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04x08 - Season 4, Episode 8

Posted: 06/20/21 18:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Affair:

[Cole] I know I'm disappointing
you. What if I left?

Would you be willing
to give me the time

-to go away--

I'm going home.

Back to your wife.

No. The truth is, I'm in
love with somebody else.

And I have tried for years

to get her out of my mind,
but it just never works,

and I don't want to wake up
in ten years

and want to k*ll myself
'cause I was just trying

to do the right thing.

You know what we should do?

We should meet up all over
the country at different

PTSD conferences.


Can you switch weekends
in two weeks?

Uh, yeah.

Sure. Why?

I have this conference
I want to go to in Milwaukee.


My wife-- she goes crazy
with both kids

on the weekends,
and I'm already late.

Hey, listen.
It's not what you think.

Does she know you're married?

Look, I'm gonna tell her.

-Why don't I tell her myself?
-Hey, hey.

What do you know
about your dad?


Athena must have some idea
who he is.

Nope. She says she doesn't.

I'm sure you could find him
if you wanted to.

And say what?

You're a shit?
Thanks for nothing?

-You're my father?
-[James] Yes.

Why are you contacting me now?

My kidneys are failing.

Alison, don't go.


Wait, Noah, I can't breathe.

-I can't breathe. Can't...
-You're okay.

If you can talk,
you can breathe.

I can't breathe. I can't...

-It's okay. Calm down.
-[gasping] I can't...

Here. Why don't you take these?

They'll make you
feel better.

I need your thoughts.

I really think you need
to see Princeton.

Well, how am I supposed
to pull that off?

It's all the way
across the country.

I'm gonna take him this week.

If they fire me, they fire me.

What if I take him?

Uh, we missed our connecting
flight to New York, so...

No, we have no more flights

to New York today.

Cole? What's g...
what's going on?

It's been 72 hours.
No one's seen her.

Police have declared her
a missing person.

♪ I was screaming
into the canyon ♪

♪ At the moment of my death ♪

♪ The echo I created ♪

♪ Outlasted my last breath ♪

♪ My voice it made
an avalanche ♪

♪ And buried a man
I never knew ♪

♪ And when he died,
his widowed bride ♪

♪ Met your daddy
and they made you ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ And that's be the wave
that I am, and then ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ And that's be the wave
that I am, and then ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ And that's be the wave
that I am, and then ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean,
sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ Sink back into the o... ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ Sink back into the o... ♪

♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ Sink back
into the ocean ♪

♪ quiet, tense music ♪



[soft chuckle]


[indistinct chatter]

Hi, there.

You looking to check in?

Uh, no.

I'm-I'm actually looking for
one of your... um, attendees.


A woman named Alison Bailey.

Think maybe you could tell me

where she is
right at the moment?


Oh. Hey.

Yeah. Uh, it looks like

she has not
checked in yet.


Yeah, so...

Uh... Oh, is this...
this, uh, is this the first day?

No, this is actually day three.


Uh, then, thank you.

Hey. Ali, it's me.

Uh, Cole.


I'm just, um...

[laughs] Uh, just... give me
a call when you get this.



Hey. Athena, it's Cole.

Um, I'm trying
to get ahold of Ali.

You have any idea
where she might be?

Well, that's strange,

'cause I'm actually in Milwaukee
and she's not here.

She never checked in.

Um... [laughs]
That's a...

that's a long story,
it doesn't matter,

but, um, I'm just,
I'm just trying

to find her, so...


Three days ago? And you haven't
heard from her since?


Did you call Luisa?

You know what? Um, Athena,

I'm gonna have
to call you right back.

Okay? Really sorry.

Call you right back.
Hey, Ben. Ben!


Cole. Lockhart.


Hey, Cole.

Um... what, uh...

what are you doing here?



I'm looking for Alison,

Is she...

Are the two of you
here together?

No. Um...

actually, I think, between us,
it's, uh... it's over.

[plastic on flowers crinkles]

Oh, shit.

I'm sorry to hear that.


Yeah, me, too.

Um... [chuckles]

Mind if I ask what happened?

Well, I, uh,
I told her I was married,

and she wasn't so into that.

