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02x06 - Part VI

Posted: 05/23/21 05:23
by bunniefuu
And what about this Marin Calhoun...

where is she now?

We have reason to believe her body was dumped in a lake near Mosswood.

Where did you get that lead?

From a former Mosswood member.

They called it the purple lake.

I went to the police.

I gave a deposition.

That's strange...

you are the second person in two days looking for this tape.

He took it.

They put Julian in solitary last night.

I tried to visit him, but he doesn't want to see me.

- He refuses.

- This stuff with Glen Fisher.

I went to Mosswood once or twice...

that was it.

Seems like our time for keeping you up here with us is over.

- You should name him.

- Why?

We'll raise him...

all of us together.

When we offer him up, release.

I raised Julian.

I'm his mother, and something as trivial as biology doesn't make that any less true.

There is something before we start.

It's about Marin.

She's pregnant.

We'll raise him.

The child will bind us.

Has she picked a name?

So there's this new dating app thing on your phone.

Helen was telling me about it.

You should try it out.

It's new on the market, and...

it's called Rumble?

Or something.

The girls choose.

Although, I guess, in your case...

Well, how would that work?

This is not helping.

All right.

Look, I...

I'm worried about you.

You need a little pick-me-up, get back to the Heather I know.

And who is that exactly?

Beer's running low.

You normally stock up.

Laundry's piling up.


Come on, I'm trying to make you laugh.

Remember when you used to do that?

Sometimes things aren't funny.

I got to get back to the station.

Don't go mad.

I'm fine.

Hi, sweetie.

Thank you for letting me visit you.

I hated not being able to see you.

Did you get hurt?

Who hurt you?

I don't know.

Julian, who did this to you?

Did they make you take something?

What did they give you?

What did you people do to my son?

- He can barely speak.

- Ma'am, please sit down.

Don't call me "ma'am." He's been medicated.

You can't do that without my permission.

If he's a harm to himself or others, the doctors can give him something to make him a little...

The doctor?

What doctor?

I want to speak to this doctor right now.

Ma'am, please sit down.

I will not sit down.

And do not call me "ma'am." Excuse me.

Can I, talk to you for a minute?

That guy you were just with, you know him very well?

Who's asking?

I'm curious...

'cause I saw you here with him two days ago and the night before that.



I hear he can get a little rough.

You know anything about that?

- I don't talk to cops.

- Maybe you should.

Because I can bring you in right now...

you know that.

For what?

Glen Fisher doesn't even like to have sex.

You got nothing.


Your foot there.

He do that to you?

I don't need saving.

- Why can't she have visitors?

- I'm not at liberty to say.

That's the order, coming off an incident yesterday.


What happened?

I'm sorry, but that's, confidential.

Excuse me for one second.


I know you.


You're the gent who visited that floozy.

She got tranq'd.

Yeah, sorry to hear about that.

Any idea what provoked it?

She got a call at the start of afternoon rec, stayed on longer than ten minutes.

Well, if you break the rules, you lose TV rights, no gum.

She stayed on the phone, and they gave her meds?

Nah, she got off and went ballistic.

Anybody hear who it was that called her?

- Detective.

- Yeah, just...


She said it was Satan.

Keller PD, Officer Brickowski.

Yeah, hey, Brick.

It's me again.

That number that you traced, the one that called Carmen Bell, is that linked to a specific lot number?

Hold on.

Let me check.

5A, great.

Look, you got to stop calling me here.

- You're gonna get me in trouble.

- No, no, I know, I know.

You did nothing.


You ready for him?

Yes, come in.

Thank God you're here.

They're medicating him now...


They're sedating him.

I'm trying to get a court order to get them to stop.

And I'm sure you heard that his confession is admissible in court, so that's perfect timing.

What is that?

I think you know.

Carmen Bell.

It's her deposition.

It was missing from town records until yesterday.

Will you please state your name And the date for the record, please?

My name is Carmen Bell.

The date is February 20, 2002.

My God.

And how did you end up in Mosswood Grove?

Vera Walker.

She recruited me.

I was working at this pretzel place at the mall, and she came in one day.

I was going through a bad time, and she just talked to me.


Told me about Mosswood.

She said it was like a family, that it would solve things.

We did these sessions, um, like therapy, I guess.

We would play out what had happened to us with each other until the Beacon, the...

the leader of the place...

he, um...

It's okay.

Just take your time.


I don't want to hear this.

I bet you don't.

He had this epiphany while he was swimming at the purple lake.

That's what he called Stillwater Reservoir...

the purple lake.

He said that the only way to break out of trauma was by going straight into it.

And the sessions got violent, physically and sexually.

Is that how you got the burns on your foot?

Can you please show us the burns on your foot?

One of the men...

he did it in a session.

I-I don't know his name.

And he kept asking for me.

And there was another man, and...

And I got pregnant, and.

Vera's the one who took me to Dr.

Poole to fix me.

Get out!

If Julian was afraid of anything, it was probably you.

I have done everything I can do to protect him.

There were abuses all over Mosswood.

And you were in charge.

You have no idea what happened.

You have no idea.

I know you did things you're ashamed of.



Sit down.

I'll tell you everything.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

What is it?

It's nothing.


Let me see.

My God.

What happened?

It was just the session last night.

I was partnered with Vic, and he had a breakthrough.

It was...


