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02x05 - Born Free

Posted: 06/20/21 18:06
by bunniefuu
I didn't want you to
have sex with anybody else.

Grace, if you'll have me back
I swear I'll never have sex again.

But you have to stop with
the drinking thing right now.

Yeah, Betty.

Actually, she waved to
Grace's brother Tom.

She seemed to
know him somehow.

I want a commitment.

I don't want you to have sex
with any other guys.

Would you
mind watching John

while I go to Italy
with Ben this summer?

Let Ben go, Amy.
Let him go.

The guy's been
really good to you.

And to me.

And if he wants to go away
for the summer, let him go.

My fathering a child is
a bit of a medical miracle.


Will you marry me?

Hello, my name
is Amy Juergens.

What is your name?

Ciao. Mi chiamo
Amy Juergens.

Not my fault.

You could have
said something.

I don't speak Italian.

Just learning a few phrases.

Wow. So you're doing
so well in school

and you also have time
to learn Italian?

You're a new mother.
I'm impressed.Only--

Only you're not going to Bologna.

You know you're
not going, right?

Yes, I am going.

No, you're not.

Look, Amy, you need
to face facts.

Young men of a certain age
do not go abroad

with a celibate girlfriend
and baby in tow.

Well, Ben asked me to go,
and John too.

Why would he ask us if
he didn't want us to go?

So that he wouldn't have to carry around
his guilt in a backpack all summer.

I don't care why, okay?

He knew you wouldn't
be able to go.

That's why he asked you.

And why wouldn't I
be able to go?

Because you love him
and you're happy

that he can get away
for the summer,even though you can't.

But I can.
I can if I want to.

Just let the guy
sow his wild oats.

I'm not going to Bologna
because I'm afraid

Ben will do something
I don't want him to do.

I'm going because it's
what's best for my son.

Every day
is an opportunity

to be exposed
to other cultures.

I want John to be
exposed to other cultures.

We were never exposed
to other cultures.

Mom and Dad never
took us to Europe or Asia

or Africa
or any place like that.

They never even thought about
exposing us to other cultures.

Well, that misguided trip
to the Grand Canyon

was more than enough
family travel time for me.

I just want my son to be
a citizen of the world.

He's not even going to know
what part of the world he's in.

You would know.
Yes, I would know if I were in Italy.

You could go, too.
Yeah, Ben would love that.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I'm sure he would.

Just like I'm sure
he would mind

if you and John actually
join him on his journey to manhood.

He's not going
to anyplace like that.

I think he is.
Are you here for a reason?

Yeah. Dad wanted me
to ask you something.

Do you know Mom's engaged,
or don't you?

Okay, headphones off.
You're on duty now.

Hi, Ash.

Good morning.

I'll just be going now.
I got what I came for.

What'd she come for?

You're engaged?

When did you
get engaged?

I thought you were making
eggs for the two of us.

You can't be engaged.
You're not divorced.

No, I can't be married,
I'm not divorced.I can be engaged.

Are you?

No, but I'm
thinking about it.

I could think a lot more clearly
if I had some eggs.

I really wanted
some eggs.

You want me to make you eggs
and yet you didn't even tell me?

Well, I was going to
tell you. I just haven't yet.

I figured I would tell you
after I had some eggs.

I have a really long day
ahead of me.

We're working on a
really big project, David and me.

Oh, come on. Don't make a
big deal out of it.

It's not even official yet.

So I guess you'll let me know
when it's official.I guess, yeah.

You know, if David's going to
be around here all the time,

I'm just going to get
in the way here.

John and me.

That's why I'm going to go
to Bologna this summer with Ben.

And I'm taking
John with me.

I'm an adult now.
I have a child.

I have to do
what I have to do.

Yeah, well, Amy, you have to
stay here for the summer

and work
and take care of John.

I don't have to.

Yeah, you do have to.

What are you going
to do this summer?

David and I are
still discussing it.

I guess you'll let me know
when you officially decided.

I knew she didn't tell her.

Maybe she's not engaged.

I saw him put the ring
on her finger a week ago

and he's been over there
every night since then.

No, those two are
up to something.

Maybe she said no.

And I think the question
at this point is

are you up to something?

What would I be up to?
No, it's definitely them.

What are they up to?

Well, they're having a baby,
or they think they are.

Maybe she thinks
it's not David's.

You know, and maybe that's
why she's not wearing

that big diamond ring
you think you saw.

I did see it.
It was huge.

Why would she hide it?

