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02x21 - Choices

Posted: 06/24/21 06:33
by bunniefuu
- On "The Secret Life Of Amrican Teenager"...
- Somebody telld You?

You Sleeped with amy,
And I Sleeped with ben.

I didn't sleep with Amy.

I haven't slept with Amy since band camp.

I kissed her! I only kissed her!

Ben had sex with Adrian.

If a guy asks me if he can kiss me,
and I have to think about it,

then the answer is gonna be...

Besides, if Jack or Jesse
knew that we were thinking...

about marriage or babies-
They'd break up with us.

And I'm tired of living with your mistakes.

Is anything really a mistake,

or are mistakes just lessons?

I was just wondering if you would
care to be my maid of honor.

I'd be honored, Betty.

I didn't wanna see you again.

Because I had a condom?

Because you lied.
Do you wanna talk to me about it?

Do I wanna talk about a mistake
I made with sex to a hooker?

I had sex with Adrian,
and now Ricky is gonna pummel me.

You know what? I hope he does pummel me.

You, Grace-- you haven't seen Ricky?

Something wrong?

He moved out of his apartment
without telling anyone.

Remember when we first met,
and everything was fun?

That was the best time of my life.


Yeah, hey yourself.

Have you seen my mother around?

Not in years. You neither.

So what you been up to, kid?

I'm not a kid. Never was.
And what do you care?

You sure you haven't seen her?
Out of the business.

I doubt it. I'm telling you,
clean and sober.

Is she with someone? I'll wait.

Honestly, she's not here and hasn't
been here in a long, long time.

Yeah, all right.

When you see her, tell her I came by.

I need to talk to her.


Honestly, I don't know where she is.

What? He was here.

What? Who was here? Your son, Ricky.

Hey, Ashley.

Oh, so you're finally picking up the phone.

Where are you?

I have some unfinished business
I have to take care of.

Your mother? You told me about your mother.

I didn't realize you were listening.

Well, that's what happens
when you have conversations...

in a kitchen instead of a bedroom.

I was listening.

Are you coming back? I don't think so.

Well, you made a pretty
dramatic exit. I'm impressed.

Don't be. I felt I had no other choice.

Everyone's calling everyone.
Everyone's looking for you.

Everyone's worried about you. I doubt it.

I called my fosters this morning.

I told them I'm okay.
I just didn't tell them where I am.

Leo's got people looking for you.

Why? I don't owe him any rent.

You owe him a conversation, don't you think?

Maybe. I don't know.
I don't wanna talk to anyone.

All right. Well, once you
talk to your birth mother,

maybe you will wanna talk to someone.

And if you do wanna talk to someone--

a friend-- call me, okay?

We're friends? I thought we were. Yeah.

How is he?

John? He's fine.

How are you? Not that good.

Come back. Come on, Ricky.

I can't. I'd look like an idiot now.

No, you wouldn't. Just move back in,

show up at school and
pretend it never happened.

If only. If only my life never happened.

Don't say that. I hate myself, Ashley.

As well as a couple of other people.

I really wanted to k*ll someone,
so I just left.

Oh. Well, um,

I guess leaving beats k*lling anyone.

But now that you're feeling better,

you could just come back whether
you see your mom or not.

Who said I was feeling better?
I'm not feeling better.

I wish I'd never gotten into
any relationship with Adrian,

I wish I'd never made
friends with Ben and Leo,

and more than anything else, I wish I'd
never met your sister and did what I did to

Really? 'Cause John's pretty special.

What's talking to your
mother gonna do?

Just come back.

I don't really know,
but I'm gonna talk to her,

then I'm just gonna get in my
car and drive and keep driving.

Mmm. Drive safely.

Thanks, Ashley.

And don't forget, you can call me.

I won't tell anyone.

And you call me if anything
ever happens to John. All right?

All right. Bye.


Falling in love ...

Is such an easy thing
to do ?...

Birds can do it We
can do it ?...

Let's stop talking Let's
get to it ?...

Let's fall in love ?...

Hey, cha-cha. I'm off.
When I come back the day after tomorrow,

we're gonna have a little wedding, so...


Look, you have to get some other witnesses.

Ricky's parents backed out.

They backed out? Without even meeting us?

Yeah. They backed out.

Oh, all right.

Well, we'll just have to get new witnesses.

They have a lot of witnesses
at these wedding chapels.

Is Ricky coming? I doubt it.


He left.

He left? What do you mean, he left?

He took off.

Do you know where he is?

No. He hasn't called me.

You don't know where he is or why he left?

No. No one does.

Did his parents back out,
or you're just assuming?



your dad told me that Ricky kissed Amy.

