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02x10 - In My Heels

Posted: 05/28/21 07:09
by bunniefuu
(Blanca clears throat)

All right, lady, it looks like you're all set.

(clears throat)

Thank you.


(door opens, shuts)

I'm sorry, I don't think I have you down for an appointment.

I hear you take walk-ins.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.

BLANCA: Wait, so how long has it been?

Eight and a half months.

Damon's graduation.


How's business?

Better than ever.

It may not have the glamour of a storefront, but it also don't have the extra rent and in-insurance, and the hassle of that wicked witch Frederica Norman.

-(Pray Tell chuckles)


...this house has felt empty with all the children gone.

Nothing more dangerous than being left alone with your own thoughts.


All of them are doing good.

Damon sent me a postcard from Paris.


And he's having the time of his life.

And Angel?

Angel and Papi are like Lucy and Ricky.


How are you?

You still with that young one?



(sighs): Oh, yeah, we're-we're...

we're taking it slow.

He moved in yet?

Hell no.


But he does have his own set of keys, and he comes and goes when he pleases, and that works for us.

I give him wisdom, I guess, and he...

keeps me young.

Well, is he keeping you moist?


Yes, ma'am.

The sex is f*cking fantastic.

You know...

that just because your kids aren't here to walk the balls with you doesn't mean you can't come to the balls.

The whole point of the balls is to remind you that you're not alone.

I know.

Just walking without my...

my children, though...

...without my house...

I just think that would be giving the opposite effect.


Baby, when was the last time you went to a doctor?


(monitor beeping)

(woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)



You get a little sleep?


I was just thinking.


I'm just sad I'm going out this way.

I'm sad for my children...

and my house.

Can you go into my purse?

There's a little notebook.



What's this?

It's my will.

I need you to make sure nobody fights over anything when I'm gone.

Death makes people kind of crazy, you know?

Can I see?

"My jewelry and my clothing shall go to my daughter Angel.

"My books, tape collection, and boom box..." " my brother Pray Tell.

"My mother's cookbook shall go to my son Damon.

"That little Shake-N-Go wig I wore the night we met (laughing): "shall go to my mother Elektra.

"My salon supplies shall go to my sister Lulu.

"My furniture shall be donated to anyone in need "from the ballroom.

And for my dearest Papi, take care of Tippy." Tippy?

Who the f*ck is Tippy?


That's the puppy I was planning on getting this summer.

You better leave him something real.

To my little Papi, I leave with you my life's journals.


Use your hustling skills to...

to write my life story.


Don't let 'em forget me.

You got to fight, Blanca.

My whole life's been a fight, Pray.

I need a chance to know peace.

You shouldn't have to die to know what peace feels like.


What are you doing?

I am finding your address book, and I am gonna call every single person in our family to make sure that somebody's right here by your side the entire time that you're here.

I'm fighting for you this time, baby.

(door opens)

(footfalls approach)

PRAY TELL: The category is...




♪ Girl, would you stop fussing with the lights?

You are not an electrician.

This ward is grim enough as it is without wasting our beauty away on bad fluorescent lighting.

Maybe if I check the wattage, I can get a bulb that will cast an amber glow.

-Girl, you're gonna get electrocuted.


I see you're giving me the Red Door Spa treatment.


Miss Ford got you the cover of Essence magazine yet?

That would make the girls gag.

I haven't booked anything for a couple of months now.

Thank God I listened to Papi and opened up that savings account a while back.

But we'll be all right.

We staying afloat.

It's the recession, things will pick up by the summer.

-You'll see.


No, no, no, turn back around.

This ain't for you.

I got you some sweet and sour soup, Ma.


These cheap bodega flowers attract insects.

Insects carry disease.

Blanca's ill enough.

Will you calm your bougie ass down, please?

You haven't walked a category in months.

You know what, as a matter of fact, I ain't seen none of y'all at the balls recently.

I have better things to do than to watch category after category of boring butch queens.

You-- The women always take center stage.

You have Face, you got Runway, you got Realness.

And everybody comes to see you all.

And never forget it.

We built ballroom, yet all we have are three categories and no rightful place on the council.

It's a boys club now, run exclusively by you and the other male emcees.

-That's right.

-That ain't right, Pray.

That ain't right.

You don't know what it's like.


-You put your best foot forward in your most coveted finery, only to be met with the glaring eyes of men.

Serving us Totem Pole Origami Realness.

ELEKTRA: Sitting on their perch, squinting and inspecting and tallying.

PRAY TELL: Judges, your scores.

Why do they have the right to pass judgment when they've never walked a day in our heels?

I didn't join ballroom for a row of flaming h*m* with no style to look down on me.

We're judged enough by the outside world to be judged so harshly by our own.

LULU: The balls are tired, anyways.

You know, I used to roll my eyes at Candy when she went on and on about how the girls been pushed to the side.

But as soon as "Vogue" hit, who became stars, Pray?

The boys.

Who learned how to dance on ballroom floors that we built.



Well, I think I have some stuff to talk to the council about.

Damn skippy.

MANHATTAN: The children are finally paying their dues on time.

We have $5K in our savings.

We are officially out of the red.



Let's hope it stays that way.

Anything else to report?


-I actually have something to share.

-Your hemorrhoids are back.


