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02x22 - Good Girls and Boys

Posted: 06/24/21 06:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
of the American Teenager...

- Are you coming back?
- I don't think so.

Leo's got people
looking for you.

No one knows if Ricky left
because I had sex with Ben,

or because he just doesn't want
to be the father of Amy's baby.

I wouldn't mind
having John to myself

and not having
to share him with Ricky.

- You haven't talked to Ricky since
he left? - Why would he talk to me?

You might want to get
closer to your family.

If that means getting to know
Jeff and being nicer to him,

I'm already doing that. It's
called reverse psychology.

- Did your dad find him? - He called his
parents, so wherever he is, he's okay.

Ben had sex with Adrian.

- Do you want to be together
with Ben? - I don't know.

We hope you get married
soon and you're together

and happy for
the rest of your lives.

- How about tonight?
- Tonight?

I need a few more days.

This is my dream too,
you know.

How many dreams
do I have to give up?

If you're tired
of sleeping on the couch,

and you want to sleep
in the bedroom, you can.

Take off the baseball cap.

I know where Ricky is.

I want to move forward.

Move forward or run away?

Hey, there you are.

How are you?

I had my security guys
find you.

I wanted to talk to you.
You mind?

I guess not.

I mean, of course not.

I'm sorry I left
without saying goodbye.

To you, anyway.

I was in a hurry
to get out of there,

and I'm not good at goodbyes.

I know what you're
talking about. Me, neither.

Ever since my wife died,
I've had that problem.

It's just that Amy and John
would be better off without me.

So would Adrian. So would
Ben, for that matter.

Don't you mean you'll be
better off without them?

Who am I to be better off
without anyone?

No. They're better off
without me.

And why's that?

Because I'm me.

And who are you?

That's a good question.

What are you thinking?

That because you come
from this dark past

you had no control over,

that you have no right
to feel angry at anyone,

because everyone
is better than you?

You have a right to feel
however you feel,

but I think you should
let people know how you feel

if they did something or said
something that made you take off.

Then maybe you have a shot
at working it out.

Maybe there's a better solution
than for you to leave.

But I don't know
what your problem is.

The problem is me
and my anger

and what to do
when I'm angry.

I'm trying not to be angry.
I'm just tired of being angry.

If you're angry, you're angry.
Are you angry at Amy?

Yeah, I'm angry at Amy.

I wish I wasn't, but I am.

Well, then say something.

Talk to her. Talk to Adrian.
Talk to Ben.

And say what? You want me
to tell you what to say?

I wish someone
would tell me what to say.

Well, I highly recommend
the truth.

No one really ever
tells the truth, do they?

Yeah, some people do.
Like me, for example.

Go ahead.
All right, I will.

Think about what
you're doing here, Ricky.

Is it best for you to take off
and leave your son?

Is it better for both of you,
you and your son,

if you just stop
fooling around

every time you get
an opportunity

and get serious about yourself

and who you're going to be
in life?

You have a son, so you're
going to have to grow up

if you want to be
a good father.

And you can't be a good father

without being a good person
and an honorable man.

You've come a long way, but
you've got a long way to go.

Think what you want about me
for saying that to you,

but I felt
compelled to say it.

Kids your age and Ben's age,

you don't like anyone getting
in your face like this.

You'd rather spend time
saying useless crap

in text messages
and all that Internet stuff,

where people are
anonymous and irresponsible

and avoid direct confrontation.

Well, that's not my style.
That's not me.

So I'm telling to your face what I
think, in my opinion, what the truth is.

And I'm telling you all this
because I care about you,

and I want you to go home.

Now here, take the keys
to the apartment.

It's there for you whether you come
back tonight or next week or next year.

Because I know you, Ricky.

Sooner or later, you're
going to do the right thing.

I really believe that.

Just try to make it
sooner rather than later, huh?

Who comes to see anyone
at this time the morning?

Good morning. Could you give me
a couple minutes of your time?

What? Are you selling something?

I just want to apologize.

It's 6:30 in the morning.

I know. My dad told me
you came back last night,

but I wasn't sure
if you'd stick around,

so I wanted to make sure I talked
to you. I've been calling you.

Everyone's been calling me.

Please, could I come in?

Thank you.
I really appreciate this.

We don't have to do this.

I have to do this.

Because your dad's
making you do this?

No. Please, just let me do
this. Let me apologize for...

Don't say what you did,
and don't say her name.

If you do, it's going to feel
like you're rubbing it in my face.

