going on here?

Yeah, I do, Ashley, and we
should be ashamed of ourselves.


You're not ashamed that you
tricked Amy into having sex,

but you're ashamed that you're
feeling something for me?

I didn't trick Amy.
I did not trick her.

I just didn't know that she didn't
know what we were getting into and-

I don't have to explain
that to you
you already know that.

By the way,
you started flirting with me
long before I started
flirting back.

Oh, I hate that word.
No one's flirting with anyone.

We have feelings
for each other.
Real feelings.

It's not just
a sexual attraction.

Sexual? God!
And you know that.

And you know what else?
Neither Amy nor Adrian

care if we have real feelings
for each other.

Actually, they might,
especially Amy.

As well as your mom and dad.

They can probably hear every
word we're saying at this point.

So? Why do you care?
I don't care.

And what, you've decided that you want
Amy now that you can't have Adrian?

No. And who says
I can't have Adrian

if I want Adrian,
or anyone else I want.

Oh, get over yourself.
Wow. What was that?

That's the sound of Ashley
falling in love with the wrong guy.

You can't be serious.
In love? With Ricky?
Maybe attracted to him.

Especially if it would bug her
sister. But in love? No way.

Well, either way,
it's just so... wrong.

It's not just wrong,
it's totally taboo.
Well, not totally, I guess.

I mean, he and Amy were only
together that one time, and-

Oh, God, am I actually
trying to justify this?

This isn't happening. I'm gonna
tell him to take John and go home.

No. Just tell him
to leave John
and go home for a few days,

get away from all of us.
Good idea.

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ Is such an sy
thing to do ♪

♪ Birds can do it
We can do it ♪

♪ Let's stop talking
Let's get to it ♪

♪ Let's fall in love ♪

I have some good news,
and I have some bad news.
Oh, boy.

The bad news is that you're
going to be a grandmother,

and the good news is that
you're going to be a grandmother.

What is this again?

It's called
the empty chair.
Good name for it.

It's using
Gestalt therapy.

I Googled it.
I thought it could help.

Great. So now you're a
shrink as well as a doctor.

These are my friends.
Would you like to meet them?

Hi, uh, Mrs. Boykewich.
I'm Madison.
I'm Jack's girlfriend.

Jack's not here.
He's visiting his parents.
But, um,
this is his old girlfriend.

I'll take it from here.
Hi, Mrs. Boykewich.

I'm Grace. Grace Bowman.
How are you?

Probably not that good

since I just told her she's
going to be a grandmother.

But, see, you managed
to tell your mom,

so you can manage
to tell Amy.

There is one big difference.
Yeah. His mom's dead.

Bye, Mom.

Maybe next time,
I'll come visit you

at your place
or visit by myself

or- or with Adrian.

Maybe you'd like
to meet Adrian.

I don't think you told her
who Adrian is.
Oh. Right.

Um, Adrian
is Ricky's ex-girlfriend

and the soon-to-be mother
of my baby.

I had sex my very first time
with her.

In the car.
In front of her house.

Even though she lives next door
to Amy, the woman I love,

and Adrian and I don't
really love each other.

We just
kind of like each other.
We're friends-

friends who are gonna
have a baby together.

There's nothing worse
than losing a parent.

Wait. Hold that thought.
That's a really good thought

'cause telling Amy is not gonna be
worse than when you lost your mother.

Sorry. I'm the newest member.

I didn't know what to say.
Give me a break.

And yet you came up with this.

Who's there?
It's your mommy.

What do you want?

Mind if I come in?
How'd you get in?

You know what?
I think someone must've left

the alarm system off
when they got here.

God, this is... nice.
I mean, it's old, but-

It's- It's nice.
You got a nice place here.

Yeah, I know.
What do you want?

What makes you think
I want something?

Ah, never mind. Everyone
always wants something.

I want something,
you want something.
Not from you, I don't.

But you obviously want something
from me. What do you want from me?

You came to visit me.
Now I'm coming to visit you.

