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07x02 - The Shell

Posted: 05/25/21 05:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

[CASSIE]: How did you sleep?

Good dreams?

[JOY]: Actually, not a one.

Your brother is coming home for the engagement party.

Sounds like there might be a little trouble in paradise.

- Hey, stranger.

- [STEPHANIE]: Hahaha!

It's a cool bracelet.

It was a gift from some of the kids in the village.

[STEPHANIE]: You met someone.

I wish these dirt bags would talk to us.

[JOY]: Our intuition isn't very intuitive right now.

Look familiar?

I think it's time we had a talk.


You know how, in classic mysteries, the butler always did it?

♪♪ Well, in this mystery...

the handyman did it.

You gave us the bags of dirt?

- Didn't see that coming.

- I don't think any of us did.

One of us should have.

How could you leave us hanging for two months?

Well, I needed you all together, and this one ran off to Vermont.

That was a mistake.

Ah, your great-grandmother used to say, "Forget the mistakes, remember the lesson."

- You knew Laurel?

- Very well.

OK, how did we not know about this?

My guess is that's how she wanted it.

You're not wrong, kiddo.

- Mm-hmm.

- I met Laurel when I was .

She hired me to repaint the gazebo.


I got my first taste of tea working for her.

She used to steep a fresh pot every day.

We'd sit out there chatting for hours.

How long did it take you to paint that gazebo?


When it was done, I started taking care of the yard.

Is that where the dirt came from?


This dirt has had a much longer trip than that.

Laurel told me it came from the original Merriwick farm, in England.

OK, what else did you two gab about over all that tea?

She made me promise not to give you three the pouches until the next red-haloed Moon.

She knew there'd be three of us.


She also knew who she could trust.

It wasn't easy not telling you I knew your great-grandmother.

Yeah, but you couldn't risk us finding out about the satchels.

She never told me what they were for, but she said figuring it out was part of your journey.

Looks like the cat's already out of the bag.

But we don't know what the symbol has to do

- with the red-haloed Moon.

- That makes four of us.

I have a feeling that two of us know more than they're saying.

♪♪ Sam and I saw this symbol in the sand on an island today.

It was made of rocks, wasn't it?


I brought you coffee, and an apple-crumb doughnut.

I'm sorry, I should have told my mother

- we wanted a long engagement.

- Yes, you should have.

Do you want half?

My brother lost his job.

- Since last night?

- Since last week!

- He didn't come home for a party.

- He came home to lay low.

- Golden Boy is not so golden.

- How did you find out?

Quinn called me on the way to the airport.

- Do your parents know?

- Not yet, but they just invited us for dinner to celebrate everyone being together.

I've never seen you so excited for a family dinner.

- Can you make it?

- I wouldn't miss it.

I think it's great that you two are finally

- gonna talk things out.

- You do?

You know what?

I-I don't.

- Wait, what just happened?

- Blowing the whistle is exactly what Daniel would do.

Why don't you focus less on the whistleblowing and more on the talking things out.

♪♪ - Last night was pretty amazing.

- Should we do it again tonight?

I'm in, but we finished up all the whipped cream.

Well, can't have banana splits without whipped cream, so I'll pick some up after the driving range.

You don't need your golf clubs for the driving range,

- do you?

- Oh no.

I'm afraid, yes.


- Where are the rest of them?

- Lodged underneath my bumper.

Why don't you see if you can go rescue the rest of them.

I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Oh, Cassie, I just feel awful.

Oh, accidents happen.


Oh yes, yes, of course.

Well, I mean the perfect theme for this year's Movie Night in the Park has not happened.

I've got nothing, nada, nil.

- What's the movie?

- My dear, sweet, innocent Joy, one never puts the cart before the horse or the movie before the theme.

One should never leave things 'til the last minute, but it might just be my innocence talking.

Maybe the answer is right around the corner.

Well, the good news is your car is fine.

- Oh!

