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02x05 - What Would Candy Do?

Posted: 05/27/21 15:19
by bunniefuu
- Thelma's Place is here to stay.

- My investors are getting nervous.

- I have resources.

- I like your style.

- How about I make sure your massage has a happy ending?

- I don't know what I'd do if I saw you two together again.

- I think the phrase used was "slam dunk,"

- am I right or wrong?

- And it's still a slam dunk.

We just need a little more time, that's all.

- You asked to see me?

- Come on in.

- I can tell you both how unhappy I am that you haven't delivered Thelma's Place.

As of this moment, Carlisle Perkins will not be representing me on any of my future projects.

- Don't hold me accountable for promises my daughter made without my knowledge.

- You both told me Mayor Lancaster was gonna help us.

You dangled him like he was your little puppet, remember?

- Greg, Covington Lakeside.

Who kept your name from being associated with any of those casualties, hm?

Only Carlisle Perkins could've protected you like that.

- That's enough.

Now, need Thelma's Place.

If Rondell Lancaster gets the signatures she needs for an injunction and my investors walk...

I'm taking it out on both of your asses.

- Greg?

- Done talking to you.

- What is it gonna take to get you back?

- A miracle.

- What kind?

- Lady, you can't deliver a rundown ghetto greasy spoon.

How the hell are you gonna work a miracle?

- Try me.

- Figure out a way to help me double my income.

- That'd be a start.

- Greg...

- Asked and answered.

Isn't that how you lawyers put it?

- Hm.

- Thought you could use a break.

- Oh, my god.

- How did you get up here?

- Oh, I have my ways.

- Seriously, no one called me to let you in.

- That's 'cause I went over your head.


Micro-roasted Brazilian... two sweeteners.

- See, this is why I married ya, because you know what I need before I do.

- 'Cause baby, I'm good like that.

- Mm.


- Hey.

So, Purifoy let you out of the petri dish.

How did you manage that?

- Well, I insisted on trying a new kind of long-term pain reliever called visiting my wife.

- Okay, well, be sure to thank Hunter for me.

- I will.


I see surprise number one made his way to your office.

- Thank you.

- Thanks again for letting me in.

- Oh, no worries.

So, are you ready for surprise number two?

- Yeah.

- Meet our newest assistant US attorney.

♪ ♪ ♪

- Titus Hughes.

- Been a while.

It's great to see you, Amara.

- I got a call from Damian's boss at Birmingham DOJ.

They had a cr*cker-jack prosecutor who had put in for a transfer.

Since you'd worked out so well here, I had to jump at the chance to bring Damian on board.

- On board?

- Mm-hmm.

- He'll be in this office?

- Atlanta, yes.

Unfortunately I don't have the budget, but the narcotics division does, so...

that's where he's headed.

So we'll have to put the Hughes-Collins reunion on hold, at least for now.

- How's Atlanta working out for you, Titus?

Hear you made a big change to general counsel at Purifoy Pharmaceuticals?

- Well, change was the point.

There was a situation in Birmingham making my life a living hell.

So getting the job at Purifoy and moving to Atlanta kept me from doing something I regret.

I'm sure you can relate.

- Well, I've gotta steal Damian away and introduce him to his new colleagues.

- Good luck with that situation, Titus.

Guess I'll be seeing you around.

- Amara?

- Titus, baby, I swear I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

- Whatever.

- Did he really say double his income?

- He was talking about his entire portfolio.

- We have helped that son of a bitch acquire half of Atlanta's development areas and it's still not enough.

What do we have to offer him that he doesn't already have?

- The only thing that comes to mind is the airport concession.

- Evan will never let Peters get his hands on that.

- Not without something to trade.

- Which we don't have.

- Let me make one thing clear...

Your underhanded attempts to steal our firm's biggest client from me has put your future here in very serious doubt.

- I had to step in.

He was furious he couldn't reach you.

If you hadn't kept me out of the English Rose negotiations, we wouldn't be in this situation.

- We wouldn't be in this situation if you had followed my directions.

I told you repeatedly Evan was the way to go.

