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05x12 - The Voices

Posted: 06/26/21 20:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Van Helsing"...

AXEL: You're just gonna stroll
up to the White House,

take on the whole military by yourself?

VANESSA: I'll need a disguise.

Someone the Dark One will never suspect.




You came here with her blood
to set things in motion.

You can't harm me.

Well, maybe it's time we found out.




Gotta sting, knowing your
beloved bride is gone forever.

And you let a Van Helsing
get close enough to bite you.

Learned some new tricks
in the Dark Realm.


You feeling it yet?

My bite starting to take effect?

You were never this powerful.

And I thought you were smarter.

Did you really think trapping me
would break me?

It only made me stronger.


Not strong enough to thr*aten me.

Your bite did nothing.

Who's there?


Can you help me?

What have you done to me?

Her hold on me, it's weakening.

I can feel it.

Who are you?


Can you help me, please?



This cannot happen!

Looks like my bite was a little
more powerful than you thought.

Stay away from me.

That body you took over,
you didn't k*ll the host.

Olivia, she's still trapped
in there with you, isn't she?

Maybe another bite will help
bring her out.


You and your children have
plagued me long enough.

We're just getting started.

I will take your head
with my bare hands!

I will purge the world of
the Van Helsings forever

and darkness will reign.

Go now.

While you have a chance.

Do it.

Do it.





♪ ♪

♪ ♪


It's okay, you're safe now.



You know it's not gonna be long
until the Dark One

sends more of her brood.
She's gonna find this place

and she's gonna revenge what we've done.


We have a second location
on Mercer Street.

- We can take her there.
- Put her in the van.

Please be gentle. We need her, okay?


What happened?

She's human again from the bite,

but, I mean, what's wrong with her?

It's the scroll.

The scroll? She hasn't
even laid hands on it.

She has in the past.

Before she was turned,

when we first tried
to defeat the Dark One.


I know you said we needed her,
but like this?

Look, she's our only hope
at controlling the powers

of the Dark One.

I wasn't planning on her being
blind and psychotic.

We need to contact Vanessa.

Alright, I'll go check for a note.

Hey, no.

No, it's too dangerous.

Everything is dangerous now.

Stefan is gone. It's gotta be me.

Listen, you go with Bathory, okay?

I'll find you, alright?

I'll be okay.

We're secure here.

The company went out of business
when everything went to shit.

I guess there isn't much of a
market for dating apps anymore.

And Bathory?


Still sedated, but...

I know. All we can do now
is wait and hope.

Attention: Clear the streets.

The daytime curfew remains in effect.

Clear the streets or
you will be detained.

Hey! Hey, woah, woah.

- Easy.
- Axel!

It's nice to see you, too.

You both made it.

Where you been?

Lining up allies.

We need to get out of the open.
Where are the others?

First I gotta check for a message.

We got the Oracle.

Jack turned her.

You gotta be kidding me,
that hag's human?

Yeah, but we got a problem.

There's always a problem with her.

Have you heard from Vanessa?

Jack says she's still
in the White House.

If she is, then she's in danger.

No way the Dark One hasn't figured out

- the Oracle is off the board.
- Wait!

Down, down, down, down, down.

streets or you will be detained.

It's just over there. I gotta go get it.

- Wait a second.
- What? What is it?

- What?
- I feel something.

Yeah, me too.

We've been spotted.

No, no, no. No need, no need.

Hey there.

That party trick's gonna take
some getting used to.


Looks like we're getting
the band back together.

With some new players.

Uh, yeah.


[OVER LOUDSPEAKER] Clear the streets
immediately and return to your home.

What're we waiting for?

[OVER LOUDSPEAKER] Clear the streets.


I failed you once before.

I won't fail you again.

Bathory, I know you weren't able
to save your mom

after she read the scrolls.

And I know you know way more
about all this stuff than I do.

There's gotta be some way
to get you back.


I promise I won't leave you like this.

Your time has passed.

Your control, ebbing.


You are nothing.

You know nothing.

I will use my own darkness
to regain my strength.

The Oracle is not dead,
that much I can sense.

No! No!

Stay away from me.

I'm not yours anymore.


I knew you'd turn up.


There were times I wasn't so sure.

You okay?

Thanks to Vanessa.

- Where's Axel?
- We've got a plan.

He's putting the finishing
touches on it.