- [LAUGHING]: The bad news is you're not gonna sink too many putts with this thing.

- You have some gravel on you.

- And some grime and some grease.


Grease is the word!

Kiss your brain, you're brilliant!

The theme for this year's Movie Night in the Park will be all things fifties.

- Oh...

Poodle skirts.

- Hmm!

- Hula-hoops!

- Oh!

How about drag races?

Silly Samuel.

We can always find a way to drag it out in Middleton.

- Hmm.

- Yeah, grease is definitely the word.


I was just thinking about you.

Eileen: [What were you thinking?]

That I can't wait to see you on Monday.

[Good thing you won't have to!]


- Surprise!


Are you really here right now?

Only one way to find out!



You really do have coffee every morning

- from a baseball mug.

- And you really do drive and old-school Jeep with no doors.

Wanna take a ride?

You could show me the town that I've heard so much about.

Slow down, you just got here.

I told you, I'm spontaneous.

Yeah, well, spontaneous is great as long as I have some warning.

I haven't seen you in a week.

I miss my gin buddy.

I miss my gin buddy too.

We played enough cards for me to know when you're bluffing.

I-I'm not bluffing.

Who's bluffing?

OK, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

No, no.

This was a great idea.



- Stephanie lives here.

- Your ex?

She's still your ex, right?

She is...

...but I-I really don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Well, this just got uncomfortable.

- Ah...

- Just...

my own fault 'cause I tried to surprise you.

No, it...

it was a...

it was a great surprise.

Just not great timing.

Let's go back to the original plan.


I can't wait to get on that plane with you.


Me too.

[STEPHANIE]: So, will you talk about the email that you sent me at a.m.?

Um, my alcove idea?

Did you love it?

I'd love it more at p.m.

- Don't you ever sleep?

- No.

Not while I'm designing.

- It's my prime time.

- Ah...


Hmm, somebody's popular.


Apparently, five different guys are "catching my vibe" on Sparksy?


how do you feel about that?


I'm not on Sparksy.

If I told you I made you a profile, how would you feel about that?

Uh, not great.

I am not looking to swipe my way to Mr. Right.

When I met my Mr. Right, there was no swiping, only sweeping...

- me off my feet.


How did you and Mr. T meet?

We were both reaching for a copy of Rocket Man in the record store.

- Oh...

- Bingo!

Someone's got a match.

OK, I'm taking it down.

Sorry, I was just trying to help.

I know.

I'm just not looking to dive into the dating pool.


The old belly flop of love can leave quite the sting.

But when you do find that perfect match, years later, you will still feel goosebumps when they walk into the room.

I'll have what she's having.

- What are you having?

- Hmm?


cheeseburgers, orders of fries

- and root beer floats galore.

- Movie Night in the Park?

With a fifties theme.

So fire up that fryer and grease up that grill.

Hmm... you got it, Daddy- .

That's the spirit!




- [SAM]: In the field?

- Literally.

Well, if I'm being literal, it was in the dugout.

Coachman down, and my nephew came and got me.

He didn't respond to CPR?

Twelve minutes and he was still asystole, and the ambulance was too far out.


I don't know too many doctors who would have made that call.

Well, it was a long shot, but it was a shot.

- How is he today?

- Team went and , won the championship, he got Coach of the year.

And you just got yourself a job.

- Welcome to Hillcrest.

- I was hoping you'd say that.

Sorry to interrupt.

I didn't realize you were still talking.

Oh, we moved on to the congratulating.

Let me introduce you to Hillcrest's newest cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Monica McBride.

This is our chef hospital administrator, Grant Collins.

Mr. Collins.

Dr. McBride, welcome aboard.

And let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Dr. Monica McBride.

Oh, well, I hired her; This would have been awkward.


I didn't want Grant to say anything.

I didn't want any special treatment.


Am I interrupting?

- Nah, never!

You know Grant.

- Yeah.

