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03x09 - Forward to the Past

Posted: 06/12/21 18:01
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously
Chesapeake Shores...

You didn't come home.

- You had your life here.
- But all we wanted was you.

It's a miracle the entire
house hasn't collapsed.

- It's pretty much a teardown.
- I can't believe it.

You can't publish this.

- Why?
- It's your truth. Not the family's.

You can't do that with your
career. I won't let you give up.

What if I don't wanna give you up?

It's our Bridge contract. You
don't have operational control.

- You don't wanna do this.
- It's just business.

MAN: ♪ Avoiding certain death ♪

♪ The trucker went across the line ♪

♪ My dad was there to make sure ♪

♪ That I swerved in time ♪

You look nervous. Worried your
parents aren't gonna like me?

No. No, I'm nervous you're
not gonna like my family.

My dad can be pretty intimidating.

I'm sure I will survive.

- Used to be a Navy Seal.
- I'm pretty sure I will survive.

If the seafood's from the bay,
you got a fifty-fifty shot.

- What?

It's a steel-mill case
I've been working on.

I've been finding lots of
benzene, chromium, zinc...

Tied together in an amazing
sauce. You should try it.

- Oh, my God. This food is amazing.

You've definitely ate too much benzene.

Good luck, Bree.

The lucky one is you.

Getting to leave after Mom
and Dad read my manuscript.

- You think it's gonna get worse?
- Take me with you.

KEVIN: So much worse.

David, I have missed your food
since you closed the B and B.

Come to Sally's, we're taking
over while she visits her sister.

I thought you hated working at Sally's.

We get to run it. He
gets his own kitchen.

It's just basic diner
food, but it's gonna be fun.

Super fun.

- I'm gonna grab a beer.
- Okay.


Does, um... ? Does he seem bored to you?


I feel like since we lost the
inn, he's itching to keep busy.


So he loves to cook,
he should be cooking.

I can't offer him that anymore.

What if someone else gives
him an offer he can't refuse?

Those offers don't usually
revolve around food.

- I'm asking you to stay out of this.
- How?

You're talking about filing
a lawsuit against my father.

He didn't give me a choice.

Maybe not, but considering everything
that's going on with Bree...

- ... and with Sarah leaving...
- So what?

I take a number before I cause drama?

It'd be years before I get
heard. Look, Abby, your dad is wrong.

And before the Bridge gets
turned into a Waffle House...

- It is his club too.
- Oh. He's made me aware.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to
have a more corporate structure...

- ... until you get back.
- Siding with your dad?

No, I'm looking at it from
a business perspective.

Abby, please. I'm asking
you not to get involved.

SARAH: I'd like to propose a toast.


So they say that you
never truly say goodbye...

... to the people that you love.

So I want you all to know...

... that I mean this from the bottom
of my heart, that this is goodbye.


Seriously, thank you, everyone.

Thank you to Jess and
David for the food.

And to Kevin, for everything.

To never saying goodbye. Cheers.

ALL: Cheers.

JESS: Whoo-hoo! Aw,
we'll miss you, Sarah.


♪ Plane ticket already paid ♪

♪ I'm gone ♪
♪ But it don't mean nothing ♪

♪ I'm close even
though I'm far away ♪

♪ That's how I remember you ♪

♪ Stuck here on the
red-eye special ♪

♪ I can't wait to see you again ♪

♪ So don't think of me ♪
♪ Not being around ♪

♪ Just listen for the
sweet, sweet sound ♪

♪ Of the taxi pulling
up the driveway ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon ♪

♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪


Wow. What's on the menu?

We've got a walnut-eggplant frittata...

... some arugula-pistachio-pesto

... and freshly-baked
chocolate eclairs...

- ... if you dare.
- Don't do this to me.

That's amazing.

I did not understand half of that.

We are disappointed you won't
be making breakfast anymore.

- You know you don't live here, right?
- Hm.

Connor, I don't think I've
ever seen you make breakfast.

- No. I make cereal.
- Oh, that doesn't count.

- How's it working with Danielle?
- It's, uh, surprisingly easy.

Which is kind of weird.