Funny, bitch, but I'm being serious.

So, it's come to my attention that the women of the ballroom are feeling judged.

Oh, please, if you don't want to be judged, don't walk.


-I hear you.

But we got to be honest.

All of the emcees are men, and recently it's mostly men that are walking the categories.

-Well, that's not our fault.

-But it's our responsibility.

Well, every year we announce Mother of the Year.

What else would a bitch want?

You know that's not enough.

I know what it feels like to be judged.

I went from being called a sissy to a girl to a f*g.

So what do you suggest that we do?

We have to show our support and solidarity.

Well, any ideas on how?

(clicks tongue)

We got to figure that out.



I got it.

We pull a stunt, y'all.

We pull a stunt.

We, the council, we should walk Butch Queen First Time Up in Drags.

-Ooh, yes!

-Oh, girl, no.

No, I'm not shaving my legs.

Listen, Sasquatch, you need to invest in some Nair and prep your meaty tuck, because you're walking.

It's mighty meaty.





-So nasty.


You're quiet.

What you think?

Aren't we just gonna look like a bunch of men in wigs?

I don't want to trivialize what these women go through, how they live, who they are.

It will humble us and create empathy.

This will help men realize the pressures we put on women.

It's about sisterhood.

It's about solidarity, and if I can shave, you can wear a wig.



-So get over yourself, bitch.


-♪ And pass the motion, bitch ♪ -Oh.

-♪ Pass the motion, bitch ♪


-♪ Pass the motion, bitch ♪

-♪ Break it down, uh ♪

-♪ Pass the motion, bitch ♪

-♪ Pass it, pass it ♪

-♪ Pass the motion, bitch. ♪


-Motion passed!

-(cheering, applause)


That was the beat.

(elevator bell dings)


DANNY: Oh, shit.


Is Miss Ford in here?

-Uh, yeah, she's just,

-um, let me, let me just, uh...



(indistinct chatter)


-MISS FORD: Danny.

Will you escort Carol and Joanna to the conference room for some tea?

I'll join you shortly.

(quietly): I'm sorry.

Miss Ford, you haven't called me in-in-in, in weeks.

I didn't want to call till I had all the information.

Well, what information?

Someone has taken it upon themselves to tell your story.

Angel, the vibe is very Sophia Loren.

Sultry, mysterious.

It's just a pantyhose campaign.

Don't overthink it.

(chuckles softly)

-I am a huge fan.

-Thank you.

When you used to walk realness, oh, the children gagged.

I knew you was going someplace.

Now look at you.

(whispering indistinctly)

MISS FORD: I got a call from set.

The creative director accused me of pulling a publicity stunt on her dime.

I didn't know what she was talking about.

She said, "I asked for a girl, not a drag queen."

I swore to her these were lies meant to tarnish the Ford Agency and diminish your stardom.

But word has spread.

-Everyone has pulled your contracts.

-(crying): No.

They're claiming misrepresentation, fraud.

I'm not a fraud.

You think I'm a fraud?


Look at me.


You came to me as you are.

But the world isn't ready yet.



(moans, crying)

(keys jangle)


I see you got happy hour going on without your man.

I'm-a join you.

(cap clatters)

What's going on?

(Angel sniffles)

-I saw Miss Ford today.



-She got some work for you?

Ain't gonna be no more work, Papi.

-What you mean?

-They found out.


Everybody knows my T.


There was some boy from ballroom that...

that worked on one of my sh**t and he ran his mouth.

And now the whole fashion industry...


thinks I'm a fake.

♪ They pulled my contracts.

-I'm done, Papi.

-Nah, baby girl.

You just got in the game.

You're 24, you got at least ten more years left in the industry.


I'm a transsexual.

I wasn't supposed to last one day, let-let alone one whole year, working as a model.

The whole world thinks we ain't nothing but freaks.

We're supposed to be lurking in the shadows somewhere.

And if anybody's looking at us, they laughing.

-They don't want to see us.


I do.

You're a star.

Ain't-- I don't, I don't care what other people think or say about you, Angel.

You supposed to be seen by this world.

It ain't over, trust me.

-Yes, it is, Pap...


Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It ain't over.

Trust me, I got you.

I got you.

(inhaling, exhaling)

(inhales deeply)

(wheezing exhale)

You hear that?

No cough.

You may not be coughing, but there's still an infection in there.

How long until this thing clears up and I can go home?


Well, maybe a...

at least another week.


be real with me.

How much time you think I really got left?


There's no way of knowing.

AIDS is so unpredictable.

Depends how well you take care of yourself, and your surroundings.

Do you think the chemicals from my salon had something to do with me getting pneumonia?

They sure didn't help.

You might want to reconsider your trade, maybe even retiring.

With your low T cell count, you'll qualify for a disability.



Sweetheart, your body's the boss now, and you have to do what it tells you, not necessarily what you want to do.

I'm only 30 years old.

What kind of life is that?

Sweetie, I know this isn't easy.

It ain't never been easy for a girl like me.

I don't know why I fooled myself into thinking that if I fought hard and stayed...

positive and did right by people, I would be the one whose life was spared.

Maybe my body is telling me I should just stop.

(over TV): I'm so proud of my little one and only.

She came up with our prom theme all by herself.

You go ahead and tell him, honey.