Yeah? So Ricky claims.

He's not gonna tell Ruben
he did more than kiss Amy.

What, you think he's lying?
That he and Amy did something more?

I thought so, but...

Look, I don't know. Who knows?
He's a liar, and so is she.

Hmm. What did you do?

I know you wouldn't just let that go.

Even if you knew it was just a kiss,
you wouldn't just let that go.

Of course I wouldn't,
so I fooled around with Ben.

Fooled around, as in had sex with Ben?

Ben Boykewich? Amy's boyfriend, Ben?

They don't go out. They're not
boyfriend-girlfriend anymore.

Oh, no. He's just friends with Ricky.

You went to Ricky's friend
to get back at him? Adrian!

Look, I wish I didn't, but I did,

and now I just have to live with that.

And, well, I can live with that.

Adrian, come on.
You don't have to be so tough.

I know that losing Ricky
would break your heart.

And now that he's gone, you can't
possibly be so cavalier about all this.

Please, I'm not heartbroken.

I'm fine. Look, I--

Okay, I was upset, but I'm fine.
Go. Have a good trip.

Mmm. Thanks.

Hey. What'd you find out?

She slept with Ben.

To get back at Ricky for kissing Amy.

I talked to him for hours.
He kissed her. It wasn't anything else.

I don't think it would've mattered
if it was a kiss or something else.

I have to go. I'm sorry,
but I really have to go.

And when I go, what are
you going to say to her?

I was going to say--

That you love her. Say that you love her.

She knows that she did the wrong thing.
And no matter what she says,

I think she feels bad about herself
and about doing the wrong thing.

I did not do the wrong thing.
That's not what I said.

I have to go.

See you, Mrs. Enriquez.

See you.

Have a safe trip. Love you.

It was wrong. Wait.

I love you. You're my daughter.

But it was wrong. Says who?

Says you. Come on.

All right, Adrian.

What would make it wrong?

When would having sex with Ben or any
other guy be wrong, in your opinion?

If the sex wasn't fun.

And believe me, that was not the case.

He had a good time.

He had a good time?

So if the guy had a good time, it's okay,

and there's nothing wrong with it,
and your feelings don't count?

I had a good time. Really?

You didn't just make yourself have sex
with Ben to get back at Amy and Ricky?

I didn't have to make myself.

I wanted to have sex with Ben.

I like Ben. We're friends.

And, you know, what's sex between friends?

It's wrong. Yeah, well,

what do you think?

Is it wrong to just take off without
saying anything to your girlfriend?

After your girlfriend has
sex with your best friend?

Are you kidding me? What were you thinking?

What could you possibly have hoped
to accomplish with this little tryst?

I'll tell you not only
what I hoped to accomplish,

but what I did accomplish.

I evened the score.

The score is even now.


Ricky was Amy's first,
and I was Ben's first.

That's great. That's just great.

Think about this, Adrian:

Was it really to your
advantage to even the score?

Maybe the score should've been left uneven.

No. I don't wanna think about that.

You should always think about that.

Think about what you're doing and whether
it's to your advantage or anyone's

and if it's not, don't do it.

I've told you this before. Yes, I know that.

But, you know, it was to Ben's
advantage for us, too, you know.

Not necessarily, Adrian.

Are you kidding?

He's been wanting to have sex all year.

How do you go from crying that
you've lost Ricky to this, huh?

How does that happen? This feels better,

and it's easier.

I have to get to school.

Where's Ashley? We have to go.

Why don't I drive you three today?

Why would you drive us? No reason.

You don't have a reason? No, not really.

Hoping Ricky will be there? Ricky?

At school. I'll let you know if he shows up.

You don't have to drive me and
scout out the parking lot.

I just don't want you to
go out looking for him.

I never even thought about doing that.

You mean, like, skipping school and
going out to look for him-- for Ricky?

Yeah. I'm not gonna do that.

I mean, I hope he's okay.
And I want him to come back...

so he continues to be around for John.

But, Dad, if Ricky's gone, he's gone.

Just how it is. What?

I wouldn't mind being a single parent.
At least not for a while.

What are you talking about?
I wouldn't mind...

having John to myself and not
having to share him with Ricky.

I know it's best for a boy
to have his father around,

and for John to have both of his parents.

But if I'm to be completely
and totally honest,

I would not mind not having
to deal with Ricky every day,

and I wouldn't mind finding
a new dad for John.

Somewhere down the line, years from now.

A dad that I choose to be with,

not a guy that I have to be with
because he's the biological father.

Like Jimmy? Maybe.