Because she hasn't decided
if she's marrying him,

no matter whose baby it is.

Maybe my vasectomy
came undone.

Or maybe you lied.

That'd be a pretty big lie.

I don't even know if I'm
even capable of telling a lie like that.

And if I were, I don't know
what I would do about it.

I know. We could go
with Amy to Italy.

We could summer in Bologna.
It might be good to get away.

Yeah, it might, but A, we don't
use "summer" as a verb in this family

and 2, people don't go
to Bologna to get away.

They go there
for something else entirely.

I know what they
go there for.

How do you know?

How does she know?
I don't know,

but there are lots of other
things to do in Italy besides...

sex things.

Lot of those Vespas
over there.

You like Vespas, don't you?

Yeah, I like Vespas,
but believe me,

everyone riding a Vespa
in Italy either just had sex

or is about to have sex.

That's why they
drive so crazy.

No, we can't just take off
and go over there. What about the dog?

We don't have a dog.

We can get a dog
when we get back.

I don't think Amy
really is going, is she?

She can't take John
to Italy.

Well, that's what she's
planning to do.

Well, she can't.
We could.

The dollar isn't worth
a peso in Europe.

I don't want
to go over there.

Well, it's better
than just waiting here

for Mom to find out that you
lied about the vasectomy.

I didn't say I lied, did I?
Did you?

It doesn't matter.

Still could be
David's baby.

And it probably is.

Or not.

Good morning.

I just wanted you to know

that if you want breakfast,
I can make it for you,

since your dad
left for work early today.

I had breakfast
earlier, Betty. Sorry.


I have to get to school
early this morning,

get to the library,
return these books on Italy.


Oh, heck, Benjamin,

I-- I usually just
slip out the back door

before you come downstairs,

but, well, today I
decided to be brave,

and I marched upstairs

and I'm saying "Hello,
stepson, let's be friends."

And I appreciate
your bravery,

but research and several
mainstream movies

have shown that the relationship
between stepmother and stepson

develops slowly
over time.

Lots of time.

Honey, there's nothing
slow about me.

I mean, even I know that.


I hear you're going to go to
Italy with Amy and the baby this summer.

Is that really the latest?

Truthfully, I've gotten myself
into a bit of a situation about that.

I love Amy,

but I really want
to go to Bologna alone.

And I'm going for work,
I'm not going for--

But I just want to go.

Well, I know you're
not going for sex,

but if you were, you might want
to get yourself some new condoms.

'Cause a lot of yours
have expired,

and some of them
have been discontinued for safety reasons.

That's good to know.


What time do you
have to be in court?

Oh, um, it just depends.

They can't start without me.

All right, well,
have a nice day.


Good morning.

I didn't know
you were back.

I got the red-eye.

You were sleeping
when I got home.

Uh, you probably didn't get
to spend any time with Ruben,

especially since he has
to be at work so early.

Why don't you two
go out tonight?

You know, someplace nice.

So you can see Ricky?

Yes, and so you
can go out with Ruben.

I'm really tired.
I've been flying a lot lately

and I'm not feeling well.

I just want
some time to myself.

Yeah, well, I want
some time to myself.

With Ricky, without you
or Ruben three feet away.

When are we going to
move to a real house,

where I can have
some privacy again?

When we can find one.

We're trying to find one
in your school district,

but so far,
we haven't seen anything.

Wait. Did you say
that you were tired and not feeling well?

Yeah. Yeah, I did.

You're not...

Oh, no. You and Ruben,
you're not...

Oh, no. No, no, God, no,
Adrian, no, don't be ridiculous.

You're sure?
I'm sure.

It's not that ridiculous.
Amy's mother's having a baby.


Anne and George?

Anne and somebody.

It's a very sound decision.
I disagree.

I thought you might.

You're not even 17 yet.

I will be this summer.

So I'm going to get
kicked out of the system the next year anyway.

I'd rather leave
because I want to leave

rather than get pushed out.

You may get pushed
out of the system,

but no one is pushing
you out of here.

And I'm not so sure
this isn't just an excuse.

Do you know what's involved

in getting legally emancipated

and becoming an adult?

Kind of. Not entirely.

But you've taken care
of me long enough.

It's time for me to move out
and get a place of my own

and let the next Ricky
get your help.

I think you
still need our help.

I'll probably always
need your help.

But I think we all know
I grew up years ago.

I had to.

And now I'm a father.

And I have a job.
I can do this. I'm ready.

You're a very responsible
young man. Very proud of you.

