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04x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 06/24/21 05:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Affair...

[VIK] You figured out
who her mother is yet?

[HELEN] Think she looks a little like

Michelle Pfeiffer, you think?

Hi. Sierra, right?

Yeah, that's right.

- How's it going?
- Great, actually.

If you ever wanted a workout buddy

or a drinking buddy,

- I do both a lot, so...
- [VIK] Hey, look.

I think I've lost like eight pounds.

[HELEN] You really
didn't have to do this.

It's like enough food for a week.

Vikram is very skinny.

- I know.
- A husband should be fat.

- It shows he's happy.
- Vik's happy.

You know, I'm actually
starting to understand

why people like L.A.

What do you think about that?



[NOAH] Why do none of the other animals

stand up to the tyrant Napoleon?

- Here, just read the passage.
- I said no.

Principal Wilson.

Don't mind me.

[NOAH] So, should I be
worried about Janelle?

To be honest, I think
she's overcompensating.

- Joel, what does "RD" mean?
- Anton?

He was supposed to graduate last spring.

Plagiarized in the second semester,

so Janelle made your
predecessor fail him.

[NOAH] I want to talk about your essay.

- What about it?
- It's really, really good.

So, what I want to know is...

Who wrote this brilliant essay?

'Cause I don't think it was you.

f*ck you.

♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪

♪ At the moment of my death ♪

♪ The echo I created ♪

♪ Outlasted my last breath ♪

♪ My voice it made an avalanche ♪

♪ And buried a man I never knew ♪

♪ And when he died, his widowed bride ♪

♪ Met your daddy and they made you ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ And that's be the wave
that I am, and then ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ And that's be the wave
that I am, and then ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ And that's be the wave
that I am, and then ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean,
sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ Sink back into the o... ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ Sink back into the o... ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

[ANTON] All right, so let
me get this straight.

She was married to you,

and then she cheated with you.

And then she left you for you.

And then she cheated on you with you.

And then she had your baby,

but then said it was your baby.

Did I get that right?

Pretty much.


White people crazy, man.

That is some real

- Maury Povich shit right there.

- Athena?
- [ATHENA] Hey, Cole.

Hey. What's the latest?

The police just came by.

They said no sign of forced entry.

Her things are all still there.

It looks like she just walked

out of the house and didn't come back.

Were they able to unlock her phone?

No, but the cops obtained
her phone records.

Who's the last person she called?

The last person she called was Ben.


Three days ago.

Have they talked to him?

Yeah, but they won't tell
me exactly what he said.

But apparently, he doesn't
know where she is, either.

All right, I'll talk to him myself.

Where are you?

Somewhere in Pennsylvania.

I'm trying to get back
as quick as I can.

I'll call you as soon
as we make New York.


Who's Ben?

The guy she's been seeing.

Isn't he married?


Girl's got a type.

[WOMAN] So he messed up.

But don't we believe in second chances?

And if any of our kids deserves
a second chance, it's Alexis.

Did you know that both of
his parents are addicts?

So you disapprove of how I
handled things with Alexis?


I mean yes. I just...

Alexis is a product of his environment,

and his actions reflect that.

So we're basically suspending him

because of where he comes from.

[JANELLE] Alexis wasn't suspended

because of where he comes from, Megan.

He was suspended because
he set fire to a trash can

in your algebra class.

Anyone else have a student
they'd like to discuss?

We need to move on.

- We're not ready to move on.
- Oh?

It's only October, and we're at
what already, eight suspensions?

Look, Janelle, when we heard

that you were coming over from Marshall,

we were so excited to have you here.

I mean, that is a tough school, but...

since you've been here, the
culture of our little school

has really changed.

I mean, all of these rules
and these suspensions.

Because right after I got
here, Megan, we took in

students from a failing school.

Students no one else wanted because of

the discipline problems they brought.

[JOEL] I think what
Megan is trying to say

is that you came in last
year pushing an agenda.

You're a first-time principal
wanting to cause a splash.

We gave your whole nonnegotiable
discipline policy a fair shake.

It didn't work, and now it's
time to try something else.

When I was at Stanford,
I took a whole class

on restorative justice,
and we were thinking

that I could lead a workshop
in talking circles.

