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01x14 - Mehar's Jacket

Posted: 06/18/21 19:52
by bunniefuu
Where do we start?

One thing at a time.

You know, we're all adrift right now.

The work around here gives me purpose.

Maybe it can do the same for you.

It's not me I'm worried about, Daddy.

These past couple weeks, what the kids have been through, you know, what I put them through...

I don't know.

I just feel like I gotta somehow see us to the other side of this.

You know?


This is William Walker.

A comment?

I will file charges for harassment...

- Okay!

- Give...

Calling about Clint West?

You don't need to bother with that, you're resting.

Mama, I can take care of myself.

No, you can't.

None of you boys can.

- Hi, Mr. Walker.

- Geraldine.

I'm sorry about Hoyt.

You brought out the very best in him.


- And, uh...

I'm so damn sorry.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How are the kids?

You know, it's been rough.



- And-and for you...

- For all of us.

- Hoyt's?

- Yeah.

Didn't leave much.

Rolling stone.


Meant to leave a lot more.

A bar coaster?

What is this?

His last will and testament.

Hoyt bought a plot of land over in Tanglewood just before he got out of jail.

He and I passed through that area once.

I mentioned it'd be a nice place to settle.

♪ When you were young ♪

I guess he listened.

♪ There's something inside... ♪

So Hoyt owns land?

Well, he would have.

The deal fell apart after he passed.

New owners.

They take possession tomorrow.

I'm sorry, Geri.

I mean, I would have helped.

You still can.

I gotta go there and gather his personal belongings.

- Okay.

Of course.

I'm there.


- Thank you.


♪ Keep me from falling down... ♪

What do you think about the kids coming?

It might be good to give 'em a change of scenery.

I think it'd be a great change of scenery for them.

Are you sure you don't mind?

I would...

I would love it.

- We could make a day of it.

- Yeah.

- Picnic.


- Great.

I think Hoyt would have liked that.


I just got one thing to do before we go.


- Okay, just sign right there

and your leave of absence is official.




So, uh, so-so that's it?

I'm Joe Citizen now?



It seems, uh, unceremonious.

Oh, didn't want to make a lot of hoopla.

We're all just trying to respect your process.

Thank you, Connie.



- Is this where I report a lost hat?

- Walker.

- Hey.


- Hey.

Uh, I'm sorry I haven't called you back.

Uh, i-it's been...

you know.

Got the flowers you and Trey sent.

Thank you.

That-that was very kind.

I'm so sorry about Hoyt.

I didn't know him long, you know, but I felt it, his warmth.

He had that effect.

- Lunch today.


- Yes.

- I found a great new taco truck for us to try.

- Micki...

I was gonna say I actually can't make today.

I got Geri and the kids out in the truck.

And-and Hoyt's passing left some loose ends we-we gotta tie up, but, uh, next week, me and you.

Taco contest.




- Yeah.

Of course.

- Of course.


Next week.

See you next week.


TREVOR (ON VOICE MAIL): Stella, I know you won't pick up, but I...

If-if we could just talk, please.

Will you think about visiting me?

I-I know everything is so messed up, but if we could just...

I'm just sorry.

I'm so...

I'm so, so sor...

Hey, uh, Uncle Hoyt never said anything about a secret hideout, right?

No, I think it was more about a place,

- you know, a dream.

- Yeah.

Hey, uh, didn't you get the sleigh around here?

Yeah, it-it was that Christmas

- where the reindeer came and...

- GERI: Oh, my God.

Pooped everywhere.

- Yeah.

- WALKER: Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I-I do remember that.

Hoyt scooped up shovelfuls of horse manure from the stables and scattered it all over the place.

- "Rudolph pooped on our porch!"


Oh, my God, you two were so juvenile together.

- Oh, come on.

- It wasn't just them.

Your mom was way into it.

Oh, and then, on Christmas morning...

Uncle Hoyt was on the front lawn in a real sleigh dressed as Santa.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Yeah, it, uh, it took me seven years to realize that not all Santas wear assless chaps.


- Yeah.



That was the, uh, first Santa I remember.



- Mmm-mmm-mmm!