And this is... his girlfriend and as of two minutes ago, our newest surgeon, Monica McBride.

- This is my wife Cassie.

- Oh, congratulations!

We should celebrate.

Why don't you come over to our place,

- we could do barbecue.

- I appreciate the offer, but we, um...

we have a thing.

No, we don't.

We'd love to come over.

Actually, Cassie must have forgotten

- 'cause we do have a thing.

- Yeah, you're right.

We do.

- They're coming over.

How's ?

- Perfect.

We'll see you then.

- OK.

- Hmm.

Is this really supposed to take the place of a drag race?

This is harder than a drag race.


On three, we flip.

One, two, three.

- Well, that is lucky.

- That was hard-boiled.

But when we go against Sam's team,

- it's gonna be the real deal.

- Easy, Serena Williams, it's an egg relay, not Wimbledon.

- Well, tell that to Sam.

- He doesn't like to lose.


That makes two of us.

You guys are as bad as Donovan and Daniel.

Yeah, those two aren't exactly the poster boys

- for brotherly love.

- They could be if that family could just learn to talk things out.

- Sure you'll change all that.

- Donovan is not making it easy.

I guess I have his parents to thank for that.

And you don't want your husband thinking that's OK.

Or our kids.

Her phone number was disconnected.

Hmm, sounds like we're taking a road trip.

You guys wanna share with the class?

I decided to meet my birth mother.

- Whoa!

That's a big deal.

- Yeah.

- I'm kind of nervous.

- Well, if it helps, I was really nervous about reconnecting with my dad, but we worked things out.

I don't think I could work things out with my dad.

It's not easy to imagine being open to the unimaginable.

♪♪ Whoa!



I got you.

- Nice catch!

- Well, you know, all those years playing Frisbee on the beach really paid off.

Ah, lucky for me!

Haven't lost a plate yet.

I am guessing you had the turkey sandwich.

You are a natural.

Need a job?

Oh, I will just settle for a coffee.

Well, in that case, now I got you.

- You don't have to do that.

- [CHUCKLING]: Already done.

Huayruroseeds, right?

[DOUBTFUL]: Supposed to bring positive energy and happiness.

- It's not working?

- Not really.


I came to surprise my friend, and suddenly, I am heading home.

Take it your friend doesn't like surprises.

- His ex lives here.

- Mm-hm.

He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

It's hard to be upset with someone who cares so much.

It's one of the reasons I fell for him.



I should go.

Yeah, I mean you wouldn't want to, uh... run into her.


You've got to be kidding me.

I'm Stephanie.

And I am totally embarrassed.


No, don't be.

You fell for a really great guy.

Talk about déjà vu.

Show of hands.

Who here thought we were done with the Merriwick mysteries?



Are you OK?

The day I made this was the last time my mom, dad and I were together.

That's a day worth dreaming about.

Be a lot easier if you could dream up what this thing meant.

- I wish I knew why I made it.

- Could be the energy of the island will stir up some memories.

The energy of the island is putting me to sleep.

- I fell asleep in the sand.

- See?

I'm not the only one.

I'm gonna go put my feet in the water.

Then I woke up, and I just...

started putting rocks down.

Anything else about that day that stands out?

I've forgotten most of it.

But in the dream...

I made this symbol and...

and my dad found a shell.

Actually, he found it right over where you're standing.

Did it look anything like this?


Yeah, it looked exactly like this.

Maybe that's what we were sent here to find.

There's one problem, though.

The shell my dad found had a pattern on the back

- in the shape of a J.

- Do you still have it?

Nah, it's long gone now.

So is any clue it might have given us.

We should keep the shell.

Not looking for any memories of my dad.

Well, looks like today is a bust.

I'll text Vincent, tell him we're headed back to the boat.

Time spent with family is never a bust.


Try pushing off your back foot, you'll add some speed to that fastball.


Your parent's home?

Uh, my foster mom is.

