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01x13 - Defend the Ranch

Posted: 06/12/21 06:43
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪ Dad!





- Liam.

- Don't move, or I end you just like I did him.


- Liam!

- CLINT: Everybody, just stay

- where you are.

- Mama!



CLINT: No one try to be a hero, now.

Just do exactly what I tell you.

We'll get through this.


Drop the holster.


Don't do anything stupid, now.

You got a family to worry about.

There you go.

All right, let's all go inside and have a little chat.


let me take my brother.

- Oh, your brother, huh?

- Yeah.

The attorney who helped put us away?

Well, don't matter.

He's dead now.

Let me be clear.

No one else needs to get hurt if you do exactly what I say.


Let's go.

You can't leave him here like this.


Walker, your son left me for dead.

He got my wife k*lled.

So any notions you might have about right and wrong, lose 'em.

Let's go.

What's the play here, bud?

There is no play.


♪ ♪ All right.

No phones, no g*ns, no weapons, no sudden moves.

Search the house.

They got g*ns.


Said you've been working on your rope skills.

How about you show me?

Come on.

All right, y'all be smart, listen up, and this will all be over soon enough.


What do you want, Clint?

I want my wife back.

He didn't k*ll her.

I can see how it can be confusing.

Your daddy, a Texas Ranger, k*lling a man's wife, a boy's mother.

That's not what happened.

You got their minds all twisted up just like you did me, Crystal, our family.

Well, you don't like hearing that, do you?

Come on.

Y'all had to wonder.

"Why's he been gone for so long?" Because he wanted to stay.

He was one of us.

HOYT: You're here because the guy you thought was your bronco buddy left you high and dry?

What the hell you know about betrayal?

why are you even here, stranger?

HOYT: I'm the stranger who knows you couldn't convince two hired g*ns to help you out in this without promising a whole lot of money.


You seem to know all the angles.

How's that?

I've done my time.


Do tell.

What for?

Oh, robbery, mostly.

But I've been thinking about m*rder lately.


Who's this?

Your muse?

The real outlaw that put meat on the bones of that Duke character of yours?

Oh, my Lord, we got a whole family of criminals and cutthroats right here.

This is why I love a little get-to-know-ya.

Okay, what do you want?

I've been patient for months behind bars.

Appreciate if you do the same for me.

Which brings me to our first order of business.

Have Adriana or whatever her real name is bring Jaxon here.


- Mm.


How was the drive back with Stella?

She's, uh...

she's doing the best she can.

Hey, you still got Jaxon?

Uh, no.

I dropped him off at, uh, county lockup early this morning.


I was thinking maybe we could get him to cough up where Clint might have ran off to.

Yeah, we can still question him behind bars.


Clint is still out there.

Clock's ticking.

We are all on it.

In the meantime, you just don't forget about later, okay?


DPS Commission?

You know, the whole performance evaluation that's been rescheduled for months that puts your entire career on the line?


Yeah, uh...

: p.m.

Of course, yeah, right, : p.m.

I'll catch you up on the Clint West manhunt after.

Until then, just...

be with your family.

All right, yup.

Uh, thanks.

See you, Micki.

I bought your little act there.

You folks buy that?

He's something, isn't he?

One thing: what's this about a performance evaluation?

A hearing to review my actions while on duty.


Hell, they should have me down to testify.

A character witness.

Keep on talking, Clint.

The longer you stand on your soap box, less chance you got of getting away.

I can't get Jaxon out, you hear me?

Besides, bringing a fugitive here?

Raise a million red flags.

So, what is it you want?

Show me all the pretty horses.




Aren't they beauties?

Papa Walker doesn't mess around.

He pissed you didn't take up the family business?

If he wasn't before, he should be now.


Oh, man.

I've been away from this for too long.

Short of cleaning stables.

Where I met lovely Stella, by the way.

Don't know if she and Trevor are gonna make it.


I'd say it wasn't meant to be.

Clint, if this is about settling scores, you k*lled my brother.

You think that makes us square?

That's nothing compared to what you've done.

Don't get any bright ideas now.

Wouldn't want anything to happen to that perfect little family of yours.

And I do appreciate you showing me around.

Seeing everything you have to lose.

♪ Had another fight ♪ ♪ Before I left this morning ♪ ♪ She said when I got in... ♪

Well, that's never a good sign.








- I'm bleeding.

- All right, I can see that.

I can see that.

All right, you're gonna be all right.

You're gonna be fine.

