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02x04 - CIAO

Posted: 06/15/21 06:20
by bunniefuu
Previous on the secret
life of American teenager.

There must be something
I can do for you today.

Can you bring back my dad?

I just can't beleive I like you
talk me to have sex with you.

But we didn't k*ll your father.

yes,we did.I am hate you.

whoes gonna watch John
and the other children

if you went on the doctor,
they are hero.

I'm tired of working.
I want to go out.

you'd better not be? with age
because you are not getting sex of me.

We are not enough of a couple
to go to funeral together.

I just don't kown how this
could have happen to the two us

Maybe someone was in quite
a hand with a???

It's my sex life,I quite.

Nothing you did cause your father to die.

Please go to the funarel of your family.

Are you sure this isn't you baby?

I'm sure I have told you.

You are gonna go to whatever service
your dad planned for himself.

Don't be stupid, Jack.
Never drink alone.

If your dad was here now,
he'd probably k*ll you for acting like this.

Go out there and do
what you have to do.

He loved you.
No matter what, he loved you.

You know that.

How was he?

He was just hungry and wet.

He's okay now, though.

- What time is it?--
- It's 4:30.

I can't decide if I should stay awake and
study or if I should go back to sleep.

I know.I feel like
I should go back to bed,

but we've been up for so long,
It feels like it should be daylight already.

- I'm sorry, Mom.--
- It's okay.

I'll be apologizing to you
soon enough for the same thing.

Did David call?

No. I don't know what time
his flight is getting in.

He said it would be late.

Well, he didn't tell me.
He had his assistant call and tell me.


I have a feeling he's avoiding me.

Yeah, he's kind of immature,you know?


What's going on?

Ashley said your light's been on for hours.

What is Ashley doing up?

Twilight Zone marathon.
Everything okay?

She has school tomorrow.

It's the weekend.

It's not the weekend.
Tomorrow's Friday.

No, actually it's today.
Today is Friday.

Well, no one does anything
on Fridays, do they?

Yes. It's the same
as any other school day.

Not according to Ashley.

I'm just kidding.

We both fell asleep in the
living room at 7,woke up at 3,

so we decided to get up.

At 3:00?

That's right.That's living the life.

Going to be when you want
and going to bed when you want.

What, are you rubbing it in?

Rubbing what in?

What's wrong? Who's sick?

No one. John was crying.

What was he crying about?

He just cries.He's a baby, okay?

Okay with me.I don't live here.

Hey, is anybody hungry?

How about a scrambled eggs
and bacon sandwich? Hash browns?


- You got eggs and bacon?--
- Everything's right where it's always been.

Like he can get through to
where everything's always been.

Why's this place
so messed up all the time?

Because I'm in high school
and I work. Mom works, too.

Well, you've got three hours
before you leave for school.

You could clean now.

I didn't go to bed at 7.I'm tired.

Oh, and crabby.Don't forget crabby.

Yeah, you're crabby. Your mom's crabby.
Because you miss us, huh?

- We miss Ashley.--
- You miss Ashley.

Oh, thanks. You know,are you gonna
be like this for the next 18 years,

or do you think you might start
enjoying the kid at some point?

- Ashley!--
- Amy!

- George!--
- Anne!

I think she has a point.
Ashley has a point.

Sooner or later, Ames,
you gotta start enjoying life again.

John can tell you're not happy
and that's why he cries.

Get happy.

And how am I supposed to do that?

I think I'm gonna throw up.

And then I'm gonna go back to bed.

Good night.

I'm gonna go back to bed, too.

Just leave my egg sandwich
on a plate in the microwave.

No bacon for me.
But I'll take the potatoes.

Thanks, Dad.

They're a mess,the two of 'em.


Nothing we can do about that.

Sure there is.
We can clean up some of this mess.

And tomorrow we can find
some way to get Amy's mood up.

Make her laugh or something.
She's gotta lighten up.

Get happy.

And Mom? Are we gonna
try and make her happy, too?

That's not my job anymore.
That's David's job.

Is it?

He's her boyfriend.
He's the father of her baby.

Oh, yeah?
Why, what do you know?

What do you know?


Fallin' in love

Is such an easy thing to do

Birds can do it,
we can do it

So let's stop talkin',
let's get to it

Let's fall in love

We'll just hang out.

I don't mind hanging out again.

We hang out every night.
I'm tired of hanging out.

But I'm too tired to do
anything but hang out.

Then we can go to dinner.

We can take John with us.

No, we can't take John with us.

I'm not taking him out
until he's three months old.

You took him to the doctor's office.