Your foster mom is Sabrina Easton?


Her name's Laura Harts.

Does Sabrina live here?


Hartses live here.

I could go talk to Mrs.

Harts to see if she knows

- anything about your mom.

- OK.

- What happened to your mom?

- We've never met.

- I was a foster kid too.

- Yeah, we both were.

You guys were both in the system?


It's how we became family.




that's really cool.

I've not been so lucky, but...

Sometimes, luck comes when you least expect it.

I'm gonna go knock on the door.

So how long have you been with the Hartses?

Long enough to know that I won't be for much longer.


Moving around was never easy.

Still isn't.

♪♪ Show me that fastball.


- That's better.

It's good.

- Not bad?

What a lovely surprise, Abigail!

I was just about to set the table for tonight's family dinner.

- You're setting the table?

- On the contrary, we're setting the table.

I prefer a triangle fold.

You must be excited about tonight.

Well, it is a rare occasion that the entire family gathers to break bread.

Aren't you worried that your boys might

- break more than just bread?

- Oh, you'll see.

When we all sit down, it'll be as if nothing happened.

Burying things doesn't fix them.

And stirring this up isn't getting my table set.

Don't you think everyone would feel better getting everything out in the open?

There's really no better place to talk than a family dinner.

The dinner table is no place to air disagreements; It's for highlighting the day's accomplishments.

Maybe it could be both.

My table, my rules.

I just thought that maybe you'd be open to doing things a different way.

I prefer the Davenport way.

- Hey!

- Hey-hey!

I know you!

Let me guess, you had a craving for some coffee?

- I could go for a coffee.

- And pecan pie?


And you wanted to know what I thought of Eileen?


- Definitely.

- You could have just asked.

- I was getting there.


She was great.

She surprised me; I didn't mean for her to surprise you.

- I know.

- Ooh!

Sorry to interrupt.

I just came to get my to-go order.

You are not interrupting, we're good.


Eileen's texting.



- Everything all right?

- Her car broke down.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Go get her!

♪♪ - I'll see you later.

- OK.

You OK?

You know what?

I really am.

♪♪ Turns out these were in the attic, not the garage.

Lucky for me you know this place better than I do.

No, I'm the lucky one.

You know, you Merriwicks always make me feel like family.

You are family.


Laurel certainly thought so.


There's nothing I wouldn't have done for your great-grandmother.


I've been doing a little digging into the red-haloed Moon.

The last one was .

I've been doing a little digging myself into the tree in the circle here.

Yeah, it kinds of looks like the Tree of Life.


It's a symbol of strength.


Trees can survive just about any storm.

Reminds me of you Merriwicks.

Well, we certainly have a lot more details now.


We also got a lot more questions.



Mother mentioned you played golf with Paul Christian today?

Lucky for me, he's still got that terrible slice.


He owes you dinner at the polo club again?

He owes you a donation to Congressman Kim's

- re-election campaign.

- Fantastic!

The congressman will certainly appreciate that.

Least I could do.

Your brother didn't miss a beat.

He never does.

Did you think more about what I said?

I did, but talking things out is not the Davenport way.

So I've heard.

How about a toast before dinner?

You read my mind.


It's great to have the family all together...

and to see my little brother so happy.

He's a great guy.

I'm really glad you two found each other.

I wish you nothing but happiness.

- [DAVIS]: Cheers.

- Oh, um, while Marguerite serves the lobster croquette, perhaps we could introduce Abigail to one of our favourite Davenport traditions.

You mean, one of your favourite Davenport traditions.

Every night at dinner, Mother would ask us all who had the best day.

It was my way of encouraging the spirit of competition between the boys.

- Well, mission accomplished.


[DOTTY]: Who would like to start?

I don't want to boast, but I got a call today confirming that Congressman Kim and I are meeting with the President next week.

He's promised us his endorsement!

This is a big win for my campaign strategy.

Well, that certainly goes down in the Davenport hall of fame!