- I'd think that would be nice.
- It is, but it's, uh, still weird.

- KEVIN: Hey, Dad.
- Hey. You're not on the road yet?

No. My fridge is empty, so we figured
we'd grab some food for the road.

Yeah. And we heard David's cooking.

- Where's everyone else?
- ABBY: Uh...

Bree didn't come because of, uh, Mom.

Mom didn't come because of Bree.
With Jess and David cooking...

... Gran left early to pick up
some burnt sienna and yellow ocher.

- Burnt sienna?
- Sounds like Gran is painting again.

- How's Trace doing?
- Still upset.

MICK: I imagine he would be.



- So you're not gonna back down?
- Would you?

Abby, you can't run a
business and not focus on it.

It gets away from you, you know that.

Mmm. Yes, unfortunately,
I told him that.

I taught you well.


So, what comes next?

It's not for me to say.



Hey, Bert. How'd it go?

- Nowhere.
- Mick's attorney didn't respond?

He did. He acknowledged that the
contract you have with Mick...

- ... might have weaknesses.
- Great. So, what's next?

You know as well as I do that
contracts aren't worth anything...

- ... unless you'll fight for them.
- Okay. Then let's fight.

Trace, I gotta be honest. If you
file suit, it's gonna be costly.

And it might take six to eight months.

So what? I just back away?

It's up to you. Unfortunately, this
is how Mick O'Brien does business.

Yeah, well, maybe so, but this
feels pretty personal to me.

DANIELLE: Thanks. Okay.

Preliminary tests indicate levels
of heavy metals, benzene, phenol...

... acids, sulfides, sulfates,
cyanides, thiocyanates, thiosulfates...

- Ah, ah. No, no, no. You gotta stop.
- Why?

I had fish for dinner,
and now I'm afraid

there's an arm growing out of my head.

You could pull it off.

It's nice when billable
hours include fresh air.


- It is, isn't it?
- Yeah.


You know Jess is only
running Sally's for a week?

I know, but since Gran
wanted fresh flowers...

... I thought that Jess and David
would love some for their first day.

And these are Margarets, for patience.

Well, she's definitely
gonna need some of that.

Think we all do.

I think we all do.

- There's a lot going on right now.
- You think?

When I first moved back, your
dad asked me why I was doing this.

Was it for me? Was it for everyone else?

I never answered because,
honestly, I didn't know.

- Oh...
- Well, maybe it was for both.


I guess I was thinking I
could just help everyone heal.

Maybe I was just hoping that by
coming home, we could all just move on.

Oh, I don't know.

And then you read Bree's book.


What happened was more complicated
than Bree made it out to be.

I'm guessing Dad feels the same way?

- Has he read it?
- Bree told me she gave it to him.

- Really?
- Mm-hm.

I can't imagine he's gonna
be any happier than I was.

Knowing your dad, he does
not like to rehash the past.

He's all about "tough it out."

Right. Well, that makes two of us.

I was talking to Trace about the
club, and I think I channeled Dad.

Ah, Abby, no.

Don't imagine that went over very well?

No, it didn't.

Hmm. Well, then.

Purple delphiniums.



Okay, cleaning supplies are
still in the second closet.

Schedule and receipts are still
under the cash register. Okay.

Can you believe we both
waited tables at Sally's... ?

And now we're running the place. I know.

- And you get to run your own kitchen.
- Yeah, for a few days.

You get to make lunch and dinner.

You get to make recipes without eggs.

That's true. You're
right, it's gonna be fun.

And the best part is,
I get to work with you.

Perfect answer. Okay, get to work.

There's a food delivery box by the door.


- Okay.
- Ahem.

- Uh-oh.
- "Uh-oh," what?

Truffles, saffron, camembert...

... Kobe beef.

This isn't right. We got a
different restaurant's order.

Okay. I'm calling now.


Wait, wait, wait.

If they don't want it, I could...

I mean, there are so many
things I could do with this.



You were serious about
growing up on a farm.

Yup. And tomorrow we're
up at , milking cows.

Oh. Uh...

- Cool. I guess. Oh.
- [CHUCKLES] I'm kidding.