I need to get you out of here, though.

- Okay?

So, we're gonna get you out.

- Oh.

We're gonna get you out, all right?

Here we go.




Going down.

Going down.

Lean back.

- Oh, God.

- Lean back.

Keep pressure on it, all right?

- Okay.


- Keep pressure on it.


Okay, son, put that on there.

- You hold it on there, okay?

- Mm.

Keep it nice and tight.

Dad, I'm so sorry.

It's all right.

It's all right.

I want you to take one of these, okay?

It'll help.

Where did you... where did you get it?

Doesn't matter.



Who's in there?


Clint West.

How many are with him?

I don't know.

I just...

- I-I tried to stop him.

And then...

- All right.

- You keep pressure on there, all right?

- Yeah.

- Okay.


Dad, stop.

They said they'd k*ll everybody in there if...



Mr. Walker, hey.


Micki, listen, um, I need your help out at the ranch.

It's a little crazy here right now.

All right if I check with you later?


- Yeah.

- MICKI: Yeah?

Yeah, we'll talk then.

- Mom.

- Liam!

Oh, my God.

Grab that, will you?

Glad you weren't stupid enough to call the cops.

Grab your boy and follow me.



Whatever your dad told you is a lie.

Don't do this, please.

So you had nothing to do with my mother's death?

Nothing at all?

What happened to your mother wasn't so simple.

But this.

You know this is wrong.

You know that.


Guess who's coming to dinner.

We'll take care of you.

We'll fix you up.

You're just fine.

I got you, you'll be okay.

- Liam!

- Uncle Liam.

Take him to one of the back rooms.

You have to let us help him.

- I got him.

I got him.

- Hey, hey.

- What are you doing?

- Hey, quit it!

You go easy with my boy!


Dad, stop it.


Sit down.

Please take a seat.

After you.

Where's that rope, Trevor?

BONHAM: What kind of man are you to have your boy be part of this?

Don't you talk to me about being a father.

- You know who you raised?

- ABELINE: Stop!

- Please stop.

- WALKER: Clint, don't.

HOYT: Pointing a g*n at an old man?


Yeah, you're a real tough guy.

Is it just Clint, or you all the same low-down...




I get it.


Actually don't got it.

You're still a piece of...






This is about you and me, not them.

Tell me what you want.

Tell me.


- Just-just tell me.


I'll do it.

- Anything?

- Yeah.



Just stop.

How about robbing a bank?

You want to rob a bank?


It's perfect, ain't it?

Everyone in the county's looking for you.

And you just want to try and pull off a robbery in the middle of the day?

Oh, as much as I'd love to relive our glory days, I'm sitting this one out.

I'm gonna stay here and get to know the family a little bit better.

But you will need some help.




Only seems right that the bank robber who inspired the imposter helps him do the real thing now.

Okay, cut him loose, Trevor.


Oh, well, look at that.

Must've broke loose in the fall.


Looking sharp.

Much better.

Unless, of course, you want to roll up there as Duke for old time's sake?

If we're breaking the law...

you mind if we do it in style?


Let's just make sure there's nothing in there to give you any bad ideas.

I appreciate it.

Hey, Captain.

- You have a minute?

- Is it a door-open or door-closed kind of a...

- thing?

- Uh, this is actually about Walker.

Usually is.

I got this weird call from his father.

- From Bonham?

- Yeah.

He wanted my help on the ranch.

It just...

I don't know.

It just-it just felt off.

- Short.

- Huh.


- Uh-oh.

Getting a call.

"Ranger HQ".

Weird nickname for a friend.

Clint, if I don't answer that...

Get into character then.

Remember, I know when you're speaking code, Duke.

Cap, hey.

What's the word?


I'm just checking in.

I was, uh...

I was expecting you and Micki to do a follow-up with Jaxon

- on the manhunt.

- WALKER: Yeah.

Yeah, I just-just got caught up with family, you know.

Been, uh... been through a lot the past few days.

Uh, any leads on Clint West?

There was a sighting in Brewster County.

Roped in border patrol.


Uh, yeah, hopefully we catch him

- before he crosses the order.

- JAMES: Right.

Hey, : p.m. hearing today.

I can rely on you to be there, right, Cordell?

Yeah, of course.


I'll be there, Captain.



I don't know.

I mean, he seemed a little off.

I think he was just worried about the DPS hearing.


Mm, very convincing.

All righty, then.

Best of luck.

Luck's got nothing to do with it.