Restorative justice has
been a spectacular failure

- in the LAUSD system.
- [JOEL] Well, Janelle,

perhaps that's because
the LAUSD teachers

aren't as committed as we are to...

[WOMAN] Why is that, Joel?

Because they're not as white as you are?

For God sakes, Kristina, enough.

Listen. If y'all want to talk
about alternative discipline,

we can have that conversation.

But let me ask you a question.

What would have happened
at your high schools

if a kid had set fire to a trash can?


So why are we gonna
ghettoize our students

by tolerating behavior
that would never fly

at a suburban white school?

Are our expectations for
them really so low?

Now, are there any other
students of concern

we need to discuss?

Uh, actually, yeah.

I have, uh, a student

in my AP English class
I'm worried about:

Anton Gatewood.

I think he may be brilliant.

He's a really gifted writer,

but he's angry, he's beaten down.

And I'm not sure what...

what's going on in his home life,

but, uh...

I just feel he's under
a lot of pressure.

So I thought maybe we should
all just keep an eye on him.

I get the sense this kid could really

do something with his life.

Like you did, Mr. Solloway?


Dude, that was spectacular.

- What?
- Uh, this is why you're

such a good writer, man.

The way you think is so twisted.

What? I-I'm not following.

Bring up her own son in morning meeting.

That takes balls.

I respect you.

I wish I was you.

Whose son?



You-you telling me Anton is Janelle's...

Janelle's son.

Yeah. You didn't know that?

How would I know that?

How would you not know that?

What, you go home and live
under a rock or something?

- f*ck.
- Shit, man.

I gotta take you out for a drink,

give you the lay of the political
landscape around here.

Plus, I want to know what
you think of my book.

Uh, uh, yeah, no, I-I'm not
quite done with it yet, but...

Relax. I'm kidding.

Sort of.

Hey, don't sweat the Anton stuff.

You're % right, okay,
man? He's brilliant.

Kid would be at Princeton right now

if it wasn't for his mother.

What do you mean? I
thought he plagiarized.

Yeah, but that's not
a fail-able offense.

At least not at this
school. We usually just

give the kid a stern talking-to,

make him redo the paper.

That is, until Madea
over there showed up

and decided to make an
example out of her own son.


Oh, she hates me now.

Don't worry. She hates us all.



I wanted to apologize.

Obviously, I had no idea
that Anton was your son.

You know I almost laughed

when my board told me I
had to hire some ex-con?

I mean, can you imagine
if you were black?

But whatever.

I get that it's good PR to
have some celebrity novelist

slumming it with all these poor kids.

But do me a favor... While you're here,

please don't pretend
to be a real teacher.

I am a novelist... A pretty
well-respected one...

But before I sold a single book,
I was a teacher for a decade.

A good one.

I fought my ass off

and went through months
of community service

and counseling to be
allowed to teach again.

I want to be here.

And I'd also really like to help Anton.

You really want to help Anton?

Leave him out of your next book.

- Okay.

Let's get started, everyone.

Quiet, please.


Sharee, will you sit
down, please? Sharee!

- Sharee, sit down, please, now.
- It-it's bullshit.

- He didn't do nothing.
- [MARTINA] I know! Man.

f*ck's your problem?



Quiet. Let's start.

Let's get going!


Jesus, mister, you crazy?

Just ready to get going.

Anybody seen Jaime?

That's what I've been
saying. He got suspended.

Don't you think it's bullshit, mister?

Uh, depends on what he was doing.

He cussed out Mr. Nance.

But Mr. Nance was being
a d*ck, Mr. Solloway.

Why they gotta suspend
him just for that?

People who run this school is crazy.

All right, take it easy, Carlos.

Hate to see you get suspended, too.

Right, today we're going
to start a new unit:

The Waste Land.

So, everybody, look down on your desks.

Tell me what you see.

Looks like a book to me.

Great. A book.


What else?

Come on.


Blanca, what do you see?

I don't know, mister.

- Creepy old white dude?

Are you talking about Mr. Solloway

- or the guy on the cover?

[NOAH] "Creepy old white dude."

Okay, let's go deeper.

This is what is called "previewing."

It's making intelligent predictions

about what a book is about
based on first impressions.

So flip through your books,

and based on the language
and the images you see,

tell me what you think
it's gonna be about.