- I'm proud of you, Son.




- Sorry, I...

- This should do the trick.

You OK, Bro?

Not really, Bro.


I kind of found what you said hard to swallow.

- What are you talking about?

- Well, how are you and Congressman Kim gonna have a meeting with the President when Congressman Kim fired you?


Why would you say such a thing?

Did Quinn tell you that?

Well, it...

it doesn't matter.

It's true, isn't it?



Come on, you've never done the Electric Slide?

- Haha!


- I know you know how to slide.


I'm a slider from back in the day.


Hold on, I can't let you slide solo.

- OK.


I'm glad we brought this party inside.

We can't let a little rain spoil the fun.

Are we dancing or tossing?

- Is that all you got?

- You think you got better?

Yeah, might be time for dessert.

No shame in throwing in the towel.

It's not over yet.



- Maybe it's time for dessert.

- Yeah, I'll get the cake.

I'll help with your cake.


I gotta admit, tonight's not as painful as I thought it'd be.

Well, I hate to admit it, but I have to agree with you.

Guessing that ring's not for me.


I've been walking around for two weeks waiting for the right moment.


How did you propose to Cassie?

On one knee.

I'm drowning here, and you're joking?

Only half joking.

You'll know when the moment's right.

That's your advice?

Hey, I'm Dr.

Sam, not Dr.


[CASSIE]: OK, we've been talking.

- Uh-oh!

- [MONICA]: There's no uh-oh.

Dinner tomorrow night the four of us.

- One condition.

- No Electric Slide?

Two conditions.

No Electric Slide and rematch.


- Thank you.

- Yeah, sure.

Yeah, they're gonna need some time to cool down.

I see why we don't bring our disagreements to the dinner table.

Maybe asking them who had the best day wasn't such a great idea?

It worked beautifully when they were kids.

Are you sure they felt that way?

♪♪ ♪♪


Had that dream again.

Sit, eat, tell.

Well, I woke up in the exact same place.

That never happens; My dreams always progress.


Well, it doesn't mean it won't.

Maybe we could do something to help it along.

We or me?

You don't have some kind of tea you could brew?

- Take it that's a no.

- This is a door only you can unlock.

♪♪ I brought you a coffee and an apple-crumb doughnut.


But you're not in the mood for either.

I just don't know why I outed Daniel.

Talking things out is a good first step.

Nothing good came of it.

- Nothing yet.

- [DANIEL]: She's not wrong.


- Can we talk?

- You sure you just wanna talk?

Actually, I... wanna say thank you.

You're thanking me?

You did me a huge favour.

It's... not easy being the Golden Boy.

Try being the Golden Boy's younger brother.

Who cares who had the best day?

I never did.

Oh, just hug already.



My, my!

I haven't seen a projector like that since our days at the Middleton Drive-in.

We're going old school for our s Night in the Park.

Speaking of old and school, what brings Dotty Davenport to my office?

- I needed a friend.

- Uh...

Is everything all right?

I'm not sure.


I'm all ears.

- You raised two boys.

- I did.

Did you encourage any competition between them?

Oh, heavens, no!

Forcing them to compete would have been forcing them apart.

But you know, we all have our own way of parenting.

Who's to say that one is right and one is wrong?

Forcing my boys apart certainly wasn't my intention.

Some might say that I was too overprotective, which certainly was not my intention.


They're both grown, and I'm still doing it.

Welcome to the club.

Thought you were a baseball guy.

I got some game.


Uh, sorry about what happened with your birth mother.

Sometimes, it takes a wrong turn to get to the right place.


Somebody's been talking to my wife.

- Gonna keep looking?

- I don't know.

Good thing your fastball is better than your jumper.

Cassie told you about the kid?


Said you two hit it off.

- I only want to help him out.

- You should.

From the middle of the ocean?

I'm sailing out tomorrow.

Change your plans.


I wish I could be here to twirl with you at s Night.

