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01x06 - Calaca

Posted: 06/09/21 19:03
by bunniefuu
[ALLIE] Where the f*ck am I?

Where are you taking us?

Where are you taking us?


Ow! Get the... Get the f*ck off me.


Margot, you there?

Margot, can you hear me?

What is this bullshit?

You're Calaca, right?

I'm Allie. You know me.

Yeah, so you say.

Where's Margot?

Where's my wife?


- Hey.
- Where were you?

I was here.

my God. You scared the shit out of me.

I mean,
I look away for two seconds and...

[SIGHS] You can't do that, Charlie.

Sorry, I was just...
Just looking at these guys.

Do you think we should buy one of these?

And do what?

I don't know, like...

set them free or...

They've been raised in captivity.

They wouldn't know how to be free.

They wouldn't know
how to avoid predators.

Well, we should still give one a chance.

You are so stoned right now. [CHUCKLES]

Come on. Let's go.

- [GIRL] Photo?
- Si.

[DINA] No.

- Go like that.
- This?

[IN SPANISH] They're American?



[SIGHS] Yep.

Things took an odd turn.

Is it a narcomensaje maybe?

No, I guess not.

What about orange hats?
Do they mean anything to you?

Should they?

[IN SPANISH] I don't know.

[IN ENGLISH] Thing of it is,

I followed Allie and Margot
to that market over there.

And I was about to take care of business

when they were jumped by about guys.

All of 'em in these caps.
These... These orange ball caps.

Well, isn't that the damnedest thing?

Mmm. It's a puzzler, for sure.

Either way, you lost them, Bill.

[IN SPANISH] Very bad...

Very. Bad.

The contract stands.

[IN ENGLISH] Find them.




[IN SPANISH] Let's go.



- [JONES] Come on.

Sooner we get this going,
sooner we can get me home

to watch America's Got Talent.

- That still on?
- [CHUCKLING] f*ck you.


- Hey, boss.

Yeah, we're pretty close.

Well, Estelle laid out some bread crumbs
for the daughter, Dina.

Oh, yeah.
We're feeling really good about that.

Are you feeling good about that?
'Cause I'm not.



I wonder, do you believe in witches?

- No.
- Oh.

There's this guy called Friedrich Spee.

He didn't believe in witches either.

He witnessed the Inquisition,
going about his business.

Saw a lot of innocent women tortured.

Saw a lot of innocent women
denouncing other innocent women

just to make the t*rture stop.

We've known for years
that t*rture doesn't work.

So why does it still happen,
do you think?

See, apparently...
I read this in the bathroom.

At any given moment,

some form of t*rture is happening
in half the countries in the world.

I mean, that's % of all refugees
to the United States.

I've experienced it.

And it's...
It's not like the US is Ajax clean.

I mean, obviously, after / ,

they rebranded it as, um,
"enhanced interrogation,"

but we all knew it was the same
classic recipe just in a different can.

f*ck. Fifty-eight percent
of Americans approved.

"Just do it." Am I right?


Maybe that's why we're
the happiest place on Earth. [CHUCKLES]

Exactly. [CHUCKLES]



I'll get us a cup of tea.

f*ck. f*ck!

Where is this little snot?

[SIGHS] Come back, Dina.

Your country needs you.

And the cartel's waiting
to cut you up into itty-bitty pieces.

Oh, come on, Estelle. That's not funny.





- Do I have something in my teeth or...
- No, your teeth are fine.

Then what?

How much do you remember
about being little?

How little?

Like little, little.
Do you remember the old house?

Which one?

The first one. The one with the TV.

No. Why?

No reason. It's just... I don't know.

I was just trying to think back,

see if I could remember Mom
being pregnant with you, and I couldn't.

Does that seem weird?

I don't know. You were pretty small.

Yeah, but it... it seems bizarre, right?

I mean,
I do remember Dad giving you to me.


Wait. What? Dad...

Dad doing what? Giving you... [CHUCKLES]


And he says, "Hold on a second.

You only get a brother
if you promise to be nice to him

and take care of him,

and play with him.

