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01x23 - And Unto Us, A Child Is Born

Posted: 06/15/21 05:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on
The Secret Life of The American Teenager



Are you Amy?

I'm Ricky.

You're not just moving in with Dad
so I can have your room for a nursery?

I know we've only been dating
for a few weeks...

Grace, I really don't want
you dating anyone else.

I just don't know if my parents would
think we were getting serious too quickly.

I just don't see how
this is gonna work.

I mean, how do we even know
I have a birth canal?

Uhn, get my Mom.

- Oh, this really, really hurts.
- I'm not--I'm not very good with pain.

Find your mother. Ow!
Hurry, hurry!Ow, baby, ow!

- Why are you screaming?
- Your nails!

Please, be nice to me.
I need a friend.

Can we just be friends?

Are you even capable
of being a friend?

I like you.

I like you a lot. And we're
going to the same school and...

Well, this could be the start
of something big.

Be cool. Oh, my God!


Can we wake her up?

I mean, how can she
be sleeping like this?

She needs her rest.

I need the rest.

We could all use the rest.

You wanna go home,
take a nap, come back?

Yeah, while I'm at it why don't
I go get a spa treatment too?

Or maybe you could get an epidural

and make this a whole lot
easier on Ashley and me.

- Is that your boyfriend?
- You said no cell phones.

I have it on silent.
I'll be right back.

This were 50 years ago,
I'd be in a nearby bar

having a drink and waiting
for a phone call.

If this was 50 years ago,

Amy would be in a home
and we'd be saying

she was at special music
college in the Midwest.

Yeah, we would have made your mom
wear a pillow for nine months.

Then she would have given
birth suddenly

when we were on vacation
in the Midwest.

Oh, those were the good old days.

Ah, yes, the era of shame.

Too bad we missed that one, huh?

Hey, uh, does she need anything?
Ice chips? Anything?


Hi, Amy.
How you doing?

I'm okay.

Can I do anything for you?

No, just be here.

- I'm going to be here.
- Well, not here in the room.

I don't care anymore.

Yes, you do.

I think she's just out of it.

And I think I've proven that I
shouldn't be here for the actual birth.

Uh, but if either one of you
want my video camera--

We don't.

Well, don't you think
that the baby

will wanna see himself
being born when he's older?

As well as his mother
giving birth to him?


Ashley can do it.

- Please, Ashley.
- Oh, great, now she's awake.


I do not care to see you
that up close and personal.

I do not want to see the baby
actually being born.

No one does.

It's a conspiracy by
video-camera manufacturers.

No one really wants
to see the baby on camera

until it's clean and smiling,
about three years from now.

Ha-ha. You're funny.

- Just like Dad.
- How you doing, kiddo?

I'm okay.

I love you, Amy.

Ben, my dad is right here.

- I love you too.
- And we love you, Benjamin.

God, when is this all gonna stop?

Every minute we're in here,
I'm another year away from having sex.

Take your time, Amy.

Hi, Amy.

- Hey, girl, did you get a little nap?
- Mm

- Should we step out?
- Yes, you might wanna step out.

We'll let you know
when you can step back in.

It won't be much longer.

The contractions
are getting closer together.

Yeah, I think he might wanna
stay a little longer.

I think I might want him
to stay a little longer.

Don't be scared, Amy.

- Everything's gonna be fine.
- Let's get some music going

get relaxed,let nature take its course.
This is a natural process, you know.

Then why do I have a big needle
in my spine?

Because sometimes nature sucks.

Mom, don't make me laugh.

Um, seriously though,
how much is it gonna hurt?

Don't think about that.

What am I supposed to think about?

Think about your baby,
think about your son.

I think he's ready.

From this point on,
it's all about him.

It would only take 10 minutes.
Ten minutes.

I can't stay awake any longer.

I need coffee.

Can't you stay awake
on adrenaline?

Our best friend
is having a baby.

My adrenaline ran out hours ago.

You're 15.
You can stay up all night.

This would not be the first time
you've stayed up all night.

We stayed awake all night the
night we found out Amy was pregnant.

So I think we can stay up
all night the night she has the baby.

Ten minutes.
What's 10 minutes?

All right, fine.

I'll have a nonfat latte.

Tell that to the barista.

Wait, where are you two going?

Coffee run.