Could a restaurant be more germy
than a doctor's office?

That's not the point.
I don't want to take any chances.

Can Ricky or your mother
or your sister babysit?

I doubt it.They all have lives.

Then we'll just hang out.
And I'll bring over dinner.

Or we can try cooking dinner.

After I get home from work,
we're going to cook dinner?

Well, we have to eat, don't we?

We have to learn how to cook.

I'll just, uh--
I'll talk to you at school.

I gotta get up,
or I'm gonna be late.

All right. I'll see you at school.

- Hi.--
- Hi.

Didn't mean to overhear,but

I thought we should talk.

Yeah,I've been trying to talk to you.
but every time I see you,you're with Betty.

I have spent a lot of time
with Betty this week.

I needed to spend a lot of time
with Betty this week.

uh,I needed to be around another adult.

Someone I could talk to.

About me?

Listen, Dad, I'm sorry
about quitting the butcher shop.

I tried to go back, you know.

I know.

But you wanted to make it on your own,
and there's nothing really wrong with that.

I took what I had,
and I turned it into something more--

not just for me but for my family.

You want to start from nothing?
Start from nothing.

Go ahead.

Dad, I said I was sorry.

I know.And I'm sorry,too.

I'm sorry I let a week go by
before telling you

that's not how you leave a job
that someone's given you.

Yeah. Not just someone,but you.

Yeah, me.The guy who
loves you most in the world.

Dad, I'm sorry, and...

Can I have my job back?

You sure you want your job back?

I need a job.

A job isn't easy to get.

- Have you been looking?--
- Not really.

I was hoping you'd forgive me
and give me my job back.

Forgive you for...

For sounding like it was a burden to have
the privilege of growing up with money

and certain opportunities,like
having a family business to work at.

Even when you're not that good at it.

Good answer.

I like that answer.
You can have your job back.

And I have a proposal for you.

Okay, great.I'll do
whatever you ask of me.

But please realize that I'm not that
good at handling meat or knives or blood.

You're good with customers.
That's what Bunny told me.

You're good at remembering
what customers like,

while,whether it's at the counter
or repeat mail order.

- I am?--
- Yep.

So I've been thinking.

How would you like to
go to Italy this summer?

To Bologna?

On a vacation?

No, to work.
We have family there.

I went there the summer
before I met your mother when I was 13.

It was a blast.I loved it.

What would I do there?

Work at your uncle's hotel.
It's a small hotel,very nice.

But I bet you'd be really
good with the clientele.

They got a lot of Americans.

Me go to Bologna and work at a hotel?

Yeah.I think it'll be
good for you to get away.

Could Amy and John go with me?

I think that'd be really good for Amy
to get away from everything.

I mean,she's really stressed right now.

I'll have to ask, but...

Do you really want to take
Amy and the baby with you?

You think it might be good
to have a couple of months to

just have some time to yourself?

I'd think about that, Ben.

You have your whole life
to spend with Amy and John.

And she might be just as stressed
in Bologna as she is here.

Maybe more so since you'll be
the only one there to help her out.

Yeah, maybe.

I'll miss ya,
but I think it'll do you good.

And you have Betty here,
so you'd be okay, right?

More than okay.

Oh, by the way,
does Betty know the Bowmans?

Does she know Grace's brother?
He seemed to recognize her at the funeral.

She's very friendly,Betty.

Tom, you didn't have to
cook again this morning.

I was trying to get down here early
so I could cook for you.

What's the matter?
Are you tuff of my cooking?

No, not at all, honey.

I just need to do something.

I need to be busy.

I'm feeling a little blue.



I think it's gonna take me
longer than a week.

It might take me longer than a year.

It might take me a lifetime.

Don't get me wrong.

I miss Dad.

But as Pocahontas said,

all must die.

You know, Tom,
that's not exactly comforting

at a time like this.

All must die?

But it's true.

We all die sometime.

And you know he went to heaven.

And you know you will see him again.

Have a little faith.

Honey, I'm gonna need more than a little
faith to be where you are with this.

You have been really strong.


Good morning.

You look beautiful,sweetheart.

Yes, you do.

What happened?

I don't know.I just decided
I'm gonna go to school today.

It's Friday.
If you want to wait until Monday.

That'll be okay.

I was thinking today that maybe
we could all go talk to Reverend Stone.

You know, just kind of check in with
where we are,where we want to be,

how we want to handle things.
Get help if we need it.

- Talk.--
- You and Tom can go.

I'm fine.
I don't need to talk to anybody.

I'm-- I'm better now.

