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02x90 - Pose-A-Thon

Posted: 05/28/21 06:29
by bunniefuu


PRAY TELL: The category is...





(SINGSONGY): Hey, everybody!

Billy Porter here... aka Pray Tell.

And this year we are celebrating

the th anniversary of the Pride march.

And we wanted to, um,
celebrate with you guys

by coming into your homes,

given the current times this year.

Although we've come
a long way since

and the Stonewall riots,

we must continue to fight for justice.

- So the cast of Pose...

- What's up?
- Oh, my God.

... are all here for a worthy cause

to raise money for the
Hetrick-Martin Institute,

House Lives Matter,

the Transgender Legal
Defense & Education Fund...

and GLSEN.


I'm gonna need you
to open up your purses

and get those coins out, darlings.

Learn more about these
great charities and donate.

Just go to
for more information.

We are very excited to
celebrate with you guys.

It's the th anniversary
of Pride, y'all!

So let's give.



Let's share our stories, our talent,

and most importantly, our pride.


♪ Good morn or evening, friends ♪

♪ Here's your friendly announcer ♪

♪ I have serious news to pass on ♪

♪ To everybody ♪

♪ What I'm about to say ♪

♪ Could mean the world's disaster ♪

♪ Could change your joy and laughter ♪

♪ To tears and pain ♪

♪ It's that love's ♪

♪ In need ♪

♪ Of love today ♪

♪ Don't delay ♪

♪ Send yours in right away ♪

♪ Hate's goin' round ♪

♪ Breakin' many hearts ♪

♪ Stop it, please ♪

♪ Before it's gone too far ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ The force of evil plans ♪

♪ To make you its possession ♪

♪ And it will if we let it ♪

♪ Destroy everybody ♪

♪ We all must take ♪

♪ Precautionary measures ♪

♪ If love and peace you treasure ♪

♪ Then hear me when I say ♪

- ♪ Whoa, whoa, that love's ♪
- ♪ Love ♪

♪ Love's in need ♪

♪ Of love today ♪

♪ Don't delay ♪

♪ Send yours in right away ♪

♪ Hate's goin' round ♪

- ♪ Breakin' many hearts ♪
- ♪ Breakin' hearts ♪

♪ Stop it, please ♪

♪ Before it's gone too far ♪

♪ Love's in need ♪

♪ Of love today ♪

♪ Did you ever think that love ♪

♪ Would be in need of love today? ♪

♪ Don't delay ♪

♪ Send yours in right away ♪

♪ Ooh, oh, hey ♪

- ♪ Hate's goin' round ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

- ♪ Just bring it down a little ♪
- ♪ Breaking hearts ♪

♪ Love is very peaceful ♪

♪ Let's bring it down a little ♪

- ♪ Stop it, please ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

- ♪ Gone too far ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Just give the world ♪

♪ Love. ♪


I have come to understand Pride

for myself as being able

to actually not leave
pieces of yourself behind,

to have pride in all of your
intersectional identities.

That's something I learned
from my sister Janet Mock

in her book Surpassing Certainty.

But I'm still working.

Pride to me means
standing in your truth,

knowing exactly who you are,

knowing that your existence on
this earth is more than enough,

no matter what anyone says.

It's also standing up
for the rights of others

who have been put
down for so many years.

It's also about seeking truth.

To me, Pride...

means joy, means love,

means family,

means... acceptance,

but all within yourself.

And being able to feel that joy,
that acceptance, that love,

and be able to show it out to the world,

because you're proud from within.

Right now, we have the floor.

Right now, we are
coming together as one.

Let's continue to uplift one another.

Let's continue to fight
for the cause of love,

equality for all black lives,

including women of color,

trans women of color,

and all black lives of every facet.

Pride for me means so many things.

It means love, it means acceptance,

it means family.

It means choosing your
truth over your safety.


understanding that your trauma
is not your responsibility,

but your healing is.

And also it's a call to action.

You know, to be proud, to be happy,

to be seen, to be heard,
and to be valued.

And for that, specifically for that,

it is needed more now than
ever before in this world.

And I think we're all still working

on creating a world that we're proud of,

creating a society that we're proud of.

And it starts by being
proud of ourselves,

by being proud of who we are
and how we show up in the world.

