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03x06 - Something Old, Something New

Posted: 06/01/21 16:59
by bunniefuu
DR. GREENBERG: When did this start?

NURSE JUDY: Couple of weeks ago.


Never a good sign when the doctor ain't got no words.

It's just, um...

you deteriorated much faster than I anticipated.

No shit.

Am I going blind?

Cytomegalovirus retinitis typically causes some loss of vision.

It's a viral infection that causes an inflammation of the retina.


Story of my m*therf*cking life.

So... prognosis is blindness?

Be honest with him.

For most patients with AIDS...

...this marks the beginning of the end.




I'm not gonna let y'all do this to me again.

You told me months ago that I was gonna die, and yet... I am, well past my expiration date.


So I'm gonna continue to do just that.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to put my clothes back on... I can get back to living my life.


For all

We know...


You really threw down today.


Well, I had to do something special for the mother of the bride.

Oxtails, rice and greens is what you trying to do to fatten me up for the wedding.

Is that what you trying to do?


What is going on?

- A gift, too?

- Mm-hmm.

Open it.

Oh, my God.

A dress, bitch?



You really outdid yourself, Pray.

This dress is beautiful.

Thank you.

It took me twice as long to make, but I had to get it right for you.

And for me.

What you mean?

Well, when I came to New York, it wasn't just because I was running away from my demons...

back at home.

I had a dream, Blanca.

To launch my own fashion house.

Pray Couture...

...would storm the runways of Paris and Milan.

- Not just the ballroom floor.

- Well...

I never feel more beautiful than when I wear your creations.

When I was named "Mother of the Year" in ' ... made that whole moment a full-on fairy-tale fantasy for me.

Your designs don't have to be on some far-off runway for them to matter.

You do know that, right?


So let this sickening gown mark the new beginning of the next era of Pray Couture.


I wish it was.

It's just getting harder and harder for me to work.

Well, it would be easier if you took them g*dd*mn sunglasses off.

Oh, my God.


I'm losing sight... this eye.

It's the beginning of the end.

And I don't know how much longer I have, and I'm not telling anybody.

I can't do the tears and the gloom and the doom.

(QUIETLY): Okay.

What can I do?

You've always been my heart.

And I need you to now be my eyes.

I got you.

I started something.

And I need your help to finish it.

A panel for the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Pray, I'm confused, this is for people who are...


I'm dying, Blanca.

You know one of Costas's last wishes was to be memorialized with a panel, and I...

just couldn't understand why it was so important to him.

Until now.

It's about...


Leaving something.

Just a little...

part of you behind.

You have your house and the kids.

What else do I h-have...

- for folks to remember me by?

- Pray.

Your legacy permeates ballroom.

Hell, you are ballroom.

Oh, ain't nobody thinking about me at a ball.

- They've all moved on.

- Hey.

They will remember you.


Look, if-if you need a project for me and you to work on...

...we'll sew this damn quilt, together, as a family.



PRAY TELL: The category is...




PAPI: The thing about baking is that it's science.

You got to be perfect.

One more.


No, man.

I just told you we got to...

We got to be exact, okay?

Be careful, Papa.

Now the eggs.

You know, the first thing they teach you in them fancy cooking schools is how to crack an egg.

You got to do it with one hand, and if you can't, they give you the boot.

Can you do it, Papi?

Mm, we'll see.

Ah, pretty good.

- I could do it, too.

- Yeah?

Beto, come on, man.

What are you doing?

This not no jungle gym.

How many times I got to tell you to be careful?

Now we're short two eggs.

I'm sorry.

Go sit down and do your coloring.


Can I watch Nickelodeon?

You know the deal, man.

TV only when it's dark out.

Come here.


Now put your sweater on.


Come in.

It's open.

Yo, what up, Papi?

Or should I call you Daddy now?

Yo, you can call me whatever you want, man.

You're saving my ass coming over here.

I haven't had time to go get nothin' for the crib.

Yo, Beto.

This is your Uncle Ricky.