Made a lot of progress
this year.

There's still a lot
of progress to be made,

and you can be just as proud
of him if he's still here.

What's your real reason
for moving out?

Is it so you can
have sex any time you want?

Well, I would like some privacy
for those times when I want to have sex.

You know I have sex.

I know. And I don't like it.

But we know
it's a fact of life,

and we can't ignore it.

Why don't you give up
having sex for a while

and see how that goes?

That is an option.

A cheaper option than moving out of
the house so you can have sex.

It's not just to have sex,
I swear.

I want some time alone
for myself, too.

It's healthy to be
alone sometimes.

I'm never alone.

I love you both, and I love that
you take care of all the kids

who usually are
all around here.

But I have no time alone.

Not here, not at school,
not at work.

Not at Amy's.
It's never just me.

Or just me and Amy and John.

And it's just
going to get worse.

Her mom's having a baby.

What? Whose baby?

I don't know. I guess
it's the boyfriend's baby.

What are these people putting
in their coffee over there?

They are the most fertile,
irresponsible bunch of--

Well, she couldn't
have planned it.

What recently divorced woman
would have a baby

when her 15-year-old daughter
just had--

The point is I need to move

I'm going to be so happy
when school's over.

It's so hard to concentrate
on my classes right now.


Tom, I have been
walking around with a secret all week

and I just have to
tell somebody.

Sex again?
No, I'm never having sex again.

Even when Jack and I are
married, I may adopt.

Maybe Mom will be
in heaven by then,

and you'll have
all the sex you want.


That is a terrible
thing to say.

I'm trying to tell
you a story.

Do you heard of "a long story short"?
You know what that means.

Okay. You know last week,
when I left school when I was upset?

And I was walking home
'cause it was my first day back

and, you know, Mom
had tried to get me to talk to someone?

Short. Not long.

Mr. Juergens told me that he
lied about his vasectomy,

and now Amy's mother is pregnant

and it might be his
and not her boyfriend's.

Why are you laughing?

It's not funny.
It's very serious.


No. It's funny.
It's a comic strip.

Why are you reading

when I'm trying to tell you
about Mr. Juergens?

Why would you tell me
about Mr. Juergens

when I'm trying
to read "Doonesbury"?

Wait. Is that--

Are you wearing
Dad's robe?

You are. You're
wearing Dad's robe.

Take that off.

Take that off.

Tom. Tom.
Mom, help.

Help me.
Grace, stop, Grace, stop.

He's wearing Dad's robe.
It's okay.

No, it's not okay.
He wanted it.

I gave it to him.
Why would you do that?

Grace. Is that what you do
when I'm at school?

You just give away
Dad's stuff to people?

Honey, it's just a robe.

And his watch.

When you get home
from school today,

we can go through
your dad's things

and find
something you want.

I want his robe
and his watch

and everything else
that's his.

I don't want anybody else
to have any of his stuff.


Can we tell her

we gave Dad's sport coat
to Jack?

No, we can't tell her we gave
Dad's sport coat to Jack.

We've got to get it
back from Jack.

I don't want to
upset her more.

But you've been wearing
that robe all week.

She must be upset
about something else.

Oh, yeah.

George Juergens lied
about his surgery.

George Juergens lied
about what surgery?

Snip snip.

I meant no snip,
no snip.

Is Anne pregnant
with his baby?

I thought she was pregnant
with her boyfriend's baby.

How are you, chica?
You okay?

Am I okay?

Obviously I'm not, otherwise
you wouldn't be asking me that.

I hate that everyone
just keeps asking me that.

I'm sorry. You're right. I hate it
when people ask me that, too.

So...what's up?

Tom was wearing my dad's
robe this morning.

Oh, that's nice.

No, it's not nice.


No, it's not creepy,
it's just...

that's my dad's robe.

I just don't like that he's
taking my dad's things.

My mom is giving him my dad's things.

On the other hand,
it's just a robe.

And his watch.
Did you want the watch?

I just want all his watches
to stay where they are.

Is your mom going to
give you one of them?

That's not the point.
The point is--

I just feel
overwhelmed right now.

I just want school
to be over.

All I can think about
is sex and death.

And death and sex.

Well, it's normal, Grace.

Is it?

Especially after you've been through
what you've just been through.

Yeah, I guess.

I just don't understand

why God just puts us here
to have sex and then die.

Is everybody
so screwed up sexually?

Oh, yeah.


Some more than others,
of course.

But that's why
I feel so blessed--

cause I am not that screwed up.