That's right.

I'll keep an eye on your family for you.

And he'll be keeping an eye on you.




Guys, come on.

We have to help him.

He's in pain.


Trevor, don't just stand there and pretend you can't hear him.

Trevor, look at me.

If we don't help my uncle, he's gonna die.

No one was supposed to get hurt.

We're way past that, boy.

Just do what my father says.

When they get back, they bring the money, it'll all be over.

STELLA: Trevor, what happened to your mother...

I am so sorry.

But if you don't want this to get any worse, then you will let us help him.




They behave?


Uh, Dad, can we talk?

Sure, son.

Look, their uncle, Liam...

you can't just let him die.

He had nothing to do with this.

He helped put me away.

Don't worry.

This'll all be over soon.

I promise.

You promised Mom you were getting out, too.

Coming home, ending all of this.

What would she want?


Tell that girlfriend of yours and her brother to go check on him.


Remember whose side you're on.

Don't let them get in your head.

There's no room.

You're the only one there.

What do we got?

We got old cameras, lax security.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't.

Hoyt, I messed up.


- This is my fault.

I broke your trust.

If I hadn't... you wouldn't even been at the ranch.

And now I got you mixed up in all of this.

I'll kick your ass when we get through this.


Listen, life put me here at this exact moment.

Parked in an alley, behind a bank with my best friend who needs me.

Maybe for the first time in God knows how long.

- Nah, brother.

I've always needed you.

- This is different.

You got to rob a bank.

And I'm not sure you noticed what my line of work is, but I'm an outlaw.

All right.

How we doing this?

Just follow my lead, buddy.

AUGUST: You all right?

You're fine, you're fine,

- just-just don't look at it.

Okay, ready?

- Uh-huh.

Okay, three, two, one.

- Oh.

- Put it on him.

Put it on him.

Oh, my God.


He's fine.

Keep an eye on them.


... who's your favorite son?

ABELINE: You know, we took in your own boy.

Treated him like family.

Oh, I know.

My wife and I did the same for your boy.

He was broken when he came to us.

We saved him, made him whole again.

And then he betrayed us.

So, you took in my son, trusted him.

Now here we are.




What's your emergency?


Yes, I'd like to report a robbery.

Texas Savings and Loan, downtown Austin.

- Please hurry.

- What the hell are you doing?

Just making sure Walker goes through the same nightmare my wife and I went through.

♪ We're getting down to the brass tacks ♪ ♪ We're getting up to speed ♪ ♪ I'm gonna blow the roof off this higher ♪ ♪ I'm gonna show you exactly what I mean ♪ ♪ We're swinging willows, we're swinging gallows ♪ ♪ I got stars burning in my eyes... ♪

You ready to put on a show for our friend out front?

♪ I want to see the look on your face... ♪

Guess we'll see.

♪ I want to see... ♪


Uh, excuse me.

- I'm just hoping to maybe check...

- Pardon me, ma'am.

It's gonna be fine, okay?

Stay calm.

I'm gonna need you to empty those registers in the front, tell your manager to hand over the payroll bag from the vault.

Chris... payroll bag, vault.

Right now.

There you go.

♪ The look on your face when you find out... ♪


- Steady there, old timer.

Uh-uh, uh-uh.

Everybody stay cool.

Do me a favor.

Carefully take out that boom stick, kick it my way.

There we go.


Ma'am, you may proceed as directed.

All right, folks, why don't we lie on the ground, take a load off for a few?

That's right.

You've earned it.

Ain't nothing wrong with a little siesta.

(WHISPERING): This one's loaded.



- How you doing, pal?

- Couldn't be better.

- Chris, look at that.

That was Daytona pit stop fast, Chris.

Thank you kindly.

Hey, we should give her a day off after all this.


Okay, well, we sure do appreciate the hospitality.

Me and my hostage must be on our way now.

Y'all take care.

You mind showing us the back door out?


Our shadow high-tailed it but we got to move!

Well, it's a good thing your best friend also happens

- to be a wheelman.




♪ I want to see the look on your face... ♪

Okay, they're gonna cross over at Forest Ridge.

- Should be clear soon.


You lecture me about the straight and narrow, and now look at us.


- You sure you don't want to tell your buddies what this is all about?

No, we can't.

Hoyt, Clint is not messing around, trust me.

Well, I guess you're gonna miss that hearing.

I'll write you a note.

♪ Weeping ♪

♪ Willows... ♪

Well, well, look at this.