Oh, come on. It's not like
I'm the first mother...

who wishes she didn't have to
deal with the kid's father.

And it doesn't mean I don't appreciate...

that Ricky has been a good
and responsible father.

But it doesn't even mean that
I'm going to marry Jimmy.

It's complicated.
And my life is very complicated.

And I'm sick of complicated.

I would like to un-complicate my life.

I would like to start by
not driving her to school.

So do me a favor.
Drive her to school, please.

She's happy he's gone. She's happy
Ricky disappeared. You believe that?

Yes, I do. Why?

She's wanted Ricky to come to her rescue...

ever since she got pregnant, but he didn't.

He chose to be with Adrian. And now
that the guy who did come to her rescue,

Ben, has also chosen to be with Adrian...

Well, I think Amy would be happiest if
they all just disappeared. Let's go.

Hold on. I wanna ask you something.

You haven't talked to Ricky
since he left, have you? Me?

Yeah, you. Why would he talk to me?

I don't know. You tell me.
I don't know anything, honest.

Okay. Just thought I'd ask. Let's go.

Where you going? Where am I going?
I'm going to school.

Mom's having breakfast with Jeff, so she
asked me to get a friend to give me a ride.

What friend? You don't have a friend.

Adrian is not your friend anymore.

You're right. She's not.
But I still have friends.

And, for your information, I'staying out...

of the whole Amy-Ben-Ricky-Adrian disaster.

And may I suggest you do the same thing?

She's not your friend, Tom.

I don't think any of them
are my friends, either.

I mean, none of them took my
feelings into consideration...

when everything was happening, did they?

Adrian didn't care that
I was interested in Ben.

Ben didn't care that I
was interested in him.

And the fact they did
what they did proves...

that Ben is still in love with Amy,

and Adrian's still in love with Ricky,

and Ricky's not in love with anyone,

and so on and so forth, ad nauseum.

Oh, I got it.

You're upset...

because you wanted part of the action.

I am not.

You got left out.

I didn't want to be involved with any of it.

As it turns out, those are just
people I don't wanna hang out with.

So who do you hang out with,
Madison and Jack?

Madison and Jack split up.

But Madison's not the type of
person I wanna hang out with either.

I see where this going.

Jack is picking me up.

Bingo! Bye.

Seeing as you're losing your friends,

you might wanna get closer to your family.

If that means getting to know
Jeff and being nicer to him,

I'm already doing that. I know. But why?

Why are you doing that?

It's called reverse psychology.

The more we pretend to like this guy,

the less Mom's gonna feel like she needs
to rebel against us and get married to him.

I don't think so. I can prove it to you.

You're the doctor. Go ahead. Prove it.

Tonight. But I have to go.

Grace, Grace, Grace.

Dad, can the lecture wait?
I'm gonna be late.

I just wanna make sure you're
clear here about what to do.

As soon as you see Amy,
you pull her aside and you talk to her.

You apologize. You're sorry,
and it's not gonna happen again.

Dad, I-- It's not gonna happen agai
n-- you and Adrian.

Not gonna happen. Don't you
think that's my decision?

Mine and Adrian's?
You said you made a mistake.

You made a mistake. You gonna make
the same mistake a second time?

It's just, if I wanna
make that type of mistake,

then I think it does have to be my decision,

not that I'd be stupid enough
to do that again, but--

You're not gonna do it again.
All right. But--

Yeah. No "butts," mister.

Amy? Apologize to Amy for
having sex with Adrian?

Why? Amy's not interested in me.
She doesn't care about me.

She doesn't care what I do
with Adrian or any other girl.

Amy did care about you, Ben.

Remind her that you're a
man worth caring about.

She was the first girl you ever loved.

You were the first guy she ever loved.

And that's special, Ben.
It really is-- that first love.

But you behaved as if Amy
meant nothing to you...

and your friendship with
Ricky meant nothing to you.

I mean, I'm still shocked you would do this,
not to mention disappointed.

Are you trying to make me feel guilty,
or guiltier than I already feel?

Guilt isn't necessarily a bad thing,
I'll tell you that.

Yeah, I hope you do feel guilty. Plenty
guilty. Guilty enough so you don't do it

You're the one who sent me to Bologna.

You knew this was gonna
happen sooner or later.

But that's not why I sent you to Bologna.

And if it did happen, you could get over it.
Put it in perspective.

But it shouldn't have happened
with Adrian, for Pete sakes.

Sex is a part of life, Ben.

It's one of the best parts of life.

But it's not everything in life.
It's not the most important thing in life.

Says the man who's marrying Betty.

Oh, God.

I'm-- I'm so sorry.

That slipped out. I didn't mean it.

