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02x01 - Erica & Anna

Posted: 05/24/21 04:55
by bunniefuu
All he does is just talk about his record in the State Senate.

He talks it to f*cking death, and nobody gives a shit.


Yeah, we've wasted 12 million propping him up, and we're done.

He's a failure.

f*ck him.


I'll call you later.

Anyone notice you in the lobby?

- No.

- You sure?

- Yes.


- Just checking.

Is everything okay?

Doesn't matter.

Too much of him, not enough of you.

- You want a drink?

- No, I'm good, thanks.


Hm, you know...

...I can tell by your outfit that you're happy to see me.

Tell me what I wanna hear.

It's just us.

You and me.

The outside world doesn't exist.


Come here.

You are so beautiful.

You're like a drug..

...and I'm f*cking addicted.

How does that feel?

How does that feel?


Here, get on your knees and suck it.

You like sucking my cock, huh?

You little f*cking slut.

Don't you, huh?

- Huh?

- Yes.

- Yeah.


- It feels good in my mouth.

Swallow it.

Next time...

...bring one of your friends along.

Someone really f*ckin' hot.

I'm getting bored of this.

Sure, that sounds like fun.

We're pulling the plug.

Strickland's been floundering in the polls for weeks.

They're projecting 32 percent.

He was talking moderate when he should've been yelling hard-line.

We told them to pivot, but Bradley didn't listen she just told him whatever he wanted to hear.

And he's got no f*ckin' personality.

People want emotion.

They want someone to look up to.

f*ck Molina.

Stormont is ruling in our favor.

Even if Molina files an appeal there won't be a decision until after the midterms.

She can't f*ckin' touch us.



Strickland's done.

We're pulling out.

We haven't decided, but believe me we're gonna leverage it for all it's worth.

What's the latest on Strickland?

Novak's withholding.

The Kane Foundation just cancelled three million in ad buys.

So, they're conceding Michigan?

It's hard to know for sure.

They may be waiting to see if Strickland gains traction before committing more resources or they may decide to reallocate.

- And support who?

- Gerring?


Possibly, Gerring is more aligned with Kane but it will be hard to turn Wisconsin.

We're committed to raising $50 million by the end of the month, and as of Friday we're 12 million behind.

We can't afford to wait.

Sussman's and McCord's campaigns are spending money faster than it's comin' in, and now, it looks like Novak is pulling his support from Strickland, and what are we doin' about it?

Waitin' to see how it plays out?

We need to access Novak's donors before he redirects their cash.

- Hey.

- Hi, you called?


I have something for you.

We should meet.

How about the plaza in an hour?

- Hey.

Sorry I'm late.

- It's fine.

- How are you?

- Good.

What is it?

Novak is dumping Strickland and Stormont's gonna rule against Molina in favor of Novak and the Kane Foundation.

- How'd you find out?

- Novak's seeing an escort.

She recorded him while he was on the phone, earlier today.

She, she wouldn't give me a copy, but I heard it.

Is she seeing him on a regular basis?

Can you... get her to keep recording him?

- He is a conservative.

- I know.

Our client base are conservatives.

If word ever leaked, it could damage our business.

I've already gone out on a limb with this.

What if I doubled your rate?

Okay, this makes me very uneasy.

I... I don't have a personal vendetta against Novak.

Oh, come on, Matt.

I-I did this as a favor for you so you could get a jump on Strickland's donors.

Then set up the meeting.

I'll deal with her directly.

- I have to think about it.

- There's no time.


Let me know soon.

I'll call you.

Salinas is going to attack you on your record as a senator so it's important that you play to people's emotions not their intellect.

Play up your family background your hard work, your rise to success.

And don't forget that you have the best card possible.

Your state has a strong economy that you helped build.

- Okay?

- All right.

Let's try it again.

Senator McCord've said in the past that while you believe in decreased regulation you also believe that the government has a duty to implement a series of checks and balances in order to rein businesses in.