[soft chuckle]

Yeah. Sorry.

Ah, it's okay.

You know, we
ended things well.

In a weird way, I think
she felt good about it.

Something about...
standing up for herself.

I don't know.

I kind of stopped listening
after she said we had no future.


That's tough.

Yeah. It is what it is.

Anyway, um,

-I-I really...
-Um, you don't,

by any chance, know
where she is, do you?

No. Why?

Well, she's kind of gone MIA.

I mean, she said something
about, uh, going to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles? Why?

Yeah. She, uh,

said she was gonna go
see her ex-husband.

I don't really know.

Listen, um,
I, uh, I gotta prep

for this next workshop.
Veterans. But...

do me a favor.
When you do get ahold of her,

could you just give me a call,
let me know she's all right?

Yeah, of course.

All right.

[Cole sighs]


[line ringing]

Hi, this is Noah.
Leave a message.

[line beeps]


It's Cole Lockhart.

Look, I'm trying
to track down Alison

and I heard that maybe
she went out to L.A.

She with you?

Call me back when you get this.

[phone buzzes]

Hey, Athena.
I'm sorry about that.

Cole, I went by her house.

With Joanie?

Uh, no, no, no, I dropped
Joanie off with Luisa.


Thank you for doing that.

Her stuff is still here.

What do you mean?

Her phone, her wallet--
it's all on the table.


I heard that maybe
she went out to Los Angeles.

Without her phone?

You sure it's hers?

Yes. I'm looking
at it right now.

Maybe she needed
another break, you know?


Yeah, maybe.


Look, do you mind just
calling around a little bit

and seeing if anybody
knows anything?

Well, of course.

I'm gonna head home now,
I should be back by...

Well... I'll get back
as soon as I can. Okay?

-[line chiming]

-Sh-- hey, Athena?

I gotta go.
I gotta take this call.

All right? Just...
call me if you get any info.

Okay, bye.

She with you?

Hello to you, too, Cole.

I just want to know
where she is.

I have no idea, so...

[sighs heavily]

I heard maybe she went
out to Los Angeles.

She did, yeah.

She was here last week.

-And nothing.

As far as I know,
she went back to Montauk.

As far as you know?

-Yeah. She got on a plane...

Look, I'm not even
out there anymore.

I'm in Chicago.
I'm stuck in O'Hare.

Well, it might interest you to
know that nobody can find her.


Did you just say
you're at Chicago O'Hare?

Did you say no one
can find her?




If I came and picked you up,
would you drive?

Drive? Where?


I'm exhausted, I can't
make the trip by myself.

I'll drop you off
anywhere you want along the way.


Uh... Okay, sure.

Stay where you are.
I'll be there soon.

[engine starts]

♪ tense, atmospheric music ♪


[woman] Unattended parking
is not permitted

on this parking level.

Violators will be ticketed.


Thanks for picking us up.




It's a long story.
I'll explain.


So she hasn't called?


[phone buzzing]


[continues buzzing]

You want to get that?

I'll grab you something.

Thank you.

[phone continues buzzing]

Hey, Luisa. How are you?

No, I'm-I'm fine.

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm good.

How's Joanie doing?

Good. [sighs]

Yeah, I'm on my way.
I'll be--

I'll be home soon.

You know what's going on.

Alison's missing.

I'm trying to find her.


I know that's not
what you meant--

Luisa, please,

I can't get into us right now.

We will talk about that
as soon as I get home, okay?

Yes, I promise.

I'll tell you everything
that's going on with me.

I just cannot get into it
right now.


No, no. No, please don't
put her-- [exhales]

Hey, baby. How are you?

What are you doing up so late?
Shouldn't you be in bed already?


I will be home soon, I promise.


No, Mommy's just gone
on a little trip.

That's where I'm going
right now.

I'm going to go get her. Okay?

Yes, I will be home soon.

That's right,
we will be home soon.

That's exactly right.

Everything's gonna be okay,
I promise.

Okay, you go to bed now.
And brush your teeth.


♪ somber music ♪

I love you, too, kiddo.


Oh, f*ck.


Thank you.


[engine starts]

[phone buzzing]

Hey. Athena?
What's the news?

