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01x02 - Foxes and Coyotes

Posted: 06/09/21 12:30
by bunniefuu

- So what do I do?

- Just go left.

- What?


Go left.

- [DINA]


- Yes, right here.

- Here!

- Here?


Pull over here, to the curb on the right.




Get the door!

Dad, the cops!

My tools.

Come on.


Put it down right here.



And open it.

- Help me.





I'm not going down there.


Me neither.



- Okay, good.



Dad, we need to go now.

Dad, like, really, really.



Come on.

Just leave it.

Come on.


Take this.


Bring that along.

Open the knife.

Okay, cut.








We got a vehicle here with matching plates.


- Dad?

- Come on.

Just stay with me.

Dad, where are we going?

We gotta get up high.

Come on.


Come on, keep moving.




You going?

Okay, good.

The Coke can.

I need you to cut the base off of it.

Just the bottom.

And I want you to cut it into thin strips, okay?

What am I making?

A shim.


Can you believe this?

Do you believe what we do to people?

Our government just spent $ billion on nuclear submarines.


Couldn't make submarines, set aside a couple bucks for these people?

Yeah, I think it's probably more complicated than that.

It is.

That's right.

Everything's complicated, but there is always a solution.

Not everything can be fixed, Dad.

Of course it can.

The trick is actually wanting to fix it.

We accept that things wear out, fall apart.

Nobody wants to fix things anymore.

Nothing's built to last.

Cars, vacuum cleaners, nothing.

TV breaks?

Throw it away.

Get a new one.

I see a TV in a shop window.

You know what I see?

Future trash.

Yeah, but these are people.

That's right.

They're people, and we throw them away.

And you wanna know why?

Because they committed the greatest sin of all in this country.

These people have stopped consuming.

So, we throw them away.

Throw them away.

They're broken consumers.


Do you ever think about what a disgusting word that is?

Reducing a human being to a word like that.


He's not there.

There's no one down there.


Pure shit down there.


That was fast.

- Shit.





You're gonna get the shim between the ratchet arm and the pawl.

- That's basically the catch mechanism.

- Okay.





- Fan out!

It's all right.

No rush.

- [DINA]

Got it.

- Okay.

We're going to disengage the teeth.

We're gonna slide the cuffs right open.

- Push very hard down on both cuffs.

- Is that gonna hurt?

Little bit.


Okay, okay.

Stop now.


Now off.


Over here!


Look at this!

- Let's go.

Come on.





- Come on.






Who is it?

- Agents Shapland and Jones, NSA.


Mr. Ortega, if you could please open the door.

So how much trouble are you actually in?


That's all I'm getting, right?

"Enough." Of course not.

I just can't, uh...

Can't get into it right now.

Not the details of it.

Okay, but you will?

I will.

Not tonight.

Okay, so where do we go?

What do we do?

We're gonna go meet your mother and Charlie.

And then what?


Then we're gonna chase the weather down to Mexico.

- To where?

- Mexico.

- Sip tequila, go swimming, go fishing.


You don't eat enough fish.

You need to eat more fish.

We don't even know anyone there.

- Sure, we do.

- No, we don't.


- People we can trust.



So we're supposed to just follow you to Mexico?

Just like that?

We're not your family, Dad.

We're your audience.

Do you really believe that?



We go to Mexico...

and hook up with your friends or whatever, and... and we what?

Live with them?

Just for a bit.

Just a little bit, yeah.

And then what?

Dad, I had plans.


go to school and... and get a life.

Like... a normal life.

I can't just hide out with you guys forever.

Why not?

- I'm being serious.

- So am I.


We're gonna get somewhere safe.

And then we're gonna start thinking about next steps for you.

What kinda next steps?

Well, these people, they can...

They can build you a whole new identity.

The girl that T-boned a cop car, she won't even exist.

Come back to the US a whole new woman.

Go to college.

Live your life.

And they're not just like... people you've heard of?

You actually know them?

Trust me.

And they're not, like, dangerous or whatever?


My ass, these guys are dangerous.

They're basically just a bunch of tree huggers that knit their own g*dd*mn yogurt.


Tree huggers who can make someone a whole fake identity.