You find Amy and Adrian,
and you apologize to them.

And I'll find Ricky so you can give him...

the necessary apology as well.

And then I'm gonna decide if you
can still live in my house...

after saying that to me.

What is it, the dog?

He doesn't have to come in here.
He didn't wanna come in here.

Did you, Moose? Go ahead.

It wasn't the dog. Where were you?

You missed me, huh? Just took Ash to school.

Well, you were supposed
to be watching Robie...

while I go to the gym before
you went to work. I forgot.

Why couldn't Amy drop off Ashley
at school? Some sister thing.

That you thought you'd get in the middle of.

Does Ashley know where Ricky is?

No. I asked her.

And when you think about it,
why would she know where he is?

Well, I'll tell you why.
Because she's the only girl around here...

who isn't interested in having sex with him.

She's probably the only
one who's had more...

than a five-minute conversation with him.

Well, she doesn't know. She told me
she doesn't, and I totally trust her.

Did she tell you why she and Amy
aren't talking to each other?

I have no idea why they're
not speaking to each other.

Don't you think it's because
Ashley told you about the kiss,

and then you talked to Ricky,
and that set everything else off?

I'm not surprised that Amy
isn't talking to Ashley.

I am surprised that she's speaking to you.

She is speaking to you, isn't she?

Yeah, she's speaking to me.
And according to my research,

she doesn't care that Ricky is gone,

so why would she care that I told
Ricky and set off everything else?

She doesn't care? No.

You're talking to teenagers.

Your research is flawed. She cares.

No, she doesn't. She kissed Ricky.

She still has feelings for him.
Now that she's not angry at him anymore,

she's just trying to figure out what
those feelings are. What about Ben?

Does she still care about Ben?
Now she's angry at Ben.

If she ever reaches the point where she's
not angry with Ben, she'll be trying to
figure out...

what her feelings are about him, too.
And in the meantime?

In the meantime, she'll be dating Jimmy.

Geez. So how you feeling about me?

Well, I'm kind of in...

the same place that Amy
is about Ricky and Ben.

I'm not so angry at you anymore, so I'm
trying to figure out what my feelings are.

And don't ask me how long that'll
take because I don't know.

But it does help to work out at the gym.

Kind of overdoing it,
don't you think? This whole gym thing?

What's all that for? What's all what for?

Oh, that new haircut and the
smoking hot body. I don't know.

I just had a baby, so I'm trying
to get my before-baby figure back.

Sure you're not trying to get
your before-George figure back?

You haven't looked like that since you were
in college, and that's not a good thing.

If you want to be with me, it'd be a good
thing, but now it's not a good thing.

And I'll tell you something else-
two can play this game.

If that's where you wanna go,
I'll go there with you, and I'll win.

Well, I don't know what
game you're talking about,

but thanks for the
"smoking hot body" remark.

And can you take Robie with
you if you leave the house?

I bathed him. I fed him.
He's awake and ready to go.

I'm gonna go to the gym.

- Did he call?
- No.

Chuck didn't call either.
What's going on?

We got dumped.

But why? I don't know.

And I doubt that we'll ever know.

That's what happens. According to Jason,

if they're gonna break up with us,
we'll never know.

We'll just never hear from them again.

Like when Jimmy dumped Amy.

That was just a misunderstanding.

Yeah, like that. Jimmy and Amy.

Hello? But what did we do?

I mean, we told them...

we didn't wanna do anything stupid, like--

like get married or have kids, but...

No offense, Amy. Of course not.

Maybe they thought we were lying.

Maybe it was the pictures of us with John.

What pictures? We shouldn't
have taken the pictures.

The fact that we too can reproduce
probably became too real.

You took pictures? But we said
we didn't wanna have babies.

Guys don't even wanna hear the word "baby."

Is that more crap from Jason?

Good morning. Good morning, everyone.

Morning. I talk to you later, Grace.

Let's talk.

We're not leaving.

If you two wanna talk, you leave.

You took pictures?

Just on our phones.

We didn't post them on the Internet.
We're not that stupid.

Oh. Hi, Lauren, Amy.


Can I ask you something, alone?

Of course.

Well, I'm doing something here.

I'm trying to find my homework.

So, I'm just gonna come out and ask you.

Is it because I'm white? What?

That you don't ever think about
any kind of future with me?

It's because we're 16,

and I just said that...

in case the idea of seeing me with a baby...

scared you or made you think
I wanted one, 'cause I don't.

I mean, really, does any girl
in high school want a baby?

And does every woman have to have one? No.

No. So, it's not because I'm white?

You met my stepfather? He's white.

And what do I care if you're white?