Senior's a leaf in the wind.

- I should be involved in everything that goes on here.


- Stephanie, bring Peters back into the fold... or you are finished here.

- Now, I know I've threatened you before, sweetheart, but this is one promise I swear I'll make good on.

- Hmph.

♪ - Well, if you like Thelma's, join NAG.

Look, you could sign this petition and get involved in saving the neighborhood.

Five, seven, there you go.

You just sign right there.


When these Negroes livin' that boxed-up life in Woodruff Park, maybe they'll wake up then.

- Look, I know you frustrated, Rondell, but you gotta channel that fire.

Now, all movements start with one person leading the charge.

And your passion will draw the people in like it did me.


Come here, come here, come here.

- Yeah, alright, got it.

- Thank you.

I came by to treat my guys to some Thelma's and say hi to Daddy and... what's this?

- Uh, 100% none of your business.

- Mayor Lancaster, it's good to see you again.

- You couldn't get to me, so you're going through my sister.

- You know, I'm not gonna dignify that with an answer.

- Oh, well, what are you wiling to dignify now that we're face to face?

- Alright, that's enough testosterone up in here.

Now, y'all scarin' my customers.

Thank you.

- You know, my only intention...

- is to help you reach your goals.

Unlike some of us.

I'll see you later.

- That's a nice suit.

- It is.

- Ugh, brother.

- That punk talks about me in the press every chance he gets and you're letting him cozy up to you?

- I needed help with my petition.

And you were too busy forgetting where you came from, so...

- Okay, so what's your excuse for Amara Hughes?

Stephanie's told me she's been over here.

- Oh, why are you so shook by Kent and Amara anyway?

Evan, you in them fat cats' pocket like this, eh?

- This is political chess, and they're making you their pawn.

- Evan, your head has always been as big as the sun, but that don't mean we all revolve around it.

It is possible Kent and Amara befriending me is about me and not you.

- Listen to me...

- Keep your eyes open.

I suspect it won't be long before you see who these new friends of yours really are.

Tell Daddy I stopped by, I just lost my appetite.

- Oh, come on!

- Okay, so just to be clear, it's a separate account, and my name is the only name that will be listed.


Just me.

Isobel Trujillo.


Okay, thank you.

- Okay, bye-bye.

♪ - Hey.

♪ - What happened?

- I was robbed.

I came home and everything was gone.

♪ - You're an even better liar than I thought.

- What?

- I saw him, Bella.

Lancaster, coming out the other day after I left.

That's right.

You're sleeping with him.

And let me guess...

He's your robber.

- It's not what you think.

- You had that bastard in here while you screwed me.

What kind of freaky weirdo shit are you and that guy into?

- He made me do it!

- It's him!

It's all him!

He's sick, Roderick.

- You told me that Joaquin's father was some male model that you had a one-night stand with.

- That another lie?

- No.

- He's Lancaster's kid, ain't he?

- No, I told you the truth about Joaquin's dad!

I started up with Evan a year ago.

He financed Bella Tru, this loft, all of it.

He promised to help me become a major fashion designer.

I was stupid and starstruck.

I told him how I felt about you.

He... he became furious.

That's why he made me have sex with you while he watched from the other room.

I know...

I know it sounds crazy, but he gets off on that sort of thing.

That's why he took all my stuff, to punish me!

He wants me to know that I'm his possession and he can do whatever he wants to me.

♪ - I'm mad as hell at you right now, but no woman deserves to be treated the way he treats you.

I need to expose this bastard, and I know exactly how to do it.

- Where are you going?

- What are you gonna do?

Roderick, wait!

- Yeah, the Birmingham meth bust.

That's me and Hughes.

Good times.

See you later.

- You can't be here.

I am finally getting my life back on track.

- I made it clear that what happened between us is over.

- Chill out, Amara.

- I'm not here for you.

- I'm just supposed to believe that your being assigned to the Atlanta office is, what?

Just a coincidence?

- I wrapped my cases in Birmingham and needed a change.

There was an opening in Atlanta, and I took it.

Was I hoping to see you for old time's sake?


