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02x08 - Revelations

Posted: 05/28/21 06:46
by bunniefuu
PRAY TELL: So, we got vitamin B, niacin, magnesium, calcium, zinc...

And this is vitamin D3, which is really important for people of color living with HIV.

Can't I just take a once-a-day multivitamin and be done with it?

Not if you want to survive.

Ain't no more sitting on the sidelines, baby.

And here are some Chinese herbs.

You want to brew this into a tea and drink it three times a day.

That'll take care of your mind.

-Your body will follow.


That smells disgusting.


♪ And they taste like shit, too.

♪ (Pray Tell chuckling)

And don't ask me what's in 'em.

All I know, it really helped me bring my numbers back up after I had that bad reaction to the AZT.

How the hell am I supposed to keep up with all of this, Pray?

You'll get used to it.

I still haven't told anybody.


No one's ever gonna date me again.

Who's gonna love me?

I'm damaged goods.



No, no, no.

You can't think about that right now.


-Baby, you have to focus on your health.

And you gotta tell Damon.

Like, with a quickness, baby.

I know you're scared, but you owe that to him.

I know.

I will.

Would you pass me some of that bok choy, please?

Mm, which one is that?

The green stuff.

(TV droning indistinctly)

You need to eat more vegetables.


Me and Damon lived off of Sprite and beef jerky.

-You can't do that no more.

-Why not?

My abs never looked better.

It's better for you to be thick and healthy than cute and withering away.

So you like 'em thick.

I like them alive.

They drummed you right out of Hollywood.

Now you come crawling back to Broadway.

-So, you see that lady right there?


That part was supposed to be played by Judy Garland.

But Judy Garland got fired for being drunk in her trailer.

(both laugh)

Please, please tell me you know who Judy Garland is.

Of course I know who she is.

I didn't know that, though.

How you know so much about culture?

Movies and books were all we had.

You guys have MTV and magazines and all sorts of stuff.

I like that about you.

You're sophisticated.

WOMAN (on TV): What the hell are you doing in there?!

WOMAN 2: Giving it a shampoo.

Good-bye, pussycat.

(cat mews)

RICKY: Thank you for tonight.

I really needed this.

I don't know why you're thanking me.

You paid for dinner.


Yeah, I did.

-I guess I should head out then.

-Yeah, it's getting late.

-But I'm glad we did this.

-Yeah, me, too.

It was fun.

You, uh, think it's okay if I crash here?


-It's the time of night when Electra brings her boyfriends home.

Shit gets weird.


Yeah, I got you.

Um, I'm gonna get you a pillow and some sheets.

This sofa is not that comfy, but it'll do.

Tomorrow's Saturday, and it's my day off, so I like to sleep in.

So please, kindly, let yourself out quietly.

Sweet dreams.


What in God's name are you doing?

Oh, you were right.

That couch is lumpy.


I figured you have a big bed, so...

No, really, what are you...

what are you doing?

I think I have a thing for you.

(weak chuckle)

You're-- You're going through a lot right now.

You're confused.

("Whip Appeal" by Babyface playing)

♪ ♪ Whip me ♪ This ain't confused.

♪ Do it, do everything ♪ ♪ Somebody told me ♪ ♪ There'd be trouble at home ♪ ♪ 'Cause we never talk a lot ♪ ♪ When we spend time alone ♪ ♪ And how are we supposed to know ♪ ♪ Know something is wrong? ♪ ♪ Well, we've got a way to communicate...

♪ I think I want you to have me, too.

♪ It keeps a happy home ♪ ♪ And no one ♪ ♪ Does it like me ♪ ♪ And no one but you ♪ ♪ Has that kind of whip appeal on me ♪ ♪ Keep on whippin' on me ♪ ♪ You whip it on me ♪ ♪ Whip all your sweet, sweet lovin' ♪ ♪ On me.

♪ (door opens)

(footfalls approach)

PRAY TELL: The category is...




♪ -Hey!

-Found it.



You like it?

They did a good job, right?

Yo, you look good as hell, girl.

-Aah, a really good job!

-I love it.


Yo, I can't believe that photographer ain't tried nothing.

You sure he didn't ask for no kinky shit after I left?

Nah, but it was definitely awkward.

He was aggressive and cruel in front of everybody.

But I only put up with his abuse because I was scared that if I said anything, that he would tell everybody everything.