What Pride means to me is the
pride I have in my identity,

the pride that I have in my community,

and knowing that my
pride comes from a history

of pioneers that allowed me
to be prideful of who I am.

Those q*eer pioneers

that, you know, paved the way, rioted

into... into the freedom

that I am able to enjoy now,

and I get to pass that
on to my chosen family.

Pride to me means loving
everything about yourself,

even when people are telling
you that you shouldn't.

It's about freedom.

It's about us recognizing...

that everyone's beautiful

in their own way.

And everyone needs to be respected,

because we're not all the same.

To be the same would make us so boring.

Imagine a world without people

in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Gosh. How boring.

I am Pride.

That's what Pride means to me.

It's me.

It's all of my passion, all of my pain,

all of my anger, all
of my happy, all my joy

wrapped up in this tapestry

and fierceness, darling,

which is love,

family, joy

and remembrance and action.

Disney Television
Studios and FX are going

to be giving $ ,

between the Hetrick-Martin Institute,

the Transgender Legal
Defense & Education Fund,

and GLSEN.

And we hope that you can donate, too,

by following the links
that we will be providing

throughout this hour.

During my entire life,

the legitimacy of my
existence was challenged,

and it continues to be today.

Ever since I can remember,

my body has always been at
the center of controversy.

Before I even understood sex,

people were already having discussions

about who I was and wasn't
supposed to sleep with,

and who I was and wasn't.

Of course, I never had a
say in those discussions

until I was and decided to speak out.

My freedom is at mercy
to political debate

and the opinions of a majority

who have never even met
a q*eer or trans person.

This entire dynamic,

this entire reality

has negatively impacted my self-worth,

my confidence, my ability to dream,

my health, my safety.

This is the experience

of countless trans and q*eer people

all over America, and even more so

for q*eer and trans people
who are black and brown.

Over time, I was lucky to
make friends and meet people

who affirmed my humanity
and helped me to understand

how truly precious my life is.

And they helped me

to develop a healthy
relationship with my identity.

My transness and my queerness
and my blackness are not things

I should be ashamed
of or try to minimize.

In fact, I learned that
these are all things

that I should be proud
of and I should maximize.

Since then, I've chosen to nurture

and grow my sense of pride for myself,

for the parts of me I'm made
to feel less than for having,

and for my community.

That pride I carry ever so loudly

in all that I do and say and am.

My pride isn't just
renewal and resistance.

It's self-preservation.

Go to,

and please donate to GLSEN,
the Hetrick-Martin Institute,

as well as the Transgender
Legal Defense & Education Fund.

Pose is among the
greatest gifts in my life.

I am so honored to write,

to direct and to produce on this show

and to make history alongside
this historic ensemble.

Um, as the first black trans woman

to be able to write and
direct an episode of television

and to be one of the
leading voices on this show

has been a great honor of my life.

I would not, though, be able
to do the work that I do today

if it wasn't for the work

and the sacrifices of our forebears,

the people who came before us,

who fought for our
rights toward equality.

Um, I think that Pride

really should be about commemorating

the Stonewall riots,

where it was black and brown,

trans and q*eer and
gender nonconforming folk

who put their bodies on the line

to say that they did not
want to be policed anymore.

They didn't want to be
surveillanced anymore.

They didn't want to be incarcerated

for being who they are
and loving who they love.

And, so, on this day,

I hope that you feel
prideful about that legacy,

about Marsha P. Johnson and
Stormé and Sylvia Rivera

and all of the countless
and nameless folk

who put their bodies on the line for us.

Today, I am proud to be a
part of a legacy of a series

that picks up where they left off.

For the first time in history,

we get to see black and
brown LGBTQ characters

in their full glory,

together in community,
in love, in support,

really uplifting the
power of chosen family.

And, so, I'm proud that
Disney as well as FX

are supporting the groundbreaking work

of Hetrick-Martin Institute, GLSEN,

Transgender Legal
Defense & Education Fund,

and so many more powerful organizations.

On this Pride, I hope that you celebrate

the fact that you are a blessing,

that nothing is wrong with you,

and that you're deserving of everything,

of every single little thing
that this world has to offer.

Happy Pride.

Hey, Pose fam.

Steven Canals here,

cocreator and executive
producer of Pose,

and I'd like to give you a brief history

of the Stonewall uprising.

Picture it.