He gonna be looking after you for a little bit.

- What's up, little man?

- Hi.

He hasn't had breakfast yet, but there's Eggos in the freezer.

Make sure he don't go nowhere near the windows, 'cause I haven't had time to put the locks on 'em yet.

And, oh, watch his coloring 'cause he not staying in the lines, bro.

Uh, aren't you just going to the Key Foods and Duane Reade?

Yeah, so?

Kids need structure.

It's nice to see how hard you're trying at this, man.

And, of course, nobody's surprised.

- How you been?

- I been good, man.

I'm back at Blanca's now until I hit on the road again.


You didn't tell me nothing.

One of Janet's dancers hopped on another tour, so they tapped your boy in.

- Hey.

- Ah, ah, ah, ah.


Yo, man, I'm heading out in the spring.

That's what's up, man.

Yo, you said you were staying at Blanca's.

You seen Angel?

ANGEL: The wedding is off. So you gonna tell all those girls they can't have their moment in their white dresses?

The amount of disappointment you would cause.

Elektra would k*ll you if you tried.

But I'm the one getting married.

Ain't I the only one who matters?

It's my wedding.

If I want to cancel, I should be able to.

Yeah, that's if you want to, but you don't.

You still got your ring on your finger.



I agreed to getting married, not to be the mother of some other woman's child.

What other kind of kid you want to raise with him, Angel?

You're laying here, having a pity party, bitching about being lucky enough to have a man who wants to marry you and have a family with you.

- A man with a job.

- Exactly.

One who loves you.


You do what you got to do to get your mind right about all of this.

PAPI: You think she'll come around? Probably, but you know women crazy, man.

That's exactly why I don't date 'em.

I hope she do, man.

I love her, but...

...if I got to do this on my own, I will.

Bye, Beto.

Bye, Papi.

Yo, little dude.

You want to watch some cartoons?


Ooh, yeah.

Now you want my love... ♪ Uh-uh, don't you call that boy.

You cancel this wedding, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

I'm not calling Papi.

I'm calling my father.

I didn't know y'all were still talking.

We never stopped.

Even when my mother died, we never stopped talking.


You know, the money I was making on the piers helped both of us to stay afloat.

So, you were sending money back home, even after he kicked you out?

He's my father.

He needed the money.

Every couple of months we meet up, and I give him a little cash, but that's it.

I was just going to ask him if he wanted to walk me down the aisle.

But that ain't happening, so I might as well cancel.

Uh-uh, uh-uh, don't cancel.

How many times we get a chance to connect with our blood relatives?

You maintain this relationship.

You still may be walking down the aisle.

I got so much love in me.




MAN: Carlos, let me get a Black & Mild, too.

Damn, you fine as hell, Mami.

Oye, have some respect, pendejo. That's my kid.

My bad, Carlos.

Didn't know you had a daughter, thought you had a son.

Mind your f*cking business, all right?

Hi, Papi.

I told you about coming here.

Oh, I wanted to see you.

To talk.

Pedro, I'm heading out, watch the register.

Come on.

Let's go.


Ain't seen you in almost two years.

You look different.

What do you mean?

No one would look at you and know you was a boy.

But you look good.

I mean, all this makeup and dress-up shit would've still k*lled your mother, God rest her soul.

I see some people never change, huh?


This ain't easy for me.

You understand how f*cked it is to see my son running around in dresses?

That shit ain't normal.

You don't understand how that shit reflects on me.

This... why it was almost two years.

Oh, whoa, hold up.

Hold up.

You come all this way just to give me some money and run out?

I came all this way hoping that you changed, Pa.

I came all this way... tell you that I'm engaged.

Was engaged.

And I was gonna ask if you could walk me down the aisle.

But I realize asking you would have been a mistake anyway.

Because you're still the same person I ran away from when Mami died.

Eat some food.

You need to get some meat on them bones.

And I appreciate the help.

- So, you was gonna get married?

- Yeah.

- To a guy?


Papi, why you sound so surprised?

Well, I'm curious.