So I just kept my mouth shut.

He lucky Ms.

Ford sent me home, or I would have kicked his ass again.



-You so cute getting all riled up for me.


Cut it out.

-I got something for you if you don't cut it out.

-I like you getting -all riled up for me.

-If you don't cut it out...

(Angel laughs)

My knight in shining armor.

My baby.

I must have done something right 'cause he didn't say nothing.

Well, I'm happy.

It came out good.

I guess the campaign was too important.


-I love you.

I love you so much, Angel.

I bet you girls gonna look back at these pictures and talk about the great beauty Angel that broke through the doors for 'em, watch.


I want to show you something.

What you trying to show me that I ain't already seen?

Whose place is this?

-It's my guy Joaquin's.


We was at work, and he asked me if I knew somebody looking for a place.

Blanca can't fit all of Evangelista in here.

Plus, this area's expensive.

It's $450 a month.

-It's mad cheap for this neighborhood.


And it's getting real fancy real quick.

With the lifestyle you living, mama, and the places you going, you need to be living in a place like this, next to all them fancy people you'll be working with.

You trying to get a place together?

-On our own?


-It's not about me.


I'll stay home with Blanca if you want me to.

This will be yours.

You make your own money now.

And I need you to know you can get this if you want it for yourself.

You know, the last time I had a place of my own, a guy got it for me.

So I could be on retainer.

His little plaything.


Now I can get a place of my own.

My own place.

You can see the piers from here.

That's where I used to...

where I used to pull tricks with the girls.

Same piers I used to deal on.

(humming softly)





What is all that?


Hi, ladies.

What's with Golden Girls realness at our booth?

They gave those old bats our table 'cause you finally decide to join us.

Please, take your time.

You can't be late twice.

I was up late last night.

I'm having a slow morning.

-So slow you come in third in a two-man race.


Okay, are you hens just gonna keep wasting time clucking, or shall we proceed?




Hear ye, hear ye.

The bi-monthly meeting of the masters of ceremonies council is now in session.

Manhattan, updates.

Well, we used part of the dues and donations to pay for Candy's burial, so we aren't gonna be able to cover the trophies for the next ball.

We all need to cover this.

All right.

Come on.

-JACK: Oh, you're collecting it?


I'll collect it.

I'll go get them.

-Thank you.

-CASTLE: That's all I got.

(clears throat)

All right.

Two dollars, bitch...


-...that said, "We all need to cover it"?

We all need to help in the way that we can.

-Oh, okay.

Moving on.

-Thank you.

The children are loving Candy's Sweet Refrain as a new category, but now the butch queens want to perform up in drags.


-Motion accepted.

-CASTLE: Just that fast?

You always have an opinion about categories.


-That's not true.

JACK: Bitch, please.

You've got opinions -like these queens got bleached assholes.


Nobody want it, they're always offering it out

-and you can keep it to yourself.

-Are you in a rush?

You got a midmorning date you running off to?


-Are you sure, sis?

(chuckles): You are positively glowing.

I mean, your face ain't even beat.

Uh, what have you done with Pray Tell?

Well, you know, I've been switching up my regime.


-You know, I got some new creams and unguents and lotions and potions and stuff.

You know how that goes.

Okay, okay.

I have a confession to make, and you heifers better keep this shit to yourselves.

I've taken a lover.




Last person to ice your cakes was Keenan.


-MANHATTAN: Though, why wouldn't you tell us

-you've in love?

-PRAY TELL: I'm not in love.

-I'm in lust.

-Is there a difference?



It's not, it's not romantic, you know, but it's hot.

It's-it's passionate.

Every time I think about him, I just start to sweat.

And, you know, he got them eyes, them kind of eyes that just pierce right through your soul.


-Washboard abs as hard as granite, and a pair of the juiciest lips that he absolutely knows how to use.

For what, bitch?


I'm just happy.

You know?

I haven't felt this way in a long time.

I can't even believe at this point in my life I'm even saying some shit like that.


-JACK: Ay, bendito.

I'm so happy for you-- Who is it?

MANHATTAN: So nosey.

But for real, -who is it?

-Is it Ray Ray?

That queen with the Jheri curl that works at Union Square café?


-JACK: Ooh.




-JACK: Girl.

Ray Ray?

That bitch is so old, she was a waiter at the Last Supper, honey.


-Serving bread, fish, water and wine.