Honey, we could talk
to someone else if you'd like.

He gave me the name
of a family grief therapist

who wrote a really good book
on family and loss.

I don't really want to grieve
according to some book.

I'm okay.

I want to go back to school.

I want to be busy,really.

- Really?--
- Yeah.

I know it's gonna be hard,
but I have to go back to school sometime.

And instead of waiting until Monday,
I just thought I'd start now

so at least I have the weekend

before my second day back,
in case today doesn't go so great.

Yeah, you're probably
going to need the weekend.

Well, you're doing okay.
Why shouldn't I do okay?

Because I didn't do anything,

so I don't have any guilt.

- Tom.--
- No, that's okay.

There's going to be plenty of that
when I go back to school.

But you know what?

I can do it.

There's only a month left of school
and I can get through it.

I can.

I don't know how,

but I know God will find
a way to get me through.

Then go.

I will.

Have a little faith, remember?

We all just have to have
a little bit of faith.

You'll be fine. We'll be fine.
I'll be fine.


I mean, besides,
we can't wait until I'm 100%.

I don't know when I'll be 100%.
It could be years.

So I'm just gonna go get my stuff.

Does the guy who wrote the book on grief
talk about using internet hookers?


I saw Betty at the funeral.

She dropped Ben off at the church.

I was thinking maybe--

No! Absolutely not.

I was just trying to make you laugh.


Okay, Tom, that was good.You got me.

But were joking about
Betty dropping off Ben?

What, Ben and Betty?



Good morning.This is Ben Boykewich.
Is this Adrian?

Hey, Ben. What's up?

I was just, uh--

- I was wondering if--
- Oh, I'm not having sex with you.

Give Amy time.

Like in a couple of years,

when she graduates high school,
then she'll have sex with you.


Uh, no, no. I wasn't gonna
ask you to have sex.

Although sex with you
would be very nice, I'm sure.

Yeah, you can be sure of that.

What are you so nervous about?

Are you sure you weren't
gonna try and have sex with me?

No, I wasn't calling you for sex.

I just, uh--
I need some advice.

About sex?

No! No!
I'm not having sex.

Not going to have sex until Amy is
absolutely,positively ready to have sex.

And I love her,so I'll wait.

I'll wait as long as I have to wait.

And, as you pointed out,
it could be a long time from now.

It could be after high school.

Way after high school, even.
After college. I mean...

And whenever we do have sex??
I'm sure it'll have been worth the wait.

- Or not.--
- Anyway,here's the thing,

I don't really want
anyone else to know about this.

Oh, whoa.
That's what guys always say.

Are you sure you're not
trying to have sex with me?

No. I would never try
because I don't want to try and fail.

I would fail, right?

- Probably.Yes.--
- Could I get a definitely?

Just for the record in case

the idea ever popped in my head
or anything.

- Definitely.--
- Okay.

So it's just that I don't know
how to present this opportunity

to Amy in a way that
she won't want to jump on it.

Spit it out.
I have to get to school.

I have an opportunity to go to
Bologna, Italy, this summer,

- and I was--
- Interesting.

You know what Bologna's known for, right?

Bolognese sauce?

Ha,ha,And other things.

I don't know what Bologna is known for, no.

We have relatives there.
It's just that if I tell Amy

that she and the baby could go with me,
I'm sure they'd want to go,

and honestly,I think it's best if they don't.
It would be really difficult

to be in Italy and not have sex with Amy.

Oh, don't you mean it would be
difficult to be in Italy with Amy

and have sex with someone other than Amy?

No! No, I do not.

Honestly, I don't think it's the right time
for Amy and I to go away right now.

And yet I don't want to hurt her feelings.
So I figured, hey, you're a woman.

Maybe you could tell me.

What should I say to Amy
so that she doesn't hate me?

- Is Ricky going with you?--
- What? Ricky? No.

So he'd be here with Amy for the summer.

The two of them alone without you?


Then I hate you.

Amy! We have to leave now!
We're late!

What happened in here?

Dad cleaned up.

Those your pajamas?
You go to work like that?

No, I'm gonna drive
Amy and John like this.


Oh, I can do it. I don't mind helping.

I've tried to help as much
as you two will let anyone help.

Thank you.

I could really use
some more time to get ready.

- How you feeling?--
- Better.

Much better.Thank you.

Won't you see if there's
anything you can do for Amy.

Yeah, why don't I?
And you two can talk.

Talk about what?

Oh, I don't know.

Are you getting a dog?

Is that what Ashley
wants us to talk about?

A dog?

You're getting a dog.
I knew it.