If you don't want the
money back, I don't have it.
I put it in the bank.

No, I don't want it back.
I don't want my money back.

Where's the kid?
Why? You want my kid?

'Cause you can't have
my kid.

I don't want him. I wouldn't
mind seeing him. That's all.

No. Never.
All right.

I just thought I'd ask.
No harm asking, right?

Just say it. I'm not in the
mood to play any games with you.

What are you here for?

Okay. Well, I'm not dying.
I just came to say goodbye.

I violated my parole,

and I've gotta turn myself in
to the county women's prison

by midnight Monday, tomorrow,
so... I just thought we could

spend the time catching up.
Not if you have dr*gs on you.

Oh, no, no, no.
No, nothing like that.

No, I'm clean and sober.
Then what happened?

I forgot to take my g*n
out of my purse
when I reported
to my parole officer.

- I carry a g*n.
- Why?

Because I don't feel like
ever getting beat up again.

Don't you know
how dangerous g*ns are?

Don't you know
how dangerous my life is?

Do you know how dangerous
your life is with a g*n?

Come on. Let's just
spend some time together.

It'll be fun.
This is a bad time.

- Oh, really?
- It's a bad time?

What, you have, like, a,
you know, rehearsal
for the school play

or, like, a band competition
or a pep rally or...

Stop, okay?
Amy's not in town,

and I've been staying over at her
parents' house taking care of John.

John's my first priority.
That's totally understandable.

Very admirable.
What priority is your mother?

My mother
who violated her parole
and is going
back to the slammer?

Do you have another mother?

As a matter of fact,
I do,

since you weren't really
much of a mother to me.
All right.

- Margaret. How is Margaret?
- She's fine.

Well, I'm not so fine.
Come on, Ricky.

It's gonna be a minimum
18 months of lockup.

I mean, prison sucks.
I don't know.

Yes? Do it, please?

I have school tomorrow. After
school, I'll pick you up.

We'll go get an ice cream like
we did when you were little.

I always meant to do that.

Yeah, you'll do it?

I guess.

Hey, you want to get stoned?
I got a prescription.

I am kidding you. Where's
your sense of humor, pops?
I'm sober. I am.

I mean, everyone else in the
world has a prescription for pot,

but not me.
Well, you better be sober.

'Cause if you're not, and I
even think you're doing dr*gs-

any drug, any-

I'm not gonna have
any sympathy for you.
I will turn you in myself.

That's kind of what
I'm asking you to do for me.

Tomorrow. Turn me in.

But, anyway, no dr*gs.

Just good old clean
family fun.

- Hey, Dad, I just wanna say good night.
- Not so fast.

Dad, it's, uh, late.
I've got school tomorrow.

I know that.

That's why I thought
you'd be home earlier.

You got some business to take
care of, don't you? Um, business?

What business?
Stop it.
Did you call Amy or not?

Dad, do you remember
when you said

that you and I are gonna be angry
with each other now and then?

Well, you didn't call her,
so I'm angry.

And you're only
going to get angrier

because I decided I'm not
going to call her.

It's just not
the best thing for Amy

or me or Amy and me right now
to tell her about Adrian.

How do you figure? Dad, this is
an intense music program she's at.

You know,
she has to concentrate.

She doesn't need the
distractions and neither do I.

I figure there's another week
of school left,

and then after that,
she's in New York
two more weeks,
and then she'll be home.

Uh-huh. And I'll deal with it then.

I see. And if someone else
tells her, then what?

I don't think
anyone else will tell her,
you know,
when I thought about it.

I mean, who just calls people up
and gives them bad news?

Hi, is this Amy Juergens?

Your boyfriend Ben
got Adrian pregnant.

You know? Who's gonna do that?
I know who's gonna do that.

- Who?
- You.

'Cause I told you to do that,
and you're going to do that.

I gave you a chance
to do it your way,
and now I'm gonna make you
do it my way.

Dad, make?

You're gonna make me
do it? How?