-MANHATTAN: Oh, damn.

-CASTLE: Oh, all the things.



JACK: Y'all and this Ray Ray.


He's a younger man.



-She's cradle-robbing.

-PRAY TELL: See, that's why I didn't want to tell you biddies nothing.

MANHATTAN: You know how complicated these young men are.

Always looking for a daddy 'cause they're financially unstable and scared of commitment.

Aren't you unemployed, bitch?


-CASTLE: Ooh...

-Life is a journey.

-PRAY TELL: Oh, is it?

And one more thing.

So many of these young black and brown men have a complex when it comes to older men.

Most of their dad-- no, I would say 100% of their daddies hated them for being faggots.

Beat them, threw them out.

So they turn to us for the love and approval they were denied.

Well, I think it's great you're dating someone younger.

(Pray Tell chuckles)

They also have less baggage.

Granted, they can't afford to buy any.


-You are wrong, wrong, wrong.


The only thing that matters is whether or not he is laying that pipe, sis.

-Ooh, the sex is fierce.


Well, do you, then, girl.

Someone deserves to have their back broke.

MANHATTAN: Castle is right.

And don't ever be ashamed of sharing your good news with us.

Own your choices.

CASTLE: Mm-hmm.

It's Ricky.



-Oh, girl, no.

-He's an infant.

-He is a man.

-A young man.

-A very, very, -very young man.

-Well, who else am I supposed to date?

I spend all my time at the balls.

-Someone your own age.

-You just said it was a good thing that I was dating somebody younger.

I lied to make you feel better, whore.


Well, it's not gonna last.

As a matter of fact, it's already over.

I'm-I'm gonna, -I'm gonna break it off.

-JACK: Why?

Because of these Judy judgmental, jealous jezebel b*tches?

-Wasn't that a lot of Js?




JACK: I mean, who cares if he's young?

I would rather be a babysitter than a nurse.


Is he hung?

So tacky.

But if you want to answer, I won't stop you.


Last night, we went at it from In Living Color till 4:00 in the morning.



My right thigh is cramping just thinking about it.


-But what is his status?

-He obviously knows about you.

-You know I ain't talking about nobody's status.

Just suffice it to say, we was...


CASTLE: What about Damon?

She gonna be pissed.

I didn't steal nobody's man.

He and Damon were already broken up.

The person I'm really concerned about is Blanca.

JACK: Pray, no.

You're not Ricky's father.

You're not even in his house.

If you want to keep seeing him, you should.


You deserve to be happy.

CASTLE: But we know you.

You're gonna t*rture yourself until you tell her.

So just do it.

♪ It feels good, whoo, yeah ♪ -♪ It feels good...

♪ -Uh, uh, uh, uh.


This is my jam.

♪ Yeah...

♪ I have missed Evangelista dinners.

Well, you came at the right time, because you know what?

We got Pizza Rolls.


Ah, wait a minute.

Pizza Rolls?


These are loaded with preservatives.

Boy, we used to eat them all the time.

You said that they were better than filet mignon.

(English accent): Well, my palate has become sophisticated.



So, Miss Elektra has finally let you eat.

-(regular accent): Sure not.



-(both laugh)

Uh, I ain't gonna lie, I've missed being an Evangelista.

♪ It feels good...

♪ Especially this past week.

♪ It feels good to know that you want to be around...

♪ Where is everyone tonight?

Um, Angel and Lil Papi are on a date, Blanca is at the salons, and...

-so it's just us.


♪ If the rhythm feels good to you, baby ♪ -♪ Let me hear you say ♪ -♪ Oh, oh, baby ♪ ♪ If the rhythm feels good to you, baby ♪


♪ Oh, baby...

♪ You know, I knew this moment would come.


What moment?

I've done a lot of thinking, and I've come to some clarity, and so, yes.

I'll take you back.

♪ 'Cause you know it feels good...

♪ -(chuckles)

-I don't want to punish you anymore.

♪ It feels good...

♪ -Damon, um...

-Oh, no, before you say anything, just please promise me that you'll be faithful.


♪ Having you around...

♪ I have something to tell you.

Oh, dear.

Please don't tell me you're dating somebody.

(music stops)

I tested positive.


Boy, what?

I have HIV.

I-I just don't understand.

We just got-got tested and we both tested negative.

I-I know.

I got a call from Chris, um...