Listen, I'm not complaining... these tacos are b*mb...

but, babe, weren't you supposed to, uh...

Walker had to go take care of some things for Hoyt.

- How they holding up?

- Okay.

All things considered.

Actually, I...

I don't know.

Our exchange felt really... off.

Is there any chance that...

you might have been the one who made it feel off?

Walker is not the only one who experienced loss.

You lost your partner, even if it is just temporary.

You know, your mom would say that loss...

What, now all of a sudden you're interested in psychology?

Am I just gonna have two shrinks in my family now?

- Oy vey.

- "In my family"?


Freudian slip!

- I'm gonna burn those books.




Uh, Cap-Captain.

- Hey.

- Uh...


- C-Come in.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your lunch or anything.

I'm actually here to speak to this guy.

Hey, Trey, how's it going?

- It's all right, man.

It's good to see you.

- You, too.

Just got a quick question for you.

Do you know a guy named Louis Kirk?

He goes to the same physical therapist office as you.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Lou's a good dude.

Army vet.

Same battalion as Micki and me, actually.

We didn't meet until physical therapy, though.


What about him?

He's been missing for three days.

You know how military cases always make it up the ranks.

Um, this next question's a little awkward because he was last seen...

in a heated discussion with you.

So, uh...

... what's that about?

TISCH: Nice lot of land.

Lots of promise.



Rawlins had great taste.

- That he did.


As far as his, um, belongings...

Neighbors are tending to your friend's personal effects.

They are probably out grazing.


AUGUST: Hey, Dad, did you know Uncle Hoyt had four horses and a llama?

Oh, my God, he is so cute it hurts.

Please tell me that those belong to the neighbors, correct?



Rawlins sweet-talked the seller into throwing in that family of outcasts.

The mare, she suckled that odd-duck stray, raised it as her own.

Well, sounds like Hoyt's kind of family.

Well, they're yours now.

But you got to get them off the property by tonight.


- I'm s...

I gotta take this.

And, hey, if you're looking for a three-bedroom

- for yourself and the kids...

- Yeah, no, we're not.

WALKER: Wh-Where...

Uh, where am I gonna board four horses and a llama?


- Dad, come on, these are Uncle Hoyt's...

- His last dream.

That is what you said.

So... they're a part of that dream.


I mean...

maybe we need a distraction.

Like what?

You want to... want to take 'em on a cattle drive

- or something?

- I don't know.

- GERI: Let's do it.

- WALKER: Let's do it.

♪ ♪

TREY: Some woman saw Lou teaching me a judo throw after PT.

She thought we were fighting, and she overreacted.

What was he getting PT for?


Brain injury.

He doesn't want his daughter to know.

Lou's family is everything to him.

You probably know more about him than I can get from reading his file; you want to ride along?


I mean, there's no way I could just sit around on my hands.

- I'll, uh, I'll grab my coat.

- All right.

Hey, Cap, I think since Walker is taking his...

Ramirez, if you want to partner up, just ask.

WALKER: It's nice having everyone on this ride.

I mean, I know it's not exactly a picnic, but, uh, you know, getting out here with the kids, with you,

- it feels... feels good, feels right.

- Yeah.

GERI: I mean, I think so.

I honestly don't know how I even functioned this past week.

And then I think about what you might have witnessed...

I can't even imagine.

What I imagine keeps me up.


Me, too.

- Especially knowing I brought all this on.

- No, don't.

It's not on you.


Is he okay?

I mean, he looks a little sick.

WALKER: We got a ways to go.

I don't know if he's gonna make it.


You know what, I'm gonna hang back, check on Stella.


Uh, little lady, I'm gonna have to issue you a ticket for texting while riding.

I'm not, I'm just...

I'm looking at Uncle Hoyt's last text.

It's about my old court hearing for possession.

"The judge will see a world of remorse in a single tear".

If I knew that was the last time...

Yeah, I...

I get it, Stella.

I mean, I've been replaying those moments myself.

Yeah, but you weren't responsible for...




Don't put that on yourself.

Dad, I was the one who brought Trevor, Clint in.

Trevor's dad was a deeply troubled man.

He blindsided us.

What happened wasn't anything to do with you.


