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01x22 - One Night At Band Camp

Posted: 06/15/21 05:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on
the secret life of the American teenager

- You're moving?
- I am.

Oh, George, thank you.

I know I shouldn't ask,
but I'm gonna anyway.

Did you really need balloons,
or did you just wanna see me?

I wanted to see you.

I asked for the divorce.
A man has to take blame.

It's not your fault.

What about Adrian's mom?

I couldn't call you.
Ruben talked to my dad.

He said if I didn't break this off

he and my dad are gonna
send me to military school.

- So you're here because...?
- I miss you.

I want to hit that lady.

It's okay, Tammy.

I know it was upsetting,
but it was just a car.

Thankfully no one got hurt.

Amy, are you okay?

I think this is it, Mom.
I'm having the baby.

- You tell her?
- Didn't get a chance.

I think Amy's in labor.
Meet us at the hospital.

I hope one afternoon was
worth eight weeks of boot camp.

It was. I think I'm in love,
to tell you the truth.

In love?

There's something I wanted to tell you.

I hope this isn't about
those birth control pills.

What are you and Ashley not telling me?

Ashley's moving in with me.

Hi, Ricky, it's me, Amy.
The baby's coming.

I think you should be here. He's your son.

Einght months and two weeks ago...



Are you Amy?

I'm Ricky.

Someone told me you're
going to Grant in the fall.

Yeah. Grant High School, you mean.

What else would he mean? You're such a dork.

Yeah, Grant High School, that's my school.

We're gonna be going to the same school.

We'll be in the same band.

Mind if I sit down?

Oh, no. Go ahead.

Does he want me to get up?

I'm sorry, were you waiting for someone?

Like, a boyfriend maybe?

Me? No, I don't have a boyfriend.

Come on. a girl as pretty
as you doesn't have a boyfriend?

- Ha, no.
- Why not?

I don't know. I don't want a boyfriend.

I'm not that interested in guys right now.

Oh. You go the other way.
Nothing wrong with that.

No. No. I-- I like boys.

It's, uh-- I mean,
I like girls too, but--

Nothing wrong with that.

No, I just-- I don't have a boyfriend.

I mean, I have a couple of
really close girlfriends.

Friends who are girls.

But you don't have a boyfriend.


Hi, Ricky.



Hi, Gail.

You don't even remember, do you?



Forget it.

All right.

I remember. I made out with her
under the bleachers last summer,

only to find out she's got
a boyfriend here at camp.

I don't want any trouble,

that's why I was asking about your boyfriend.

Oh, my God. I think he likes me.

I don't have a boyfriend.

All right, then.

I'm not exactly boyfriend material,

but maybe we could do something tonight.

- Tonight?
- Yeah.

Me and you. Unless you don't want to.

No, it's just that, uh--
I'm the freshman soloist tonight.

Wow. I'm impressed.

Then I'll make sure I'm there
at the concert to hear you play.

Like I'm not nervous enough.

See you later, Amy.


Ricky Underwood asked you out?

Aren't you just the princess
of the best of the best band camp.

Every girl at this camp
wants to go out with him.


Yeah, really. He is so hot.

Yeah, I guess he is. Heh.

Just be careful.

Hey, I can't talk right now.

We're in orientation.

Amy, high school is gonna be awesome.

The hallways are gonna be filled with
guys who look just like that.

I don't like guys who look just like that.

I do.

Just like that.



Yeah, well, forget that,
because that is looking at someone else.

Congratulations, you made cheering.

I did! I'm so excited.

But I'm not as good as the other girls.

That can't be true.

No, It's true.
There are such good tumblers.

Thank goodness I'm not the top of
the pyramid, I'm the bottom.

Well, the bottom's good.

Or the top.

Anywhere on the pyramid.


Hey, I had a really nice time
with you last weekend.

Oh, me too.

I'm really enjoying getting to know you.

I think you're the nicest, prettiest girl
I've ever been out with.


No, I mean that.

You're so sweet.


I know we've only been dating for a few weeks,

but Grace, I really don't
want you dating anyone else.


Well, I'm really flattered by that. I--

I just don't know if my parents would think
we were getting too serious too quickly.

Well, what do you think?

Well, I think I could go along with it,

but I would just want my parents to know,

and I'm not ready to approach them yet.

