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04x20 - Wrecked

Posted: 06/17/21 15:20
by bunniefuu
Cell phone number'son the counter,

so is the doctor,so is the dad.

Do your best.We'll be home by midnight.

1:00 at the latest.Got it.


I don't do 1:00.
I do, like, 10:00.

You do, like, 9:00.

Well, you'rein New York,

and I only get to see you
once a year.

So tonight we're going out
like grown-ups,

which means we'll get home
when we get home.

Okay. All right, kiddo.

Mwah. Lights
out at 10:00.

Hey, hey. Hug before I go.

[Taylor laughs]

All right.

See you in the morning,
sweet boy.

And then

they asked me if I'd consider
becoming vice principal.

Caroline, you never told me.

I know. I never told anyone.

And I never got back
to them, either.

But you love teaching.You love education.

You love all that.

Well, yeah. I mean, I do, or...

at least I did when I was
20 and I didn't understand

how the world worked.

I mean, I know I'll probably
do it for the rest of my life

and I get a ton of
satisfaction from it,

but it is so hard
to make ends meet.


I mean, Henry's just six
years away from college.

I-I can't even imagine how
I'm gonna pay for that.

And, I don't know,
someday I'd...

just love to have somebody
do my nails for me.

You know?

Ugh, Caroline.


And sometimes,

in the middle of the
night, I-I can't sleep,

so I'll watch a couple of
those house-flipping shows

and I think, I could do that.

I just need a hundred grand
and six months to myself.

You know if I had a hundredgrand, I'd give it to you.

I would make us so crazy rich.

Tomorrow we're gettingour nails done.

Then flip a house?

[vehicle approaches]


[tires screeching][screams]

♪ Trunk in the front
like that ... Dumbo, yeah ♪

♪ When I got guap,
all of y'all disappeared ♪

♪ Before I dropped Stoney,
none of y'all really cared ♪

♪ Now they always say
"Congratulations" to the kid ♪

♪ And this is not a 40...


My friend!

Call 911!
Hey, come on, get
in the damn car!

We got to go! Now!

[vehicle departs]No!

No, no. God, no!

[siren wailing]

Somebody help me!

[woman speaking indistinctly
over P.A.]

Anything new?

[sniffles]No. She's still in surgery.

Mauricio still with the sitter?

Yeah, so is Caroline's son.

Have you called his father?

There is no father.
He's adopted.

Danny have any luck
finding the car?

No, but she is all over
her contacts at the NYPD.

Should have gotten
the license plate number.

Uh, Taylor, how many
black Lamborghini SUVs

can there be
in the city?

We will find it.

Ms. Rentzel?

You came in with
Caroline Collins?


Maybe we should go
somewhere more private.


I'm sorry, but your friend
died on the operating table.

When we got into
surgery, we discovered

one of her broken ribs
pierced her aorta.

We did everything
we could,

but the internal bleeding
was simply too severe.

I'm so sorry.

[whispers]: It's gonna be
okay. It'll be okay.

[sobbing]It'll be okay.

[shushes] It's gonna
be-- it's gonna be okay.

Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.


BULL:Come in!


I'm so sorry.


Come on, have a seat.

Marissa tells me you've been
best friends forever.

We met in the second grade.

How is her son doing? Henry?

He's... destroyed.

I brought him with me.

I didn't know what else to do.

Chunk's giving him
the grand tour.

Trying to, anyway.

I think he just wants to
crawl into a corner and cry.


All right, well,
I'll get right to it.

The NYPD found the driver who
struck and k*lled your friend.

She is an 18-year-oldyoung woman named

Sonya Waliczek.

Oh, my God. That's amazing.

Who is she? Was she drunk?

Was she high? Is she in jail?

Actually, she is the daughter
of a foreign diplomat.

Which means,
even though she broke the law,

even though she killedyour friend,

she's protected
by diplomatic immunity.

She can't be charged,
she can't be held.

She can't even be triedfor what she did.

Just before you came in,

I was on the phone
with your friend's attorney.

Are you aware that, in the eventof her untimely death,

she had appointed you
Henry's legal guardian?



It was a conversation we had
when she first adopted Henry,

but it's not something
we've talked about ever since.

Well, according to the attorney,that's the plan.

That's what's in the will.

How do you feel about that?

How well do you know this boy?

I see him once a year
when his mom comes to visit.

[laughs softly]

But, honestly,if it's what Caroline wanted...