George, you don't need a dog.

If you get a dog,
you're not gonna be able to travel

or go anywhere without
having to worry about the dog.

That would be true if I weren't
living next door to my ex-wife,

who I'm sure would be
happy to take care of the dog

when I'm not here.

You love dogs, right?
If you got a dog,

I'd be willing to keep
you dog when you travel.

- You and David.--
- David doesn't like dogs.

Does he like children?
I hope he likes children.

Yeah, he likes children.

But we can't take care of our baby
and Amy and Amy's baby and your dog,

so if that's your plan,think again.

- We're totally overwhelmed here.--
- Really? I hadn't noticed.

Look, I appreciate you cleaning up.
I do.

Not enough to take care
of your dog for you in return,

but I do appreciate it.

Tell me something.
Where is your boyfriend?

Why isn't he around here helping out?

It's not his grandson.
It's our grandson.

I'm sure it'll be different
when it's his baby.

Will it?

I didn't see him here last night
holding your hair back

when you were puking your guts out.

That's what I used to do.

He's not even doing what I used to do,
and I thought I set the bar
pretty low back then.

He just got back from a trip last night,
and he had to go to a job site.

Anyway, I'm older now.

I've been through this before.
I can take care of myself.

Uh-huh.I can see that.

Did he call,see how you were?

I'm fine.

It's just the sight
of bacon that did me in.

Raw pig fat and pregnancy
don't mix for me.

What are you getting at,anyway?

What I'm getting at,
is just because this guy is the guy

who got you pregnant,it doesn't mean
he's the right guy for you.

Any more than Ricky
is the right guy for Amy.

Well, he's not Ricky.

Yeah, he is Ricky.And I'm Ben.

Or I would be Ben
if we were still in love.

But we're not.

It wouldn't make any difference if we were.

It's too late now,because unlike Ben,

I'm not really interested in being the boyfriend
to a girl who's having another boy's baby.

That was always the problem, wasn't it?

I was always just another one of your
girlfriends,not really your wife.

Let's go to school!

Sorry about your dad.
And the other thing,you know.

I know just how you feel.

I lost my cat last year.

And my virginity.

My dad almost died, too.

It's okay.I got your back.

Look, I know you haven't called me.

I know you haven't felt
like calling anyone.


- we're still friends--
- Grace!

Hi,What's going on?

What's going on is your boyfriend
is going to Italy this summer.


Grace, it's me, George.

George Juergens.


Are you okay?

Oh, it's okay.

Grace, it's okay.

Everything's gonna be fine.


You want to talk?

Did someone say something
to you at school?

You wanna tell me what they said?

First day back, huh?

You know, there's only
a month left of school.

Why don't you just stay home for now
and go to summer school?

I can't.

My mom said if I stay home
I have to talk to somebody.

Sometimes it's good to talk to someone.

On the other hand, I'm not really big
on talking to people about my problems.

You have problems?

Well, not like your problems.

Maybe the opposite of your problems.

Yeah, your problems can't be
as bad as my problems.

Nah, no one's d--


I'm sorry, Grace.

I know you were really close to your dad.

I just want to know where he is.

He's dead, Grace.

Yeah, but dead dead?
Or is he in heaven somewhere?

Where is heaven?

I don't know.

But I'm pretty sure there is one.

So you believe in God?

Of course.

You don't have to go
to church to believe in God.

Or you can go to church
and not believe in God.

Do you believe in God?

I thought I did it.

But then he k*lled your dad?

Yeah,I don't think it works like that.

I know it doesn't work like that.

And if it does work like that,
well, then, darn it,

God, strike me dead!

See? Nothing.

And my daughter had sex
with someone she hardly even knew..

So did my wife,for that matter.

If your dad was alive,

he'd get over you having sex with Jack.

He might have gotten upset about it,
but he would have gotten over it.

He was a nice guy, your dad.

Not that I knew him.
But that's what people say.

"Nice guy, Dr. Bowman."

He was the nicest.

I just don't know why I
couldn't do what he told me to do

or not do what he told me not to do.

it's tough to do the right thing.

Believe me, I've been there.

It's tough to forgive Jack.

Tough to forgive Adrian.

Even tougher to forgive yourself.


You just got to forget everything that
could have been or should have been.

Forget everything.

but how much you love Jack
and how much you love Adrian.

Because in the end,
all we need is love.

- Beatles.
- Beatles.

I just don't know
if I can love them like I did.

I guess what happened isn't their fault.

No, it's not.

And you know, Jack feels so bad
about it, he started drinking.