You meant a lot to me.

But I accept that what we had is over.

- Then go home.

- I understand things are a little more complicated for you, but it's a bump we'll get past.

The smoke will settle and you'll see I mean you no harm.

You'll even be glad I showed up.

- I found myself in a bind.

- And then I remembered an incident involving an old friend...

My line sister who had married well.

While her husband was out raking in his millions, my friend entertained herself by partying with celebrities...

Rockers, mostly... and indulging in recreational drug use.

Nothing serious.

A good time was had by all...

until a famous musician became her lover, and then sadly drowned in her pool.

Mmm, fortunately, instead of calling the police, my friend called me, and I cleaned things up.

And her misstep was never revealed.

A scandal that could've been never was.

- Stephanie... that was a horrible thing that happened.

I wrestle with that and how I behaved every day of my life.

But why are you bringing this up now?

- I need you to use every ounce of influence you have with Marvin to get him to bring BetaNu Electric and all of its manufacturing plants to Atlanta.

- Let's don't do this to each other.

- Can you afford for that horrendous story to see the light of day?

It will if you don't give me what I want.

You'll be destroyed, Marilyn.

- Stephanie...

Marvin and I are in a good place.

I never cheated again.

I don't party like that anymore.

We have a wonderful life.

- And none of that has to change.

- I can't give you what you want.

No one tells Marvin how to run his company.

- Then someone will tell Marvin how many times you were bent over at the sound of a sexy riff out a Stratocaster guitar.

How many times was that, Marilyn?

- You'd be telling on yourself.

You're the one who moved the body from my house to his pool.

- Which is a misdemeanor.

You screwed him, which is a scandal everyone will love reading about.

♪ - What do you want me to do?

Ask him questions.

Supply me with the critical information I need, and I will pass it along to Evan.

He'll move the plants to Atlanta.

And then your secrets will remain safe with me.

♪ - Ooh, Marilyn, you look parched.

More tea?

♪ - This way.

♪ - Thank you.

♪ ♪ - Reading what you emailed me.

- I'm not sure I get it.

- Which is why you called me in to explain.

- It's your miracle.

- Hmm.

Keep explaining.

I don't see it.

What am I gonna do with an airport concession?

- Double your income.

- With a retail store.

- In an international airport serving over 100 million consumers a year, and that's just for starters.

- I'm a builder, not a merchant.

- Your portfolio says you own a bar.

- The money from that bar ain't coming from serving drinks.

I'm going to stop you before you tell me something I can't hear.

I will merge your bar into our restaurant group that we represent.

You'll have a franchise at the busiest airport in the world.

And whatever your bar earns now, however you're doing it, those earnings will expand exponentially.

- Unless I'm wrong, city's gonna have to approve this.

- Don't underestimate the influence my husband has

- in matters such as these.

- Your husband?

Gonna clear the way for me to have an airport concession, huh?

- He will.

- Show me the proof.

- When I do...

- we're back in business?

- I'd be an idiot to say no.

- Welcome back.

- This is the Carlisles' last shot.

Don't waste it.

♪ ♪ - Uh, I'm sorry, I have cold hands.

Bad circulation runs in the family.

- No, cold hands are not the problem.

- What's up?

Talk to me.

- I like being with you, Lori, but it seems like all we do is have sex.

- Okay, well, I can't help it that you're super hot and I just can't get enough of you.

Look, I know I took your gayginity, okay, but you're a fast learner.

I mean, you even taught me a few things.

- Is that your thing?

- Making a play against young, impressionable girls and turning them out?

- Whoa, where is this coming from?

- It's a simple observation.

♪ - We don't go anywhere or do anything unless it involves

- tearing our clothes off.

- You're not being fair.

We just can't be gallivanting across the city.


if it gets out about us, I mean, the press is gonna have a field day.

So... this is it.

This is what we're doing.

And for now...

this is gonna have to be enough, okay?

Look, I really like you, Carly, okay?

And it's not just the sex for me.

Please believe me.

♪ - Come to my monologue slam tomorrow.

- Did you not hear anything I just said?