How would that work?

You know, with two dudes.

I'm a woman.

You can call yourself whatever you want, but correct me if I'm wrong, your birth certificate says you're male.

So, how does that make sense?

You're my father.

Your job isn't to make sense of it.

I just need you to hold my hand.

And help me make it right.

I can't do that.

I ain't make the law.

You're never gonna see me, are you?

I ain't trying to be an assh*le.

Look, all I'm saying is that a marriage between two men ain't a real thing.

I'm trying to prepare you for the real world.

I'm showing up for you the best way I know how.


You're right.

All these years...

I've been showing up for you...

...the best way that I know how.

Waiting for you...

to return the love that I've been...

paying for.

And all this time, I've overlooked the fact that I already have that love and support from a man.

And he's been showing up for me this entire time.

And when he needed me most, Pa...

I ran out on him.

I got to go.

Thank you...

...for helping me realize my fuckup.

PAPI: What are you doing?

BETO (LAUGHING): I don't know.

PAPI: Oh, you got the giggles?


PAPI: Who gave you permission to have the giggles?

BETO: You can do it again.

PAPI: You know about the ' s?

- Mm-mm.

- Mm-mm, no.

I figured you wouldn't.

So, in the ' s the Mets were good, but the Yankees sucked.

So I rode hard for the Mets.

Now the Yankees are good again, and the Mets suck.

So we ride for the Yankees.

That's the thing about being a New Yorker.

You got all these different teams, and you can always ride with the winner.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I'm saying.

You okay?

What's up?

You're gonna be mad.

Sometimes you're gonna have to tell me stuff that might make me mad, but you shouldn't be afraid of that.

Talk, papi.

I miss Mami.

Why would that make me mad?

Because when I talk about her, I feel like I'm gonna cry.

So, cry.

You think men don't cry?

I seen Michael Jordan cry, and he's the most manly of men.

And I cry sometimes when I think about Angel.

Listen, in this life, you're gonna see men who think being a man means wearing expensive jewelry, driving crazy cars, and whooping anybody ass who look at 'em sideways, but that ain't no man.

Don't get me wrong, you got to be tough.

Protect yourself and the people you love.

Sometimes you gonna have to scrap, and I'm gonna prepare you for that, too.

But a real man ain't afraid to love.

He ain't afraid to be hurt.

He ain't afraid to forgive.

A real man stays no matter what.

Okay, Papi?

That's my little man.




PAPI: I got these little strawberries.

I know that's your favorite.

Now, eat your... eat your whatever you want to eat.

That's some really good advice your father's giving you, Beto.

I'm so sorry to interrupt.

But I just had to meet you.

I'm Angel.

I'm your father's friend.

The one he was talking to you about.

Beto, in this life... gonna meet people that you will love...

...who are really afraid and who need a lot of patience.

And time.

And I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Will you forgive me?


I am sprung on you.

I just need you to know that if you choose all of this, Beto and me...

...I got more than enough love for everyone.

I know you do.

I know your heart is big enough to hold all of us.


I love you so much.

- I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.

So, we back on?

Only if Beto will have me.

PAPI: What you think, little man?

You want some pancakes?

That's, that's, that's what I'm...

Look at you.

That's a gentleman right there.

You can't even teach that.

You want syrup?

And the syrup, I'm telling you.

- You want some bacon?

- Uh, yes, please.

♪ ♪ ANGEL: I keep having the same nightmare, night after night. I'm with Papi, applying for our marriage license, and the lady at the county clerk's office clocks that there's an "M" and not an "F" on my passport. WOMAN: Who do you think you're fooling?

Excuse me?

You're trying to commit fraud.

I'm a woman.

You're a fraud!




- Fraud.


- No.

- Fraud.



- Stop it.

Stop it!







I've held it off for as long as I can, and now the wedding is a week away, and we have to get the certificate or else our marriage is not even gonna be legal.

And you know I don't do paperwork.

So thank God Papi filled everything out, because I would've got nothing done.

Who cares if it's legal?