Christopher Street, summer of .

Police raid

the Stonewall Inn, a bar located
in New York's Greenwich Village.

At the time, it was
still illegal to be gay,

and h*m* was still
viewed as a mental disorder.

Stonewall was one of the very few spaces

for q*eer and trans people.

Now, police raids were
pretty common back then.

Bars were seen as
"disorderly environments",

if you can believe it.

It was a Saturday, June the th, ,

at around : in the morning
when several officers

stepped foot into the Stonewall.

And the patrons had had enough,


NYPD were not expecting

the patrons of the bar to fight back,

but I am so glad that they did.

That rebellion spanned six days,
and it ultimately catalyzed

America's gay liberation movement.

Over the years, there have been

varying reports about
what ultimately sparked

the rebellion.

Some say it was a brick
thrown by Marsha P. Johnson.

Others believe it was
a Molotov cocktail flung

by Sylvia Rivera.

It's all legend now,

and we'll probably never
really know the exact truth.

What I can say with certainty

is that black and Latinx
trans and q*eer women

were at the forefront of the rebellion,

and if it weren't for
all those brave souls

who fought back at Stonewall,

the LGBTQ+ community
wouldn't have been launched

into this new era of resistance.

Now, the first q*eer
activist organization formed

after the Stonewall uprising,

and they called themselves
the Gay Liberation Front.

And the GLF actually organized

the very first Gay Pride march.

They named that first march

the Christopher Street Liberation Day,

and it took place

exactly one year after the uprising.

And we have continued to march

every June as a community
for the past years.

Now, before I go, I should tell you

that q*eer and trans people
have been fighting for liberation

well before the Stonewall uprising.

I encourage you to Google
the Compton's Cafeteria riot

and the Black Cat tavern.

Pride is just a reminder

that we have to continue
to push for liberation.

It's important to mark this time of year

so that the spirit and the fight

for q*eer and trans
liberation isn't forgotten.

In the words of black trans activist

Marsha P. Johnson, as long as gay people

don't have their rights

all across America,

there's no reason for celebration.



♪ There are two men out ♪

♪ And it's in the ninth ♪

♪ And the score is four to three ♪

♪ There's a man on first ♪

♪ And a man at bat ♪

♪ And the man at bat is me ♪

♪ And I'm sorta scared ♪

♪ And I'm sorta proud ♪

♪ And I'm stronger than I seem ♪

♪ And I take a swing ♪

♪ And my dad is there ♪

♪ And it's what you'd call a dream ♪

♪ For the ball flies to the sun ♪

♪ And it sails off as I run ♪

♪ And all the crowd is roaring ♪

♪ Cheering as I go ♪

♪ So are all of the guys on the team ♪

♪ And I'd run for home ♪

♪ And we'd win the game ♪

♪ And it's what you'd call a dream ♪

♪ And the sun ♪

♪ Shines like diamonds ♪

♪ The summer sun ♪

♪ Shines like diamonds ♪

♪ The summer sun ♪

♪ High in a baseball sky ♪

♪ Shines like diamonds ♪

♪ The summer sun ♪

♪ Shines like diamonds ♪

♪ There are two men out ♪

♪ And it's in the ninth ♪

♪ And the score is four to three ♪

♪ There's a man on first ♪

♪ And a man at bat ♪

♪ And the man at bat is me ♪

♪ And it's what you'd call ♪

♪ A dream. ♪

The word "pride" or "proud"

has been used to assert the worth

and extol the beauty
of marginalized people

who would be led to believe otherwise

from the external messages
of their oppressors.

James Brown shouted in ,

"Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud",

which would become an anthem

and a rally cry for the
black power movement.

And just a year later, in ,

the Stonewall riots birthed

what we now know as Pride.

These movements

are not just linguistically
connected, though.

It's also critical to note that
our q*eer liberation movement

was begun by black
and brown trans women.

However, there is still yet more

that links these fights for freedom

amongst q*eer and black people.

That is the shared
experience of oppression.

I trust that most of
you who have gathered

to watch this today already believe

in equality, liberty
and justice for all,

but as our great forefather
Bayard Rustin said,

"The proof that one truly
believes is in action".

It is up to all of us
to leverage our bodies,

influence, relationships and resources

to change our communities,
families, workplaces,

schools, places of worship,
government and beyond.

