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02x03 - Photographs and Memories

Posted: 06/12/21 09:50
by bunniefuu
My name is Abby O'Brien and
today was my first day in fourth grade.


And I got Miss Moser,
and she's really nice.

Jaclyn and Rachel K. are in my class and
we're going to be learning long division.


And why do you think that's important?

Because I'm going to be president.

- Oh, ho, ho!
- That's my girl.

Comment on your press conference,
Madame President?

You guys look so much like your mom.

Two little Abby's.

I don't want to be president.
I want to be a veteran.


I loved that dress so much.

I remember when we bought it. You loved
it so much, you refused to take it off.

She had to wear it out.

BREE: Do you know what I miss?

Remember that pink sweater I had with the
while lace collar from eighth grade?

- Yes.
- Where did that go?

- Maybe in a drawer somewhere.
- Gran never threw anything away.

All right, girlies. It's time for bed.
It's first day of school tomorrow.

Wanna watch more videos.

How about this? How about we
watch all of them this weekend?

All right, come on, guys.
Say good night.

- That's enough.
- Sweet dreams, honey.

- You, too.
- High five.

Mom, are you going to film
Caitlyn and Carrie after school?

Of course. It's an O'Brien
family tradition.

- The first day of school video.
- Tradition?

Not exactly a tradition if
it stops when you're 11.

Hey, Connor? Not about you.

No. Especially not when
it should be about me.

- Mom, make it about me.
- All right. I'm out, guys.

- Good night.
- What?

Jess, honey, where are you going?

Oh, I have stuff at the B&B.
I'm really busy. Night.

- Good night, honey.
- KEVIN: Good night.

I don't think she's that busy.

I mean, summer's over. The crowds are gone.

Since the wedding,
she's pretty much been empty.

Yeah. Well, except for Leigh.

Guys, it's a new business.
People just haven't found her yet.

- Are you ready? Starring moment.
- Yes.

MEGAN: And your name?

- Oh, no.
- Bree O'Brien.

- I want to do that with your hair again.
- No. Why would we ever have done that?

♪ Come crashing through these walls ♪

♪ Whoa Here comes the freefall ♪

♪ Here comes the freefall ♪

♪ Here comes the freefall ♪

♪ Here comes the freefall ♪

♪ Didn't think I'd see
you here tonight ♪

Take lucky number 23 of "Freefall."

And the song finally surrendered.

I really feel good about this one.

Man, sometimes the best songs
are the ones that take the longest to find.

Or write themselves.

Yeah, well, I like the difficult ones,
where you gotta work for it.

The ones you have to live with
before you get it right.

We're talking about music, right?

- Of course.
- Just checking.

And our last demo that we owe to the
record company is being sent right now.

Oh, and by the way, the wine's on your tab.

The club's not even open yet.

Okay, your future tab.




- Trace, thank you.
- For what?

For this. For giving us another chance.
For the music.

Well then, to second chances.

My name is King Connor.

MEGAN: Really? And what are
you king of, King Connor?

I want to be King of Everything!

Apple, apple, apple...

Girls, make sure that you remember
to smile whenever you meet someone new.

It's the first thing they'll
remember next time they see you.

- You always say that.
- I do?

You said it four times.

Yeah, nobody sets out to make
a bad first impression. Except Connor.

- Ha.
- The girls are going to be fine, Abby.

I know, I know they will be fine. I just...



- ABBY: Lunches.
- Thank you.

- Here you go.
- A grocery list?

Uh-huh. If you're not working, you're
working for me. O'Briens don't lallygag.

- Ooh. O'Briens also don't say "lallygag".
- Ho, ho, ho!

- Gran, I'm fine.
- Mm-hm.

I... I'm just worried.

It was my decision to move them away.

They're in a new house and city,
starting a new school.

- What if they don't like it or make friends?
- Whoo.

- That's a lot of worrying.
- Yeah.

- So, what do I do?
- Don't worry so much.

- Oh, is that all?
- Yes, that is all.

And God, please let these
girls have a wonderful day.

Yes. Thank you.

- Love you.
- Love you.


Wait, I can't remember what's next.

- What's next?
- A scary spider.

Scary spider!

You remembered.

Of course. It's the first day of school. I
came by to wish these little ladies lucke

and give them these.

It's the same one I gave
your mom in school.

So she'd remember when to come home.

Lucky girls.

They are lucky.

Oh, dad's here.

Yeah... I should probably get going.

- Thanks for coming.
- Yeah.

Go see Daddy.

Good to see you, Wes.

Nice seeing you too, Trace.


Good morning! How are you?

You guys looking forward to
your first day at school?