WOMAN: Sarah!

- Oh.
- Hey, Mom.


- MAN: Hey, pumpkin.
- Hey, Dad.

- This is Kevin.
- Aw.

- It's so nice to finally meet you, Kevin.
- Nice to meet you too, ma'am.

- Laura, please. And this is Wil.
- Hi.

Heard about your offer from
N.Y.F.D. Very impressive.

Thank you, sir. Yeah.

I mean, Wil. [CHUCKLES]

So your dad likes to shake hands firmly.

Yeah. He does it to test
you, see how you react.

And how'd I do?

- You're doing great.
- Good.

- Because I think he broke two bones.


- Enjoy Pride & Prejudice.
- Thank you.

- I love that book.
- Jane Austen fan?

Oh, a huge one. [CHUCKLES]

I did my dissertation on
Victorian literature at Oxford.

- I focused on Austen's later works.
- Oxford? Impressive.

- I'm not sure my students think so.

- Where do you teach?
- U-Dub, Seattle.

But I'm in Maryland to
interview at Johns Hopkins.

Which starts tomorrow, so today
I get to do my favorite thing...

- ... which is check out small bookstores.
- Hmm.

There aren't many of us left.

Especially ones that do podcasts.

I heard the podcast the
bookstore did with Simon Atwater.

Oh, uh, and me.

- I'm Bree O'Brien.
- You're Bree O'Brien?

I taught your play, Meditations
from the Second Floor...

... in my Modern American
Playwright class last year.

- You what? Wow.
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]

It is such a pleasure to meet
you. I am such a huge fan. I'm...



- Simon.
- Simon?

- Caroline?
- Uh, hi, Bree.


TRACE: Come here, Axel. You thirsty?

Here you go, boy. [CHUCKLES]

Hey, Mark.

What are you doing here?

Hope you don't mind me popping by.

Thought you and I could have a talk.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

- You, uh... You want a beer?
- Yeah. That'd be great.

Hey, buddy.

Oh, nice place you got here.

Yeah, thanks.

We like it. [CHUCKLES]

- Here you go.
- Ah.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Nice flowers. That your work? [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] You didn't come all this way

to talk about my flowers, did you?

No, I came all this way
to give you some good news.

Knowing you won't
necessarily see it that way.

Donovan's tour has been extended
six more months. Europe and Asia.

With your band getting a
full hour to open the show.


Then I got studio time down in
Muscle Shoals to cut a second album.


Sounds like quite a run.

Eight months, give or take.

[CHUCKLES] Now, ordinarily, at
this point in the conversation...

... people usually thank
me and start packing.

But it's never that simple
with you, is it, Trace?

So you're not gonna try
to convince me to go?

Tell me this is my ticket?

That my life's gonna change forever?

Would it make a difference?

Not really.

Then I'll leave it to you and the
band to figure out what you wanna do.

You got one week.

- Thanks for the beer.
- Yeah.


Your new office?

It was too late to drive into
Baltimore, so I thought I'd work here.

How'd you find me?

Mom spilled the beans.

Ah. Our own Benedict Arnold.

Hm. You know, I could
say the same about you.

I thought we'd already
gone over the club.

I'm not, uh, talking about the club.

I was talking about Bree's book.

I just don't get why she wrote it.

She's trying to
understand what happened.

Well, all she had to do was ask.

Dad, in a family where no
one talks, it's not that easy.

Maybe it shouldn't be talked about.

Maybe what happened
should be left behind.

- So we should just tough it out? Hm.
- That's what you and I would do.

But not everyone.

No. Mmm.

LEIGH: Six months of touring Europe?

And two months' studio time
to record another album.

I know this'll be hard on you with Abby

and taking you away from the club...

Not exactly the best timing.

Okay. French fries three ways.

Plain, one with caciocavallo
podolico cheese...

... and one with a truffle drizzle.

TRACE: Jess, what are you doing here?

Oh, David and I are
watching Sally's this week.

- Ah.
- And it's perfect because...

... David can finally do what he loves.

- Right?
- Right.

People should always follow
their dreams. No matter what.

