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07x12 - Good-Bye Vibrations

Posted: 06/09/21 07:10
by bunniefuu
You're probably all wondering why I called this team meeting at : a.m.

on a Saturday.

Oh, babe, we should've brought breakfast.

It's fine.

No one's hungry.

[stomach growls loudly]

Ignore that.

I could get Belgian waffles.

From Brussels.

Yum, that sounds incredible.

- Yeah?

Should I do it?

- [excited chatter]

Okay, no, no, no, no, no.

Don't... don't do that, okay?

As much as I hate to say it, waffles can wait.

First, there's something we really need to tell you.

And we wanted our closest friends to hear it first.

Are you guys pregnant?

Wait, is this about another big bad?

I'll call Chester and Allegra.

No, no, and definitely not.

What we wanted to say is...

both: We're leaving Central City.



[dramatic music]

♪ So wait, you're... you're moving?


We both realized that we're ready to start something new.

For me it's my gallery show in Miami and, babe..

You two remember that guy, Chip Cooper?

Yeah, the A.R.G.U.S.

Director of Technology and Science?

Well, he's been reassigned to C.E.M.A.

The Cosmic Emergency Management Agency.

Wow, I really am the biggest nerd here.

Anyway, Chip's leaving and thanks to a great recommendation from Lyla and Dig, A.R.G.U.S. offered me the job.

The thing is they really needed me like, yesterday.

Yeah, and I will be joining Cisco in Star City as soon as my exhibition is done.

Look, I know this is super short notice, but...

they're both great opportunities for us.

And we just hope you guys understand.

Of course we do.

Yeah, this is great.

- This is great, man.

- So great, we're so happy.


Well, you guys must have so much to do.

Um, I just have to show Chester a couple things and then finish packing but...

All right, well, whatever you need,

- just let us know.

- Of course.

- Yeah, okay.

- Yeah.

Cool, thanks.

- [all chuckling]

- Okay.

- All right, congrats.

- Thank you.

- Whoo-hoo.


- [chuckles]

That went way better than expected.


Sweet Sarah E. Goode.

This room has been here the whole time?


And I kinda haven't done inventory in, like, six years, so...


[cheery upbeat music]

Speed treadmill.

♪ No way.



♪ Cool, cool, cool.

- Freeze.

- Yup, mm-hmm.

I don't even know what this is but it's so cool.


The thinker's chair.

This is the droid I've been looking for.


Hey, what's all this?

♪ You got, like, a lifetime's worth of Comic-Con threads in here.

These bad boys are all coming with me.

- Mm.

- But the rest...

[soft dramatic music]

The rest is all yours.

♪ Whoa.

♪ Dude.

I'm really gonna miss you, man.

- Team Chesco and all that.

- [both chuckle]

Sorry, I know I gotta be, like, the zillionth person to be getting all sappy on you.

You know, actually, everyone else seems to be taking the news really well.

Maybe it just didn't sink in yet?

I mean, 'cause, dude, this is the end of an era.

It is the end of an era.

You are so right, Ches.

This is such a big deal that people just probably need a little more time to process it.

Yeah, they just need to soak it in, you know?

I gotta go pack.

'Cause an hour from now, we could be knee deep in Kleenex and tears, am I right?

- Yeah, I bet.

- [chuckles]

I'm just gonna spend the rest of the day here.

Go for it!


[pensive music]

♪ What the...

♪ "Happy to help. Barry."

♪ So I guess that's done.


That was fast.

Yeah, well, it helps when your best friend's The Flash, doesn't it?

Sure does.

Since it's just us...

How you holding up?

You sure you're doing okay with everything that's happening?

You know, me leaving?

Oh, of course.

I mean, come on.

A.R.G.U.S. has not one, but three bionic neural integrators.

You are movin' on up, my friend.

Yeah, but fancy new toys aside, if you wanna talk about anything...

Oh, there is something that I wanted to say.

I knew it.

What is it?

Lay it on me.

"You suck forever.

But I love you anyway." It's from Frost.

She's stuck up at Mom's lab.

She's sorry she couldn't say goodbye.

Frost, she kills me.

She really does.

Me, too.

Do you remember how I got stuck in the cryo-vault my first day?

You would've hacked your way out of there.

We all knew you were a genius from day one.


♪ Can I have your ID badge?

♪ Mm.

