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03x13 - Birth Ritual

Posted: 06/12/21 09:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Van Helsing...

- I will raise the dark one.
- Yes.

And then I will carve out his heart.

Here goes everything.

Don't follow me.

As if I'd leave you on your own.

He is found with her.

She returns to the crypt.



You wanna walk to Renfield House?

I've gotta be there for Vanessa
whether she wants me to or not.

Only one can make it to the end.

I make my own fate.

Mohamad... my Mohamad.

I found you.

You're a part of me, heart and soul.

Bad dream?

So there's no way you could
have prevented Caitlyn's death?


The vampire bit her
before I could do anything.

By the time I got my g*n
it was too late.

Why didn't you report it straight away?

It wasn't exactly a priority.

The whole city was in chaos.

I don't know. Maybe I was scared.

I got the hell out of there.

I mean, I could have been k*lled, too.

You know what I can't work out?

How this vampire got in here
in the first place.

It's uh... it's odd, don't you think?

We lost a whole sector
of the city to vampires.

If that can fail, who knows what else?


No, I gotta give it to you.

It's so effortless for you.

Not even a hint of remorse in your eyes.

We didn't catch anything
on that CCTV in the hallway

but we buried one in the wall.

Caitlyn didn't trust you.

She would have told you that herself

but you found this very unique
way of keeping her quiet.

Ok, look, look. She was
blackmailing me, ok?

- You don't understand-
- Sit the **** down.

All that matters now
is what we do with you.


- Just send me to Love Land.
- Love Land.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Unfortunately you're still
too valuable for me here.


Well, we have this little
vampire problem,

and since you are the supposed
expert you're gonna solve it.

Assuming you ever wanna
see your girlfriend again.



Vanessa Van Helsing, destiny...

Turn around.

Face me.

I sense something so sweet, yet sour.

Love those eyes.

I have a destiny.

So do I.

You have become stronger than before.

What have you become?

The end of you.


But what have you done to become this?

Nighty night.

The darkness summoned you.

But from two only one may be.

Only one?

One what?

Liege to the dark one.

An Elder.

Him, or...


Oh yes.

You're not the fourth Elder.

So close.

Close enough to see,
and yet still so blind.

There is no fourth Elder, yet.

But the prophecy.

- My mother...
- What's wrong?

What truth they never told was
about the fourth.

The fourth must be made.

And now here you are.

I don't believe you.

In your heart you know the truth,

but you wish not to see
what you must see.

See we shall, know we will.

This compound of yours
is going to work, right?

It's 20 times stronger in concentration.

You asked for a Hail Mary,
this is the best that I've got.

Excuse me, I need to check this.

No, no, no. You're coming with us.

No, you don't understand.

- This is the work I've been working...
- Now.

I've been here before.

But it was different.

All will become clear.

You will see and know everything.

I don't need clarity.

The truth is clear now more than ever.

Tell me.

Then tell me what must be done.

The totems.

You have yours?

All I have is this.

Symbol of your pain.

Your suffering.

Made in darkness from darkness.

Yes, this will do.

And you.

One from your kindred.

But more.

The ring of the B'ah.

The bracelet of of Abaddon.

Defeated them and stole theirs,
didn't you?

Now all I need is Sam's,

and his path to darkness ends.

And what of yours?

Crafted one, did you?

This wasn't my path.

Was always.

And you have it now even if you
do not see it for what it is.

Give that back.



A symbol of your pain, as are they all.

Offerings so beholden you
may become to the dark one.

I'll never become an Elder.

This path you have always walked
towards your true purpose.

Which begins and ends
with k*lling all of you.

Blind still, and yet drawn
to this you are.

Always were.

All you need to do is embrace
your true nature.

I'll never be like you.

Or him.

Still you choose blindness!

All your life I have watched you
walk a path

you didn't know you were on.

Open your eyes!

I'll never join you.

If not you then him.

One will.


Let it be me.

Let it be me!

Then you know what must be done.

So the security gate wasn't breached.

There's been no sign of vampires
for the last 48 hours

so I think what makes most sense
is we hold fast.

Wait for help to arrive.

From where?

We called in reinforcements.

That's all you need to know.

Reinfor... - no, you don't get it.
We need to go in there now.

- That's too risky.
- Listen to me.

On the other side of that fence
they're figuring out a way

to get in here and k*ll the rest of you.

They don't have that
level of sophistication.

- They're ferals.
- No. Not ferals.

Not anymore. They're daywalkers.

Smart, tactical, harder to k*ll,
and to top it off

they're immune to the sun now.

Oh shit.

They walked right through
the UV lights in quarantine

like they weren't even there.

That's right.

No, we have to take the fight to them.

- That's all that matters.
- He's right.

We wait and they can figure out
a way around our defences

and then game over.

Are you sure we're up to this?

What if we don't have enough fire power?

We do now.

a*mo tipped with concentrate
and aluminium silicate.

The hell is that?