I'll tell you how. Tuesday
morning, we're gonna get on the jet,

and we're gonna go to New York,
just you and me,

and you're gonna see Amy,
and you're gonna tell her.

Now, I understand
that you're scared,

but you can do this,
and you will do this.

And if I don't do it?
Then we'll get on the jet

and fly to the closest
military school

and enroll you
so you can learn to be a man.

If you can't learn from me,
I'll hand you over
to the professionals.

- How's that sound?
- Ridiculous.

Look, son,

I know you're still in a
state of shock about all this,

and I'll use that as an excuse

not to completely lose
my temper here.
But in this house,
what I say goes.

I'm gonna help you with this.

I'm gonna help you.
We've got a six-hour flight

and a 45-minute trip
into Manhattan.
We're gonna talk.

We're gonna rehearse
what you're going to say,

and by the time we get there,

you'll be ready and prepared
to do what you have to do.

No, I won't.
I'll never be prepared
to do this, Dad.

You don't understand.
You just don't understand.

You don't know what it's like to have
to tell someone bad news like this.

I don't, huh?
Didn't you spend half the day

talking to an empty chair in Grace's kitchen?
Is there no privacy in that car?

Does our driver have to tell you
everywhere I go and everything I do?

- Mike works for me.
- He doesn'work for you.

No one who works
in this house

works for you.
- They work for me.

When you hire people
and they work for you,

you might expect them to do
whatever you tell them to do.

I tell Mike to tell me
where he takes you.

I'm sure you know that.

- I'm not a kid.
- I can drive myself.

Yeah, but you can't drive
other people,

and you didn't, so let's
not get sidetracked here.

The point was that everyone
has to deliver bad news

sometime in their life
if they live long enough.

You remember the day
I had to sit you down

and tell you that your mom
wasn't gonna make it-
she was gonna leave us?

That was the hardest conversation
I ever had with anyone.

I thought you meant she was
just going to Florida.

It took me days to realize you
meant she was leaving permanently.

- I remember.
- I remember that you wanted to go with her to Florida.

- I wish I had.
- No, you don't.

You'll get through this.
We'll all get through this.

But first,
you've got to tell Amy,

and I want you to tell her
face to face.

- All right, Dad.
- Then I'll do it.

- That what I want to hear.
- He's kidnapping me.

Yeah, but on a private jet
to New York.

- I'll go.
Me, too.

- You can't go.
- Either of you.

It's a father-son trip,
not a joyride.

He's got this crazy idea
in his head

that the two of us are gonna
rehearse what I'm gonna say to Amy,

and then we'll take her out
to a nice restaurant

and buy her a piece of pecan pie,
and it'll all be better.

Not right away, of course.
After the pie.

He knows this great place
where they have
a good pecan pie.

Amy once ate
an entire pecan pie here.
I like pecan pie.

Yeah, girls like desserts.
That's been my experience.
Your experience, huh?

I know a way out of this if you really,
really don't want to go to New York.

- What? What is it?
- Finally, some help.

Call Amy and tell her tonight.

- What, are you crazy?
- Yeah, what, are you crazy?

Just being supportive of Ben.

Listen to me. People are gonna be
talking about this tomorrow at school.

The more people who know, the more
likely it is that someone will tell Amy.

Not that she doesn't know already.
Maybe that's why she's calling you.

No. She's also texting.
And she doesn't know.

And it's not gonna get out at
school. I mean, not right away.

Adrian's not gonna want to just
tell everyone that she's pregnant.

Not right now. She just
decided to have the baby.

And it's not like
she's showing or anything.

She's not Amy. She may want
to tell people right away.

Have you two even discussed
when you're gonna tell people?

She said that
she'll decide that.

I have a feeling that
she's gonna decide everything.

As she should. Just about the only
thing you have any control over

is when Amy finds out
and from whom,

and you are losing that control
minute by minute.

- The clock is ticking. It just takes one Tweet.
- I can't call her. I'll go to New York.

- You sure you don't want us to go?
- You can't go.