Maybe in a few weeks.

So in the meantime you'd be
going out with other guys, or...

Maybe. Just like you'd be
going out with other girls.

I don't wanna go out with any other giirls.

Then don't go out with other girls.

And you won't go out with any other guys.

We'll see.

Come on, Grace, I can't wait weeks.

Talk to your parents today.

You girls aren't supposed to
be wandering the hallways.

Well, we're not exactly wandering,
a-as much as lost.

You know, I think I remember
how to get back to where we were.



Oh, big day today.

Phew. Big, big day.

What if they don't take 'em off today?

No, no. They'll take them off.

They have to take them off.
They said they'd take them off.

I mean, they can't just hold my teeth hostage.

We could take 'em off.

- How?
- Yeah, how?

Pliers. How hard can it be?

If it were that easy,
nobody would ever go to dentistry school.

They'd just let high-schoolers
with pliers do all their dental work.

What's the worst that could happen?

You could k*ll him.

I wouldn't care if he k*lled me.
At least I'd die happy.

I mean, three years of wires and headgear.

That's all I can take.

I don't even notice them anymore.

Well, I notice them. Ah.

And don't tell me that
regular girls don't notice them.

Regular? What do you mean?

- Normal.
- I'm not normal?

She's normal. Neither one of you are normal.

It's okay. I'm not normal.

I mean, we don't have
any friends outside of our group.

And at least you have Alice.
I have no one.

I can't get anyone with this metal mouth.

Oh, and I have orientation this week!

What are you talking about?

Alice and I have lots of friends.

No, you don't. I mean, you have me.
You have each other.

But you can't talk to each other face to face.

You instant message each other
when you're in the same room.

We find the written word to be more personal.

As soon as you say something it's gone.

But once you've committed something to paper,

or in this case computer,
it can last forever.

I get nervous talking to her.

Hey, guys.

- The orthodontist just called.

Seems like there's some
kind of emergency today.

Too kids locked together.

Apparently that happens a lot with braces.

- What?
- Yeah.

They're calling in the jaws of life.

Said he could take you a week
after school starts.

The week after school starts? After?

Is there a problem?
It's the next appointment available.

Call someone. Get me another orthodontist,

or get somebody to come to the house.

Come on. You waited three years,
what's a few more weeks?



I'm just goofing on you. Come on, let's go.

Not funny.

You guys, uh, coming along for the unveiling?

We can't just stay here,
the two of us, and wait, can we?



Come on.

Doesn't matter.

Stay and wait here. Yeah, sure.

Hey, honey.

You stopped at the mall on your way home?

You've been gone for three days.

I needed to get some things.

Lingerie things.


Who is it?

I've been living out of my suitcase for 72 hours,

and I can't buy something for myself?

You can do whatever you want.

Who is it?

It's no one.

Oh. He's married?

He's not married...exactly.

Yeah, okay.

Okay, I know what this is all about.

I haven't forgotten about your car.

Good. Because I need a car, Mom.

I'm working on it.

Are you? Because you're never here.

And there are only so many places I can walk to.

And I hate asking the other majorettes
to pick me up for practice.

Oh, and they hate it when I ask.

We'll go tonight.

Why can't we go this afternoon?

Because there's something
I have to do this afternoon.

Why can't you do what you
have to do this afternoon tonight?

No. Let me answer that.

Because he has to go home
to his wife tonight,

but he can get away this afternoon?

You want a car? Mind your own business.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You want me to get your mom?

Yeah. Get my mom.

How long was I asleep for?

About five minutes.

Hi, Amy.

Got you a burger and a shake.

Is it from the Dairy Shack?

No, it's from downstairs,
but it looks pretty good.

Yeah, it looks good, Amy.

You don't know anything.

Sure I do. I work at a butcher shop.

That is not the same quality
as the Dairy Shack.

I want a Dairy Shack burger.

Then why don't I go get that?

Yeah. Why don't you?

Well, that was a little harsh.

It's the least he can do, don't you think?

Amy, I really don't think
this is the time to be resentful.

When would be a good time?

I'm thinking the rest of my life.

Don't go there.

I'm hungry, and I'm tired,

and I don't wanna do this.

Well, I don't really think
that you have much choice.