He was drinking at your dad's funeral.
He's heartbroken.

- Wait, Jack is drinking alcohol?
- Yeah. I told him to lay off.

That's been done. Teen and alcohol.
He should try teen and sober.

Teen and no alcohol
or dr*gs or even sex.

I don't think Jack can go without sex.

So that's how it happened.

Trying to keep him away
from all the other girls, huh?

Well, I got news for you.
Guys aren't animals.

They're not completely
ruled by their hormones.

They're animals with brains.

They can be trained to go without sex
for long periods of time.

Just ask any guy who's been
married for a few years and has kids.

You're funny.

I wish my Amy thought so.

I can't even get her to smile these days.

Mr. Juergens, you really
helped me by talking to me.

I feel a lot better. I really do.

Do you want to tell me
what your problem is?

It might help. I'm a good listener.

And it might make me feel
better to help somebody else.

Especially you, 'cause you were
so kind to listen to me.

All right.

I told my wife I got
a certain surgery when I didn't.

Now she thinks she's
pregnant by her boyfriend.

Oh, my.


Pray for me.

I was going to tell you.
I just wasn't ready to tell you.

How did she know?

- Who?
- Who?

Did you tell people other than Adrian?

Oh, no, Adrian. Yeah, I told her.

I wanted to ask her advice about how
to tell you so that I didn't upset you.

Why would you be getting
advice from Adrian?

Oh, I'll tell you why.

Because you were hoping to
get more than advice from Adrian.

No, that's not true.

It's just you've been kind of...

tired and not in the best mood.

And I didn't want to upset you.
And she's very mature, Adrian.

Oh, yeah, right.

Amy, I love you.
But my uncle needs me.

Your uncle in Bologna?

- Baloney!
- No, no, no.

My uncle runs a small hotel there,

and he really needs me to come
in and work for him this summer.

It's a family thing.

I can make more money there
than at the butcher shop.

And all I have to sacrifice
is seeing you and John every day

for a few weeks--
a couple months, tops.

Couldn't your dad just give
you a raise at the butcher shop?

Yeah, he could, but honestly,
why would he?

Other than I'm his son.
I'm not that good at it.

Amy, you know I want to invest some
time in me and finding myself.

I want to be my own man.

And maybe I'll find
something in Bologna,

something in my uncle's business
that's right for me.

Something that I can use my whole life
that will benefit the two of us.

I can't believe you'd
just take off for the summer.

Well, you could go too, but--


Well, I mean, if you
could take John with you.

??You'd have to take
John out of the country,

and you don't even want to
take John out of the house.

Then I'll just leave John here.

He won't miss me for a few weeks.
He's too young.

But you just couldn't
go off and leave him.

Well, it wouldn't be like
I was going off and leaving him.

I have a family.
My family could help out.

Even if it's just for like a month.
I really need to get away.

What's up with those two?

Ben's going to Bologna.


Leaving you here for
the summer, alone with Amy.

Amy and John. Not Amy.

Why Bologna? I've never
heard him mention Bologna.

Well, he has an uncle
he can work for there,

but I don't think he's going for work.

Bologna's known for three things.

1, it's known for having the
oldest university in the world.

2, it's known for its incredible food.

And 3, it's known for oral sex.

Come on. Every city
in Europe is known for sex.

Same in Asia. Every place but America.

No one seems to come here
to America for sex.

Not willingly, anyway.

So Ben's dad is sending him
to Italy to get...


Maybe I can go, too.

You can get that right here.

- So can he.
- Oh, what, from me?

No, not from you.

You're not the only girl
in this school having sex.

Half the girls here are having sex.

Yeah, and half are not. Like Amy.

Let me ask you something.

Are you having sex
with anyone other than me?

- What?
- Wrong answer.

Wai-- You're not available.

My dad's trying to
get back together with my mom.

They're looking at houses.

And when we get a house,
we can have our privacy back.

- And until then?
- Until then you can wait.

And if you can't wait, then...

then don't come back around
when we do get a house.

And I mean that.

Go. Go with him. Go to Bologna!

Have sex that's named after
rigatoni and spaghettini and fusilli.

What do I care?


It's nice to have you back
so quickly, you know.

You just got to get back up on the horse.

Oh, I'm referring to your dad,
not the other thing.

Thanks for clarifying that.

It's always hard to know
what to say, isn't it?

I really appreciate
what you're trying to do.

It's really nice that people care,
that you care.

- Hi, Jack.
- Hi, Grace.

I didn't know if you
were speaking to me or not.

Yeah, I'm speaking to you.

I'm speaking to everybody.

