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02x16 - Just Say Me

Posted: 06/24/21 06:22
by bunniefuu
Maybe I can.

This is Jimmy. Can I call you?

My name is Amy. Why don't
I just call you Pimento?

I've said everything I can
think of to say to her.

Why don't you just drive the two hours

and see Robbie and
talk to her in person?

I'm sorry I cheated on you.

I can't take it if you
cheat on me again.

Did you give Adrian money?

She came to me.

You must be Maria.

It's nice to meet you, Amy.

I've heard a lot about you.

You didn't tell me you broke
up with her. It was time.

I want to have a boyfriend,

and I don't think you're
going to be my boyfriend.

So you don't want to go out? No.

Want to go back with me?
We haven't resolved anything.

I want to be Amy's friend.

You really are in love
with Ricky, aren't you?

I guess it's about time
that we both realized

we are a family, even though
you and I aren't a couple.

Just hold on. I have another call.


Are you in the kitchen?

Would you bring me a glass of water?

I'm not in the kitchen.

What are you doing?

I'm on the phone.



Dad, are you near the kitchen?

I'm in bed. That's
near the kitchen. Why?

I need a glass of water.

I'm thirsty.

You're thirsty, huh?

Yeah. Please get me a glass of water.

Dad, I'm really tired,
I'm thirsty,

and I think I'm getting a cold.

I miss Mom. I need Mom.

Mom would get me a glass of water.

I remember when you were a
little girl and you'd call out,

asking for a glass of water,

when all you really wanted was someone
to talk to.

No, that's not it.

I'm thirsty.

Are you sure you don't
want me to read to you?

What are you reading?

It's a magazine about motorcycles.

You don't care about
motorcycles. No.

You miss Ben? No.

I just wanted a glass of water.
Never mind.

I'm on my way.

Puppies, huh?

I'm getting the water.

I just want to finish
this article first.

I swear, she's fine.

She's thirsty, but she's fine.

Why can't you get her some water?

Why can't you move to
Italy to be with Maria

and stop calling me about
your ex-girlfriend?

We may have broken up, Amy and me,

but I still care about her.

Then you get her some water.

She's not stranded in the Gobi desert.

She's just in her room.

She's a mom. She needs help. Help her.

You need help.

Hi, Ben.

Hey, I've got something

that you can do for Amy. Yes, anything.
What can I do?

She wants some water.

Are they out of water?

No. She's just tired.

She's in her room,

and she needs water. Gas? No gas?

What? Oh, right.

Bubbles, no bubbles.
Um, no bubbles.

Yeah, let's play it safe.
Tap water is fine.

Amy's green. I'm on it.

[phone ringing]

I can't talk right now, Grace.
I have to get Amy some water.

It's not Grace. It's me, honey.

Oh. Sorry, Tom.

I have to go, but I will
call you back. Promise.

When? What?

When will you call me back?


You said that last time.

Okay, I'm not going
to call you tomorrow.

I told you, I'm very
grateful for the loan,

but I've paid you back, and there was
nothing more to it than that.

No, there's more to it than that.


I broke up with Tammy for you,

and now, I'm lonely.
Then call Tammy.

I have to go.

No phone sex there.

[phone ringing]


Grace? It's me.

Am I interrupting sex for you?

I don't have anyone
to have sex with, Tom.


Good night.

[knocking at door]

I brought this for Amy,
so put that down. I got it.

Hi, Amy. Here's your water.

What? How did you know I wanted water?

Um, it's late and you're in bed.

I just figured you wanted water.

I'm your friend, Amy.
I know these things.

My family called you and
asked you to bring me water?

Are they that lazy?

No, no, really.
Your family didn't call me.

Ben called me.

You know, he still loves you.

You could still get him back,
if you want.

You're much prettier
than that Italian whore

who came over here and made
an idiot out of herself.

It's over.

If that's how you feel,
then I'm totally behind you.

Get out there and find
yourself a new guy.