Mm-hmm, yeah.


Right, right.

Thank you.

And your access codes too, please.

Yes, ma'am.

Happy to help.

- Thank you.

- [smacks lips]

So you'd like to open an account.

Actually, what I'd like to know is, what would make you happy?

Quitting this job.

I hate it.

Then do it.

Live your best life.

You know what?

I will.

I'll record an album.

I'm thinking a... an EDM country hybrid.

What do you think?

I think what would make me happy is a cashier's check for $ million.

Of course.

Right away.


And who shall I make it out to?


[printer buzzes]


And there you go.


You're the best.


Now I need you to wait here.

- Kay.

- Say, minutes.


Then you can leave and never look back.

[both laugh]

- Got it?

- Yeah.

[energetic EDM music]

- [wild laughter]

- Who says money can't buy happiness?

- How much was stolen?

- million.

But no one stole anything.

Somehow our suspect got Ellis to give her a cashier's check, then she strolled out of the bank and drove off in a blue van.

But Ellis was acting so weirdly happy, I thought I'd check to see if our suspect used a neurotoxin on him, and found this instead.

Whoa, that's a lot of dark matter.

So we know our thief's a meta.

Now we just need to figure out how her powers work.

Mm, I can help with that.

She makes people euphoric.

Take a look at Ellis' brain scan.

So she controls people's cingulate cortexes.

Yes, which is why there's such huge levels of dopamine and serotonin in his scan.

These levels are definitely enough to make him loopy and susceptible to suggestion.

Oh, yeah, he would've done anything she asked him to do.

But the good news is is the blissful effects of her powers wear off in about hours.

Are you guys debriefing without me?


Yeah, we didn't wanna bother you.

We figured you'd be busy packing your apartment and whatnot.

Yeah, well, I wouldn't pass up the chance to solve one last case together, now would I?

Cisco, this is just a meta who makes people happy.

I think Barry and I can handle it ourselves.

Or, O.G. Team Flash can make taking her down part of our last mission together.

Guys, come on.

I wanna do this with you.

Oh, okay.

Well, then that's what we'll do.

Thank you so much.

Good news, boss.

Though I didn't get much from the badge on site, I did manage to get quotes from an eyewitness who saw the perp leave.

Okay, great work.

I will send you my interview with Stanley Ellis.

Can you start on a copy?

I need , words ASAP.

On it.

I'm gonna need a photo to run with the story.

Yeah, of course.

I have one of Ellis giving his statement.

Wait, was Cecile here earlier?

Guess so.

Oh, that's Detective Finn.

Gonna see if he'll chat on the record.



Detective Finn.

Hey, so about Cisco and me leaving.

I would've told you earlier.

It's just, we wanted to tell you all together.

No, don't worry.

We were all so busy.

Iris, you trusted me to be the eyes of "The Citizen."

And that gave me the confidence to take my career to the next level.

You changed my life and I'll never forget that.

So thank you.

You're welcome.

Now I feel guilty about leaving you

- on such short notice.

- No, it's fine.

Really, really.

No, it's not.

Well, I know you're seeing new candidates today.

Maybe I can help you vet them?


Yeah, that'd be great.

- Great.

- Come on.

I checked out Ellis' brain scan and I had major déjà vu.

Folks, we've been on this exact emotional rollercoaster before.

Well, sorta.

Last time, it was Roy G. Bivolo.

But our new meta makes people happy, not angry.

Enter Rainbow Raider . , which means we already know how to stop her.

Using that prismatic light grid I built to reverse Bivolo's whammy effects we can use it to neutralize her meta abilities.

Just remember.

Don't make eye contact.


Hey, how many gadgets do you think we've built over the years, huh?

Really, when you do the math, that's a lot of bad guys we've taken down.

You know, when you leave, you should take all the plans with you.

I mean, I'm sure everything you've built must mean a lot to you.

Yeah, it does.

[alarms ringing]

Satellite's got a hit on the van from the robbery.

Let's do this.

One last time.

[wild laughter]

All right, crime spree's over, miss.

Step away from the case.

You think I'm a crook?



Flash, you've got it all wrong.

Nice leotard, by the way.

Thank you.

Mm, who's the sidekick?

I'm Mecha-Vibe, and you're toast.

[gadget whirring]

[machine splutters]


Wanna see a real light show now?