I'm really sorry about
the way I've been acting.

Oh, no, no. Don't apologize to me.
I was totally in the wrong here.

Wrong not to wait. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

No, the two of us made this decision.

And I think it was
a bad decision. I really do.

Even though you're the guy for me,
and I love you, Jack,

I had sex with you because I didn't want
you to have sex with anybody else.

Grace, if you'll have me back,
I swear I'll never have sex again.

Even when we're married?

You still care enough
about me to marry me?

Yes, of course I do.

But you have to stop with
the drinking thing right now.

Mr. Juergens told me.

It was just beer.

I thought a couple beers would
make it easier to get over you.

And over losing you and your dad.

And my dad, for that matter.

I thought I was over that, but I--

I don't think
I'm ever gonna be over that--

losing my dad.

I still think about him all the time.

It's just been really painful lately and...

I'm sorry.

You're the only person that can say
"I know what you're going through"

and really mean it.

But I don't know if I can really say that.
I don't know what it's been like for you.

I only know what it's like for me.

And it's just been horrible.

I mean, for me
and my mom and Tom and...

I just made it so much more horrible.

But now I have to dig a little deeper
and find a little bit more strength

and just do something
honorable for my dad.

And other than that,

I just don't think there's anything
else we can do about losing our dads.

But there is something
we can do about losing us.

I don't want to lose what we had.

And I'm in love with you, Jack.

And I want to be your girlfriend.

I just don't want to
have sex again until I'm married.

And I expect you not to have
sex again until we're married.

- Any kind of sex.
- I promise.

I won't have any kind
of sex until we're married.

I'd do anything for you, Grace.

- And no drinking.
- No drinking.

- No dr*gs.
- No dr*gs.

Just us.

That's enough for me.

Can I give you a ride home?

I'd like that.

Thank you.

So you're going to Italy to have sex, huh?

Going all the way out of
the country just to have sex.

Not even real sex. More like foreplay.

I don't know that for sure.

Oh, yeah, you do.

You know, I can help you get laid here.

It's not about sex, okay?

It's not about anything
other than getting a summer job.

A summer job, huh?

Come on, it's not about work.

It's about running away
from your responsibilities

and getting rewarded for it.

I thought you'd be happy I'm going.

I thought you'd be happy to
have Amy and the baby all to yourself.

Amy said you asked her to go with you,

so you'll have Amy
and the baby to yourself.

Oh, yeah. I did ask.

I don't know if they're going, though.

- I mean, I'd like for them to go, but--
- No, you wouldn't like for her to go.

I talked to Adrian, too, you know.

And why are you going
to Adrian for advice?

Because I wanted
a woman's point of view.

And I thought she wouldn't tell anyone.

Why didn't you talk to your friend?

What's her name, Alice?

Oh, because Alice only knows
what she reads in books,

and Adrian's got some
real-life experience. That's why.

And that's what you want,
Some real-life experience?

You stay away from Adrian.

Stay away as in
don't even talk to Adrian?

- Because...
- Because.

Because you have real feelings for her?

Because you don't need to
have sex with anyone other than Amy

when Amy is ready to have sex.

Which isn't gonna be anytime soon.

I don't need you to tell me when
I can or cannot have sex with Amy.

Amy'll decide that.

And what, I don't need sex, but you do?

It's not a matter of need.

I'm not having sex because I need sex.

I'm having sex
because I want to have sex.

Well, yeah, I want to have sex, too.

Hello, Ben.

Oh, excuse me for interrupting,

but your dad said I could
drop by and pick up some steaks.

We're grilling out tonight.

Hi. You must be Ricky.

Oh, I'm sorry. Betty, this is Ricky.
Ricky, Betty.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi.

this is my dad's fianc?e.

Yeah, that's French for betrothed.

I didn't know
Mr. Boykewich was betrothed.

Congratulations to him.

I think it's "best wishes"
to the future bride.

Oh, I didn't know that.

I have a lot of useless
information in my head.

Lucky you. I can't seem to
keep any information in my head.

I have to write everything down.

That's four steaks, all right?

Yeah, right.

I'm just so surprised Ben didn't
tell me about you and his dad.

Oh, well, that's not Ben's fault, really.

It's just we've been trying to
keep it quiet until we can find my dog.

I hear you're going to Bologna.

Maybe, yeah.

I've never been to Bologna.

Have you ever been to Bologna, Betty?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Lots of times.

It's beautiful, and the people
are really, really friendly.

And there's-- there's
spaghetti all over the place.

What's Bologna known for?

Everyone knows
what Bologna's known for.