Yeah... sort of.

Bye girls!


I'm thinking what you
need to do is advertise,

create a brand.

Good morning to you too, mother.

So, what are you doing here?

And what is that?

I'm here to help.

Okay, maybe you can start
by clearing that table.

I know you want to help,

but I don't want to have a brand.

That's not the point of this.

It's not a hotel chain,

it's supposed to feel like home.

Right, so let me help
you tell people that.

Okay... how?

When I was working at the Met,

I met a lot of young
artists who were looking

for a break, so they'd come to me

and I'd help them with
promotions and websites.

So you want to help me build a website?

Yeah, if you let me?

Fine... whatever.

Is that a yes?

No, it's a fine... whatever.

I'll take it.

First let's talk about the name.

Twains Meet?

What does that even mean?

It's Rudyard Kipling.

East is east, and west is west,

and never the twains shall meet.

Except here at my B&B.

I love the quote.

But how is anyone supposed
to know all that?

I don't know.

Maybe what you need is a
name that tells people that

this is their home when
they're far from theirs.

So what about The Inn at Eagle Point?

It's one-of-a-kind, easy to find online.

And it paints a picture.

The Inn, The Eagle.

The Point, I get it.

Sure, okay.


Let's do it.

Okay, let's do it.

Look at some of my ideas...

You guys are going to
have the best day ever.

Everyone keeps saying that.

Nice watches!

Thanks, Trace gave them to us.

He said it would remind us
when it was time to come home.

Trace... huh.


Are you gonna be here when we get out?

I have a meeting in Baltimore.

But I will be.

[School bell ringing]

I love you.


Bye, love you.


I did the right thing
moving here, right?

Yeah, Chesapeake Shores is great.


I'm really glad you came,
I know it meant a lot to them.

In fact, if someone had
told me a year ago

that I'd be living near
Chesapeake Shores,

I would have said they were crazy.

A lot of things are crazy these days.

So, what's going on with you and Trace?

What do you mean?

Are the two of you
spending time with them?

A little bit.

They met at the lantern festival,

we've taken them to
the beach a few times.

Wes, you're their dad.

I know, I just...

It just doesn't seem right.

Oh really?

You know what doesn't seem
right is that a few months ago,

I almost went to jail
because of your girlfriend.

You should've talked to me
about Trace meeting the girls.

Do you really think Trace
is going to stick around?

You know at some point
he's going back to Nashville.

So what if he does?

Look, I'm not worried about you,

I'm worried about the
girls getting attached

to someone who, y'know,
might not be there.

I think they've been
through enough already.

Okay, okay.

Well thank you for that.

What's wrong, did Axel run off again?

It's not your dad, is it?

Everything's fine.

It's just last night,
after I sent off "Free Fall"...

There's not a problem, is there?

It was supposed to be
the last demo we owed...

They don't have a problem with it.

No problem with it?

That's two steps away from hating it.

Trace, I don't know how many other ways

we could approach that song.

I think you should take
a look at this first.

That's a long way from
no problem with it.

They loved it.

They want to use it as the
single to launch the album.

Sounds like they're
really getting behind this.

When do they want us out there?

As soon as we can go.

They're looking for music producers now.

Trace, this is it!

We did it!

Thanks for saving me a cinnamon bun,

always my favorite.

Hey Mick.


I swear they bake
extra when I'm in town.

Remember we used to eat
cinnamon buns all the time?

Yeah I loved it, but
that was another lifetime

and another metabolism.

So what do you want, Mick?

What do you mean?

You've never accidentally
run into anyone in your life.

There's always a purpose, a plan.

You mean like trying to turn
O'Brien land into a public park?

Parks are important.

Yes, they are.

It's wonderful when people something

that's always been there
and don't try to change it.

I'm just doing what I think
is best for Chesapeake Shores.

Dad didn't want that
land to be given away.

It's O'Brien land, he
wanted it kept in the family.

You know that.

That was a long time ago.

Things change.

Yes they do, but not
as much as you think.

Why are you doing this, Thomas?

You know I never would've
developed that land.

I've spent my life
protecting the environment,

and I don't trust you.

I'm sorry to hear you feel that way.

You know, it is possible
to build responsibly.

Is that what you've done with your life?

Build responsibly?

Yeah, I think I have.

We have a meeting at Capital
Management on Wedensday.

They're representing my
partner in the trust, Matt Fox.

You don't have enough money
to develop this on your own?


Benzodiazepines and
alcohol bind to a site

on the GABAA receptor complex

that regulates the sensitivity
of the receptor complex....

Your hand is on my eggplant.

You're not going to
tell me to back away again?

Would it work?