- Whoa, whoa, oh...

Okay, okay.

Whoa, whoa.


Um, Dad, is he all right?

What's wrong?

He, uh...

He's gonna be fine, buddy.

- Um...


You know, uh, I think he may be better off if we leave him with someone who can take better care of him.

Hey, Dad, are you serious?

We can't just leave him here.

I mean, they're-they're family.

Sure, they might not be the same species or whatever...

- Okay.

I think you're overreacting, bud.


Hey, hey, Augie, it's gonna be okay.

Did you know that, um, that Hoyt wanted you to have this jacket?

And it's not just any jacket.

It's a lucky jacket.

Yeah, Hoyt won that, uh, from a tarot card-reading mystic

- named...

- The Mystifying Mehar.

The Mystifying Mehar, that's right.

Had a side hustle in addition to tarot.

WALKER: Yeah, three-card Monte.

Uh, Hoyt beat him at his own game and won that jacket from Mehar.

- Seriously?

- Yeah.

- Why?

- Because it's a lucky jacket.

Mehar was infamous for getting out of trouble because of that jacket.


Hey, kiddos, why don't y'all lead the way?

Go on.

Geri, hey.

Uh, will you keep up with the kids?

I'm gonna try and find a place to drop him off.

- I'll catch up.

- Yeah.

BONHAM: Go on!

- Get out of here!

- All right.

Silly people.

My Lord.

- What was that about?

- Aw, it's just more journalists wanting to pester Liam.

- Well, I came out to Te...



I came out to tell you to quit making a racket.

Liam needs rest.

And you probably need the same.

You've been working all over this ranch, and you won't lift a finger to help yourself, you won't schedule an appointment.

You know, I didn't know you could segue from sawing to cancer.

If you're looking for an apology for me wanting to help fix up our home...

I'm worried, Bon.


Hey, Augie, he'll be better off there, bud.

You know, they're-they're better suited for an animal like that, and there's no way he could have crossed this ravine.

- You didn't even try.

- Stel...

Do you think it would have hurt if we just go back and try to...

Augie, Augie, hold on, look.

Sometimes, when a situation gets too dangerous,

- it's best to recognize you gotta walk away...

- STELLA: Oh, my God!

Enough with the lectures.


- Whoa!




Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hold on, hold on.


- Whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Stay still.


Stay calm.

You're safe, okay?

- I'm fine.

I'm fine.

- Shh.

Stay calm.

- She just, she just slipped.

She just slipped.

- I told you this wouldn't have been safe for that llama to cross.

Dad, you didn't even know we'd have to cross this.

- I'm saying I told you...

- How can you just sit there and retroactively justify abandoning the llama?

Okay, we said this was gonna be a nice escape.

Um, we said?


Oh, right, now I remember.

We said that right after we decided to abandon the llama that Hoyt left us.

Hannah, this is Ranger Ramirez and Captain James.

Nice to meet you, Mrs.


We're gonna do everything we can

- to find your husband.

All right?

- Mm-hmm.

APD mentioned a note?

I, uh, found it at home the day Lou went missing.

All it said was, um, that he knew how to fix everything, and please don't worry.

Love, always.

Fix everything.


What does he mean by that?

The bank threatened foreclosure.

If we can't pay, they seize all our possessions Monday.

Hannah, I'm-I'm so sorry.

MICKI: Had you noticed anything different with his mood?

Maybe his schedule?

He's been spending a lot of time in the garage working on his woodwork.

That's where I thought I'd find him, but when I went to go look, he wasn't there.

- Mind if we take a look?

- Please.

- Thanks, Trey.

- Hey, of course.

Look, they're gonna find him, okay?


After meeting his family and hearing what Trey had to say about him, I just...

I don't peg Lou for the kind of guy that would run.

- Well, hope not.

- He wouldn't.

JAMES: Hey, check out this photo.

No flag on the uniform.

MICKI: It's a military contractor stint.

That pays well.

Definitely would solve money issues, especially if it's black ops.

- Okay.

- Clandestine work would also

- explain his hasty departure.


Got a g*n safe.

Do soldiers have to bring their own g*ns for jobs like that?