Better than the other kind of tree hugger, right?





I just need to call Grandma.

Tell her I'm not coming.

I'm afraid we don't really know Mr. Fox.

He and I never met.

But his daughter, Dina, she and your son, Josh, they hung out, right?

Boyfriend-and-girlfriend-type deal?

I mean a little, sure, but it was mostly a phone-based deal.

Like, mostly talking and stuff.

What stuff?

Uh, I...

I don't know.

Just, um... stuff.




Did she tell you where she was going?

How to contact her?

She didn't even tell me she was leaving.

I guess she must have just sort of, uh, gone.

But all of this hanging out, doing whatever, phone time...

she must have told you something.


Mr. Ortega, please sit.





♪ I can't get to the phone ♪

♪ So please leave a message ♪

♪ Right here on this machine ♪


Hey, Josh. It's Dina.

Just wanted to say I'm leaving.

Gotta go.

So, yeah.



I'll, uh, try to call or something when I can.


- Dina, please don't hang up.

I'm sorry.

Who is...

Who is this?

My name is Estelle Jones.

I work for the United States government.

Are you in a safe place right now?

Can you talk?

It's very, very important.

Dina, listen.

None of us likes this situation.

But none of us wants it to escalate either.

And unless we do the right thing here, it will escalate.

So I'm gonna tell you the best thing you could do now for yourself, for your brother, but mostly for your mom and dad, would be to tell us where you are.

Believe it or not, we're here to help.

That's all we wanna do.

What did he do?

My dad.

Why are you doing this to him?

Let me turn that around.

Why is he doing this to you?

Why is he making you live the way you do?

Because... in this country...

people eat when they're not hungry and drink when they're not thirsty.

They buy what they don't need and throw away everything that's useful.

Because of Republicans and Democrats.

Because of entitlement and rudeness.

Snobbery and religion.

Anti-vaxxers and lobbyists.

Because of frauds and bullshit artists.

Because America is in gridlock.

Buying junk, eating junk and selling junk.

Because it's dying on its own ass and it can't see why.


And you took that as gospel?

Didn't smell of self-justifying bullshit to you?

Honey, listen.

I know you're scared and I know you're confused.

But I also know you're a smart, young woman with a fine future ahead of her.

I know there are things you wanna do with your life.

And you can have those things... if you make the right decision.

This is the hinge moment.

Right now.

This conversation.

Do your parents plan on leaving the country?

Where are you guys headed?





- You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

You sure?


Everything's okay.

Can we go now?



Come on.



It's all right.

Let's go.


Before anyone sees.

Come on, let's go.

So, where next?



Everyone okay?


Um, look, I know we got a lot to talk about.

But right now, we need to focus on our current concerns.

We need money.

And I'm warning you that what's about to happen...

seen from a... a certain perspective, might seem like imperfect parenting.

Your mother and I have tried very hard...

Sweetheart, will you pass me that shopping bag?

The empty one.

Thank you.

Back in a sec.




Come on!

It's okay.

I'm in.

I'll get the door.

Flip it.


Nice touch.

What are you doing?

Reaching out to Calaca.

Letting him know we're finally coming.


All right.

Be quick.


I'm trying.



So what happened?



Dad got busted.


Holy shit.

- By who?

- Seriously?

- The cops?

- Yeah.


No shit.

Uh, then why isn't he in jail?

I rescued him.


My skinny white ass, you rescued him.

Ask him if you like.

And don't say things like that.


What do you think he did?

Nothing bad.

I don't think he did anything bad.



- What's up?

- We need to tell them.

- Who?

- The kids.

- Why?

- They need to make their own decisions.

- About what?

- About whether to come with us or not.

They're kids.

They don't need to know anything.

They could get hurt.

They're not gonna get hurt.

They're with us.

Well, that's what I'm worried about.

You think we're not good parents?

Allie, right now we're robbing a safe and running to Mexico.

All right, what do you wanna do?

You wanna let them hand themselves in?

You think that would make them happier?

Spend the next God knows how many months being debriefed by suits, asking them questions over and over and over again?

About shit they know nothing about?

"What kind of toothpaste does your mother use?" "Wh...