Then allow me to say that I
don't feel good about what I did,

and I'm sorry I betrayed
your friendship.

Are you?

Kind of. But we weren't
really friends, were we?

We were just trying
to be friends for John's sake.

And then without Amy,
without John,

I really had no reason
to try to be friends with you,

and I didn't have
a reason not...

Don't say it.

I won't say it, but I will say
that I really resent

your having sex with Amy, and
I've been angry about it all along.

I've been angry with Amy, too,

and I guess all that unaddressed
anger just spilled over into...

Watch it.

I told you not to say her name.

Yeah, or that we had sex,
but I said it.

So why don't you just hit me?

What are you talking about?

I would feel like justice
has been served if you hit me,

and that would give me
the opportunity to hit you.

It's not my business to
dispense justice or yours,

and for yournformation,

not everyone gets
what they deserve.

You just get what you get,
you and me and everyone else.

Life's not fair.
Get used to it.

I'm not going to hit you, and
you are not going to hit me.

I might. If you hit me,
then I might hit you back,

and if I hit you back, I might just keep
hitting you until you get really hurt.

It hurts to get hit.

It's not like in the movies.
It actually hurts.

Then fine, don't hit me.

I don't really want
to get hurt.

I want you to get hurt.

You've wrecked my whole life,
you know that?

You got the one girl
I really love pregnant,

the girl I wanted to be with
for the rest of my life,

the girl I would've married
and had children with

if it weren't for you.

I want to clobber you.

No one's hitting anyone.
You got that?

No, I really don't got that.

I thought you came here
to apologize.

I did co here to apologize...

but now that I'm here...

I think I broke my hand.

Move your fingers.
Can you move your fingers?


Then it's not broken.
Going to get you some ice.

No, don't get me some ice.

I'm trying to hurt you

the way I wish
I had tried to hurt you

instead of doing what I did.

Don't ever hit a guy
who's just told you

he's been hit all his life,

Don't ever hit anyone.
That includes me.

If you hit me again,
I swear I'm going to hit you.

That really hurt.

Oh, God...
Okay, don't do that again.

You don't need
to prove your point.

That won't be necessary.
I'm not going to do it again.

But you said if you hit me
once, you'd keep hitting me.

Don't keep hitting me.
I thought I would.

But you're not going to?
No, I don't feel like it.

Sit down before you faint
or something.

I'm not going to faint.

But thank you
for not hitting me again,

But you did hit me harder
than I hit you.

Meaning? Meaning you still
owe me a punch or something?

Didn't you learn anything?
Hitting doesn't solve anything.

All right,
so what do we do now?

I don't know
what you're going to do,

but I'm going to go see
John and Amy

and Adrian,
and then I'm leaving.

I want to get away.
I thought you just did that.

I did, but evidently
I didn't do it the right way,

so I've come back to say
what I want to say,

and then I'm taking off.

I don't guess
I could come with you.

Can you come with me?
You just punched me.

Yeah, I know,
but I had to do it.

I just couldn't quit thinking
about it. I just had to do it.

No, you didn't just have
to do it.

And no, you can't come
with me.

You get obsessed
with things, you know?

You're like
a little kid sometimes

when you just gotta gotta
gotta have something,

and you can't quit thinking
about it.

You just want it.

I do that, yes.

I'll get you some ice.

Who you going to talk
to first, Amy or Adrian?

You're going to come here
at 6:30 in the morning

and punch me and then get
into my business?

It's my business, too.
What is this?

It's Boo Boo Man,
something I keep for John.

How is it your business?

Because it involves Amy,
and I still love Amy.

I don't know who I'm going to
talk to first.

I just think
that if you talk...

No, I don't want you to weigh
in on this, all right?

Wait, who would you suggest
I talk to first,

the woman you love
or the woman you were with?

Who do you think it should be, the woman
you love or the woman you were with?

Look, she did this on purpose,

you know, Adrian putting the two
of us in this parallel situation.

That's why she did
what she did with you.

Or she did what she did
with me

because we both wanted
to do what we did.

Which was get back at Amy
and me.

But it just wasn't
that there was ulterior motive.

It wasn't just sex for the sake
of getting back at Amy and you.

Jeez, Ben, yes it was.

You might not have been
thinking that far ahead,

but I'm sure Adrian was.

Come on, you were, too.

All right, all right,

it's just that
I've tried to justify it

a dozen different ways,

and I guess
there is no justification.

That's more like it.
I accept your apology.