And I don't say that to try
to keep you away from Ricky.

He and I are totally solid.

I say that because I'm your friend,

and once I'm someone's friend,
that's it.

It's for life. Thank you.

Thank you so much for the brownies

and the CD and the new pencils

and the gel inserts for my shoes.

Aren't they great?

Yeah, they're great.

And isn't it great that we're friends?

Oh, yeah.

Yes, finally.

Now will you call Ricky and tell him?

I don't have a cell phone.

Yes, I will call him.


Have a sip of your water
first if you want.

Hey. Is everything okay?

I just wanted to call and let you know

that Adrian and I are friends.
Good night.

Good night.

This is a bad omen.

* Falling in love *

* Is such an easy thing to do *

* Birds can do it We can do it *

* Let's stop talking Let's get to it

* Let's fall in love *

[all] Good morning.

So how are things going?

It's going fine, isn't it, Madison?

Jack and I aren't dating.

Oh, no. What happened?
It's not because of me, is it?

Oh, no, no, no.

It's just-- Well,
Jack and I are just friends.

and nothing more.

Right, Jack?

If you say so.

I'll see you girls later.

Why don't you take him back? No,
you can have him.

Oh, no. He's not right for me.

All he wants is sex.

I'm really looking for a relationship.
I want to be in love.

Tell me about it.

Who are you talking about? Jack?

I told Grace she should take him back.

Yeah, you should, Grace.
He really likes you.

He was just going out
with Madison for sex.

Yeah, I told her.

I think he was dating
me for the same reason.

Hey, what's going on?

Madison is trying to
give Jack back to Grace.

He's not property to be given or taken,

and I don't want him back.

How are you doing without Ben?


How's the new boyfriend?

You have a new boyfriend?

Jimmy. It's her mom's boyfriend's son.

That doesn't sound right.
Isn't that incest?

Not yet.

It was a joke. I was just joking.

We're not sleeping together.
We're not related.

He's not really my brother.

Yeah, or your boyfriend.

Did you break up with Jimmy, too?

Too? I didn't break up with Ben.

Ben broke up with me.

There you are, girlfriend.
I was looking for you.

Amy and I are friends.

Did she loan you money, too?

I apologized for that.

I borrowed money from Tom
to pay for a window I broke

when I threw my cell phone through it.

What? I was just trying
to throw it at Ricky.

He was cheating on me.

What's new? He's always cheating on you.

Yeah, but that's because he's looking

for that special girl who
will get along with Amy.

And so I made a promise to
try and get along with Amy.

And I'm getting along with Amy.
Aren't I, Amy? I love Amy.

And I love John.

I love this.

So wait, this is supposed to
make Ricky stop cheating on you?

Ricky is never going to stop cheating.

No guys can cheat if he doesn't
have a woman to cheat with.

And if no girls would
have sex with Ricky...

Or Jack. Or Ben.

My point is, guys wouldn't cheat

if they didn't have
someone to cheat with,

but there's always
someone willing to do it.

Yeah, someone always is,
and it's not always me.

No, it's not.

Well, what are we supposed to do?

Not do it.

And we all know how hard
it is not to do it, so...

What's going on over there?
I don't know,

but whatever it is can't be good.

When did Adrian become friends with Amy?

Last week. Her dad made her.

He had some crazy idea
that I cheat on Adrian

because I'm looking for a girl who'll
get along with Amy. Wow, that's great.

Great nothing.

I don't want my girlfriend and the
mother of my baby to be friends.

Adrian used to put a
lot of effort into sex

because she was trying
to keep me from Amy.

And that was a good thing--

For me, anyway.

Now all she wants to do is
talk about our relationship

and intimacy and feelings and crap.

We don't even have time for sex.

What are you saying?
You're breaking up with Adrian?

No, why? Aren't you and Madison...


Buon giorno.

I told you to drop that.

I can't. It's the only
thing I have left of Maria.

So you're going to try to get Amy back?