It's mandatory.

Man, a peek in here would answer some questions.

It's locked.

I'm gonna have Connie call a locksmith.

May not have time for that.

Ha-ha, besides, I learned a little trick while on deployment.


JAMES: Guess old habits die hard.

Now, let's see what's behind door number one.

And the g*ns are gone.

Would he take a black ops job to pay off his debts?

I think he'd stop at nothing to protect his wife and daughter.


You sound like a herd of buffalo coming in here.

I am here to sub in and take care of Liam, so you go, scram, scat.

- I got a better bedside manner than you, anyhow.

- Uh-huh.

Barbecue for your political opponent.

How 'bout that?

Liam can't have barbecue.

He's on bed rest.

That's cured four generations of Walkers.

Now, listen...

I was thinking about mushroom hunting, what it means to you.

How about we make some new memories?

Ed, I can't thank you enough for providing us shelter.

That's, uh... you're welcome.

No problem at all.

- Thank you.


- This mare's a bit of a handful, huh?

- Yeah.

Well, she's probably scared and wondering where her boy is, so...

Remember how Hoyt and I

- used to babysit you and Augie?

- Yeah.

Used to stay up past bedtime building forts.

I'm so sorry.

About Uncle Hoyt.

He was the best.

And I know he did some things that kept you apart, but you forgave him.

Not always.

Really wish I had.

His heart was so big, Stel.

I know.

The two of you were always kind of like the dream to me.


It kind of was, right?

Um, Stel, look, I-I know that I never met your boyfriend, but I get it.

I really do.

Don't just let that boy take up all the space in your head, okay?

Not when other people need you.

Why would anybody need me when I did this?



You didn't do this.


You let love in, maybe.

That's your worst crime.

Do you remember my toast at Cordi and Em's rehearsal dinner?

There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

That was the best toast of the weekend.

I'm not gonna relitigate this with you, but my speech at the wedding was objectively .

times more emotionally stirring.

I mean, I'm...

I'm weeping just thinking about it.


- That's the spicy barbecue doing that.

Puts hair on your chest.

Not that you need it after the guts you showed fighting Clint West.

Austin electorate won't forget that.

That little stunt may have just put you to the front of the race.

- You're really making this about the D.A. race?


Stan, I'm not even sure I want a career

- in public service anymore.

- Liam!

Come on, now.

You need this challenge, huh?


Look, you're facing a decision that is gonna affect you forever.

I been there, and I chose wrong.


you don't want to live with that regret, you know.

CONNIE (ON PHONE): DOD confirmed Sergeant Louis Kirk's last active service was two years ago.

He reapplied recently but was rejected due to a brain injury.

All right.

Thanks, Connie.

Well, there goes our black ops theory.

Guys, I really hate to say it, but

- missing r*fles, money problems...

- Hey, hey.

Lou would never abandon his family like that.

Other than money, he was doing great.

Come to think of it, he was...

he was losing weight.

That's a symptom of depression consistent with CTE.

Also a symptom of someone trying to lose weight.

My man was getting shredded.

What if he was preparing for a fight?


Like a fight with prize money.

That would solve some money issues.

- JAMES: Yeah.

- But...


Big Ed.

It's Lou's friend Trey.

Listen, man, I got a question for you.

Do you know of any underground fights tonight with a big cash payout?


- As a matter of fact, I do.

- That's great.

You got an address?


- Hey.

- Hey.

This reminded me of when, uh, we all snuck into that barn after junior year bonfire.

You remember that?

I remember the party.

Don't remember after.


Fair enough.

Who brings proof grain alcohol?


- Hoyt does.

- Hoyt.

- Hoyt did, yeah.

- Yeah.

Did, yeah.

I wonder if this is what he would have wanted.

Us together?

All-all of us together?

I used to think I knew what he wanted.

Then I learned about his land.

All that he must have dreamt of and...

never told me.

I underestimated him.

Yeah, I think we all did.

I think he felt like if-if people didn't expect too much from him, then he wouldn't let anybody down.

You know?

But we all expected the world from him because of all that he brought into it.

- You know, light, loyalty.

- Yeah.

All those years, he thought he owed my family.

