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02x04 - The Resident Patient

Posted: 06/13/21 15:39
by bunniefuu
Sutton, Sutton, Sutton help me.

Help me Sutton.

Please help, help, help me Sutton.

Sutton help.

Don't let them take me Sutton.

Help me Sutton, Sutton.

Don't let them take me Sutton.

Help me.

Help me Sutton.

Sutton help.

Please help, help!

Help me!

Help me Sutton!

Sutton, Sutton, Sutton help, help me!

Sutton, Sutton!

Mustn't take it so badly Holmes.


Well I know it's inconvenient but you really mustn't let it affect you like this.

Whatever do you mean?

You are sitting there boiling with indignation because you have been forced to leave the warmth and comfort of B by the order of Mrs. Hudson's spring cleaning.

My dear Watson however did you deduce that?

By simply applying your methods Holmes.


You'll agree that you are not here for either a shave or a haircut.

That is true.

How did you know?

Because you invariably shave yourself and you are patently not due for a haircut for another two weeks.


And you left our rooms in some haste.

You are without either your gloves or your cane.

Go on.

Well, I know that Mrs. Hudson's been trying to complete her spring cleaning all day.

Now, you have been sitting there frowning, eyes tightly closed, grinding your teeth, and all the time your fingers have been drumming like pistons on the arm of that chair.

So given all this at once even I cannot fail to deduce that you are have quarreled with our good housekeeper and sought refuge in the sanity of the barbershop.

You cannot deny that I am right.

Oh, Watson you could not be further from the truth.

I am here to get our good barber's advice as to the specimen of hair found at the scene of a bloody misadventure last Tuesday in Debford.

Oh, come along Holmes.

You're worried about something.

What you perceived as agitation was indeed most intense tranquil enjoyment.

My eyes were closed because I was trying to recall as vividly as I could the concert that we attended last night.

You were grinding your teeth.

That is because I made a slight error in my recollection of Urkian's fingering his cadenza in the third movement of the Beethoven Violin Concerto ba, ba, ba.

Nevertheless there is an element of truth in what you say.


A doctor's, a general practitioner's I perceive, not been long in practice or had much to do, come to consult us I fancy.

Lucky we came back.

Ah, Mr. Holmes.

Thank you Mrs. Hudson.

Doctor, this is my friend and colleague Dr. Watson.

Pray resume your seat and tell me how I may serve you.

Well, I am indeed a doctor and my name is Percy Travelian and I live at number Brook Street.

Aren't you the author of a monograph upon obscure nervous lesions?

Yes, but I so seldom hear of the work I thought it quite dead.

By no means.

My publishers have given me a most discouraging account of its sales.

You are yourself a medical man?

Retired army surgeon.

My hobby has always been the study of nervous disease.

I should of course like to make it an absolute specialty but a man must take what he can get first.

However, this is beside the question and I do appreciate, Mr. Holmes, how very valuable your time is.

The fact is that a singular train of events has occurred recently at my house in Brook Street and tonight they came to such a head that I felt it was impossible to wait another hour before asking for your advice and your assistance.

You are very welcome to both.

Let me have a detailed account of the circumstances which have disturbed you.

Well one or two of them are so trivial that I am almost ashamed to mention them.

But the matter is so inexplicable and the recent turn it has taken so elaborate that I shall lay it all before you and you shall judge what is essential and what is not.

I am a London University man and I am not unduly singing my praises when I say I was a very promising student.

And it was thought a distinguished career lay before me.

However, there was one great stumbling block.


Indeed doctor, money.

I needed capital not only to practice but also to get out of the scrawled rooms I was forced to rent.

I could not expect my patients to trust me if I could not afford the proper equipment.

Yes, I've seen it happen to too many of us.

I myself was obliged to go into the army in order to follow my career.


I had thought of abandoning my own career except for one sudden and unexpected incident.

Exactly what kind of incident?

One morning two years ago I received a visit from a man by the name of Blessington who until that time had been a complete stranger to me.