A poem about something boring.

"Something boring."

- What else?
- [ANGEL] Wait.

Look, y'all. It says right
here "ejaculations."

- Something about...

"impious ejaculations."


I officially predict this
is gonna be a porno.




Okay, so we think The Waste
Land may be a porno.

What else?

Come on, anybody.

Anton, what do you think?

Pretty sure it's another book
by another dead white guy

that ain't got shit to do with us.

Okay, so we've already
established that The Waste Land

was written by a creepy old white dude.

Why are you so sure that this

is completely irrelevant to your lives?

How's it trying to hide it?

It says right there in the dude's bio

one of his major themes is nostalgia.

All about him wanting
to go back to the past,

when life was better.

Make America great again, b*tches.

- [ANTON] Right.


When life was better for who?

What I want to know, Mr. Solloway,

is why the hell we're
reading this shit anyways.


Well, so... so who should we be reading?

I don't know. James Baldwin.

Borges. Octavia Butler.

Junot Diaz. Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Cornel West. I'll keep going.

Cornel West.

Guess where he teaches.


So, the first time I
read The Waste Land,

I was in college.

And I could tell it
was brilliant, but...

I couldn't understand what
it was actually about.

It was like reading a foreign language.

Completely kicked my ass.

But everyone else in my
freshman lit seminar

had read it already.

They could speak this language.

And so the whole time we
were discussing this book,

I was silent.

I was too scared to speak up.

So, one of the reasons

why you should read The Waste Land

is so that when you go to college,

you'll be better prepared than I was.

[ANTON] Yeah, man, but why I gotta worry

about meeting them on their field?

How about they worry about
being welcome on mine?

Because they won't, Anton.

That's just not the way the world works.

That's bullshit.

I agree with you.

So come on, what can you do about it?

I guess nothing.

Why not?

I don't know.

What can I do about it? You tell me.

Well, if you want to be
heard, you gotta speak.

You can't just sit at the
back of the class, scowling,

with your head in a hoodie,
and think things will change.

Dawg, if we speak, Anton's
mommy will suspend us.

- Nah, Eduardo,

she'll just suspend your
ass for being ugly.

- f*cking ugly ass.

Well, she can't suspend all of you.

What are you saying?

I'm just saying...


you're not as powerless
as you think you are.

Yo, Anton.

Where you going?

It's a walkout, y'all.

Come on.




got rights, too, man!


[STUDENTS] Walkout! Walkout!

Walkout! Walkout! Walkout!

Walkout! Walkout!

Walkout! Walkout! Walkout!

- Hold it!

Everyone get back to their
classrooms right now!

Anyone who does not go back

to their classrooms risks suspension!

I knew it. I knew this would happen.

This is bad.

This is really f*cking bad.

They're heading into the street.

Get back to your rooms!

Get back to your room!

Can we lock these doors somehow?

No, no, we're not locking anything.

This behavior is unacceptable!

Get back to your classrooms!

[VICTOR] Janelle, we can't
just let them all leave.


Okay, lock it down.

- [VICTOR] Lockdown!
- Okay, it's locked.

[VICTOR] All teachers, please
begin lockdown procedures.

You can't get out. You can't get out.

- [VICTOR] Lock it down!

Lock it down!

Get those doors!

[Rap music]

Walkout! Walkout! Walkout! Walkout!

- Walkout! Walkout! Walkout!

Okay, okay, come on.

Come on, you made your point.
It's time to get back.

Get back inside, everyone.

[NOAH] You made your point.

Everyone needs to get back inside, okay?

The cops are here.

You made your point.

Walkout! Walkout! Walkout!

Walkout! Walkout! Walkout! Walkout!

♪ I don't live in my fears,
I just swallow my tears ♪

♪ It ain't all in my head,
life is just a nightmare ♪

♪ I don't care if you care, I
just know it ain't fair... ♪

Stay back.

You're hurting him. Let the kid up!

Back inside. Get back.

No, get back!


You stay back. You stay back!

- Stay there!
- These are children, Officer!

- A misunderstanding.
- Ma'am...

you need to step back.

Please! He is a child!

Ma'am, I said step back.

Come on. These are children, man.

This is just a misunderstanding.

What are we doing here?