I'll have a triple nonfat,
sugar-free, hazelnut latte.

Not unless you come with us.

I'm not your waitress
and neither is she.

Get me a chai tea latte with honey.

- I'm going?
- Can't you get me a cup of tea?

I slept with you.

I remember.

All right, I'll go with you.

Whoa, hold it.

What happened?
Did she have the baby?

We're just going to get coffee.
Jack, you want anything?

- Nice.
- Yeah I'll have a strawberry smoothie.

Me too.

I'll have one of those frozen blended
things with caramel whipped cream.


No one is going to get anyone
to bring them back coffee.

Either we all go or we all stay.

Wait, I'll go.

Maybe we should just
get a hotel roomtem,

and get some sleep.

- If you want, yeah.
- I don'think so, Tammy.

Not until you're married.

Your sister is such a buzz k*ll.

No one said anything about having sex.

I just want some sleep.

All right, we'll go.

Oh, that's nothing.

I'm pretty sure they were making
out before the baby shower.

You got served.

- We have to get boyfriends.
- I have a boyfriend.

So I guess it's just
you and me without boyfriends.

I'm getting Henry back. I was
just trying to make him jealous.

- But I though he wasn't--
- We'll see about that.

So, the doctor's in.
I think she's almost ready--

Where is everybody?

I just passed them.
They're going to get coffee.

- She almost there?
- Yep.

What does that mean,
almost there?

I don't know, but I think that now
she starts the pushing and ining.

What's the ving part?

I don't know.
Uh, but the doctor came in

and she looks,
uh, ready to deliver a baby.

Who's in there with Amy
and the doctor?

Just her mom.

You didn't wanna be in there
with her, did you?

- What?
- When she has the baby?

Oh, of course not.

Yeah, me neither.

Then, uh,
what's the camera for?

Oh, jeez.
Uh, where did I leave Ashley?

Oh. Hey, here, I-I forgot this.
Uh, here's the zoom.

It's just for her face, I just
wanna see the look on her face.

I'm not video taping Amy's face
or anything else for that matter.

Ashley, Amy's asking for you.

Oh, she wants you
to bring the camera.

I reserve the right
to edit that be you see it.

That's fine.
I don't even need to see it.

It's just for Amy and the baby,
when he grows up.

- How is she?
- She's okay. How you doing?

- Me?
- Yeah, Dad, how you doing?

You wanna call your Mom or Dad
to get them down here?

Should I do that?
Am I supposed to do that?

- Do that if you want.
- I don't know.

It seems if I'm old enough
to be a father,

I shouldn't call my Mommy
and Daddy to come hold my hand.

Right, well, after the baby's born,
you might wanna call them.

I'm sure they gonna wanna see him.

Thanks, Mr. Juergens,
for bein to me. And--

Don't say it.
It is what it is.

I don't think anyone should see
what's going on in there.

Come on, we'll go
sit down somhere.

Is she okay?

I don't know
how she could be.

She's too young
to be having a baby.

Yeah, well, she is, and--

Jeez, Ash, I just hope
she can get through this.


Is your Dad coming down here?


Put your head between
your legs, you'll be okay.

I'm okay.

Really, I'm fine.

I'm not really squeamish. It's
just I hate to hear Amy in pain.

- It's k*lling me.
- I just feel so guilty.

I feel so damn guilty. I
can't believe I did this.

- Yeah, well, you did do this.
- But it is what is.

And who knows why but maybe
it was just meant to happen.

Although I don't think
it's meant to happen again.

Yeah, believe me,
it's not gonna happen again.

I'm thinking
about getting fixed.

I mean it. state should make me
get a vasectomy or something.

Ricky, you're 16.

You're in high school.

I mean, maybe one day you'd like
to grow up and get married

and have some more children.

I don't think so.

This is it for me.

I don't even deserve
to have this one.

I don't deserve to have a baby
with a girl this nice.

With Amy.

God, I can't believe
I did something so stupid

that's changed
the lives of so many people.

- I hate myself.
- Hey, you--

you can't enter into the world of
fatherhood with that kind of attitude.

Your son's gonna need you.

Why? He'll have you,
and Amy, and her family.

You're his family, Ricky.

You're his father.

Whoever raises the child
is his father, and--

I don't know.

I don't know if I can do it,
or if I should do it.