Can you, uh, please discuss how this stance will affect the ordinary citizens of Ohio?

Oh, first of all, I never said that.

I would never want to rein businesses in.

And before successfully winning... Jim.

Did you get my message?

Did you hear the recording?

No, but Cusick did, and I trust him.

We've got to move now more than ever especially if Stormont is ruling against Molina.

I'm gonna set up a meeting with Novak.

That's a waste of time.

Kane isn't gonna back McCord or Sussman.

We both know that, they're too moderate and Kane wants someone he can own.

I still want to meet with Novak, feel him out.

See if we can win him over.

It's one meeting.


There's no way I'm supporting McCord.

He's a traitor.

His support of increased oil and gas regulation is against everything we believe in.

He's pro-EPA, just like his friends across the aisle.

I'd rather jump off this building.

And Sussman?

The latest in Virginia has him tied.

Uh, he's not committed to a free market.

I think we'll go through an initial phase of holding back.

If Gerring gains traction in Wisconsin and comes around then we can step in and make a deal.

Our donors may start to realign on their own.

They won't.

They'll do exactly as I tell them to.

See, my wife would like me to give this up altogether but who else is gonna save this country?

Compromise isn't in our interest.


Thanks for coming.

- You're not staying?

- I can't.

I have to be somewhere soon.

- Do you want a drink?

- I'm fine, thanks.

I thought we'd have some time to talk.

- I have some time.

- Where do you have to be?

- I'm meeting someone.

- Someone new?

Can I get you a drink?

Nothing for me, thanks.

Let me know if you change your mind.

- Who is she?

- Please don't start.

It's barely been a month and you're already seeing someone?

It's none of your business.

Look, I came here to give you your keys so, here they are.

I was hoping we could at least be civil and not accuse each other.

I'm sorry.

- Please keep them.

- I can't.

You can.

- Yes, you can.

- Stop it, it's over.

At least stay and have a drink.

I don't want a drink.

Stop trying to suck me back in.

- I have to go.


- At least tell me why.

Why are you leaving me?

At least f*cking tell me that.

Take care of yourself.

Keep it short.

Don't give her an opening.

She knows we're not gonna support McCord or Sussman.

Got it.

We've heard through several sources that you're pulling your support from Strickland and conceding Michigan.

That's news to me.

You know as well as anyone the rumor mill is running on overload.

Well, let's just say, if it was the case where would you redirect those resources?

Who do you see as being most aligned with your positions?

I don't do hypotheticals.

Humor me.

Both Gerring and Bremner toe the line although Gerring is more of a hard-line fiscal conservative.

Yeah, most aligned isn't our only goal.

We also look for concrete assurances that our voice would be heard, in return for our support.

How concrete?

What are we really talking about?

If we're gonna support someone we wanna make sure they implement our ideas.

If they start veering off or doing things we don't like we pull our money.

Like I said, we'd wanna be sure our voice would be heard.

Particularly on the policy level.

Uh, so, we expect substantial input with regards to legislation.

How do you define "Substantial?" - I've humored you.

- Drafting?

This conversation is going nowhere.



Or both?

Have you started negotiating?

You haven't, have you?

There's no reason to.

We're not supporting Gerring or Bremner.

We're behind Strickland, and he's gonna be the next Senator of Michigan.

So you say, but how do you know your donor base will follow you when Strickland and Michigan are no longer in play?

We attract individuals who are seriously committed to our agenda.

We don't like to waste anyone's time including our own.

I hate to cut this short, but, uh, we have a hard out.

Thanks for dropping by.

It was good to see you again.

You too.

Hi, I just got out of the meeting.

They haven't committed to anyone yet.

What makes you say that?

Their hesitation and level of denial.

They wouldn't even discuss Gerring or Bremner.

Jim, I'm gonna have to call you back.


- Matt.

- I set up the meeting.

Her professional name is Anna Carr.