H-He was sick, and-and he thought it was the flu, but then he seroconverted, uh...

You told me y'all didn't sleep together while we were together.

-I know.

I f*cked up.

-You lied to me.

-I'm sorry.

-You're sorry?

-That's what you got to offer me?

-I know!

I need to grow up.

That's why I've been spending time with Pray Tell.

Why did you go to Pray before you come to me?

He's been teaching me things.

Teaching you what?

(quietly): Um...

Did you tell him that you was a liar?


You know what, I don't want to talk to you anymore.


Just promise me you'll get tested.

I'm not promising you shit!

I never meant to expose you.

I just hope that...


...someday, you can believe that.

Get out.

Get the f*ck out!


♪ What are those moves?

She looks like a pigeon with a busted foot.

(cheering, applause)

(speaking indistinctly)

(cheering, applause)


Go Damon!

♪ ♪ ♪ (cheering, whooping)

LIL PAPI: That's my brother!

That's my brother!

That's my brother!

That's my brother!

(cheering and applause)

Right here.

One, two, three.

-(camera clicks)

-Happy graduation.

All right, all right, come on, let's eat.

Daddy needs a drink.

-You want a drink?

-HELENA: Blanca.

Y'all go on on ahead, I'll catch up.

I hope you weren't gonna run off without saying goodbye.

I'm sorry.

I just didn't know what to say to you.

What you did with Damon was...

I just thought that anything I said wouldn't be good enough.

My gratitude for you is beyond, you know?

You don't have to thank me.

I came to thank you.

I could be the greatest teacher in the world, but it doesn't matter if the student doesn't show up.

You held a vision for him.

Like every good mother does.

Yeah, but...

you guided his way.

You was patient with him when he didn't deserve it.

(both chuckle)


what that boy did up there today...

that was the most beautiful thing that I ever saw in my entire life.

You know, the best students I ever have are the ones who are imagining their legacy every day.

They don't want to be good or great.

They want to be legends.

They aren't afraid of dying.

They're afraid of not leaving their mark.

Are you trying to say Damon is trying to be one of them?

-(both chuckle)

-No, he's got a bright future, but I'm talking about you.

I knew it the moment you barged into my office and gave me that speech about your child.

Demanded that I give him an audition on the spot.

I don't think I will ever meet a mother who believes in her children the way you do.

Who'll fight for them like that.

It's been a delight to teach Damon.

But it has been an honor to know you.


You know we having a party at our place.

You want to come?



-Another time?


Uh, we running low on this wine.

Not tonight!

Not tonight!

BLANCA: Listen, I...

-I can't even believe my baby done graduated.


-Thank you.

-It-- It was a long road, but you did it.

I'm so proud of you.

LIL PAPI: Speech.



BOTH: Speech!








Okay, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right.

I, uh, thank you all for throwing this celebration for me.

I, uh, I don't really feel like I deserve it.

Course you do, baby.

Come on.

I mean, it's been a weird couple of days.

You know, there's been a whole lot of endings, and maybe some new beginnings,

-but, you know...

-ANGEL: Yes.

-To new beginnings, honey.

-BLANCA: Uh, girl, could you -let him finish his speech?

-ANGEL: I wasn't interrupting.

DAMON: And, you know, I feel a renewed purpose, you know?

With me finishing my program, I...

I'm gonna start being selfish and focus on me.




Well, I learned from the best.

You're welcome.

Darling Angel, you know I'm cleansing

-the negativity out of my life.

-ANGEL (quietly): Very good.

You keep it up, you might be next.



BLANCA: Okay, well, good for you.

Good for you.

Uh-- Let's not carry around baggage.


-LIL PAPI: Hey, yo, Damon.

What're you gonna do now that you're done with school?

I mean, you know...

my degree is in dance, so, dance is the obvious choice.

PRAY TELL: As well it should be.

That final performance was stunning.

Is there a future for a dancer?

Yeah, if the...

dancer works hard and is talented.



So it'll be a short-lived career.


No, you get it?

-Well, it's definitely a longer shelf life than a model's.

-(quietly): Damon?

He's jealous because my face is in every Duane Reade -in the city.


People recognize me when I go to Roy Rogers.

Mm-hmm, is it because of Wet and Wild, or is it because the piers?

Mamma mia, babulote.

Damon got jokes.

-So you're judging my survival?

-BLANCA: You know what?

This was a fun little party.