And the Dark One is losing control.

It was you that turned the Delta
Force on Bathory and saved us.


I took a few pages from their playbook.

But I barely got out alive.

The Oracle almost blew my cover.

The Oracle is dead and gone.

She's just Bathory now.

A friend who sacrificed herself for me.

Come with me.


We're talking about the Oracle.

You don't know the real her.

When you sent me to the past...
she was a vampire hunter

trying to do exactly what we are.

She kinda reminded me of you
in a lot of ways.


She's an ally, trust me.

A powerful one.

I just don't know how
to make her sane again.

Or if that's even possible.

Maybe she's too far gone.

No, she's the key.

We can't do this without her.


No! Please, no!

'Til death.



Take it from her and give it to us.

Please, help us.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm-it's nothing.


If you say so.

I wasn't even sure
we could turn a bride.

Maybe you have a skill I don't.

Something's not right.


Bathory, no!

This is not the protocol!

You can't just hustle me
out of a briefing

and haul me back to the White House!

Where's my Chief of Staff?

Get your g*dd*mn hands off me!

[g*n SHOT]

[g*n SHOT]




What the hell is this?!

It's a rescue mission,
Mr. Vice President.

From who?

General Lannister?

We're saving you from them.



Just hold her arm.

It's okay, we're gonna keep you safe.

Sedatives are kicking in.

Rest will do her good.

Lost a lot of blood.

She tries something like that again,

I don't think even you
Van Helsings will be able

to bring her back.


You feel guilty.

First time we met I tried to k*ll her.

She wasn't evil.

How could you be sure?

We fought side by side.

She tried to give everything
to k*ll the Dark One

and in the end she lost herself.

But for a moment she was able
to use the scroll

and control the Dark One.

And that's your plan?

To try again?

It was.

If I had k*lled the Dark One back then

like I was supposed to,

the way you meant it to be...

Hey, you figured out

that Bathory and the scroll
were the key.

How useful is that?

Before the Oracle was the Oracle,

she was Bathory.

What about the Dark One?

Who was she?



And she was good and pure
and I m*rder*d her.

Well, maybe in her case

death isn't what you think it is.

It happened after I bit the Dark One.

Olivia, the woman whose body
was taken over,

part of her is still in there.

And now she's fighting back.

Talk about having someone on the inside.

The Dark One is gonna be working
on ways to protect herself.

And she knows I'm back and
that we flipped her last bride.

Losing a battle doesn't mean
you lost the w*r.

Who is this?

The key to getting inside
the White House.

The Vice President?

The White House is one of the
most secure buildings in the world.

This is the one guy that
can shut it all down

and get us inside.

The gatekeeper.

How'd you pull this off?

You're not the only one
with aces up your sleeve.

Mine just happens to have
four stars on his shoulder.

General Lannister ring a bell?

So what, he's just supposed
to believe us

that the President is a vampire?

No, he's not gonna believe
anything we say.

That's why we have to turn a
skeptic into a true believer.

You realize this is
full-on treason, right?

Well, so was the w*r of Independence.

I'm sorry about this, sir,

but there's some things
you need to understand.

I can assure you the government
won't negotiate with t*rrorists.

Yeah, that's what you don't get.

The t*rrorists are the government.

You saw who your protection detail was.

How did you get General
Lannister to betray his country?

You'll face a death sentence for this.

We're all facing a death sentence.

That's what we need you to understand.

You thought you kept the threat
out there, but it's not.

It's here and it's sitting
in the Oval Office.

You think President Archer is a vampire.

President Archer was m*rder*d
at Fort Collins.

You've been dealing with an imposter.

Who goes by the name of...




How did she get like this?

It's the scroll.

When she used it against the Dark One

she said it would come with a cost.

I might be able to help her.

To clear her mind.

Something I learned in the Dark Realm.

What're you gonna do?

Connect with her.

With her mind?

She lost it.

If I can help her fight the darkness

I might be able to pull her back.

What if you end up just like her?

We can't do this without her, right?

Our father tried to connect
with us once.

To help us.

And what I felt, the pain
that he shared,

it was almost too much to take.

I've learned how to live with the pain.

It can make you stronger.

I have to try.


You two.

You're on the most wanted list.


Traitors. Both.

All due respect, sir, they're not.

I know it's a lot to digest
but we need your help

if we're gonna bring her down.