You know, q*eer and gender-variant folks

in many historical cultures

were looked to as moral compasses

and spiritual... spiritual
guides for the people.

I say it's time we look beyond ourselves

and take up the torch,

that torch of being
the guides of our people

that our ancestors left for us.

We cannot get comfortable and let up

because we have the
freedoms to marry, adopt,

or are protected in our workplaces.

And while these advancements
are great and so important,

they are not enough.

We must stay agitated.

We must stay vigilant.

We must stay engaged in
the fight for liberation.

Let us be the ones
leading at the front lines

in the fight for all human rights.

Let us be the ones to
point our communities

in the direction of greater empathy

and compassion and love.

Let us be the ones who model

what liberty and justice
for all truly looks like

so that we can lead our
nation into the promised land.

I want to leave you with these words

by Tupac Shakur and Elton John.

"It ain't about black or
white because we're human.

I hope we see the light
before it's ruined".

Let's talk about the Transgender
Legal Defense & Education Fund.

There is no hiding from the fact

that our trans community needs
our support more than ever.

That's why it is so essential

for us to recognize organizations

like the Transgender Legal
Defense & Education Fund,

and become more informed

about the important work they do.

There has never been a more
crucial and necessary time

to take action and rally
behind our transgender family.

The time is now.

Go to

and please donate to GLSEN,
the Hetrick-Martin Institute,

as well as the Transgender
Legal Defense & Education Fund.

(SIGHS) Look, I'm tired.

And I know you're tired,
especially those of you

who have been fighting since
the civil rights movement

and the Stonewall riots.

But it is so important
that we never give up.

We have made some progress, but
we've got so much work to do,

especially as we recognize

that there is still anti-blackness

within the LGBTQ community.

We must all say with our whole chest

that not only do black lives matter,

but black trans lives matter.

We must center the most
marginalized in our community.

We must protect those who are, uh...

who are immigrants in our society

and who are being targeted.

We must protect those black femmes

and black q*eer and trans folks

who are being targeted by police.

Police do not belong at Pride.

Because it is the spirit

in which the Stonewall riots started

that we were rebelling against the way

that police were policing
our very existence.

Stop it.

Let's return to the streets

and return to the riot
that Pride started off as.

We got work to do.

Yes, baby, these are real times.

They are raw, revolutionary,
transformational times

here in the midst of a pandemic

and a national revolution

that's going to change everything.

Finally, forever, black lives matter,

trans lives matter.

We're in the midst of it.
We are in the trenches.

And once and for all,
there will be justice

and equality for everyone.

And in the midst of our fabulous

Gay Pride season celebration,

we are going to make it all happen.

But you got to dig deep this year.

You've got to realize

that you've got to get up
every day and hit the streets.

Wear your masks.

Get ready to vote, and vote right.

Flip the Senate.

I know Joe Biden may not be your
first choice, revolutionaries,

but he is going to
bring the best people in.

He will bring in people of color.

He will bring in LGBTQ community

in a really meaningful way.

So, be strong right now, dig deep.

Get up every day and
make something happen

for yourself and the world.

It's time that we transform this country

and get it back, baby,
'cause it's mighty real.

And I love you. Happy Pride.