No, that wasn't an apology,

and even if it was,
why would you accept it?

Because as lousy as it is,
worse things have happened to me.

I guess they have.
Yeah, they have.

I'm sorry that I hit you,

and I know you've been through
more than most people, including me,

but still, if you wanted
to apologize to me, too...

I don't. I didn't do anything
to intentionally hurt you,

and I didn't do anything to
Amy to intentionally hurt her.

We did what we did
at band camp

without any intention
of hurting anyone else.

Of course in the proce
we did,

but we didn't do it
on purpose.

What about
when you kissed her?

What about when I kissed her?
It was just a kiss.

Okay, it wasn't.

I apologize for the kiss.

Thank you.

Let's just call it even,
all right?


Unless Adrian has my baby,
we're not even.

Oh, jeez,
why did you have to say that?

Because I was thinking it?

I'm never going to have sex
with Adrian again.

All right.

And you're never going
to have...

I'm going to have sex with
whoever I want to have sex with.

Ben, listen to me.

You and Amy are over,

and that has nothing to do with
me and everything to do with you.

Amy's not going to forgive you
for what happened, you or Adrian.

She's just not.

I know that because
she's never forgiven me

even though she was
a willing participant

and equally responsible.

Never? Never
going to forgive me?

I don't know about that.
Maybe some day.

Never. I'm telling you this as a friend.

You sure you're not telling me this
as someone who wants Amy for himself?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Who is it?

It's your mother.

And your father.
May we come in?

I'll talk to you
after school.


Hi, nice to meet you.
I'm Ben.

Hi, I'm Margaret.
I'm Ricky's mother,

and this is my husband,
Ricky's father.

He goes by Shaker.

Nice to meet you guys.
Uh, I'll just see you around.

Come in.

Come in, have a seat.
Sorry the place is a mess.

I haven't had time
to straighten up yet.

Have you had a chance
to see John yet?

No, I'll try to do that

but I have to talk
to Amy first.

We are so happy you came back.

And we want to make sure
you stay around,

let you have more of a reason
to stay around.

What do you mean?

Well, we haven't been very
involved as grandparents,

and we want to be
more involved.

That way you can be more
involved in your son's life.

What's going on?

When is it going to stop?

When are we going to get
some sleep?

They are driving me crazy.

Can any honeymoon at home
be that much fun?

Where did you get those?

At med camp. If you're
going to be a doctor,

you have to learn
how to get some sleep.

Thanks for sharing.

Morning, guys.

Anybody want some coffee?

We all have coffee.
Someone keep us awake.

Last night, giggling,
laughing, having a good time.

Thank you.
That was your mother.

Oh, the same mother that was
married to our father, that one?

That's the one.

Hey, Tom, can I talk
to Grace alone,

just a couple minutes?

Be my guest.

Let's talk.

Kind of get the feeling that we're
getting off to a bad start here,

so the sooner we talk,
the better.

I'm sure you're
kind of uncomfortable

having me in the house,
and to tell you the truth,

I'm a little uncomfortable

but you don't want to move,
do you?

I mean, not you.
All of us.

You don't think
we should move.


No. I figured you didn't,

so what's going on?

You didn't really want us
to get married, did you?

Not really.

A little reverse psychology,

Kind of.

Doesn't always work.
No kidding.

Look, your mom's been
through a lot?

Don't you want her to have
some fun in life?

Yeah, I just think it's a little soon
for her to be having this much fun,

and you, too,
for that matter.

And by fun, you mean...

Well, we're married.

You do believe that it's okay
for two people to have fun

once they're married, right?

No, not always.

You're not married.

Never even been engaged.
You've had fun.

Yes, but I'm never having
fun again

because I'm not married or
engaged, and it's just wrong.

Even if two people agree
to have fun

and be responsible
and do all the right things

like using birth control
and a condom.

Even if.

Your mom seems to think
that you're flip-flopping

on the issue of having fun
before marriage.

Maybe, but the important thing
now is that I have landed.

I'm being good.

You're not talking
about being good-fun.

You're talking
about being a good girl.

Am I right?

Okay, so there's

a lot of good girls
just like you

that have fun in high school

even though they think
they really shouldn't.

Oh, do they?
Yes, they do.

They lack the courage to stand
up for what they believe in

because there might be
opposing viewpoints,

and that leads to conflict,

and good girls
do not like conflict,

so they usually talk themselves

into going along
with the crowd.

Is that so?
That is so.