No, not this time.

Then I guess I won't.

Are you stalking me?

I saw that you somehow got invited

to my cousin's wedding.

No, the whole fire house was invited.

We rescued Mary Flannon's
cat from a tree.

That's not terribly difficult.

The tree was on fire.

I think that means I get the eggplant?

I was in the Army.

Purple Heart, Bronze star.

Last year, a building fell on me.

Was it on fire?


My grandmother really needs
this for eggplant parmesan.

And this will go a long way to
feed Chesapeake Shores finest...

Who save cats and put out fires?

Sometimes at the same time.

Did you get the eggplant?

Uh, no.

Gran's gonna have to
improvise and overcome.

Why is that?

I don't know.


Well, have you met her before?


Okay, twice if you count the wedding.

And do you like her?

I don't know.

She's oddly irritating... and not.

Sounds like my love life.



Why didn't anybody tell me?

I see you've decided
to wear a striped tie

on your first day of work.

Yes, yes I have.

Is that a problem?

Don't you mean "what is the problem?"

I'm not sure.

Mr. O'Brien, we're involved
in dozens of cases.

People enter and leave
these offices all day long.

It's important that
we look professional.

I agree.

Because in a well-designed workplace,

productivity is reliant on conformity.


Can you tell me what is
not harmonious in this room?


I need a new suit.

Exactly, Mr. O'Brien.

Conformity goes for personalized
items on your desk, too.

We don't bring toys to work.

This is just my stress ball...

So, Carrie has Mrs. Meer.

Do you remember her?

Not really, no.


The English teacher... thank you.

With the... she always wore
those tie-dye dresses?

Tie-dye dresses?

Yeah! I mean, she's great.

But Caitlyn has Ms. Cooper
and I'm a little worried

about that because she's
really strict and Caitlyn...

Abby, the kids will be fine.

I know, I guess you're right.

You are going to Nashville,
that's so exciting.

Yes, it is.

Honestly, I never thought
I'd be recording again.

How long do you think it's gonna take?

Three days.

And what if they like the album?

What if they love the album?

We'll release a single, possibly a tour?

Who knows...


Girls, what did you like
about your first day?


I just want to go home.

You are home.

No, New York home.

And during lunch, no
one would talk to us.

I went to three different tables

and smiled and nobody smiled back.

Well sweetie, sometimes
it takes some people

a little while to warm up to new people.

So, smiling doesn't matter?

Carrie, that's an excellent question.

Connor, I think your niece
might be a born attorney.

Don't do it, trust me.

Sweetie, smiling does
matter most of the time.

But you know what, we
need to get going to school.

Today is going to be a
better day, I promise.

High fives!

Dad, you had no opinion on the smiling?

That's usually your kind of speech.

My speech?


Sorry, I wasn't listening.

Kevin is sad about a
new girl and an old one,

Carrie and Caitlyn want
to move back to New York,

and I'm contemplating
the end of the written word.

Yeah and I'm quickly realizing
that grey is not a real color.

Are you okay, Dad?

Yeah, I'm fine just
thinking about a meeting

I have this afternoon.

I'm driving into town
if anybody wants a ride.

Yeah, I do.

Yeah, why not.

What's wrong?

Gran... nothing.

I'm just so out of my element.

I'm spending all my time
looking at clothing that...

They all say: don't stare at me!

I'm boring and sad.

It doesn't feel like me, Gran.

You could never be boring.

Maybe, you've just decided
to become an adult.

Well, does the two have
to be mutually exclusive?

You know something, Connor,
your nana Nell dressed

your grandfather and your father also,

as they were just starting out.

You're very fortunate because one

of my specialties is adulthood.


Good, because I need
all the help I can get.

Okay sugar, we're gonna do it.

I'm in.


And welcome to The Inn at Eagle Point.

My name is Jess O'Brien,
and I've lived my whole life

in Chesapeake Shores and when you visit,

I will treat you like family.

That's so good.

Then why'd you stop me?

I'm sorry, it's just so good, I'm sorry.

Mom, I'm trying to get
the flow going and I can't.

This is really hard for me,
I'm not good at this.

Forgive me, just try it again.

- And welcome us into your home.
- Okay.


Yes, smile!

I am smiling...

Any time.


My name is Jess O'Brien

and I've lived my whole life
in Chesapeake Shores.

And when you visit, I
will treat you like family.

I can't play this, this is so not real.

I will treat you like family?

This is just fake and weird and...

Honey, just try it again,
don't worry, okay?

- We have all day.
- All day? No.

You know what, actually,
I think I'm busy today.

I can't do this right now,
but thank you.

We just got started, Jess.