Although I'm going to be

if I don't have some
alone time with Ricky.

Adrian, you know I think
sex before marriage is wrong.

And you know I don't think
sex before marriage is wrong.

Well, not for me.

Look, if I don't
have sex with Ricky soon,

he's going to have sex
with someone else.

Even though he
doesn't want me to.

It's wrong for everyone.

Everyone who's not married.

And sometimes it's even
wrong when you're married.

Or if you're married
but you're about to get divorced.

Who are you talking about?

Wait, are you talking
about Amy's mother?

You know she's
pregnant, right?

Yeah, Ricky told me.
It's all over school.

She and her boyfriend
are having a baby.

Her husband,or soon-to-be ex-husband.

No. George?

Yeah. It might be true.

He lied about having
a vasectomy.

Wait. How do you know?

He told me.

And now
I told you and Tom.

I can't tell you
how much better I feel.

He moved next door
to Amy, right? Yeah.

Do you think he might move back
in with Amy and her mother?

I mean, if he's the father.
I don't know. Why?

Cause my parents need a house

hey can't find one in the school district.

Adrian, you can't tell anyone anything
I told you about Mr. Juergens.

He doesn't even know for sure
if he's the father.

And I'm the only person
he told.

Did you tell anyone else
besides Tom?

That's what I heard.

How could you hear something
before I heard it?

Jason told me.
Jason told you before he told me.


I don't know. He thinks
you can't keep a secret.

Oh, I can't keep a secret.
You can't keep a secret.

You tell me everything.

Yeah, but the only person I
ever tell anything to is you.

I don't tell other people.

Well, where do you think
Jason heard it?

Where else?
The locker room.

Well, who in the locker room
would know something like that?


Please. Okay.
Where would Jack hear something

like Mr. Juergens lied
about his vasectomy?

She thinks it's her boyfriend's
and maybe it is her boyfriend's.

So maybe Mr. Juergens
wouldn't be moving back in.

But maybe
he'd be moving away.

He's not going to want
to live next door

to his ex-wife and her boyfriend
when they have a new baby, is he?

I don't know.

All I know
is that he lied.

Maybe it's twins.

Maybe one is
Mr. Juergens' baby,

and the other one is
the boyfriend's baby.

Madison, she's not
having kittens.

He lied.

Who said that?


How would Jack know?

How would Grace know?

Mr. Juergens
told her.

Please. Mr. Juergens
told Grace Bowman

that he lied
about a vasectomy?

Why would he do that?

I don't know, but 500,000
men a year in the US alone

get a vasectomy.

Lucky you're going to Italy for the summer
and not staying here, huh?

What is the logic, Henry?

I wasn't going to Italy
to get a vasectomy.

No, no.You're going for
quite a different reason.

We think I should go.

To Bologna? With me
and Amy and John?

What? They're not
going to go.

I don't know.
I asked her.



But I thought--
We thought, Alice and I,

that you could take me.

As a kind of summer school,
you know?

Trained in Bologna.

Okay, this is getting way,
way, way out of control.

I'm going to Bologna to work
at my uncle's hotel.

I'm sure Amy could stay
wherever he's putting me up,

if I have to take her.

But I can't take
you too, Henry.

If you have to
take me?

You do have to take me.


I am just getting deeper
and deeper into this.


I don't care if you want me
to go or not at this point.

I just need to get out
of that room with the baby.

I can't take it.

And this morning
I made my stand.

I told my mother
that I am an adult

and I will be leaving
for the summer with John.

I'm sorry, Amy.

I didn't mean
if I have to take you.

What'd you mean?
I want you to come with me to Italy. But--

But he'd rather go alone.

And you can't just take John
and go to Italy or out of the country

without asking me.
Yes, I can.

And I thought
you didn't care.

If this is going
to get ugly--

Yeah, it might.

And I thought
you didn't care.

- If this is going to get ugly--
- Yeah, it might.

- I care.
- Since when?

You look annoyed every
time you come over.

Look, I love my son.

I may not love anyone else,
but I love him.

And I want to see him.

And I want to start seeing him by
myself or with my family and friends.

Not just your family and friends.

So I'm getting
my own place this summer,

and I'm going to want to take
him out of the house sometime.

I'm taking him to Italy this summer.

Don't be ridiculous, Amy.You don't
even have a passport,and neither does he.

And even if you did,
even if he did,

who's going to pay
for the tickets?

And where are you gonna live and how are
you gonna take care of yourself and him?

Ben will take care
of all of that.