Because in the end, that's
all that matters. I think.

Enjoy your fries.

Dude, these fries are awesome.

- Better than Paulie's in Philly for sure.

Trace, I mean, this is seriously
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yeah, yeah. I hear you.


MEGAN: Nell.

This look good to pot here?

Megan, it's beautiful.
The lavender's perfect.

Thank you. Oh...

- Nell, why are you doing this?
- Uh-huh.

Oh, darling, I have
always loved painting.

Even when Rome is going up in flames?

Oh, well, unfortunately,
I can't put out this fire.

Only you can do that.

Because I lit the match?

No. No.

Because even a match, it
needs kindling to burn.


... the fire cannot be put out
unless everybody grabs a bucket.



Caroline remembers you.

- Apparently so.
- Hm.

We were in a lot of the same
classes, same study groups.

We went to the same
pubs, places, so...

Sounds like you guys spent
an awful lot of time together.

Well, yes. I mean, it was always
in a sort of group context.

- It was very little one-on-one.
- So you guys never dated?

No. No.

She was always going out with the
president of some club or other.

And although we were
often in the same place...

... her eyes were always elsewhere.


So if the Caroline books

are just a series of "what
ifs" and "could bes"...

... why did you call
her by her real name?


Because, you know, I...

Well, I didn't think
she knew that I existed.

Well, she knows.


Okay, so, whatever I do, don't
agree to arm wrestle Joe...

... and make sure to compliment
Paulie on his cooking.

- I got it.
- Yeah. That's about it.

If you try to tell me or my dad
that the New York Fire Department...

... is better than Philly's, you
and your two broken fingers...

... will be heading home early.

Ouch. That hurts. [CHUCKLES]


SARAH: This used to be my
favorite place, growing up.

I haven't been here in four years.

It's beautiful.

Yeah. It is.

I kind of wish it wasn't.

It's where I got married.

Feels like a million years ago...

... and yesterday. I'm sorry.

No, I'm glad you're here with me.

Feels different.



So back to the office and
we'll check these reports...

- ... against the ones from the steel mill?
- Yeah. Want some food first?

Yeah, sure. As long as it's not fish.

It's chicken.

Which pollutes the Potomac...

... because processed
chicken creates roxarsone...

... which turns into inorganic
arsenic and flows into the bay.

It's on rye.

Oh. Makes all the difference.

Hey, you know what this reminds me of?

- That diner in Brooklyn.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, where we used to study?

- And all the show tunes.
- Oh, right.

I mean, they did have
good chicken sandwiches.

That is true. And incredibly bad music.

- You're not gonna sing, are you?
- Depends how nicely you ask me to stop.



Nothing. Thank you for the sandwich.

You're welcome.


Uh, these are for you.


I don't think anyone's
bought me flowers before.

Not just flowers, these are
delphiniums for forgiveness.

I talked to my dad, and I
just... I wanted to apologize.

Abby, it's... It's fine.

In fact, there was something
I wanted to talk to you about.

Me first.

I brought you flowers.

- Is that how this works?
- Yeah. I didn't make the rules.


I wanted to apologize for
suggesting that you should be okay...

... with my dad running the club.

I get it. Your dad was just
looking out for his interests.

Well, yeah. But it's not
just that. It's also about...

... realizing that the club
isn't just business for you.

It's your heart and your soul.

You shouldn't have to
give up what you love.

And I'm sorry that I
lost sight of that...

- ... and I didn't defend you.
- Abby, it's okay.

I love you.

I love you too.

And when you're finally home,
the club should be there for you.


CAROLINE: You were the one
that convinced everyone...

... to take a midnight
swim in the Cherwell River.

Yes. Yes.

An all-around ill-advised
decision, I think.

You swam in a river at night? You did?

- Yeah.
- CAROLINE: We all did.

Ah, we got into so much trouble.

I am... I'm just shocked. [CHUCKLES]

Two soda waters with lime.

And one soda water
with two lemon slices.

Chapter : "Caroline loved
soda water with lemon slices."

- I'm a big fan of the books.
- CAROLINE: Thanks.