Oh, no.

Here it comes again. Ow.

Just breathe. Breathe, breathe.

I never learned how to breathe.

Why didn't we go to those classes?

This is all your fault. Ow.

I don't think so.

Amy, I scheduled and rescheduled
that birthing class weekend three times.

Just hang in there, Amy.
You're gonna be okay.

I don't know what good
those classes would've done anyway.

It would still hurt.

Those classes are supposed to
make you feel better

by giving you confidence that
childbirth is a completely natural thing.

Forget natural.

When do I get that shot in the spine?

I never thought a shot in the spine
ould sound like something good.

You know, Amy,

you can't eat once you get the epidural.

Call in the order at the Dairy Shack
and tell them it's a rush.

This stinks.

It's okay.

It's all gonna be okay.

No, it's not gonna be okay.

I'm starving. And I'm kind of scared.

Yeah, I know, it's scary giving birth.

But it's okay. I'm gonna be here.

I'll be here the whole time.

And look at it this way,
he flipside of fear is excitement.

So let's get excited.

What are you gon name him?

What am I gonna name the baby?

I'm going to name the baby?

Well, yeah. Who else do you
think's gonna name the baby?

I don't know. I'm a minor.
I thought maybe you and Dad.

I mean, I thought I'd suggest a few names,

but, really, a name is a serious thing.

He's gonna be stuck with it his whole life.

And now is not the time for me
to be coming up with some name.

I'm busy here.

I can't think of
anything other than that burger,

and I just don't see
how this is gonna work.

I mean, how do we even know
I have a birth canal?

What? I don't know anything about anything,

other than the French horn.

That your concert piece?

Yeah. I keep messing up on this one phrase.

Sounded good to me.

Breathe. Breathe.

He's just a guy. He's just a guy.

You know what they say is helpful

when you're nervous playing
in front of an audience?

You should picture the audience naked.

Ha. I don't think I could do that.

I think it would make me more nervous.

I didn't say you'd be naked.

He said "naked" again.

Go ahead, let me hear you play.

I don't know. Heh.

One, two,

and, three, four.

One, two.

My lips are a little dry.

They seem okay to me,
but I'll get you some water.

Yeah. Water would be great. Thanks.

You're really pretty, you know that?

He just kiss me.

Any news?


The baby?

Oh, no, not yet.

I want to give this back to you.

Why would you do that?

Did you and Tammy break up?

You wish.

I asked her for it because
I think you are going to need it.

Why would you say that?

Tammy told me you had
a little problem at the shower.

What problem?

The Shawna problem.

You're seeing Jack.

No. No.

Come on, you can tell me.

There's nothing to tell you.

That's what the ring is for.

To make sure you never
have something to tell me.

You didn't say anything to Dad, did you?

Give me a little credit here.

I'm talking to you.

Not Dad.

Jack already said he doesn't
want you to see anybody else?


And you said what?

I'd think about it.

Well, I'd like to think about it too.

There. I've thought about it. No.

It's a bad, bad, bad idea.

So now you don't have to
think about it, okay?

In fact, when it comes to dating,

I'd be happy to do your thinking for you.

Ha-ha. Dad, you're so funny.

Yeah, and so are you.

You're a funny girl, Gracie.

Much too funny to even
consider just seeing one guy.

Come on, You need to spread
the laughter around a little.

Give other guys
the opportunity to take you out.

Well, no other guys have asked me out.

Just Jack.

Come on. That can't be true.

It is true.

And I know you told Reverend Stone
to tell Jack to ask me out.

What? No.

No. Reverend Stone asked me
if Jack could ask you out.

And, stupidly, I said yes.

I thought he'd be a good starter date.

But that doesn't mean
you have to keep dating him.

I wanna keep dating him. I like him.

I think he's cute.

Have you kissed him?


Let me ask the question a different way.

Has he kissed you?

I'm old enough to kiss a guy.

So that's a yes?

No, it's not a yes.
It's a no comment. It's private.


please give yourself a chance to
date other guys before you settle on just one.

I'm not settling. He's a good one.

Gracie, p-- Listen to me.
He's taking this way too fast.

Look, if he keeps up this pace,
by the end of the summer,

trust me, sweetheart,
he's gonna try to have sex with you.