A poison I engineered.

It's made from the same base
chemical Black Tech

was using in your repellant.

Weaponized against vampires.

So in theory a concentrated dose
of the chemical that repels them

could also poison them.

Maybe even k*ll them.

In theory.

Has any of this been tested?

At all?

You wanna wait while we conduct trials?

Yeah, go ahead.

We'll all be dead by the time
the results come in.

I'll take a squad of men
through the gate.

Two other teams can enter here and here.

Any vampires in the area, we open fire,

k*ll as many as we can.

Rescue any human survivors.

We'll need volunteers.

Three teams lead by me.

I'll do it.

What? Julius, you don't have to do this.

Yes I do. For Frankie.

You sure about this?

We missed something the first time.

I didn't miss anything.

I also k*lled Captain Forehead
and uh... the Susan Elder.


Where are the bodies?

Uh, someone must have taken them.

Or some thing.

Well, why is she still here?

I don't think that psychic
vampire was trapped.

I think it was sent to be a guardian.

By who?

- And to guard what? Lily?
- I don't know.

Something brought her back here
all those years ago

and it's brought Vanessa back here, too.

You think Vanessa's here already?

I don't think so, I know.

The maze in the book.

Whatever Jacob told her on the island.

See, now I don't know
what you're talking about.

There's a feeling in this place.

A darkness.

I think it called out to her.

- How would you know that?
- Because I feel it.

But every part of me wants to
run and get the hell outta here.

- Well, trust your gut.
- No, I can't.

I can't. I really I feel like
I'm meant to be here too.

You can go.

You don't have to stay.


And let the wonder twins
have all the fun?

That's not gonna happen.

You know the deal.

It's you and me to the end, babe.

That cross.

It's upside down.

Oh shit.

That can't be good.

More steps on this path you
cannot take without this.

There is no other way.

Sam, don't.

You could have stopped this!

But you choose to reject
the gift I offer,

and so it must be.



You leave them alone.

And offerings you have brought me.

You shouldn't have followed me.

You left me.

You need me.


You need me to help you fight the dark.

It's what our mother warned us about.

Ah, sister of yours, she is.

And this one?

A handsome sacrifice.

What the hell is this?

A new beginning.

Or the end.


Mohamad... Mohamad...

Do as you must.

Complete the prophecy.

Purge the light from your heart.





My Mohamad, you must stay.

Stay with me.

Wha-what is this?

- Where are we?
- Together.

Like it was always meant to be.


You turned me.

You wanted me to be a monster like you.

I know.

- But I'm not.
- I know.

You left me in a hole to die.

But I didn't die, did I, Sam?

I wouldn't.

I know.

But she-she saved me.

She brought me back.

She gave me another chance.

I know.

So you see, Sam.

I don't belong to you.

I belong to no one.


Strong, good Mohamad.

You taught me to see who I truly was.

To understand my true purpose.

And to feel love.

I do.

I did.

I hated you for that.

For making me human.

I feel your heart beating.

My heart's beating, too.

But not with pity or shame or...
or regret.

Love is something I wasn't
meant to know.

Love and light are not my destiny.

They are a lie.

I hate you too, you lying
son of a bitch.

I hope you die slowly,
painfully, and alone.

And I wish I was the one to do it.

I know.

But this is who I am.

Who I've always been.

In the shadow of darkness.

You're not alone, Mohamad.

You're not alone.

You're not alone.

You're not alone.

You are not alone, Mohamad?


I feel nothing now.

Julius, listen to me.

We need to get out of here. Now.

Find Jolene, find Flesh, and go.

- Not before I do this.
- You don't know what I did.

They're gonna make me pay.

So I just need to go back to the lab,

get the results from my gene sequencer

- and get out of here, ok?
- Doc, this isn't about you.

- This is a su1c1de mission!
- Shhh!

What're you gonna do? m*rder yourself?

For Frankie?

I don't know if she's even dead
or one of them now.

Either way, it wasn't your fault.

- Isn't it?
- No.

I made Scab.

I'm the one that turned him,

and he couldn't have bit her
if it wasn't-no.

I gotta make this right.

You stubborn son of a bitch. Ok.


But you come back alive, ok?


What're you gonna do?

Finish what I started.

Stay sharp and in formation.

Sweep the roads before we clear
the buildings.

First sign of trouble, look to me.


And so the light in you is no more.

You're heart is dark.



It is nearly done.

Unless Vanessa embraces
who she truly is.

I'll k*ll you, Sam.

I'll rip out your heart!

Yes. Yes, good.

Let in the darkness. Join us.

Vanessa, don't!

You won't win.

I won't let you become Elder,
even if I have to myself.



No, Vanessa! Listen to me!

You have to fight it.

Fight the rage, ok?

Like they taught you in China.

You have to fight it.

You can't become an Elder.

You won't defeat me

because a light in your heart
still lives.

Are you prepared to do what I did?

To snuff out the light in your heart?