We make our own rules.

You and Papi do not need the city's approval to prove your love is real.

Your wedding is meant for you and your man to make that commitment in front of those that you love.

And that's it.

You do got a good point.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Sure, your love is real, but so is your extravagant floral arrangement, your one-of-a-kind, custom wedding gown, your army of bridesmaids.

Oh, and, let's not forget, your historic venue.

Thank you very much.

None of these things are for show or symbolism.

You need to do everything you can to make sure that your marriage is as real as the cold-hard cash I put down to pay for it.

I will not settle for some bullshit commitment ceremony.

Hold on.

It is nothing wrong with a commitment ceremony when it's the only choice you got.

That is absolutely fine for our dear h*m* friends.

I have been to my fair share of those ceremonies in sad little community gardens.

But that will not do for our pathfinder Angel.

Her marriage must be recognized.

ANGEL: So, how we gonna pull this off?

- What are we supposed to do?

- Yeah.

You got some high-paid lawyers, mother dear?

I have something better.

- BLANCA: What?

- LULU: What?

The mob.

- Oh, who now?

- Oh, yeah.

Surely they can doctor up a photo ID with a pretty little "F" on it.

Oh, my God, Ma.

That would be perfect.


No, it's not.

You gonna start off your whole marriage with a lie?

Ay, Ma, you know that's not what we're trying to say.

Come on.

When you walk into that city clerk's office and you fill out that application, you're signing a sworn statement attesting the validity of your marriage.

If you go in there with doctored documents, you're putting your entire marriage in jeopardy.

(QUIETLY): f*ck.

What am I supposed to do?


Live your truth.

As you always have.

You walk in there with your head held high and submit the paperwork with your legal documents.

And trust me...

ain't no court gonna worry about that little "M" on your passport anyway when they see you.

All they're gonna see is a beautiful woman standing next to a man who loves her.

I don't know, Ma.

I hate to admit it, but Mother Teresa over here is right.

That's right, girl.

I mean...

they don't look at your ID to see that you're a woman.

They're going off of what they see.

And, baby girl,

- you pass with the best of us.

- Mm-hmm.

And your name was always Angel anyway, so you're bulletproof.

- Damn skippy.

- Mm-hmm.

All right.

f*ck it.

I ain't got shit to hide anymore.

Now eat some of this cake and get thick for your man.

'Cause I ain't losing this deposit, y'all.

Oh, we can't sit the Khans next to Pendavis.

- Don't Kiki and Lemar got beef?

- Oh, my goodness.

- Why didn't I think about that?

- Yeah.

That's a good point.

Maybe we could switch it with Xania, 'cause Xania and Andre, they're always kiki-ing.

Oh, and, perfect, Kiki gets to kiki with Lulu.

And you know the other way is gonna be a lot of...



Tomorrow we got to go to the city clerk's office downtown.


We gonna walk up in there.

We gonna get our license.

And that's it, we just gonna be ourselves.

That's what's up, baby.

We got nothing to be ashamed of.

You're right.

We don't.

Ooh, I got to dip.

- Where you going?

- My final fitting.

Well, wh-who-who's watching him?


Papi, I ca...

You can't do that.

I ain't never been alone with no kid before.

Baby, baby.

You're so cute when you're nervous.

Look at him, he's just a kid.

Ain't nothing to worry about.

- Bye, Beto.

- Bye, Papi.




You want some water?

Beto, please.


- I want my Papi.

I want my Papi.

- Bet...


He's coming.

Please, I promise.

Come on.

I want my Papi, I want my...


- Beto, stop running.



Stop it, stop it.


- Beto, enough!

- I can't do this.

- What?

I-I'm way out of my league here.

BETO: I want my Papi.

I want my Papi.

Save me from him.

Girl, he's a child.

I think there's something wrong with this one.

I think, maybe, he got some psychological issues or some... or something.

From losing his mother.

Oh, girl, ain't nothing wrong with this boy.

Hey, little man.

- I'm Blanca.

- Hi, Blanca.

