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02x07 - Part VII

Posted: 05/23/21 05:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Down in the valley ♪ ♪ Valley so low ♪ Looks like somebody was living here.

Adam Lowry and Bess McTeer were headed there with Julian...

and someone was waiting for them.

The guy back at the dorms with the ponytail...

I saw him at the motel when we went to speak To the manager.

Marin is Julian's mother.

- Where is she?

- We have reason to believe her body was dumped in a lake near Mosswood.

There are abuses all over Mosswood and you were in charge.

I allowed horrible things to happen, I did.

When I saw Julian's face...

I woke up...

and I knew what I had to do.

And I changed Mosswood for good.

That hooded thing that you keep seeing...

I'd stare it down next time you see it.

'Cause it'll ruin you if you let it.

Oh, shit.

All right, everyone, remain calm.

I need you to come inside right now.

Yep, put the baskets down.

Leave what you have in your hands on the ground.

Put down the baskets.

Everybody sit down.

Legs out in front.

Cross your feet for me.

That's it.

Cross your feet.

- Hey, this is Private property.

- Ma'am, please sit down.

We have a warrant to search these premises.

- A warrant for what?

- A warrant for Julian Walker.

Julian Walker?

What are you talking about?

He's in the custody of Social Services.

Julian went missing from the group home earlier this morning.

He went missing?


That's what we're trying to find out.

You mean you lost him?

Ma'am, please sit down.

- He's not here!

- Right now.

You need to tell me what happened.

- Ms.

Walker, just calm down.

- Don't tell me to calm down!

You took my son away from me, and now you don't know where he is, and you're telling me to calm down?

- This is bullshit.

- Ma'am, you can't leave.

- Ms. Walker!

- You can't leave.

No, I can leave!

You get your hands off of me!

I have to find my son!

I didn't do anything wrong!

You can't do this to me!

- Ms. Walker, be reasonable.

- No.

You're wasting time.

Don't touch me!

You don't know what you're doing.

Come on.

And you saw him go into the bedroom?


And you heard nothing unusual?



- Can I help you?

- Yeah.

Can you do me a favor?

I want to check upstairs.


When did you realize Julian was missing?

4:40, maybe 4:45 a.m.

None of the other kids saw anything?

Nobody saw him leave?

Everybody was asleep.

Oh, he wrote that number there.


I don't know whose it is.

It's mine.

How was his mood last night?

Honestly, he seemed...


Do you keep sunflower seeds in the house?

Not usually, no.



Next time my brother has a party, I'm bringing you.


I don't want to see you like - throwing up all over the floor.

- Yeah.

This guy, right here.

You, like... you get sick from, like, too much candy.

Such a lightweight.

How you doing?

- It's just nicotine.

- I don't care about that.

You guys see anything parked in that spot lately?


f*cking camper van.

Took a piss on the back tire and it honked.

Scared the shit out of me.

You happen to see who it was that was inside?

Window had curtains.

Anybody remember anything else?

License plate, anything like that?

It was a shitty brown.

- Was this last night?

- Yeah.

- The hell are you doing here?

- Just hang on.

We gotta call and get an Amber Alert.

Julian didn't run away, he was abducted.

There was a van that was across from the foster house.

That means it might not be Vera Walker after all.

Wait, slow down.

What do you mean, a van?

There was a brown camper van.

It was seen in the parking lot last night.

Detective Ambrose.

I thought I made it clear you weren't needed here anymore.

Yeah, we got a missing child.

I'm not going home until we find him.

Look, there was a van that was parked across from the foster home.

Someone was stalking Julian.

They were there last night, waiting.

Hold on, hold on.

Who are "they"?

I don't know.

But we need an alert.

Look, I could be wrong, but I think I'm right.


Julian Walker is slipping away from us.

- We don't have time...

- This is Heather Novack, Keller PD.

We need an Amber Alert For Julian Walker, age 13.

Possible abduction.

We're looking for a brown camper van.

Did you have nightmares?

I did.

What about you?

Do you have those?


Still nothing on N.C.I.C.

He was telling me all along there was a hooded thing coming after him.

It was all real.

I need to talk to her.

I'm sorry this is happening to you.

If you really are, then get them to let me out of here.

You'd have to cooperate first.


They lost my son, and then they raided my home and accused me of taking him.

I've got nothing to say.

I had nothing to do with that raid.

And yet here you are, on the other side of this table.

There was a van...

a brown camper van...

That was parked across from the foster home.

That's who took him?

Who'd want to do that?

You know who's driving that van, don't you?


We're gonna lose him.

We have to work together.

I want to speak to my lawyer.


You hurt him when you do that.

You know, what you're doing right now, you're hurting him.

Harry, saving my son isn't gonna save you.

What's that mean?


We got something.


What is it?

- You touch anything?

- No.

It was just like this.

Canadian plates.

Have you run those yet?


The plates were reported stolen off another vehicle in Quebec three weeks ago.

Looks like they ditched this in a hurry.