So that continues on in life,

a good girl's inability to stand
up for what she believes in.

Good girls need
to gain approval

and attention
and avoid conflict,

so as she leaves high school,
goes into college

and into med school she gets less
and less successful every year

because avoiding conflict
in life doesn't work

because there's
always going to be conflict.

What do you know
about being a good girl.

I make it my business
to know, you know?

I'm a doctor for women.

I like women.
I love your mother.

Wow, I actually like
what you had to say.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

It's kind of freeing

to think that I don't
have to be the good girl

because to be honest,

I don't think I was that good at
being a good girl to begin with,

so maybe it's just
for the better.

I'm not saying that you
should go out and have fun.

I mean, fun as we know,
has consequences,

you know, STDs, unplanned
pregnancies, heartbreak.

so, you know,
not all of it's good.

No, I know that,

but now I know
that I can have fun,

and I feel better about that,

much better.

We were both getting cold feet.

Your mother's fine. I don't care
if she works a few more days.

Because you both have cold feet and
it'll give you both more time to back out?

Because my mom sent her a surprise
for the wedding, and it's not here yet.

Wait, your mom knows
you two are getting married?

That you're getting married
for the fourth time?

I'm getting married to the
right woman for the first time,

and that's the way
my mother feels about it, too.

I thought you don't want
your family involved.

You thought they wouldn't like
that you're marrying my mother.

Yeah, and then I decided to not start off
this marriage by hiding it from my family,

and I let them know. And they let
me know that they're very happy

that your mother and I
are getting married.

They're not going to fly here for a
short ceremony in the judge's chambers,

but they're happy
we're getting married.

Oh. So after all these years, your
mother actually harbors no resentment

against my mother getting
pregnant with me. That's right.

Sometimes, the most
difficult conversations

turn out to be
the best conversations.

Which I guess
you're hoping for, too.

Leo called.
I know Ricky's back.

Oh, is he?

You're not dressed like that
for no reason.

Dressed like what?

Adrian, Ricky's really upset with
you and with Amy and with Ben.

Leo says he's come back here
to talk to each of you.

The guy's pretty upset.
And why wouldn't he be?

Whatever. I'm not afraid
to talk to Ricky.

I'm kind of
looking forward to it.

Well, if you need to talk to me
afterwards, just call my office.

They'll get word to me
and I'll call you back.

Why would I need
to talk to you?

You think Ricky's
going to commit a crime?

I don't imagine whatever
conversation you have with Ricky

will be all that pleasant.

Yeah, it might not
start out that way,

but you never know
what will happen.

No, you don't.

So maybe you want to talk to
someone after you talk to him?

Someone like an adult
who cares about you.

At least, I would suggest you start
talking to someone who cares about you,

rather than running off to have sex
with someone who doesn't care about you.

Ben cares about me.
We're friends, okay?

What else do you know?

I know that Ricky
is probably angry and hurt,

and when people
are angry and hurt,

sometimes they say
angry and hurtful things.

Yeah, yeah, sticks and
stones and all that,

but words can never harm me.

Then you're stronger
than most people.

Yes, I am.

At least, than most girls.

How's that?
Well, let's see...

A little girl grows up
without a daddy,

and it becomes apparent that
her mother was never married,

and eventually, she doesn't
care what people think.

She only cares
what she thinks.

And I don't keep anything in.
I act everything out.

Yeah, and not always
in the best way.

You want some advice, Adrian,

coming from a guy who's made
a lot of mistakes

and done a lot
of stupid things in his life?

No. Yeah, well, I'm going
to give it to you anyway.

Listen to whatever Ricky
wants to say without comment.

Not a chance. And say you're
sorry about what happened,

and then let it go.

Take a break. Give him some
time to think about things.

You think about things.
Back up. Say I'm sorry?

I'm not sorry.
He kissed Amy.

He crossed a line, so I slept
with Ben. That's how I roll.

Adrian, I know you're sorry
about what happened with Ben.

Even if you say you're not,
I know you are.

And I think you should
tell Ricky that.

Even if you and Ricky
don't end up together,

don't you want
to end up friends?

So Ricky ends up friends
with me, but Amy's husband?

Never. Never.
I didn't say that.

I don't think that's ever
going to happen.

Do you think that's
ever going to happen?

Not if I can help it.

I have to finish
getting ready.

All right, Adrian. I don't
think you heard a word I said,

but all right.

Listen, if you need me,
just call me.

I know. Call your office
and they'll find you.