Dad. That's impossible.


He Grace

Hi, Ben. Is there a baby?

No. Actually I just wanted to let you know
they don't think it's gonna be soon.

Are they sending her home?

It's gonna be sooner than that,

but probably not in
the next couple of hours.

Okay. Well, thanks for telling me.

You're on the list.
So when the baby's here,

- I'll definitely call you.
- Okay, thanks, Ben.

Oh, and can you tell, um,
Amy that she's in my prayers?

No. No. Don't tell her that actually.

I don't know if she'd wanna
know I was praying for her.

Tell her I'm thinking about her,
sending good thoughts her way.

No, actually, that sounds like
I'm praying for her,can you just tell her--

Actually, she said to ask you
to pray for her.

Okay. Then I definitely will.

Thanks, Grace. Bye.


There you go. Thank you.

If you need anything else,
I'm right outside.

Oh. When do you think my dad's gonna get here?

He's gonna wait until
George calls him.

Okay. Thanks.

You guys are doing that again?


You can't give it a rest tonight?

We're in a hospital.
We don't wanna make noise.

You're allowed to talk in here.

But we don't want to.

You guys are talking about me, aren't you?

- No.
- Whatever.

I'm gonna go take this to Amy.

Not yet.

I'll let you know.

Give us a minute.



No. I am not gonna have sex with you.

Not until, uh, 30.

How many guys wait till
they're 30 to have sex?

I'll have to look that up.

I don't know the percentage of
30-year-old male virgins,

but there are studies which claim men

who lose their virginity at a later age

can have dysfunction problems down the line.

Great. Look, that's not what I asked.

How many have sex at 30
who have never had sex before?

Because if you're a virgin at 30,
chances are you're a virgin at 35,

and 40, and 45.

I don't know, I'd become a priest.

You have to propose the question
in a scientific manner.

You will not believe how good this feels.

- Teeth.
- Yeah. Teeth.

They look good. They did a nice job.

Really? Uh, nice enough for me
to get a girlfriend?

They only fixed your teeth.

Yeah. Probably.

I cannot wait for high school. Heh.

It's gonna be so much fun.

I, uh, heard you were looking for a burger.

- Is that...?
- It's Kobe beef.

- We had our chef make it.
- I don't want Kobe beef.

- I want Dairy Shack burger.
- Oh.

Ricky didn't say Dairy Shack.
He just said burger.

- Uh, and come on. Dairy Shack?
- That's not even prime beef.

I don't want prime beef.

I want lousy, greasy, tasty, cheap beef.

I want Dairy Shack.
Why can't anyone get me what I want?

I'm trying to have a baby here!

- Okay, I'll--
- Oh, no!

Oh. Get my mom.

Oh, this really, really hurts.

I'm not-- I'm not very good with pain.

- What happened?
- What do you mean what happened?

I'm having another one of those
Ow. contractions.

- Ben, are you okay?
- Mm.

Ow. Oh. Hit the nurse button.

Do I have to do everything?

Oh, jeez, when are these
stupid contractions gonna stop?

When the baby gets here.

Mm! Oh, the Japanese know how to raise a cow.

- It's Japanese?
- Yeah. Kobe, Japan.

Would you two shut up?

I can't enjoy my Dairy Shack burger

if you two are talking about
cows and Japan and stuff.

- What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong with me?

What's wrong with me? I'm having a baby.

That's what's wrong with me.

It's not like it's a surprise.
You knew it was coming.

Yeah, but I didn't know it was
coming with this much pain.

It really, really, really hurts.

Really? Heh.

It's not funny.

Come on,women have babies every day.

There's a whole floor of women
right here having babies.

Any of them 15?

One of them's 13.

Oh, that is just like you to try to
one-up me at a time like this.

Actually, I'm lying.
I was just trying to make you feel better.

Nothing can make me feel better right now.

Except maybe a fripp.

Isn't that how you got into this?

A fripp is an apple fritter
without the gooey yucky middle part.

Did you make that up or
does someone make a fripp?

If you want, I'll get you one.
Tell me you want it. I will get it for you.

I want one. I just said I want one.

No one listens to me.

Where do I get it? I don't know.

Do you want me to go look it up?

I don't understand what is wrong with everyone.