You're getting your own
place? Your own apartment?


You really want to leave
me here for the summer

when Ricky's getting
his own apartment?

I wonder what they're talking about.

Don't say anything to Ricky
about Mr. Juergens.

He might tell Amy.

He might tell Amy.

Hmm? No, I won't.

I won't.

She's making me nuts.

She can't just take off with John.

- It's just for the summer.
- It's not going to happen.

He's not going away for the
summer. I could keep him.

- How?
- How?

Just like Amy.Drop him off at daycare,
pick him up and take him home.

- And where are you going to live?
- I don't know.I'll find something.

I gotta figure out
my money first.

You're kind of young to live
by yourself, aren't you?

No, I'm not.I've been 40 since I was 4.

And you stay alone all the time.

Or you used to.

Don't worry. I'm not getting my
own apartment just so I can get laid.

You don't need
an apartment for that.

You can come over to our house...

when we get a house.

Your parents are never going to find a house.

They might have found something.

Well, good for them.
I still want my own place.

All right.I can't wait.

That'll be fun.

I'd really like
to see him, you know?

- John. I'd like to see you with him.
- You will.

You will see me with him, because
she's not taking him anywhere.

Oh, cut her some slack, Ricky.

Amy's young,and she's overwhelmed.

She has a baby to
take care of and school,

and then everything going on with
her mom and the pregnancy.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I know she's still adjusting to being
a mom and she'd like to get away,

but she must know that she can't.

She must. I'm even
surprised she'd want to

considering her parents
might get back together.

I don't think her parents
are getting back together

when her mother's having
a baby with her boyfriend.

I heard it might not
be the boyfriend's.

I heard it might be her dad's.


I heard...

Thank you. Okay.
Talk to you later.

Just checking on John.

- Oh, is he okay?
- Yeah, he's okay.

I just like to call in to the nursery
at lunchtime and make sure he's okay.

- And he is?
- Yep.


- Nothing.
- Nothing.

- Something.
- So how's your mom?

How's my mom?

uh my mom is feeling
very out of control,

so she is trying to control me.

But that's just how my mom is.

She says I'm not going to Italy
for the summer,but I say I'm going.

I'm not just going to stay at home
watching her and her boyfriend all summer.

- I still can't believe they're having a baby.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Isn't it weird to have another man
living in the house with your mom?

- Madison!
- I don't care if she asks me that.

Um, yeah, it is weird.

- Do you like David?
- He's okay.

I just wish she had
dated around a little more.

She went straight
from my dad to David.

She's almost 40 years old,
and she's dated two guys.

It's pathetic.

Not that David's
not a nice guy.

- He's rich and he's smart and all that.
- But he's not your dad.

It's too bad it's not
your dad's baby.

My dad can't have any more
children.He got a vasectomy.


- Nothing.
- Nothing.

- What do you know?
- How would we know

anything about your dad's vasectomy?

Yeah. I mean, come on.

You're right.
I am being ridiculous.

How would anyone know anything
about my dad's vasectomy?

I have lost my mind.

I told you I've been locked up
with a baby for too long.

Yeah, well, good luck with
that.I'll see you around.



Oh. Sit down.
I'm glad you're here.

I feel like people
are staring at me.

I'm sorry.

I mean,I know they mean well,but

I hate this.They're, like,
watching meto see how I am.

I mean, I'm terrible.

I just have moments where I feel so sad
I can hardly keep from bursting into tears.

And then the next moment,I can't
get you and me out of my mind--

you and me and what we did and...

I just feel so guilty,
and I hate myself.

Sometimes I just get
angry--really angry.

My emotions are all over the place.

I don't want to say I know
because I don't know.

I was much younger when
my dad died.But, uh,

I remember how I
would go from weeping

to forgetting to remembering
to being screaming angry--

just hitting my bed
with a baseball bat.

That helps.

If you want,
I'll bring you a bat.

Yeah. Maybe I will.

I'm so upset with Tom right now.

And my mom. She gave
Tommy my dad's robe

- and his watch.
- Hmm.

Yeah,I got up this morning,I
came down to the breakfast table,

and Tom was just sitting
there wearing my dad's robe.

Can you believe that?

Uh, no.

But maybe it made Tom feel
good to be wearing his robe.

And his watch.
He had his watch, too.

Well, it's a man's watch.
You don't want his watch,do you?

No, but I don't want other
people to have his things, Jack.

I mean, he just died.
It's only been a few weeks.