Maybe I should leave now before
I mess up anything.

You're not gonna walk
away from this.

If you were gonna
walk away from this,

you would have walked
long before now.

How does this work?
How do I act like a father

when you're Amy's boyfriend?

How are the three of us gonna
raise a child together?

This is just crazy, Ben.

I admit it's crazy.
But we'll do the best we can.

I mean, hey, who would have thought that
six months ago, that we'd be friends?


Yeah, we're friends,
don't you think?

Friends, I don't know.

I don't think I've ever
had a friend before,

and I don't know
why we'd be friends now.

We've been forced to deal with
each other because of this situation.

We've got nothing in common
other than Amy and the baby.

And that doesn't seem
it would make a good fendship.

If any it seems we have no possibility
of ever really being friends Ben.

Why not?

Why not?
Think about it.

As the years go by,
we're gonna always be arguing

over the two things
that brought us together:

Amy and the baby.

Yeah, but as the years go by,

there are gonna be holidays
and birthday parties

and the first day of school and--

Who does he get to spend
Christmas Eve with?

What about Christmas Day?

And do I get him for part
of his birthday by myself

or do I have to go over to Amy's house
if I want to see him on his birthday

Is she taking him
to the first day of school?

Is she gonna let me teach
him to play baseball?

Or is her dad?
Your future father-in-law?

And if he wants a pont
for his birthday and I say no,

are you gonna say yes
and get it for him anyway?

No, my friend, we've got a lifetime
of arguing over Amy's son.

Did you talk to Amy
about any of this, or--

No, I didn't. Why?

Because I was just trying
to cheer you up.

Listen, we can figure out
all this stuff later,

or you and Amy can figure
out all this stuff later.

But for now,fo just
take it one day at a time.

And I think that today,
we should be friends.

Truce from all the battles
yet to be had?

I guess.

Come on.

You can do better than that.

You're gonna have
to do better than that.

We're both gonna have to do
the best we can for who we are.

And what does that mean?

It means that...

I am the skinny-but-intelligent

son of a wealthy man who nearly
passes out at the thought of blood,

and who has very minimal motor skills.

And you are the troubled,
narcissistic underachiever

who can do
just about anything,

from throwing a ball
to wrapping a meat basket.

And together,

we have the potential
to make a pretty good dad.

You're an idiot.

Yeah, well, that's what
all my friends say. Heh.



Hey, Adrian.

Um, we all went out for coffee.
Did we miss anything?

I don't think so.
No one's come to get me yet.

Anyway, they said things
slowed down again.

I brought coffee for you.

And Ben and, um, Amy's dad,

and an extra one
for anyone who wants it.

That was nice of you.


How are you?

I don't know.

I guess I'm okay.

I'm sure I'm doing
better than Amy.

Yeah, but she's strong.
She'll be okay.

So how's your brother?

- He's my brother??
- So it wasn't any good?

Heh.I knew it wouldn't be.

I didn't come down here
because things with my brother

didn't quite work out
the way I hoped.

I'm here because I--

I just wanted to be here
with everyone else.

You know, I just feel like we're all
kind of connected by this baby now.

By your baby.

- Are you still jealous?
- Not tonight.

But I'm sure I will be when I see you
hold your son for the first time.

I'm sorry if I hurt you.

You didn't hurt me.

I really care about you.

And I just came over here
to tell you that.

And to tell you that I know
you're gonna be a good dad.

And I know you.

I know you better than anyone.
And if you ever need me, call me.

I'll be there for you.


What if I don't need you,
I just want you?

Either way,
I'll be there for you.

And you-- You be
there for your son.

Always. Because it's not fun
growing up without a dad.

I'll call you.

I know you will.

Hey, I'm just gonna go
say good night to Ricky.



I just wanna tell you know,
I think we're gonna head out.

It's late, and it could be a while,
and we all just kind of realize

maybe this is just
for the family.

I'll let Amy know.

I'll be praying for her.

And for you.

I got a really great time getting
to know you the past few months.

I think a lot of you.

I don't know why.

I really didn't treat you right,
and I think I know why.

- You don't have to explain.
- I wanna explain.

I'm attracted to you,
and I respect you

for livng what you believe
and not having sex before marriage.

But Grace, I like having sex.

I like having sex with Adrian.
I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.