[dramatic music]

♪ Oh, it's not exactly Circuit de la Sarthe, but let's see how fast this baby can go!


[engine turns over]

- Uh, Flash?

- Yeah, I'm on it.

Where'd she go?

Where'd she go?

She had, like, $ million worth of jewelry.


That's my name.

Don't wear it out!


Dude, I am so happy to have you in my life!

Okay, this is happening.

On a very public street.

Oh, man, don't be embarrassed.

Embrace it.

- Yeah.

- [humming tune]


We should probably stop.

You know I love you, right?


♪ I got my dream job ♪

♪ Gonna go to A.R.G.U.S. ♪

♪ And do some science, science-y science ♪

At least he's not raging out and trying to k*ll us.

Why didn't the prism grid work?

My working theory is that Roy used one color of the spectrum, red, to induce anger in his victims.

♪ So many lenses! ♪

But our . version uses the whole rainbow.

Since that makes her power seven times stronger than Roy's, when Cisco tried using the grid...

♪ And "Miami Vice"! Do-do-do-do ♪

She overloaded it with vibrational energy from the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!



Speaking of overloaded, he's gonna be like that till tomorrow.

I'll have the satellites keep searching for Rainbow Raider . .

Once we get a hit, I'll meta-cuff her and give her a one-way transport to Iron Heights.

Okay, great, but what about him?

Hey, hey!

I'm doin' just fine!

Thanks for asking.

We're gonna need a babysitter.

All those applicants...

I really thought we'd meet someone you'd like.

Yeah, me too.

I will try again next week.

What was wrong with Kenji again?

She's super talented and she seemed really nice.

Kamilla, you know better than anyone that we don't just cover local politics and football scores.

We need someone who can handle everything.

And I get that, but...

I mean, even I couldn't handle everything on day one, so maybe expecting everything from the get-go is asking a bit much?

Okay, I will keep her in mind.

I just...

I want to find the right person.


But she's not the only good applicant you passed on today.

I said I would keep her in mind.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ I'm sorry.

That was harsh.

Uh, no, it's fine.

You don't have to explain.

I gotta go.


[door opens, closes]


So I was thinking maybe waffles?

You know I love waffles!

Oh, yeah, you love those!

What are these doing down here, man?

Dude, you know I'm Mecha-Vibe.

You know I had to upgrade the specs.

But it's only 'cause the convex filtration coating on these wore off over time.


These poor little buggers.

- I miss 'em.

- Poor guys.

What else you got going on down here, man?

There's just... there's, you know, so much stuff!

All that waffle talk made me hungry.

I gotta eat.


No, no, no.


Chester P. Runk.


You don't want me to leave the Starchives.

Okay, fine, look, they made me do it because...


I know why you're trying to keep me down here.

It's because they wanna throw me a surprise going away party.

- Uh...

- And to think...

I thought they didn't care.

- [laughs]

- [laughs]

Spin move!

No, Cisco, wait!

Come on, Ches!



Satellite's picked up our perp's van parked right outside Ferris Airfield.

It's registered to a former collections officer named Carrie Bates.

There aren't any banks or jewelry stores out there.

What's she up to?


- Cisco?

- Yeah, sans Chester.

Where all the balloons at?

Am I early?


I'm early, aren't I?

No sweat, Boba Fett.

It's all hakuna matata.

I know exactly how to get this party started.

Okay, get ready, get ready.

I'm almost there.

No, you get ready.

To laugh.

[meowing and upbeat music playing]

♪ [laughs]

So cute.

But also so funny!

Turn it off!

Turn it off...

- What did you do?

- I just turned Flash's happy dial up to with a little suit upgrade.

- Cisco, he can't see.

- Yeah, he can.

No, I can't.

I can't see.

Whoops, my bad.


♪ [yelps]

- [laughing]

- Barry, are you all right?

Cisco, shut it off!

Shut it off!

- Okay, bro-tholomew.

- [music quits]

You all right?


I'm fine.

[mumbles, gasps]

Looking for me, Red?


You heroes, always on a mission.

Well, I'm on a mission, too.

- And you don't want to stop me.

- No.

So be a happy boy and enjoy some me time somewhere else.



You okay?

Did you stop the bad lady?


I didn't want to!


Go, Flash!

Go, Flash!

Go, Flash!

Go, Flash!

Okay, Barry, why don't we take a break from the dancing?