- I get it!

I do!

But where I'm performing, it's super bohemian, super off the beaten path.

No one will have any idea who we are.

- We have a good thing going.

Let's not overcomplicate it.

- Don't.

♪ - Come on.

Don't be mad.

- This may be enough for you, but it's not enough for me.

I need something more.

I deserve more.

♪ - Evan...

- Hey, I didn't think you were home.

- I'm the living room with a guest, but I wanted to make sure you didn't leave

- before I spoke with you.

- Can it wait 'til tomorrow?

- No, Evan, I'm in court in the morning.

- It's important.

- Alright, so, talk now.

- I promised the airport concession to Greg Peters.

Either you're lying or you've lost your g*dd*mn mind.

- You haven't heard the rest.

- There is nothing you can say to make me give the concession to Greg Peters.

I'm amazed you would even consider it.

Your father, he put you up to this, didn't he?

- Mm-mm.

This is a move solely orchestrated by Stephanie Lancaster.

What if I could guarantee Marvin moves his BetaNu manufacturing plants to Atlanta?

♪ - How?

- Marilyn's on our team now, and she's going to feed everything Marvin thinks to us.

- How did you pull that off?

- Marvin's plants, 2,600 employees, hundreds of millions of dollars annually in revenue for Atlanta.

Unemployment goes down, funding for state health care goes up.

That's what you get if Peters gets the airport concession.

Deal or not?

- Well, I'm gonna have to see all this come together.

- And you will.

Now, if you're not in such a dire rush, would you please just say hello to a guest who I've so rudely abandoned in the living room?

- Well, it's gonna be hi and bye, but okay.

- Oh, Bella, you're still crying.

I never would've kept you waiting after the tragedy you just suffered.

It was just critical that I speak with Evan.

- It's okay, I should really go.

- No, not until we take care of this.

Her apartment has been ransacked by thieves.

- In Buckhead, can you imagine?

- You must be traumatized.

- The bastard took everything...

- Furniture, patterns, racks of clothes ready for sale.

And the dress that you wanted for the summit.

- Well, you have time to remake it, don't you?

- I could borrow a sewing machine.

It's tight at my mom's with me and Joaquin there, but I suppose I could figure it out.

- We will get you a machine, and you and Joaquin will move into our guest cottage 'til you're back on your feet.

- I'd hate to impose.

- The cottage isn't...

- I know, it needs to be prepared.

But we'll arrange to have everything you need brought in and ready for you first thing tomorrow.

In the meantime, I don't want you making that long drive to the Banks while you're tired and upset.

- We'll have someone drive her.

- Oh, wouldn't you prefer to spend the night in one of our guestrooms?

- That would be wonderful.

Along with the senior Tyrone Johnson.

Steps in great space, misses with a left hand.

LaQuinton Ross finishes with the finger roll.

- Hey, baby.

Perdue forced to call a timeout as the Buckeyes...

- You got answers for me?

- Titus, I don't know why he's here.

- He just showed up, then?

Out of nowhere?

Just like in Birmingham.

That's convenient.

- I'm telling you the truth.

- His ass wouldn't move across states to be near you without a reason, Amara.

That cocky look on his face like he knows something,

- like he's hopeful.

- Titus...

you're overreacting.

- His eyes were deadest on that plant in your office, too.

Is that one of his special gifts to you?

You just couldn't force yourself to get rid of it?

- Plant?

- Karen got me that as a present.

- Yeah.

- I made it perfectly clear to Damian that he's not welcome in our lives.

- Well, I don't think he believes that.

- I don't care what he believes.

It's about what I know.

And listen to me...

- I'm not gonna let him get between us ever again, trust me.

- Every single day of him being in Atlanta puts us in jeopardy.

Trust that.

♪ - I'm going for a drive.

- If you need anything, just ring for Constance.

- I can't thank you both enough.

Are you sure about the guest house, Stephanie?

It could take weeks for the insurance company

- to replace my things.

- Leave that to me.

I'll make sure recovering your stolen property's a priority for Atlanta PD.

- Good night, Bella.

