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05x11 - Undercover Mother

Posted: 06/26/21 20:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Van Helsing"...

If we have to hide baby Kristoff
he will need a new name.

What about Jack?

Jack Van Helsing.

What we need is to split up.

I hate to say it, but splitting
the two of you up

is the only way to make sure

that at least one of you
makes it to the Oracle.

How're we gonna find each
other once we're there?

There's a place called Meridian Park,

it has a sundial in it.

Whoever gets there first hide
a note, we'll meet up.

VANESSA: You said the
Dark One's in D.C.?

That's where I'll be.

AXEL: You're just gonna stroll
up to the White House,

take on the whole military by yourself?

VANESSA: I'll need a disguise.

Someone the Dark One will never suspect.

AXEL: I have the perfect candidate.

DARK ONE: Fear is eternal.

Ambition is immortal.

Suspicion is armour.

Vengeance is survival,
and I will survive.


My name is Dracula.

FREDERICK: She brought us here
for a reason,

that much is certain.

Yes, I suppose she did.


Well, considering any who
ignored her invitation

were hunted down and beheaded...

Yes, I wager she has something
particular in mind.

Every great ruler needs
a council beside her,

to advise, to share in the burdens.

And we've all shown our skills.

Leonard has ruled his brood in Chicago

with an iron fist for decades.

Lucretia cut the throats
of every other vampire

who got in her way from
Miami to New Orleans.

We've all made our mark

before the rising and
flourished afterward.

Except you.

Who are you?

Where do you come from?


I come from many places.

I have roamed the earth.

I have lingered in the depths
of existence.

Enough of your evasion.

If the rumours are true and the
Dark One is weakened, vulnerable,

there may well be a shift
in the balance of power.

And if you think an outsider
can take a position

that is rightfully mine...

Rightfully yours?

I do not recall anything being offered

with the invitation to join us.

You should be more careful
listening to rumours.


I meant no offence.

And none has been taken.

All of you are my loyal servants,

I am sure your only ambitions
are those that I provide.

FREDERICK: Your excellency.

You were right to defend your position.

Everything you have done
for your entire vampire life

has lead you to this exact moment.

All of you, your impressive
amassing of power,

your endless determination
to become more than you were.

All the while I wasted away
in the Dark Realm

alone and unaided!

All of you, every one of you
will get what you deserve.

The spoils of ambition.




Anyone else care to share their opinion?


Please... take mercy...

Oh, take mercy.

They died quickly but I, I'm
going to take my time with you.

You k*lled the others.


They believed I was weak and vulnerable.

Do you share in that treachery,
sweet Bathory?


Sorry I'm late.

Looks like I missed all the fun.

And who might you be?

I'm Nina.

Surely you've heard of me.

The one who conspires with our enemies.

I thought I had you assassinated.

That can be easily rectified.

Not sure you wanna do that.

Oh? And why's that?

'Cause I just k*lled the last
Van Helsing for you.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


I thought it'd be nicer in here,
you know?

But I guess you could always redecorate.

Unless that's what this is.

You claimed you k*lled the Van Helsing.

Sure did.

What proof do you have?

The amulet?

What amulet?


If she destroyed the girl
she would have sensed

the power of the amulet
and brought it with her.

I can't give you what I don't got.

And I'd be pretty stupid,
showing up here and lying.

Why would I do that?

DARK ONE: Why indeed.

'Cause I wanted to bring you this.

Better than some piece of jewellery.

All the proof you need that
I am your devoted servant.

And this is?

- Van Helsing blood.
- Liar.

Excuse me?

Drink it yourself if you
don't believe me.



Deep down you know, you just
don't wanna admit

how royally you screwed the pooch

when you tried to slaughter me.

Isn't this proof enough?



I am loyal.

An ally.

Keep your mouth shut
or share their fate.

I have a reward for you
for your devotion.

Please, no.

I'll do anything but that.

You will do as I wish.

Now, reward him.

Drink up now, my loyal servant.

See? I told you, she's...



Presto chango.

Look at me.

He... he is human again.

Please, let me go.

If you did k*ll the Van Helsing,
where's her body?

Well, I ended up having to hack
her to pieces and bury the bits.

Every time I k*lled her she
just kept coming back to life.

Where did you find her?

The humans, Axel and Julius.

They k*lled the Delta vamps
you sent after me,

then left me for dead.