I can't believe you're
real, that you're here.

Not that you shouldn't be.
Well... I'll go get your food.


So, Caroline, I thought
you didn't remember Simon?

I actually did, but when Simon
came to find me in Washington...

... I was in a relationship,

and I didn't want to
make it awkward for you.

So I...

That's when he started
writing about who we were.

Caroline, you do realize that
you're not actually my Caroline?

Who is more an archetype
of many possible Carolines.

And yet you got the
two lemon slices right.

Hardly definitive proof.


You know what, I'm so sorry. I have
to check in on my next interview.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.


So, um...

Still nothing from your
parents about the book?

- Nope.
- Oh.

It's like I don't even exist.

It's weird, you know?

My family is so able to talk
about everything and anything...

- ... except what really matters.
- Well, you know, maybe it's for the best.

Sometimes a book can
spark a real conversation.

Sometimes you need a bit of
fiction to make things real.


You know what else is interesting?

We talk a lot, you and I...

... but with Caroline, it
seemed like you did a lot.

- Well, it was a long time ago.
- Wasn't that long ago.

I mean, I don't know,
is there a chance that...

... that Simon is still here,

just trapped inside
the pages of his book?

Still hoping to romance Caroline?




- PAULIE: What do you think?
- KEVIN: It's delicious, thanks.

SARAH: Paulie's diner is...

... considered one of the
best diners in the state.

Better than your mac
and cheese and meatballs?


Okay, those were a huge hit at
the Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

Were they?

Okay, they hated it too. I
can't believe you told them.

- I might've let it slip.
- JOE: We know about everything.

Even the eggplant, and
how you asked her out.

No, she asked me out.

- Kevin.
- No, I was down at the beach...

... with my sister and we
had just started a fire.


Yes, illegally. We
had just started a fire

and who is to show up but Sarah...

... to give me a ticket...

... and her number written on the back.

- BOTH: Ooh!
- SARAH: I only put it there to help.

- Right.
- Sure, yeah.

- Come on.
- Okay, fine.

- Yeah, I asked you out.
- Yeah.


And we get to tour Amsterdam.

I know you have a million reasons
why you think you should say no...

Actually, just one.

I have a million reasons
why you should say yes.

Okay, Paris, Budapest, Prague.

I mean, Trace, we get
to play the Paradiso.

I heard the acoustics are unreal.

I get it.

I don't think you do.

This is something we've been
talking about since Nashville.

Before the band. Just you and me...

- ... dreaming of something like this.
- Leigh.

I called Mark.


And I wanted to make sure
that you guys would be okay.

He said, no matter what, he'd
have a spot for you and the band...

- ... on Donovan's tour.
- So you're just gonna walk away?

Look, I'm not gonna stop playing music.

I get it, you can play music anywhere.

But what we have...

... you and me, our band...

... you're never gonna find that again.

Trust me, I know that.

I don't know.

It sounds like you might've forgotten.


Do you ever think about where
we're gonna be in years?

DAVID: Uh, I don't know.

I'm just trying to figure out
what we should serve tomorrow.

Lobster quiche.


I like that.

- Thank you.
- Welcome.

In years...

... if every day was just like today...

... I wouldn't complain.

Because I get to be with you.

Me too.

But I'm still scared, David.

Without the inn, I don't know who I am.

It was the one thing I
had that we could share.

So without it, I'm not sure
that you or your truffles...

... or your Camembert needs me.

Every day, I just keep...

... waiting for you to figure that out.

Ratatouille. Ahem.

- What?
- Ratatouille.

We should serve ratatouille tomorrow.

- Good idea.
- Mm.


I always thought we had
something special, Trace.

With your voice, Leigh's hair, my face.

- John, just stick to playing bass.

All joking aside...

... I just don't understand.

You can't buy our sound.
What we have is special.

And that's why I went with you.
And you don't just walk away.


♪ They love to tell us ♪
♪ We'll never make it ♪

ALL: ♪ They're throwing stones ♪
♪ Against the glass just to break it ♪

♪ But they don't live here ♪

♪ They don't know this kind of love ♪

♪ We're not afraid
to go the distance ♪

♪ We'll never take that worn out path ♪
♪ Of least resistance ♪

♪ We got it in us ♪

♪ And there's more ♪
♪ Where that came from ♪


We're not saying goodbye.