Come on, look. What are we doing here?


- Get your hands off him!
- Get back.

Come on, how could this possibly
end well for any of us?

Look. They got cameras.


[STUDENTS] f*ck the police!

f*ck the police! f*ck the police!

Let him up.

f*ck the police! f*ck the police!

- [NOAH] Get up.
- Quiet!

f*ck the police! f*ck the police!


Get over here. Get over here.

Get back there.


Thank you.

[REPORTER] But your
students are clearly angry.

- They're protesting.
- Come on. Let's go.

[JANELLE] Look, of course
we'll have conversations

about what led to today's events,

but these are teenagers.

They're acting out.

You're a new principal, right?

Is this protest a referendum
on how you're running things?

We spoke to another teacher

who said there's been some conflict over

your disciplinary practices.

[JANELLE] As I said, we...

are just grateful that
things were handled quickly.

Uh, no one was hurt. Um...

You're grateful for the police.

- Is that what you're saying?
- [NOAH] I'm sorry.

Sorry, yeah, I'm a teacher here,

and, uh, things have gotten
out of control here today,

but we're really proud of our students.

They staged a walkout to
express their opinions

about the content of the
curriculum. Now, come on.

How-how often do you hear
high school students

caring that much about what
they're reading in class

that they stage a protest?

So, this was
school-sanctioned, Mister...?

Uh, Solloway.

Um... yeah.

Yeah, that's what Compton
Academy's all about.

You know, we try to raise...

and create engaged students
and-and-and responsible citizens

to lead the next generation.

So, Mr. Solloway, what can you tell us

about the specifics of
the students' demands?

Well, they, uh... they
weren't too specific,

but essentially, they want a-a...

a more inclusive curriculum.

There was f*cking riot police, Helen.

What was I supposed to do?

Yes, I'm still coming over.

It's saying h .

Fine, they just eat late. Who cares?

Okay, fine.

I don't teach till ten tomorrow.

I'll come over, and I'll
take them to school.

Well, if that's the only f*cking way

I'm gonna see my own kids, Helen,

then I don't mind driving.

Thanks. Yeah, thanks a lot.

That's really generous.

Bunch of us are heading to
this bar over in Inglewood...


Awesome, dude.

It's kind of a divey place.

Hey, when you say "us," do
you mean just the teachers

- or the administrators, too?
- Not to worry.

She never comes slumming with us plebes.

[MEGAN] With something like this,

the police presence and everything,

there is zero chance
she doesn't get fired.

We'll see. There's still a
lot of people on that board

- who really love her.
- [MEGAN] Oh, not after today.

They're finally gonna
realize they should have

promoted you in the first place.

I thought she did pretty f*cking well.

[MAN] Shh!

Hey, look, it's on TV.

The variety that we see in the
student body being reflected

in the curriculum, that's
what they really...

Well done, dude.

Did I say I was principal?

[JANELLE] Congratulations
on your promotion.


What's everybody drinking?

Y'all were great today.

Let me buy the next round.

Uh, you know, Janelle,
I think we're okay.

Joel just got us another round,

and tomorrow's a school day, so...

Very responsible.

Okay, well, if you change your minds...

let me know.

I thought you said she never came.

I guess she needed a drink.

Excuse me.

Is anybody buying you a drink?

I took care of myself. Thank you.


I wanted to apologize again.

For what?

Usurping my title?

What can I get you?

Uh, whatever she's having.

Whiskey, Jameson. Two?

No, just, uh... another one for her

and a seltzer.


I was just trying to help.

I wasn't asking for your help.

I had it under control.

You did?

[BARTENDER] Same card you've been using?

Uh... no, baby.

Uh, this next round's on my friend.

And pour yourself something nice.

On him, too.

Keep the change.

You know, you don't have to
sit here and babysit me.

You can go back to your friends.

I'm not sure I can, actually.

Maybe not.

And they're not my friends.

Mine, either.

This is all gonna blow
over, you know that?

You think?

I was on the phone all
afternoon with the board,

fighting to keep my job.

Then I come here to mend fences,

and most of my staff

won't even let me buy them a drink.

And then I... when I think about
what could have happened today,

how badly it could have gone...

So, tell me, how is this
all gonna blow over?