The Civil w*r: Gone with the Wind...

LIL PAPI: Yoo-hoo!



-That's great.

It's very hot right now.


-Uh, yo!

Wha-- can you relax?

Can you take it down a few million notches?

-Nah, I'm gonna take it up a few levels.

-Oh, my God.

Look at this.

"Esteban Martinez, "Talent Manager Extraordinaire.

Models, actresses, singers, dancers." Hmm.


-So you're trying to be a manager now?

You know how good I look after you.

Y-Yeah, I know, but what jobs have you booked me?

First of all, managing ain't just about booking jobs.

-So then, what is it about?

-Second of all, I got a Rolodex full of modern photographer assistants

-and junior people from every job you ever been on.


They're moving up, and we're gonna be right there with 'em.

But so much of-of-of managing is making sure your talent feels taken care of, confident, and picking them up when they need it.

-That's my specialty.

-I know it is, but ain't none of these models gonna want to work with a Dominican from the hood.

I don't want to work with them.

I want to work with girls like you, girls from the scene.

All the neglected but beautiful members of society.

I don't want anyone to get hurt the way you did.



You're too sweet for this world.

But you know what happened to me.

I'm telling you, don't bother.

Don't nobody want us, don't nobody want to see us, don't nobody want nothing to do with us.

All right.

-Just watch me.


Yeah, so that is the story.

Look, I'm-I'm starting an agency -and I'm looking for girls.

-GIRL: I already got a pimp.

And if he sees you trying to steal me away, he'll beat your ass.

Well, good news, I'm not a pimp.

I'm a talent manager.

My goal is to have my own company with managers working for me, like my hero John Casablancas.

I could get you real, legit jobs.

I did some modeling for a porno mag once.


-LIL PAPI: Picture it: an Oil of Olay campaign starring Elektra.

-I can see it.

-Me, too.

That's what I'm talking about.

Elektra, I just need one girl to say yeah.

Help me show these girls I'm for real.

JAZMINE: Don't you represent Angel?


-How are you gonna do right by both of us?

What's she gonna say when I start booking more jobs than her?

You're a charming boy, and you've got a silver tongue with plenty of ambition.

But look no further than your recently-clocked girlfriend to know that you may as well be looking to train the girls to be astronauts.

-You know I'm better looking.


I-I wouldn't say that.

Y'all just different types.

You want to be my manager and you think another girl is prettier than me?

(chuckles softly)

No, no...


-Boy, bye.





You ain't got to throw 'em.

ELEKTRA: Try selling something that people actually want, like insurance or Big Macs.

Big Mac...



Y'all trying to be models?


Ooh, listen to this.

"A female real estate mogul was arrested Thursday morning "in connection to a Harlem building fire -"that erupted last August.

-(cameras clicking)

"Frederica Norman, 62, was charged "with felony first-degree arson for the fire "at 794 East 116th Street, "where two firefighters were injured "and a nail salon owner lost her business.

"Ms. Norman is believed to have set the blaze herself "in order to profit by filing fraudulent insurance claims following the fire." When am I getting out, Asher?

-The judge revoked bail.


He feels with your wealth, you're a flight risk.


They are so g*dd*mn predictable.

It's because I'm a woman.

You're in here because an eyewitness saw you leaving a building.

Now if you just f...

I'm in here, Asher, because they want to make an example.

To put me in my place.

To put all women in their place.

We are not allowed to have empires or emotions.

We are expected to sit at home patiently waiting for our husbands, cook their meals, supply unpaid emotional and physical labor to aid in the fulfillment of their dreams.

We are not supposed to have dreams of our own.

The only thing I feel bad about, if I have anything to feel bad about at all, is that I ended another woman's dreams.

For that, I will proudly serve time.

But I will not be penalized for having a dream of my own and doing what I had to do to make it a reality.

I refuse to be shamed for my ambition!

(phone clatters)

"Ms. Norman could face five years in prison,

-according to state officials."


-1996 seems like a lifetime away.


Frederica being locked up is further proof

-that my work here is done.

-Shush with all that talk.

Look at you.

You ain't got no fever no more, -you off that oxygen.

-One loop around the ward and I am completely out of breath.

They got to put me right back in my wheelchair.

That's good.

You're getting your heart rate up.

And pretty soon, you'll be back in those heels and stomping the ballroom floor.

You'll be out just in time for the Mother's Day ball.

Pray, I am not thinking about no balls.

Your presence is needed.

You are a Mother of the Year titleholder.

My children are grown and gone.

-I ain't nobody's mother no more, Pray.


Once a mother, always a mother.

And the children need to see you there.

And besides, I got a special surprise I'm cooking up upon your grand return.


Whatever, Pray.

Could you get me some water?

-What you got up your sleeve?

-None of your business.

♪ Now, the trick here is balance.

Shift your weight on your foot, walking heel, toe, heel, toe.


("Boogie Shoes" by KC & The Sunshine Band playing)

Now it's your turn.


♪ I want to put on...

♪ Jack, you look like you're about to topple over.

Use your stomach muscles to keep you upright.

♪ Yeah, I want to put on...

♪ Castle, aka Bowlegged Lou, straighten out those knocked knees.

♪ Uh-huh, girl, to be with you ♪ ♪ Is my favorite thing ♪ And, Manhattan, look forward, eyes on the prize.