I followed them.

They met up with Violet
just outside of D.C.

Where are those humans now?


I made it nice and slow.

Stay there for a minute, will you.


- You're hilarious.

Her story is a lie.

She's working with
the Van Helsing allies.

And yet the blood is real.

That is all we know.

I am sick of this human charade.

I want that amulet to regain my strength

so that no one questions my supremacy.

And you will, my beloved.

But we cannot put our fate in strangers.

I put my faith in you.

For what?

I have worshipped you for centuries.

If she has, in fact, k*lled
the last Van Helsing then

why not dispose of her too.
She serves no further purpose.

NINA: Is this little confab over with?

I could really use a snack.

I haven't fed in days.

I was told you couldn't be trusted.

It is why I called for your head.


I was smart enough to change my fate.


You could use a little of
that moxie around here.

Oh, so now you are devoted to me, hmm?


A presence as powerful as yours,

the way she keeps failing
to satisfy you.

I had a change of heart.

I like to serve,

just give me time and I will
show you how well.

Oh, it's tempting.


It's a pity I am so short
on worthy brides.

But still, one can't be
too careful these days.

Yes, k*ll her!


There's so much more to me
than meets the eye.

Don't you wanna find out what?


I think I found someone
who could smuggle us in.

We have to be careful.

I don't think we have a lot
of options right now.


That's the guy.


Come on in, look around.

All offers welcome.

Take a little souvenir back
to the real world.

A keepsake from the apocalypse.

We're not buying.

Well, she told me that you
want something,

and that thing is gonna cost you.


We don't trust you.

I don't trust me.

[LAUGHS] What're you gonna do, right?

Beggars, choosers, yadda yadda.

We're not here for small talk.

You said you know a guy that
can get us through the wall.

Yeah, there was a crackdown
on the other side,

martial law.

Risk needs rewards,
so what's in it for me?


That sword is mint.

Woah, okay.


Is that real folded Japanese steel?

Like Samurai style?

We're planning to save the world.

You could be part of that.



Not looking to be a superhero.


[COCKS g*n]

Did you sell us out?

Hmm, traitor?

Did you sell us to a bounty hunter?

You must be Jack and Ivory.

Word gets around.

What's the price on our heads?

Oh, you're wanted, alright.

Preferably dead.

But I'm not working with the enemy.

Axel sent me.

You just missed him by a couple days.

Him and Violet.

Did they leave a message?

Some kind of plan?

I'm to get you to the coyote tunnels

so you can get through to D.C.

They'll find you on the other side.

Find us where?

Meridian Park?

I don't know anything about that.

Axel only told me what I needed to know.


♪ ♪

That's gotta be it.

JACK: We made it.

IVORY: Yeah, inside the wall.

Welcome to the real world.

Biggs said this place isn't
safe so we gotta keep moving.

Inside the safe zone there's supposed

to be thousands of people.

Cars, busses, life as close
to normal as you can get.

Yet it's a ghost town.

Everyone's in hiding,
forced off the streets.

Have you been to a city before?

Yeah, just in the dead of night.

To hunt.

Except for Denver.



It's no safer here than it was
outside the wall.

Speak for yourself.

We just gained an advantage.

I'm not on the wanted poster.

That means...

They don't know you're back in play.

May I have your attention please?

Has anyone seen these
orange clouds of poison?


No, of course not.

The clouds are far west of here.

But it is used as a scare tactic
to turn us against one another

instead of fighting the real enemy.

The President of the United States!

The sundial Axel mentioned
is right over there.


Should I wait until these people leave?


You wait here.

Nobody's looking for me.



Just be careful.

People need to get their heads
out of the sand

and see what's happening.

Our rights are being suspended
for no reason.

Does free speech become illegal?

How long before the arrests start?


POLICE: You there. Drop the sword.

Show me your I.D.

What? I'm not breaking the law.

You're not supposed
to be armed in public.

I.D. Now.

Humanity needs to fight
for our rights to live freely,

even during times like this.

Freedom is what this country stands for!

Thank you!

I have my papers, they're in my bag.

Come on.

Do you want me to just arrest you?

Drop the hood.

Hands up! Turn and face the tree!



Come on!

Was there a note?

There was a note,
but it's not from Axel.



She's back.

I know you.

The former vampire.

Come with me.