I mean, I think there's a reason
you like having sex with Adrian

I think you like Adrian.

No, I think
you're in love with Adrian.

And I don't know
how that will change

as your relationship
with Amy changes but,

I think you're in love Adrian,
whether you know it or not.

And I know that Adrian's
in love with you.

I also just wanted
to tell you that

I'm thinking about getting
back together with Jack.

You know, if he'll have me.

And I just wanted you
to hear it from me.

Well, as long as we're
being honest here,

I still think you
could do better

You just have
to get to know Jack.

He's really nice.

And we have a lot
in common, so...

I should go.

He's waiting for me.


You're gonna be great dad.

I can't wait to see
you with the baby.

I'm really proud of you,
you know that?

Proud of me for what?

I've been completely irresponsible
and relying on you for everything.

that's what I'm proud of.

You realized that,
and you're only 15.

Of course, your girlfriend's
about to become a mother,

so it's not a moment too soon.

I am really and truly
in love with her you know??

I know that.

And that's why I've been
so hard on you.

If you were going through all
this just because you liked her,

I'd be worried about you.

But you're like me.
When you commit, you commit

You might not be a big guy,
but you got a big heart.

- You get that from your mother.
- My mother and my father.

I miss her.

Yeah, me too.

As much as you loved her, Dad,
she loved you too.

And I think she'd be okay
if you dated again,

if you wanted to.

I can't imagine it.
Going out with another woman.

Your mom,

she was the love of my life.

- And you don't get lonely?
- I get lonely.

But I had such happiness
for so long.

I feel like a lucky man.

Some people never have
that kind of happiness.

She was the one.

And as young as you are,
I don't know,

I think Amy's your one.

It's a lot
to take on at 15, Ben.

A girlfriend with a baby.

But you'll do okay.

It's not gonna be easy,
but you'll do okay.

And I'm there for you, son.

I know it doesn't seem
like it sometimes,

but I'm there for you.


How can making out be so good
and sex so bad?

- It wasn't so bad, was it?
- Yeah, Henry, it was.

Well, maybe because
it was our first time.

And no second time.

Maybe because it was too soon,

and we just thought there
wasn't anything left

but going straight
to the finale.

Maybe we needed to spend
more time doing this,

because this is actually better
than any intercourse we ever had.

Oh I hate that word.
It's so unromantic.

It sounds like
health class, Alice.

Shut up and kiss me.

I can't believe you two made us
go to the hospital for nothing.

You wanted to go.
So did Tammy.

Yeah, to see the baby.

Well, we'll see the baby

Do you mind
if I talk to Jack?

Do I mind? Aren't I the one
who got you together with Jack?

Good night.

It was nice being
with you again.

And it was nice being
with you again.

Do you think we could be
boyfriend and girlfriend again?

I mean, a lot of stuff has
happened since we broke up.

Yeahd even before
we broke up.


I love you.

I've always loved you.

But I don't know if that's enough.

It might not be enough,
but it's a good place to start.

I love you too, Jack.

I still feel the same
as I did before about sex.

I'm not ready to have sex.

Not now.

Not till you graduate
from med school?

Well, honestly, I don't--

I don't know if
I can wait that long.


We'll see. I just--

I just wanna make
sure I'm ready to do it,

and that might, or might not be,
until I get married.

- I understand.
- Do you?

Yeah, it's complicated. Sex.

Yeah, it is. It's complicated.

But I think we'll know
if and when it's right for us.

* I *

* Guess you say *

* What can make me feel This way? *

* My girl *

* My girl *

* Talking about my girl *

We're almost there.


So not a chance she could
die or something,isn't there?

No, George, she'll be fine.

I don't remember it taking this long.

Did it take this long?

Yeah, it took this long.

Twelve hours.

how much longer?

Okay, we're there.

We're at "push."
And Dad, if you wanna come in,

you can stay above all the action.

Amy says it's okay.

Oh, come on, it's the four of us.

We've made it this far together.

Okay, Grandma, let's do it.


We need to get cleaned up

and back to the hospital
as soon as possible.

Our things are all packed
in the truck.

So, what do you wanna do?

I guess this is as good a time as any

to start our lives too.

We won't be going far, Mom.

Well, just remember you
have school tomorrow.

Maybe this would be a good time
for me to start my life too.

My life without school.

Oh, no,

not when you're living under my roof.