I know. Grace, I know,
and I'm sorry.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Are you okay, Grace?

Yeah. Thank you.

Although every time somebody
asks me that,I feel like I'm not.

Oh, right. I forgot.

I lost my mom, you know.

Oh,yeah.I knew that.I forgot.

Me, too.
I'm so sorry.

Did you want to sit down?

Oh, it's okay.I'll
catch up with you later.

It's terrible, isn't it?

Yeah, it's the worst.

You don't really understand it
until you've gone through it.

And I've been through it.

Oh, hi.

I was wondering where you were.

So you're not angry with me
for saying what I said about--

About having to take me to Italy?

No. As long as you take me.

Benjamin, hi.
You forgot your lunch.

- Hi, Betty.
- Hi, Betty.

Yeah, your dad told me
I could bring it to you.

And then the office said
I could leave it with them,

but I thought I would
just come by and say hi.

Well, that's very kind of you.

Uh, all right.

- I guess I'd better be going.
- Uh, thanks again for this.

Oh, sure. Anytime.
Bye-bye, Amy.

What is wrong with her parents?

- What do you mean?
- Ben, look at her.

- She's a hooker.She's gotta be a hooker.
- She doesn't have to be a hooker.

She's not a hooker.
I like Betty.

- Whatever.
- Whatever?What does that mean?

It means you can like her all you
want,but she looks like a hooker.

She knows the Bowmans.Would
the Bowmans know a hooker?

How do you know
she knows the Bowmans?

She just waved to Grace.
Grace just waved to her.

- That doesn't mean she's not a hooker.
- My dad is not marrying a hooker.

I don't care if your dad
is marrying a hooker.

But he's not.

And even if he were,

Do you think she's a hooker?

I don't know.How would I know?I don't
have anything to do with hookers.

She seems to know Grace and Tom.

I mean, why would Grace
and Tom know a hooker?

I don't know. Why you asking
me all this stuff? Ask her.

- Grace?
- No. Betty.

Go directly to the source.You want to know
something about someone,go straight to them.

I can't just walk up to Betty and say,
"Hi, how are you?Are you a hooker?"

Well, not like that.

- How?
- I don't know, Ben.You'll figure it out.

I've got other stuff on my mind.
I've got to go talk to Bunny.

You want a raise,don't you?

Oh, no,I don't want a raise.

Fine. I'm not
going to give you one.

I just want permission from you to talk to
Mr. Boykewich about working more hours.

I know.I know I work for you.

But he's the one who gave me the job,
and I just feel I have to ask him.

I just want to work more hours
so I can make more money.

So if it's okay with you,I'd
like to talk to Mr. Boykewich

just because, like I said,
he gave me the job.

All right.He's coming
down here at closing time.

- Thanks.
- I like your style, kid.

- I don't.
- What do you mean?

I'm actually jealous that Amy would
go to Italy with our son with Ben.

So he's "our son" now,
not "my son"?

Did I say that?

Before you start talking to Dad--Before
he even gets intothe house, get over here.

- Who is this?
- Get over here!

Hey, where you going?

Next door.Some sort of emergency that
Amy doesn't want you there for.

Go over there.Find out why she
didn't speak to me all the way home.

You were sitting next to her in the car.
Why didn't you ask her what was wrong?

- Go! Go!
- You owe me.

Yeah, yeah. Go!

- What's the emergency?
-You know what everyone is saying at school?

They're saying that Dad
lied about his vasectomy,

which means he could
be the father of the baby.

- Not David, Dad.
- Oh, Amy, Amy.

What are you thinking?

That high school students know
more about Mom's baby than Mom?

I mean, don't you think she
would know who the father is?

She would know when the baby is due,

when the baby was
conceived.She would know.

When she first found
out she was pregnant,

she didn't know who the father was.

Yeah, but I'm sure she's
figured it out by now.

I mean, we all know
they had sex in the garage,

but she wasn't pregnant
for months after that.

She would know.She would.
I don't know about that,Ashley.

She's huge.Maybe she's more
pregnant than she says she is.

Do you want it to be Dad's?

Not unless that's what Mom wants.

If Mom wants it to be Dad's,
then I want it to be Dad's.

Do you want it to be Dad's?

Of course I want it to
be Dad's baby.I mean,

I would love to move
back over here with Dad

and for all of us to be
one big happy family.

But unfortunately,it's not Dad's.
That's just not going to happen,

and we're just going to
have to live with that, Amy.

Mom is having a baby with David,

and her life is starting over.