-Thank y'all for coming.




Uh, not that.

-Sit down.


I mean, you're degrading yourself perfectly fine without my help.

-Well, f*ck you, Damon.

-BLANCA: Angel, that's enough.

Uh, I think I'm the only guy in New York that hasn't.

LIL PAPI: Yo, bubba, ain't got to talk to her like that.

No, it's all right, baby.

Let's see who has the last laugh when I'm traveling the world and on magazine covers, and you're doing corny-ass, stupid-ass tours...

-BLANCA: Angel, all right, cut it out.

-...of a, of a one-hit wonder.


-DAMON: I cannot wait to see what kind...


-...of campaigns you book with that cracked skin.

That's not a natural glow, sweetie.

That's cocaine sweats.

BLANCA: What are you talking about?

You doing dr*gs?


-She's lying.

-Angel, I want the truth.

-Why would I jeopardize everything I've worked so hard for?

What were you doing in the bathroom when I walked in on you yesterday?

I was doing my makeup.

You know what?

That is a serious accusation, y'all.

-(quietly): Okay.

-Well, wh-what do you need more?

-I mean, we telling you what we saw.

-Damon, there is no proof.

We're telling the truth!

That-that should be enough!

But it's not.

'Cause you a liar.

You've been caught lying already.


You was f*cking Ricky without a condom.


-You forgot that quick?



You know what, Papi?

-Take her and go.

-You wasn't-- You wasn't using condoms?

Did you forget about that?

DAMON: You are always sticking up for her, and I am sick of this shit, okay?

BLANCA: Damon, you need to calm down.

-No, I'm not gonna calm down!

-Who are you talking to?

This is bullshit, okay?

I am right behind you all these years.

I just asked you to back me up, that's it.

That's it!

You're being disrespectful, Damon.

When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it.

Whenever shit hits the fan, I'm the one behind your side.

I'm the one that's holding you down,

-I'm showing up!

-Oh, and I haven't?

I didn't encourage you to go to dance school?

Or start teaching down at the Y?

You're my mother.

That's what you're supposed to do!

Ever since you got that nail salon, you've been all about yourself.

-Now, who's the selfish one now, huh?



You will not talk to your mother like that.

Not in my presence.

You have no idea the sacrifices that have been made so that you can "aspire to greatness."

I can't wait for life to hit you real hard, so that you have to experience how f*cked up real life really is.

I know how f*cked up the world is.

I was put out of my house by my biological parents and then my ex-boyfriend decided to expose me to HIV.


DAMON: Yeah.


is positive.

Well, did you get tested?

Oh, how's Ricky?

-Is he okay?

-Well, I don't know.

Ask Pray.

-You knew?


Okay, pump the m*therf*cking brakes.

Ricky came to me.

And it's really shitty of you to share his status with everybody.

It's not your business!

You need to learn some damn respect!


Who's raising these children?

I need some Remy Martin for this shit.

Oh, you are one to talk about some g*dd*mn respect, Pray.

-Excuse me?


Why don't you tell Blanca why you didn't tell her about Ricky's status, huh?

I didn't let her know about his status because it's not my business

-to tell!

-It's not because you're f*cking?


That's some new information.

This house is scandalous, can you believe this?

You gonna believe him if he denies it, too, huh?



No, Pray would never do that.

You gonna believe this slut over your son!

-PRAY TELL: I'm gonna f*ck you up!

-(Blanca shouting)

I'm gonna f*ck you up!

Who's a slut?

Who's a f*cking slut?

Pray Tell...


Is he telling the truth?


ELEKTRA: Pray Tell, house mothers and fathers never sleep with their children.

It's the number one rule in ballroom.

-I'm not his father.

-But you're an elder!

He looks up to you like a father.

All the boys in ballroom do.

It's complicated.

Just like life.

BLANCA: Know what?

W-- You can get out.

Are you for real?

Yeah, I'm for real.

-Please leave.


You know what?

Just so we're clear; I'm a grown-ass man.

Ricky is a grown-ass man!


f*ck y'all.

-f*ck you too, Pray.

-Yeah, remember that.

ELEKTRA: Laying down when you should be standing up.

Wake up!

♪ Stop what you're doin' 'cause I'm about to ruin...


Sookie sookie now!

Sookie sookie sookie now!


-Shit, all right.

Yo, Papi baby!

-Judges, your score.