Bring her down?

As in k*ll her?

You want me to help you k*ll the
President of the United States?

You are all out of your minds.

Why do you think Lannister
helped us grab you?

Because he's a traitor.

Or maybe he's the biggest
patriot we got left.

President Park is still alive.

The two of them spoke.

Now you're going to conjure up
a dead president

to try and convince me?

Eli, if you're listening to me
then the plan worked.

Hard as it may be to believe, I'm alive.

And all the crazy stuff they're
telling you, it's true.

Archer's gone and you have
to help stop what's coming.

I hope to see you soon,

and we can put this country
right again, together.

I'll tell you what.

Pretty damn convincing.

But if powerful vampires
can change form,

pretend to be somebody else,

couldn't you have just faked
that recording?

Oh, for Christ's sake!
What's it gonna take?

Axel, I got this.

You think I'm a vampire
in human disguise.

Maybe you're right, you know?

In which case I should just do this.

No! God, no!


If I'm one of them, you're gonna turn.

And if you don't

you're gonna have to wake up
and face the truth.

Why don't you sit right here,
and see what happens?



Come on, Vanessa.


What the hell is happening?

She's trying to get in her head
and cure her.

What? How?



The darkness.

Vanessa's taking it from her.



Mom, no!

You can't do this.

I can't lose you again.

Is she okay?

Is she okay?

Is she okay?



I can see you.

I can see.

You're back.

It's okay.

It's okay.

You're okay.

Vanessa saved you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I've only been there once.

The tunnel runs from here to here.

Where've you been?

Fixing what was broken.

Some things can't be fixed.

Axel, I'm sorry for all you've
been put through...

Save it. Your words are worthless.

You do your job, you play your part,

I'll be happy to never see you again.

If she's as strong as you say,
this Dark One,

you really think you can k*ll her?

Where are you, my love?


There you are.

Voice verification code: ***- -Tango.

It's me, Deputy Director.

No, I'm safe. I'm safe.

I need you to listen to me.

I need you to clear the White House

of all remaining secret service
and support staff.

That's right, everyone.

Do not inform Delta Force
of our directive.

Or the Office of the President.

No, listen to me, Jillian.

Listen to me!

This is a matter of national security.

Contact General Lannister at
the Pentagon for verification.

Trust no one else.

I'm counting on you, Jillian.

I've done everything I can.

They'll stage a mock disaster drill,

clearing the White House of
anyone who will get in your way.

But the Deltas...

Those vampire guards and the Dark One

won't take the bait.

They'll stay right where they are.

She's gotta know the circle is closing

and we should hit while
we have the chance.

Sounds like we're a go.


When do we strike, boss?

As soon as all those real
people are out of there.

You ready?



What's wrong?


Just feeling, you know.

Probably just some uh, nerves
for what lies ahead.

That's not it.

You look burdened.

By something bigger.

See, at first I thought
it might be the Dark One.

Some, like, residual left over
vampire legacy.

These voices, they were calling me,

and it wasn't the Dark One.

It wasn't her, it... it was like
it was my Sisterhood calling.

You said they were all dead.

Ones that I knew.

Yet that's what I heard.

I'm sorry you lost them.

I know they meant everything to you.

But that wasn't your fault.

I know, I know, I know.

I just...

I fight for them now, you know?

Fight for their memory.

And I will honour them.

I will.

Even if it costs me my life.

I won't let that happen.

I swear.


Got a sec?

Uh, sure.

I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner.

Uh... what?

Just with all that's going on
its hard to really find time

to get to know each other.

Yeah, a lot's been going on.


Well, before we step into the fire,

I just-I just wanted you to know

that I realize it was strange
for you to find out

that I'm your biological mother.

I've had time to process.

It's fine.


You don't have to do that.

You don't have to harden yourself.

It's okay to feel.

I can't get close to you.

I don't know how this ends.

None of us do.

When I lost Dylan and Scarlett
and the mother I never knew

it almost broke me.

But the truth I've learned

is that the darkness feeds on despair.

It preys on sadness and grief,

and the more you try to stuff that down

the stronger it gets.

I'm not like you.

You're more like me than you realize.

And I wanna know that
you're gonna be okay.

Dylan was your flesh and blood.

We're just DNA.

It doesn't matter to me.

I think about you all the time.