- I don't.
- Ricky.

The Leaning Tower of Pizza.


All right, Benjamin, no.

I was just making a dumb blonde joke.

I was just kidding around.

Everyone knows
what Bologna is known for.

- How about my steaks?
- Yeah.

Bye, boys.

- Is she--
- Court reporter!

Or so she says.
I don't know. I don't ask questions.

It's none of my business.

My dad loves her.

- Betty?
- Yeah, Betty.


Where have I heard that name before?

She gave me a ride
to the funeral last week.

She waved to Grace's brother Tom.
She seemed to know him somehow.

- What?
- Nothing.

Hi, Mom.

Welcome home.

Did you make dinner?

- A real dinner?
- It's just a chicken.

Dad let me help out
at the grocery store.

And I'm making rice and a salad.

And you managed to do all
that and keep the house clean?

- Yeah.
- I'm really impressed, Amy.

It's really nice to come home
to a clean house and dinner.

You did it for us for how many years?


So I just tried really hard to
do something nice in return for you.


Because I love you,
because you're my mom,

and you're expecting.

And would you mind watching John
It would just be for the summer.


I've never been to Italy.
I've always wanted to go to Italy.

Yeah, me, too.

- Why don't you take the baby with you?
- Yeah, there you go. Take John with you.

Are you two out of your minds? I cannot
take a 10-week old baby with me to Italy.

It's not like he doesn't know Mom.
She's with him every single day.

She could just leave him at the nursery.

Yeah, what about the nursery?
What would you do about your job?

It's a pity job.
They don't really need me there.

And Ashley could do it.

I don't think so. It's your job.

And you're my sister.

And I'm too young to be tied down
with a baby for the rest of my life

without a break!

I need to get away, Dad.
I really need to get away.

I'm tired of being locked up at home
with the baby, with John.

I love him. I really love him.

But I'm 15.

Yeah, almost 16.
You got a birthday coming up.

I know. And I would like to
spend it in Italy in Bologna with Ben.

- That's where Ben is going?
- Why, what's wrong with Bologna?


- Hey. Steak's ready.
- I'll be right there.

I just wanted to clean up before dinner.

I think this is the first time
Betty's ever cooked dinner.

She looks like she really
knows what to do with a grill.

Surprised me.

She seems like a really nice woman.

Yeah. I'm a lucky man.

Any luck getting her unhitched?


Oh, nothing.

You gonna have a big wedding?

Probably just something
here at the house.

But don't worry,
we won't get married without you.

Speaking of which, how are
your summer plans coming along?

I mean, how'd it go with Amy?
Did you tell her about Bologna?

Yeah. And I had to ask her if
she wanted to go or she'd k*ll me.

Well, all right.

Well, did you know
that Bologna's known for--


Urban legend, probably.

Yeah. I figured.

You don't think
she'll actually go-- Amy?

I really doubt
she'll be able to, but maybe.

And you're gonna go
without her, if she can't go?

Oh, yeah.

I mean, such a great opportunity.

Traveling abroad is more educational
than even going to school, right?

It can be.


Thanks, Adrian.

Oh, you don't have to thank me.

I like being with you.

I'm sorry I can't stick around.

Oh, that's okay.

Ruben's picking my mom up at the
airport, and he'll be back soon.

I convinced him it'd
be romantic to surprise her.

What would be romantic
as far as you and I are concerned?

- Why?
- Just askin'.

I don't want romance.
It's not real.

This-- This is real. Just two people
getting together to have sex.


Two people, no commitment.

I want a commitment.

I don't want you to have sex
with any other guys, especially Ben.

I would never sleep with Ben.

I don't want you to
sleep with Jack, either.

I have no plans to sleep with Jack.

What would make you think
I'd sleep with Jack?

They're getting back together,
Grace and Jack.

I saw them leaving school, holding hands.

And she's not gonna
have sex with him again,

and he's not gonna
be able to leave it alone.

So I don't want you with Jack.

Or Ben.

All right.

I have to go over to Amy's
and help her with John.

Yeah, I know.

I don't want you to have sex with Amy.

I'm not gonna have sex with Amy.

You're not even gonna try?

With Ben in Italy for the summer?

Even if I could, I wouldn't.

Ben's my friend.

So Ben's the reason? Not me.

Look, I just asked you for a commitment.
What more do you want from me?

Nothing. Nothing.

Good night. I'll call you later.

No, that's okay. You don't
have to if you don't want to.

Oh, sh**t.


Yeah, it's me, Grace.

Sorry. I hit the speed dial

before I remembered you didn't
want to be friends with me.