♪ When I think of home ♪

♪ I think of a place ♪

♪ Where there's love overflowing ♪

♪ I wish I was home, I
wish I was back there ♪

♪ With the things I've been knowing ♪

♪ Wind that makes the tall grass ♪

♪ Bend into leaning ♪

♪ Suddenly the raindrops that fall ♪

♪ They have a meaning ♪

♪ Sprinkling the scene ♪

♪ Makes it all so clean ♪

♪ Maybe there's a chance
for me to go back ♪

♪ Now that I have some direction ♪

♪ It sure would be nice
to be back at home ♪

♪ Where there's love and affection ♪

♪ And just maybe I can
convince time to slow up ♪

♪ Giving me enough time
in my life to grow up ♪

♪ Time, be my friend ♪

♪ And let me start again ♪

♪ Suddenly my world has
gone and changed its face ♪

♪ But I still know where I'm goin' ♪

♪ I have had my mind
spun around in space ♪

♪ And yet I've watched it growing ♪

♪ Oh, if you're listening, God ♪

♪ Please don't make it hard ♪

♪ To know if we should believe
the things that we see ♪

♪ That we see ♪

♪ Tell us should we run away? ♪

♪ Or should we try and stay? ♪

♪ Or would it be ♪

♪ Better just to let things be? ♪

♪ Living here in this brand-new world ♪

♪ Might be a fantasy ♪

♪ But it's taught me to love... ♪

♪ Taught me to love ♪

- ♪ So it's real ♪
- ♪ It's real ♪

- ♪ So it's ♪
- ♪ So it's ♪

♪ So real to me ♪

BOTH: ♪ And I've learned ♪

♪ That we must look inside our hearts ♪

♪ To find ♪

♪ A world full of love ♪

♪ Like yours, like ♪

♪ Mine ♪

♪ Like ♪

♪ Home... ♪

Hello, all.

I have a young friend,
born years ago.

This baby was a bundle
of joy and energy.

At an early age, this child
developed a passion for dance,

particularly the dance
of Bollywood films,

mimicking every step, every leap,

every flourishing twirl. (LAUGHS)

This little one actually memorized

an entire Bollywood film
from start to finish.

Mm-hmm. Amazing.

While still a toddler,
around three years old,

the child had an epiphany,

a deeply heartfelt "aha" moment,

and couldn't wait to share this truth.

Bursting at the seams,

little one raced down the hall,

found their parents in the kitchen.

"Mama". (PANTING)

"I'm a girl.

I'm a girl, Daddy.

A girl".

This phrase would become her mantra,

repeated over and
over again to everyone.

Both parents were educators

who-who met while working
with an organization

that served disabled kids.

Mom, as principal of a
school for immigrant children.

Dad taught at the same
school in the Bronx

that his father had attended.

They know kids. They love kids.

So they listened and observed.

Around five or six, the
child began to have tantrums,

and much of that bubbly,
baby joy had dissipated.

Mom and Dad were baffled.

"Why is our child do distressed?"

They never shut the child down,
never punished their child.

They didn't ignore their little one.

Instead, they sought help.

And let me tell you,
there is help out there.

They discovered organizations

such as The Ackerman Institute,

which sponsors The
Gender & Family Project,

where the focus is on gender identity

and educating families and parents

so that everyone is on the same page

and can lean in.

And, yes, lean in they did.

This entire extended Latino
family committed themselves

to supporting that child's epiphany.

Their motto:

"Acceptance equals life".

I met her just after her tenth birthday,

her very first birthday
celebrated as a little girl.

She had chosen her name.

I was introduced to Día.

The very first thing Día
shared with me was, uh,

"Mm-hmm, I'm a theater geek, too".

That's all I needed to hear.

Her parents allowed me to take her

to the closing performance of Charm,

a play about trans teens.

At the cast party, Día was thrilled

to meet fellow trans actresses of color

working in an off-Broadway production.

Not long after, she
was off to summer camp,

where the largely LGBTQ
staff were very life-affirming

and empowering.

Mm-hmm, after that
transformative summer,

Día decided to go through
social transitioning.

She calls the date of her decision

to do so her birthday... July .

Feeling emboldened and empowered,

dressed in her authentic self,

this young teen returned to
her public school that fall

as the girl she actually is.

Oh, but what a bumpy ride.

Oh, yeah, we all remember

our horrific junior high school days.

The depression, the peer group pressure,

feeling like you're the-the other.

Y'all know the list.

My Día walked into trouble.

Trouble with a capital "T".

Every day, agonizing trouble

that nobody should have to live with,

especially at such a tender age.

But Día was never alone.

She had amazing parents,

that supportive, well-informed family

that showered her with
support and unconditional love.

Her courage,

her resilience

is everything.

Día survived that
challenging school year,

and that feat alone
has made her my shero.

Mind you, the next year,
Día changed schools.

(CHUCKLES) She hightailed
it to a more progressive,

more inclusive, more,
uh, uh, accepting school,

where depression is lessened,

uh, su1c1de attempts are lessened,

a-anxiety lessened.

I was at dinner one night
with a group of friends

that included Día's grandmother.

Uh, dinner ran long.

Grandmother needed to
step outside for a moment

to get some air.

I accompanied her.

We sat on a-a bench,

savoring the New York
City spring evening.

Grandmother said, "Oh, I hope
they don't talk all night long.