I didn't even notice that you're white.

I don't care about color.

I'm not thinking about
babies for a long, long time.

And why didn't you call me?

Phone restriction.

Do you know how much the two
of us talked last month?

From now on, I'm on pre-paid cards only,

paid for with my allowance.

I wanted to call you.
I heard Ricky left town.

I heard he took off or something.

She asked me for a ride to school.

I didn't call her. I didn't volunteer.

Hey, who's asking?

It's really none of my business
since we apparently broke up.

Yeah, apparently. What? What did I do?

It was that stupid baby, wasn't it?

I decided not to call you anymore...

because you said you never want
to get married or have children,

and it kind of freaked me out.


Would you, like, want to marry me...

and have kids with me one day?

I think so. Well, I'm 16.

You know, I'm gonna go to college,
and I'm gonna have a career,

and then I'm gonna think about maybe
getting married and having kids.

Me, too. Okay.

Okay. Okay, so we're agreed.

We're back together, and we'll
just keep doing what we're doing.

Yeah. All right.
You have to tell Grace Bowman...

that she's gonna have to get
another ride home, okay?

Okay. Bye, Jack.

We're back. Ricky left.

He moved out of his apartment,
and no one knows where he is.

See how easy that is?
You should've just told us.

And then what? Well, where is he?

No one knows. Is this
because of Ben and Adrian?

Maybe. Or maybe it's because
he's tired of playing daddy.

Hey. Don't come near me. I have a cold.

You do not have a cold. You're crying.

What are you crying about,
old ex-friend of mine?

Jack and Madison.

I'm crying because I have no friends,

I don't have a boyfriend,
I don't have a father.

I have a mother, but she's getting
remarried unless I can stop her.

I don't have a lot of time.
I'm on a mission.

I stupidly tried to get
Jack interested in me again,

and he's not, so now I just hate myself.

Yeah, well, better to hate other people.

You can get Jack back.
And who needs friends?

Adrian, I need friends.

We all need friends.

So can you just be nice so
we can be friends, please?

You be nice for the two of us.

I've got other plans.

Morning, Ben.

Oh, uh, good morning, Adrian.
How are you this morning?

I'm fine. How are you?

Uh, have you heard from Ricky?

No. Did your dad find him?

But he called his parents,
so wherever he is, he's okay.

At least for now. He called them?

So, my father thinks...

that I should apologize to you
for what happened between us.

So-- You have nothing to apologize for.

I'm happy to hear it.

However, my father feels...

that I used you to get
back at Ricky and Amy.

He's almost right.

We used each other,

and, well, we had a lot of
fun doing it, didn't we?

Yeah. Absolutely.

It was a lot of fun. I thought so, too.

So you don't regret it? No.

Even if Ricky doesn't come back?


So, we're still friends.

Of course we're still friends.

At least I hope we're still friends.

I hope we'll always be friends.

Why? Do you wanna do it again?

Uh, you would--

you would betray Ricky a second time?

"Betray"? It wasn't just Ricky.
It was Amy, too.

He's my friend-- Ricky.

Or, he was.

And you're the woman he loves.

So, yeah, Adrian,
I'd say we both betrayed Ricky.

I couldn't do that a second time,
I don't think.

Amy, too. And Ricky's not capable...

of being a friend or loving anyone.

He doesn't even love himself.

He loves John,

and I'm pretty sure he loves you, Adrian.

In fact, I know he loves you.

No, he doesn't.

If he did, he would've called me.

So, if you wanna do it again, call me.


I heard you finally got what you wanted.

Yeah, well, I guess you did, too.

If only you could've invited me in,

had a slice of pizza and talked.

What you really mean is,

if only I hadn't gotten pregnant
by Ricky and had his baby.

If only, Ben.
If only.

I'm just gonna eat in my room.

What, John's gonna eat in your room, too?

Come on. I have dinner ready.

Just go get John and have Ashley grab Robie,
and we'll all eat dinner together.

Your dad said he's gonna be late,
so I thought...

you and Ashley and I could
have a real dinner together.

I Just...

I don't feel like eating dinner together. All right, Mom?

I'm just gonna eat in my room
with John. Just me and John.

But it's so much easier to eat in here,

and it's easier to clean up in here, too.

Amy, have you been crying?


Amy, what's wrong?


Is it Ricky or Ben? Or the new one?

He said it was my fault.

I don't even know what happened.

And he knows I like wings.

I don't even like pizza that much.

Oh, Amy, you will get through this.

You will. No, I won't.

I won't get through this.

I just-- I just wanna drop out of school.

I wanna go somewhere else.
I wanna live somewhere else.