Come in.

Good heavens, do you live here, in this?

Yes, I'm afraid I do.

You are the same Percy Travelian who's had so distinguished a career, recently won the Slater award for medicine?

I am.

Then answer me frankly sir, and you'll find it in your interest to do so.

Despite your present financial situation, you clearly have all the cleverness that makes a successful man.

But have you the tact?

I trust that I have my share, sir.

Any bad habits?

Not drawn toward drink?

Now really sir.

Quite right, quite right.

But I was bound to ask.


Why sir?

Simply why with all these qualities are you not in practice?

Come now it's that old story more in the brains than in the pocket hey?

Now sir what would say sir if I were to start you in Brook Street?

If a specialist is to succeed he must aim high and a practice in Brook Street is just the beginning.

Capital, keep yourself in style, the hire of respectable carriage and horse, surgery that's worthy of you, waiting room, servants and the best equipment that money can buy.

That is what you will have sir.

But why?

It's just like any other investment, safer than most.

And what am I to do?

I'll tell you.

I will take the house, furnish it, pay the maids and run the whole place.

All you have to do is to wear out the chair in your consulting room.

Then you hand over to me three quarters of everything you earn and keep one quarter for yourself.

Now what do you say to that sir?

Do you agree?

This then Mr. Holmes was the strange proposal with which Mr. Blessington approached me.

I will not weary you with how we bargained and negotiated.

But it ended with my moving into the house next quarter and starting in practice on very much the same conditions as he had suggested.

Waiting room for your patients.

Your consulting room.

I can't believe it Mr. Blessington, nor can I thank you enough.

He turned the two best rooms on the first floor into a sitting room and a bedroom for himself and came to live with me in the character of a resident patient.

His heart was weak but not abnormal.

And yet he demanded constant medical supervision.

He was a man of singular habits, shunning company and very seldom going out except in one respect.

Every evening at the same time he would go for a walk for half an hour exactly no matter what the weather.

And every evening at the same hour he would walk into the consulting room.

He would then examine the books, put down five crumpets for every guinea I had earned and then carried the rest off to the strong box in his own room.

I may say with confidence Mr. Holmes that he never had occasion to regret his speculation.

From the first it was a success and during the last two years I have made him a rich man.

So much Mr. Holmes, for my past history and my relations with the resident patient Mr. Blessington.

It only remains for me now to tell you what has occurred to bring me here tonight.

Some weeks ago Mr. Blessington came down to me in as it seemed to me a considerable state of agitation.

Dr. Travelian, Dr. Travelian, Dr. Travelian, Dr. Travelian, Dr. Travelian, Dr. Travelian, Dr. Travelian sir.

Mr. Blessington calm yourself sir.

Calm myself?

Calm myself?

But my dear sir have you not heard of the burglary?



No, no, no not here sir, not here, but it could have been.

Could have been...

Within a week the whole house had become a fortress of bolts and bars and locks.

Are you sure these bars are strong enough?

They'd be strong enough for the bank of England, sir.

Mr. Blessington?

When I questioned him upon the point he became so offensive that I was compelled to drop the subject.

At first Mr. Holmes I thought he merely sought to protect his strong box, but then I suspected that it was his life he was protecting.

From then on he stopped going out all together, peered continually out of his windows and kept himself locked in his room in what I could only describe as a state of mortal dread.

Dr. Travelian, before you continue, you say you found this man Blessington prostrate on his bed clutching a newspaper?

More precisely the remains of a newspaper for he had torn it to shreds.

Torn to shreds.

Do you recall the contents of this newspaper at all?

No, I'm afraid not even if I'd known what I was looking for.

When was this?

It was some weeks ago, the beginning of May I think.

Gradually as time passed his fears appeared to die away and he renewed his former habits.

Good evening Dr. Travelian.

Wonderful evening outside.

I'm beginning to enjoy my walks again.

And then suddenly a fresh event reduced him to the pitiable state of prostration in which he now lies.