I know where she may be.

Oh. Great. Where?

Her father's.

Her what?

He reached out
to her last week.

-He wants her kidney.
-He wants her what?

She went to see him.

Okay, Athena,
s-slow down for a second.

He lives in East Hampton.

Alison's father lives
in East Hampton?


Okay, I just talked to him,

but he insists he hasn't
seen her since she left.

But he's a terrible person,
Cole, and I don't trust him.

-[Noah] Athena.
-Who's that?

It's Noah. Noah Solloway.

What? What are you two
doing together?

It's a long story.

How did Alison find out
about her father?

-He called me.
-He called you?

And you just
sent her to him?

No! Of course not.

-I didn't know she'd gone.
-You knew where he was?

-When did she see him?
-Last week.

Is there any good reason
in God's name

why you are just
mentioning this now?


There's a reason, Cole,
but I'd rather not discuss it.

I don't give a shit
what you'd rather not discuss.

It's not relevant, Cole, okay?

What's important is
I don't trust him.

And someone needs
to talk to him.

Alison's father has been
living in East Hampton

for her entire life,
20 miles away, and you're just

-telling me this now?!

Look, what's the address?

Just give us
the address, Athena.

42 Lee Avenue, East Hampton.

Got that?

-Great. Thanks, Athena.
-[line clicks]

Oh, my God, this would
be so much easier

if she wasn't
such a f*cking nut job.

Did Alison mention any of this
when she came out to see you?

No, not a word.


Look, Cole, there's something
else I should tell you.


When I picked up Alison in L.A.,
she was in bad shape, okay?

Really bad shape.

So I-I got her
a prescription for Xanax.

-Please tell me that's a joke.
-No, well, I didn't, Vik did.

-Helen's boyfriend.
-Oh, my God.

-You gave her a bottle of Xanax?
-She was having...

She was having some kind
of a panic attack.

Well, actually, Xanax isn't
that strong of a drug.

You can't O.D. on it

unless you, like,
mix it with alcohol.

Thanks, Anton.

What was she planning on doing,
relaxing herself to death?

All right,
that's enough.

Sorry, The point is,
I didn't tell Jeffries,

-and he's gonna find out.
-[car horn blaring]

-Hey, wait!
-[tires screeching]


[Cole] What the f*ck
are you doing?!

Cole, keep your eyes
on the road!

-Man, I'm fine!
-How long you been awake?

I said I'm fine.


Here, look.
There's an exit here.

Pull over.

Come on, pull over.

[turn signal clicking]

♪ atmospheric music ♪


[engine stops]


[TV playing quietly]


-[door closes]
-Hi yourself.

Would you have a couple
of rooms, maybe adjoining?


Do we have
two adjoining?

They don't have to be adjoining.

Yeah, hold on one second.


Yeah, no.

[door closes]

Just... hang on.

Because we are
pretty full tonight,

but let me see
what I can do.


How about a double queen
for your son,

which adjoins with
a single king for you guys.

Does that work for your family?

Because love is love.

Thank you.
That would be perfect.

Thank you.
Rebecca, you're a doll.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

Okay. Grab you a key.

♪ atmospheric music ♪




[line rings]

You've reached Ben.

Leave a message after the tone.


Ben, it's, uh,
Cole Lockhart calling.

I just wanted to...
well, I wanted to check in,

see if maybe you'd
heard from Alison.

So, if you do hear anything,
give me a call back.

Thank you.

[knock on door]

We're hungry.

Need anything else?

No, that was delicious.
Thank you.

How about the hubby?

Oh, no, he's good, too.

Quit macking on her.
Eat your food.


1991 called...

on a landline, asking you
to fax its slang back.


Seriously, when you've
had your dinner,

I can, uh... give you
a few pointers if you like.

-[Anton] Pointers?
-You know, on sealing the deal.

I'm good, thank you.


Please. I want to hear this.

I bet you would.

See, they say
the best advice

is to be yourself, but I think

it's-it's good to enhance your
natural personality, you know?


See, Cole, for instance,
he's a moper.

I'm a what?

-Oh, shit.
-A moper.

I am not a moper.