You know, just because it's what
she wanted for her baby

a dozen years ago
doesn't necessarily mean

it's what she would have
wanted for him today.

He's a preadolescent.

I'm betting his life
is pretty full.

Uprooting him
from Denver,

moving him to New York,

on top of all the other changesin his life

he has no
control over...

I don't know, Taylor.

Even Caroline might have thoughtdifferently if she was

presented with
the choice today.

[knocking on door]

He's gone for the day!

Are you heading out soon?

Oh, yes. Mere minutes away.

Just have to find a way to look
Taylor in the eye and say,

"We're gonna prosecute that girlwho mowed down your friend,

"so the most interesting thing
about her life won't be

"that the person who k*lled
her got away with it.

We're gonna make this right."

Honestly? Mere minutes away.

I'm sorry, I just can't believethe government not only allows

diplomats to run people down,

it gives their kidsimmunity, too.

Well, it's a
necessary evil.

Without diplomatic immunity,
our diplomats would be at risk

of prosecution on trumped-up
charges in foreign countries.

Especially in places
where the U.S. is unpopular.


Sorry to startle you.

Taylor, what are you doing here?

You're supposed to be
taking the day off.

It's okay. Henry and Mauricioare at the movies with my ex.

The thing is, I found something.

On the night of the accident,

Sonya posted tons of picsof herself out partying.

And there's
the same girl

in almost every photo.

Her name is Jade Bennington.

See how Sonya's wearinga black dress?


So, right after
the accident,

the driver got out of the car

for just a second and I saw her.

She was wearing a red jacket.

Well, maybe Sonya

was cold and borrowed
her friend's jacket?

I thought of that, but that'snot the only thing that I found.

Now let meshow you something.

Why is her arm in a sling?

Exactly. And see the abrasions
on her face?

Kind of looks like she might
have been on the wrong side

of an airbag, don't you think?


Sonya doesn't haveso much as a scratch

in any of the picturesfollowing the accident.

So, then what if Sonya

wasn't driving at all?

What if it was her friend,who almost certainly

doesn't havediplomatic immunity?

Exactly. What do you think?

I think maybe you, me
and Benny take a trip

to the D.A.'s office
in the morning.

Mr. Rentzel, I reviewed
everything you sent over.

And I'm sorry.

I'm not gonna bring charges
against Jade Bennington

for the death of your friend.

A.D.A. Fredericks,
you've got an eyewitness

who puts Ms. Bennington
in the driver's seat.

You've got visual evidence
of injuries

that puts her
in the driver's seat.

The ambassador's
daughter confessed.

Excuse me?


Sonya Waliczek?
The owner of the Lamborghini?

She confessed
she was driving the car

when your friend
was struck and k*lled.

BULL: Well, I'm
sure you'll concede

Ms. Waliczek could be lying
to protect her friend.

She knows we can't go after her.

That may be,
but as I'm sure you know,

it's nearly impossible
to get a jury

to find someone guilty when
someone else has confessed.

I just can't devote
resources to a case

I'm certain I'm gonna lose.

What if we went civil
instead of criminal?

How do you mean?

Well, what if Taylor brought
a wrongful death suit

against Jade Bennington,
on behalf of Henry?

Can we do that?

I don't see why not.

No, the real
question is,

can we win?

Won't know till we try.

Our biggest challenge
is gonna be

putting Jade behind the wheel.

That's easy. My testimonyputs Jade behind the wheel.

No, unfortunately,
your testimony

just puts a dark-haired girl ina red jacket behind the wheel.

And that could
still be Sonya.

Well, what about the pictures?
The facial abrasions?

Her arm is clearly in a sling.

Well, if I were defending her,
I would argue that all of that

is consistent with having
been in a car accident.

None of it suggests

in any absolute way
that she was driving.

Danny, you've been to the
club. I have to believe

one of the valets saw who
got behind the wheel.

Well, not that they'll admit to.

In fact, none of them
even remember

bringing the Lamborghini around.

Come on. A sweet
car like that?

BENNY: Oh, yeah. I suspect
that no one's gonna remember,

'cause they knowthey could be liable

for letting a drunk driverget behind the wheel.

Not to mentionboth girls were under 21,

and they allowed theminside to drink.

Well, I'll keep looking
for other possible witnesses.

Perhaps somebody
who was partying there

that night saw something.

Let's not forget, there
are traffic cameras

and security cameras
all over Manhattan.

Maybe one of them captured
an image of Jade driving.

I wouldn't be so sure.