Thank you.

That is an image that I am never gonna forget.

It's not exactly how I imagined our first kiss.

I am...




We'll always have Peru.

The whole wall?

Well, if you want the whole alcove.

What about the painting?



What happens to the painting if we take out the wall?

Then we take it down.

Adam and I painted that.

We could put it on a different wall.


That's not moving on, that's just moving things around.

[SAM AND MONICA]: The bolo tie.

- I wanna know how you two met.

- Let me paint the picture.

Softball tournament, bottom of the seventh, tie game, bases loaded, two outs, and I walk up

- to the plate.

- I had never seen more swagger.

And from the hill comes the Rocket here.

- You were pitching?

- Oh, I wasn't just pitching;

- I was throwing fire!

- Oh!

And let me guess, you put out the fire with a grand slam?

- She struck me out.

- Haha!

And then he asked me out.

♪♪ Well, here's to strike three.

You know what?

I got a better idea.

I've been carrying this around for two weeks waiting for the right moment, but I don't want to wait anymore.

♪♪ Please don't.

I'm sorry.


let me go check on her.


Thanks for putting me up last night.

Oh, of course.

How are you feeling?

Beautiful flowers.


They represent pure love.

I had a heart transplant...

five years ago.

And you're scared?

Wouldn't be fair to Grant.

I don't...

know how long I'll be here.

None of us do.

- Does Grant know?

- He does.

- Have you talked about it?

- A lot.

Maybe you should let Grant decide what's fair.


[MARTHA]: Oh...

Dare I say it?

That looks "diner-mite."

- Oh, boy.

- And on that note, I think I'll just "fry" away.



Did I mention they called me Kid Swivel?

Yeah, I wouldn't mention that to anyone else.

- What?!

- Ah, see, if Martha hadn't run over your golf clubs, none of this would have happened.

Ooh, way to kick a man when he's down.

What are we talking about?

How much Sam loves s Night.


It's Michael.

I invited him and his foster mom.

I figured he'd want to practise the fastball you taught him.


I'm gonna go say hi.


You look ridiculous!

Ooh, way to kick a man when he's down.

I'm glad you decided to come.

Well, you did say it would get my mind off things, so...



Welcome, all of our bobby-soxers and greasers to our fabulous Movie Night in the Park!

It's time to get our s on!




- Aaah...

Well, if it isn't Kid Swivel.


Word travels fast around these parts.

Ah, it's hard to keep a lid on something like that.


why is Kid Swivel flying solo?

Eileen went back to Chicago.

I hope it wasn't 'cause of me.

Kind of was.

We talked about this.

- I miss you.

- You do?

I do.

I miss us.

Me too.


Could we just pretend the last two months didn't happen?


Look, getting back together is...

Well, it's exactly what I was hoping you would say when you came home.

What am I missing?

The part where I sat around waiting for you for two months.

I know.

It's why we broke up.

Then I don't know what to say.

Say you'll support me.

I need to find what I'm missing.

I'll be here when you do.

Don't make the same mistake I did.


I have two things to say to you, Abigail: You were right and thank you.

You're welcome.

- Have you seen my boys?

- They're over there preparing to lose to my egg-relay team.

You really shouldn't be so competitive, it can be very unhealthy.


The fastballs have been the extent of our conversation.

Hm, I'm sure Michael will come around.

I hope so.

I would have loved to have someone to talk to who had been through the system.

I can't think of a better big brother.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your "egg-gines."

It's time for the relay!

It is the Bobby-soxers versus the Greasers for all the marbles!

You're ready for this, Golden Boy?

Wouldn't be the Golden Boy if I wasn't.

♪♪ On your mark,

- get set...



Sorry, I've got to...

I've got to return this call.

It appears that we're one Greaser down.



Looks like one Greaser and one Bobby-soxer.



That was pretty slick.

Oh, I'm glad you thought so.

- Give me one minute.