♪ Until I see you again ♪ Appalling, I would give you all losing scores.


♪ I want to put on my-my-my-my-my boogie shoes ♪


My darling Lemar.

♪ Boogie with you...

♪ You always make Mother proud.

I have no notes.

♪ My-my-my-my-my boogie shoes...

♪ Cubby, your walk is impeccable.

Now fix your face.

You shouldn't look constipated.

Good, Ricky.

Push your shoulders back.


Now lengthen your neck.

♪ I want to do it till the sun comes up ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah, uh-huh ♪ ♪ I want to do it till I can't get enough...

♪ Oh, Pray Tell.

Do you not carry a single graceful bone in your body?

Lean back a little.

These heels are too f*cking high for me to be concerned about posture.

I am in six-inch heels.

You're in the sort of heel I wear when I'm asleep or suffering from food poisoning.

Take tinier steps.

I can't.


maybe if the heel was wider or-or shorter, something to hold my weight better.

Mother, just chop her already.

You know what?

Shut your skinny ass up.

Pray Tell, if your heels were any wider, you would be in clogs.

Aren't you the one always reading the girls for wearing anything less than four inches?

She does have a point.

You want to try mine, babe?


Pray needs to try harder.

I am not the one that came up with this idea, you did.

You wanted to know how it feels to be us, to see what we go through.

Now take the damn critique and try harder next time.

You know...

I don't have time for this shit.

Come on, Pray.

Just do it.

Wh-Where you going?

-I am not a woman.


For someone who ain't a woman, she sure acting like she's on the rag.


-You know, boy, you always got...

ELEKTRA: Enough cackling.

Back to your ones, hyenas.

♪ Hey, you.

♪ Hey.

If you're coming out here to have a heart-to-heart, you can just take your ass right back inside.


I'll lay it on thick, then.

You need to practice what you preach.

-Who are you talking to?


Aren't you the one who told me I needed to...

walk with my head held high, that I shouldn't have any shame about being positive?

I don't have any shame -about my status.

-Yeah, but you are ashamed of expressing your femininity.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Actually, I do.

You know, the first time I danced Vogue femme, it was scary because I was so used to being praised for my masculinity.

You know, I was afraid of...

showing a different side.

But shit, sometimes I want to queen out, too.

Then I realized I could be butch...

...and femme at the same time.

My father, he...

(clears throat)

He used to tell everybody, my mom and my aunts and everybody, "That boy's too soft." He hated my sissy ass.

He would just walk past me and push me to the ground.

And then the pushes became slaps, and the slaps became punches.

He was determined he was just gonna beat the man into me.

His son wasn't gonna be no f*gg*t.


I'm sorry that happened to you.

But you got to let that go.

It's time for you to embrace all of you.



Well, looks like Daddy's not the only one

-serving wisdom these days, is she?


-No, she's not, honey.


Well, it's funny you ask, 'cause I was actually gonna call my company Fidelity.

There used to be this drag queen named Fidelity Free.

(chuckles): And, uh, I asked her what fidelity meant.

She said loyalty and faithfulness.

And those are the things I think make me special as a manager.

And th-there was the bank, you know, or the...

or which business was it?


-That had the same, you know, the same name, so...

Yeah, I-I don't want to deal with those copyright issues.

But the name still stands, just on the inside.

Look, I-I signed two girls from the balls besides Angel, and I would k*ll or die for them.

If they wanted a job, I got no shame.

I'll go knock on somebody's door while they're eating dinner just to tell them, "Hire one of my girls." Well, I would not recommend that strategy.

You have a wonderful style, but you're living in a fantasy.

You saw what happened to Angel.

The world is still prejudiced.

There are fashion designers and editors in the closet -for fear of being ostracized.

-That's cool, though.

All my models are straight.

What about Tula?

She got clocked by that reporter, what, about ten years ago?

There was all kinds of stories about her but she was still in Playboy.

And she was booking all kinds of liquor campaigns and everything.

Yeah, remember, we saw her on Arsenio.


-That's one example.

In the UK.

Yeah, but Tula's changing the game, Miss Ford.

I don't understand what you want me to do.

Take me under your wing.

Let me be a business inside your business.

'Cause when I come calling...

...and I say you got my back, I'm not no assh*le off the street no more.

I'm with Miss Ford.

I'm real.

The world don't change.

People change it.

This business is brimming with beautiful girls and ambitious men, but it's lacking in fidelity.


I'll give you a cubicle, a phone line and my watchful eye.

That's it.

But if you book a job in the next two weeks, I will consider an arrangement between the Ford Agency and Esteban Martinez Talent.



But no knocking on people's doors

-when they're having dinner.

-Who, me?

Nah, girl, I would never do that.

-I would never do that!

-Come on.


I'm sending you home with a wheelchair, but I want you to get up and walk whenever you have the energy.

You got it?

I'll try.

You know, your presence on this ward has touched so many, Blanca.

The people coming to visit you have really inspired a lot of people.

Given a lot of people hope.

I didn't realize I had that much love.

I'm grateful to be alive and to be loved.

♪ (chuckles)


Baby, what are you doing here?

Oh, Angel told me what happened.

I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner.

You came just in time.

I'm being discharged this afternoon.