- Oh, No. It's Ricky.
- Have you talked to him? Did you tell him?

- He knows. I'm sure he knows.
- Hello?

- I need a ride to school tomorrow.
- All right. I can do that.

- I can pick you up. Besides, we should talk.
- Yeah, we should.

Oh, Amy, that's terrible.

You're cutting out. We'll get you
a new phone. We will.

She texted me, asking me
if I'm getting her texts,

because no one's picking up the phone,
and she can't get through to anyone.

I hope she doesn't. Not
for another couple of weeks.

- Dad, someone has to tell her.
- Ashley, no one has to tell her. Not yet.

Now go grab John.
I gotta drop you two off.

No, I'm riding w w with Ad.
You take John.

No, I need you to take John to
the nursery. He's used to you.

He's not used to me going in
and leaving.

- Besides, we need to talk.
- Talk about what?

It rhymes with icky.
Just say what you want to say.

You can't date
your sister's... impregnator.
Impregnator, huh?

Boy, I'll bet Mom will let me
make up my own mind about that.

She's thone who asked me
to talk to you about this,

because, you know,
you and I are buddies.
Well, if you
overheard us clearly,

you'll know that I'm not
interested in being... impregnated,

and there's no chance that I'll
be impregnated by the impregnator.

Because you're actually
taking those pills,

or because you realize
you're playing with fire here,

and this is not a good idea-
you and Ricky flirting around
with each other?

I believe you also overheard
what I think of the word flirting.
Is it so hard for you

to believe that Ricky
has feelings for me?
We were friends.

Now he's not looking at me
the way a guy looks at a friend,

and I'm not looking at him
that way, either.

Well, then stop
looking at each other,
because it can never,
never work, Ashley.

It could, but it's not
going to, because-
because he's not
marriage material.

He doesn't take
his commitments seriously.
what we were discussing-

who was taking his son
to the nursery this morning.
If I weren't afraid
of speaking to Amy,

I'd tell her
he's being a deadbeat.
We told him to take
a couple of days.

He's a grown man.
He doesn't have to do
what other people's parents
tell him to do.

And he didn't
even call me last night.
Ashley, really.

I've been watching you two
the past couple of weeks.

I didn't want to tell
either one of you
to stay away from the other.

I was afraid that that
would drive you two together.

But now I'm telling you,
stay away from Ricky.

I told you
I'd come out front.

I thought maybe we could talk
before we get in the car.

I don't think so.
In the car is fine.

I'm a new driver, okay?
I have a provisional license,

which means you'd
have to drive my car,
and I'd rather you not
drive my car

when we talk about
what we need to talk about.

Did you tell Amy
that Adrian's having the baby?
Uh, no.
I thought I'd tell you first.

I already know.
See how that goes?

Someone told me
before you told me.
You better tell Amy.

This is why you wanted me
to wait out front.

- Hi, there.
- Hi.

I'm Ben Boykewich.
Nice to meet you.

Yeah, you two- You know,

you look more like a virgin
than I thought you would, Ben.

You got a little Jimmy Stewart
thing going on there, don't you?

- I get that sometimes.
- This is my mother.
- I've met your mother.

No, I'm his birth mother.
He came out of me.

Yeah, ter many,
many hours of pain.

I shouldn't have mentioned that.
You're having a baby yourself

- with his old girlfriend.
- This is your mother?
- I said that.

She said that. How many
people need to tell you that?

Hey, do you have time for
breakfast? I can scramble some eggs.

Oh, can you? Who knew?
This is why I needed you
to pick me up.

- I'm letting my mom
have my car today.
- Oh, I see.

Do you want me to ask my dad
if the driver can drive her?

- Should she really be driving your car?
- dr*gs don't make you deaf, Ben.

I mean, they're bad for you, for
sure, but they don't make you deaf.

And, actually, I'm sober right now,
and I can hear everything you say.

- I apologize.
- Save your apologies
for Amy, huh? Have you told her?

No, he hasn't.
I filled her in.