-♪ I'll drink a bottle of Hennessey...

♪ Ten!




Ten, bitch!

Give him a hand, way up high!

-Papi Evangelista.

Give it up!

-(cheering continues)

Give it up!

PRAY TELL: Don't be mad.

♪ Get up, come on and do...

♪ PRAY TELL: All right, let him have it.

Let him have it.

All right, now my next category is my favorite.

My favorite category.

Femme Queen Vogue!

-Come on.

Come on, bitch.

-(crowd cheering)


Come on, Charisma.

Look, Ma, I got a trophy.

PRAY TELL: That's how I like it, too.

Yeah, I see, baby.


Why you here by yourself?

Where's Damon at?

Probably somewhere twiddling his fingers telling stories on people.

Mother, I know you mad at me.

♪ We only take...

♪ You believe him, don't you?

I don't know what to believe anymore.

You says you wasn't messing around with that stuff, so I'll let it go, baby.

PRAY TELL: All right, come on, Florida.

We see you.


In all that neon, baby.

We see you.

Work it out.

Work it out.


I must have missed the memo that we were having a family meeting.

-What y'all talking about?

-I got a trophy.

Oh, swirl it around like a windmill.

Pop, pop.




-(crowd cheering)

-Oh, shit.

Here comes Silhouette from the rear, baby.

Whirling, swirling, swishing, swirling like a windmill.


And the whip-- Whip it good, bitch.

Whip it.

-Serving up twists...

-So have you told Mother

-the truth yet?

-BLANCA: She did.

And when's she moving out?

I ain't going nowhere.


-PRAY TELL: Pop, pop.



DAMON: Oh, I see.

Mother holds you to a different standard.

Papi sells weed to get by, and he's homeless instantly, and...

But dear, old, darling Miss Angel does hardcore, lethal dr*gs and she gets to stay.

-What is up with that?

-Damon, stop.

She said she didn't do it, so let it be.

PRAY TELL: Ten, ten, ten, ten,


-You calling me a, a liar, Mother?

PRAY TELL: ...time for the next category!

Butch Queen Vogue!

(crowd whistling, whooping)


Come on, Shadow.

From the rear.

Shadow from the rear.

-I got to go.

-Yeah, go.

♪ It takes two to make it out of sight...

♪ PRAY TELL: Oh, oh.

Here comes Damon from the rear.

Serving us, serving us the banjee, oh!

He's giving you loins, baby.

Ooh, that face.

That face is mad.

That face is mad.

Hey, what's going on, honey?

Damon's like, "Get out of my way, get out my way, bitch.

Get out my way." Come on, Damon.

Work that shit out.




In the push.

Get out the way.

Push, push, get out the way.

Move, move.

Get out the-- wow!


♪ I don't know, so let's go ♪ Yoga planting.

Holds himself up.

That core is strong, bitch.

That core is strong.

♪ It takes two to make it out of sight ♪ ♪ It takes two to make a thing go right...

♪ You got to come on in here with the goods, baby.

Giving us backstroke realness.

♪ 'Cause I'm gonna keep you in step ♪ ♪ I got an idea...



What, you don't want it?

You don't want it.

You don't want it, queen.

You don't want it.


Okay, stop, stop.

Stop, bitch.


Come on up and get these trophies.

All right.

Cut the music, cut the music.

This first score goes to Chardonnay.

Chardonnay Pendavis, what are your scores?

Eight, nine, eight, nine, eight.

All right.

For Shadow, baby.


-We know where you from, bitch.

Shadow Wintour.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Let's go, Shadow!

Ten, nine, nine, ten, ten-- You know.

There is room, honey.

There is room at the end.

Who's next?

Is it Damon Evangelista?

-CROWD: Evangelista.


That bitch said, "Move out my way.

I got things to do." Oh, for Damon Evangelista...

Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten.

Ten, ten, ten, across the m*therf*cking board.

Come on and get this trophy.

You earned it, you deserve it.

God bless you.

Give me a smile, bitch.

I know you didn't roll your eyes at me.

Don't make me have to knock them eyes out your head, bitch.

You ain't grown yet.

♪ Get busy, you ready now? ♪ ♪ One, two... ♪


I need a ciggie break.

Come on, Jack Mizrahi.

Take over for me for a minute, baby.


Damon, right?



I saw you perform and I had to introduce myself.

My name is Tori.