Anywhere else. I don't...

I mean, why does Ricky get to run away?

I should be the one who
gets to run away. Oh, Amy.

Mom, you ran away. No, I did not run away.

I went to take care of my mom.

And anyway, no one can really
run away from their problems.

Their problems always follow them.

Ricky ran away.

Well, he'll be back. We don't know that.

Is this what you're upset about?
About Ricky leaving?

I am upset...


Ben had sex with Adrian.

Mama, how can he do this to me?

Now we can never, ever,
ever be together again, ever!

You know, and even if I wanted to...

No, that's not true, Amy.

Do you wanna be together
with Ben? I don't know.

I just-- I know that I do not want him...

to be with that wacko
living next door to us.

I can't believe that your
husband sold them that house.

Yeah. Me, neither.

Oh, Amy, I hate to see
you so upset like this.

But you're a strong woman.

You know, life is full of challenges.

But that's just the way
that it is right now.

It's not always gonna be like that.

It's difficult now that you're a teenager,

but everything that you've been
through is just gonna make you...

into a really strong woman
and an interesting person.

You know what, Amy?

You're a really good mother.

You've got a really big heart.
You're a good person.

Where has that gotten me, huh?

I don't want to be good.

Yes, you do. You wanna be a good person.

You always try to do the right thing.

Well, maybe I want to do the
right thing, but I don't.

Ricky will be back,

and I'm sure that you'll
be friends with Ben again.

Maybe even more than friends with Ben again.

How can you even say that?
That's never gonna happen.

It's, uh-- It's Jimmy.

Hi, Jimmy.

No, I just...

Oh, hi, Benjamin. Oh, Betty.

You looking for your dad?

Yeah. He hasn't come home yet, has he?

No, he hasn't. Benjamin,

I was hoping you could help
me pick out a china pattern,

'cause your dad says that people
will be wanting to give us gifts.

And, well, your china was his
and your mom's, and, well...

Anyway, I don't know
anything about this stuff.

I don't know either, Betty,
so I can't help you.

Is there something the matter,
Benjamin? Something wrong?

Something? It's more like everything.

I just-- I hate myself right now.

Well, you can't do that.

I mean, hating yourself-- it's-
it's just a big waste of time.

Did you see Amy at school today,

and was it awful?

If she was just angry,
I was prepared for angry,

because I was angry.

I was all pumped up and ready for a fight,

like I was this morning with Dad.

I'm such an idiot.

Do you ever think that
something could happen,

and you get all upset about it,

and then this voice in your head...

starts fighting with someone...

about something...

that never even happened but could happen?

Yeah, I, uh, did that this morning.

I thought Amy was gonna walk up to me...

and slap me and say, "This is for Adrian."

And I would say, "It was worth it."

And she would say, "I hope so."

And I would say, "And I hope it was
worth kissing Ricky. So there."

Yeah. And it didn't go that way, did it?

No, it didn't.

I used to go down to this little diner...

down in Toluca Lake,

and I used to see your dad there sometimes.

And I just thought,

wow, he is so cute.

And in my head,

I would go over and introduce myself,

and he would say, "Oh, hey,
nice to meet you, Betty.

Can I buy you breakfast?"...

And then I would say,

"Oh, yeah, not only can
you buy me breakfast,

"but you can buy me...

'cause I'm that kind of girl."

And then he would say,

"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm not that king of guy.

"Why don't you get away from me, you--

you dirty bird?"...

But one day, I just decided...

I'm not gonna listen to
that voice in my head,

and I walked over to your dad and I said,

"Hi. Can I buy you breakfast?"...

And-- And he laughed,

and he said, "Sure. Have a seat."

And then I immediately
tried to explain to him...

what I did for a living, you know,

not to try to get his business.

It's just, I wanted him to
know what my business was...

just in case he didn't wanna be
seen having breakfast with me,

you know, being such an
important man that he is.

He just looked at me, and he said,

"Sometimes people gotta
do what they gotta do,

"and maybe you shouldn't do that anymore.

"It's real dangerous,

especially for a real nice girl like you."

And I have to say, that's
probably the sweetest thing...

a man has ever said to me.

And it was at that moment that I realized...

that voice in my head had been telling me...

bad things about myself for so long...

that I--

that I could never give myself a chance.

Aw, geez, Betty.

You make me wanna cry.

Look, I'm really sorry about
what I said to you. I really am.

I don't even remember what you said.

And that's not why I'm telling you this.

I'm telling you this because I want you...

to give yourself a chance to be who you are.

I want you to give yourself a chance...

to be the hopeless romantic that you are.

Go for the romance.
It's so much better than just sex.