I heard every word you said. I
did. I just don't agree with you.


You know your little friend
Ricky's back, right?

I heard.
Did you.

Who'd you hear it from?

He called me. I didn't talk
to him. He left me a message.

He said he'd see me at school.

Oh, really? Am I supposed
to believe that?

Because after you lied to me
about not knowing where he was,

I don't know what to believe.
Yeah, I know. That was wrong of me.

But I didn't know
where his mother was.

I just knew he'd go see her.

He'd been wanting to see her.

And I thought it would make Amy
feel better, knowing he was okay...

That he didn't just
run away from her,

he was going to take care
of some unfinished business.

The point is, you lied.

And you and me,
we don't lie to each other.

That's our thing, honesty.

And in the swirl of insanity
around us, we were clinging to that,

to our honesty
with each other.

I know. I blew it.

But it did make Amy feel better.

She and I had a secret.

And I couldn't trust you
with the information.

I was afraid you'd tell
Mr. Boykevich,

and he'd figure out
where Ricky was.

He figured it out anyway.

Yeah, but not before
Ricky had a chance

to talk to his mother.

All right. From now on,
no more lies.

I promise.

What do you think?

I think you look ridiculous.

That's my girl.
Now here's the hard question...

What's going on with Ricky? What
does he want to talk to Amy about?

I don't know what's going on between the
two of them. That's between Ricky and Amy.

But I don't envy him trying to have
any kind of discussion with her.

She's not easy to talk to.

And you are?
Yeah, I am.

What's Ricky's real interest in you?
Seriously. Don't you think it's sex?

No, I don't.
We're friends.

How come he's friends with you
and not the mother of his baby?

Again, she's not
that easy to talk to.

Come on, she's not that bad.

No, she's not bad at all.
She's good. Too good.

You can't really fight with her.

You say something mean to her
because she drives you crazy,

but then instead of saying
something mean back,

she just says, "Oh, you're so
mean to me," and walks away.

She doesn't get that when
someone throws you a punch,

you throw them one back, and you go
back and forth until the fight's over,

and then the fight's over.
It's never over with her.

And if she ever does
stand up for herself,

she turns around
and apologizes for it later,

or she just feels bad about it.

It's like shadow boxing.

You keep punching
until you're tired,

but then you don't really
accomplish anything.

Come on, Ash.
I think your sister's

gotten a lot stronger
since she had the baby.

She doesn't cry as much
as she used to.

She still cries.

I see her speaking her mind
with a lot more ease

than she ever did before.

She's certainly been speaking
her mind with me and your mother.

Yeah. I admit, she's not
as nice as she used to be.

But having John
hasn't been all bad.

When she starts
her life again in 18 years,

she's probably going to be a lot
stronger person because of him.

A much better person.

I really think that.

You ever say that stuff
to her? The nice stuff.

No, I can't. I've got a lot of bad stuff
I have to say first before I get to it.

Not that I ever mean to say
the bad stuff in a bad way.

It just jumps out
at the wrong time,

when I'm angry with her. Why do you
have to say any of the bad stuff?

Why can't you say the
nice stuff? Don't ask me.

Ask your therapist, and all the
other therapists in the world.

I'm just 15. I have to say what I think
and what I feel, and I get that from you.

Yeah, you do. So you think
the new hair was a mistake?


But it probably worked
for your purposes.


How'd you find out?
Mr. Boykevich called Dad.

Oh. And?

And supposedly, Ricky's angry
and has come back to confront me.

And Ben and Adrian.

He's angry with you?

That's what Dad said.

He's angry with you about what?

I don't know.
I don't want to know.

Why not?

You just want him
to be angry with you

and never tell you why?

That's the opposite
of confrontation.

He doesn't get to be
angry with me.

He doesn't get to confront me unless I
feel like being confronted, and I don't.

Anyone can be angry
with anyone about anything.

Then he can just keep it to
himself. Maybe it's not true.

Maybe he's not
angry with you,

but the only way to find out
is to talk to him.

You're going to have to
talk to him eventually, Amy.

Even if you manage
to avoid him at school,

he's still going
to be over here to see John.

You're still going to have
to see little John's daddy.

There's no way to avoid that. I
know that he's little John's daddy.

And that's why he has
no right to be angry.

I hate that. I hate hearing
that he's angry with me.

He has a right to feel any way
that he feels, and so do you.

But if Ricky's angry with you
about something,

just hear him out,
okay, Amy?

Maybe he just needs to talk.
He just needs to be heard.