What happened was yesterday I received this letter from a Russian nobleman now resident in England who suffers from catalepsy.

In it he announces his intention of visiting me for a consultation this very evening at a quarter past six.

Because of the chief difficulty in the study of catalepsy and the rareness of the disease you may believe that at the appointed hour I was eager to receive the patient.

Good evening gentlemen.

I'm Dr. Travelian and it was you sir I assume who wrote to me?

My father speaks very little English doctor, so I trust you will excuse my coming in with him as his health is a matter of the most overwhelming importance to me.

Yes, I respect that sir.

Fenton, perhaps you would like to join us for the consultation?

Nyet, nyet, not for all of the world.

It is more painful to me than I can express.

If I were to see my father in one of those dreadful seizures I am convinced I would never survive it.

My own nervous system is an exceptionally sensitive one.

With your permission I will remain in your waiting room while you go into my father's case.

Yes, of course.

thank you doctor.

Thank you Fenton.

Now sir, I hope you will forgive me if I ask you a few basic questions.

First, can you tell me your age?


And apart from catalepsy would you say you are physically sound?

Normally do you have good health?

Um, no headaches?

Abdominal pain?

Any pain at all?



Naturally I will examine you thoroughly but this is merely a preliminary.

Do you smoke cigars?


Do you drink alcohol?



I see.

Every day?

I didn't expect ...

my first feeling was one of pity and horror.

My second I fear was rather one of professional satisfaction.

There was nothing markedly abnormal in his condition which had harmonized with my former experiences.

I had obtained good results in such cases.

By the inhalation of nitrite of alma and the present seemed an admirable opportunity of testing its virtues.

Now sir, I believe you can hear me.

I should be back directly rest assured.

Fenton, Fenton, Fenton immediately.

Fenton, the two gentlemen you showed in less than minutes ago, did you see them leave?

Leave, no sir.

Are you sure?

I'm positive sir.

Good evening Dr. Travelian.

Good evening Mr. Blessington and how was your walk today?

A little rain but very amiable my good sir.

Very amiable.

Did you hear them leave?

No, sir.

I was nowhere near the hall.

Well you should have been.

That is your duty.

Now I know you are new here but you should know by now.





Someone has been in my room.

No one has been in your room sir.

A lie.

You're lying to me.

I assure you I am not.

Fenton, have you been in Mr. Blessington's room?

Of course I haven't.

There you are you see.

Then come up and see for yourself.

Now sir.

Look at those.

Are you telling me that they're mine?

Well at first glance they do appear to be too large for you.

Of course they're not mine.

I always remove my galoshes at the front door.

Has anything been stolen?

No, but that's not the point.

Nothing has been stolen?

My privacy has been invaded by a stranger, is that not enough?

Mr. Blessington?

Mr. Blessington?

Leave me alone, go away and leave me alone.

Surely there's something I can do to help.

Shall I call the police?


Not those buglers.

There's only one person who can help me now.

And that is why I am here.

But I must apologize for such a trivial reason.

A thief that doesn't steal.

Did he ask for me by name?

Oh, yes.

Then let us be on our way.

Thank you.

This way?

Stay where you are.

I have a p*stol and I give you my word I will sh**t if you come any nearer.

Mr. Blessington this is outrageous sir!

Do you not recognize me?

Is that you doctor?

Yes, of course it is me.

The other two gentlemen, are they what they pretend to be?

They are Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson.

Good God Mr. Blessington, it was you that asked me to fetch them.

Yes, yes, yes, forgive me, forgive me.

Gentlemen do come up.

I'm sorry if my precautions have annoyed you.

Good evening Mr. Holmes.

I'm sure I'm very much obliged to you for coming around.

No one has ever needed your advice more than l, no one.

I expect Dr. Travelian has told you of this unwarrantable intrusion into my rooms.

My sir, Mr. Blessington, who are these two men?

Which two men, I don't know them.

Then why do they wish to molest you?

Molest me?

You could hardly expect me to answer that.

You mean that you don't know?