I have an early morning tomorrow.

You know, it's the Pride parade".


I said, "You're going?"

"Ah, yes, I have to get
there early in the morning

to secure a good seat.

Día's on the teen float.

I want to be able to see her,

and I want her to see me".

This little girl,


she ushered her entire family

through a door that they
never even knew existed.

And like all sheroes,

Día's walk continues to inspire my own.

I know I speak for her
entire family when I say,

Día, you are loved.

And always remember...

love yourself.

I just wanted to come here
to personally acknowledge

and thank Disney
Television Studios and FX

for their donations to these
three incredible organizations.

Thank you so much, Disney and Fox.

I am so grateful for you.

And I wanted to urge everyone

to help contribute in
any way that they can.

One way you can contribute is by
learning about our communities,

growing with us.

And another way that you can contribute

is by contributing
to these organizations

that are both near and dear to my heart

and made up of people I know and love:

Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative,

aka SNaPCo,

Transgender Law Center,

Marsha P. Johnson Institute,

House of GG,

Intersex Justice Project,

Brave Space Alliance,

#LetUsBreathe Collective,

For the Gworls' Rent and
Gender-Affirming Surgery Fund,

Okra Project,

Black Trans Travel Fund.

These organizations are ran

by black trans and q*eer people

and are servicing the needs

of the most vulnerable
in those communities.

So please give them your time,

attention and energy and money.

Thank you so much.

Let's talk about GLSEN.

In honor of Pride, I am extremely proud

to support organizations like GLSEN

that foster the next
generation of leaders

so they can continue to learn, thrive,

and advocate their truths.

We are aware of the power of education,

and that's what GLSEN is all about.

To learn more about how you
can get involved with GLSEN,

be sure to visit


♪ There's a place ♪

♪ For us ♪

♪ Somewhere a place ♪

♪ For us ♪

♪ Peace and quiet ♪

♪ And open air ♪

♪ Wait for us ♪

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ There's a time ♪

♪ For us ♪

♪ Someday a time ♪

♪ For us ♪

♪ Time together ♪

♪ With time to spare ♪

♪ Time to look ♪

♪ Time to care ♪

♪ Someday ♪

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ We'll find a new way of living ♪

♪ We'll find a way ♪

♪ Of forgiving ♪

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ There's a place ♪

♪ For us ♪

♪ A time and place ♪

♪ For us ♪

♪ Hold my hand ♪

♪ And we're halfway there ♪

♪ Hold my hand ♪

♪ And I'll take you there ♪

♪ Somehow ♪

♪ Someday ♪

♪ Somewhere... ♪

My trans sisters are being m*rder*d,

brutalized, taken advantage of.

We don't get respect from cops,

from our own brothers and sisters,

from other fellow people
in the LGBTQIA+ community.

But yet...

we are there for those.

If a trans girl has an
apartment, I guarantee you

there are many people that are
gonna be staying there with her

if they have no place to go.

We feed people. We give love.

We give care, and we put up with a lot.

And people don't realize
that our lives matter.

That our hearts matter,
that our souls matter.

From the time you see us,
before you even know us

or have a conversation with us,

you're ready to call us "abomination",

without even knowing
the love and the care

that we can give.

I am fearful... because it's really sad

that I could lose my
life at any point in time.

Not because I'm doing
anything to anyone,

other than the fact that
I'm just living my life.

The civil rights of trans people
have once again been att*cked.

Now our health care
is taken away from us.

How does that make any of us feel human?

Every person on this
earth that is not trans

always says that they
are human beings, too,

in the face of oppression.

So why is it that people turn around

and say that trans people
don't deserve rights,

or take them away from us?

Why is it that people don't
stand in solidarity with us?

What is it that you fear?

Having the privilege
to do the same things

that every other human
being on this earth can,

and that's work, go home,

love, be loved...

and all of those things,

trans people sometimes will
never, ever get to see them.

When our lives are cut short,
there are no protests.

People talk about back in sl*very

and how blacks were treated.

The lynchings, the-the burnings.

Well, two of my sisters were just burned

in a car in Puerto Rico.

One of my sisters was just shot

after being lured to a park.

Riah Milton.

Iyanna Dior.


I know that for me right now,

I have to continue to be visible.

I have to continue to show up.