I'll take you to the resistance.

Come on.


Sorry about this, precautionary measure.

Please wait here.

IVORY: I don't like this one bit.

JACK: Me neither.


Welcome to D.C.

Sergeant Weathers?

You know each other?

Yeah, she helped Violet and I
escape from Fort Collins.

Sorry about the cloak and dagger shit.

We have to be cautious.

Glad to see you made it here safe.

Where is Violet?

Safe somewhere, I hope.

But this is her sister.

This is Jack Van Helsing.

I read your file.

The White House reported you missing.

Presumed dead.

That's how we should keep it.

For now.

Jack Van Helsing.

You're Jack Van Helsing?


The prophecy, it's come full circle.

Your name has been passed down
through generations of Roma.

The two Jack Van Helsings are legendary.


The first was a woman
who travelled through time

to try and stop the rise
of the Dark One.

That would be me.

The other was a child
of the Dark One's host.

Olivia's baby?


Snatched from the arms
of the Dark One herself,

your namesake went off to start
the Van Helsing lineage.

The best vampire hunters of all time.

He started us?

I'm not following any of this.

It's a really long story.

So Olivia's baby is my ancestor?

Wow, that's... super weird.

Do you have what we need
to trap the Dark One?

The amulet.

Created by our people as a way
of containing her dark spirit.

So we're going to trap
the Dark One in that thing?

We have something else as well.

Something I brought back from the past.

The Scroll of the Alexandria.

The only way to neutralize
the power of the Dark One.

Do you know how to read it?

But I know someone who does.

The plan to get her
is unfolding right now.

Inside the White House.

Give me the security report.

Excuse me. Hey.

How did you get in here?

I am the Vice President
of the United States.

Entering the West Wing isn't
exactly a break in protocol.



You can't deny me access
to the president!

Just did.

This is unconstitutional!

She's turning this country
into a dictatorship!

You have no idea.


I have something to show you.

Something stray dogs shouldn't see.



But do not wander far.

Your wish is my command.



Jack Van Helsing.

More resourceful than you'd counted on.

She survived her trip
to the past after all.

Look what's around her neck.

Seems I'm not the only one
who made mistakes.


You must find her and k*ll her.

I need what is in that amulet.

Yes, and you will have it, my love.

Your power will be restored, I swear it.

Jack Van Helsing.

You shouldn't be here.

It's too risky.

I didn't travel through time and back

to hang out on the sidelines.

I need to get this message to my mother.


I'll keep watch for a police patrol.

Go ahead.

You will be arrested on sight.

No exceptions.

Hey, what're you doing?

You will be arrested...

I don't know anything!

I was just walking in the park!

Don't lie.

Why were you following Jack?


- [COCKS g*n]
- Next question.

Who are you and how do you know my name?

Because I'm your mother.

You're saying you're Vanessa?

I'm not saying it.

I am.

I learned a trick or two
in the Dark Realm.

Prove it.

Morph into my mother.

We have to play smarter than that, Jack.

There are surveillance
cameras everywhere.

They see who either of us are,
who we really are,

the plan is over before it starts.

If you really are Vanessa,

tell me something only she would know.

What did you do the last time
you saw me?

I opened a portal in the Dark
Realm and sent you to the past.

Oh, my God... it really is you?

It's too dangerous for you in there.

If they find out who you really are...

Don't worry about me.

Just get ready for what's coming.


I'm gonna bring her right to you.

- When?
- Soon.

Tomorrow if I can.

So you don't have much time to prepare.

Do you trust these people you're with?

Are you sure?

The Roma have been fighting this fight

longer than the Van Helsings.

They won't let us down.

And what about Axel and Violet?

Did they make it?

I think so.

So far no sign of them.

We can't wait.

We'll have to do this ourselves.

How? I mean, Bathory is...

I'll be there to help control
her so you can bite her.

You haven't tried yourself?

I was bit by the elder Abadon
and he didn't turn or die.

I don't think I have the power.

But you and Violet?

You're the next generation
of Hansen's w*apon.

He designed you to do this.

I bit the Dark One.

I got a small bit of her.

Part of her darkness.

I could feel her.

So that's why she's not
at full strength.

Violet took her in and she
spat it back out.

She said it was awful, that she
felt possessed by its power.

She hardly survived.

You and Violet are something else.

You know that, right?

We get it from you.