Do I have to have a baby
and find where they sell fripps?

You're just like your mother was,
you know that?

She was so... unpleasant when she gave birth.

Then they gave her that shot, and the quality
of my life improved a thousand percent.

Are you going to sit there and
tell me stories about my mother

when you could be doing something
to make your daughter,

the girl she gave birth to, feel better?

Oh, dear God. We'll get you a fripp.

Just stop with all the drama.

Oh, no, get Mom. Ow, get Mom.

Hold my hand. Find your mother.

Ow! Hurry! Hurry! Ow, baby, ow!

- What are you screaming about?
- Your nails!

- Oh, baby.
- Ow.

I can't do this. I can't.

Then-- Then don't, just don't.

Daddy, help me.

Aw, honey, I wish I could. I wish I could.

I need Mom. It really hurts.

Hold on. Ashley went to get you mother.

It's gonna be okay, all right?
I promise you, everything is gonna be okay.

Oh, sweetie... Yeah, uh-huh.

Okay. I've got Mimsy.

Mimsy? Where is she?

- At her boyfriend's.
- Way to go, Mimsy.

You know, Ashley has a boyfriend now too.

No, no, no, that's over.

Okay, well, I'll keep you posted. Okay, Mom.

Yeah, I love you too. Bye.

I don't think I'm gonna date until
I'm Mimsy's age.

Did something happen with Thomas?
Something like...?

Something like something that would make you
not want to date until you're Mimsy's age?

Mom, it was like we were already married.
We were so comfortable with each other.

And I don't want comfortable.

- I want passion.
- Well, Ashley,

passion is only temporary,
but babies last a lifetime.

Remember that. okay.

Your father and I were once quite passionate.

Oh, Mom, watching my sister give birth
is enough for one day

without hearing about you and dad.

Okay. Oh, is your sister okay?

Oh, yeah, she, uh, wants you.

Aha, I found you.

- I knew you were still taking classes.
- No, I'm not.

- Then what are you doing?
- I'm having coffee with my friends.

That's where you messed up.
You don't have friends.

No, correction. I don't want any friends.

It's okay by me.
I'm not a people person either.

Dad, you're a salesman.
And not a very good one.

-Let's just go.
-No, go ahead, spend the afternoon here.

I'll come and get you in a couple hours.

- Shouldn't you be at the store?
- Donovan's got it.

Besides, someone asked me to help them move
a bunch of stuff this afternoon.

- Someone?
- Yeah, this lady bought some stuff.

and she wants to return some of it,
and I told her

she probably just doesn't have it laid out
correctly. Ahem.

- What?
- You're not a good liar either.

If you want I'll cancel.

You and I can hang out at the coffee shop.
Maybe you'll make a friend.

I told you I don't want any friends.

- And why is that?
- I don't know.

I just-- I have a sense of impending doom.

Don't forget to put your zombie makeup
back on when I pick you up.

Your mother thinks you have friends.

She also thinks you're drinking too much coffee.

See you later, kitten.

- Hi, George.
- So you're sneaking around teaching my kid?

Well, there's sneaking around,
and there's sneaking around.

Dance is the great escape, isn't it?

- Hey, Ashley.
- Hey, Pops.

I feel so bad for her.

Well, they'll give her the shot eventually,
and that'll take the pain away.

Of course, it won't take the baby away.

I promise, I'm gonna help with the baby.

I promise, if you don't,
I'll find you and I'll hurt you.

You don't have to thr*aten me.
I'm gonna be a father to my son.

I promise. All right, I get it.

Do you know what she's gonna name him?

Well, I don't think it's gonna be Ricky.

Oh, jeez, I didn't think it would be Ricky.

I was just wondering.
Are you this mean to Ben?

Ben is not responsible for what happened here.

Ashley, please be nice to me.

every single person that comes to see Amy today
is probably gonna hate me.

I need a friend.

Can we just be friends?

Are you even capable of being a friend?

- You nailed it that time.
- Thank you.

Sure, what are friends for?

Oh, maybe he just wants to be friends.

Yeah, what are friends for?

You want me to walk you over
to the concert tonight?

Sure. That would be very friendly.

- I'm a friendly guy.
- Yeah, you are.

But I'm not looking for a friend.

I have a lot of friends.