You are. Classic moper.

See, his thing is... is to belly
up to the bar and order a drink,

like, you know,
really seriously,

like he's ordering
a m*ssile strike,

and then just stare
into the glass

really, really intense,
like he's reading tea leaves,

like he can see
the future in there.

Before you know it,

women are falling
all over themselves

to come and cheer him up.

-Isn't that right?
-[Anton] Wow.

Mm, mm. Now, Noah's strategy,

-on the other hand...
-Yes. Do tell.

I've been wondering
about this. to make
all of these promises

he has no intention of keeping

and couldn't possibly
deliver on, but that's okay,

so long as he gets
what he wants.


Seriously, though,
she's a smart girl,

probably totally bored,

living in a
Podunk town.

She'd really welcome
talking to someone

with a bigger

Or maybe she's chosen
to live here

for reasons you couldn't
possibly understand,

and she doesn't need
some f*cking stranger

coming into town and ruining
her life by rescuing her

from choices that she's made
as a grown woman.

All right.

Thank you, guys, for the wisdom.

I think I got it
from here, though.

-[phone whooshes]

[phone chimes]

-Did you just...?

I got her number
back at the desk.

-Excuse me.

Mr. Lockhart.
Mr. Solloway.

[clears throat]

How exactly
do you know this kid?

It's complicated.

Yeah, I bet.

Let me guess.
You're f*cking his mother.

[knock on door]

I've been sexiled.


Isn't that what you called it
in college? Sexiled?

I never went to college.

[rhythmic thumping,
bed creaking, Rebecca moaning]


Yes! Yes!

How old is this kid, 18, 19?

Where is he getting
this control from?

I know.

I actually think he might just
be punking us at this point.

[rhythmic thumping
and moaning continue]

[loud knocking in distance]

-Is that ours?

[rhythmic thumping
and moaning stop]

[loud knocking in distance]

[man] Rebecca,
open this door right now!

-I know you're in there!
-Oh, shit.

-[Rebecca] Uh, just a second!
-It's the dad. Hey.

[knocks quietly]

Come here, come here.

-Oh, my God.
-[loud knocking]

-[man] Rebecca!
-[Noah] Get in here, sit there.

-[loud knocking continues]
-Put your clothes on.

[man] Rebecca!
Open this door right now!

-[door bangs open]
-Where is he?

-Where the f*ck is he?!
-[Rebecca] I don't know

what you're talking about.
I was just cleaning this room.

[man] At midnight?!
You think I'm f*cking stupid,

-you little slut?!
-f*ck you!

I'll deal with you later.

-[loud knocking]
-[doorknob rattling]

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Go back, go back, go back.


Open up, you f*cking faggots!

[loud knocking]

[keys jingling]

Excuse me, what are
you doing in our room?

And what's with
all the yelling?

What the f*ck you three
think you're doing

in my motel with my daughter?

I don't know about your
daughter, but my husband and I

are just trying
to take our son

to see some schools
on the East Coast.

And if you don't get out of
this f*cking room right now,

I'm gonna kick your teeth
down your throat,

you f*cking redneck.

[Noah] Uh, honey, honey,
honey, honey, honey.

I think may-maybe
we should just leave.

Let's leave. We'll leave.

That's a real good idea.


So, Noah...


Why did Alison go
out to Los Angeles?

I'm not really sure.

I never understood
why she did what she did.

Did you f*ck her?


There's nothing
left between us.

I mean,

I'll always love her,
but I don't want to be with her

and she doesn't want
to be with me.

It was all over a long time ago.

What about you?

What about me?

You want to be
with her again?

That why you went to Milwaukee?

To get her back?

This state is endless.

"Spit Out the Bone" playing]

-[Anton] Morning.


Oh, man.

How long you been
driving for?

Couple hours.

♪ Your man has had
his time... ♪




Thank you.




Oh, man.

I can take over
at the next truck stop.

I'm good.

What the f*ck
are we listening to?



College white boys can
lose their mind over hip-hop,

I can't listen to metal?



♪ Stop breathing... ♪

So Princeton?


Aiming low, eh?


That's what they tell me.

You excited to go see it?

I don't know.