Uh, where does your father buy his shirts?" Then they get farmed off to a bunch of do-gooders.

Get their heads filled with all kinds of bullshit about how to succeed in America.

It'll be good for them.

It'll be an education.

It'll be a school without walls.

If you do that, they'll know it was us who took the money.

Who cares?

We're never coming back here anyway.

So long, America.

Have a nice day.







Mom, who is that?


A friend.

His name is Juan.

- Tell him Hector sent you.



Good luck.

Thank you.

Take care.

He is not an assh*le.



The f*ck, Miguel?


Don't have anyone touch my car!




And it's another hot one in Arizona today

with the excessive heat wave warning continuing across the Valley.

Sun, sun, and more sun.

Already in Apache Junction, in Queen Creek, and in...


It makes ice, apparently.

Well, I...

I can see his problem.

I already got a machine at home that does that.

It's called a refrigerator.



We're gonna need your computer.


Uh, why?

- Because.

Um, I mean, if you're gonna check the browser history, you should know I'm not the only one with access.

Everyone and his dog uses the g*dd*mn thing.

So, listen, Mr.

Polski, we need to catch this guy.

So, is there maybe someone at work he's friendly with?

Anyone he passes the time of day with?

Anyone who can help us at all here?

I mean, he's the handyman.

It's not like I know the guy.

Yeah, but you don't mind if we ask around a little.

Talk to the fellows that work here.

Um, it's...





You Juan?

I'm a friend of Hector's.

I don't wanna be rude, but do you have any idea how many Hectors I know?



Coming through, people.



Let me see your ID.

Come with me.





It's your choice, Hector.

It's either the ice guy...

or the guys from ICE.


I sent him to a guy I know in Arizona.

A coyote.


So what's this coyote's name?

Dude, I'd really like to take your money, man.

I really would, but you're gringos going into México.

I mean, that's not gonna be hard at all.

It's gonna be pretty hard.

Can I be straight with you?

Uh, sure, but it's not gonna make a difference.

Chances are pretty good they're gonna be looking for us at all the official border crossings.

You know, facial recognition software, the whole deal.


So wear a hat.

Hat's not gonna solve this problem.

And hey, sorry and all but I'm really not your guy.


Except that Hector says that you're my guy.

I was your guy.

I used to be your guy.

But I put down roots, you know.

Look, I can give you some names if you want.

Hook you up.

Yeah, see, I don't...

I don't trust anybody else.

Dude, you don't know me.


If Hector says that you're my guy, then... you're my guy.

You're their guy.

Hector says I can trust you with them.

It's good of him to say so, but no.

I gotta think of myself here.

Me and Chuy.



So, what's with the tags?

The f*ck do you think is with the tags?

- You wanna know what I think?

- Honestly, not at all.

Well, I'm gonna take a s*ab at it.

You've, uh, probably applied for asylum in the US courts.

You're on release while your case is being assessed.

And, uh, you probably passed a credible fear interview.

Yeah, so what?

So, the reason why you don't wanna go to Mexico is because the guy you're claiming asylum from is probably in Mexico.

And if you were right about that, my life wouldn't be worth shit if I crossed the border anyway, huh?

I can take those tags off of you.

Get the f*ck out of here.

Look, I'm not asking you to move there or anything.

I'm just asking you to, you know, tiptoe down to the border with us and drop us across it.

Do you like living on a leash all the time?

Might be nice to go to a restaurant every now and again.

You know, catch a show.

See a band.

Hey, look.

You guys make a little bit of money, I take those shock collars off you and you get to go to a bar.

Slug back a beer whenever you like.

Hell, wherever you like.

Good work.

What's with the gift wrap?

I know it looks a little crazy, but...

basically we've turned the car into a Faraday cage.

Come on in.








once we tamper with your tag, it's gonna send out a warning signal,

- but...


... thanks to the foil, it's not gonna get out of the car.


it's gonna go to this box.

And once the tag knows that the signal's been received, it'll stop transmitting.

- Yeah.



- Yeah.

It's very cool.




Hey, Mom.

Check it out.


Original pressing.

- You like them?

- Yeah.

It's pretty cool.

- [DINA]

You listen to them?


All the time.