-Come on, help your mother pack.


Hey, sweetheart.

Now take it easy.

I leave you here for two seconds...

BLANCA: Oh, I was in the hospital.

I'm so happy you're here, baby.

I'm sorry you had to fly out all that way.

Don't ever apologize.

You're my mother.


Well, as a mother, I need to know if you got tested over there.

Don't worry.

I'm negative.

I found out in Paris.

(whispers): Thank God.

Now tell me everything.

How was the Malcolm McLaren tour?

Was it everything you dreamed of?

More, actually.

He wants me...

to choreograph his next music video!



-Damon, you are living the dream.



I am.

Traveling the world for the both of us, like you said I would.

And I have news.


Here you go.

I took...

-Evangelista over to Paris.



I'm a house father now with kids of my own that won't listen to me.


Karma's a bitch, ain't she?


Yes, she sure is.


You know, you taught me everything that I know.

And I'm paying it forward.

You know, taking a little bit of you overseas with me, passing all the lessons that you taught me to my kids.

I mean, I'm doing my part over there, and you need to do your part here.

-What are you talking about?

-I heard you closed Evangelista.

But you're a mother.

(voice breaking): Without you, where would I be?

There are so many more Damons in the world that need saving.

Your work isn't done yet.


-How long I got you here for?


Long enough to be your date at the Mother's Day ball.



Well, let's get the hell up out of here.

Yes, please.

Come on, sneakers.


Oh, here they are.

I want my sneakers.

I love you.

I love you, too.

PRAY TELL: Happy Mother's Day, -b*tches!


Now, in honor of the matriarchs in our lives, it's time for the best and the brightest to show up and show out!

It is time for a house versus house showdown featuring Ferocity versus Pendavis versus Wintour.

The category is...




Come on, now!


Y'all know I'm strictly dickly.

If I had to define my sexual orientation, it would come in the form of a leggy beauty in a ball gown.

♪ Mighty real... ♪ Yes, I see you, Jazmine.

Looking gorgeous and fabulous.

All right.



Miss Kiki's baby "B," the crown jewel of the Pendavis family.

The baby with all her legs all the way out.

She ain't no baby no more, g*dd*mn it, I know that.



(singsongy): Aphrodite!

The living embodiment of her namesake.

Serving us love, beauty and passion, all wrapped up in gold lamé.

Judges, your scores for Aphrodite.

Ten, nine, nine, ten, nine.

For Baby B, nine, ten, eight, nine, ten.

Work it out.

And your scores for Jazmine.

Ten, ten, nine, ten, ten.

Grand prize.

Jazmine Wintour.

Come on up here and get this trophy, baby.

Come on up here.

Thank you, thank you very much.

All right, now.

The category is...


All right, here we got Lulu Ferocity, mother of The House of Ferocity.

Roses are red, baby.

Oh, come on, Kiki Pendavis.

Come on, now.

Kiki has stepped on out.

She's giving us sequin realness.

Come on up here.

♪ I feel real, I feel real... ♪

And emerging from the shadows, Miss Elektra Wintour.

Come on, come on, girl.

Come on.

-(cheering, applause)


Each and every one of these women is stunning.

We all know that.

But will they pass our panel's arduous inspection?

How supple is her skin?

Is she taking her biotin, my darlings?

What's the wattage of that smile?

Is it Colgate-worthy?

All y'all know what I'm talking about.

Judges, your scores for Miss Kiki Pendavis.

Eight, eight, eight, eight, eight.

Judges, your scores for Lulu Ferocity.

Nine, nine, nine, nine, nine.

Hold up!

You old bitter b*tches know that my mother Lulu is the realest of them all.


They f*cking bricks!


Thank you.

Um, and for Elektra Wintour.

Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten.

Tens across the board.

Grand prize, Elektra Wintour.

We see you.

We see you, Wintour.

Wintour hath come.

Y'all done snatched two of the three house versus house trophies.

Let's see if it's gonna be a clean sweep.

I'm not certain, but we gonna find out right now, because it's time for Vogue!

(cheering, applause)

Uh, uh, yeah!

Without a shadow of a m*therf*cking doubt, Elektra's chocolate drop brings it every time.

Why are you gabbing?

Why are you gabbing?

This bitch brings it every time.

But don't discount Miss Florida Ferocity, honey.

She's giving me all of the things that I need.

Bitch, stop playing with me.

Stop playing with me now!

I can't stand y'all.

Oh, she's lolling, lolling, my goodness, lolli-lolling her head.


Whip it, whip it, whip it, whip it, whip it!


Child, y'all gonna break my ass tonight.

Oh, shit.

And here comes Demetrius, serving up angles with precision.

Skill, darling.

Y'all better learn it.

Oh, oh!

Ah, schwing!

(grunting rhythmically)


Yes, keep going.

I'm just gonna make y'all keep going tonight.

Keep going.


All right, stop.


Baby, what's it gonna be?

Judges, y'all got your work cut out for you.

Let me see you deliberate.

Just one moment, the judges are deliberating.

(crowd chanting)


All right.

All right.

All right!

We have a winner.

The grand prize goes to...

-Miss Florida Ferocity.

-(cheering, applause)

Come on, girl.


Yes, baby.

This is for my mother, Candy.

Honey, we miss Miss Candy, too.