♪ All feelings
you terminate for me... ♪

You ever feel like

someone else's feelings
about something are so loud

that you can't even
hear your own?


Yes, I do.


[sniffs, grunts]

So, Noah,
or "Mr. Solloway."


-He's your teacher?

He any good?

He's f*cking great, actually.


Cole, what's wrong?

I'm not gonna be able to take
you all the way to Princeton.

I want to go talk
to Alison's dad.

Its just gonna be faster
if I take 78 the whole way.

Okay, fine. Don't worry,
we'll just get a cab

from here if you want.

Well, technically,
we don't have to be there

until tomorrow, right?

No, technically, no,
but I want to

get you there early,
so you can walk around,

-visit a class.
-Yeah, or

we can keep helping Cole

look for y'all's
missing ex-wife.

This is not a fun adventure,
Anton, it's serious.

Yes, Mr. Solloway, I know.

That's why I want to stay.

Look, you know

you're not gonna be able to
think about anything else.

So instead of staying
at Princeton for an extra day

doing jack shit
while you check your phone

every ten seconds,
we can stay with Mr. Lockhart.

See if we can help.

Well, that's true, I'm not
gonna be able to think about

-anything else.

Plus, I'm invested now.

Don't you want to teach me
to follow through?

Come on.


♪ gentle, acoustic music ♪




Y'all are rich.

It's not my house.

[engine stops]

I meant, like,
the collective y'all.


Look, I don't know
these people,

so just...
follow my lead, all right?


We were just
getting lunch together.

Uh, should I put down
a couple of extra plates?

-No, that's fine.
-Oh, yeah, that would be lovely,

-thank you.

And, again,
sorry to barge in on you.

Oh, I understand.

You must be worried sick
about her.

I-I mean, I don't know if
James knows anything, but, um,

regardless, I'm sure
he'd like to help.

-[Noah] Thanks.


We're just trying to find out
where she is.

Now you want
to stay for lunch?

People like this, the more
hospitality you accept,

the more they open up.


Honey, um, we've got company.


well, I'll... just be a moment.

As you can see,

I'm otherwise engaged.

All right, guys.

Come on, headphones off.

Cell phones
in the basket.

Thank you.

Thank you.
You, too.

It's a rule here.

Great. Yes.

Meals are a time
for human connection.

Oh, uh, Anton,

is there anything
you don't eat?

Our chef made baby octopus
for lunch, and, um,

well, I'm--
it's not for everyone.

Perhaps a grilled cheese?

No, I pretty much
eat anything.

But I could use
your shower, though.

We've been driving
for, like,

a day and a half and I don't
really smell too good right now.


Of course.
Uh, Tessa can

show you to
the guest shower


[Noah] Anyway,
we were just hoping

you might have
heard from her

since you've just been

I'm sure rebuilding
that relationship

was very important
to her and...

Mm. Mm-hmm.

I mean, we even thought
maybe she was...

maybe she was here.

No, no, she is not here.

I mean, it is a big house,

-[Noah chuckles]'s not that big.

And the last time
I heard from her,

well, I, I think
it must have been

before you said she went
to Los Angeles, so... sorry,

I know
that's no help.

[Noah] No,
that's fine, it's just...

is there anything else
you can think of?

Anything she might have said
or was planning or...?


How do you know she's not just

having one of those
little episodes of hers?

I'm sorry, what?

It's, it's just
an expression, Cole.

Well, I-I don't know
exactly what to call it,

but she did do this sort of
thing every once in a while, no?

And how would you know that?

We spoke, Cole.

We got to know each other.

While this behavior
worries me, well, I must say

I'm not surprised.

So, well, I do think
she'll turn up,

but I think we just must
have a little patience.

You had 40 years
to get to know her.

And you never reached
out to her even once

until you needed her organ.

And now you have the audacity

to sit there and--
she is a stranger to you.

I'm going to see if your friend
got lost on his way back

from the shower.

Excuse me.

I'm not sure what it
is you want me to say.

I don't want you
to say anything.

I want you to understand the
hole that you left in her life.

She blamed herself, you know?

She thought you disappeared

because she wasn't
good enough for you.