Part of it, maybe.

But the rest is just your own courage.

Your own determination.

I'm proud of you.

We should part ways for now.

Hey... if all this doesn't work out...

It will.

Believe it.

I'll see you soon.

BATHORY: Good morning.

You were out late.

Some of us have a life.


I have beaten better than you
in my extensive life.

I am the one and only bride
of the Dark One

and I am going to stay that way.

Doubt that.


You are surprisingly strong

for some low-level white trash vampire.


But have you ever experienced
real pain, Nina?

You're just gonna die slowly.

No need to rush matters.

We can just keep it like this,
let's say, a decade or two?

With little spikes...


Then again it would be so
pleasing to see your feeble

little brains leak out through
that ugly nose of yours.


You first.



Let's see how powerful you really are.

Children, please.

No need to fight over me.

As you wish.

I caught her sneaking back in.

I was out tracking the Van Helsing.

I know where she is,
and she has the amulet.


So where is this slippery Jack?

In a warehouse near the wall.

I can go there tonight, k*ll her,

and bring back what you desire.


As soon as that?


All your worries will be over,
and your strength restored.


Do not trust her with the amulet.

I mean, do you wanna tag along?

Fine, but I am not looking out for you.

- I don't want you...
- Silence.

Go immediately.

Release the part of me that she stole

and bring back the Van Helsing head.

Right-right now?

Of course, my darling.

Why wait when there is so much to gain?

Or is there another reason
you wish to delay?


Let's go then.

Not you, my dear.

Bathory will take care of this.

Just her?

Thank you, my love.

I will not fail you.

But I'm the one that found her

and she has failed you
time and time again.

Are you questioning my decisions?

Do I need to remind you
that I have called

for your execution once before?

She's the whole reason
that execution was botched

in the first place! She...


You will stay here.

And you will bring me what I desire

or you, my love, will die.

I'll gather as much firepower
as possible,

as many troops.

My people will be ready.

I should be able to get or
more fighters by tomorrow night.

Let me know if you need any help.

And how are we gonna trap her,
you know, magic?

We're gonna have to
throw a lot at her...

Shh. Wait. Quiet.


I just... I thought I heard something.



You guys go! You guys go!

Go! Go!


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]



k*ll her!

[g*n sh*ts]


Breathe. Breathe.

Where's Vanessa?

I don't know, this wasn't
part of the plan.

You should have let me go.

The stakes are too high.

My thoughts exactly.

Bathory has been by my side
for centuries.

She may have her faults
but she worships me

with every fibre of her being.

But you?

How could I trust you with the amulet?

With a piece of myself?

Trust me?

I-I put my life on the line
just by coming to you.


But you are not telling me everything.

For instance, how did you know
that my spirit was trapped

in that vial around
the Van Helsing neck?

How could you know that?


You've gotta go, Jack.

You gotta leave me, okay?

You gotta go.

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]


This might be our only shot.

Do it.




What are you doing?!

Jack, no!


Are you looking for someone,
or something?

Come to me.

I can feel my beloved's power from here.


You seem upset, my child.

Tell me all and your mind
will be at rest.

I got curious.

Eavesdropped a little.

I should have come clean.

The truth is I just wanted
to impress you a little.


Perhaps not.

But I find you an intriguing mystery.

Soon I will have all the power I need

to bring the humans to their knees.

The last Van Helsing is dying
as we speak.

Come, Jack.

Come and meet your death.

No problem.

Ah-ah, close enough.

First, the amulet.


So tonight, my darling,

you must stay with me
where you can do no harm.


What a lovely gift your head
will make for my beloved.


[g*n sh*ts]





Bite her!


Come on, Bathory.



Remember me?

You're back.

You're human.


You're okay.

I'm-I'm right here.


It's okay! It's okay!

I'm a friend.

- Hang on to her.
- I'm trying!

- What's happening?
- I don't know.

It's okay.

It's okay. You're safe.

It's okay. It's okay.

She's gone.

She's gone.

I thought you were kinda done
with her, to be honest.


Why were you so eager to go with her?

Because I knew she would fail.


Or to ensure she did.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.



You were working with the Van Helsing.

You came here with her blood
to set things in motion.


It was you trapping me in the
Dark Realm as a way to break me.

It only made me stronger.

More powerful.

You can't harm me.

Maybe it's time we found out.