No, I'm good. I'm fine.

Fine? You weren't having sex
while you were with her,

and now you're not
having sex without her.

How are you good?
How can everything be fine?

Because now I have hope
that I will have sex.

When I was with Amy, there was no hope.

Maria was a confidence booster.

Madison was a confidence k*ller.

We fooled around a couple times,

and now she doesn't
want to go out with me.

You're batting 0 for 2.

At least I'm batting.


I got to get in the game.

Oh, no.

I don't know what's going on over there,

but whatever it is,
it's not good for you guys.

Go over there and find
out what it is. Please?

I'll see you later.

Never thought it would be me, huh?

What's going on? Nothing.

Grace thinks she's invented something.

I didn't say that.

No, she didn't say that at all.

I just don't agree with it.

Have you ever tried it?
Of course I've tried it.

Maybe you should try it again.

Why didn't anyone tell me
about this before band camp?

Why would someone have
to tell you about it?


Okay, what's the only
kind of sex you can have

any time you want, without any
fear of getting an STD or pregnant,

or getting involved with
a guy you don't want?


I hate that word.

Really, Dr. Bowman? It's just a word.

We need a new word, a nicer way of
saying it, because the M-word is just--

I don't know, I can't recommend
it and use that word.

And believe me, I recommend it.

Oh, we believe you.

So what do you guys think
about "just say me,"

as a kind of code for the M-word?

Kind of a campaign amongst all us girls.

As a substitute for sex,
not a substitute for relationships.

Don't you like it?

Just say me.

Compared to "Just Say No,"

it's so much more
positive and practical,

not to mention the other benefits, too.

Studies show that it
lowers blood pressure,

aids sleep, promotes relaxation.

Really, I don't see a problem
when used in moderation.


You know the 52% of guys who
aren't having sex in high school?

You just went over to their team.

Me too?

Not you, Hank. You're with me.

So none of them are going to have sex?

No, they're going to have sex.

Just not with you guys.

Of course, Alice isn't
participating, so...

Well, not like I was having sex,

but if this whole campaign catches on,

then I'm never going to have sex.

This is bad for us, for this high
school, for high schools in general.

Did you find out what
the girls are up to?

Just say me.

What does that mean?

Just say me.


No, not me, and not you. Not any guy.


It was Grace's idea.

The girls are going to
take care of themselves.

That won't last. It could.

It won't. They all want
to be in relationships.

Sex is our way of making them
think they're in a relationship.

Their little campaign's
not going to work.

Any news from the other camp?

They're staging a revolution.

They're swearing off sex.

No, not swearing off sex.

Swearing off sex with guys.

They're lesbians now?

No, they're just looking
after themselves.

It was Grace's idea. Thanks, Jack.

I'm sorry, but you know Grace.

When she likes something,
she gets behind it 1,000%.

She approached religion and
sex with equal enthusiasm.

But not to blow my own horn--

She's not going to replace me with that.

They're calling that "just say me."

Really? Really.

Alice says it's already all over school.

It's all the girls are talking about.


Just say me. I like that.

It's catchy.

It's empowering.
It means so much more than--

The M-word.

It's about taking control of your life

and those hormones that lead
you to make bad choices.

Get in there and do something

before this gets out of control.

Like what? Talk to her.

What am I supposed to say?

Tell her you want to get back with her.

Tell her you're in love or something.

Do it for all of us.

For all of you.

Oh, jeez.

What? You go talk to Adrian.

She's sitting over there,
all by herself.

You talk to her, she talks to Grace.

Grace isn't going to listen to me.

Hey, what's up?

Nothing-- And nothing's going to be up.

Not for a long, long time.

Oh, come on. You're not supporting
this "just say me" idea, are you?

I don't know. I'll let
you know in the morning.

All right, let me know in the morning.

But last time you held out on me,
I went somewhere else.

Yeah, well, good luck with that.


I'd invite you to sit down,

but I saved the table for Amy,
Madison and Lauren, so...