Look, could we talk about this later?

Right now I just need a shower,
get something to eat,

and get back to the hospital.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Goodbye, Mom.

I'll see you at the hospital.


And you're okay with this?

If you're okay with it.


I'm gonna miss seeing you
wake up in the morning.

And going to sleep at night.

I'm really gonna miss you, Ashley.

You're welcome to come home anytime.

Tell her you love her.

I love you.

I love you too.

I'll see you at the hospital, okay?


Howdy, neighbor.

I bought the house next door.

You bought this house?

This is where you're moving?

Afraid so.

You're not angry, are you?

Any other day, I think I might be,

but, George, I actually think
it's kind of brilliant.

I'll see you at the hospital.

Oh, wait, we can all ride together.


Hang on to the MIuplicate keys.



- May I come in?
- Of course.



You broke his heart, you know.

- Max?
- Yes, Max.

He'll get over it.

I mean, he's a nice guy and everything

but he's not for me.

He's your brother.

Yeah, but even if he weren't my brother,

he's still not for me.

You didn't come over here

to get us back together, did you?

He's not, he's not in the car or anything?

No, Adrian.

That's not why I'm here.

You're not taking me to military school.

I'm not taking anyone.

That was a threat my wife made to Max

and I was obligated to uphold it.

But he's not going?

Not if I have anything to do with it.

And I'm not going to be there anymore.

I left.

You left your wife?

And the boys.

They're not boys.

- They're men.
- I helped raise them.

They're like my sons.

And leaving for me is not easy.

- You and my mom, you're not--
- No.

Not right now anyway.

What is it with you and women?

I don't know.I think it's just

I have this unresolved issue.

Named Adrian.

You hungry?

Yeah, I am.

Let's go.

unless you were expecting someone.

Well, I'm always expecting someone.

Ben, you haven't been home yet.

Everyone else has gone home.

It's okay. Go home.

My mom and dad and Ashley
should be back soon.

I don't wanna leave you alone.

I wouldn't mind being left alone.

I mean, it's okay if you wanna stay,

but really, I'm exhausted.

- I'll be fine.
- Is there anything

I can do for you before I go?

Get my school assignments tomorrow?

If you want, I can
do your assignments.


you've done enough.

You really have.

Ben, thank you so much.

For everything.

For being with me,
for standing by me.

- For everything.
- What else would I do?

I love you, Amy.

I love you too.

All right, well,

I guess I'll get out of here.


What are you gonna name him?

I don't know yet. I thought that

a name would pop into mp head

as soon as I saw his face,

but I don't know.

I don't even know
what his last name is.

Is it my name?

Is it Ricky's last name?

Both our last names?

Whatever you want his name to be,

that'll be his name.

We're here, we're here.

Mom and Dad are just
parking the car.

- Go home.
- I'm going.

Bye, little guy.

I love you.

I hope you get some rest.



how's my little nephew?

What is his name?

Know what?

Why don't you name him?

You're the one who talked
me into keeping him.

Go ahead, Ashley,
you have the honor.

Do it quickly before Mom
and Dad get here and wanna help.

I may have talked you
into keeping him,

but, hey,

you're the one who's really
going to be keeping him, so...

- John.
- I like John.

Do we know a John? Why John?

Goes with Juergens.

John Juergens.


It goes with Boykewich as well.

Yeah, go with John.

You need a nice, clean, simple name.

That kid's life will
be complicated enough.


A lot of green were named John too.

John, uh-- John F. Kennedy.

John Kennedy Jr.

John Quincy Adams.

- Pope John Paul.
- John Lennon.

Uh, John Cougar Mellencamp.

He dropped the Cougar.

It's just John Mellencamp again,

but you can do that
when your name is John.

John, uh, Glenn.

John Irving.

- Johnny Cash.
- Johnny Rotten.

- John Deere.
- John Boykehnch Juergs.

Or John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.

Or John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.

That's my name.

* John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt *

* His name is my name too *

* Whenever we go out
The people alway shout *

* There goes John
Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt *

Uh-oh. Amy, what are you
naming the baby?

Not Jingleheimer Schmidt, I hope.

- John.
- Aw.

When can we take him home,mom?

Tomorrow. They said you
can take him home tomorrow.

I can't go home tomorrow.

I'm gonna need at least
another week to get over this.