We had a lot of time
to catch up last night.

No, I haven't told Amy yet.
But my dad is insisting that we fly to New York

so I can tell her in person,
which I really don't want to do.

Sounds like a lot of money for
a lot of nothing, if you ask me.

He didn't ask you.
And, Mom, no advice, okay?

No. Please. Go ahead.

Let someone else
tell her, right?
I mean, this isn't
about you and Amy.

This is about you
and that other one,

his girlfriend-
ex-girlfriend- Adrian.
Go on.

Well, if you ask me,
and he did...
I mean,

you know, what goes around
comes around, right?

Amy has no reason to be upset with you.
She had a baby by him.

I mean, a baby, by the way,
who I have never met.

And, uh, really,
I'm going into
the slammer tonight,

and I probably won't ever
meet little John

until, like, 18 months
to two years.

Thank you for the advice.

Um, we should probably
run along now.
Well, yeah.
I mean, nice meeting you.

You're gonna pick me up
from school, right?

Yeah. Where was that?

That was a joke.
Is nothing funny to you?

You know how many days
I stood outside school

- waiting for you to pick me up?
- I can bring you back here.

Yeah, that's a much better plan.
Don't wreck the car, all right?

- All right.
Okay, go to school.
- Have fun.

- Don't get into trouble.
- Actually, that's a little late.

- You guys have both already
gotten into trouble, haven't you?
- Yeah.

Is she really going back
to the slammer?

- Yeah, she is.
- She came in last night.

She wanted to spend
some time with me,

and I couldn't say no.

Well, I could've,
but I didn't.

She wants me to go with her
to surrender.

They tell you when to show up, and you
show up. But does she really have to?

I mean, she seems okay
to me. Yes, she has to.

She showed up for a meeting
with her parole officer

with a g*n in her purse.
Was she gonna k*ll him?

Ben, she always
has a g*n in her purse.
She doesn't run around
with a nice crowd.

Then it makes sense for her
to carry a g*n, I guess.

Doesn't make sense.
g*ns are dangerous,
and she shouldn't have been
carrying a g*n.

Not to mention it's against
the law, and she's on parole.

Whatever. Let's go.

What are you doing here so
early? Good morning to you, too.

Good morning,
and thanks, Bunny.

You thought I'd leave my mom
alone with access to the shop? No.

See you two after school.

- Morning.
- Hi, Adrian. How are you?

- I'm fine.
How are you?
- Good.

I spent some time with Ben
yesterday, and his mother.

Wait. His mother?
You mean Betty?

- No, the dead one.
- Oh, of course.

The dead one.
I see.

I hope you're not jealous.
No, not in the least.

It was a meeting
of the Dead Parents' Club,

and he introduced all of us,
and he told his mom about you.

It was so moving.
- Oh, I'm sorry I missed that.

Were there snacks?
Yeah, of course.
- But don't worry.

He's gonna introduce you
another time, if you want.

Yeah, sure.

Oh, you know, maybe when she's had
some time to get used to the idea.

Yeah. I mean,
I'm not even used to the idea,
and I'm your best friend.

Well, get used to it

'cause I'm having a baby,
and I'm happy about it.

You know,
Tom's been asking about you.

He knows you're not
gonna marry him,

but he still
wants to be friends.

So maybe you could call him.
could you call him tonight?

'Cause I don't think he's
gonna have a very good day.

Um, what's a bad day for Tom?
Tom's always happy.

He's up for this job
at the courthouse.
He got the job, actually.

But now he has to take
a drug test.
And that's
a problem because...

Because he and Jack
got into some pot brownies

that somebody left in our
guest house refrigerator.

What? Well, I'm glad
he didn't give me any.

What if they had given me pot
brownies? I'm having a baby.

Oh, shush about what?

The pot or the baby? I don't
care who knows about the baby.

What's that about?

Oh, I didn't tell you?
She decided to keep the baby.

That's it.
That's it, Madison.

We are no longer best friends.
Oh, well, don't get upset.