It's nice to meet you.

Come here.

I got something to show you.

So, I thought of you today...

when I saw this.


Angel told me that you like the Power Rangers, and that you watch it every time it's on.

Is that true?

- Yeah.

- Oh.

Well, that's my favorite show, too.

Who's your favorite Ranger?

The Black Ranger's the best.

His name is Zack, and I can do all his karate moves.

Oh, really?

Is that right?

Well, here, how about this?

You take this to the bathroom, and you come back and show us your moves.

Sounds like a plan.

Pinky swear, though.

All right, give me a high five.

All right, here you go.

Girl, you must got some voodoo or something, 'cause that boy ain't never listened to me like that.

It ain't magic, girl.

It's parenting, and it takes patience and practice.

Well, I must not be cut out to be no kid's parent then.

Th-That's not true.

You're going to be a great mother.

Hey, remember back when we first moved into Evangelista?

What did I tell you?

That if I won trophies for the house, I wouldn't have to clean it.

Girl, no.

I told you, you was gonna be my heir.

That you was gonna have your own house someday.

Raise your own kids.

Well, y'all outdid my prophecy.

Never did I imagine that you and Papi would have a baby.

One that you could raise the way you're supposed to.

That boy is precious, and he is yours.

I'm scared.

I don't want to f*ck this up.

You know, I ain't never had nobody look out for me until I met you and Elektra.

My own father's not coming to my wedding.


I'm sorry your parents didn't see what a gift you are.

Despite them all...'re here.

And you've been given so many gifts.

Papi and Beto.

He's lucky to have you as his mother.

You think so?

My word is bond.

It's Morphin Time!


Oh, cartwheel, too.


Come out here.

- Boom.



- Oh.


- Ooh, a punch.

A punch.

- Ooh, oh.

- He came ready.




Who gave your fine ass permission to look this good while working?

Hi, baby.

What's up, babe?

Give me a kiss.


- Babe.

- Hmm?

Where is your suit at?

You was supposed to pick one up for the wedding.

I thought it was called off.

No, I told you it was back on.


You think I'm stupid, huh?

I know you high, Jerome.

I ain't doing this with you today.

Where you going?

I don't want to hear you bitching and complaining.

Baby, come on, w-wait a minute.

Look at all of this.

Elektra got this for us to build a life.

I was good where I was at.

And I didn't ask for no bougie-ass apartment neither.

No, no.


You can't do that in here, Jerome.

I made a commitment, all right?

I made a commitment to stay clean.

And I promised myself I was done with that shit.

I can't end up lying next to Candy.

I love you.

I do.

But I got to start loving me more.

- So it's like that?

- It's like that.

You either get clean, or you got to go.



Aren't you forgetting something?

My keys.



Sorry ass.

But if only you could see them

You would know from their faces

There were kings and queens

Followed by princes and princesses

There were future power people

Throwing love to the loveless

Shining a light

'Cause they wanted it seen

Well, there were cries...

- Let's just blend in.

- Let's do it.

Of why not

Can I reach out for you

If that feels good to me?

And the riders will not stop us

'Cause the only love they'll find

Is paradise

No, the riders will not stop us

'Cause the only love they'll find

Is paradise

Paradise, yeah.

WOMAN: I can help you over here.

Hi, ma'am.

How you doing?


We, um, need a marriage license.

Oh, well, you're gonna have to fill an application first.

Oh, we filled it out already.

Mmm, I see y'all gonna make my job real easy today,

- huh?

- That's the point, ma'am.

We've been engaged for three years now and we're ready to make it official,

- if you know what I'm saying.

- I do.

Esteban, you have identification?

Uh, yeah.

It's coming.

Here you go.

Angel, your license.

Um, we brought her passport.

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, we was gonna honeymoon in the DR in one of them resort-type places.

I ain't been since I was a boy.

You Dominican?

Claro que sí, mami. ¿Cómo que no soy dominicano?

Ay, disculpa. Yeah, we can't go just yet 'cause our son got preschool.