Even though they're from, like, England?

It's not about where you're from, it's about where you're at, right?

So, can we play it?

- Dina...

- [CHUY]

No, no.

It's cool.

Throw something on.

This one.

"There Is A Light That Never Goes Out." That song is pretty badass.

But, uh, I personally...

I think his solo stuff is best.


We're good to go.

We have to work fast though.

If the tag's off-line for too long, somebody's gonna notice.

Foot in my lap, please.

Come on.

- [CHUY]



Wanna dance?


♪ Los Angeles ♪

♪ You are too hot ♪

♪ You have never been in love ♪

♪ Until you've seen the stars ♪

♪ Reflect in the reservoirs ♪

♪ And you have never been in love ♪

♪ Until you've seen the dawn rise ♪

♪ Behind the home for the blind ♪

♪ We are the pretty petty thieves ♪



There it is.


♪ Where Hector was the first of the g*ng ♪ ♪ With a g*n in his hand ♪

♪ And the first to do time ♪ ♪ The first of the g*ng to die ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ Hector was the first of the g*ng ♪ ♪ With a g*n in his hand ♪

♪ And the first to do time ♪ ♪ The first of the g*ng to die ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ He stole all hearts away ♪

♪ Away ♪

♪ He stole all hearts away ♪

♪ Away ♪

So, as far as the authorities are concerned, that's your new ankle monitor.

Wherever it goes, that's where they think you are.



It is.

It's actually pretty cool.



Gene Silvers.

Sheriff of Yuma.

- Nobody home.

- What's that mean?

Well... these things seem to be registering as ankle monitors.

Guys could be anywhere.

We're gonna take El Camino del Diablo.

The Devil's Highway.

[SPEAKING SPANISH] Camino del Muerto.


Yeah, that works too.

Wait, m-muerto as in... in death?

Yeah, no kidding.

It's been used for, what, like a thousand years.


It used to be like a network of footpaths used by indigenous people or whatever.

You know, guys who lived in the desert.

Conquistadors, explorers, missionaries, settlers, miners, guys who make maps.

Either way, it earned its name.

It's a camino seen a lot of muerte.

- How many times have you crossed it?

- Oh, me and Chuy?

Uh, well, enough times to never wanna do it again.

We'll be fine.

These guys know exactly what they're doing.

Yeah, if we knew what we were doing, we'd be at home playing Xbox.

What's Xbox?



We got no godly idea what this is about.

Piece of art, maybe?

It's a Faraday cage.

A wh...


A what now?

Doesn't matter.

Any progress?

Well, the... the truth of it is the...

border patrol is stretched to breaking.

But if your, uh, fugitive is as smart as you say, with his Reynolds here and his, uh, rollaway cages and all, he'll be keeping clear of the actively patrolled area.

You have areas that aren't actively patrolled?

Well, there's a basic shit ton of border.



The policy is what we call prevention through deterrence.

What's the deterrent if there's no border patrol?

You die trying to cross.


And does that deter them?

Well, I guess it deters the ones that die.

And maybe some of their cousins who come stumbling on the bones.

Just to be clear, are we joking here?

No, ma'am, we are not.

Sweet Jesus, I'm in hell.

All right, listen, with respect, you want hell?

There's a million square miles of it out there.

We assign resources the best we can.

Yeah, but you have local militia, right?

Volunteers that patrol the border.

Yeah, we do.

Well, what are the chances of getting word to those guys?

Putting them on alert that a bunch of fugitives are heading south to Mexico.


So, where's the road?


Oh, we don't need one.

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.


- [JUAN]

Han Solo?

- Yeah.

- Like the Falcon, right?

- Right.

The Millennium Falcon?

From the movie?

We don't really watch movies or TV shows.

Mostly just read books and stuff.

That's cool.

And books are cool.

Hey, you just sit back and relax.

Enjoy the in-flight entertainment.


Border patrol?


Not out here.



- It could be but I hope not.

Those guys are the worst.

All right, let's back up.

Too late.

Yeah, we definitely have an issue here.

What kind of issue?

- Militia.

- Vigilantes?


Ponte las pilas.


- Mm.

Everybody, be cool.

- Why?

- Shh.