Team Sassy Boots together again.

If you're here to tell me I missed my : , uh, got to tell you, that... that's aggressively thorough.



What are you doing?

What, is this for him?

- Oh, you don't have to say it like that.

- Oh, shut up!

All this time, and you can't be straight with me?

Because if not, there's about five things I can call in right now, Walker.

Clint West has my family.

Right now, at the ranch.

And if you don't let us follow through with this, he's going to k*ll them.

Then let me help you.

Let me go with you.

HOYT: Clint put a tail on us.

We lost him for a minute, but...

if they wise up, that'll k*ll them faster.

Micki, I can't risk putting my family's lives in danger.

Walker, you missed your hearing, and you have a bag of cash in your car.

What the hell am I supposed to say?

Say what you have to.

Tell the truth.

But, please, let me go home and fix this.



Just know I'm not far, okay?

And I'll be listening.

Thank you, Flor.

Damn it, Beau.

Is that...

Wyatt Earp.

You just a fan, or...


Used to ride with him.

Well, hot damn.

Ain't that fancy.

- It's just a fact.

- That's interesting.

It truly is.

You know, of course, Wyatt Earp was a criminal before he was a lawman, not unlike your Cordell.


What a beautiful damn coincidence.



What a find.

These recreational, Bonham Walker?

You don't seem the type.

Pain pills?

Ain't got a limp that I can see.

Rotten tooth?

No, you'd grin and bear that.

This is something different.

Something you don't discuss, cowboy.


Oh, and you didn't tell the wife.


When I had a wife, I told her everything.

LIAM: You remember when our biggest worry was that scar on your head?

- I'll never tell.


I'm so glad I stayed.

Augie, I know that it's hard, but you... you got to stay strong.

Uncle Liam, look, I-I know that you're in pain.

- We'll-we'll...

- Hey, hey.

They're gonna need you, okay?


I see you.

Uncle Liam, please stop saying goodbye.

He needs a doctor.

AUGUST: Trevor, come on.

I thought we were friends, man.

I mean, seriously, are you even human anymore?

- Just, please, help him.

- I want to, but-but you can't leave.

Trevor, when we went to the cabin, did you ever really want to get away or did you want to end up right back here, like them?

I wanted to get away.

For us to get away.

Then remember that person.

Just-just let us make a phone call.

Coach Barnett... he was a medic, and we-we can trust him.

My-my dad has your phones.

It's fine, Stella.


Take it.





STELLA: You can't call the cops.



Seriously, you can't.

Uncle Liam got shot.


His chest.

The-the side of his chest?

- I...

- Okay, okay, okay.

How's his breathing?

Not great.



- Uneven.

- Wait, Stella.

Who shot him?

If I tell you, they'll k*ll us.

Can you give me a visual on the wound?

I can walk you through what to do.

All right, that's perfect, Stella.

He's losing a lot of blood.

But the b*llet hole's not in the box.

Now that's good.

Uh, look at his trachea, his-his windpipe.

Come on, Stella.

I know you've seen this on TV.

- Yeah, yeah, okay.

- Yup, to the right.

Now you're gonna want to find something to cauterize the wound.

Um, Gramps has a branding iron, but it's in the, um...

- the barn.

- TREY: That works.

That's perfect.

Just make sure that thing is hot as hell, all right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

So, so, we're gonna...

we're gonna operate on him?

Stella, don't think.



Or your uncle's gonna die.

Okay, so...

- TREY: You got to cut down to the b*llet hole.

- No, no, no, no.

Cutting into him makes no sense.

Stella, we need to relieve the pressure.

Trust me.

This is why you called me.

I've got Gramp's Leatherman.


Hey, you got his, uh...

you got his moonshine, too?

Um, yup, yup, yup.

All right, we're definitely gonna talk about that one later.

All right, now, sterilize the wound and the blade with the alcohol.

- Okay.

- TREY: That's it.

I'm sorry.



Then make an incision with the blade to pop into the chest cavity.


Yup, that's it.

- Aah!

- TREY: That's it.

No, no, no, no, no.

That's okay.

Oh, that's okay.

That's okay.

Just put pressure on it and then sterilize it.


- Oh, God.

You got that iron?

Hey, you've earned yourself a new tattoo.


- Use it while it's hot.

- Thank you.

Do it.




What the hell's going on in here?

- Dad, I'm-I'm sorry.

- What did I tell you?

He was dying.

That was the point.