You know?

- Oh, a boy.

- Mm-hmm.

What a blessing.

How old?

He's five.

He's, uh, named after his papi.

Take a look.

Look at this little cutie.


The fresh haircut.

Ay, que guapo. Thank you.

We're gonna go to, um, Disneyland in the summer.

Make our honeymoon more like a family adventure.

Right, babe?

We love watching Disney movies together, as a family.

That sounds nice.


I almost missed that.

Sign here, hon.

All right.

You're set.

- Felicidades, Mr. and Mrs. Martinez.

- Thank you.

ANGEL AND PAPI: Thank you.


Thank you.

- We did it.

- Yeah.

We did it.


- Be still.

- I'm sorry.

Jesus Christ.

Always moving and fidgeting.

- You losing weight?

- Yeah.

I'm determined to be the most beautiful mother of the bride.

Well, you don't have to work so hard.

You know...

I've been figuring out how I was going to repay you.

You don't owe me anything.

Nah, I do.

What's this?

Since you came up with the design for my gown...

...I decided to make one, too.

For the quilt.

It's perfect.

I love you, Pray -Oh, I love you, too.

So, is this...

What's that, a mirror ball?

Yeah, that's what it's called.

- I forgot.


Well, we gonna need...

They can come true...

Look at this opulence.

Very old New York.

Girl, I don't care.

I wonder what's on the menu.

You know you got to have hope

You know you got to be strong...


Girl, how much you think Elektra paid for this?

Child, who knows?

Budget is not in that bitch's vocabulary.


PRAY TELL: There you are.

Come on.

We're going up to the suite.

Why pay down here, when we can order room service on Elektra?

The prices are so high, they have to check themselves into Betty Ford.


Pray, it's : in the afternoon.

What's with the shades?

Oh, f*ck, Pray.


I refuse to allow anything to distract from the mountain of joy that is about to tumble down upon all of us.

I may need some help getting down the aisle...

but nobody needs to know why.

You hear me?


Don't you dare.

Today is about Angel and Papi.


Yes, sir.




What you got there, man?

My vows.

Why you stressing?

Angel's always bragging on how you constantly saying sweet stuff to her.


That's-that's my problem.

I got to take it to another level.

These are my wedding vows.

The most important words I'm ever gonna say to her.

You done raised the bar too high for yourself.




Throw away the bar, then.

Think outside the box.

Try something new.

Surprise her.

RICKY: Come on.

Let's go upstairs, man.

Uh, not yet.

Um, three of your best whiskeys, and a cranberry juice for Mr. Sobriety over here.

Thank you.


I want to say something.

First, thank y'all for putting y'all's shit aside to be here together today, 'cause...

Oh, child, please.

We buried that hatchet long ago.

Life's too short.

- Amen.

- Amen.

PRAY TELL: Amen and amen.


You'll notice today, the groom's side is pretty thin.

Latinos talk a lot about how important family is, but only if you color in the lines.


the crowds I ran with most my life didn't create bonds that stick.

I never had men that would stand for me.

Stand by me.

Until I met y'all.

Y'all gay, and the whole world thinks you less of a man.


...y'all taught me what it means to be a man.

Y'all are real men.

'Cause you got to be tough to love who you want when the whole world tells you something's wrong with you.


there is no way I could love Angel right without y'all showing me the way and accepting me.

I love y'all so much.

And thank you for being my brothers.


- Cheers.

- Cheers.


- Cheers.

- Cheers.

All right.

Now I got some goodies for you.

Oh, shit.

I got some goodies for you.


- And I got some goodies...

- I can smell it from here.

Ooh, not for you, 'cause, you know...

- Mmm...

I can.

- Ah...

You ain't supposed to inhale anyway.

I puff 'em.

I love that.


Girl, you look sickening.

BLANCA: Stunning, I tell you.

Just stunning.


One more coat of gloss will do.

Come on, the shinier they are, Papi gonna think she trying to work the piers again to pay y'all for this wedding.

LULU (LAUGHS): Exactly.