No, seriously.

Why do we have to be cool?

All right.

All right, I'll talk to them.

No, no, no.

Let me.

I'll talk to them.

What, a woman to speak for a man?

That's gonna ruffle their feathers.


- Seriously.

Just gonna talk to them.

Sit tight.

Yeah, you're the white guy.

Go out white them.


That's the plan.

Wait here.

Guys, honestly, he'll deal with it.

He will.

He'll deal with it.





- How you boys doing?

- We're doing okay, sir.

So, what did you guys do anyway?

- Nothing to interest these assholes.

- [JUAN]


It's me and this assh*le that are gonna interest these assholes, so I need to know how much trouble we're in here.

Just let him talk.

Well, dude can talk.



Hmm, you got that right.


So, what are you folks doing way out here?

You guys cops?

Just being friendly.



Uh, w-well, we're birders.

Birding family.

- Uh-huh.




Big birds.

You know, like a ten-foot wingspan.

To ride in the thermals.

Do it for hours.

What the f*ck?


He knows what he's doing.


Phoenix Zoo just released a, uh, breeding pair.

But we're not looking for that pair in particular, you know.

There's gotta be...

Oh, sheesh, at least breeding pairs between here and Utah.

Talking to a guy in the chat rooms this morning and he was saying that, uh...

he's a vet... veterinarian, not a...

not a vet like you guys.

But he's a vet and he was saying he just got a condor chick that he had rescued.

- Still in the shell.

- Mind me asking who you got with you?

Like I said, my family.

The two in the front?


The Latino-looking gentlemen.


Ser cool ser amable.

Guys, we have children in the car.


Ex-wife in the back seat.

Two kids.

That's my husband and that's his cousin.

Not much of a birder.


But he humors us, you know.

Family's family.

What about you guys?

What are you guys doing out here?

See those hills over there?


Over yonder?

Come on.

Quit while you're ahead.

Don't make him crazy.

Pretty sure we got some cartel spotters hidden out there.

Chances are as soon as we move on, they'll be moving their people through here.

All right, point taken.

Stay away from those hills.

These people are dangerous.

You see anything suspicious, be sure and hightail it directly back to town.


All right.

- Birds or no birds.

Roger that.

Will do.

You have a good day, sir.

Yeah, you too.

Let's go.


Be safe out there.



Don't forget to hydrate.

If you're thirsty, it's too late.



We been asked to look out for

fugitives trying to cross the border, north to south.

Anglo family, four of them, in the company of two coyotes.


We got a description, over?


On your knees.

Hands in the air.

- Hands in the air.

On your knees now.

- What?

- On your knees!

- Yeah.


- On your knees.

Hands in the air.



Kids, I need you to get out of the car.


- What?





I don't want to.


Just move, sweetheart.

Hands in the air.

Stay in the vehicle!

You, do not move!

Stay in your car!


They're my kids, please.

- Put the g*ns down!

Put the g*ns down.

- Get on the ground and stay down.

Everybody, keep their hands where I can see 'em!

What are you doing?

They're kids!

Let them out of the car!


Okay, get the kids out.

Kids can get out.

Okay, you in the back.

Ma'am, out of the car!



- Don't get out of the car.

- Move back!

Dina, stay in the car!

Everybody keep their hands where I can see them!

Get out!

- Slowly!

- Don't get out of the car!

- Stay in the car.

- [MAN]

Shut up!

Keep quiet!

- Mom?

- What...

What do we do?

Get out of the car.


- Slowly!

- Stay in the car.

[MAN ]

Everybody keep their hands where I can see 'em.

Get out!

- Stay in the car, Margot.

- Slowly!


Shut up and keep your face down.

[MAN ]

Now move back.

Keep your hands in the air!

Move back!

- I said move back!

- Please don't hurt anyone.



Get away from the car now!

Get the two out of the front!


Toss them g*ns out of the car!

- Throw out the g*ns!

Throw them out!

- Put the g*n down then we'll do it!

Put the g*n down!

Five seconds.



Put down the g*n!

- Two...

- [POPS]

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

[g*nf*re STOPS]




- Shh.


It's okay!

It's okay.

We're okay.

We gotta go!