Both of you.

And when I think about something
happening to you

I wanna push it away.

But instead I feel it in my heart.

You do?


It's what makes us human, Violet.

And whatever you do, whatever happens,

don't lose sight of that.

I won't.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.

This is soon enough.

I think you should have
the amulet from now on.

You know what? You keep it.

It's safer with you.

But you'll need it to trap
the Dark One's spirit.

Let's cross that bridge
when we get there, okay?

Everything alright?


For once I think so.


It's time to go.

I'm gonna get Bathory.

- Okay.
- I'll see you.

Do you remember the words?

How to use them?

Oh yes.

It's quite powerful.

But only for the one who can read them.

Lucky for us Vanessa made you see again.

Quite lucky.

So she's with you now?

Don't you remember?

She used her powers to make
your mind clear again,

bring you back to what you were.

I don't know if that's quite possible.

After all this time.

I was the bride of the Dark One,
beholden to her until the end.

I know you're struggling being
human again,

stepping into a fight that cost
you everything.

I need to know you're with us.

I'm the key to all of this, aren't I?

Using the scroll,
neutralizing the Dark One,

so that you and your kin can bite her.

And then what?

The darkness spills out of her,
like it did before.

But this time I don't just catch
a piece of it.

I catch all of it.

With this. Remember?

Are you okay?

I now know the whole plan.


We should get the others.

Jack, there is just one more thing.


Ready for this?

My whole life.

Alright, rock and roll.

Here's that access tunnel.

It runs from under the treasury
building into the east wing.

And your people have cleared a path?

I have faith in them.

I'm not the only one who's
been unsettled by the President.

Lucky you didn't try to do
anything about it sooner.

You'd all be dead.

I guess timing's everything.

The clock's ticking.

The less time we give the
Dark One to prepare, the better.

Where's Jack?

Didn't she go get Bathory?

- Jack!
- Jack!


Slow, slow.


It's okay.


It's okay.

What happened?

It was Bathory.

She took the amulet.

See? I knew it.

- Where did she go?
- She couldn't have left the building,

our people sealed off all the exits.

She's not trying to leave.

Check the others.
The Vice President. Go!

This is all my fault.

Come on.



Step away from the ledge!

Stay away from me!

Bathory, no!


I'm sorry, Jack.

Sorry for what?

Putting a blade in her heart?

That wasn't the way
this was supposed to end.

What have you done with the amulet?

I said stay away!

I saw it in you, Bathory.

When I connected my mind to yours.

I saw the confusion.

The fear.

I don't know what I'm doing up here.

How-how I came to have this.

She's still got a hold of you somehow.

The Dark One.

She wants you to betray us.

I can take the shot.

Maybe she drops the amulet
before she goes over the edge.

You k*ll her, we can't use the scroll.

Come on, she was never
gonna be on our side.

The dark just runs too deep.

I am not the evil you think I am.

I want to be free of the Dark
One just as much as you do.

Then step away from the ledge.

Give us back the amulet.


Oh, shit.

Such a tragic flaw in your plan.

Placing faith in one so weak,
so poisoned by ambition.

She nearly stopped you.

She would have given her life
all those years ago.

But instead I took it.

Made her more than she could
have been without me.

I perfected her.

Somebody please let me put a b*llet

between this bitch's eyes.

You know the end is coming.

I sensed it in you when I bit you.

All I could sense was your frailty.

Your shallow and pointless legacy.

Every Van Helsing I have ever
met I have bested.


Then how did I escape
the Dark Realm, huh?

How did I get out of that
little mind trap you left me in?

How did I get close enough
to draw your blood?

You think you can distract
me long enough

to retrieve your little prize?

You are close, that much is true.

But only because I'm not quite myself.

A situation that's easy
enough to remedy.

- No!
- No!


What have I done?

We can still defeat her.


No... no.

I cannot.

She will never let me go.

Please, no, Bathory...

You cannot control me!

You can do this!

Not now.

Not ever.




You have reached the end of your time,

my broken beloved.

And I have just begun
the height of mine.

Come to me.

Come to me.

Come to me.

Come to me.

Come to me.


Come to me!

Come to me!



Does somebody wanna tell me
what the [BLEEP] is going on?

The part of her that was in the
amulet just found its way home.

She's back to her full strength.

What the hell are we gonna do now?