- Good night, Stephanie, Mr. Mayor.

- Mm-hmm.

♪ - Anything you could do to find her belongings quickly

- would be greatly appreciated.

- Count on it.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


♪ - Titus?

You here, babe?

♪ ♪ ♪ - That's fine with me.

Hey, uh, Congressman Richards, may I call you back?

Thank you, bye.

Hey, you.

- Look, according to the website, we've fallen short on signatures.

- You seem upset about more than signatures.

- Have you just been sniffing around me to try and dig up dirt on Evan?


Come on.

- Don't act brand new, Kent.

- Did your brother pull a number on you today?

- Don't make this about Evan.

I'm the one asking the questions.

- Um...

I would be lying if I said when I first approached you that I didn't have ulterior motives.

- Triflin' ass.

I knew it!

- Rondell, that was at first.

It wasn't long at all before you were the only Lancaster that I was interested in.

- Why should I believe you?

- Huh?

A lie ain't nothin' for a politician to tell.

- Well, maybe that's true for Evan, but I've been straight up with you.

- You really want to go there about Evan...

- Hey, look, look...

- Your brother and I, we're on opposite sides of several significant issues affecting this city.

But I'm perfectly capable of separating my work life from my personal life, and my personal life...

has been all about you since the day we met.

- You talk a good game, Hamilton, but my daddy always says actions speaker louder.

If you want me for me, I need you to prove it.

- And just how am I supposed to do that?

- I don't know.

I mean, you are...

You're a smart brotha, all these fancy diplomas and degrees and whatnot.

Figure it out.


♪ Finally, South Atlanta defeated Marshall High 3-2, when Marshall's goalie knocked the winning goal into his own net.

Sorry, Marshall, but what a boneheaded way to lose a game.

Speaking of boneheads, did anybody see Mayor Lancaster leering at this reporter doing an interview just outside his office?

Someone might want to tell this guy to cover up how lecherous he is...

at least when the cameras are rolling.

He's a bully and a coward.

Electing him mayor?

That makes us the boneheads.

The people of Atlanta deserve better.

That's it from Dirty Bird's Corner.

♪ - Back to you, Fred.

- Thanks, Roderick.

Today in Atlanta, most of our pile-ups block traffic on...

♪ - Quite the show, Rod.

- Mayor Lancaster.

- What happened to "bully and coward?" Don't tell me you're going soft.


I just came to talk.

I hate to see my constituents unhappy.

Thought I'd come address your concerns in person.


what else you wanna get off your chest?

- You should go to jail for what you did to Bella.

- Hm?

What did I do?

What did you see me do?


You really think you can get away with talking shit about me on your show?


I'm the mayor of Atlanta.

Break him.

- You cry like a little girl, Roderick.

- You need your bodyguards!

- That's enough talking out of you.

You know, I'm not a fan of your show.

I find it dry, uninspiring, and frankly not very good.

The people of Atlanta, they deserve better.

- One more thing, never forget, this is my city.

- Bitch-ass!

♪ ♪ - Ha!

- A girl once asked the question, what's in a name?

Her name versus his name.

Your name versus my name.

Your tongue versus my lips.

Their w*r versus our forbidden kiss.

Bitter feuds versus sweet roses.

A new desire that exposes.

Do I risk it all and deny my name?

Will she do the same, or is this all a game?

- The question.

- You're here.

- Look, I want you to know I'm not ashamed of you, or of us.

You were amazing up there.

- Aww, so sweet, young love!

- You happy now?

- I am.

I gotta say, naked on your organic cotton sheets, it's where I belong.

- You shouldn't have been anywhere near my house.

Stephanie's smart.

If she picked up on...

- She didn't.

- You take too many risks, Bella.

I thought cleaning you out would've taught you a lesson.

- Instead I taught you.

- Yeah, well, that lesson's finally learned.

From here on out, we're strictly business.

I'll be an investor in Bella Tru, but us, that's done.

- Okay.

- Mm-hmm.

- I'll be in touch to make arrangements on how and when I see my son.

- I don't know if seeing Joaquin's a good idea.