Here's the thing with your staff.

They're young.

They're children.


And like children, they
want to be listened to.

They want to feel heard.

And sometimes, in your...

staff meetings, you seem like

you don't really value their opinions.

I don't.

Well, they know that.

That's why they hate you.


You really don't need this job, do you?

You know, at my old school, Marshall,

I was beloved.

Like, seriously.

Students fighting to
have lunch in my office,

girls coming in to cry

over whatever fool was
breaking their hearts.

I'd do this Beyoncé thing

every year at homecoming that slayed.

I'm sure.

But when this job opened up,
I fought my ass off for it.

At a public school like Marshall,

real progress is impossible.

But at a charter, you have autonomy.

You set the agenda.

I thought to myself, here's my chance

to actually make a difference

with the kids nobody else wanted.

You know what happens at
a school like Marshall?

They take in these kids,

they keep them till the fall census,

they collect money from the state,

and then they dump their sorry asses.

They don't suspend.

They expel.

Those are the kids we picked up
at Compton Academy this year.

And you know what?

They need some f*cking discipline.

And you know what else?

If I were a white guy...

if I were you, Noah Solloway,

with your... with your looks
and your credentials,

nobody would give a shit about

my disciplinary practices.

They would congratulate
me for having balls.

But because I'm me,

I'm expected to be collaborative.

And if I'm not...

if I dare to say

I have f*cking years

of experience in this business...

I was teaching when most of you

were in driver's ed,

so maybe... just maybe I actually know

what the f*ck I'm doing.

How's Anton?

Is he okay after today?

I hope so.

He's with his dad.

Yeah, mine are with their mom.

You have kids?


Two boys, two girls.

Damn, you're busy.

Well, the older ones are
away at school now,

and the... the younger
two, they live with my ex.

That's why I'm in L.A.

She came out with her boyfriend.

I followed.

I don't have much of a relationship

with them right now, but I'm trying.

Divorce is tough.


Can I ask you something?

Is it true you failed your own kid?


He plagiarized. He failed himself.

What was I supposed to do?

Let it go?

It k*lled me to do it.

I bet it did.

The walkout today, did it
start in your classroom?

How'd you...

'Cause it's my school, Noah,
and I'm good at my job.

But tell me, was it Anton?

Did he instigate it?

Why would you think that?


That boy is turning into his father,

and there's not a damn
thing I can do about it.


His dad used to be an activist.

But nowadays he uses his
extensive knowledge

of Marx and Malcolm X as foreplay

to get much younger
white women into bed.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


[Atmospheric music]

♪ ♪




No, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm... I'm your boss.

I'm your boss. I'm your boss.


Okay, so it's not gallstones.

So now we know.

I think we should go back to New York.

And you must know somebody
at Sloan Kettering.

And we can get an
appointment right away.

I-I-I think we should still
get a second opinion.

How are you feeling?

I don't know how to do this, man.

I don't have a f*cking clue.

I'm sorry.


I will get my shit together.


I'm here, Vik.

Okay, and we can fight this thing.

You and me.



Can you just drive?

[Atmospheric music]

♪ ♪



- What's up, hon?
- Where were you guys?


we were at an early-morning yoga class.

What happened?

I just...

Mom, did you ever read
Anne Frank before?

Yeah, I-I think I read
it in junior high.

We're reading it in English,
and I-I just can't...

I can't stop thinking about
it. I mean, six million Jews.

- Oh, Stacey.
- And they didn't just

k*ll the Jews. They
k*lled the gay people,

disabled people, Russian people.

They k*lled them all.

- Stace.
- And then they had these ovens

where they put them... Even kids.


What, Mom? This is important.

So is school. Five minutes.
Go get your stuff.

Trevor, you too. You heard me.

- Trev.
- One sec.

I'm just finishing human bio.

And I'm done.

I think I must have gotten
the science gene from Vik.

Well, I'm not sure you did,

if you think that's how genetics works.

Hey, nature versus nurture, Mom.

Hey, Vik, do you want
some eggs or something?

No. I'm gonna be late for work.

Have a good day, you guys.


What's wrong?


You have that look.

Uh... what are you doing here?

I said I'd come to get the kids

'cause I missed dinner
with them last night

and I have two free
periods this morning.