That's quite a show you're
putting on with Amy,

but no one's buying it.

Maybe not, but I figure

if I just act like her
friend long enough,

then I'll be her friend.

I seriously doubt that "just
say me" is going to stop anyone

from having sex with a partner.

Yeah, you're right.

And technically,
it's always been an option.

So has just say no,

but this is different from just say no.

Just say no was passive.

This is active. I think people
are going to jump all over this.

Frankly, I think it's a
very personal choice.

And we're all friends.
We can talk about this with each other,

but I don't think Grace is
going to be able to launch

any big campaign at school.
I mean, come on.

I completely agree with Amy.

So you're enrolling in the plan?

It's not a plan.

It's a scheme.

I don't like schemes,
hijinks or shenanigans.

I don't like pitting women against men,

or men against women.

There's no w*r between the sexes.

We're all just people.

And I don't want to separate
myself from half the population.

You know, I like men.

I love men.

I do too, but I also love myself,

if you know what I mean.

What's the latest?

It's spreading like wildfire.
It's got a life of its own.

This is crazy. Why does
this have to happen to me

right as I'm free and
ready to get out there?

There's always Bologna.

Take me with you next time.

Or me.

Not me.

Whatever you do, don't take me.


Watch it, Hank,

or I'll be saying "just say me."

Like you don't?

Like you don't?

Excuse me, excuse me.

Where did you get that?

From the "just say me" guy, Joe.

But I'm the "just say me" guy.

Could I talk to you for a sec?
That's mine.

Joe has no right to make those stickers.

He's going to make a fortune.

That's money that should go to TAG,

the Teen Abstinence Group.

Grace Bowman, you are
so kicked out of TAG.


You can't kick her out of TAG.

My father's the head of the church,

and he makes all the decisions.

Oh, yeah? He's not the
president of TAG. I am.

I make the decisions.

And Jesus never said "just say me."

He said "just say no."

Jesus never said "just say no."

Nancy Reagan said "just say no."

Regardless, you're out.

Couldn't you have sex with
me instead of all this?

I don't want to have sex with you.

I don't like all the complications

that come from having sex with you.

And it makes me feel guilty.

Just say me doesn't?

No, it doesn't.

There's nothing wrong with it.

They can't kick me out of TAG for this

if they didn't kick me out
for having sex with you.

Grace, "just say me" is not something
everybody's comfortable with.

Okay, but everyone's comfortable with
everyone having sex with everyone else?

Yeah. That doesn't make any sense.

No, it does. Sex is sex.

A lot of people believe you should
only have sex if you're married,

and you can't marry yourself.
Therefore, you can't have sex with

without breaking some rules.

I'm pretty sure.

Well, I'm pretty sure you
break the rules all the time.

Guys break the rules all the time.

But for some reason, nobody likes it

when the girls break the rules.

Yeah, because if you break the rules,

you might not want to have sex with us.

Exactly. You might actually
have to fall in love

and make a commitment to get
a girl to have sex with you.

So until then, I'm saying "just say me."

Just say me.

[girls chant] Just say me. Just say me.

Just say me. Just say me.

Just say me. Just say me.

Just say me. Just say me.

Just say me. Just say me.

Basically, I was ahead of my time.

I just failed to come
up with the slogan.

Would you take that stuff off?
It's embarrassing.

What's embarrassing about it?

We're going out together.

We're having sex. Great sex.

That doesn't stop me. Does it stop you?

Okay, well, I don't advertise it.

Come on, just take the stickers off.


Alice, either take those
stickers off, or--

Or what?

Or I'm never having sex with you again.

You made your choice. Now live with it.

Wait, wait.

Her mother told her to do it.

Her mother?

Yup. Jack told me.

My mother told me about it.

Not about Grace's mother telling her,

but about "just say me."

My mother never said anything about it.

And just because I got pregnant
having sex with a guy doesn't mean

I now have to restrict myself to "
just say me."