- Don't pull this crap on me.

- I don't want him growing up confused about who his father is.

You said we're breaking up for good, so there's no reason for you to see Joaquin.

- I can be in his life without all that.

- Gonna take him to ballgames like with Trey and Carly?

To the county fair?

How about just taking him out during the day in front of people to get an ice cream cone?

- You sure about this?

- Are you?

- We really have to stop meeting like this.

- I see it wasn't your witty repartee that did it for Amara.

Have you made contact?

- Saw her my first day at the office.

Titus, too.

Brought coffee.

Was kind of sweet if you're into that sort of thing.

- Titus must've been furious to see you anywhere near Amara.

You sure are enjoying this.

Playing games with the lives of innocent people turn you on?

- That woman is anything but innocent.

Then again, I don't have to tell you that.

- You know, this is most amount of time I've spent alone in a car with a beautiful woman in quite a while.

- Watch yourself.

- It's apparent that you haven't had a proper screw in a while.

Might loosen you up a bit.

No pun intended.

- Vulgarity and gallows humor might help you secure a tryst with ill-bred base women like Amara Hughes.

But be assured, Damian, you'll have no luck here.

- You can't blame a guy for trying.

- Just stick to the plan.

- Blow up the Hughes' marriage and then you can go back to where you came from.

Now, get the hell out of my car.

♪ - Miss Rondell Lancaster.

- I've been waiting for you.

♪ What?



Okay... boy, stop playing.

I ain't got time for this.

The dinner rush will be here any minute.

- Tonight, you're closed.

I bought the restaurant out, settled the bill with Inez.

- What?

♪ ♪ - Smothered pork chops, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese... your favorite.

- Okay, how did you know?

- I just figured it out.

- I can't...

I really do appreciate all this effort and everything, I do.

But we need to discuss our plan for getting those signatures.

- I mean, we down to five weeks.

- We'll be fine.

Now, will you allow someone to take care of you?

- I...

- Just for one night.


We will devise a plan, trust me.

But I want tonight to be all about you.


♪ - Okay, fine.


But, I mean, don't get all carried away with all this.

You know I ain't trying to be no Harlequin romance novel, okay?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Ooh, did... alright.

Oh, now let's see how good you really are.


♪ What do you think?

♪ If this world were mine

- Hey!

- Oh, you like it?

- This is my song right here.


But you know that, didn't you?

- I did my homework.

Just gotta make sure I got it right.

♪ If this world were mine ♪

♪ I'd give you the flowers

- Thank you.

- Oh, you're welcome.

I hope you're hungry, because there is dessert.

♪ Your love beside me ♪ That would be all I need

- Well, if you don't mind, Mr.


this girl would like to start with dessert.

♪ I'll give you anything Did someone order a miracle?

- What's this supposed to be?

- An IOU?

- Better.

It's a prequalification letter from the City of Atlanta's procurement office.

Congratulations, Greg.

I'm going to get you that concession.

- Yeah, I've been doing a little research of my own.

You were right about these concessions.

Who knew they were such goldmines?

- I knew, which is why I should've been handling your affairs from the start.

- Yeah, I think you're right about that.

- So...

I take it this means you'll be staying on with Carlisle Perkins?

- As long as I work directly with you.

- I wouldn't have it any other way.

- This is the second time a member of your family has held a knife on me.

♪ Walk in here, make 'em do a double take ♪

♪ High heels, tight dress, I'ma troublemake ♪

♪ I'ma troublemake ♪ Hold up, I got a million dollars on my wrist ♪

♪ Making heads turn ♪ I'm making heads turn

Next time on "Ambitions."

- You really think this is our golden ticket?

- I want the concession guaranteed in writing.

- I can't promise you a highly competitive city contract.

- Do you think you can blackmail me and get away with it?

- I prefer... encouraged.

Stay the hell away from my daughter.

- You forget what happened the last time you tried to blackmail me.

- I was alone then.

- I'm not anymore.

- Go back to Birmingham and we can both do our jobs.

- I'm gonna stop y'all from taking the Banks, no matter what.