She has her own life now,
her own family.

What about us?

- Us? What, you and John?
- No, Ashley.

You and me.
We're her children, too.

We're her family--you, me and John.

We're her family with her first husband.

That doesn't matter.
She's still our mom.

Just like I'll always be
John's mom no matter what.

You know what, Amy?I
think this is one of those things

that I'm just not going
to understand till I'm older,

- until I'm a mother.
- Yeah. Probably.

Hey, you don't think Dad
would lie about his vasectomy,

- do you?
- Come on.

If he had lied about his vasectomy,he
would've gotten her pregnant long before now.

- I mean, that was almost ten years ago.
- Yeah.

- Are you going to be okay?
- Yeah. I guess.

Mom left me a message on my phone.
She's going to be out with David tonight.

All right. Well--

And Ben and I got in a fight
because I called Betty--

you know, his dad's fiance--a hooker.

That's okay.I think
she is a hooker.

- Why would Mr. Boykewich be with a hooker?
- Why would Mom be with David?

Look, these things just happen,

and we have to accept
that that's the way things are.

See you.

- Hey, Ashley.
- Yeah?

Don't tell Dad that I thought
he lied about,you know,

his surgery.

I don't want him to think
that I would ever think that

he would do something so stupid.

I don't even know how
that rumor got started.

You need me to hang out for a while?

- I heard you on the phone.
- Bye.

How could you give
Dad's sports coat to Jack?

I didn't act alone.
Mom did, too.

We like Jack.

Yeah, they like me,
and I liked your dad a lot.

Well, fine.Just take the sports
coat,if that's what you want.

- Thanks.
- Wrong answer.

Good night.

What? I want the coat.

You know I don't really want
you to take the coat.

I know what you really
want is your dad.

You know,it really helped to
talk to you and Madison today.

Who else do we know
that lost a parent?

- Ben.
- Ben.

Poor Ben.

You know his dad is
about to marry Betty?

- Who?
- Betty, Tom's Internet hooker.

You know, I'm still
in a state of shock.

I keep talking too much
about all the wrong things.

- Tom's Internet hooker?
- More like a friend.

Oh. Hmm.


Uh, I know it's early.
Is your family around?

Good. Then we can talk.

Uh, first of all,
I would like to say

I am so sorry
about your father.

- Me, too. Thanks.
- And secondly,

you know,when I waved
to you at the church,

I think Ben might've
figured out who I am.

No, I don't think so.

- You didn't say anything to anybody?
- No.

Oh, Tom, that's so nice of you.

But today, you know,
I saw your sister at school.

Do you think she said anything?

Nah. She did not say anything.

She don't want no people
to know I know you.

I hadn't even thought of that.

You are so smart.

Well, honey, I, uh--
I would love to tell Ben,

but I just can't.

I-- I've found
the love of my life,

and I-- I just don't want
to lose him, you know?

- I know.
- All right. I guess I'd better go. Bye-bye.

Hi. My dad'll just be a minute.
Ricky wanted to talk to him.

What a coincidence.
I wanted to talk to you.

Ben, there's something
I have to tell you.

You don't have to tell me anything
you don't want to tell me, Betty.

I just want you to know...

that I've been named
Court Reporter of the Month.

With Ben not here
for the summer,

I was wondering if the budget would
allow me to work more hours--

hours that would've
been his hours and--

Or, I know you pay
a cleaning service.

I clean really well.I could
save you some money there.

I'm willing to work 12-hour days.

Hold it, hold it. What is it
you're trying to buy?

- You need the money for something?
- I want to move out of my parents' house.

I talked to them about it.
I want to emancipate.

I'll get kicked out of the
foster care system next year,

and then it'll start
costing them to have me there.

And I don't want
to be there anymore.

I love them, but I want
a place by myself--

a place where I can bring my son.

I'm not looking for any handout.I'm
just looking for hours--more hours.

I found a studio apartment,and
if I save my money all summer,

I'll have the deposit
and an extra month's rent paid,

depending on how much I can work.

And if I'm putting you in an
awkward position by asking,

I apologize.I just thought
I'd try here first

before I look for a
second job somewhere else.

I think I can help you out.
And you know what, Ricky?

With my help or without my help,

I can tell
you're going to do okay.

This is going to be a really good
summer for you.You're on your way.

Come on.I want to
show you something.

I had thought about showing this
to you a few years from now.

But what the heck?

Ever see the upstairs here?

No. I didn't even know
there was an upstairs here.

Yeah. Come on.