I don't know if I even
want to have sex with me.

Why should you? No one else does.


Mom never talked to you

about anything like that,

about "just say me," has she?

You've seen her boyfriend. David, right?

I don't think she knows
anything about it.

Grace's mom is the one
who told her about it.

She's the one who came up with
the whole "just say me" idea.

I'm not surprised.

Don't forget, Grace's mom
was married to our dad.

I have to go. Got to go by the band room

and get to the church nursery.

See you.

Hey, girlfriend. What are we doing?

I'm going to work. What are you doing?

I'll just be hanging out,
waiting for you to get home.

You don't have to do that.

By the time I get home from work,

Ricky will probably be
home from work, too,

and I know how much
you like seeing Ricky,

so I'll take care of
John by myself tonight,

and Ricky can go straight
over to your house.

No, he's not coming over.

I'm totally supporting that
"just say me" campaign,

so he's not going to be
interested in coming over.

Well, if you're going to be
supporting the "just say me" campaign,

and I'm going to be supporting
the "just say me" campaign,

I guess we won't have time for
you to come over and hang out.

Oh, we have time.

Adrian, it's okay. Really.

You don't have to be my friend.

We don't have to be friends.
And even if we were friends,

I don't think I'd be comfortable
with you around John.

At least, not any time soon.

I haven't even let my two best friends

that I've known since the
third grade baby-sit him.

I almost did, once or twice,

but it's hard to trust
anyone other than Ricky.

I get it, sister. I do.

But you trust Ricky with him,

so maybe soon you'll trust
Ricky and me with him,

once you get to know me better.

Regardless of how well I know you,

I would be jealous of
you and Ricky with him.

He's my son. I don't want
another woman in my son's life.

What about Ricky?

You mind another woman in Ricky's life?

I'm his girlfriend.

The father of your baby's girlfriend.

Adrian, we need to talk.

I have to go.

If you're my girlfriend,
then you're sleeping with me.

Don't try that approach.
I don't like it.

We've been having sex for over a year.

You can't have sex one day and
then not have it the next day,

and then change your mind and
then want it again and then not.

Yes, I can. Adrian. Ricky.

Come on, you're not
like those other girls.

Yes, I am. No, you're not.

Well, maybe I want to be.

Why? Why would you want to be like them?

You love having sex with guys, with me.

You don't need "just say me."

It's not a matter of need, is it?

Maybe if I had girlfriends,
real girlfriends,

I would have never slept
with you in the first place.

And maybe if I hadn't slept with you,

I would know if you
really loved me or not.

And if you really love me,
then I wouldn't care

if you spent all the time in
the world with Amy and John,

because they wouldn't be a threat to me.

But as it is, I have to
prost*tute myself out to Amy,

just so I can please everyone.

I don't like pleasing everyone.

I like pleasing me.

I like pleasing you, too.

Come on, Adrian.

Oh, hey, let me grab that.

Uh, thanks, but I got it.


Oh. You even got the sticker.

Someone else put them there. I didn't.

Well, just so you know,

I support that 1,000%,

your not having sex with guys.

Do you? Why is that?


Because it would k*ll me if you did.


Because even though
we're just friends now,

I still wouldn't want you to
have sex with any other guy.

What a friendly thing to say.

But not every guy in high
school wants to have sex

and insists on having
sex with his girlfriend.

Oh, yeah? Name one.

I don't know one,
but I'm going to find one.

In the meantime, it's just say me.

In the meantime?
When you find that one--

When you find that elusive guy
who doesn't want to have sex,

you're going to be saying,
"Just say me," every night.

I know.

I've been there.

Shy. Oh, hi, Jack.

"Just say me." You too?

Are you serious? Of course.

I think every woman
should focus on herself.

You know, that's how I
got to where I am today.

You know what that means,
right? Just say me?

I don't know what it
means to other girls,

but to me it means not putting
anyone's dreams ahead of your own,

not giving into dr*gs or alcohol,

respecting yourself.