I know that, I just...
I don't wanna leave here.


Kevin, may I talk to you for a moment?

Just wanted to wish you a
safe drive back to Maryland.

- Well, thank you, sir. Wil.
- Ah.


You know, um...

... the hardest thing
about being a parent...

... is seeing your children unhappy...

... and knowing there's
nothing you can do about it.

And, uh, ahem...

... while we don't know
one another that well...

... seeing Sarah with you...



Thanks for bringing her back.

The truth is, she did the same for me.



- Got a heck of a handshake there.
- Just trying to keep up with you.



Your dad cracked my C vertebra
and I think he broke my thumb.



Hey. Shouldn't we be at the office?

We have a series of
briefs due in two weeks.

Yeah. I was thinking we could
check some of the data here first.

Oh. Sure.

Nothing like hanging out in
a carcinogenic minefield...

... for fun and billable hours.



Uh... Yeah?

I'm... I'm really sorry.

- That wasn't fair.
- No, Danielle, hey. It's...

- It's okay.
- No, it's not.

Because I've...

... also been thinking...

Wondering if, um...

... maybe you wanted to
spend some time together...

... off the clock. Like, uh...

... pro bono?

Something like that.

But I couldn't impress you
with my ability to say...

... aliphatic hydrocarbons and
chloride with complete authority.

- Well, as impressive as that is...

We're definitely off the clock.


JESS: It's the silence that kills me.

No yelling, no screaming, just quiet.

It's like we traveled back
in time to when Mom left.

That was the worst.

We need to unplug the volcano.

Or crack the thin ice that masks
the turbulent waters underneath.

Oh, that's really good.
You should write that down.

Not to mention, it's a good idea.

Or a really bad one.

Or a really bad one.

- What? I'm undecided.

- Bree.
- Yeah? Caroline.

Hi. Uh, what are you still doing here?

Oh. I forgot to get it
signed by the author.

Oh. You could always
wait for the next one.

I hear it might be his last.

CAROLINE: Yeah, Rest in Peace, Caroline.

[LAUGHS] I've heard that joke.

- Me too.
- I do wanna apologize.

When I heard that podcast, I
could hear in Simon's voice...

... that he was over everything...

... so I figured it would be
okay to talk about the past.

I'm glad you got to chat before
you go back to Washington.

Actually, Johns Hopkins wants
to observe my teaching...

... so I'm gonna be in
Baltimore for another week.

If it's okay with you, I would
love to talk about your play.

I'm dying to know about the ending.

Oh, yeah, I would love that.


Okay, well, ha-ha, it
was good to see you.

Okay. I'll see you soon, Caroline.

Okay, bye.


See You Soon, Caroline
also sounds like a good title.

- Of course it does.
- Oh!



I know, you don't like the band.

I have nothing against the band.

I have everything against their
music. And their name. Country Jukebox?


Okay, I don't like the band.


... you went to your
attorney, and he came to mine.

So unless you're gonna file a lawsuit,

there's nothing more to talk about.

I gotta prep business meetings
for next week, so we'll have to...

Mick, I didn't come here
to fight about the club.

I actually came to tell you that
I'm not gonna contest our contract.

I'm surprised.

Yeah, so am I.

What changed?

Tour got extended for a while.

That's it?

You said this was your heart and
soul. Now you're just gonna walk away?

You know it's not that simple.

- Does Abby know?
- Not yet.

I'm gonna give you some advice.

If you really care about something...

... you don't walk away from it.



I think a tasting menu is a great idea.

What about "Moonlight at Sally's"?

We light the whole place with candles.

Wouldn't that be
"Candlelight at Sally's"?

Yeah, but "moonlight"
is so much more romantic.

You've got "Moonlight Serenade,"
"Moonlight Becomes You."

Jess, you okay?

- You seem even more you than you.
- What?

Yes. I'm totally fine. Are you good?


Okay. I'm scared.