We'd better get the dogs out here.



It has knots.

Like a cincture.

A cincture?


It's a type of belt that's worn by monks.

As a kid, I learned that the Franciscans tied three knots in theirs.

Let's find out who wears five.


They're charging you with resisting arrest.

I expect they're gonna hold you overnight - before they release you.

- None of that matters right now.

I need you to go find Terry and give him a message.

Tell him to go see The Grey Daughters.

Well, the five knots stand for poverty, chastity, obedience, enclosure, and detachment.


And every nun wears one of these...

- Just like this?

- Every nun of our order.

How many are in your order?

Well, we have convents all over the Northeast and Canada.

I'd say over 500 sisters active today.

I need a list of their names.


And who else would have access to the habits that the sisters wear?

Well, uh, we have laypeople coming through...

It's her.

And volunteers, maintenance people...

It's her.

Excuse me.



I don't understand...

Sister, uh, there's a woman here...

do you know...

the woman right there?

Oh, of course.

That's Laura.



she was living here for some time.

She left just a few weeks ago.


Laura came in three years ago.

We help run a recovery center and she admitted herself.

She got sober and ended up staying on with us.

For three years?


She was quite dedicated.

Well, she...

she also struggled.

Nothing came easy for her.

I had hoped that she would take her vows, but that's not what she wanted.

This was her room.

It's so strange...

her father's looking for her, too.

He came here just last night.

Her father?

He picked up a box of Laura's belongings.

I didn't get his name.

- What'd he look like?

- Um...

Long hair...


tied back in a ponytail.

How long ago did you say she left?

I would say...

must have been four or five weeks ago.

Is she okay?

Did something happen?

It's important that we find her.

Did she say where she was going?

She wouldn't say.

Marin, my God.

Welcome home.

We've made a lot of changes since you left.

For the better.

You have no idea how much we missed you.

I missed you too.

We have a bed for you.

I can have D'Nell get it ready for you.

I'm not staying.

I'm here for Julian.

What do you mean?

I wanna thank you for everything you've done for him, and everything you tried to do for me, but I'm ready to be his mom again.


I want him back.

I need to be with him.

I know you haven't had an easy time since you left us.

I heard about rehab in Providence.

And in Manchester.

I've been clean three years.

I've worked the steps.

I'm a different person now.


you're a stranger to Julian.

To disturb things now at his age, that...

that would be harmful.

So you never told him about me?

I didn't see the point.

You left us.

We had no idea if you were ever coming back.

You knew what I was going through - and you took advantage of that.

- I did everything I could do - to help you.

- You took over being his mother and you didn't give any room - for me.

- Marin, you barely wanted to hold him.

I want to see him.

No, I don't think that's a good idea.

You can't just decide that.

I can.

I have a legal right.

You abandoned him, and I'm his mother now.

And now I think you should leave, please.


Please go.

- Hey, get out of here!

- Who's up here?

What are you doing in here?

You can't be here.

Get off me!

He's mine!

He's my kid!

He's my kid!

- What the hell are you doing?

- What's going on?

Leave her alone.

Marin, are you okay?



I have no idea.

I don't know.

She needs to get off the grounds.

It's okay.

I've got her.

It's okay.

Come on.

It was only a dream.

It was only a dream.

Please, Bess.

You know this isn't right.

You were...

You were there.

You know.

I know.


I really need your help.



Uh, we're on the road.

Everything's going fine.

You didn't have any problems getting away?

No one followed you?

Uh, no, no.

We're all good.

- How is he?

- He's enjoying the drive in the big, wide world.

We all are.


Thank you.


we'll check in...

later, okay?

When we get closer.


Vera sends you a kiss.

When we get to Niagara Falls, how close up can we get?

Well, uh, you get in these big boats, and it takes us right up to where the water's coming down.

Right up to the edge.

If we're lucky, we might actually see some people coming over in barrels.

- Barrels?

- It's a thing at Niagara Falls.


Would you like a bag with that?

You aren't real.

You aren't!

You aren't real!

You're not...

you're not real!


It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, it's okay.


I'm gonna take you home, okay?


It's okay.

I'm gonna get you out of here.


Who are you?

It's gonna be okay.

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

Mosswood isn't this far.

Everything's gonna be okay soon, I promise.

Where are you taking me?

Where are you taking me?

I'm just here To help you out.

Don't worry.

I'll explain everything once we get a little bit further, okay?

Who are you?

Who are you?

I'll tell you as soon as we get a little further out.

Tell me now!

Tell me who you are!

- Tell me who you are right now!

- Hey!

Hey, stop it!

- No!

- Hey, sit down!

- Hey, stop it!

- I'm gonna jump out!

- Tell me who you are!

- Julian, stop!

- Sit down!

- Tell me who you are!

Stop it!


- Stop it!

- No!

Julian, stop it!

Stop it!



Can you just look at me for one second?

I'm your mom!

I'm your mother!

I'm sorry.