I hope the electricity
is still on up here.

Yeah. It still works.

What is this?

We use it for storage.It's
the old family apartment.

My grandparents lived here.
Well, they did for a long time.

- It's nice.
- Think you could clean it up?

Sure. I can clean it up.I can
even paint it,if you want me to.

Well, what are you going
to do with it?

What am I going to do with it?

I'm going to let you live in it,
if it's okay with your parents.

- How much?
- Ah, just something towards the utilities.

Ah, don't do that.
It's not that nice a place.

And my Aunt Louise died up here.

She still comes around
once in a while.

I'm just kidding.
Nobody died here.

I swear, I'll be totally
respectful of your property.

And I'll work for free.
I'll work nights, weekends.

Slow down.I'll pay you when you
work just like I would anyone else.

And you can't work all the time.

You gotta take time
to be with your son.

Speaking of which,my
son is waiting for me,so

lock up when you leave.

Mr. Boykewich,

I don't know what to say.

Say thank you.

Thank you.

Good night, Ricky.

- hello
- Adrian, you're not going to believe this.

- I got a place.
- You got a place?

Yeah. I'm here right now.

Mr. Boykewich gave me this
apartment over the butcher shop.

- It's great.
- You're kidding.Can I come see it?

Not yet. I want to get
it all cleaned up first.

- I'll come over and help you.
- No. That's okay.It's my first place.

I want to do it myself.

- I just want to see it.
- Not tonight, Adrian.But soon.

I promise.I just
wanted to tell you.

Thanks. Thanks for telling me.

- What?
- Ricky just got a place.

- An apartment over the butcher shop.
- And?

Don't you get any ideas
about moving in with him.

What? No, I'm not going
to move in with him.

I'm not going to
move inwith any guy.

And now you've messed
everything up for me.

Ricky's not going to come over to
see me when he's got a place of his own.

This never would have happened if
you and Ruben had already gotten a place.

If I had a place
to be with Ricky,

Ricky wouldn't even
have been looking.

- Adrian.
- Mom, just call George.

See if he's moving back in
with Amy's mother.We need a house.

What difference is that
going to make now?

If we bought George's
house,at least I'd know

when Ricky's over at Amy's
and what he's doing with her,

and if he's lying or not lying about
being over there with the baby.

I don't think I want
to be living next to George.

And we're not buying a house just
so you can spy on your boyfriend,

even if it's in the school district.

It is.And it's a nice house.

- Why don't you call him?
- Maybe I will.

Not tonight, but maybe.

David, I don't know how
much longer we can do this.

We're almost finished.
We just have the master bath

and the terrace area
off the master bedroom.

The guy can't do his own terrace?

It's green already.It's outdoors.

Do you want to go
with brick flooring so

- it'll match the garden area?
- He might want a pool instead of a garden.

- I thought you didn't want a pool.
- I don't.

I mean, not unless you can make it
look like a pond or something

so it doesn't look so much
newer than the property.

But the owner might.I don't know.

So should we or should we not

put in a cement pond?

A pond.A small swimming pool--

black bottom,solar heated.

Changed your mind. Good.
Okay. Now, where were we?

This is a huge project.

Shouldn't we get the
interior designer to do this?

You're the one
that's promoting green.

And I want this house
to be totally green.

The owner wants it that way.

Well, then, shouldn't the owner
be making these decisions?

He doesn't really care.He just wants
to be in by the end of the summer.

- And I have to order everything.
- In one day?

- Are you having any fun?
- I was, but now I'm kind of tired.

Couldn't we just
finish this tomorrow?

I'd really like to get
home to Amy and John.

Amy can take care of John.

And Amy's going to
have to take care of John.

She will, eventually.

When we're married,
when the baby comes,

we're not going to want to live in
the same house as Amy and John

or next door to George and Ashley.

Should we all
move into your loft?

I think we-- the two of us--
should move into this house.

It's not in the same city,
but it's close to your mother.

- I mentioned that, right?
- A few times.

So what, you're going to just try
to buy the house from this guy?

I am that guy.

It's got a guest house,
if Amy decides to move,

and there's plenty of room
for Ashley to visit.

- It's perfect.
- I'm sorry. What?

I bought it a few years ago.I've
been working on it whenever I could.

I think we should finish
it for the two of us--

Sorry. Three of us--
you, me and the kid.

I can't believe
I'm going to be a dad.

I know it's a lot to think about,

but if you put that ring
on your finger that I got you...

It's magic. It'll completely
clear your mind.