There are many things
that I regret.

But when you get to be
my age, my friend,

I think you will find yourself
viewing other people's choices

more charitably.

No, I did not do well by my
daughter when I was young.

But now I am hoping to
make up for lost time.

That's not how it works.

You don't get a-a do-over.

Just show up and hope that
you can undo everything.

-I mean...
-[phone rings]

Oh, you poor kid.

Now I understand
what you're doing here.


What am I doing here?

You're just looking
for someone to blame.



Darling, I think
you should take this.

Pardon me.

What are you doing?

What am I doing?

What are you doing,
kissing this guy's ass?

I told you, I'm trying
to get information.

You're treating him
like he's on trial.

Well, maybe he should be.

Is there anything else
we can do for you two?

Oh, God.

-[James] Are you sure?

[Julie] James,
is everything all right?

That was Athena.

They found her.


found her body.

She drowned herself.

She's dead.

♪ melancholy, ambient music ♪


Yo, yo, that was like

the greatest shower
I've ever taken.


You sure you don't want
to wait in the car?

No, I'm good.

[door opens]

Hi. I'm Sarah.

I'm the crisis counselor here.

Um, which of you is the closest
relative of the deceased?

Which of you will be
identifying her?

Me. Me. I'll do it.

This folder
contains photographs,

visible in which are several of
Ms. Bailey's identifying marks.

I do have to warn you that
she was found underwater

and had been submerged
for several days.

And though we've tried
to conceal as much

of her appearance as possible,
it still may come as a shock.

There's no rush.

Take as much time as you need.

Maybe I should...

Can I see her?


Can I see her?

Not a photo.
Actually go see her.

Um, that's not really something
we do anymore.

The photographs
are much less upsetting.


♪ dramatic music ♪


[door closes]

-You don't have to do this.

You can just
look at the pictures.



No! We need to see
that it's the real her.

Okay, but look at you.
You're a mess.

You do it.

What? No. I...

You do it.
I can't go in there.

We need to know
that it's her though.

Not a picture,
not a f*cking identifying mark.

We need to know
that it's the real her.

All right.

♪ dramatic music ♪





So you'll meet us there?

Yeah. This is the east jetty,

the one by Gin Beach.

Do you know
what he's talking about?

Okay, we're on our way.

It was Ben.


What's Ben?

Ben k*lled her.

Cole, you heard
what they said.

They're ruling
it a su1c1de.

But they're wrong.

Listen. You didn't
see her in California.

She was at the end
of her rope.

♪ dramatic music ♪


This where you found her?

Well, we didn't find her,
the maintenance guy did,

but this is where
we pulled her out, yeah.

Can I have his name?

I-- If you want.

Uh, anyway,
from the looks of things,

she came out here
a couple of days ago,

probably during the storm,
nobody else out here,

visibility for shit.

She walked up to the edge
and-and jumped in.

The waves were so big,
she probably knocked out

against these rocks
pretty quick.

After that, it was just a matter
of time till she drowned.

-How'd she get out here?
-How did she...?

Did you find anything?
Her bike, her car?

We think
she walked, Cole.

I mean, it's not
that far from her condo.

In the middle of a storm?

In that state of mind?

Look, Cole's wondering
if it's possible

she was k*lled
someplace else, and then...


We-we considered that.
There was water in her lungs.

She drowned.

Well, okay, but I saw her,
and she was pretty beat up.

-She had... her head was...

Right, all consistent with
striking against these rocks.

Look, there was no signs
of struggle here.

Uh, there were no signs
of struggle at her place.

I-In fact,
she left it immaculate.

And she left everything,
her wallet, her phone.

She even...

Even what?

She moved most of her money
into a new account.

For Joanie.


A week ago.

Look, this isn't
my first rodeo,


I've seen this before.

She was... getting ready.

What about Ben?

Have you talked to him?

We have, yes.
He has an alibi.

Really? What is it?

It checks out.

-What is it?
-It checks out.

Look, I-I never said this,

but one of the first times
I talked to Ms. Bailey,

back when I was
investigating your...

She said she'd try
to make it to 35.

To live to be 35.

You understand?