I'm your mom.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I didn't want to tell you like that, but I...

we just don't have very much time, and once we get a little bit further out, I will...

I will tell you everything, okay?

I promise.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

I really don't want to do this, but I just can't have you jumping out of the van, and we really don't have much time.

Once we get to somewhere else, I'll...




Please stop!




It's okay.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about what happened back there.

I know Vera never told you about me...

But I used to live at Mosswood, too.

It's where I gave birth to you.

I chose your name.

You don't...

remember me...

do you?

♪ Down in the... ♪ ♪ Valley ♪ ♪ The valley ♪ ♪ So low ♪ ♪ Hang your head over ♪ ♪ Hear the wind blow ♪ Bess sang that to me.

I used to sing that to you all the time.

She learned it from me.

Can you just give me a chance?

If, after a few days, you want to go back, I'll bring you back.

I promise.

I just want to get to know you.

You must be starving.

I have this.

It's okay.

It's just a granola bar.


Is it okay?

Found the vehicle.

All clear.

It's okay, honey.

Let's go this way.

Come on.

Any ideas where she'd be taking him?

No clue.

She's not dangerous, right?

I mean, he's safe.

She just wants him back.

I don't think she would hurt him.

Yeah, but we don't know for sure.

I think we ought to add her to the Amber Alert.


All she ever wanted was a family.

She was always at our house.



Any excuse to come over, she was there.

She never wanted to go home.

I'd say you did everything you could.

No, I didn't.

I ruined it for her.

I did it back then, and now I gotta do it again.

Yeah, I have to update the Amber Alert for Julian Walker.

He's traveling with a female, 30 years old.

My mother says that I'm not guilty...

But I know that I am.

I did it.

I did it.

It's more complicated than that.

Can we go?

Who else?

Anthony, Misha, Grace, and J.B.

I tried to stop them but you weren't here.

Everybody's getting fed up.

Of course they're getting fed up.

This is supposed to be a sanctuary.

What do you want to do?

I want to find my son and bring him home.

Even if you get him back, they're never gonna let you keep him.

You understand that, right?

This is all that Marin left at The Grey Daughters.


I found this.

I know where she's going.

Let's go to the back.

Where are we going?

Niagara Falls.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Here, let's go here.

Laura, this is Sister Joanne.

The police were here looking for you.

One of them said she's an old friend of yours.

Apparently they have an Amber Alert out for you and I'm very worried.

Please call and let us know that you're okay.

Can you do that?

Why did you leave?


If you're really my mother...

Why did you leave?

Because I felt like I failed.

Failed at what?

Being your mom.

Being worthy.

So where did you go?

A lot of places, most of them not so good.

Got into dr*gs.

Then I got sober...

tried religion...

But I could never get rid of this pain.

What pain?

Of missing you.

I thought about you all the time.

How you were...

who you were.

- We should get gas.

- We still have 1/4 of a t*nk.

Let's just fill it up.



Bess and Adam...

They were...


they were trying to take me to you, weren't they?

- And I k*lled them.

- Hey.

You didn't know.


Julian, hey...

Get off me.

Hey, hey, hey.

Julian, hey.

Hey, hey, hey!



Be quiet.



Come here, come here.

We're getting...

We're getting off, okay?

Heather Novack.


It's me.


- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm okay.

Can't believe it's you.

Is Julian okay?

He's good.

Everything's okay.

I know you're looking for me.

Where are you?

You have to leave us alone.

This is bigger than just me, Marin.

There's a lot of people looking for you and Julian.

You could hold them off for a day.

Marin, just come back.

I'm on your side.

I know Julian's your son.

I know...

What you've been through.

No, you don't.

Then help me understand.

Tell me where you are and I'll come meet you.

We can figure this out together.


You could throw them off course, buy me some time.

I've never had anything.

This is the only thing I want.

I can't.


I have to go.

Wait, Marin...


I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

She called me on this phone.

I need a ping right away.

These are exigent circumstances, we've got a missing child.

Come on.

Come on, we're here.

I'm hungry again.

Is there something we can eat?

I'm hungry, too.

Can you just sit tight for a second?

I just have to make a phone call.


It's me.

We're here.

Got it.

She could be anywhere by now.

She's probably trying for the border, but she's not gonna make it across with Julian.

Five Nations.

- What's that?

- Right here.

Take a look at this.

Indian reservation straddles both sides of the border.

I bet that's how she's planning on getting across.

Yeah, all right.

Thanks, Brick.

They ID'd our girl in the lake.

Britt Jacobs.

She was a patient at Deacons, went missing several years ago.

She had no connection with Mosswood.

Probably committed su1c1de.

Okay, here we are.

Five Nations.

Okay, looks like these guys are onto something.

What do you think?

Let's follow them.

♪ Down in the valley ♪ ♪ The valley so low ♪ ♪ Hang your head over ♪ ♪ Hear the wind blow ♪ ♪ Roses love sunshine ♪ ♪ Violets love dew ♪ ♪ Angels in heaven ♪ ♪ Know I love you ♪