I had a hectic weekend. I
didn't get a chance to tell you.

Why? Too busy doing this?

And this.
Oh, and this.

Two can play that game.
Come on, Jesse.

All right.

- Wait. Wait a minute.
- Lauren...

We're gonna be spending
a lot of time together.
Fine by me.

Hey, guys.
So, guess you heard.

- No.
- Yes.

Y- Yes.
- No.

It's okay.
You're Ben's best friends.
I'm sure you know.

And if you didn't,
I'm pregnant.
And I'm okay with that.

So talk about me
all you want.
Attention, everyone.

Yes, I'm having a baby.

And I don't care who knows about
it or what you have to say about it.

Oh, and it's Ben's.

Are you kidding me?

You can't eat too much meat.
Where'd you get that?

Uh, my doctor.
Ah. Okay.
Think about it.

Your doctor wants you
to be sick, right?

If you're sick,
you go to the doctor.

Ergo, if you don't eat meat,
you get weak,

you get sick,
you go to the doctor.
I never thought
about it like that.

Give me a steak.
Make that two of them.
Coming right up.

Wait till you see what
this does for your sex life.

Protein equals protein,
my friend.

I can't believe it.

She didn't even discuss it
with me- when to tell people.

I told you so,
and your dad told you so,
and your friends told you so.

- And I told you so.
- What the- No, no.

Leave her alone.
I hired her for the day.
I'd hire her for longer

if she didn't
already have plans.
She's good.

Ah, just earning a little
cigarette money. You smoke?

Oh, it's not the smoking
that's gonna k*ll me, dude.

It's the showers
that are gonna k*ll me.

The cigarettes are just
a little bargaining tool.

- I am kidding. Geez.
- Funny.

Hey, um, we better go.
It's kind of a long drive.

- Go ahead.
- We got it covered here.

- Nice meeting you, Nora.
- Come back anytime.

- I'm gonna remember that.
- Thanks, Bunny.

You're a stand-up gal. and, Benjamin,
good luck with that baby.

And good luck telling your
girlfriend about that baby.

- Thank you.
- And good luck to you in...

- uh, at your new place.
- Thanks.

I'm just gonna go upstairs
and get my stuff.

Are you gonna be able
to do this?

I've been doing this
for one or the other parents

since I was a kid.
I'll be fine.

You can't break the law.
That's the bottom line.

- You can't break the law.
If there weren't laws,
I'd be dead by now.

I'll see you tomorrow.

- No, you won't.
- Um, tomorrow's my big day.

- It'll be fine. It's Amy.
- Yeah. Amy.

Hey, how'd you rather be taking
your own mother back to prison?

- I don't think so. See you.
- Good luck.

Come in.

- Madison.
- Lauren.

- Hey, nice.
- Yeah, it is nice.

Oh, I parked down
by the firehouse.
I hope
that's far enough away.

Yeah, that should do it. I just
wanted you to see the place.

Yeah. Well, dude, you need to let these
people know you're staying here soon

'cause I don't think
anyone else

is gonna walk 5 miles
just to get here.
I just did it
because Lauren made me.

And now she wants me
back at her house.

Yeah, I want to tell them-
Grace's mom and her husband-
but Tom wants me to wait.

He's afraid
they'll kick me out.

He's not used to the place yet.
He still thinks it's haunted.

Oh, those two need to make up.

I don't have
an unlimited text plan.
My parents won't let me.

They think I'd text too much,
and I would.

And I don't want to be Lauren's
girlfriend and her boyfriend.

No, no, no. You don't want her
to make up with Madison yet.

If Lauren doesn't have
Madison to talk to, you're gonna
get a lot of action.

- We both are.
- Oh.

I should've know.
You have an ulterior motive.

I'm just taking advantage
of the situation.

I'm a "glass is half full"
kind of a guy. All right.

I'd love to stay and hang out
where you're not wanted,

but Lauren is now insisting
I leave, right now.
Hey, then go, buddy.

"Buddy"? What's up
with this guy?