Yeah, maybe a week,

maybe weeks, maybe months,

but, anyway, they said you
could take him home tomorrow.

Okay, John.

We're going home tomorrow.

Ready or not.

We are going home.

What are you doing?

I think heating up formula.

Oh, not that way,

no, that'll make it way too hot.

Why just run another bottle
under the hot-water faucet.

- Do you wanna do it?
- You can do it.

And the doctor said the lactation nurse

is gonna come by and
see you later this afternoon.

Said she's sorry she missed
you at the hospital.

What's she gonna do to me?

She's gonna help you learn
how to breast-feed.

Oh, come on. You should at least try.

Can't you do it for me?

I did do it for you.

Now it's your turn.

Oh, had David Johnson is gonna come by

because I didn't want
to leave you to go to him.

Wait. The architect?


You're working the day
after the baby's born?

Don't you think that's a little soon?

Amy, I don't get maternity leave.

And I just got this job.

Life goes on.

Life does go on.

Life is going on right now in my room.

His name is John, and he doesn't care

if his bottle goes in the microwave.


I'm tired.

Okay,Amy,why don't you go back to bed.

I'll make this bottle for you.

Thanks, Mom.

I don't know why
I have to go to school now,

I mean, it's almost noon.

You got a half day off
to pick up your sister and nephew.

Half a day's enough.
I don't wanna lose custody.

Do you even have custody?

Well, we're not
officially divorced yet.

But I can tell you this:

Your mother doesn't have custody

of either one of us
right now. Ha-ha.

You wanna go over and look at
John one more time before we leave?

I don't believe this.

Me neither.

He's parking in the driveway
like he's family.

So we still going in?

Not now.

Oh, look, he's got a big teddy bear.

He's ever had children.

Parents don't buy
giant stuffed animals.

They always come from people
who've never had children.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Oh, look at that.

That's so cute. Come on in.

You know what?

Why don't you take
the rest of the day off.

- Let's go buy a bike.
- But I have a bike.

Not you, me.

I always wanted a motorcycle.

Then you should get one.

- Should I?
- Do we have any money?

Money goes in circles.

As it's circling
down the drain?

I paid a little less for the house
than I thought I was going to pay.

Then do it.

Get the bike.

- But I want a puppy.
- You got it.

- Big dog.
- Giant.

I think this is the beginning
of a beautiful family.

You, me, the dog, and the bike.

We are in so much trouble.

So you don't need me to do anything?

No, I just came by to see you.

So, how was it.

Oh, horrible.

And wonderful.

I don't know if I'm ever
gonna get to experience that.

I'll let you in on
a little sect,

believe it or not, ha,

I would actually like
to experience that again.

With the right person, of course.

- But I thought--
- That I couldn't have any more children?

Isn't that what you said?

I said that George and I couldn't have

any more children after Ashley.

George and I.


Oh. But you could?

With the right person.

But we couldn't wait very long.

Shouldn't we wait
till our third date

to talk about that?

About you and me
and babies and such?

Yeah, that sounds good.

Well, until then,
I just have to say...

...I adore you.

I'm not just saying that
because you slept with me

- on our first date.
- Shh!

Oh, we have to be quiet in front
of your daughter and her baby ?

She's the good girl.

You're a good girl too.

Life goes on.


Life goes on.

So she's okay?

Yeah, she's fine.

And the baby's fine.

What did she name him?


I like that. That's classic.

What are you gonna name your baby?

I guess the cat's out of the bag
on that one now, huh?

- Yup.
- So, what now?

Well, I think I can now
safely transfer out of Band.

And into P.E.?

Oh. Do I have any other choices?

Home Economics.

- Perfect.
- By the way,

You get a life credit

for your job at the butcher shop.

No kidding? That's terrific.

That's really working out.

My dad's a really smart guy.

And I think Ricky and I
are gonna make really good dads.

- I hope so.
- I love her.

And I love that baby.

And I'm not gonna let Ricky
get in my way again.

We're gonna be friends,
Ricky and me,

and even if he's not capable
of being my friend,

well, then, I'm gonna
go with the saying,

"Keep your friends close,
keep your enemies closer."

How old are you now, 40?

I have grown up a little bit this year,

don't you think?

Even though I am still a virgin.

Hi, John.

Daddy's here.

I love you.