She said "break dancing"!

[hip-hop music plays]


You saw how he slid in like that?

♪ All night to the early morning ♪

- ♪ Can you feel the music ♪

- Okay, okay!

♪ All night to the early morning ♪


Yeah, Flash dance!

He's a maniac!

- ♪ I got the baddest flows ♪

- ♪ I rock the baddest shows ♪

- Yeah, oh, he's a beast!

♪ I'm the illest MC that you have to know ♪

Since when do you know how to break-dance?

Since I sped watched break dancing videos online.

Oh, what up, party people!

- My G!

- [all shouting]

Ay, ay, ay, ay.

Oh, oh!

- Send it back.

- Sending it back.

Both: Ooh!




- Oh, right, yeah.

- ♪ Feel the music ♪

Hey, guys, guys.

♪ Say cheese! ♪

Both: Cheese!

[gadget whirring]

[both groan]

How do you guys feel?

Uh, exhausted.

And a lot less happy.


- Chester, how'd you cure them?

- Okay, so I figured if we focus Carrie's full spectrum light particles through a vibrational filter, the resulting fractal energy would counteract the whammy effect.

You know, it's kinda like Vibe saved the day one last time.

Carrie put a Ferris Air logo on her van.

That must be where she's going next.

I think I know why.

You see that airship?

It's a stealth dirigible with a bleeding edge auto-navigation and a two-ton payload.

And guess where it just got stolen from?

Ferris Airfield.

Why would she steal a blimp?

Maybe it's okay.

I mean, it's not like she stole the Death Star, right?

No, but it can cloak itself, making it untraceable by satellites, including ours.

Cisco, you're gonna be, like, a boss at A.R.G.U.S.

so maybe they've got something that we don't that could help us out.

[soft dramatic music]


Yeah, you know what?

Why don't I just show up to work a day early, report for duty, and ask them in person?

Why don't I just do that?

♪ I was just...

♪ I need a minute.

♪ [somber music]

♪ Listen, I don't know what's got you two so ready to get rid of me, but maybe we should just say goodbye now and get it over with.

Cisco, we really messed up.

Big time.

You don't...

want to get rid of me?

No, we don't want to get rid of you.

I mean, we're barely holding it together.

This whole time I thought you guys just didn't care that I was leaving.

We are so sorry we made you feel that way.

But when you told us, I mean, we both decided to put on a brave face so we could tackle one last case together so you could move on.

And your last day wouldn't be a tear fest.

Caitlin, have you met us?


[emotional music]

♪ We are gonna miss you so much.

♪ [sniffles]

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Honestly, man, I was scared if we started talking about you leaving, I would ask you to stay.

And maybe you actually would.


I couldn't do that to my best friend.

From the second I woke up after being hit by lighting, you've been there.

You were there every step of this journey.

There wouldn't be a Flash without Cisco Ramon.

♪ I did build some pretty rad suits.


You did.

♪ Do you remember when Psych made us see our worst fears?

Mine was seeing myself, years from now.

I was still here with the next gen of heroes.

I still had my long hair.

♪ But it was gray.

And everyone else was changing and growing.

But not me.

♪ And that scares the hell out of me.

♪ Cisco.

You are a born leader.

You're probably gonna be running A.R.G.U.S. in no time.

I know.

I am a man on a mission.

♪ What do you say we figure out why our thief took that blimp for a joyride so we can wrap up this case and celebrate?

I think I actually know what Carrie's plan is.

♪ Barry, you were right.

Carrie's been fired from six different collection agencies

- in the last three months.

- What for?

Says here whenever somebody had a huge medical debt, she'd cancel it

- instead of collecting.

- That makes sense.

Carrie told me she was on a mission, too.

She didn't steal cash and diamonds for herself.

She's giving it away like a Rainbow Robin Hood.

Then what's the blimp for?

[alarms ringing]

[dramatic music]

♪ She's gonna make it rain.

All that money and jewels...

It's gonna be chaos.

♪ As they say, it's better to give than to receive.

The Gotham Goliaths are feeling small in Central City, where the Sharks are leading by points in the fourth quarter.

As if things weren't bad enough, , screaming football fans are about to exit Shark Stadium all at once.

Drunken sports fans tearing each other apart, fighting over diamonds and cash falling from the sky?

We have to find a way to stop her before it starts.

What about Chester's new device?