(inhales sharply)

I work closely with Malcolm McLaren.

Can we talk?

(softly): Oh...

Pray Tell, we need to have a discussion.

I'm down from one pack of cigarettes a day to two a week; I don't want to hear your mouth.

Do not be a mean queen, you know what I'm talking about.


Let me break it down for you.

You have different rules for different people.

-What did you say?

-I said, you have different rules for different people.

Just like you rank and file your children

-and treat them accordingly.

-I treat all of my children the same.

-You are in denial.

-Pray Tell, I'm not an unfair mother.

And I do not play favorites.


She gets to do dr*gs and stay.

When other people get kicked out.

-That is not true.

-(derisive laugh)

Damon sleeps with Ricky, even though that's against your rules and now you're mad at me for doing the same thing.

Will you stop flapping your gums for a minute and hear me out?

Damn, I'm-a give you the hard truth, Pray Tell.

Straight up.

You are taking advantage of someone who is in a very vulnerable

-position right now.

-He... came on to me.

You of all people should understand why I didn't stop him.

I'm 45 years old, here's a man.

Who shows me kindness.

Who thinks I'm sexy.

That doesn't happen to me every day.

You two are not equals.

That boy doesn't even know who he is yet.

And on top of things, he just found out he's HIV positive.

His head is probably on another planet right now.

I'm-a say this one more time.

Ricky's grown.

-And he's doing just fine.

-How is Ricky fine?

I've known about my status for a whole two years and I still don't know how to navigate sex and relationships.

Maybe that's your problem.


let your sex dry up because of this virus and now you're jealous of me because

-I haven't done the same.

-Know what?

f*ck that, Pray.

You have no idea what it is like to be a woman living with HIV.

At least when you're gay, y'all can live in the same w*r zone.

Y'all can protect each other.

Straight men still think that they can catch this virus from a spoon.

They want nothing to do with me.

That's no excuse...

-for you to stop trying.

-Don't you dare act like you know what it's like to, to be me.

-You know what?

Get out of my face.

-Oh, so you own -the m*therf*cking streets of New York now?

-You damn-- You damn right.

Come correct.

One last thing.

And I hope you hear me.

I never meant to hurt anyone.

(voice breaking): Most of all, you.

(heavy sigh)

(distant laughter)

Oh, ow.

Turn that off.

Turn that off, it's too bright.

(lock clicks)

Rough night?

Is that a question?

(Ricky grunting)


you shouldn't be drinking.

Let me tell you something.

If you gon' spend time in my house, you will not tell me what to do.


-You ain't the boss of me.

-Okay, okay.


Calm down.

I'm a black gay man...

who's dying...

of HIV.

I'm just trying to figure out how to live when I...

Everybody in the world wants me dead.

Hmm, the only person in the world who understood that was Blanca and I blew that friendship up...

for a player...

who's gonna break my heart.

I didn't ask you to defend me.





Blanca was your mother and you came to me.

Who do I go to now for support?

With my fears?






Who's my mother now?

-(Pray Tell groaning)

-Come here.



-You need to get up, okay?


-Come on.


-(Pray groaning)

...two, three.

Oh, I got you.

Here we go.


You made it.

-I really did.

-I told you...

-Mm-hmm. would make it.

Get these off.

-Feel better?


(Pray Tell sighs heavily)

Sleep this off and we'll talk about it in the morning.

I know you.

You'll be gone.

And I'll be all alone.

Just like...

all the others.


(birds singing)




Good morning.

I made you some coffee.

It'll help with that hangover I'm sure you got.

I hope you hungry.

There's a lot of food here.

Some coffee.

Take a couple of these.



You're still here.


I'm so sorry I'm late.

-I got you your favorite.


-Mmm, and they crispy, too.


How was your day?

-It was good.


-Yeah, I'm good.


I'm still on cloud nine about Damon's graduation.

I can't believe one of our own got a degree.

Everything is changing for the better.




Everything coming up ain't roses.

What are you talking about?

Me and Damon, Damon and Ricky, you and Damon, and now you and Pray Tell.

That's a lot of drama, even for ballroom.

Hey, those are just bumps in the road.

Families fight.

It'll be okay, you'll see.

-I know how much you love Pray Tell.



I got other things to concentrate on than wondering about what ballroom trade Pray Tell is bringing in this week.

That's mad shady.

You know Pray Tell not like that.

It's not our job to judge.