I don't know what's
happening with us, or you.

- Or us.
- Why?

Jess, we're great.

Yeah, for now.

Today. But I...

What about tomorrow or the next day?

Don't think about the future.


Termites ate my last future.

Then we'll make a new future.

For us?

Or you?


Thank you. I still can't believe
we live in a place so beautiful.



It's nice to take a break
from the O'Brien family saga.

With Bree's book and my parents...

... I think everything is ready
to explode and I am in the middle.

- That's where you've always been.

With everyone.

Yeah, except this time, I might
have called a family meeting.

TRACE: Wow. All the O'Briens
in one room, talking?


- You sure that's a good idea?
- No.

No, but it would be a first.

Abby, um...

... we were offered a tour extension.

Six months in Europe.

[♪♪] Okay, so...

... you would be gone again.


Are you gonna do it?

I don't know.

- Oh, hey.
- Where's Dad?

I don't know. I was looking for
him too. How'd it go in Philly?

Oh. Wanna have a drink?

So does Dad always have
spare beers onboard?


He once told me that a good
captain always makes sure...

... there are ample rations in case

he has to pick up shipwrecked sailors.

- So I guess that makes us lost at sea?
- Something like that.

So, uh, Danielle and I...

... might've got back together.


Okay, we did. [CHUCKLES]


- We're just taking it slow.
- Mm, mm.


Gonna tell me what's in the envelope?

Uh, it's an offer of employment...

... to the Chesapeake
Shores Fire Department.

As a paramedic.


And Sarah just signed up with Philly.


To being lost at sea.

If you start singing the Titanic
theme song, I'm tossing you overboard.


BREE: Fine, the book has
everything to do with us.

And maybe it's not who we are today...

... but it is what happened.

Okay? At least from what I remember.

And what happened can't be undone,

but we can take responsibility for it.

And for me, that means not
hiding behind my book anymore...

... and not waiting for somebody to
bless it so that I can publish it.

I'm going to publish it, it's the truth.

It's my truth.

There's a lot you don't know.

I know. We've been through it.

I still don't know anything.


I wasn't well, so I left to get help.

But, honey...

... I tried to take you, and
you, and all of you with me.

Megan, you left. It didn't give
you the right to take the kids.

Not to mention it would've been illegal.

She was trying to keep
the family together.

- By leaving us?
- Okay, we're all here now.

Yeah. Held together by Band-Aids.

MEGAN: Guys.

I came home to heal us.

Yeah, we wouldn't need to be
healed if you didn't leave.

You know what, Connor, no offense...

... but you don't remember
how things were in the house.

"No offense"?

I remember. I was a kid.

The only people that could
explain it left. That includes you.

- Connor, I was drowning.
- What... ?

- I had no choice.
- So you just walked out?

It's not always that simple.

And it was hard for all of us.

- CONNOR: Oh, is that right?
- We were and years old.

- I tried to get you to stay.
- I couldn't stay the way it was.

I needed you, Mick,
and you weren't there.

- And you didn't care how I felt.
- Yes, I did care. I did care.

But you had a
responsibility to be here...

You both did. You were
supposed to be our parents

and it is ridiculous...

... that you've waited
this long to own up to it.

I don't deny we could've
handled things a better way.

You see, at least
someone is admitting it.


I'm sorry.

And I will never forgive myself.


But that doesn't mean I
want the whole world to know.

If somebody had been here to explain,

I wouldn't have had to write about it.

Everybody gets to know
everything we did right and wrong?

BREE: Dad, I'm so sorry,
you are such a hypocrite.

The truth only matters
if it doesn't include you?

No, honey.

The truth only matters to
the people in this room.




Once again, the O'Brien
family sits in silence.

NARRATOR: Next time
Chesapeake Shores:

We'd like to buy you a new bed
and breakfast in Tanglewood.

I applied to the Philadelphia F.D...

- ... as a paramedic.
- What are you gonna do?

- He hasn't made his decision.
- Doesn't mean you can't make yours.

Abby was the one who pushed you
to get back out. Are we a go?

We can make this work. We have
before. We're doing it now.