And I'm the one who let him down.

You couldn't have kept that boy from fighting for you if you tried.

♪ And it's bruised wine you've got me ♪

♪ Drinking outside this bar... ♪

He, uh...

He-he told me that I was the reason he was alive.

Those were my last moments with him.

Him saying that to me, and me saying no.

To him.

To that.

Yeah, I made a lot of, uh...

I made a lot of mistakes after Emily passed.

And I guess I'm finally realizing that what I needed to do was be around the people who love me most.

Which, by the way, uh, we kept your name on the Side Step lease.

You're still part owner, so there's always a spot there for you, if you want, with us.

Thank you.

♪ I've known... ♪


- Uh, I'm gonna hit the hay.

- Yeah.

Pun intended.

♪ ♪

- Good night.

- Night.


Hey, hey, hey.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Hey, girl, it's okay.

It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Ah, you miss him, huh?

Yeah, I get it.

I miss him, too.

I'm sorry I left your boy behind.

I, uh, should have known better.

I know what it's like when someone's family like that...

And now I'm talking to a horse.


You know what?

Let's go fix this.


Hey, you know if Lou Kirk fights tonight?

I don't know.

I haven't seen him.

Might be time to consider other possibilities.

Are there any other fights happening in Austin tonight?

Not within miles.

He's just gotta be here.

You know what?

Let me try one more thing.

Hey, where's the fight promoter?

Thank you.

Hey, have you got a bantamweight fighting tonight?


Crew cut.

Name's Lou Kirk, but he may be fighting under an alias.

No, can't help you.

I'm busy, so...

We're not the Athletics Commission.

We're not looking to shut you down.

- But I can.

- TREY: Hey, hey, I just need to find my friend.


He's got an Army infantry tat on his right leg, if that helps.




What are you doing here?


Oh, I just...

I want to thank you.

I know it isn't easy for you to step out of your comfort zone, you know, to do this for me, and with me.


- I just wish you'd do more for yourself.

- Well...

tonight's about Hoyt.

♪ From the time I was younger... ♪

You know, I-I wasn't blind to his heart.

I saw the joy he gave you.


And I'm starting to feel it myself.

Maybe it's too little, too late, but...

No, it's not.

♪ But I tear it all down... ♪

- You know what I'm gonna do?

- What's that?

I'm gonna grab Stan, rustle up our youngest, go on out to the shed, grab two-by-fours, some roofing shingles and a box of annular ring shank nails.

That's what I'm gonna do.




WALKER: All right, hey, come on.

Come on now.

Soon as we get past this, it's smooth sailing.

- Galloping.


Hey, look, look, look.

Look at that.

There's your mama.

Up there.




There she is.

Okay, come on.

- Come on.


Yeah, I know, I'm the one who should've paid for this.

All right.


For everything.

All right.

A little tricky getting up here.


We're okay.

All right.



All right, okay.

- Hey, hey, come on.

Come on.


Let's go to Mama, all right?

And I need this fight.

It's a huge payout, even if I lose.

- Trey, my family...

- TREY: I get that.

But you can't fight with CTE, man.

I tried getting a loan.

I've tried everything.

I sold my r*fles, all my valuables.

But it's not enough.

In a few months, I'll be in the carpenters union, and then I'll be financially set.

But I need this now.

What is happening right now?

I'll fight in your place.

All right?

Hey, we got the fight promoter over a barrel since the fight's unsanctioned.

And listen, the jiu-jitsu training that I learned in the Army, I mean, that gives me a fighting chance.

Okay, allergic to shirts.

Now, baby, you still have a TBI.

Look, I know it's not as serious as a CTE, but there's no way I'm gonna let you make it worse.

Besides, you're nowhere near his weight class.

JAMES: Thank you.

Don't worry, Lou, if we're being honest, I was the jiu-jitsu star during our deployment.

JAMES: Uh, no, no, no, no I know it sounds kind of crazy.

Yes, it does.

And irresponsible and dangerous, and something that can cause DPS a lot of grief; Micki, no.

You must understand why Lou needs this.

- I understand.

I understand.


- Captain, what wouldn't you do for your son?