It's a pretty big responsibility."

And I'm just like,
"Gimme, gimme, gimme."

But, I mean, I don't... I mean, come on.

I don't remember
Mom being pregnant or anything.

Is that weird?

It's just kinda weird
that you keep asking about it.

order some ice cream or something.

I'm gonna...

- I need to use the restroom. Okay?
- Okay.







Helpline number.

Fox Family Helpline.


[JONES] Dina? Dina Fox, is that you?


Well, thank goodness.
I was hoping you might call.

This is Estelle Jones.
We spoke a little earlier.

I was at your boyfriend's house, Josh.

I need you to stay on the phone, okay?

Honey, please don't hang up on me again.

So, I guess you've been
reading the newspapers, huh?

I'm sorry you had to find out that way.

- That's not how it should have been.
- Jesus, Estelle.

[WHISPERS] Shut up.


What Allie and Margot did was wrong.

And it caused a lot of hurt.
A lot of hurt.

But they did it for a good reason.

They wanted to have a family.
They wanted children to love.

And they do love you.

But, honey, right now,
I need you to tell me where they are.

Can you do that?

Can you tell me
where I can find Allie and Margot?

Just... Just, wait.

[STAMMERS] Charlie, is... [SIGHS]

- Is he actually...
- No.

You listen to me,
Dina. You listen to me.

That boy is your brother
in every way that matters.

Just not biologically.

Lost her. [SNIFFS]

She'll call back.


- Seriously, what is your problem?
- She's just a kid.

Please. I just made that little brat's
dreams come true.

Look, I'm not gonna argue about it.

I think it's a shitty thing to tell
a kid that age. Shitty, that's all.

You tell me a better way to do
what we came here to do

without anybody getting hurt.

She's getting hurt. The kid is.

I'm not talking about
the kid's feelings.

I'm talking about people
getting b*llet-hurt.

- Well, I don't like it.
- Well, I don't care.


Finally. What took so long?

Oh, shit. You've been crying?

What? No. Jesus.

You freak, though.

Don't call me a freak, you freak.

[IN SPANISH] Kids, here's your bill.












So, uh, let's start again.

Now, there was a guy...

called Alec Finn.

Environmental activist.

At least that's what
he told people he was called.

So how does this same Alec Finn

later turn up working
with the National Security Agency?

- "For."
- Hey?

Not, "with." You said "with." "For."

- Is there a difference?
- Yes, there's a big difference.

Oh, well, then run it by me then,
this "difference."

- While ago I had a start-up.
- Mm-hmm.

One-man operation. Ran it out
of the back of my house, matter of fact.

And I let it get acquired
by some Silicon Valley assholes

that showed up with a lot of promises.

Which you believed?

What, you?
Mr. Anti-corporate here? Mr. No-logo.

What, you stop being a pirate?
Join the Navy.

Nobody said I wasn't stupid. Huh?

But, I re...
I actually believed in this thing.

I actually thought
I could do some good in the world.

- So what was it?
- An algorithm.

- That did what?
- Used climate-change projections

to track changes in
bird migration patterns.

Why the f*ck would the government
be interested in bird migration?

I don't know. Next thing I know,
they whore me out to the NSA,

make me an offer I can't refuse.

So what did you do?

I refused it.

'Cause that's my idea,
and they can't have it.

I'm the one that gets
to say what it's used for.

So, where is it now?

It's in my head.
I wiped it off the face of the Earth.

f*ck 'em.

Mmm, and then suddenly...
[IMITATES expl*si*n]

Here you are,
ten years later, on the run in Mexico.

Sending out distress signals to all your

old comrades who you
turned your back on.

Seeking refuge in Casa Roja.

- That's right.
- Mmm, excellent.

Well, so... so...
So tell me about it, Casa Roja.

See, I was kinda hoping

that you were gonna now tell
me about Casa Roja.

That's right, yes. 'Cause I am Calaca,
gatekeeper to Casa Roja.

- That's right.
- Oh, goodness gracious me. No.

No, no, there's no Calaca. Not anymore.