Daddy's home.

Deal's a deal, Clint.

It's time to end this.

Is it, now, Cordell?

- Yes, it is.

- I don't think so.

Family went rogue.

Couldn't leave well enough alone.

WALKER: That's enough, all right?

That's enough!

I say when.

Y'all take a hell of a lot for granted, don't you?

You think it's enough?

I haven't gotten what I came for.

Dad, they got the money.

There's no cops.

Why can't we just skip town?

We didn't come for the money.

Then what did we come here for?

I never lied to you, son.

I told you they needed to suffer.

Come here.

Come on.


Look that man in the eye.

That right there is why your mother's dead.

You knew cops would be waiting for us at the bank.

You let us walk right into the lion's den!


(g*nshots CONTINUING)

(g*nshots CONTINUE)

Where's Stella?

I got her.

(g*nf*re CONTINUING)



(g*nf*re CONTINUES)



I think I got him.








- No!

- WALKER: Hey.

Hey, no, no, no, no, no!

Hey, hey.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


- I'm good.

- Uncle Hoyt!

- Hey, Hoyt.


- Hold-hold on.

It's okay.

- Just put pressure on it.

- Steady.

- Oh, man.

- Shh, shh, shh.

That's not good.

WALKER: Hey, hey, hey.

Shh, shh, shh.


Oh, yeah.





- I love y'all.

- No, no, don't you dare.

Don't do it.

I always knew it'd end this way, buddy.








Oh, my God.


(g*n COCKS)

Needed to take one from you myself.

Now you know how it feels.


Yeah, right, now I know.

And now I understand.

I understand revenge.


♪ I got to speak and you want to listen up ♪ ♪ There is no time to feast your eyes ♪ ♪ You want it all, but the world won't give it up ♪ ♪ Up to the edge... ♪ STELLA: Trevor!


This is Ramirez.

Calling for backup at the Walker Ranch.

Go on, sh**t him!

Why didn't you come home?


Son, I told you.

He talked me out of it.

He told us to stay the course.

WALKER: He's not lying to you.

Trevor, I did, for my job.

- For my job, I did.

- You see that?

- He's manning up.

- This is not about manning up.

This is about humanity.

Who do you want to be, Trevor?

In this moment?

You want to be who he expects you to be?

- You shut up.

- Or you want to be me?

'Cause if it were me right now, I...

I'd pull that trigger.

Hell, yes, I would.

But you're not me.

And you're not your dad.

MICKI: Put down the g*n.


Trevor, let me tell you something about your mom.

I met her.

On her way to see you.

I pulled her over 'cause she was speeding so fast, just to get to you.

But think, think.

Who do we really think is responsible for her death?

The man who tried to stop the crime?

Or the man who had k*lled before and wouldn't stop...

- You're gonna trust her?

- Why didn't you stop?

- Come on.

- MICKI: Trevor, this...

this all ends if you just put down your g*n.

Put it down slowly, slowly.


♪ Come on, feel the warm, feel the blood... ♪

Liam, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I got you.

I got you.

♪ Songbird ♪

WALKER: Hey...

♪ Space, come swallow me now... ♪

- You did the right thing.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

♪ And all the precious things ♪ ♪ We surrounds ourselves... ♪

It's over, all right?

It's over.

♪ Death will come ♪ ♪ Then a cloud of love ♪ ♪ There is nothing ♪ ♪ I can tell you now ♪

- ♪ And no one ♪


♪ Like the lonely owl ♪ ♪ Death will come ♪ ♪ Then a cloud of love ♪ ♪ There is no land ♪ ♪ Like the water's edge ♪

- ♪ It follows ♪

♪ Her magic eye... ♪



Want to sit down?




♪ Catch light in summer like leaves... ♪

Look, I am so sorry about Hoyt.


How's Liam holding up?

You know, what Trey did... that was...

Yeah, what Trey did saved his life.

And with the kids...

Yeah, we're all just, uh...

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Hey, um, what's the word from the DPS Commission?

They said that after recent events...

Uh, okay, just...



Let me guess.


Two weeks probation?


That's not right.

That's not right.

You know that.

James, my past...

caught up with me.

And I got my best friend k*lled.

I... almost got my brother k*lled.

I put my kids' lives at risk, my-my parents, my...

And for what?


You were right.

You were right.

We have to do better.


♪ Trouble... ♪

I have to do better.

♪ Trouble seems to be... ♪

And, uh, and right now...

... I can't do this.