I've found dozens of imagesof the Lamborghini,

and the windowsare tinted so dark,

you can't make out the driver.

None of this soundsvery promising, does it?

Really? I don't know,
I'm kind of encouraged.

Let's let Benny

file some papers
tomorrow morning and see

where that leaves us
before we gather up our towels

and throw them in.


Mauricio wanted
to sleep at his dad's.

He said it was
just too sad here.

[grunts softly]
You call home?

Yeah, I wanted
to get my homework.

And, um...

...people keep asking
about the funeral.

Working on it.

Working on lots of things.

I think we're actually gonna
be able to go to court.

Make the woman who did this
take responsibility for it.

And it will be you that's suing.

She'll have to answer to you.


And there's some other thing

that I've been meaning
to talk to you about.

You know, your mom,

she was pretty smart, Henry.

She really tried to think of
everything when it came to you.

Even something as
tragic as this.

And she decided, if
something happened

and she couldn't take care of
you, she wanted me to do it.

To be your guardian.

I don't understand.You'd move to Denver?

Probably not.
I mean, I don't know.

I suppose anything is possible.

You know, when your mom
figured all these things out,

I didn't live in New York.

I didn't have a little boy.

You weren't 12.

The answer is,
I don't know... yet.

Whatever turns out
being best for you,

that's the answer.

So, who'd you call?

My friend Toby.

And, by the way,
he said his parents said

I could live with him.

I mean, if you didn'tmove to Denver.

Well, that's good. That's nice.

Options. It's always good
to have options.




And thus it begins.

Let's talk jury.


Well, we know the defense
is gonna make the jury aware

of Sonya's confession.

Either in their openingstatement or through testimony.

So we need to try and identify
people who will be able

to see that confession
for what it is:

the ultimate act of privilege.

One spoiled kid lending anotherher "get out of jail free" card

like it's a pair of Louboutins.

BULL [quietly]:Oh, boy.

PRINGLE:Prospective jurors,

now, this trial is likely
to last into next week.

So, pleaseraise your hand

if serving as a juror would be
a legitimate hardship for you.

You, sir, in the front row,

please state the reason
for your hardship.

I don't want to jinx anything,

but that seemed to me to go
pretty well. Am I wrong?

Nope. I'm pretty pleasedwith our jury.

Nice work, gentlemen.

Not that I'd expect any less

from the best jury whisperers
in New York.

He's being nice.He must want something.

Just to express my admiration.

Your strategy was very clear
and very smart.

Capitalize on our country's
growing animosity

toward the rich and privileged.

I guess we'll all find outtogether if it works.

To that end, while my client
Ms. Bennington

is completely innocent
in this matter,

her parents are convincedthat this case

will turn her
into a national scapegoat

for all the pent-up rage
toward the rich.

So, they've asked me
to offer $250,000 to end this

before subjecting herto a grueling public trial.

With no acknowledgment
of fault, of course.

But she was at fault.

If the Benningtonsare offering $250,000 to start,

I'm guessing there's more
on the table?

I'm sure I can find
some wiggle room

if you hit me
with a reasonable counter.

Can you give us till after lunchto confer with our client?

[clears throat]

Okay. Now you may speak.

Jade's parents can't just pay
to make this go away.

Do they really think
they can put a dollar figure

on Caroline's life?

You do realize that's
exactly what we're doing

with this lawsuit?

This is a civil
suit, not criminal.

At the end of the day,
it's all about the money.

No. If that girl isn't
willing to admit fault,

there's no amount of money
that can make this right.

It's a lot of money, Taylor.

It can go towards
Henry's future, his college.


I'm gonna say something
I know you don't want to hear,

but I'm gonna say it anyway.

I'm worried that
even if we win this lawsuit,

it's not gonna give you
what you're looking for.

You know what I'm looking for?

I want that girl to have
to sit in a courtroom

and hear about the woman
whose life she took.

I don't want her to be ableto buy her way out of that.

Because no matterwhat happens, win or lose,

she's gonna have to live
with what she's done.

And when she thinks about it,
I want her to be able

to put a face on the person
whose life she stole.

I want her to know
that Caroline mattered.

That the world was a better
place for her being here.

And a lesser place
now that she's gone.

That's what I want.


I will let opposing counsel knowthat we are not interested

in a settlement at this time,

we very much look forward
to our day in court.

Thank you.

Good morning, Mr. Silver.
Now can you please

tell the court what it
is you do for a living?

I'm an influencer.Ah.