We talked about this hours ago.

Right. Yeah.

I'm sorry. I guess, uh...

Hey, kids, your dad's here.

[TREVOR] Be right there.

- They gone?
- Yeah.

So maybe we can talk for a few minutes?



Don't you want to?





Wait. Don't go.


Do you think it's such a great idea

to go into work this morning?

I have a surgery at noon.

I probably won't finish everything

until about seven-ish, so...

you should just take an Uber
and meet me at the hotel.


The gala.


Do you think that maybe
we could skip that?

Do you really want to sit

through something like that tonight?

I can't skip it, Helen.
I'm being honored.

Oh, can you call my parents,

make sure they know where to go?

They always get lost downtown.

Tell them to valet, not to be stubborn.

They'll never find a spot.

Don't tell them anything
about this morning.

This event means a lot to them.

You have to promise me.

I... uh, I, uh... I don't know.

If you're not gonna
keep your mouth shut,

then please don't come.




Vik, wait.


Oh, come on.

Come on!

Vik, this is ridiculous.

Vik, you have to talk to me.

- m*therf*cker.
- [VIK] Helen.

Helen? You okay?

[SIERRA] Oh, my God, Helen.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I am... I am so, so sorry.

It's just, this garbage truck schedule

is literally impossible
to keep straight.

But that is no excuse
for almost maiming you.

Are you sure you're okay?

Don't worry about it.

She's fine.

- Right, Helen?
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, well, then maybe this is

actually kismet, because I
was gonna come by anyway

and invite you to
something really special.

Uh, next month, I am
going to Joshua Tree

with some friends, and we go out there

a couple times a year
to do a moon circle.

Because, you know, the-the
autumn harvest moon

is a time to really open yourself up

to integrative healing.

And everyone is invited

to bring her own crystal to cleanse

because, you guys, the best
way to cleanse a crystal

is to leave it out under a full moon.

So... it's BYOC.

Yes. Yes, totally.

It's totally BYOC.

So, do you want to come?

I totally, totally don't.

- Oh, okay.
- Okay?

Cool. Cool.

Um, well, it's not for a few weeks,

so maybe you can just think about it.


That was bitchy.

Well, it needed to be done.

Clearly, I am having a hard time

finding the right way to talk to you

about this right now,
but can we please just

- go sit down and talk?
- I'm going to work.

We need to make a treatment plan.

Look, I know this is hard, but come on.

I'm not getting treatment.

That's absurd.

You can't not get treatment.

Yes, I can... not.

No, you can't. That just
doesn't make any sense.

I'm not gonna sit around
and watch you die.

Believe it or not, Helen,

you don't get to make that choice.

Look... maybe you're in

some kind of state of shock
or something, but I just...

please, can we please make a plan?


Thank you.

Let's have a baby.

How's that for a plan?

Is he lashing out?

Do you think he's trying to punish me?

Do you?

Maybe he's asking me to do this

because he wants me to disappoint him.

Why would Vik want you
to disappoint him?

Because it's easier to be mad at me

than at his prognosis.

That makes sense.

Well, the prognosis is
pretty f*cking shitty,

so, uh...

Actually, he needs to get
angry in order to fight this,

so how do I do that?

How do I shake him out of this?

Out of what, exactly?

This denial.


I mean, it's, like...


Don't you think? I mean,
I've always thought maybe

he's on the spectrum, so
maybe that has something...

I'm not here to diagnose Vik.

I'd like to redirect us to
talking about you, Helen.

You and Vik both received
scary news this morning.

I'd like to talk about
what you're feeling

right now in this moment.

I'm feeling like Vik
isn't listening to me.

I'm feeling like I want
him to get treatment.


Let's try focusing inward.

Can you close your eyes?

Let's take a deep breath,
establish a baseline.

- Helen.
- I really don't want

to close my eyes right now.

- Okay.
- Okay.

But I want us to try to continue.

Can you find something in the room

- to focus on instead?

[HELEN] You went to Stanford?

I did.

And now can we focus on your breath?

Do you know anyone there in oncology?


I mean, maybe you could make a call

and just find out if
anything's happening there

that might help Vik.

Maybe you could get him
into a trial or...

Helen, I'm delighted to
help in whatever way I can.