Now, our dear Angel.

There's a time-honored tradition of gifting the bride something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new.

May I have your arm, darling?

- Come with me.

- Yes.

They say these items provide luck, prosperity, and a lifetime of happiness.

So, each of us wanted to present something to you.

I'll start.


- My mother's cookbook.


It's your something old.

When I was a kid, I loved being in the kitchen with Mami.

We connected over food because food is love.

So please use the recipes in this book as I have, so that you can nourish the belly and soul of your husband, your baby...

...and your loved ones.

I don't want to mess up this makeup of yours 'cause it's gorgeous.

And now your something new.





- Oh, my God.

- Feel that.



When I left my mother's home, I was penniless.

I had nothing more than the clothes on my back.

I spent many cold winter nights, just like this one, on the piers.

I shivered, dreaming of the life I deserved to live.

Saving every dollar I made.

I had not one single piece of furniture in my Harlem studio when I sashayed into Barneys and bought my first real fur.

A bone-white mink coat.

It kept me warm, gave me comfort, and reminded me that if I dared to go after my dreams and I worked hard, in service of my desires, I will never be poor.

Let this be a reminder to you that you are deserving of everything the world has to offer.

I love you, sweetie.

I love you so much.

Thank you.

It's my turn.

Oh, my goodness.

- Angel.

- Yes.

You are fearless.

You are loyal, and you are so wise beyond your years.

When Candy died, you pulled me through.

Always there with a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on.

And when I started using, you never judged me or left my side.

No matter how messy I got.

You have shown me the kind of life I'm deserving of living just by living yours.

I just want to thank you for inspiring me and for showing me the way, sis.

That's why I wanted this to be your something borrowed.

I know it isn't much.


This is a one-month chip.


It's perfect.

I'm so proud of you.


I know how hard you worked for this.

Thank you.

My darling daughter, I am so proud of you, too.

I love you, Lulu.

I love you, too, Mother.

Your something blue.

Whew, okay.



♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

That hammer...

...has seen a lifetime, child.

The stories it could tell.

The rough trade it's bashed.

Let this be a reminder...

...that a real woman...

...protects her own with every ounce of fight she's got.

I can't.

I can't take this.

You can and you will.

'Cause you know those Dominicans have smart mouths.

Lil Papi step out of line, pop that m*therf*cker in the kneecaps.

Show him who's woman of the house.

Protect you...

and yours...

...and ours.

But it's not fair.

That I get to live...

my dreams.


All this survivor's guilt ain't gonna do nothing but waste time.

So get over yourself and go on and live.

Marry that man.

Raise that baby, and do the absolute most...

...with the life you got.


I promise.


I am so lucky to be part of this sisterhood.

I love y'all.

OTHERS: We love you, too.

Now, before you go out there...


Thank you.

Hand in hand, we ask that you protect our Angel and place a seal over her heart as she becomes a wife and a mother.

Guide her and Papi, and bless their union.

May the family that they create always be a place of safety.

May they never take each other for granted.

And may the world forever be better because they chose the pathway of love.


ALL: Amen.

- LULU: You ready, girl?

- I'm ready.


ELEKTRA: You getting married!


ALL: You getting married!

- I'm getting married.

- You getting married.

ALL (CHANTING): You getting married.

You getting married.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪



♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

You look beautiful.

Thank you, Papi.

You may all be seated.

We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Angel Vasquez and Esteban Martinez.

To see them off unto a courageous adventure together to share life's joys and sorrows and its many twists and turns.

You all have been uniquely invited here because you hold a special meaning in their lives.

You will be the ones who, when they are going through times of struggle, will remind them of this day, of what you witnessed, of the bond you watched be solidified.

This ceremony is not only about them.

It's about us.

Your presence is your commitment to them.

So I ask you to declare your intent to be bound to them and show up when they need you most.

My question is...

Will you?

ALL: Yes.

- Somebody say "Amen."

- OTHERS: Amen.

- Yes.


Amen and amen.