I can empathize with doing anything, with doing the crazy for the ones you love.

And if I can help in any way, I have to.

You're gonna do this no matter what I say, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Okay, okay...

Listen, I'm not here.

I was never here.

Do you understand that?

- Never where?

- Abs, are we clear on that?


- There's the mare.

Come on, guys, let's go.

- It's gonna be okay.


All right, go.

Hey, Dad, we've been looking for you.

- Are you all right?

- WALKER: Hey, hey.

I'm good, I'm good.

Just, uh, had a little slip.

Nothing huge.

Gonna take it slow.

Are you all right?



- You went back for the llama?

- Come on.

- STELLA: All right, how can we help?

You yelled at me earlier for doing, like, the exact same thing, trying to cross this alone.

First of all, that was clearly the right advice.

Second, I wasn't yelling, Stella.

This was a teachable moment.

All right, you know what, here.

Catch this.

Aunt Geri, help me hold.

Can you get this?

Uh, ha-ha!

Okay, okay, yep.

All right, I'm good.

- All right, ready?

- Yeah, yeah.

All right, go ahead.

Hey, Dad, we could, uh, use the jacket to wrap the llama in as a harness.

- Perfect.


- Yeah.


There it is.

- All right.

- Nice.

Look at this.

Nice thinking, Augie.

Thank you.

WALKER: It's gonna work great.

- Know what?


I owe you guys an apology.


all we been through, what this little guy meant to Hoyt, what Hoyt means to us...

I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner, just how much I can count on you.

More than I ever imagined.

I hope y'all feel the same.

Yeah, well, I'm sure they do, and that's all very sweet, but can we please get you up here to safety?

Come on.

- Let's pull, let's pull.

- Yeah, yeah.

All right, ready?

WALKER: Uh, you know what?

I have a little bit of a privileged view of this guy, and I think he's a...

I think he's a she.

Come on.


- And I think she's about to give birth.

- What?

Gonna need all hands on deck, ha-ha.


- There you go, girl.

- STELLA: Come on, come on

- AUGUST: There.

There you go.


No, no, no, no, no.

Don't try to leap him.

ANNOUNCER: Good shot by Ramirez.




Body shot when he lunges.

Go for the takedown.

All that sounds like good advice to me.

There you go, baby!


TREY: Oh, that's my girl.

Come on!

♪ ♪

- Oh!

- ♪ ♪

Get around him, get around him!

That's right, get around!

There you go!



ANNOUNCER: Raucous Ramirez is on top!

Micki and I had a black belt sergeant in the Army.

He said that Micki could teach him

how to sweep from this position.



- There we go!


That's it.

We're done!

I told you.


That's what I'm talking about, baby!


Baby, I gotta tell you, I've never been more proud and scared of you more than for you.

Never doubt

- Sergeant Carlson's star pupil.

- Never again.

- Mm-hmm.

- Not bad for your first time.

Give me a call if you ever want another fight.

I'll keep that in mind.

- No, no, you won't.

- Hey, Lou.

Go home to your family.

That was the most kind, crazy thing anybody has ever done for me.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

JAMES: Micki, your partner's rubbing off on you.

Although maybe you can teach me that sweep sometime, "Raucous Ramirez".

- Oh, I'll show you a thing or two.

- No, no, no.

Yeah, you don't want those problems, bro.

JAMES: I don't want any of that.


Hey, Liam, hand me that board.

He's stronger than you think, you know.

He doesn't need our saving.

I'm starting to think it wasn't him I was trying to save.

I've been spinning my wheels trying to control things I just can't, and...

trying to change the past by controlling the people I have left.

And I know it's stupid.

It's not.

I understand.

I made the appointment.

Radiation treatment.

I'd sure love it if you came with me.



What's the matter?

Hand bothering you?

I think I may have jammed it.


Yeah, when you throw a hook as hard as you do, you're bound to hurt something.

Let me take a look.

Now, I'm sure you don't need me to point out how much you're becoming more and more like your old partner.

I don't need you playing therapist.

I-I get the connection.

The-the reason why I was just so...

driven to help Lou's family.


also the reason why I was passive-aggressive to Walker yesterday.