I know but I forgot I
gotta get this door fixed.

I gotta go, thank you!

How long are we gonna sit here?

As long as it takes.

Until we get arrested.

Remember Mom and Dad would fight,

which seemed like always.

I'd come here, I'd
pick an aisle and just

plop down and read whatever
I could get my hands on.

Mrs. Harville would let me
stay as long as I needed.

Connor and I would always just
go out and play basketball.

Best part was,
there's always another book.

Always somewhere else to escape to.

The best part for me was I always won.


Now I'm thinking about never being able

to sit on those couches ever again.

Maybe you don't need them anymore.

Maybe there are people
and places we thought

we would need forever but we don't.

You said people...

I did.

Hey, Wes.


I'm surprised to see you here
without your significant other.

Abby's at work, you should know that.

I was thinking of Leigh.


It just seems to me like you and Leigh

have more in common than you and Abby.

Well I guess it would, to you.

And what does that tell ya?

I heard about your club and
your music from the girls.

Yeah, it's pretty exciting, isn't it?

Yeah it is exciting, and strange, too.

I mean, at some point
you're probably going

to have to go back to Nashville, right?

I'm pretty sure there's no reason for us

to be having this conversation, so...

Except that my children are involved.

Your children are absolutely fine, Wes.

We both know who this is really about.

Abby has nothing to do with this.

You sure?

[Plates crashing]

So Abby, what is your favorite subject?

I like math.


Because when you get the right answer,

it's always the same,
and it'll never change.

Even when I'm a thousand years old.

Hey! School any better?

- A little.
- Kind of.


I wish.

It's Wes, apparently him and Trace

got into a fight at Sally's.

Who won?

Really Dad, that's
what you're gonna say?

Well, I think it's hard
when an ex-boyfriend

and a husband have
to share the same space.

What do you mean?

Well, I mean that Wes
is threatened by somebody

taking his place with his daughters.

That would never happen.

No, he will always be their father

but if you and Trace take this
relationship to the next level,

the girls are gonna have two dads.

That's not an easy pill to swallow.


You know what? I think I am going

to go upstairs and see the girls.

Would you like to join?

I thought you'd never ask.

Got it, let's switch them out.

I think the daisies are better.

What do you think?

I think it doesn't matter.

Okay, I think the daisies are better.

And I think I've had enough.

As soon as the website
gets going it'll be fine.

No it's not the website,
it's not my lack of business,

I've had enough of you.

And me, this.

I know you're trying, I appreciate it,

but it's just too forced, it's not real.

It just reminds me of what you didn't do

when you were supposed to do it.

I know.

You know, I don't even have those stupid

back to school videos,
Abby has all of them.

I don't have anything.

That's not true.

I think we'll go with the roses.

Okay, we'll go with the roses.

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

You know we still need to find a bridge.

What if we switch from 4/4 to 3/4?

You want to turn this into a waltz?

Some of the greatest
love songs are in 3/4.

We're good, you and me, right?

What? Yeah, of course.

I mean, what's gonna happen
if this album takes off?

Me, well I'm going back to Nashville.

Why're you asking?

Because my life is a
little more complicated.

Yeah, only because you like it that way.

I'm trying to keep this simple.

Just singing and writing.

That's it?

There's no reason to make it difficult.

Can we please keep going?


♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

The point is you're a professional,

and it's high time you dress like one.

Oh, Connor.

Well, now I know how prisoners feel.

It's a two-button, single-breasted,

Super 120, charcoal gray,
no cuffs, pleats,

and a white shirt with no
pockets, no collar buttons,

and a pair of cap toe, black oxfords.


Are you sure I shouldn't
go with the green one?

Why, you want to join a circus?

You look marvelous.

Good, thank you Gran because I...

I kind of feel like an idiot.

You don't look like an idiot.

- Thank you.
- Love you.

Love you more!

Are you crying, Mom?

No honey, I'm fine...

So Kevin, what do you
want to be this year?

I don't know.

What can I be that'll help you?

Yeah, okay.

Was that Georgia?


It must be hard, being so far away.

It's not really the distance, but...

Yeah, it's kind of the distance.

We try to talk...

The thing is with Georgia,

we always talked about the future,

what we were going to do...

We never really talked
about the present.

Do you think that's
because when you guys met,

the present wasn't that easy?


But now that there's no future...

there's not much left to say.

Why do you keep calling?

It's funny because Georgia
asked me the same question.


And neither of us had a good answer.

So she said it would be okay
if we didn't talk anymore.

Oh Kev, I'm sorry.

She said she'd pack up my stuff,
send it over and that's that.

Well at least all your
things will be neatly packed.