I have to put my fears
behind me and aside,

and step forward, and
continue to step forward

in my truth as the loving,
caring human being that I am.

Because I will not let anyone change

my perspective on humanity.

Because many times, we're
the ones that choose hatred.

Hatred is a choice.

You can come up with
any excuse that you have,

but when you believe
that another human being

is not equal to have the
same rights that you do,

that is hatred.

That is prejudice.

You don't see that when
you get cut and I get cut,

we both bleed.

I need medication and
care just like you need

medication and care.

So today I implore each
and every one of you:

to be an ally is not to
that you're an ally.

Educate your friends about humanity

and about human beings.

Understand that there are
so many different types

of people in this world, and
we all want the same thing:

to be loved and respected.

And I will always continue to be myself.

Because even through all the prejudice,

the hatred and every
trauma that I have faced,

I will never, ever stop being me.

So I implore you, if
you're going to be an ally,

please do it from the heart.

And remember that trans people

are human beings first,

before anything else,

just like you.

Thank you.

Let's talk about the
Hetrick-Martin Institute.

Their mission is to promote
health and wellness,

build alliances,

acknowledge historical
roots, and create leaders

from high-risk and
underserved communities.

From Pose, you know how we
feel about building families

and empowering the
young LGBTQ+ population.

Mother Blanca says to

to learn more.

Happy Pride.


Before playing Papi on Pose,


did not know what being trans meant,

let alone...

what being an ally meant.



And I have a group

of so many amazing individuals

in front of me.

And day by day,

episode by episode,

I receive gifts.

And those gifts to me

were a little insight

as to the day-to-day struggles,

the hardships

of what it meant,

like, to be trans.


I remember prior to these experiences,

I was an individual


when trans people were ridiculed

or made fun of...

I said nothing.

I stayed to myself.

And I realized

that being an ally

means showing up for those people

when they are not around.

It was a-a valuable lesson I learned

when I encountered a
scenario on a different set

after Pose,

where an individual

said something extremely transphobic.

And before Pose,

I would have said not a single word.

But this time I knew better,

and I made sure that I
made it very, very aware

that those remarks that
that individual said

were extremely harmful.

Though there were no
trans individuals around,

that doesn't mean that
it stops being harmful.

So, it was my responsibility,

it was my duty as an ally,

to say something and to make
an attempt at fixing something.

And I think

that is the biggest way that
has changed my life.

It has given me a strength and a courage

that I did not know I had because...

... I will never know what it feels like

to be a black trans woman

and told that I won't live

to see another day
past , statistically.

And one thing that I can do
is to check those individuals

with those harmful remarks

in hopes that I can do
something to change that.

Happy Pride.

Hey, everybody out there,
it's Mj here, once again,

and I just wanted to send all of
you some words of encouragement.

When it comes to these
crazy, insane times,

us living through a pandemic,

us fighting for our rights
as civil human beings,

I encourage each and
every last one of you,

especially my babies out
there, to keep standing up

for what is right and
condemning what is wrong.

There is so much going
on in our world right now,

and I just want to encourage
you in this moment,

um, to walk authentically.

Pride is about authenticity,
uh, it's about community,

it's about, uh, celebrating
and acknowledging

the accomplishments that we've all made,

but it's also about resistance.

Words of encouragement I
have for my LGBTQ family

are that you are worthy of
everything that you want in life

and to not let anybody
tell you any different.

You are the ones who are going
to push the narrative forward.

You are the next generation
who can carry the legacy.

I know that this year of

has been very challenging for
all of us, due to the pandemic

and also the innocent
lives that were m*rder*d.

I encourage you to resist
and stand up for the rights,

the human rights of
everyone in your communities.

Sending so much love.

This is the time that we
need to stand up together,

have hope, and believe
that change is coming.

We have come so far,
yet we have so far to go.

But I believe that, coming together,

we'll get there very soon.

I love you all, and on
behalf of all of my cast,

thank you for your support.

We are here with you, and
we're in this together.

This is something that we
all fight for as a human race,

together, as one unit.

I'm sending all my love to
you, all of my upliftment,

and here's to a better world.

You know, for a very
long time, I was told

that, um, my authenticity
would be my liability.

Um, that I would never
be masculine enough

to succeed in the entertainment
industry and beyond.