Given everything, it's...

It's still just hard for me to trust in something I don't want to lose.

You all went through a lot.

But he's still here.

You, too.

And me.


- I know.

- Yeah.

I can't wait to see Mawline's face when she sees this little guy.

Hey, look.

We're almost home.

WALKER: You know, I'm glad we all got to do this together.

Me, too.

You know what, um, I think it might be quicker for me to take the bus the rest of the way home.

The west is just over the hill.

Geri, the-the ranch is right there.

- I can drive you when we get back.

- I know.

- Listen, as nice as this was...

- Yeah?

... I just feel like there's an ocean of unsaid things between us.

And we're both too scared to dip a toe in.

You know, Hoyt, it reframed everything.


I'm sorry, I-I didn't see it coming, but it hits me hard, Cordi.

I-I understand.

Me, too.

Hey, kids...

I'm gonna, uh, I'm gonna peel off here.

I gotta take care of some things.

And now, uh, so do you.

Thanks, Ger.

- Whoa.

- Hey.

- I love you.

- Love you, too.

Love you.

I love you.

Hey, Dad, you're not gonna let Gramps sell 'em, right?

Hey, let me take care of Gramps, all right?

Just, uh...

Hey, Daddy.

Before you start, just let me say something.

Yeah, Geraldine called.

Follow me.

Gramps, Hoyt left them for us.

- And this one's just a baby.

- Sorry.

I got a strict no-llama policy.

It's a good thing we got an alpaca stable.

Wait, we got a-a what?

BONHAM: You're an idiot.

That ain't a llama.

What kind of rancher's boy are you?

Anyhow, I reckon this'll hold 'em for now.

We converted the tool shed into an alpaca barn last night.

It should fit this whole ragtag crew of misfits you dragged home.


Dad, I, uh...

Your mother, Liam, Stan, they did most of the heavy lifting.


STAN: Is he crying?


He's big, but a soft touch.


- ABELINE: Oh, come on into the house.

Breakfast is waiting.

Thanks, Mawline.

All right.

Let's put the family in their new home.

- All right, hand down.

- All right.

- Here we go.

- You got it?

Yep, yep, yep, yep.

All right.

- There you go.


♪ Nothing's ever simple as it should be ♪

♪ ♪

You got a name for this little one?




That's a good name.

It's a great name.

♪ But it ain't our time. ♪

Hey, hey, I just want to say I feel blessed to be here with three generations of Walkers.

Now, if I can just get your help to, uh, apply a little peer pressure to young Liam here.

That's for you.

First donation to your campaign.


- STAN: What's wrong with you?

Oh, my goodness, you're slicker than snake oil.

Using my son to split the progressive vote.

Oh, as if I need help with those nobody candidates.

Don't listen to your pops.


You, either.

I knew there...

I knew there was an ulterior motive here.

Uh, you know what?

Excuse me.


♪ Starting over... ♪

Hey, Trevor.

So, I'm not really sure when you'll hear this.

I'm not even sure what to say, except...

I'm sorry, too.

I don't think I can visit.

I might just need to leave the past behind, you know?


my family still needs me.

♪ In the cards... ♪

Anyway, um, I hope that you're healing... somehow.

And I hope at the very least you know we were real.

Bye, Trevor.

Found it after you left.

Oh, ho-ho, come on now.

Wait, what'd you do?

Oh, you know I cannot divulge confidential Ranger information to a civilian.

- Ow.


- You know that.

- Did you get a little sun out there, cowboy?

- Eh, a little bit.

- Hey, um...

- Yeah?

I was holding a grudge earlier.

And I-I just...

I didn't know it.

Um, my whole Ranger journey has been with your jackass, and so when you left, I just...

I felt...

- Adrift.

- Yeah.

I get it.

We're good.


Come on, now.

You know, now I'm kind of looking forward to letting go of the whole partner thing for a while.

Now we can just be friends.

Hell, Micki, we're not friends.

We're family.


- When did you get an alpaca?

- Yeah...


Oh, she's beautiful.


Her and her baby girl.

So her baby's a girl, too?

You can tell just by looking?

Most people can, Walker.


♪ Let me begin again. ♪