All righty. Well, have a good evening.

Nice going. I think he bought it.

Guys are such idiots. I know.

Hi, Mom.


There you are.

Sit down.

Am I in trouble?

Oh, yeah.

Just say me?

Is that about what I said?

Am I wrong?

That's neither here nor there?

This isn't about what's right or wrong.

This is about what's
appropriate in high school.

Oh, come on.

You said you like to dance.

You can't like to dance
and not like to--

Okay, Grace.

Please. I mean, just because
a person likes to dance,

doesn't mean anything.

I mean, just that a
person likes to dance.

Well, she's that person.

I do like to dance,
as well as do other things.

However, this has gotten out of hand.

Bad choice of words.

Well, what do you want us to do?

I mean, do you want me to call all
the other parents and apologize?

You're going to call the
parents of 2,000 students

and apologize for suggesting
that they just say me.

There's nothing to apologize for.

This is a good thing.

I mean, I didn't know it was going
to get around school like this,

but when it did--

You didn't know?

Grace, did you put the stickers and
bumper stickers and magnets everywhere?

No, Joe did.

He's selling them.

Yeah, do you know how
much money he's making?

A guy making money off
my slogan, your idea.

Grace, I didn't mean for you to
share this with the entire school.

Does the entire school know that I--

Do it?

No, that I talk to my
daughter about this?


Well, I'm going to get
kicked out of church.

I got kicked out of TAG.

Yeah, but not for this.

Yeah, can you believe it?


Teen Abstinence Group at church.

Is it abstinence if you just say me?

We don't know.
We don't make up the rules.

Yeah, we don't even follow the rules.

But we're not the only
Christians who don't.

The point is, we try to do good things,

and this is a good thing.

Yeah, well, trying to do good
things doesn't always work.

I was trying to do a good thing
by taking a student to the prom.

He was getting teased
mercilessly all year

for never having had a
date in high school.

The kids were calling him "the eunuch."

I hated those kids and
I hated that school,

so when he asked me, I accepted.

And that's what got me here today.

And trying to do good has the
two of you joining me here.

So you're going to have to remove all
the stickers, et cetera, from the

Or I can suspend you, Grace.

Although I doubt either of you would
mind spending more time at home, alone.

There you go.

High school.

What's going on? The ladies
are removing all the stickers.

That's right. We can't have
a "just say me" campaign.

It's inappropriate.

I get it. It's bigger than high school,
much, much bigger.

I heard the plan is that no one's
supposed to be with a guy for a week.

Yeah, well, I don't have a guy.

I don't have a guy, either.

Lots of girls don't have guys.

And if you ask me, we spend way
too much time thinking about guys.

Yeah, maybe, but I would
like to have a guy.

Okay, well, with or without a guy,

I guess "just say me" is valid.

I'd be too embarrassed to "just say me."

You would have me film you giving birth,

but you wouldn't "just
say me" when you're alone

and no one's around and no one would
ever know? I don't believe you.


Maybe I have. Then again, maybe I
haven't. It's a very personal decision.

Ah, it's a decision? You're happy,
you laugh, you're sad, you cry.

You feel like "just say me,
" it's not a decision.

I don't do anything
without thinking about it.

Really? Have you met your son?

Hi. [both] Hey, Dad.

I think this is the first time
I've come in on a conversation

between you two,
and you stopped talking.

Don't say anything.

I don't know what you're talking about,

but whatever it is,
whatever secret you're sharing,

I'm just so happy that the two
of you are acting like sisters--

Sisters sharing secrets, being sisters.

It's a milestone in your sistership.

Wish I had a camera.

This is great.

I'll just go to my room
and stay there, alone.

Me, too.

Maybe I will, too.

Anne? Hi, how are you?

I'm great. Look, I know you
don't want to talk to me,

and I'm probably keeping you
from your boyfriend up there--

If you are seeing someone. And I hope
not, because I love you and want you

I just came in on the girls. They were
sitting in the kitchen, talking.