I will make a call if that's

the decision you and Vik come to,

but right now in this moment,

can we return to our work?

Can we focus on your breath?

No, I can't do that.

Right now.

Okay. Okay.

You want to talk about Vik.

Let's do that. So I have
a question for you.

You're very concerned for him.

Of course.

Given that,

why do you think it feels so hard

to give him what he's asking for?

Because I don't want to
have another f*cking baby.

I'm talking about

giving him the space

to make his own choices about his care.

If he wants advice, guidance,
he has doctors for that.

What he needs you for, the one thing

you can give him that no
one else in the world can,

is your love.

You love him.

How do you know?

How do I know what?

That I love him.

Say more about that question.

Never mind. I don't
know why I said that.

Of course I love him.

I'm just wondering if perhaps

loving Vik feels frightening
to you right now.


Is it possible that all this...

The obsession with Vik's treatment,

what you see as his denial...

Is actually a projection
of your own terror?

The prospect of losing this man
with whom you've built a life?

Who couldn't you live without, Ezra?

My sons.

Children don't count.

Hmm. Okay, then.

My wife.

My brother.

What about you?

My children, of course.

Anyone else?

You know what, I have to go.

I have to get Vik into treatment,

and we are going back to New York,

and I am gonna get him there.

I don't know how, but I will,

because you know what
people in New York do

who are dying, Ezra?
They don't sit around

and take deep breaths.
They f*cking fight.

♪ Go and get her, what
typecast you need? ♪

♪ Ride with the realest ♪

♪ House more n*gg*s than Camilus ♪

♪ Fellas gettin' loose ♪

♪ Grey Goose got me gettin' crunk ♪

♪ We can take it outside
or straight to the trunk ♪

♪ Don't get mad at me 'cause my salary ♪

♪ Got me pushin' tight
SUVs, test who please ♪

♪ Burn like hot grits,
knockin' down hot hits ♪

♪ Just deucin' s on the drop top... ♪


♪ So much ice, ho side to the rock ♪

♪ Do it real big, better
find yourself a kid ♪

♪ Can't f*ck with the
kid, you dig, n*gga ♪

♪ What the f*ck they rappin'
about, they don't know ♪


♪ Came to the club... ♪

- Helen!

♪ Cristal poppin', hendo and more... ♪

- Helen.

♪ In the middle of the floor... ♪

Can you turn the music down a little?

♪ You a hustler sittin' on big stacks ♪

♪ I'm a hustler, now
ladies keep it real... ♪


♪ Ridin' on big wheels ♪

♪ Yo, been in the game for a minute... ♪

You okay?

You want to talk?

No, no, I'm fine.

Can you just get the f*cking kids?

I have to go to this
benefit for Vik tonight.

Sure. Two f*cking kids
coming straight up.

Hey, and you know this whole

nice-guy routine you got going on?

Can you just knock it off?

♪ Aka the baker, 'bout to make
a round like the Lakers ♪

♪ , degrees, you know my steez ♪

♪ Ice so nice, make
the hot boys please ♪

♪ Overseas, chompin' paper
with the Vietnamese... ♪

[VIK] I know I have to wrap this up,

so in closing, I'd just like to say...

I'm thrilled that my new role

as your chief of pediatric surgery

has brought me home, back to L.A.

This award, and the...

recognition of the work I've done,

it means so much to me.

But what means even more
is the work to come.

The work that we'll do together.

I hope tonight is the
start of a long journey.

Thank you.

It seems your colleagues
enjoyed the speech.

Thanks, Dad.

Well done, son. Well done.

Let's take a photograph
with your father.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

[PRIYA] There we go.

Very nice.

And one more.


Okay, why don't we take
one with the award?

- Where is it?
- Helen, can you...



Oh, thanks, guys. Thank you.

Um, if you'll excuse me, I'm
gonna run to the ladies'...



[WOMAN] No, I didn't. I
took the to the .

[WOMAN ] And you got off on Sunset?

- No, Wilshire.
- Wilshire. Brilliant.

I came over Laurel Canyon,
which was a disaster,

and then I went down to
Beverly, which was a nightmare.

[WOMAN ] Oh, no, you
can't take Beverly.

All the schools get
out at the same time.

[WOMAN ] Oh, now you tell me.