No. I'm glad you hit the speed dial.

I'm on your speed dial?

- You're 1 on my speed dial.
- Really? That's so nice.

I miss talking to you, Adrian.

And I'm so sorry about what
I said to you at school today.

I was so wrong.

Are you there?

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm here.

So we're still friends?

Yeah, if you'll still have me as a friend.

After the way I treated you,

I don't even know why
you'd want to be my friend.

Because you make me
feel like I'm somebody.

You are somebody.

- I'm really sorry about your dad.
- Thanks, Adrian.

But I can't really talk about it
without completely losing it.

So tell me what's going on with you.

Why'd you call?

Ricky just told me that he doesn't want
me to have sex with any other guys.

That's great.

Did I tell you that
Jack and I are back together?

But we're not going to have sex again.

Great. Yeah.

And we're going to try
to be better Christians.

Yeah. Me, too.

I don't even know what that means.
But I'm just so excited to talk to you.

How are you?

Is it just horrible?

Yeah. It's horrible.

I feel like my heart exploded.

I wish there was something I could do.

It's completely unfair.

Ricky gets to go anywhere he wants,

and I have no time
at all without the baby.

And once Mom's baby gets here,

there's going to be
two babies in the house.

I'm sure I'm going to
have to babysit for her and David.

So why can't she just do
this one little thing for me,

and let me go for-- I don't know--
two weeks, three weeks, a month?

You two have been wanting a dog, right?

If you keep John just for a few weeks,

I promise I'll keep your dog
whenever you want to go out of town.

Hey, here's a good idea.

Why don't you just put John
in a kennel while you're gone?


Your mom told me you were over here.

Oh, I hope I'm not disturbing you.

I would've stayed over there,
but that guy's over there-- David.

Hey, there.

Want to come with Daddy,
give Grandpa a break?

You're really good with John.

You're great with him.

Well, I'm going to bed.

I think this might be a good time for me to
go over and talk to your mom and David.

I can't take him while you go to Italy.

- Why not?
- 'Cause you're his mother.

- You're his father.
- You have a job.

You have a job.

You can put him in the
nursery when you go to work.

Let Ben go, Amy. Let him go.

The guy's been really
good to you and to me.

And if he wants to go away
for the summer, let him go.

This is our son--
my son and your son.

Ben's not obligated to take care of him.

We are.

Let Ben go, and let him go
without feeling bad about leaving.

- He deserves that.
- No.

If I let him go there by himself,

he's going to get into trouble.

He could get into trouble here.

How did we get ourselves into this?


Oh, sex.

I'm sorry. She really tried.

Yeah. I'm sorry she tried, too.

There's something
I think I should tell you

before we both collapse
from food poisoning.

What's that?

I-- I got a little
suspicious about the pregnancy.

- Suspicious?
- I'm an only child.

Infertility runs in my family.

My first wife and I
had irreconcilable differences--

differences of opinion
over whether we should try

different methods to
conceive or to adopt.

- That's why we split up.
- Yeah?

Yeah, so, I made an appointment
with a doctor today

to sort of have things checked out,

thinking that maybe-- just maybe--
you were trying to trick me.

- Why would I do that?
- I don't know.

Maybe because I'm
the sole heir to a large fortune.

I'm just being honest
with you. Completely honest.

So you think I got pregnant
to get my hands on your money?

It's not my money. It's my dad's money.

And without an heir, they're
leaving it to medical research.

And they want to be frozen.

Yeah. You should meet them sometime.
They're two very special people.

I don't want to meet them.

And I think that you'd better leave.

This is your baby.
And George has had a vasectomy.

It's not his baby. It's your baby.

But if you don't want to have
anything to do with me or my baby,

that's your decision.

But I'm not interested
in your parents' money.

Or their factories?

Or real estate? Or investments?
Or stock portfolios? Any of that?

I don't know anything
about any of that!

Again, I just am being
totally honest with you,

and I hope you're being
honest with me, because, Anne,

I love you, and I want to marry you,

but we haven't known
each other that long,

and I have to ask because my fathering
a child is a bit of a medical miracle.

- Really?
- Really.

Well, you didn't have to ask me
if I was some kind of con artist.

Why didn't you just
have me investigated?

- I did.
- What?

I had to.

Forgive me, Anne.

It's just that I wanted to make sure
there wasn't something I wasn't seeing.

I'm just so crazy about you.

And if you don't mind, I was wondering
if you were open to a prenup?

Well, what makes you think I'd even
want to marry you after all that?

I don't know. But...

Will you marry me?