She wants a thousand bucks cash, consulting fee.

- Where and when?

- Tomorrow.

2 p.m. at the Park Hotel.

The reservation's under your name.

- Great.

- Listen.

Please don't involve me in this anymore.

I won't.

Don't worry.

Uh, before you go, how long have you known her?

- Around two years.

- Is she reliable?

She's always been very direct, and her information has always been solid.



Rancin's saying Bellerin isn't even close on choosing where to throw his money.

My guess is he's waiting to see what Novak does before he decides.

I have to go.

- Anna?

- Yeah.



I'm Erica.

Come in.

Do you want a drink or something to eat?

There's a mini bar, or I can order room service.

I'm fine.


Please, have a seat.

Can I ask you to switch off your phone?

If you could turn the power off?


Thank you for coming.

This is for you, a $1000 consulting fee.


Do you know who I am?


Matt told me.

Did he tell you why I wanted to meet with you?

He said you wanted to talk about Mark Novak.

How long have you been seeing him?

Nearly two months, but pretty infrequently.

Did Matt tell you that I was the one that bought the recording of Novak's phone conversation?

He told me.

I'd like you to keep recording him.

I'll pay you a lot of money.

How much?

It depends on what kind of information you get.

What are you looking for?

Anything that I can use as leverage against him.

Anything that will discredit him.


Why Novak?

Why take that kind of risk?

If we're gonna work together, I need to know.

Because he's a misogynist and a f*cking pig.

He deserves whatever he gets.

* - How have you been?

- Good.

I've been traveling.

I was just in Miami this past weekend.

- For work?

- Yeah.

How did it go?

He flew us down to Nassau for his friend's anniversary and we partied at the Emerald Cliff.

He works in real estate.

He knew everyone there.

You know, eat for free.

Drink for free.

f*ck for money.

God, I miss the sex.

I'm craving it.

I've even taken up camming at home just to get off.

I guess I just can't get enough.

Do you ever think of getting back in?

All the time, but...

Craig won't be able to handle it.

He can deal with the camming, but seeing clients in person again would be too much.

So, what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I just don't wanna deal with another failed relationship and all the fall out.

I have a client who wants a threesome.

I'm meeting him at the Hazelton on Friday at 3 p.m.

Craig doesn't have to know, and it might be a good way to see if you really do wanna jump back in.

So that's why you wanted to meet?

No, I wanted to see you.

But just think about it and let me know.

There's no pressure.

Thanks again for thinking of me.

Of course.

Here we go.

Are you ready?

God, yes.

I'm so excited.


- Who's this?

- My friend, Jo.

- Jo, Mark.

- Hi, there.

You're f*cking gorgeous.

- You like to f*ck?

- Yeah.

I bet you do.

You want a drink?

There's a full bar.

- Sure.

- What do you want?

Um, vodka.

Make her a drink, will you?

- Sure.

- Get your ass inside.

Put one on.

You are so f*ckin' hot.

You're not so bad yourself.

I'm gonna f*ck the shit out of you.

Oh, yeah?

I hope so.

Here, this is for you.

- Jo.

- Oh, thanks.

I want you to watch us.

Now, she's got a body.

- Look at those tits.

- How's that?


You're a ten, all right.

I wonder what you look like on your knees.

You wanna find out?

Kneel on the chair.

Turn your back to me.

I wanna see your ass.

Turn your f*ckin' head, don't look at me.

I just wanna see your ass.

Your f*ckin' ass.

Oh, yeah, so good.

- Oh!

- You like that, huh?

Don't f*cking look at me, what're you f*cking looking at?

I don't wanna connect with you.

Look at my cock, not my eyes.

My f*ckin' cock.

Connect with my f*cking cock.

- I'm gonna cum on your face.

- You got that?

Open your mouth.


Do it!

That's it.

Oh, that's it.

You f*ckin' whore.

You f*ckin' slut.