And what happened to him?

most recent one, they died. She died.

Of what?

Of her injuries.


So, does it ever bother you?


All of it.

Growing up without friends or whatever?

I don't know. I mean...

most kids are into
some pretty boring stuff, so...

I never really think about it.

So you never think about
how things might have been

if Mom and Dad were different?

Different how?


No. I think it's...
I think it's cool, you know?

We get to do some fun stuff,
so it's like...

It basically balances out, you know?

We should be heading back.


In case Mom and Dad get pissed.

Hey! Time to go.

See, Calaca was...

Was just a handle used by Casa Roja's,
well, border guard, I suppose.

We've been sitting on the handle for...
Oof, quite a while now.

Hoping that someone like you
might, uh, turn up.

You know, make contact.

Maybe help us out.

Who's "us"? What are you, uh, MI ? FSB?

Oh, let's not dwell on that.

Let's talk about Casa Roja.

Go on, what can you tell me about it?

I got, uh, nothing.

Okay, well, what we understand

is that it's a kind
of t*rror1st enclave.

A safe house for self-proclaimed
dissidents and violent radicals.

So what? Here's my question, right?

What kind of bad hombre are you, Allie,

that you go looking for sanctuary
in a place like that?


All right.

Let's see if this
will loosen your tongue up a bit.

Where is she?



- Yeah?
- [MAN] Go ahead.



Say something, you f*cking coward!

- Fun is over. Stop this.

Stop it.

When I tell you.

- Leave her alone.
- All right.

Then tell me everything you know
about Casa Roja.

[STAMMERS] I don't know what to say!

Listen. I really need you
to tell me the truth here, Allie.

I can't tell you something
that I don't know.

Right. Well, then let's be clear.

It's not me, it's you
k*lling this woman.

- What do you want me to say? I...
- Tell me how to find Casa Roja.

I don't know anything about it.

- Do you want me to make something up?
- Well.

Do you want me to lie?


Fine. I can lie.

- Nine.
- The way to get there?

You just take a right
at the second star,

- follow the yellow brick road.
- Eight.

They got lemonade springs,

- they got songbirds singing.
- Seven.

- Amelia Earhart's down there...
- Oh, f*ck you, Allie. Five.

Married to D.B. Cooper.
They got nine children.

- Four.
- What do you want me to say?

- Three.
- [MARGOT] Come on, Allie.

- I don't know!
- Two.

Wanna throw me in the water,
see if I float, and burn me if I don't?

One. Last chance, Allie. Last chance.

[MARGOT] Allie, g*dd*mn it!


[ALLIE] Margot, shut your eyes.
Shut them tight!

- [MAN] Tell me, you prick. Tell me now.
- [ALLIE] I'm sorry, honey.

I love you, Margot!

- [MAN] Go ahead.
- [MARGOT] Allie, g*dd*mn it!

[ALLIE] Margot, I'm sorry, honey!



Isela told me we could trust you.

I gotta tell you,
I flat out did not agree.

I had you marked down as government,
sure as eggs is eggs.

But hey, [EXHALES]
you were right the first time.

I am Calaca.

Your ticket to Casa Roja.

So let's dial down the outrage
a notch, shall we?


I'll meet you inside.





[JONES] Dina?

So what do I do?

Hey, hey! It's not who you are.

And you?

I'm who they made me.

[SCOFFS] Come on, look at me.

I used to be an environmental lawyer
for Christ's sake.

Lived in Westwood. I owned a Tesla.

And a Peloton, which I never used.


We got a good place, Allie.
We just wanna protect it.

Then build a wall.

I am the wall.

[BILL] My people are following the kids.

They're having quite the day out.

But they'll lead us back
to their mom and dad,

as sure as a pig is bacon.






We did it.

We're in.

Just over the border. South.


It's Guatemala.


It's gonna be an adventure.

Where you going?

It's just us. They left.

You f*cking prick.

Honey, come on.

I was playing them.

I knew it was bullshit.
It's like bizarro border control.

I could see that from the moon.