Hm, I guess you're right.


-I was kind of hard on him.

-Yeah, you was.

And you wasn't hard on me at all.



He wasn't lying.

See, I knew it.

I knew it.

I thought that Papi was good for you, and he wasn't.

He was supposed to keep you focused, and he pressured you into doing dr*gs.

It's not-- That's not Papi.

Stop blaming everybody.

I did it.

I chose to do it.

You want to be mad at somebody, be mad at me.

Blame me.

You taught me to be a woman of my word, a woman of integrity.

I broke the rules.

I have to accept the consequences.

Go ahead.

Do it.

You have to.

Kick me out.


I'm not doing that.

You my only daughter.

I can't do that.

So what?

Rules are rules.

I'm not gonna let you stop being a good mother because of me.


Maybe it'll be easier if you think about it like a graduation.


Like Damon.


-From a daughter in your house to a woman on my own.



-Where you gonna go?

-You know, Papi?

He found the perfect place.

Right in the heart of the Village.

We'll take care of each other, just like you taught us.



Maybe you come over for Friday night dinners.



As much as I fought with y'all about cleaning y'all room, I'm glad to see you finally know how to do it on your own.


All right, look, how long is the silent treatment gonna last?

I saw Angel today.

She told me the truth.

Sorry I didn't believe you.

Mothers make mistakes, too.

I have some news.

Do you know, um,

-who Malcolm McLaren is?


That artist who does

-"Deep In Vogue"?


There was a lady at the ball that worked for him.

Said that he's about to start his tour for his new album, and... he wants me to join him.

Oh, my God.

-Damon, that is great.

-In Europe.



Said that we start in a week.

-How long you gonna be there for?

-I don't know.

A year.

Maybe longer.


My son the ambassador.

I am so proud of you, and I am gonna miss you.

I don't...

I don't think I can do it.


You know, I always knew this day would come.

Where I would have to share you with the world.

And to be quite honest, I would keep you here forever if I could, but you got a talent and the world needs to see that.

This is what you've spent the last years working towards.

All the sacrifices you made to get here.

You can't give up on that dream now.

How many of us get the opportunity to do what we love?

But I can't leave you.

I'll always be with you.

Right here.

(softly): Bring it in.


DOMINATRIX: Do you have an extra pair of nipple clamps I can borrow?

What do I look like to you, Rent-A-Center?

I still can't believe you're making money off of hurting people.

Life is pain.

In here, we all understand that in order to enjoy it, you have to embrace it.

But the pain I'm feeling towards my children leaving, I...

I don't know how I'm supposed to embrace something like that.

If they don't grow strong enough to rebel, to reject you, to move away, then you're not raising men and women.

-You're creating parasites.

-So that's it?

I give them everything and they're just gone?

There are always more children to raise.

Not like these kids.




I don't care if you're a Connecticut white girl, a Chinatown immigrant, or one of us.

If you choose to be a mother, you choose to shape the world.

Your children will truly appreciate you when you're dead.

Until then, you want gratitude?

Get a puppy.

♪ I had it all ♪ ♪ But I let it slip away... ♪


♪ Couldn't see I treated you wrong... ♪ That's enough.

Mother has to go to work now.

♪ Now I wander around ♪ ♪ Feeling down and cold... ♪ You'll be fine.

Jim, heel.

♪ Trying to believe that you're gone ♪ ♪ Love takes time ♪ ♪ To heal when you're hurting so much ♪ ♪ Couldn't see that I was blind ♪ ♪ To let you go ♪ ♪ I can't escape the pain ♪ ♪ Inside ♪ ♪ 'Cause love takes time ♪ ♪ I don't want to be here ♪ ♪ I don't want to be here ♪ ♪ Alone ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Losing my mind ♪ ♪ From this hollow in my heart ♪ ♪ Suddenly I'm so ♪ ♪ Incomplete ♪ ♪ Lord, I'm needing you now ♪ ♪ Tell me how to stop the rain ♪ ♪ Tears are falling down ♪ ♪ Endlessly ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ Love takes time ♪ ♪ To heal when you're hurting so much ♪ ♪ Couldn't see that I was blind ♪ ♪ To let you go ♪ ♪ I can't escape the pain inside ♪ ♪ 'Cause love takes time ♪ ♪ I don't want to be there ♪ ♪ I don't want to be there alone... ♪


♪ Oh.♪