Then he can go to a therapist.

Oh, that's right. He's been
going to therapy for years.

Do you want to go, too?

Me? Why would I go to therapy?

It might be a good place
to work things out,

by yourself or with Ricky.

Like he and Adrian did?

That worked out well,
didn't it?

Adrian ended up having sex
with Ricky's friend.

Ricky's friend? Ben.

You can say his name.
I don't want to.

I just want to forget that he
ever existed. Well, he exists.

And it was a lousy thing
that Ben did,

but when enough time
has passed

and you think
you can handle it,

you two need to talk, too.

To a therapist
or to each other?

I told you, we already talked.

That's not talking. Just because you
got over Dad sleeping with Adrian's mom,

do not think that I will ever get over
Ben sleeping with Adrian, because I'm not.

I think that Ricky's
not the only one

that needs to confront
his demons.

I think that you do, too.

What demons?
Ben and Ricky and Adrian?

I can't.

You can if you want.

Why would I put myself
through that?

Haven't I done enough
for John already?

Let me answer that. No.

I can never do enough for him.

I really, really love him, Mom.

Then like Ricky,
do what you have to do.

I had to tell her.

I didn't tell her
where you were,

but you're John's father.

And despite what she said, I
knew she was worried about you.

Ben really hurt her, and...

It's okay, Ash. I didn't say
you couldn't say anything.

I just figured you wouldn't.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't have,
but I can't say I'm sorry,

because I felt it was the
right thing to do at the time.

Then it probably was.

So you're going
to stick around?

I don't know.

I have some options.
I'm considering my options.

Yeah, options. All of which include
doing what's best for your son, I hope.

Of course.

So you can't really
go anywhere.

No, I can. I don't know when,

but I'm definitely going
to get away for a while.


I didn't say you could go.

Oh, hey, Ben.
It's good to see you.

Hey, Ashley.
Oh, watch the shoulder.

I've got a bad shoulder.

So you're still
speaking to me?

What's not speaking to you
going to do for me?

What's not speaking to me
doing for your sister?

Why don't you just
man up and speak to her?

So I guess the two of you
are friends

after everything
was said and done?

Nice way of putting
my idiotic behavior, but yes.

Good. I like both of you.

And so does my nephew.

Wish I could find
some way to see him.

Maybe you can, some day.

Just speak to her.

Hi, Adrian.



Hi, Ben.

Hi, Ricky.

I'll let you two talk.

Okay, Ben. Oh, and I'll
talk to you later, okay?

Hey, Ben.


Miss me?

Yes, I missed you,

and I'm going to continue
missing you.

I can't do it anymore, Adrian.
I honestly can't.

But we don't have to
talk about it now.

We can talk after school if
you want to talk about it.

We can talk about it now. We've
said all this before. I know.

And then you changed your mind.
Won't you change your mind?

You can't.

Let me try.

No, I'm not playing anymore.

Fine. No more playing.

But you shouldn't
have kissed Amy.

No, I shouldn't have, and you
shouldn't have slept with Ben.

But we were over before then.

Anything we had going was over
the first time I cheated on you.

I don't know a lot about love,

but I'm pretty sure
if a man loves a woman,

really loves her,
he doesn't cheat on her.

But I cheated on you, too.

Yeah, you did,
and I'm pretty sure

when a woman loves a man,
she doesn't cheat on him.

You know what? Let's forget
all that and start over.

I don't want to forget all
that. I don't want to start over.

I'm ending this.

You don't love me, Adrian,

and I don't love you.

Yes, you do.

No, I don't.

Come on, Ricky. I know you
love me, and I love you.

Don't run away from me.

I'm not running away
from anything.

I might be leaving at some
point, but I'm not running away.

I'm just facing the truth,
and the truth is, Adrian,

you and I cannot
trust each other.

You don't make
a good girlfriend.

I don't make
a good boyfriend.

And some day, I want to be a
good husband and good father.

And this, you and me,
this relationship,

that's not the way to become
a good husband or father.

I'll see you around.

Is this about Amy?

No, this is about me.


Hey, Ricky.

I'm happy you're back.

I heard
you're upset with me,

but I don't want to talk
at school.

All right.
Could I come over tonight?

I really miss John.

Yeah. He's missed you, too.

We'll talk tonight.

I love you, John.

I really, really love you.

That's what I heard...
They broke up.

They break up all the time.

No, for real this time.

I mean it.

I don't care, Madison.
I just don't care.