Vanessa, you have to do it.

It's the only way to stop him.

To stop all of them.


You knew back at the lighthouse

that you were the only one
who could face this.

It was your destiny, but what
we both didn't understand...

I was made to make that possible.

I'm the only way that you can stop him.

That's my destiny.

Scarlett, what the hell
are you talking about?

I met someone who told me
that I had a purpose

that I didn't understand.

I understand it now.

I wasn't meant to come here
to stop you from going dark.

I was meant to give you
the strength to resist it.

You don't have to do this alone.

What're you talking about?

This is insane.

- I won't.
- You will.

- No.
- We are born Van Helsing.

This is what our mother did.

Jacob told us that only
one of us is gonna survive,

so either we are gonna be
the ones to walk the path

and destroy them all with light
or we must be destroyed

to make all that possible.

No, no, no, both of
you just listen to me.

Listen to me. **** listen to me!

You don't have to do this.

Don't do this.

I wanna stay with you, Axel.

- Then stay.
- I can't.

I was never gonna walk out of here.

What're you talking about?

Either she goes dark and kills us

or I make the sacrifice
and give her the strength

to do the right thing.

Scarlett, listen to me...

It's the only way.

You have to let me go, Axel.

I can't.

You have to let me go.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

I love you.

There's gotta be another way. Come on.


Scarlett, don't.

We have to do this.

No Scarlett, not her.

Look at me.

Look at me!

k*ll me.

k*ll me!

Not the light in her heart, are you?

But why you?

k*lling me will fuel the light in her.

And the light will win.

You would do that for her?

For everyone.

Oh my god.

So what're you saying?

She can't be trusted.

But she still has value to the company.

The work Caitlyn had her doing
was important.

And what is that, exactly?

Perfecting the repellant, for one.

Look, our work here is
too valuable to Black Tech

to let her just walk away
from it no matter what she did.

Walking away from a m*rder
is not something I can justify

to the people in this city.

That's why you're not gonna tell them.

That's not gonna wash.

Caitlyn was one of mine.

As far as anyone else is concerned

I shipped her out during the chaos.

And what if someone starts to
dig a little deeper into that?

We still operate under the rule
of law, right?

Denver is a free city
because Black Tech made it one.

It's under your watch
that it's falling apart.

Don't worry, the company still
has confidence

in your ability to set it all right.

Don't make us question that.

And what about her?

The doctor?

She knows the truth.

Find her and bring her to me.

Do you think you can manage that?


You are our only hope.

It has to be you.

Scarlett, stop. I won't do it.

Scarlett, don't do this. Don't do it.

I didn't believe in you, ok?

I thought you were a figment
of my imagination,

just some false memory.

But then we found each other.

We figured out the truth
and we remembered who we are.

Why we're here.

It's for a reason.

All of it.

What're you doing, Scarlett?

Don't do it.

- Scarlett.
- You...

- will end the darkness.
- Please don't.

- Don't do it.
- You.


Scarlett, no.

Don't do it.



Scarlett, no!



I gave you everything.

I gave you everything I had
just to save you.

Then you do this?

You could have stopped her.

You're the strong one!

You can't fight the darkness.

You are the darkness!

Let me go you miserable hag bitch!

What have you done?

You had to purge the light
in your heart,

that is true, but that step
you took it already.

The darkness already defeated the
light in your heart, you know.

What're you talking about?

Your little girl.


I- I tried to save her.

But did you?

You bit her.

Turned her human again
and then she died.

Because of you, she did. You meant to...

No, I did not sacrifice her.

But you did!

You could have stopped her
but you didn't.

That's how deep the darkness goes.

The sister Scarlett,
she died for nothing.

For nothing!

If I ever see you again I'll k*ll you.

You hear me, Vanessa?

I'll k*ll all of you.

My sister's sacrifice
won't be for nothing.

I will defeat the dark one
because I am the light.

Such a gift you were offered.

Such a disappointment you have been.


Elder now you have become.

My destiny.


Stay in formation!

Whoever she is, you can't help her now.

But you can still help us.

Over there. Survivors.

We secure them, escort them out.

Let's move.

Hold on. Wait a second.

This doesn't look obvious to you?

What, that they're being held hostage?

That they're bait.

We can't leave them.

Listen to me.

This is what we're gonna do.


I know you're in here.

It's me you want.

What're you waiting for?

Let 'em go.

It's me you want.

It's me you've always wanted.

Why not both?

I keep them, I k*ll you.




Anointed by the dark one
so you are worthy.

Destroy that which desires
to destroy us.

k*ll her!

You are the light.

There's one thing in my heart now.


For me this is the beginning.

But for you, and humankind,
you must accept this is the end.


- Lily?
- Yes.

How do you know me?

And what is that hellish beast?

The nightmare I have to k*ll.

You can't. Not alone.

I have to.

Or die trying.

There's another way.

Trust me.

There is no other way.

The Van Helsings end now.

What other way?