And for those of us
who might not be familiar,

can you explain
what an influencer does?

Brands hire me to promotetheir products on social media.

I mostly do fashion but some
restaurants and clubs, too.

I wear the clothes, go to theclubs, and then post about it

on the differentsocial media platforms.

And-and how do you know
the defendant Jade Bennington?

One of the clubs I post for,
The Burrow,

I see her there a lot.


But Ms. Benningtonis only 18 years old,

and these clubsserve alcohol.

Have any idea
how she gets into them?

I have no idea at all.

I guess you'd have
to ask her about that.

Now, did you happen to see
Jade Bennington at The Burrow

on the evening of March 4?

Yes. We were both
in the VIP lounge that night.

And was Jade with anyone?

Yes. She was with her friend
Sonya Waliczek.

And do you have any idea how
Jade and Sonya got to the club?

I-I mean, their mode
of transportation?

I saw them pull up
in Sonya's Lamborghini Urus.

BENNY:Oh, I see.So they drove themselves.

And, uh,

did you happen to see

if either of the girls
consumed alcohol that night?

Yes. I believe
both girls were drinking.

All right, now, so l-let's talkabout Sonya first.

How would you describe
her condition?

Would, would you say
that Sonya was a little tipsy,

or would you describe her
as inebriated?

Um, I believe she was...
I couldn't really say.

It's not like I administered ablood alcohol test or anything.

Yeah, but I'm sure
you witnessed her demeanor.

Was she slurring her words?
Stumbling around?

Yes.Yes to...?

Both. She was slurring her wordsand stumbling around.

Now, Jade, did she seem
inebriated to you, Mr. Silver?

Was she slurring her words
or stumbling around?


But she wasn't as
drunk as Sonya.

Aha. Which
brings us back

to the Lamborghini,Sonya's Lamborghini.

You already testified

that she was slurring her wordsand stumbling around.

Do you know if she drove home
in that condition?

I doubt it.

When the girls were leaving,
I heard Jade

offer to drive Sonya's car
for her.



BENNY:Counsel knows full wellthat the witness is sharing

a statement that indicates
the accused

was contemplating
breaking the law.

It's a statement against

penal interest, Your Honor,

which is not subjectto the hearsay objection.

I'll allow it.

I have no further questions.

So, Mr. Silver, did you
actually see Ms. Bennington

get behind the wheel
of that Lamborghini?

No, I did not.


So you really don't know
who ended up driving

Sonya Waliczek's car that night,do you?

No, I do not.

NICHOLS:I have no further questions

for this witness, Your Honor.

They still with us?

Well, we've planted
a seed of doubt.

Whether it actually takes root
and grows or not,

that's gonna be up to you.

Ready for witness prep?

Just about.

What you got there?

Opposition research.

On myself.

I don't want to be blindsidedby anything on cross.

You have $61,372
in credit card debt?

Girl, what are you doing?

Getting takeoutfrom Jean-Georges?

I know. I'm in
way over my head.

But I got divorced.

I had to find
and furnish my own place.

Plus, I've been taking care
of my sister's family

since her husband lost his job
last year and...

Okay. You don't have toexplain yourself to me.

But this is definitely somethingthat the other side could use.

I had a hunch.

That's why I put it
in the binder for you.

You were named as trustee
in Caroline's will, right?

Not just guardian?

Which means that
you control any money

that Henry would win
from this lawsuit,

whether he lives
with you or not.

I think that's how it works.

I'm just worried the other sidewill use Taylor's debt

to paint her as desperate.

Someone who would trump up
a false claim

to solve her own
financial problems.

Don't worry.

We just need to get out
in front of it.

We just need to be the ones whotell the jury about it first.

But surely,

if you receive money
for this lawsuit,

it will make your life
a lot easier, won't it?

I don't see how.

I certainly don't think
it should.

That money would be for Henry.

To feed him and clothe himand educate him.

Health care and
college and...

He's a 12-year-old boy.

Without a mom or a dad.

So, even if all of those thingsI just listed are provided for,

he's still got
an enormous hill to climb.

And I know everybody's mother
is irreplaceable.

But this boy didn't get

25 or 35 or 45 years with her.

He got 12.

And I don't know
what to tell him.

I don't know what to say.

I cannot come up with the wordsto make him understand

that despite all of the evidencethat's been thrown his way

these past few weeks,that the world is a good place.

That the worldisn't horrible.

Not when his amazing, kind

and beautiful mother
is run down in the street.

And no one even bothers
to say they're sorry.