-♪ What are we gonna do with it? ♪


All right, we about to do what we came here to do, which is crown Mother of the Year!

(cheering, applause)

Come on, let us welcome our legendary mothers.

Come on, mothers.

You're looking gorgeous.

You're looking beautiful, as always.

You know, this year was arguably our hardest, so I have to say, mothers, you should all be very, very proud.

To be a mother worthy of the title Mother of the Year is to encourage your children to live their best life, to soldier on through the good and the bad with grace, courage and poise.

So, the nominees for Mother of the Year are: from The House of Pendavis, Kiki Pendavis.

A vision in lilac, looking at you.

Look at you.

From The House of Ferocity, Lulu Ferocity.

Come on, baby.

Looking good tonight.

Keeping that roses theme going.

Yes, honey.

And from The House of Wintour, Elektra Wintour.

Come on, bitch.

♪ Outstanding...

♪ Come on, mothers.

Okay, so listen.

This award always comes with a little bit of controversy.

'Cause no matter who wins it, somebody's always like, "Well, how did she win that?


-"My mama should've won that.

Nyah, nyah, g--" We ain't doing that tonight.

'Cause I'm gonna let y'all know, that this year, the votes were unanimous.

This glamazon built her house out of thin air and stormed this stage like an impeccable couture collection, leaving us awed, and our mouths agape any time one of her children hit the floor.

The 1991 Mother of the Year award goes to...

Miss Elektra Wintour!

(cheering, applause)

There you have it.

♪ You're so outstanding, yeah ♪ ♪ Girl, you knock me out...

♪ (Pray Tell grunting rhythmically)


CROWD (chanting): Wintour!



♪ It makes me want to shout...

♪ Wintour!


♪ I miss walking these balls.

Girl, everybody would be okay if you decide to sit this one out.

I am not sitting this one out tonight.

Sorry, Damon.

How the hell you gonna walk a ball if you can't even get out of this chair without losing your breath, huh?

I got a plan.

Watch me.




-Okay, then, you got to help.

-Don't overdo it.




-Yeah, um, step on it, please.

-All right.

Here we go.

-(whooping, laughter)

LEMAR: The models always look good when they be smoking.

ANGEL: But that's why the models looking real old real young.

CUBBY: It's messing with their skin.

-LEMAR: Look it, Nancy.


Oh, my God.

Did you get these?

They're so beautiful.


Two glasses of your finest champagne, please.

Bitch, where do you think this is, the Plaza Hotel?


-Two of anything with bubbles.


-We celebrating.

-What we celebrating?

Esteban Martinez Management just booked its first job for a client.

-You're sh1tting me.

-Yeah, girl.





I asked Miss Ford to send me a list of all the projects she thought the agency was too good for.

Angel, there's pages and pages of, like, infomercials and car shows and foreign companies.

All that kind of stuff.

-Oh, my God.


-So, what is it, babe?


-Let's-let's go over there.


-Nosy asses.

-Oh, my God.

-Wait, so which one is it?

-It's Blachen Cola.

-It's a new soda out in Berlin.


Yeah, they was, they was looking for a girl with color and personality to be in a German commercial.

I sent them your photos and they flipped out, baby girl.


-Angel, we're going to Berlin tomorrow, first class.


Oh, my God.


On one of them 747s with the, um, with the stairways,

-with the piano and bar and shit.


-Oh, my goodness.



♪ I wasn't trying to lead you on like a friend...

♪ But babe...

♪ I didn't mean to turn you on...

♪ But what if when we get there, they find out?

-Did you tell them everything?

-They already know.



Fidelity, remember?

I tell the truth and let the chips fall.

They kind of liked it, thought it made you edgy.

I don't got to hide no more?


-Oh, my God.

I thought it was the end.

I almost gave up.

Babe, I lost all faith.

That'll happen when you get hit so many times like that.

It can knock a person down.

You know the first thing I noticed about you?

Your feet don't really touch the ground when they walk.

You be floating up, high above, baby girl.

(voice breaking): You know you're my angel, right?

You always been.

And when I'm with you, I get to be up there for a little while.


I'm always gonna stay close to the ground, waiting to catch you, just in case life knocks you down again, you know that?

-I love you.

-I love you, too.

-I love you, too.


I learned very early on not to show nobody who I really am.


-Because nobody...

nobody would see me and love me.

But then I met you.

Papi, your heart is so pure, and your belief in me never shakes.


You-you taught me how to feel safe.

You know, in the world, where tomorrow's not guaranteed

-for us girls, safety is everything.


You've shown me how to feel love.

I don't ever want to be without that feeling.

Like I'm gonna stop.

I don't ever want to be without you.

Will you...

f*ck yeah.



-I'm not finished yet.

-I don't care.

-I want to say it, too.


-On three?

-On three.

BOTH: One, two, three.

Will you marry me?



(cheering, applause)

Oh, my God, we're gonna go to our first wedding!

(indistinct chatter)

Hey, superstar.

-Bitch, don't act brand-new.

-(both chuckle)


Ah, I hear you out there hustling overseas.

Teaching classes every town you stop in.

Mm, not every town, but just, um, Paris and Amsterdam.

I mean, London's been calling, as well.

Uh, just Paris, Amsterdam and London?