Jesse, Tom.
Tom, Jesse.
Don't bother.

I don't wanna meet your fans.
You know why?

Because you're
no friend of mine.
Nice meeting you.

I failed the drug test.

- Oh, I forgot
you had that today.
- I failed the drug test!

I'm sorry about that, Tom.
I really, really am.

The job was mine,
but I failed the drug test.

Is there any way
they'll let you take it again?

- No, there isn't, Jack.
- Oh. Hi, Mrs. uh-

- Zegay.
- Zegay.

- How do you spell that?
- T-S-E...

- Never mind.
- So, Jack, uh,
you're living here,

- and you gave Tom
pot brownies?
- He did.

No, I didn't. I- I mean,
I didn't mean to.

- It wasn't my fault,
- They were in the freezer,

and we were hungry,
and I didn't know.
I swear. Did you know
you were living here?

Kind of.
I mean, temporarily, till you
say I can't live here.

- Jack, I told you
you can't live here.
- You said I couldn't live in the house.

But Tom really wanted me
to move into the guest house,

and he said we were gonna tell
you when the time was right.

This wasn't
the right time, Tom.

Yeah. The right time
would've been when you moved in,

- or better,
before you moved in.
- And you should've asked.

- I should have.
I'm sorry, Mom.
- No, no, no.

You are not gonna
get away with this anymore-

doing whatever you want
and then apologizing.

Tom, you knew this was wrong.

Now, you may not have known
about the brownies,

but you knew this was wrong.

And now, everyone knows
about the pot brownies.

Yes, they do.
At least everyone
in the courthouse.

Oh, geez.
I didn't even think about that.
It's not a good group
to know about this.

Should I go tell someone?
And tell them what?

It was an accident? No. I think
we'd better leave well enough alone.

Can I just stay here then?

- Do you have
any other options, Jack?
- Not really.

All right. Well, I'm not gonna
put you out on the street.

So, I guess we'll just see
how things go.

And I gotta talk to Grace first
to see how she feels.

She knows.
Grace knows?
She didn't eat
any of the brownies.

She has no excuse.
She should've told you.

Yeah, she should've told me,
and you should've told me,

and you should've told me.
But you didn't.
So we'll deal with it.

All right. Well, I guess we'll see
you at dinner, Jack. Yes, ma'am.

And after dinner, I want you to help Tom
go through the want ads to find another job.

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, and I take it you threw away
the rest of the brownies?

Yes, ma'am.

I really wanted that job.

I know, and I'm really
sorry about that, Tom,

but the good news is
we're roommates.
She said, "We'll see. "

Yeah, well, at least
no one went to jail, right?

Thanks for the use
of the car this morning.
Here's the key
to the safety deposit box.

If, you know...
Just in case.

All right, then.
You sure
you don't want to go in?

Yeah. I'm sure.

Oh, and here.
This is-
This is for you.

Go ahead. Take it.
Did wonders for me.

How can you make jokes
at a time like this?

I don't know.
Maybe it's because,

for once, I'm not
thinking about myself.
I'm thinking about you.

I'm gonna be thinking
about you every day...

for a while, so...

Well, you know
where to find me.

I know where to find you.

Um, maybe you can send me
some pictures of John,

All right, then.
Yeah, I should go.

I'm gonna learn
to speak Vietnamese.

You really should have
a goal when you're in there.

You know, something to do.

All right. I'm going.




It'll be fine, Ricky.
Okay? It'll be fine.


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Well, I talked to Amy.

- And?
- Oh, I didn't tell her.

Ben called last night, and he
asked that none of us tell her.

- He's going there today.
- To New York?

I guess that's better than
a phone call or a text message.
Yeah, I guess.

Maybe at some point, someone could
take John to New York to see her.

That'd make her feel better,
I think.

- Someone like Ricky?
- You're thinking Ricky should go?

Ashley, come on.
You and Ricky?
Me and Ricky what?

How do you really feel
about him?
Just tell me.
No judgment. Promise.