Come in here, please.

Just have the kindness to step in here!

I've never been a rich man, Mr. Holmes.

I've never made but one investment in my life, Dr. Travelian will tell you that but I don't believe in bankers sir.

Never trust a banker Mr. Holmes, never.

It's between ourselves.

What little I have is here in this strong box.

So you can understand what it means to me when unknown people force themselves into my rooms.

Mr. Blessington I cannot possibly advise you if you try to deceive me.

Deceive you?

But I've told you everything.

Good night Dr. Travelian.

Mr. Holmes, no advice for me?

My advice to you is to speak the truth.




I can read in a man's eyes when it's his own skin that he's frightened of.

Yes, But why did you call him a liar?

Because I am certain that he does know who these men are.


A young Russian penetrated to Blessington's rooms while his confederate kept the doctor from interfering.

And of course catalepsy is a very easy complaint to imitate.

Yes, I know I've done it myself.


Might there be one alternative, grotesquely improbably no doubt but still just conceivable, might the whole story of the cataleptic Russian and son be a concoction of Dr. Travelian who for his own purposes has been in Blessington's room?

But did you see the footprints on the stair carpet?

They were square toed, quite unlike Blessington's which are round and an inch and a third longer than Dr. Travelians.

I think we can sleep on this Watson but I should be surprised if we do not hear from Brook Street in the morning.

Good night.

Night old fellow.

Morning doctor.

Your tea is here.

Thank you Nora.

Mr. Blessington, your breakfast tea.

Mr. Blessington?


get dressed quickly.

There's a cab waiting for us.


What's the matter?

The Brook Street business.

Any fresh news?

For God's sake, come at once, P. Travelian.

Oh, Mr. Holmes I'm so glad you could come.

What has happened?

Mr. Blessington has committed su1c1de.



He hung himself during the night.

Has the body been touched?


Where's the page?

Nowhere to be found.

Good morning inspector.

Mr. Holmes, delighted to see you.

Now please take a look.

We were just about to take him down.

Right, inspector.


That'll be all.

Have heard of the events leading up to this affair?

Yes, Dr. Travelian has told me something of them.

And have you formed an opinion?

Now as far as I can see, the man was driven out of his senses by fright.

The bed has been well slept in.

There was his impression deep enough for all to see.

It is about : in the morning.

You know that suicides are most common.

That would be about the time that he hanged himself.

It seems to be a very deliberate affair.

Yes, from the rigidity of the limbs I'd say he'd been dead about three hours.

Thank you Watson.

Notice anything peculiar about the room.

There was a screwdriver on the mantel piece and he seems to have smoked heavily during the night.

I found these in the fireplace.

Have you his cigar holder?

No, I haven't seen one.

His cigar case then?

Yes, it was in his coat pocket.

This is savannah, And these others are the cigars of a peculiar sort which is imported by the Dutch from the East Indian colonies.

They're usually wrapped in straw you know and are thinner for their length than any other brand.

I don't suppose you've read monograph on cigars and cigar action?

Well l, um ...

No, of course not.

Thank you.

These have been smoked with a holder and these without.

These have been cut by a not very sharp knife and these have had their ends bitten off by a set of very excellent teeth.

There were three men here last night.

Good heavens but nothing was stolen so what were they doing here?

That is what we have to find out.

How did they get in?

The same way we did through the front door.

But the door was barred in the morning.

Then it was barred after they left.

Well how do you know that?

I saw their traces.

If you would just give me a few moments Inspector, I may be able to give you some further information.

Don't move Watson.

The actual facts are very simple.

And I shall be surprised if by the afternoon I cannot give you the reasons for them as well.

But Holmes, can't you tell us anything now?

Oh, there is no doubt as to the sequence of events.

The three of them in it.

A young man, an old man and a third to whose identity I have no clue.

The first two I need hardly remark are the same who masqueraded as the Russian Count and his son.

So we can give a very good description of them, can we not Dr. Travelian?

They were admitted by a confederate inside the house.