And sometimes,

the hopeless romantic good guy wins.

Well, look at your dad.

The thing is,

I don't know if that's who
I wanna be anymore, Betty--

the good guy.

I just don't know.

Oh, Hi, Honey. Hi, Grace.

Looks Like You're Studying.

Yeah. Maybe We Should Just Go Upstairs.

Mmm. Now, Kathleen.

Wait. Before You Go Upstairs,

Tom And I Really Wanted To Talk
To You Guys About Something.


I Think We're In Trouble. You Know.

Well, Well, Well. Finally Home.

I Know It's Late. I'm Sorry, Sweetie.

We're Both Sorry. We're Very, Very Sorry.

Please Let Me Keep Dating Your Mom.

Oh, I Remember When I Was
That Happy Dating Jack.

Oh, Come On. You Were Never That Happy.

You're Right. But Someday,

I Hope To Be As Lucky And Happy As Mom.

And You'll Find Two Husbands.

Thank You, Tom And Grace.

What Does All This Mean?

What It Means Is That We
See How Happy You Two Are,

And We Really Hope To Be
A Part Of The Wedding,

And We Hope You Get Married Soon,
And You're Together...

And Happy For The Rest Of Your Lives.

You Do?

How About Tonight?


Tonight? Yes. Do It.

W-well, I-i-- Well?

Well, Actually, I Do Have A Dress I Bought,
You Know, Just In Case.

Go Put It On. I'll Go Get My Suit.

And Your Mother.

So We're Really Gonna Do This?
Do You Really Wanna Do This?

I Do. Save That For Later.

Grace, Tom, Go Get Dressed.


I'll Be Back.

What Do You Say...

This Is Called, Dr. Grace?

Reverse Psychology.

It Is Reversed...

Reverse Psychology.

Nice Going.


Hey, Baby, How Are You?
Why Didn't You Call Me On My Cell Phone?

I Was Trying To Reach Ruben, And Since...

He's Not Answering His Cell Phone,
I Thought I Should Try Him At Home.

He's Working Late. He's Got Some Big Trial,

And He Said He Wanted Everything
Taken Care Of Before You Got Back.

Oh, Well, That's Why I Was Calling.

We Were Hoping We Could Take You And
Go Somewhere Over The Weekend...

To Vegas Or Something Like That,
But It's Not Gonna Work Out.

What Do You Mean, It's Not Gonna Work Out?

I Have The Opportunity To
Pick Up Three Extra Days,

And I Thought I Should Since
We're Trying To Pay The House,

And We Have All These Expenses And--

And What? You Two Aren't Hurting For Money.

No, But A Little Extra Wouldn't Hurt,
And I Just Thought That--

Mom, Don't Do This.

Please Don't Do This. Do What?

Don't Back Out. You Can't.

I'm Not Backing Out, Baby.

Who Said I Was Backing Out?

I Just Need A Few Extra Days.

I'm Just Being Practical About This.

So Stop Being Practical And Just Do It.

Adrian, I Need A Few More Days.

You've Had 17 Years. Adrian--

This Is My Dream, Too, You Know?

How Many Dreams Do I Have To Give Up, Huh?

How Many?

Oh, Finally. Sorry.

Why Are You Wearing A Baseball Cap?

'cause I Went To A Baseball Game.

Don't I Look Cute In It?
Suits My Boyish Charm.

You Know, I Kind Of Have My Hands Full
With Robie And With Amy And Ashley.

And John. No. Amy Takes Care Of John.

If You Say So. Here. Give Robie To Me.

No, No, No. I'm Gonna
Go Try To Put Him Down.

Okay. Well, I Just Wanna Say Good Night.

I'm Gonna Head To The Couch.

Hey, George, I Was Thinking...

Are Those New Jeans?

Yeah. They're Low-riders.

Oh, Geez, George. You Didn't
Wear Those To The Game, Did You?

You Don't Like Them? Donovan Took
Me Shopping. Spruced Up My Wardrobe.

Oh, I See.

So Not Only Did You Go To A Game,
But You Also Went Shopping.

And All The While,
I'm Just Here Being The Good Wife.

Wife? Mother. I Meant Mother.

You Said Wife. What I Was Going To Say...

Before I Got Annoyed That You Were
Out Playing While I'm Working...

Is That...

I'm Not Saying That We're Gonna Have Sex.

In Fact, I'm Saying That
We're Not Gonna Have Sex.

But If You're Tired Of
Sleeping On The Couch,

And You Wanna Sleep In The Bedroom, You Can.

I Think That It Would Give Us A Chance...

To Be Together And Talk Without
Actually Being Together.