And you didn't stop to think

that maybe my brains might
have ended up across the floor?


- Not for one second?
- No.

I mean...

Yes, of course for one second.

But I knew they were
never gonna hurt you.

You didn't seem so certain
from where I was sitting.

Of course not, because I had to sell it.

They had to know that
they could trust me.

[STAMMERS] Us, they had to trust us.

It worked, right?




Better than Mexico. It's gonna be great.


It's not gonna be great.

Because it never is.

You promise and promise,
but never deliver.

And that's my fault. I let you do it.

We both know why.

But that's not happening anymore.
That's over.


Margot. Come on.


[IN SPANISH] Could you spare some money?

It's them.

I say we wake the kids tonight.
We head south.

Maybe we stop off at the
ocean on the way, you know?

What? The kids have
never seen the beach.

Let's do something normal
for five minutes.

Yeah, yeah. Take a breath.
Make some s'mores.






[BILL] We found them.
A place called the Hotel Isabel.

[IN SPANISH] Make sure no one leaves
until my boys get there.

You got it.

[SIGHS] Let's skedaddle.


Who are you?

Allie and Margot,
we need you to come with us right now.



How did you find us?



It's okay. Help...
Help me understand here, honey.

I don't understand.

That's not true.

Allie, none of this matters. You
and your family need to come with us.

The cartel's coming after your ass.

They're with some other Americans.

Thank you.



- [BILL] We're too late.

America got here first.


[IN SPANISH] Have you heard of
the passer à la mandoline?

I do not believe I have.

[IN ENGLISH] It was an old
French-Moroccan t*rture technique.

The steel string of a mandolin
was drawn up between the thighs,

used to slice the testicles in half.

[SMACKS LIPS] Copy that.

I want the man alive. The father.

k*ll the others if you have to.



You guys alone?

At this particular moment in time,

Just us chickens.

And the cartel, so if you don't mind
coming along with us, please.


- It's okay. It's gonna be fine.
- [JONES] It's really not.

You're scaring them.

Good. We all need
to be scared right now.

- Then let us go.
- Not happening.

You guys got no skin in this game.

You're gonna get yourselves hurt just...
What? For us?

You're gonna march six of us all the way

to the border with the cartel on us?

We got two kids.

They got legs half our size.

They get soggy knees
walking to the grocery store.

[STAMMERS] Do you think your...

Your boss is gonna give you
some commendation

for getting us all cut
to pieces? Come on.

Just tell them that we were gone
when you got here.

You couldn't find us. Go home.
Just stay safe.

Jesus Christ, Dad.
Just shut up and let's go!

- [SHAPLAND] I'll get her.
- Uh-uh. Not you.

Well, she's scared.

We move as a group,
or we don't move at all.

Go sit.



Dina, you're not safe by yourself.

Dina. Dina.


Stay here.

[MARGOT] Lock yourself in the bathroom.

- [g*nsh*t]




- [g*nsh*t]

- [g*nsh*t]

[ALLIE] Look what you f*cking did!
Who are you to do this?

Who the f*ck are you?

- Come on.
- [g*nsh*t]

Stop it. Stop! Stop!

Stop. What was the
f*cking point of that?


- Allie!
- Who the f*ck are you?

- Get out of there! Move!
- He can't sh**t me.

He can't sh**t.

Let's go. Run.



You can bet he's got more people coming.


[BILL] You guys, hurry up now.

- Charlie, get down!
- The cops are coming.

Son, it's the cops
we need to be scared of right now.




- [DINA] What are we gonna do?

[CHARLIE] Just get away from them.

- [CHARLIE] Guys.
- [ALLIE] Come on.





- [MARGOT] Oh, shit. Here.
- Give it to me.

- [ALLIE] Go. Go.
- [MARGOT] Come on.

- f*ck!

- I did it. Dad.


[DINA] Mom, Dad. Come.

Get out there and find them!

- [DINA] Wait, get back, get back!
- [ALLIE] Shit.






Come on. Let's go.

Hold on, guys. Here, here.


[WHISPERS] Come on. Come on.