And, um, I spent a long
time trying to live up

to the expectations of others...

society, constructs, whatever
you want to call them.

Um, and it wasn't until I found
the courage and the space

to be unapologetically %
me that my life turned around.

So, I'm living proof

that authenticity is the only way.

Go to

and please donate to GLSEN,
the Hetrick-Martin Institute,

as well as the Transgender
Legal Defense & Education Fund.

Thank you, everyone, for tuning in,

as we shared our stories,
talent and pride.

Please don't forget to vote this year.

Make sure you're registered,
make sure you get all that done,

start thinking about that right now.

And take the time to,
uh, hopefully donate

to these wonderful,
wonderful institutions:

the Hetrick-Martin Institute,

um, the Transgender Legal Defense Fund,

and GLSEN.

Um, God bless you all, thank
you for hanging with us.

See you soon.

♪ Always remember ♪

♪ Who you are, hey ♪

♪ If you wanna be the
girl in the picture ♪

♪ Well, you gotta meet her, hello ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
it's time you realize ♪

♪ Now is the time to shine ♪

♪ It's time to shine ♪

♪ Baby, you're a GOAT,
and everybody knows ♪

♪ You got it, and it
goes from your soul ♪

♪ Sugar, you're a star,
even with your flaws ♪

♪ You're unstoppable, oh ♪

♪ Can't nobody bring you
down when you're hot ♪

♪ All you've got to
do is love yourself ♪

- ♪ Love yourself ♪
- ♪ And if you just believe ♪

♪ That you're really all you need ♪

♪ You won't need nobody else ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself,
get up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself, get up ♪

- ♪ If you love yourself ♪
- ♪ Love yourself ♪

♪ If you love yourself, get
up if you love yourself ♪

- ♪ Love yourself ♪
- ♪ Get up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself ♪

♪ From sea to shinin' sea,
we all can come together ♪

♪ Make the world much better, uh-huh ♪

♪ Get up on your feet, we're
dancing in the street ♪

- ♪ Celebrating liberty ♪
- ♪ Oh, liberty ♪

♪ Yeah, we've come this
far but got so far to go ♪

♪ Hold on, baby ♪

♪ Don't let go ♪

♪ If you feel alone, just
listen to this song ♪

♪ Love yourself, you
can't go wrong, oh ♪

♪ Can't nobody bring you
down when you're hot ♪

♪ All you've got to
do is love yourself ♪

- ♪ Love yourself ♪
- ♪ And if you just believe ♪

♪ That you're really all you need ♪

♪ You won't need nobody else ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself,
get up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself, get up ♪

- ♪ If you love yourself, get up ♪
- ♪ Love yourself ♪

♪ If you love yourself, get
up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself,
get up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Let me hear you say,
mirror, mirror, on the wall ♪

♪ Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪

♪ Confidence, unstoppable ♪

♪ Confidence, unstoppable ♪

♪ Self-love is the solution ♪

♪ Self-love is the solution ♪

♪ Be a part of this revolution ♪

♪ Be a part of this revolution ♪

♪ Let me hear you say "revolution" ♪

- ♪ Revolution ♪
- ♪ The category is ♪

- ♪ Revolution ♪
- ♪ Revolution ♪

♪ Come on, bring it,
bring it, revolution ♪

- ♪ Revolution ♪
- ♪ Come on, revolution ♪

- ♪ Revolution, revolution ♪
- ♪ Revolution ♪

- ♪ We got a revolution ♪
- ♪ Revolution ♪

♪ Can't nobody bring you
down when you're hot ♪

♪ All you've got to
do is love yourself ♪

♪ If you just believe that
you're the one you need ♪

♪ You don't need nobody else... ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself,
get up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself, get up ♪

- ♪ If you love yourself ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ If you love yourself, get
up if you love yourself ♪

♪ Get up if you love yourself,
get up if you love yourself ♪

- ♪ It's easy, just love ♪
- ♪ Love ♪

- ♪ Yourself ♪
- ♪ Come on, children ♪

♪ Hey, what are you waitin' for? ♪

- ♪ Oh, love ♪
- ♪ Spread love, y'all ♪

- ♪ Yourself ♪
- ♪ Spread love, y'all ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, come on, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ Hey, yeah, oh... ♪
- ♪ Love yourself ♪

♪ If you love yourself, get
up if you love yourself. ♪