By the way, your tits look great.

[WOMAN ] Thanks. They're new.


[WOMAN ] You have to give
me the name of your surgeon.

[WOMAN ] Oh, I will, but
he's booked for two years.

[WOMAN ] He must be so good.

[WOMAN ] He really is the best.


That was a great speech, wasn't it?

Mm-hmm. Vik did very well.

He's worked so hard his whole life.

From when he was a little boy,

he just pushed himself
and pushed himself.

Abdul and I were so worried
that he would never slow down,

never enjoy his success.

But now, finally, he can.

And I am so happy for him.

Priya, I need your help.

Vik is very sick.

And he won't listen to me.

He's refusing treatment.

But he has to do
something. If he waits...

And I know how much you
and Abdul mean to him

and how much he wants to make you proud,

so I just... I just thought
that maybe if it...

if it came from you...

Thank you for telling me.

[Quiet, atmospheric music]

♪ ♪





- Hi.
- My mom's not feeling well.


She's got a bad headache.


we're leaving early.

No. Oh, don't leave.

I-I have Advil, I think.

No, a little rest is what I need.

I'm gonna walk them out.

I'm gonna come with you.

Oh, sorry.

[VIK] You're sure you know
how to get home from here?

I can write down directions.

If we get lost again, we'll
stop at a petrol station.

Dad, it'll take two seconds. Just let...

The car is here, Priya.

We'll see you soon, Vikram.

Okay. Good night, Mom.

Priya. Priya.

Did you not hear what I said?

Vik has cancer.

He has late-stage cancer, and
he needs to get treatment.

Please, I don't know...

I don't know what else to do.


You're going to figure this out, Vikram.

You always do.

Thanks, Ma.

Hand me the water.

Can we please talk about
this like adults?


I asked you to do one thing.

One thing.

I asked you not to tell my parents.

- And what did you do?
- I had to.

She's your mother.

Honestly, I don't... I don't
understand your family.

It's like you're all in denial.

Is it just a way of life for you?

Oh, my God.

You really don't understand
anything, do you?

You might as well have grown
up in a f*cking castle.

You are such a privileged,
entitled little...

You want to criticize my parents?

What the f*ck have you ever had
to sacrifice for your kids?

My dad was a doctor.

A cardiologist.

Like, a really respected
young doctor back in Beirut.

And now he's a f*cking dry cleaner

because he wanted to raise me here.

They never took vacations

or-or went home for weddings

or births or funerals,

because every last scrap
of money was for Vikram.

For Vikram's education.

So they could send me to
college and medical school.

They denied themselves everything

to make me into something
they could be proud of.

So yeah, yeah, denial is
a way of life for them,

and all I wanted, all I asked of you,

was to spare them the pain of knowing

that all that was for nothing.

I mean, couldn't they get
one night, just one night,

to enjoy what all of their
sacrifice had achieved?

Don't say it was all for nothing.

We don't know that.

There are treatments. There are trials.

You're not a f*cking
doctor, Helen. I am.

- I know.
- No, you don't.

I have pancreatic cancer.

And those trials aren't promising.

They're desperate.

Because there is no real
treatment for this.

There is no cure.

No hope.

I am going to die.

I've spent my entire career

giving false hope to my patients,

and I am not gonna
f*cking do it for you.

I'm sorry.

Vik, I'm really sorry.

I, uh... I f*cked up.

What do you want me to do?

I told you.

I want to have a baby.

If you really want to
do something for me,

you can do that.

[Atmospheric music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


We're so lucky to be here.

I heard this guy's
success rate is insane.

Can I ask you a question?


Who was president the
year you were born?


♪ Do-wah, sha-la-la-la ♪

♪ Do-wah, sha-la-la-la ♪

♪ Do-wah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Do-wah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Do-wah, sha-la-la-la ♪

♪ Do-wah, sha-la-la-la ♪

♪ Do, sha-la-la-la, do, sha-la-la-la ♪

♪ Everything's old in the world ♪

♪ Except for the baby ♪

♪ Do-wah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Do-wah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Little baby ♪

♪ Do-wah, sha-la-la-la,
do-wah, sha-la-la-la ♪

♪ Ah, little baby ♪

♪ And nothing's sun isn't seen ♪