And just as I came in, they got
completely quiet, the two of them.

They've got some secret they're
talking about. Isn't that great?

Do you know what they're talking about?

No. You know what they're talking about?

Yes. Amy called me.


They're talking about masturbation.

Oh, jeez, why did you tell me that?

I don't know. Because it's the truth?

I don't care about the truth.

Jeez, I'm going to have
to live in my room.

I'll never be able to look
them in the face again.

Why were they talking about that?

Well, it seems that your ex-wife--

Who's dating a younger man, by the way--

Suggested it to Grace as something to do

instead of having sex.

What? Yup.

That woman's crazy. She doesn't do that.

All women do it.

No, they don't. Maybe if she had,

she wouldn't have cheated on me.

That could have stopped that.

I doubt it. Women do it

for the same reason that men do it-
Because they want to.

And I think I'm going to talk
to Amy and Ashley about it,

because I think it's fine if they
want to do that until they're older,

until they get in the
right relationship,

or it's the right time.

Until then, or even after then,
I think it's perfectly okay.

Isn't this nice?

Just having a conversation about
masturbation like we're two normal

It is nice.

How's Mimsy?

She's not doing well, George.

Her memory's fading fast.


That's too bad, Anne.
I'm sorry. I love Mimsy.

Yeah. I do, too.

She thinks that Robbie is Amy
or Ashley when they were babies,

and it takes me back to the
years when we were first married

and she came and helped
out with the girls.

But even if she doesn't know who Robbie
is sometimes, and even me sometimes,

it's still nice to see my mom with him.

He's never going to know her.
At least, not how she was.

Look, Anne, I'm not going
to beg you to come home.

I've done that enough already.

And you know how badly I
feel about everything.

If I thought you were up there
just for your old boyfriend,

I'd come up and do something stupid

like punch him in the nose. But I don't
know what to do,

since it's about your mother
and you and me and our family

and life in general.

It's about all that,

and more.

Good night, Anne.

Good night, George.

Oh, hey George. Yeah?

What are you wearing?


Good night, George.

Good night, Anne.

* ["Mr. Sandman"]

* Don't have nobody to
call my own *

* Please turn on your
magic beam *

* Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream *

* Bum, bum, bum, bum *

* Mr. Sandman * * Yes? *

* Bring us a dream *

* Give him a pair of eyes with
a come hither gleam *

* Give him a lonely heart
like Pagliacci *

* And lots of wavy hair like Liberace

* Mr. Sandman, someone to hold *

* Would be so peachy before
we're too old *

* So please turn on
your magic beam *

* Mr. Sandman, bring us *

* Please, please, please *

* Mr. Sandman, bring us a dream *

* ["Istanbul,
Not Constantinople"]

* Every gal in Constantinople *

* Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople

* So if you have a date
in Constantinople *

* She'll be waiting in Istanbul *

* Even old New York *

* ["Mr. Sandman"]

When you buy two "Just say me"

you'll get one absolutely free.

And we'll also throw in the "Just
say me" refrigerator magnet,

the "Just say me" bumper sticker,

and the "Just say me" diary.



Hey, Adrian.

You need a glass of water?

Yeah, sure.


Ms. Adrian is coming over.

Adrian bought the house next
door so she could spy on Daddy.

Yeah, Adrian loves your daddy.

Your daddy loves her, so...

Hi. Oh, I forgot the water.

Oh, it's okay.

You must be pretty bored to call me.

It's just...

Without having a boyfriend in my life,

maybe I do have room for
a new friend after all.



I guess we could try
to be friends anyway,

for him. For John.

Do you remember Adrian?

You remember?

You want to hold him?

Hi, John.


Yeah? There's a butterfly there.

It was like the hula-hoop.
It came and it went.

I just want to thank
you for not doing that.


For not going the way
of the other girls.

I did go the way of the other girls.

All last week? Yeah.