And she said
if she made it that far,

but didn't feel any better,

well, then,
she'd have tried hard enough.


I don't buy it.

The man had an alibi, Cole.

You're talking about Ben, still?

Alison would
not do that.

She would not
leave Joanie.

Something stinks.

I'll drop you guys
at the train station,

but I'm gonna see this through.

I'm gonna go see him.

-[Anton sighs]
-[door closes]

All right, let's go.

To the train?

No, with you.

You don't have
to do that.

Yeah, I do.

I'm afraid
you're gonna k*ll him.

[engine starts]

[engine stops]

Let's do this.

I have to call you back.


So you heard?


I'm so sorry.

I want to talk about what
happened with you and Alison.

What do you mean,
what happened?

Well, you said
she broke up with you.



A couple days ago.

How? Face-to-face?

I don't have to tell you that.

No, you don't.

But if you don't, I'm gonna
think that you're hiding

something, and I'm gonna
find out what it is.

[door closes]

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm Noah.


Oh, Jesus Christ.

Look, we're just looking

for some answers, Ben.

What happened doesn't
make sense to us.

So did you see her?
Yes or no.

Yes. We broke up in person.

And what day was that?


I already told the police
all of this.

Well, tell me, again.

Where was it?
Did you go to her apartment?


I went to her place,
she broke up with me, I left.

And then what'd you do
after that?

I went to an AA meeting.

-What time?
-Ten o'clock.

And what time
did you go over to see her?


Three hours?

It took you three hours
to break up?

What were you talking about?

Look, none of your business.
Get the f*ck out of my office.

I'm not leaving
until you answer my questions.

He's hiding something.
Can't you see that?

-He is hiding something!

I apologized

for not telling her
I was married.

I told her I left
my wife for her,

and I said I never met
a woman like her before.

I didn't want to let her go.

I said I'd stick around for her

as long as it took
for her to trust me.

And what did she say?

She said she couldn't.

She said she'd been hurt
one too many times.

That's it? Doesn't sound
like that took three hours.

It took 20 minutes.

What happened between that
and the AA meeting?

I got drunk, okay?

I left her place, went out

and got shit-faced for
the first time in almost a year.

When the bartender
took my keys,

I realized what I had done,
and what I had to do,

so I took a cab
to the meeting in Riverhead,

and turned in my medallions.

Does that answer
your f*cking questions?

Call the bartender
if you don't believe me.

-Cole, come on.
-What did you say to her?

What? Listen, you need
to get him out of here...

-What did you say to her?
-Come on.

I don't know
what the f*ck you're asking.

I'm asking you what you said

that made her want
to k*ll herself.


You actually think there's
something I could have said?

I knew Alison for six weeks.

How long have you known her?

-Come on, Cole, let's go.
-Or you, assh*le?

What did either of you
say to her, huh?

Because she was f*cked up
long before I ever met her.

You think I could've
made an impact

on the mess you both left?

I tried!

You want to know what happened
to Alison Bailey, Cole?

Why don't you take a look
in the f*cking mirror?!

Come on, Cole, let's go.

Come on.

Cole. Cole.


f*ck you!

-[both grunting]
-[Anton] Guys!

Come on. Stop it, guys.

What the f*ck are you doing?!


Stop it!


Guys, come on.

Stop! Stop it!

-Stop it!
-Why didn't you do something?!


You had her in your hands.

And you let her go.






It's okay, Cole.

It's okay.

Why didn't you do more?

Why didn't you do more?

[music playing quietly
over speakers]

We gonna need to tape that up?

No, it's okay.

Think I'm-a just
get a burger.


You okay, Mr. Solloway?

Anton, call me Noah.


I'm-a go take a leak. Yeah.

I'll be back.

[indistinct chatter]

♪ somber music ♪


Hey, there.


What can I get for you?

Uh, I'll just have, uh,
two burgers,

two fries, two Cokes, please.

And for your friend?


I'm kidding.

[laughs softly]

From New Jersey,
or you just passing through?

Uh, I'm just passing through.

You look bad.

Long day?

Yeah, you could say that.

Well, you've come
to the right place.

I'll get your order
right in for you.


♪ somber music ♪


[crying softly]