What I'm looking for is a girlfriend.

He said girlfriend.
I know I heard him say girlfriend....

Maybe you could be my girlfriend.

We have a lot in common and--

- We have music in common anyway.
- Yeah. Heh.

-You okay? - I better be getting back
so I can get ready for the concert.

All right, I'll walk you to your cabin.


Here, I'll take that.



Still no baby?

No, not yet.

You know who might know the latest? Adrian.

Maybe I will call her.

No, no, no, you shouldn't call Adrian,

because that will make Tammy jealous.

I know that.

Why, I think I will call Adrian to

spice up my relationship

with just a touch of jealousy.

All right, I'll call Adrian,
but you can listen.

Better than nothing.

Did you hear anything? No, I was just
calling to see if you heard anything.

Who's gonna call and tell me anything?

- Ricky?
- He's hers now.

Come on, he can love the baby
without loving Amy.

No, my afternoon has been bad enough already.

- Oh, your brother.
- Is in love with me.

And I found out that I'm not
n love with my brother.

But not before I slept with him.

I should have insisted you
come out of that bedroom.

I should have blown up the balloons.

- What does that mean?
- What does what mean?

What went on at the shower?

Jack loves you, Grace.

- Do you love him?
- I don't know.

I mean, I have to admit, I have been
thinking about him a lot lately.

Thinking about who?

You know, Adrian, let's
just go to the hospital.

Let's be there when the baby's born.

We can't just go to the hospital.

- We're not part of this.
- Yes, we are.

We got her a job.

We convinced Amy to stay in school.

- You did all that.
- I did nothing.

Well, Ricky will be there.

- So?
- So Ricky will be there.

- Am I gonna be there?
- No, you should be with Tammy.

- She had a bad day.
- Come on let's just

go there and hang out in the waiting room.

I'm sure everyone else will be there too.

No, no, you go.

I can't, I don't have a car. I don't drive.

Come on, girlfriend, let's just get in
your red convertible and go down there.

I love that car.

Just come down to the parking lot.

- Meet who?
- Whoever your boyfriend is.

Adrian, get out here, right now.

Oh, are you kidding me?

You're gonna start yelling at me now at 16?

You never cared about what I did before.

You never made me do anything before.
Why now?

Look, if you don't get down here,
I'm gonna take this car back.

- God.
- Okay, you have to go.

- I wanna see the look on her face.
- No, you can't.

But thank you for helping me make the deal.

You know how these car dealers are with women.

Yeah, I know. Salespeople, huh?

Yeah. Heh.

Okay, well, it's good seeing you.

It's good seeing you too.

- I had fun.
- I had fun too.

If you need help, you know where to find me.

Yeah, I know where to find you.

- Bye.
- Bye, George.

- Hope she likes it.
- Oh, I'm sure she'll like it.

- Hope you like me.
- What?

I hope you like me.

- You're married.
- Yeah, but my wife, she doesn't like me.

- Who couldn't like you?
- That's what I keep saying.

- Okay, go, go, go.
- Call me, all right?

Are you kidding me?

No, I'm not kidding you.

This is the car I always wanted,
so I wanted you to have it.

- Can you afford this?
- Of course, I can afford it. I paid cash.

And for the insurance. And don't wreck it.ok?

Because all the money I have left is
going toward college.

Mom, this is so crazy!

Oh, crazy is a love a mother has for
her daughter.

- Grace?
- Tom.

Oh. Hey, Tom, how you doing, buddy?
Long time, no see.

You kissed my sister.

- What?
- I know you did.

- This is not my day for brothers.
- What?

I kissed her, all right? I miss her, Tom.

Yeah, she miss you too.

I heard her tell Adrian.

- Oh, yeah?
- She is going down to the hospital.

Amy is having a baby.

-Trust me.

Have I ever steered you wrong?

- Okay, maybe I will.
- Swing by and pick up me and Tammy.

We wanna go too.

All right. Hey, and thank you, Tom.

No. Thank you.

Hey, look who's here.

Why don't you girls come in for a visit.

Amy, I'll be right outside, okay?

Just yell if you need me.

Well, I need you. Don't leave.

I just wanna let your dad and Ashley know
you're coming along, it's not gonna be long now.

You said that a few hours ago.