I bet he goes for Amy.

I don't think so.
I think so.

He just ran away from Amy.

No, from Adrian,

because of what she did
with Ben.

Yeah, all right, he ran away
from Ben and Adrian and Amy.

I don't think he's going
back with Amy.

But she had his baby.


Yup, that's what I heard.

She ran out of school crying.

I'm not surprised.

I'm not interested.

You know what this means?
That they're broken up.

They're broken up because he's
in love with Amy. Always has been.

That's all you can say?

Uh, yeah.

This is something
that I'm interested in.

I pretend to be interested when
you talk about your stupid cockatoo,

so you pretend
to be interested in this.

This is way more exciting
than your bird saying "Obama."

This is real life.

My bird saying "Obama"
is real life.

What do you have
against my bird?


Oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my God.

He's coming over
tonight. Ricky.

This is it.

Now we know why Ricky told Ben

that Amy
will never forgive him.

He wants her.

How do we know that?

He broke up with Adrian.

How do we know that?

He broke up with Adrian.


Are you stupid? This ruins
any chance that Ben had.

Not with Grace Bowman.

He doesn't love
Grace Bowman.

He would if Amy
was out of the picture.

I just want to clear the air.

Yeah. Thanks, Grace. I
wanted to talk to you, too.

But of course, your first
concern was to talk to Amy.

And Adrian.

Yeah. Not that Amy's
talking to me, but...

She will, in time.
I'm sure of it.

Hey, I talked to Jack after
Adrian had sex with him.

I guess you and Adrian did
more than Adrian and Jack did,

but still,
eventually I forgave him

and we ended up getting
back together. Unfortunately.


Ben, you and I
have something in common.

We both had sex
for the first time

with the wrong person
at the wrong time.

It's just not a good feeling.

I like sex.
You could even say I love sex.

I just didn't love how it
made me feel the next day.

Or the next week,
or the next month.

I'm sorry I ever did it.

Yeah, I know that feeling.

But next time, I want it to be with
the right person at the right time.

It's just so complicated.
How do you know?

Yeah. How can you know?

It was easy when I could
just use my religion

and say "Never,
not until marriage."

But I don't believe that.

And I wish I did,
but I don't.

I don't think I can wait
until I'm married.

I don't know if I want to wait.

But still, next time, I hope it'll
be with the guy I end up marrying.

Yeah, and next time,
I want it to be

with a girl
I end up marrying.

Although I don't know
if I'm going to find

that person in high school.

I guess that could
happen, though.

Yeah. I mean, my mom and dad
met in high school.

So can we still hang out
as friends? You and me.

Of course, Grace.

And could I get a ride
home from school?

Oh, yeah. You bet.

The office told me you called.

Is this about Ricky?

Adrian, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

Want some ice cream?

It'll be okay, Adrian.

Everything will be fine.

I told her. I told her
she's pretty and smart

and she's a wonderful
mother and sister.

Why'd you do that? I'm happy that
you did that, but why did you do that?

I told her if she did that,
Grant could come over.

And I did that. Couldn't you
just do that for no reason?

Just say something nice to your
sister because you love her.


Why not?

Because it's called

Self. She has to say
nice things to herself.

She has to believe
in herself.

She has to speak up
for herself.

I don't think Amy needed you to say
something to her you didn't mean.

And I think
that Amy's doing fine.

I think she did okay
for herself at school today.

Okay how? She spoke to Ben...
"Hello, Ben." "Hello, Amy."

And she told Ricky
she'd talk to him tonight.

And she's in there right now,
talking to him.

And I'm sure that, boosted by your
comments to her, she'll be strong.

Invincible. She is woman.

And that's why Grant
gets to come over...

Because Sugar Plum
boosted Amy's ego.

You don't have to say
anything to anyone.

We're just going to hang out in
my room. Good night, everyone.

Hi, Mrs. Juergens.

Mr. Juergens.

Thanks for letting me
come over on a school night.

Thanks for letting me
come over any night.

Oh, for crying out loud.

You're welcome.
Just don't stay past 10.

10? I told her she could teach
parenting classes to other teen mothers.


Let's go.

I don't think I'm ready for
Ashley to have a boyfriend.

Yeah. Me, neither. What about
you? Ready to have a husband?


I love that you love me,

and that you would do
something crazy

like what you did
to your hair,

but let's see
if the feeling lasts.

Let's see if we're
still in love a year from now

when our anniversary
rolls around,

and if we are, let's get
remarried on our anniversary.