I don't know how you have the time
or the energy. I dropped glee club.

But you love to sing. Yeah.

I wrote a book. An entire book?

More like a novella.

I'm afraid to ask what it's about.

You know what they say-
Write what you know.

Oh, no.

I'm not going to try
and get it published.

At least not before my dad dies.

I went to my grandmother's house
yesterday to help her bake cookies.

I told her about the
"just say me" campaign.

You didn't. I did.

She thought it was pretty funny,

and she's dating a guy and
she's older than his mother.

Wow, you've got good genes,

and you've got till you're
89 to find a boyfriend.

Hey, Lauren.

Hey, yourself.

Thanks for calling me.

I didn't call you.

Yeah, but I was hoping you would.

I was wondering if you'd
like to go out this weekend.

Talk to you later.

Whoa. Whoa. Didn't see you there.

Maybe you went blind last week.

Oh, come on. "Just say
me" can't make you blind.

There are virtually no bad
side effects physically--

That I can think of.

Yeah, there are.

I don't think any guy was
hooking up last week.

No, that would be the
unavoidable collateral damage.

Wait, that would make a good title
for my book. I wrote a book.

Why? I don't know. I'm a writer.

Still, wouldn't you rather
be doing something fun?

Like going out with you and having sex?

How's it going?

We decided we'd go out.

As long as we're still broken up.

We're still broken up, right?

Yeah, we're still broken up.

So where you going to go?

I don't know. Do you
know a guy named Colby?

My dad did him a favor,

and he gave him two floor seats

for whatever sport he plays.

My stepmom didn't want to go,
so he said I could have them.

If you're talking about Kobe Bryant,

and those are floor
seats to a Lakers game,

I will marry you.

Yeah, um, let's see how it goes.

I doubt it's Kobe.
I doubt I'll marry her.

Maybe you will.

I mean, it's rare you marry the
first girl you have sex with.

Oh, that's right.

I wasn't your first. You were my first.

I'll never forget it.

Enjoy the game, Jack.

You're not really her friend.

Yeah. I am really her friend.
She let me hold John.

So what? You're not her friend.

You're just pretending to be her friend.

I told you, if you pretend
something long enough, it happens.

For example, you've been pretending
to love me for over a year,

so you might actually love me.

I told you I love you.

Yeah, but you tell me because you
want to keep having sex with me.

But now I think maybe you do love me.

Not because you're friends with Amy.

No. Because you love me.

So I guess the "just say
me" fad's over, huh?

For some people.

You need a boyfriend.
We have to get you a boyfriend.

I don't need a boyfriend.
I have a friend.

Don't you want a boyfriend?

What for?

What for?

Look around. Everyone in high school

is miserable for a reason.

They all want boyfriends or girlfriends.

I do not want anything.

Oh, come on.

You're not that cool.

Yeah? Take another look.

All right, you are, you are.

So you and Adrian-- You're friends?

That's what I heard, anyway.

Yeah, I guess.

I don't know, but who knows?

Maybe one day, I'll meet a guy that
I like as much as you liked Maria,

and I'll want to leave John
for a few hours and go out.


Hi, Ben.

Hi. Donna.

Sorry to interrupt.

It's okay.

I heard you know some Italian.

I need some help in my Italian class.

I was hoping you could help me.

Ben is very good with Italians.

I mean, Italian.

Go ahead, Ben. It's good talking to you.

Same here. Tell John hello for me.


[Boy] Pimento?

What are you doing here?

That campaign, it made the news.

I figured you go to school here.

You might be happy to see me.

I am happy to see you.

But I have work.

I work at the church nursery,

and they're expecting me there.

So is my son.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Your mom told me.

But I figured I could
meet you afterwards

and grab a pizza with you and John.

Okay. Yeah.

Or I could take John home after work,

and my next-door neighbor and
friend Adrian could watch him.

And then we could go out, the two of us.

That sounds good. Yeah.

Let's go.