What's all that stuff for?

It's uh, for the future.

So, they made friends after all.


After school, everyone came up
and invited them to everything.

Aww, that's great.

Yeah, I chalk it up to smiling first.

I just feel so bad that Carrie
and Caitlyn had to go through it

and it was all my fault.

You regret moving home?

No... No, I just
thought it would be easier.

Easier is never how our
family does anything.

So how are things
going with you and Mom?

Well, I am breathing, I am growing,

I am trying...

Good, she's trying, too.

Really? I mean, she's just doing
all the stuff she loves to do.

The website was her idea not mine.

Jess, you do know that Mom knows
nothing about websites right?


She called the IT department
at my work and got them to

recommend all these books for her,

And has been calling them nonstop.

I mean, they love her, but
they're getting

a little sick and tired of her.


Yeah, what you thought Mom
was a technical whiz?

I thought she was a genius.



That just leaves... POS.

What the heck is POS?

It means Point of Sale...

it has to do with how and
where you take payment.

Ha. Aha!

Would you mind letting Jess
know that the door's all set?

It's not sticking anymore.


Hey, you don't know anything
about building websites do you?

Not exactly my area of expertise.

It's actually kinda
fun... pretty intuitive.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

I heard you're leaving
for Nashville again soon.

Yeah, it's just for a few days.

Why did Abby mention it?

She might have.

I told her not to worry.

I mean, Chesapeake Shores is my home,

I'm not leaving.

But you never know right?

Abby knows that too, Trace.

You want some advice?


Tell her again... in a
way she can hear you.


Point of Sale, huh?

What happened to your old ragtop?

I'd rather save the planet than k*ll it.

On the positive side, you
have a better sh*t of

showing up on time.

If you're the one waiting,
what's the point...

You weren't going anywhere.

Y'know, I gotta tell ya Tom,

it's great to have you back.

We should more time together like this.

It would make Mom happy if
we spend more time together.

Would make Dad happy too!

Yeah, but a different kind of happy,

like watching a car accident.

Well you and I would always had
different ideas about

what would make Dad happy.

Speaking from experience,
that really wasn't my thing.

Why are you doing this?

I mean half of this is yours?

And with the money you'd make
off this you can hire a dozen

lawyers to wreak havoc on
capitalist builders

all over the globe.

Rather than just one.

Always thinking of me.

I was always your biggest fan.

So that's why you're
doing this... because of me.

No offense to you Mick or your
idea that you are the center of

the universe, but I'm
doing this because...

because they don't make
'em like this anymore.

Oh... hi.

Why are you doing this, Mom?

I know you're angry Jess, and
you should be...

I don't think I can ever
explain what happened...

What's that?

You missed the end of the viewing party.

I know you were busy.

I was.

I'm not going away.

I love you.

Here you go.

Well, here we are pop.

You said protect the
Trust, keep it in the family,

but you knew what would happen.

In order to do both, I'd
have to tear the family apart.

You know I never hear much
when I come to talk to you.

I'm not surprised... you
were never much of a talker.

But I miss you, Dad,
I miss you terribly.

I wish you were here, I could...

I could use a little help.

Did you get what you came for?

Unfortunately, in death, as in life...

my father was never much of a talker.

The answers may come in time.

How'd you know I'd be up here?

I figured something's up.

Your brother came by a few hours ago.

I guess Thomas is looking for answers,

the same as you.

Though, he brought him brandy.

Well then one thing is for certain.

Somewhere out there my
father is stinking drunk.

Well here's to him.

Here's to him.

Trace, we need to...


We need to talk.

Yes, we do.

I'm very disappointed in
you, for fighting with Wes.

And I'm very disappointed in myself for

letting him get to me.

I'm sorry.

Look Abby, I don't know
what's going to happen,

but I do know that this is my home...

Chesapeake, and you...

Same here.

I really needed this.

Me, too.


Well, ok!

And roses?

Ok, we're burning the
old to make way for the new.

- What are we burning?
- Metaphors.

What are we metaphorically burning?

Well for you, it's the
relationship with Georgia.

And for me, it's Martin,
Chicago, the old bookstore.

Good for you.

It had to be done.

To make space for the new bookstore.

Three hours ago I signed the
lease to take over Wordplay.

- What?
- I know its stupid, right?

Bree, I think that's fantastic.


What's with the fire?


The bonfire?

Oh well... Technically, it's a metaphor.

My brother and I, we're
getting rid of the old

to make way for the new.
It's transformative.

It's also illegal.

Please don't lose the ticket.

(Mouths, "Flip it over.")


Jess honey,

what do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be just like you, Mommy.

I love you.