We can live together as two
independent, single people

who just want to be together,

can't we?
No, we can't.

Sure we can.

No, I'm not doing that.
I want to get married now.

I know, but I don't really
want to get married now,

so this would be
a nice compromise.

It's not a compromise, it's
you getting what you want.

Is there something
wrong with that?

Anne, I'll give you
everything you want,

but I don't want to wait
till next year

to think about getting married.
Our anniversary just passed.

It's only a year.

Your hair will be in
by then.

Sorry, I was trying
to lighten the mood.

The mood's not light.

We have a son. I want us
to be his married parents.

I hear that,
but I want to wait.

For what, Anne? For what?

I'm not saying no.

Yeah? Well, I am. Moose.

All right, now that we got
the little guy in bed,

we should talk.

Do we have to?

I'm actually enjoying
having you here.

We have to, Amy.

We have a lot to talk about.

All right. What did I do?

What did you do?
Yeah, what did I do?

Other than have that
beautiful boy in there.

I'm happy you had the baby.

I'm happy I have John in
my life. I love him, Amy.

I know it's been
tough on you,

but it's been tough
on me, too,

and I wasn't handling
everything as well as I could.

I want to apologize
for leaving,

and for not telling you myself
that I wanted to see my mother.

And I feel really badly about
tricking you into kissing me.

But of course,
when I did kiss you,

it became apparent
I wasn't tricking you

into doing something
you didn't want to do.

I just wanted
to kiss you anyway.

But then, unlike
two adults with a baby

who have some privacy
and can do stupid things

without the whole
world knowing,

your sister told your dad,

and your dad said something
to me in front of Ruben,

and then Ruben
said something to Adrian,

and the little world around us
came tumbling down on me.

I shouldn't have kissed you.
I'm sorry.

It's more than that, Amy.

We've both been acting
like kids with a kid.

I don't want to act like a kid.
I want to act like an adult.

I am an adult.
I'm a legal adult.

I have an apartment.
I have a job. I have a son.

So? I have a job, too.
Yeah, you do.

But you live at home,
with your family and our son.

And I can't see our son unless I
come over here and jump through hoops.

You take John
to your place sometimes.

Yes, and I pick him up
from here,

and I bring him back here,

and our business becomes
everyone else's business,

and I'm tired of it.

I don't think it's the
best thing for John.

Okay, so what are you saying?

That I should get my own place?

That we should get
our own place? No, no.

Because I would never
just live with you, not at 16.

I want to take John
on weekends.

I'll pick him up,
and then you pick him up

on Sunday nights
from my apartment.


I have work on Saturday,

but my mom and dad
will watch John for me

during work hours.
They want to do that.

They want to see
more of John, too.

In their house,
at my apartment.

Not over here.

Think about it, Amy.

This way,
you have weekends free.

You can with your new boyfriend.
What's his name? Jimmy?

And what, you and
whatever date you have

can just play house
with my son? No.

First, you run away because you
don't want any responsibilities...

That's not why. It just became
overwhelming, and I ran off.

I'm sorry.

I thought maybe you and John
would be better off without me.

Oh, and now you think
the complete opposite?

What if you get
overwhelmed again?

I'm not going to.
You might.

You might suddenly get the urge
to go see your mother again

or an aunt or an uncle
or something.

Amy. What? You're not taking my son.

Our son. He's not just
your son, he's our son.

And I don't want
to just keep coming over here

and be a part of your family
and their life.

I want John to be part
of my family and my life.

And by the way, if I have
a date, I have a date.

I've never said anything
about Ben being around John,

or Jimmy or anyone else.

That's because
you're not his mother.

What does that mean?

I don't know. I'm his mother.

I get to decide everything.

No, Amy. You don't.
And you're not going to.

You want to take him
on weekends

and I'll take him
during the week?

I'd be willing
to do that, too.

I'm not going to let you take
him for five days of the week.

That's crazy. This is his home.
He's used to this home.

We're used to him.
I love him.

I'm not going to let you
keep him all week.

I'm not even going to let
you keep him all weekend.

He's fine when he stays
over at my place.

We have a good time together.

I love him, Amy.

Yeah? Well, I love him more.

I'm sure you think so,

since I haven't exactly been
doing all that I could be doing.

But that's going to change.

Don't do that, Amy.

Don't cry.
I don't want to hurt you.

But more importantly,

I don't want to hurt my relationship
with my son over a lifetime

by not doing
what I should be doing.

Good night.