Come on, man, that's incredible.

I guess I'm not doing that bad, but enough about me.

What about you?

I heard you're still dancing.

I, um, I just booked the new Paula Abdul tour.

-I haven't heard the music yet, but it should be pretty dope.





That's incredible.

Look at us.

Uh, how you doing?

You know...

I'm negative.

I tested back in Paris.

Thank God.


I've been so worried, but I didn't have a number to call you at.

I'm-I'm so sorry, Damon.

You are forgiven.

And to be completely honest, it woke me up, made me more responsible, or as Blanca would say,

-more adult, so...


we're good.

I feel that.

You know, being with Pray has helped me to grow up a lot, too.


Being with that old queen, you'll end up turning into one.

-(both laugh)


You know, he's got me wearing eye cream now.


-Bitch, no.

But for real, I'm-I'm just happy to know you're doing okay.

-Shit, better than okay.

-(both laugh)

PRAY TELL: Last call for submissions for Candy's Sweet Refrain!

Oh, I'm so sorry, but I got to go, Ricky.


It's good seeing you.

-Good to see you, too.



-PRAY TELL: All right.

All right, so tonight marks the first time that we are offering a cash prize for Candy's Sweet Refrain.

I believe that this will very soon be a...

a ballroom tradition.

Okay, um...

it has come to my attention that we have a very special performer in our midst.

She hasn't been feeling very well lately, so we're gonna move her to the front of the line.

♪ (chuckles softly)

So, back from a brief leave of absence, please give it up for our very first contestant...

("The Star Spangled Banner" by Whitney Houston playing)

-♪ O say can you see ♪ -(applause, cheering)

♪ By the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪ ♪ At the twilight's last gleaming ♪ ♪ Whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ Through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ O'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ Were so gallantly streaming?

♪ ♪ And the rockets' red glare ♪ (loud cheering)

♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ Gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ That our flag was still there ♪ ♪ O say does that ♪ ♪ Star-spangled banner ♪ ♪ Yet wave ♪ ♪ O'er the land ♪ ♪ Of the free ♪ ♪ And the home ♪ ♪ Of the ♪ ♪ Brave?

♪ (holding final note)

♪ (song ends)

(loud cheering)

PRAY TELL: I'm calling it.

I'm calling it right now.

I'm calling it.

Grand prize-- Blanca Evangelista.

The rest of you hos can go home and come on back next week.

God bless you, and God bless America.

(indistinct chatter)

(microphone feedback)

For tonight's closing festivities, we've set a challenge for the beloved men of our scene.

One that requires them to find out what it's like, just for one night, to walk in our heels.

-(applause, cheering)

-For a category so special, we have a panel of judges who intimately understand what it feels like to be judged day in and day out.

This panel is made up of our legendary women.

Come judge for me.

Angel Evangelista.

(applause, cheering)

Come judge for me.

Come judge for me.

Yeah, come judge for me.

Come judge for me.

Lulu Ferocity, come judge for me.

Come judge for me.

Uh-huh, come judge for me.

♪ Sinia-ia-ia-ia Ebony.

♪ Come judge for me.

Uh-huh, come judge for me.

Yeah, come judge for me.

Uh-huh, come judge for me.

The legendary...

Kiki Pendavis!

Come judge for me.

Oh, yes, come judge for me.

Uh-huh, come judge for me.

And our final judge for the evening is the woman who I believe is the rightful winner of Mother of the Year.

In the midst of starting her own business, she battled a demon silently, struggling to stay alive to be here for her children, for us all.

This woman pushed her daughter to great heights in fashion.

She inspired her son to become a businessman.

She supported her baby boy, who is now a world-renowned dancer and choreographer.

(applause, cheering)

I don't know a better person.

I am proud to have her in my life, and to call her my daughter.

Our final judge is my heroine, my heart, Blanca Evangelista!

(applause, cheering)

Come judge for me.

Come judge for me.

Yes, come judge for me, daughter.

We love you, Blanca!


Enough with the emotions.

It's time to judge some b*tches.

("I'm Every Woman" by Whitney Houston playing)

Don't get it twisted.

These men are not trying to be women.

These linebackers are tapping into their inner femininity, and letting that inner queen come out to play.

The category is: Butch Queen Up in Drags First Time at a Ball.

-(applause, cheering)

-Yes, bitch!


Look who it is.

Ricky Wintour, serving us fierce pop diva Janet Jackson.

Ah, he's in control.

The pleasure and the principle.


What have you done for him lately?

Now, watch him get nasty.

(cheering continues)

Unlike Pray Tell, I will not play favorites.

But I will say that beauty does indeed run in my family.

Judges, your scores.

Eight, nine, ten, nine, nine.

Well done!


And look who we have here!

The Dreams have decided to grace us with their stunning presence.

Come through, Castle.

A crab in heels would have better poise.

But she's going places, and she's on a mission.

Full of confidence.

Your scores.

Eight, seven, eight, seven, six.

All right, all right.

Is she the Loretta of the group?

I can't tell because she keeps looking at the damn floor.

She's walking like the old deaconess.

Pass up the offering, baby.

Pass it up.

Pass it up.

♪ I can sense your needs...

♪ Oh, my God.

She seems to have found what she's looking for.

Her confidence!


Six, eight, eight, six, six.