Would you two take our places?

You in?

Only if you're the Bobby-soxer.

All right, let's try this again!

On your mark, get set,

- spoon your eggs!


Come on, come on!

Don't you let that thing drop!

- Here we go!

- Yeah, take the egg!

[WOMAN]: Go, go, go, go!


- [MARTHA]: Bobby-soxers!

- [MAN]: Go, go, go, go!

- [WOMAN]: Go!



- [MARTHA]: The winner!



Oh, man!


Did you think I was gonna let you win?



Just, uh, wait until our rematch.

Oh, you think there's gonna be a rematch?

[MICHAEL]: Yeah, there better be.

All right, everybody!

Grab your popcorn, it's show time!


♪ I got chills ♪ ♪ They're multiplyin' ♪ ♪ And I'm losin' control ♪ ♪ 'Cause the power you're suplyin' ♪ ♪ It's electrifyin' ♪

- I think I'm gonna take off.

- You sure?

You're gonna miss the best part.


Looks like everyone's gonna miss the best part.

This is catastrophic!

Easy, Martha, let's not go overboard.

Um, looks like you've got company.


I'm sorry.

- Do something.

- What?


Well, there's no picture, what are we supposed to do?

♪ Filled with affection ♪

Follow my lead.


♪ You're too shy ♪

- Walk this way.

- Hahaha!

- Oh no!

No, no, no!

- Yes.

♪ Meditate in my direction ♪

Oh no!

♪ Feel the way ♪


♪ I better shape up ♪ ♪ 'Cause you need a man I need a man ♪ ♪ Who can keep me satisfied ♪ ♪ I better shape up ♪ ♪ If I'm gonna prove You better prove ♪ ♪ That my faith is justified Are you sure ♪ ♪ Yes, I'm sure down deep inside ♪ ♪ You're the one that I want You are the for ♪ ♪ Oo, oo, oo, honey ♪ ♪ The one that I want You are the one for ♪ ♪ Oo, oo, oo, honey ♪ ♪ The one that I want You are the one for ♪

- ♪ Oo, oo, oo ♪

- ♪ The one I need ♪ ♪ Oh yes, indeed ♪

[JOY]: You know, you're an official

- Bobby-soxer now.

- Haha!

Do I get a jacket?


- How about a soda?

- Sold.


You're thinking about becoming a foster parent?

More than thinking about it.

I think Michael had a great time today.



I'm really happy Cassie invited him.


She's got a knack for that kind of thing.

- Hahaha!

- Still sailing off tomorrow?

I am, but I'm gonna try to be around more.

I'm glad to hear that.


You're gonna make a really great foster dad.

♪♪ I could get used to this.

OK, you haven't said a word about beating us at the egg race; When is it coming?

I'm just not as competitive as you.

Yeah because you won.

But you were right about getting things

- out in the open.

- I know.

I'm just glad you realized it before we have a couple of "Golden Boys" of our own.

What if we have a couple of "Golden Girls" of our own?

Even better.

We don't want them always trying to one-up each other.

You do realize we're having the kids' conversation right now?

Do you have a problem with that?

I love it.

Good answer.

- Thanks for walking me home.

- Anytime.



I want you to wear it.

Oh, really?

Your varsity letterman jacket?

- You want to go steady?

- Hmm...

I got a crush on you

- since freshman year.

- Is that a yes?



♪♪ Mind if I join you?


That'd be real nice.

Lemon verbena.

Oh, that was your great-grandmother's favourite.

I only met her once, when I was .

That's all it took with Laurel.

I still can't believe I didn't know that you were close to her.


I had the exact same look when Laurel first showed them to me.

Taught me all about the heavens above

- through these lenses.

- Ah.

When I was leaving for the air force, she really wanted me to have them.

So you'd always have a piece of home no matter where you were stationed.

She was a lovely lady.

Just like you, kid.

♪♪ I know what the symbol's for.