Is this a bad time?

Is this a bad time?

We could come back later.

No, go on in girls.

I'm just gonna take a short break. Go on.

- Is it horrible?
- What do you think?

Well, did they give you the dr*gs yet?

The doctor just checked me.

I'm not far enough along.

Well, can't you just go home, then?

Oh, no, I'm too far along to go anywhere.

We saw Ricky.

And Ben. And your dad. And Ashley.

Henry and Alice are here too.

They're not coming in here?

Of course not. We're the only ones coming in.

And-- And we don't have to stay.

I've been doing this for hours.

And it hurts, it really hurts.

I'm so sorry, Amy.

Is there anything we can do?

Either one of you wanna have this baby for me?

Look, listen and listen good:

Do not have sex.

This is what it leads to.

Well, if you're not caref--

So are there any cute doctors here? No.

I was just trying to change the subject.

- Hey, how was coffee?
- Fine.

I can't wait until Amy gets back from band camp.

It'll be nice to have someone
to talk to around here.

You can talk to me.
You know, this, right here,

- this is just part of the reason.
- Part of the reason what?

Never mind. I have to go back to the store.

- Now?
- We're doing inventory.

The thing is, we don't wanna
give you the epidural too soon.

Okay, I'm worried about too late.

I've done this before, you know.

I bet I know just about the perfect time.

Yeah, well, I guess you do know better than me

since I never went to that stupid, stupid class.

Hey, that anger is good, useful energy.

And it might speed things along.
You feel free to let it go.

I'll let your mom know it's gonna
be a while longer.

She didn't make me go to
that class when I should have.

Yeah, just like that. Let it go. I'll be back.


See? Piece of cake. Lock is ancient.

Come on in. It's okay.

Well, I don't know. Are you sure
we should be in here?

You're the one who wanted coffee.

Well, I thought we could just buy a coffee.

Nope. Nothing's open this time of night.

I don't know how to make coffee, you know?

I know how to make coffee.

In fact, I could make you
a hamburger if you want.

There's always hamburger meat in here.

Well, I am a bit hungry. Ha-ha.

- I was too nervous to eat before the concert.
- You were great.

Well, you were such a big help this afternoon.

Come on, let's cook something.

I don't want you to get into any trouble.

We're not gonna get into any trouble.

We're just gonna have a little
late-night snack, right?


How about Mr. Sedlack? Is he nice?

He's a little overenthusiastic
during marching season.

He likes to make formations that really
require about a thousand students

and we only have about a hundred.

I'm not so sure how good I am at marching.

You saw me this morning.
I made a complete idiot of myself.

No, you didn't.

You'll get the hang of it. It's fun.

it seems like fun.

So when you're not at band camp,
what do you do for fun?

Um, hang out with friends.

I've had the same two best friends
since the third grade.

Lauren and Madison.

They're going to Grant next year too,

so I'm sure you'll be seeing them around.

And, uh, my dad owns a furniture store.

And my mom doesn't work. Well, she works,

but she works at home, taking care of all of us.

And then there's my sister, Ashley.

Hm, she's 13. Heh.

What about you? You have any brothers or sisters?

No, only child.

You wanna move over to the couch?

This bench is getting a little uncomfortable.

It's late. I should probably get back to
the cabin before anyone notices I'm not there.

Come on, I really enjoy talking to you.

I mean, there aren't
a lot of girls I can talk to.

I took piano at first, but,

I don't know, I just wasn't that
interested in the piano. It--

Oh, no.

Am I talking too much?

No, I could listen to you talk all night.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Or we could do this.

We could do that.

I've never done that before.


Oh, yeah? I bet you'd be good at it.

- Making out.
- Oh, you do that a lot? Make out?

I've made out with a few girls before.

But not every girl I meet.

Just if they're special.

You're special, Amy.


I like you. I like you a lot.

And we're going to the same school,

and I thought, I don't know,
maybe you and I could be...

Well, this could be the start of something big.


I guess I should go now.


All right, if you want, I just thought
we were both enjoying this.

Oh, yeah, it's just late.

But you're enjoying this too, right?

I mean, you feel the same way
about me as I feel about you?

I think.

Then what's a few more minutes?


Yeah, what's a few more minutes?


Not you.