-Ooh righty!

If there's any question who's the Effie White of the group, she sure is blind.

Oh, Jackie O.

The dragon has returned.

I know you have two faces, but three chins is remarkable.

Chins up, old gal.

She is full-figured, fierce and ready to fight.

Uh-huh, give Jack your scores, ladies.

Nine, eight, ten, nine, nine.

(applause, cheering)

All right.



Ms. Cubby Wintour is serving us realness, darling.


The prettiest, fairest and most stunning of them all.

I didn't know grilled tilapia was on the menu tonight.

Come on, vanilla wafer.

Mother might have to start mourning you soon.


Okay, feast your eyes.


Nine, ten, ten, nine, ten.

Looks like Vanity decided to join us for a solo performance.

(applause, cheering)

A once-in-a-lifetime engagement.

Ah, my sassy daughter.

Pump for Mother, darling.


Looks like she was born in those boots.


Brava, Lemar Wintour!

Making Mother proud!

I don't know if we need to see scores, but, judges, give me what you got.

Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten.

Across the board.

And here we have the one and only Pray Tell.

Oh, she's shy now-- Ms. Timid Tell.

(forced laughter)

There's a woman in there.

Let her out.

Let her out.

Show it, girl.

-♪ I'm every woman...

♪ -Feel it!

If you girls squint hard enough, you'll feel the presence of Diana Ross, The Boss, Ms.Mahogany.

Yes, bitch!

That's my man!

♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman...

♪ It takes guts to do what these men are doing.

Stepping out of their comfort zone, and into the shoes of another.

We should all do this more.

If we did, we would make a better world.

-(applause, cheering)

-Judges, your scores for Pray.

Ten, ten, ten, ten, nine.

Come on, Kiki!

You see these?

Payback's a bitch, Pray, isn't it?

PRAY TELL: That's all right.

I know my pump is high enough to be in the competition.

Getting heel revenge, bitch.

PRAY TELL: It is getting heel revenge.


Grand prize goes to my baby, Lemar Wintour!

(applause, cheering)

♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman ♪ ♪ I'm every woman...

♪ BLANCA: Ooh, fiancé.

Ooh, I like the way that sounds.

So, where are my two fiancés going to celebrate?


Then I'm taking this one straight home, so that we could pack for the trip tomorrow.

I'm so proud of y'all.

You know how good it feels to know your children have each other till death do them part?

LIL PAPI: Hey, don't do it, Ma.

I don't want to start crying.

Ah, you're such a drama queen.

I got feelings.

ANGEL: So, you coming with us

-to get pancakes?


Your mother is worn out, and Pray Tell is in there, washing his face and putting on some sensible shoes to wear.

And then he's taking me home.

Well, madame, we'll be having a Tooty Fruity Fresh 'N Fruity

-in your honor.



-Love you.

-I love you, too.

-I love you.

-I love you, too.

Y'all get home safe.

-We will.


Pray, hurry up!

-Tell him I said bye.

-I will, and hey, make sure y'all don't forget to send me a postcard from Germany!



Come over here.

What are y'all names?

I'm Quincy, and this is Chris, but she goes by Chilly.

-Well, does she have a voice?


Then use it.

You want to get ahead in this world, you're gonna have to learn to speak up for yourself.

How old are you two?


Um, 14.

We just got here a month ago.

I'm from Denver.

CHILLY: We both got kicked out of our houses.

We met out on the piers.

The piers?

Is that where y'all sleeping?

What about food?

Y'all stealing?

Come on, talk to me.

There's no shame in surviving.


Or dumpster-dive or find ways to get money.

You like this?

You want one of your own?


You sang real good tonight.

I mean, I know it wasn't really you singing.

Okay, well, listen, the only way to win a trophy is if you work really hard.

Now, I got some tricks up my sleeve.

I can teach you if you want.

Y'all hungry?


Good, 'cause I know a good place we can eat.


Who do we have here?

-Well, this is Quincy.


-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you, too.

-And I'm Chilly.


I'm Pray Tell.

Nice to meet you, too.

-Y'all coming with us?


Let's go home.

PRAY TELL: You hungry?


Well, let's get you something to eat.


-What you want to eat?

QUINCY: I don't know.


PRAY TELL: What you got a taste for?

CHILLY: Anything.

PRAY TELL: You got to be specific.

-QUINCY: A burger.

-PRAY TELL: A burger?

-QUINCY: Some fries.

-A burger and some fries.


-Well, we got to get you some vegetables, too.

-BLANCA: Right.

-You can't just have the...

you know, fattening stuff.

You have to have the stuff that's good for you, too.

-QUINCY: Nobody having no vegetables.

-(Pray Tell laughs)

BLANCA: Oh, you got to eat your vegetables.

(continues indistinctly)

Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH This is business.

Let's make some money.

I will bring you all down, one...



FRANKLIN: Playin' a different game now.

-We have to talk, Angel.

-There's nothing to talk about.


-What we did was personal.

We broke the rules.

-(rock music)

♪ Yeah ♪


(sirens wail)

You can't make people like you, but if people don't respect you, you can make 'em fear you.


(breathing heavily)


-(recorder playing theme song)


Pink eye!



Pink eye!

FRANK: Don't judge me!

This is art!

(recorder hits sour note)