They entered the hall.

The older man first, the younger man second and the unknown man in the rear.

They ascended the stairs.

With the help of a wire they forced the key.

Even without the lens you can see where the pressure has been applied.

On entering the room the first proceeding must have been to gag Mr. Blessington.

Having secured Blessington it is evident to me that a consultation of some sort was held probably in the nature of a judicial proceeding.

It must have lasted for some time for it was then that the cigars were smoked.

It was there that the older man sat in the wicker chair.

It was he who used the cigar holder.

The younger man sat there.

He knocked his ash off against the chest of drawers.

The unknown fellow paced up and down.

Blessington I think sat upright in the bed, but of that I cannot be absolutely certain.

It ended of course by them taking Blessington...

Now this matter was so prearranged that it is my belief that they brought with them some sort of block or pulley to serve as a gallows.

Oh, yes as gallows Inspector.

This was a revenge ritual.

Well an extraordinary story.

But what proof?

I'll have it before the day is out.

You haven't explained about the screws and the screwdriver.

Oh, that was to fix up the block or pulley.

But when they saw the chandelier hook they naturally saved themselves the trouble.

No Inspector I suggest that you immediately make inquiries about the page and arrest him.

Certainly Mr. Holmes.

I will be back here a little before : .

Good day.

I daresay Mrs. Hudson will be a little put out when she sees all this.

What are you looking for?

Worthington, W, Worthingon, March I'm sure.

March ' , ' , January, February, March.

Any good?


Blessington or Sutton as he was known then.

Mrs. Hudson.

Your little boat is coming along beautifully Doctor.

Oh, thank you Mrs. Hudson.

I must run.

Ah, thank you.

Dr. Travelian.

Any news Inspector?

Yes, sir we've got the page drinking his earnings two streets away.

But I got the man.

You've got them?

Or at least I've got their identity.

The Worthington Bank g*ng?


Well then Blessington must have been Sutton.


Well that makes it clear as crystal.

not to me I'm afraid.

Dr. Watson would you, uh ...

You may have heard of the great Worthington bank affair?

There were five men in it.

The three who were in this room, a fourth named Cartwright and Blessington.

Alright, let's be gone.

It's a hanging job now.

Only if someone squeals.

That's him.

Are you positive?

Oh, yes, that's him.

Sutton, Sutton, you're dead, dead, dead.

Sutton, you're dead.


Don't worry Mr. Sutton, it's a hanging job now.

Sutton, you hear.

Sutton or Blessington who was the worst of the g*ng turned informer.

On his evidence Cartright was hanged and the other three got years apiece.

Bibel, Haywood and Moffit were released from prison just a few weeks ago which was several years before their full term.

It was news of their release which caused Blessington to panic and have this house secured.

So it was not the fear burglary that had frightened him?

No, no, that was a mere blind.

And so setting me up in practice was an elaborate charade to protect himself.

Well why could he not tell you this?

He was trying to hide his own identity from everybody for as long as he could.

His secret was shameful and he couldn't bring himself to divulge it.

However, wretch as he was he was still living under the shield of British law.

And I have no doubt Inspector that we shall see that though that shield may fail to guard, the sword of justice is still there to avenge.

In spite of the efforts of Sherlock Holmes the three murderers of Blessington eluded the police and fled the country aboard a ship bound for Portugal.

It was a few weeks later that we learned that the ship, the Nora Crainer had sunk with all hands upon the Portuguese Coast some leagues to the north of a porter.


What's wrong?

Well it's just that I was going to spend the day writing the case of Dr. Travelian while the facts are still fresh.

Oh, you mean... oh, I understand.

Thanks awfully.

It's just that it is difficult to concentrate otherwise.

What will you entitle this particular account?

I didn't know you were interested in my writing.

I am always interested in your choice of titles.

Well I thought I would call it the Brook Street Mystery.


Well I myself would prefer The Resident Patient, but please do not let me influence you.

The Brook Street Mystery no doubt would suffice.