Uh-uh, to counter Carrie's rainbow blast, we'd need a much more powerful light grid...

One the size of Texas.

Good thing we have one.

[dramatic music]

♪ That's pretty high.

You sure you can't just "fathwoom" us up there?

The ship's hull contains two tons of compressed hydrogen.

One spark of lightning could make it explode.

You can do this.

You've done it before.

Okay, hang on to your buns.


[shockwaves pulsing]

[electronics crackle and beep]


Come on, Red, give me a break.

I'm just trying to help ordinary people get ahead.


Go, go.

There's a better way to help people.

Is there?

Because folks are really hurting right now.

Some people can barely put food on the table, let alone pay rent.

You know why?

Because the systems left them behind.

[electronics crackle]

Those people need help.

Real help.

The kind that starts after you're gone.

That's where I step in.

Because I care what happens, Flash.

Do you?

Yes, I do.

That's why instead of sending you to Iron Heights, I'm gonna recommend you work off whatever sentence you receive with Mayor Sampson's economic development committee.

You're right, Carrie.

The city does need you.

From what I've just heard, I'm confident you're the right woman for the job.


You'd do that for me?

My hero.


The auto-navigation control's been damaged.

Looks like that energy tango fried the system.

Uh, folks, we got less than two minutes to impact.

[dramatic music]

[crowd cheering]

Flash, please tell me you can get us off this balloon before it explodes, 'cause if I use a tele-sphere with us moving this fast...

We might all end up pancaked in the nearest sidewalk.

Look, I can try and phase us out of here without sparking an expl*si*n.

I never wanted to hurt anyone.

Damn it, this thing's stuck on autopilot.

[engine rumbling]

Uh, guys, seconds.

♪ Get them to safety and then evacuate the area.

If this thing crashes, the hydrogen's gonna flash fry everything within a two-mile radius.

- No, I'm not...

- Look, Barry,

- there's not enough time.

- I'm not gonna let you die.

I'm not planning on it!


♪ I got this.

♪ Let's go.

♪ Flash, there's , people in there and the game...

Will be over any minute.

I know.

[dramatic music]

♪ Chester, what do I need to bypass a six dorsal propulsion unit?

Uh, I...

I don't know.

What do you have up there?

♪ I have me.

♪ [grunts]

♪ Come on.

[electronic beep]

You can do it.

Ooh, come on!

♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on!


Come on!

You can do it!

Come on!

You can do it, come on!



[triumphant music]






Dude, there is no word to describe how awesome you are right now.

Actually, there is.

He's da b*mb.

[breathing heavily]

Hell yeah, I am.

♪ [breathing heavily]

Okay, folks.

Our h*jacked airship is safely back at Ferris Air...

Where in the hell...

Just, go on.

Man, this is supposed to be my last debrief.

It's... it's cool, it's cool.

Just... just keep going.

Like, just think of it as, uh, Team Chesco, one last time.

- Um, uh...

- Huh?

Well, looks like the D.A.

is officially on board...

- Mm-hmm.

- With Carrie working off the rest of her sentence at the mayor's office.


Also, the Sharks beat the Goliaths, to nothing.

Go, Sharks.

As a bonus, CCPN is reporting a wave of donations across the city inspired by Carrie's "unique brand of charity."

There is gonna be a surprise party, isn't there?

- Yes!

- Yeah!

Well, actually, there's gonna be two, and they're a little last minute, but Team Citizen is gonna par-tay with Kamilla at their office, which means...

That the rest of the team...

♪ Is gonna kick it at the loft ♪

At the loft.

The only missing piece is the guest of honor, sir.


So you ready to do this thing?

Not yet.

This has all of my conceptual designs for S.TA.R. Labs...

Software fixes, fortifications for the Time Vault, Babel upgrades.

[heartfelt music]

You're the man now, dog.

Thanks, Cisco.

This is... wow.

I know I'm leaving this place in great hands.

[laughs softly]

You wanna drop that off in your new workshop

- so we can skedaddle?

- Hoo...

New workshop?

- Seriously?

- Yes.

[exciting music]


♪ Oh, I know that look.

You're gonna bail on me so you can spend all night organizing your stuff in that space, aren't you?

- Uh-huh.

- Yep.

But I promise I'll be there tomorrow morning at the epic goodbye breakfast at Jitters.

I know you will.