Now, mindful of these declarations, Angel and Papi have written their own vows that they will share with you now.

It's been a journey to get here.

And, baby, I wouldn't have made it without you.

I f*cked up a lot.

And you never went nowhere no matter how much I dared you to leave.

I am the best version of myself only because I want to be the partner you deserve.

You've given me a sense of peace that I have never known.

You are my best friend, my biggest supporter, my ride or die.

I stayed up a lot of nights...

...wondering if I could marry you.

If-if I could be your wife.

Because I never had an example of what true love looks like.

My mother and my father...

they didn't know what they was doing.

They left me out there all alone.


And I had no one for such a long time.


I'm sad they're not here today, but-but, baby, look who is.

I always thought I was doomed to fail, but now I know I am blessed and highly favored.

We both are 'cause we got about a...

a hundred examples of unconditional, true love right here in this room.

So today I promise to pick you up when you are down and to protect you with my whole being and to be the best mother that I can to our baby, as we grow our family.

And I promise to always know, in the deepest part of me, that you are a prize.

Grand prize, my love.

And because words cannot do it, I promise to show you for the rest of our lives how much I love you.


So, Esteban, with this ring, I take you... my one and only, forsaking all others, forever and ever.

PAPI: Dear Angel.

Baby girl.

I'm sorry, shorty looking good today.


- Ain't that right?

- Right.



I see the questions in your eyes.

I know what's weighing on your mind.

You can be sure I know my part 'cause I stand beside you through the years.

You'll only cry those happy tears, and though I'll make mistakes, I'll never break your heart.

Is this brother reciting the lyrics to "I Swear"?

I don't...

I can't do this.


Baby, what's the matter?

What... what do you mean?

You got this.

And I swear

Yeah, he is.

By the moon and the stars in the sky

I'll be there

And I swear

Like the shadow

That's by your side

I'll be there


For better or worse

Till death do us part

I'll love you with every beat

Of my heart

I swear

I'll give you everything

I can ♪ -♪ I can

I'll build your dreams

- ♪ With these two hands

- ♪ These two hands

We'll hang some memories

On the walls

-♪ On the walls

And when ♪ -♪ And when

Just the two of us ♪ -♪ Two of us

Are there ♪ -♪ Are there

You won't have to ask

If I still care

'Cause as the time turns the page

My love won't age

At all

And I swear

By the moon and the stars in the sky

I'll be there

And I swear

Like the shadow that's by your side

I'll be there

For better or worse

Till death do us part

I'll love you

With every beat of my heart

I swear

♪ ♪

Do your thing, Papi.

And I swear

By the moon and the stars

In the sky

-♪ In the sky

I'll be there

-♪ I'll be there

And I swear

Like the shadow that's by your side

I'll be there

-♪ I'll be there

For better or worse

Till death do us part

I'll love you

With every beat of my heart

I swear.


That's my boy!

With this ring...

...I take you...

(SNIFFLES) my wife, forsaking all others so's long as I live.


PRAY TELL: Well...

ain't nothing left to be said.

Go on and kiss, y'all!



PRAY TELL: With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.





We're going to Disneyland!

PAPI: Yay.


Wait, what the f*ck?

You know I couldn't forget you, Esteban.

Well, go on.

Y'all got your own family journey to embark on.

I love y'all with all my heart.

ANGEL: I love you, too.

- Bye, sis.

- Bye, little mama.

Bye, Mom.

I love you.



Buckled in?







BETO: Mom, I did it.


Look, watch this.

MAN: Hey, man.

They yours?


We're, uh, we're honeymooning from New York.


Those are mine.


Beautiful family.

Nothing better, right?

Ain't that the truth, baby.

Ain't that the truth.

Daddy, come on.

Have a good one.


Daddy's coming, baby.

- How you doing?

- Good.

Oh, my goodness.

- You did this?

- Oh, my goodness.

Did this by yourself?

- Me and Mami did it.


Look, Papi.


that says "Angel, Beto and Papi." I saw that on the way in.

I'm proud of you.