So I'm Just Gonna Go Try To Put Robie Down,
And Then I'll Be Back In.

So If You Want, Make Yourself Comfortable.



Are You Gonna Wear The Baseball Cap To Bed?

I Might. George, Take Off The Baseball Cap.

Why? We're Not Gonna Have Sex.

Take It Off.

George, You Didn't!

Plugs? Hair Plugs?

What? You Didn't Lose All
That Weight Overnight.

I'm A Work In Progress. Oh!

Do You Hear That? It Sounds Like
Mom And Dad Are Really Talking.

Yeah, It Sounds Like It.
Oh, I Just Wanted To Say Good Night.

Oh. Good Night.

You Don't Have To Whisper.
He's So Tired From Daycare.

Okay. Well, Good Night, John.

Good Night, Aunt Ashley.

So, Have You Heard From
Ben Or Ricky Or Anyone?

Jimmy. Oh, That's Good.

I Don't Think I'll Ever Hear From Ben Again.

I Don't Know If I Ever
Wanna Hear From Ben Again.

That's Understandable, I Guess.

Then Again,

I Don't Know If I'd Want Adrian To Win.

If You And Ben Aren't Friends Anymore,
And She's Friends With Ben,

Then She Wins And You Lose.

That's Okay. I'm Used To Losing.

Why Don't You Try Winning For A Change?

Why Don't You Try Not Telling
Dad Everything For A Change?

I Knew You Were Still Upset
About That Kiss Thing.

I Don't Tell Dad Everything.

Oh, Yeah? What Haven't You Told Him?

I Know Where Ricky Is.

So You Found Me.

It Wasn't Hard To Find You.

You Been Living Here
Since I Was Living Here.

Or Staying Here.

Oh, I See. So I Guess
You Knew Where I Lived,

But You Just Didn't Feel
Like Seeing Me, Huh?

You Think? Why Do You Wanna See Me Now?

I Thought If I Could See You,

If We Could Talk,

I Might Be Able To Come...

To Some Understanding As To Why...

You'd Let My Father Do What He Did To Me...

Without Doing Anything About It...

Other Than Getting Drunk Or High, I Mean.

Good To See You, Too, Rick.

I Wanted To Forgive You. Mmm. Mmm.

I Wanted To Say That To You.
Say, "i Forgive You."

But...Now That I See You,
I Don't Feel Like Forgiving You.

Oh, You Just Feel Like Humiliating Me...

By Pointing Out What A Bad Mom I Was?

That Wasn't My Intention. Okay.

Like I Said,

I've Heard That Forgiving People...

Gives People The Freedom To Move Forward,

And I'm Looking To Move Forward.

I've Made Some Mistakes,

And I Don't Wanna Keep
Making The Same Mistakes.

I Wanna Move Forward.
Move Forward Or Run Away?

What, You In Some Kind Of Trouble?

I Heard You Got A Kid Yourself.


A Son.

And When I Look At Him,

I Just Gotta Wonder, How Did It Happen?

How Does Anyone Destroy An Innocent Child?

If Someone Touched My Son, I'd k*ll Him.

You Know What? How Would You Know If
He's Been Touched If You're Not There?

I Wasn't There. Remember?
I Tried To Stop Him At First,

But I Was Afraid That He Would
k*ll Me And Then He'd k*ll You.

Sometimes I Wish He Had.
I Wish He Had k*lled Me Anyway.

At Least I Wouldn't Be Screwing
Up Other People's Lives.

Ricky, Look, You Got Out, Okay?

You Survived. I Survived, Okay?

I've Got My Troubles, But I Survived.

And I've Got My Troubles Because
I Cannot Forgive Myself...

For Not Being Able To Stop Him.

I Didn't Know How. I Tried.

But You Don't Wanna Hear That.

You Don't Wanna Hear How Many Times He...

Beat Me Up Or How Many Ribs He Cracked...

Or How Many Times He Locked Me
Out And Left Me On The Street.

No. It's...

He Broke Me.

Okay, I'm Broken.

But You Look Like You're Doing Okay.

I Mean, You Know, I...

I Hear You're Doing Okay.

The Day I Heard...

You Got Your Father Sent Away,

I Started This Little
"thank You" Fund For You.

I Just Started Saving
Whatever I Could For You.

I Never Thought You'd
Actually Show Up To Get It.


There It Is.

Take It.

I Never Gave You Anything Else
Except Your Lousy Life, So Take It.

Maybe-- I Don't Know--

You'll Go Back To Being A Daddy, You Know,

And You'll Save That For A Rainy Day Or--

And You Can Take Off, Whatever.