I like him.
I think maybe
I more than like him.

I think maybe I love him.

And do you think that he
feels the same way about you?

I don't know.

Okay, Ashley.

Here's the tough thing
about relationships.

you have to let your head
overrule your heart.

Sometimes, even though
you think you're in love,
you have to take a step back

and think about
whether or not this love

is really to your benefit.
Do you really think
that it's the best thing

for you to be
in love with Ricky?

I thought you said
in matters of the heart,

you should decide
with the heart.

That's what you said the last time
the two of us talked about boys.

When was that?

- Third grade.
- Oh, right. Dwayne.

Oh, such a nice boy.

And Ricky's not,
so you're changing your advice?

No, I'm changing my advice
because you're older now.

You're not
a little girl anymore.
And Ricky's certainly
no third-grader.

You have to think, Ashley,
as well as feel.

In fact, sometimes,
you can think about the way

that you want to feel
and feel that way.

You can.
You really can.

Hey. Do you need
a ride to school?

Yeah, she does.
Thanks, Ricky.

Have a nice day.
Look, we need to talk.

No, we don't.
That's the beauty
of being friends.

We don't have to talk at all.

For now, okay?
Now would be perfect.

What's wrong?
Uh, my mom came to visit.

Not my foster mom,
my birth mom.

And you didn't call me?

No, she was at my place.
I'll tell you
about it in the car.

Did you hear Ben's going
to New York? Yeah, I heard.

Come on.

You know
what you're gonna say?
Yeah. I'm, uh-
I'm gonna tell her

what I told you I'm gonna tell
her when we were on the plane.

Okay, give it to me again.
No, no. Really.

The more times
you say it to me,

the easier it'll be
when you have to say it to her.

Dad, please. I already feel
like I'm gonna throw up.

There's no throwing up. You're
a grown-up. Now go ahead.

I love you.
I've loved you
from the first time I saw you.

And ever since then,

we've been through
a lot together, and yet-

Don't pause here.
Drive it through.
Keep going.

And yet...
Darn. What was it?

"You and I have been through
a lot together,

"and yet our problems seem
to have made us stronger.

We've grown up a lot
since we first met. "

I'll take it from there.

Oh, no.
All right.
Stay strong,

keep your mood up,
and don't slouch.


I can't believe you're here. I
can't believe I'm here, either.

Don't you love it? This is so
exciting. Hi, Mr. Boykewich.

Hi, Amy.
Uh, you look beautiful.

Doesn't she look beautiful, Ben?
New York's been good for you.

Thank you.
You really
do look beautiful.

Have you gotten taller?
No. I don't-
I don't think I'm taller.

Uh, I'm gonna go in
and get us a table

and a drink,
and I'll see you inside.
All right.

Amy, Adrian's pregnant,
and it's my baby.
Oh, God.

It wasn't supposed to come
out like that. Wait- Wait-

Amy, I love you.

I've loved you
since the first time I saw you.
Adrian's pregnant?

And since that time, we've
been through a lot together.

What- What are you
talking about?

Our- Our problems
have only made us stronger,

and we've grown up a lot since then
- Ben, stop!

Is this why
you came out here?

To tell me tt Adrian's
pregnant with your baby?

I wanted to talk to you
face to face.
Why? So you can remember

what my face looked like
the last time you see me?

Amy, I don't want
to marry Adrian.

I'm not going to marry Adrian.
She's actually having the baby?

She is actually
having my baby.

But that doesn't have to
change anything between us.

Let- Let's just-
We'll go in there.

Let's have dinner, and
we'll talk about- No. No, no-

We're- We're not
gonna do that.
But I came
all this way to see you.

And I have
a calculus test tomorrow.
I don't know why I said that.

Do you like pecan pie?
They have great pecan pie here.

Who cares what I think
of pecan pie?

wait, Wait.

It's what I said.
She's angry.

But you did the right thing
by coming here and telling her.
Now you wait.

Did you tell her
about the pie?

Come on.