Thanks for showing me the ropes, man.

♪ Keep 'em safe for me, will you?

Roger that.

♪ [chuckles]

♪ [echoing]

What are you doing?

He likes this song.

How could you possibly know that?

I checked his Facebook page.

It's like everyone else is standing still.

The party's here!

Supersonic punch, baby, whoo!

I'll always remember this.

Doctor Wells and I...


You'd have to be a Weather Wizard.

Captain Cold.

The Mist.

The Turtle.


Now go...


Serve your higher purpose.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

How did you know what I like?

I had a feeling.



You're a hero, man.

How do you feel?

It's the end of an era.

♪ [laughs softly]


♪ I'm gonna miss you, too.

♪ I'm gonna miss all this.

[cork pops]

Even this drafty old building?

- Mm.

- [chuckles]

Kamilla, you know, about earlier, I...

I wasn't thinking and I was out of line.

It's okay.

I totally get it.

I think it was just hard for me because I'm not just saying goodbye to a valuable team member.

I'm saying goodbye to a friend.

And I'm gonna miss you.

So don't be a stranger.

You got it.

And, Iris, for the record, from the moment I first met Cisco, I knew things would be great, but I had that same feeling coming here and getting to know you and Allegra.

So to Team Citizen.

- All: Team Citizen.

- Whoo!

Looks like I'm just in time.

- Hi.

- Now it's a party.

Aw, thank you.

Hey, what's up with you being at the crime scene this morning?

- Hmm?

- The...

Oh, um, I was meeting up with an old contact.

There's something I've been trying to dig up for a case, and I am finally getting close.

Oh, hey, what do you say?

Group selfie, ladies.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

Ready, one, two, three.


♪ I'm gonna miss speedster delivery so much.

Like, what am I supposed to do the next time we get a craving for Lou Malnati's?

Order online like everyone else?

Like a normie?

No thanks.

Well, I guess you're just gonna have to come back and visit.

I guess so.

So you're buying a place in Star City?

That is the plan.

That's a big step.

But I'm proud of you.

Kamilla, too.

And it goes without saying.

You always have a place to stay here.

Thanks, Joe.

Hey, it's me that should be thanking you.

All these years, you've always had Barry's back.

You are a good man, Cisco Ramon.

[glasses clink]

We're gonna miss the hell out of you.

Speaking of, I have something that should help with that.

Pour vous.

- Whoa.

- [chuckles]

As a token of how special you all are to me.


You wore this on your first day at S.T.A.R. Labs.

What can I say?

From the beginning, you made me feel right at home.

All right, it's your night.

What do you want to do next?


[Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" playing]

[inhales deeply]

- [laughs]

- Oh, my gosh.

♪ - [laughs]

- This song?

You know, I didn't even put this as my favorite song on my Facebook.

I don't know who did that.

- You already know what time it is.

- Don't make me sing.

You know they're gonna compete, right?

This is my jam, though.

This is my jam.

This is my jam.

[mimics expl*si*n]

[grunting to beat]

♪ Wow.

My gosh.

♪ I wanna hold 'em ♪

♪ Like they do in Texas, please ♪

- Okay.

- ♪ Fold 'em, let 'em hit me ♪

♪ Raise it, baby, stay with me ♪

- Stay with me, huh?

- Both: ♪ Luck and intuition ♪

♪ Play the cards with spades to start ♪

♪ Yeah, and after he's been hooked ♪

♪ I'll play the one that's on his heart ♪

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All: ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

- ♪ I'll get him hot ♪

- Yeah.

- ♪ Show him what I've got ♪

- That's scary.

All: ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

both: ♪ I'll get him hot ♪

- ♪ Show him what I got ♪

- Show, show, show, show!

[in deep voice]

♪ Can't read my, can't read my ♪

Take it, take it.

- Dance break.

- Do it.

Both: ♪ Poker face ♪

♪ Salami, loyal money ♪

♪ Can't read my, can't read my ♪

- Yeah!

- ♪ No, he can't read my ♪

[choral voice] ♪ Poker face ♪

[high-pitched] ♪ Poker face ♪


both: ♪ P-p-p-poker face ♪

♪ P-p-p-poker face ♪


♪ Babe?

[whispers echoing]


[foreboding music]

- [whispering]


- [gasps]



[indistinct whispers]

♪ [unhinged music]

♪ I will find you.