He tapped into some family stuff.

- He did this to you?

- No, no.

I was standing in the wrong place by the rock.

And he was so deep in it, I didn't want to...

stop him.

I get it now.

It's part of my work, too.

You taught me that.

It's amazing.

He's singing.

How do you know it's a boy?

Because he told me.

May I speak to you for a moment?

She complained about a scrape?

- No, I noticed.

- Scrapes heal.

And now Vic, he'll also heal.

That's the point of this.

It's just...


it's at her expense, though, isn't it?

No, Bess needed that moment just as much as Vic did.

She can go if she isn't committed.

Commitment is not the issue.

Then what is it?

Something's happened to you.

I just keep thinking, what we're doing, it's become so literal.

We used to do imaginative work, and now we're reenacting our pain on each other.

So you want to go back to the way things were.

Well, you remember when you tried that, running home to East Texas, hoping your father would welcome you back?

This is different.


No, Vera, it's not.

It's the same small-minded, middle-class fear.

It's only when Abraham was willing to.

Sacrifice his son Isaac that God rewarded him.

- Almost there.

- Good!

- You're almost there.

- Good.


Okay, take a break.

Take a break.

That one's done.

Just one more...

you're almost there.

Okay, one more, one more.

It's just the shoulders.

- I can't, I can't.

- Yes, you can.

Yes, you can.

- Ready?

- One more, one more.

- Yes, you can.

Yes, you can.

- You can do it.

You can do it.

Here it comes.

Yes, push, push now.

That's it, that's it.

- That's it, that's it.

- We can see him.

Here he comes.

Push, push, push.

Here he comes!

Here he comes!

There he is.

You did it.

There he is.

- You did it.

- He's here.

Hey, Julian.

He's healthy.

He's perfect.

He's perfect.

Good job.

Here you go.

Good job.


- There you go.

- Hold on to him.

Good job.


- Good job.

- Good job.


Good job.



- Marin?

What's wrong?

- Marin.

What's wrong?

Marin, wake up.


- What's wrong, Marin?

- Julian.

That's a lot of blood.

- I got you.

- What's wrong?

- Marin, wake up!

- Can you...

can you take him?


- Okay, come here.

- She's hemorrhaging.

Let's get her into the main building out of the heat, quick.

- Okay.

- She'll be okay.

This happens.

- I know what to do.

- Okay.

Can you just take care of him?

Skin to skin.




Come here, sweetheart.

Come here, sweetheart.

Shh, shh, shh, come here.

Shh, shh, shh.

Hi, little man.



You made it.

You made it.

Just keep him calm.

Shh, shh, shh.

Don't over-handle him.

There we go.

He keeps latching on and then letting go.


he'll get it if we just keep at it.

I told you there's nothing coming out.

That's why.

I don't have any milk.

Shh, shh, shh.

Can you please just take him?

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

He likes you better anyway.

I just want to sleep.

It's all right.


No one knows how to do this stuff the first time.

You'll learn.

- Maybe I shouldn't be a mother.

- Don't say that.

So stupid, thinking I could do it.

My body doesn't even work.

We'll figure this out together.

That's why we're here.

- Shh, shh, shh.

- Julian.

- Is that...

- What?

Are you lactating?

How is that possible?

It just started happening.

It doesn't work like that.

I let him latch sometimes.

It keeps him calm.

What am I supposed to do, let him cry?

Come on, she needs to rest.

It's okay.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

I can't.


I can't!


Why are you here?

What the f*ck?


Come on.

Come here.

All right, let's settle down.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, I'm headed up to the cabin tonight.

I need some...

space to think.

Much to prepare for.


Marin struggled last night.

- She wasn't ready.

- Well, she needs to assist.

It'll prepare her.

I want her to work with Glen tonight.

See to it that it happens.

How's Julian?


Is he healthy?

Yes, I think so.

That boy's gonna change everything.

You'll see.

What's going on?

Where's the Beacon?

He canceled the work tonight.

What do you mean?

We spoke about a session.

I told him I was bringing people.

He's reconsidering the path of the work.

That's all I can say.

I'm gonna need to speak to him.

- He's occupied.

- I don't give a shit.

He's not even on the grounds.

Who the f*ck do you think you are?

You think you speak for him now?

I was here from the beginning.

I sold him this piece of land...

And I'm sure he's grateful.

This is bullshit.

Let's go.


Shh, shh.

Can you hand me that towel?


Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Thank you.

Who's my little boy?

You're nursing him now?

- Shh, shh, shh.

- Um.

It just happened.

We thought it would be better than just formula.


Why don't you hold him?

You haven't seen him all day.

Come on.

Why'd you shut down the work last night?

Why'd you do that?

Marin wasn't ready.

She's still recovering.

I told you what I wanted.

Do you realize what...

Shut up.

You have jeopardized...

Shut up...

Shh, shh, shh, it's okay.

All right, I am seeing too much attachment here, far too much.

You need to stop caring for him.

- He's still breastfeeding.

- I don't care.

Move his basket up to my study, all his things.

He's staying with me from now on.

We have to come in there to feed him and change him.

- He'll keep you up all night.

- I don't care.

- No...

- It won't be much longer now.

What's this?

My apology, tea.

I allowed horrible things to happen.

I did.

But I did it because I believed in him, and he healed me.

I wish I had stopped it sooner, but I...

When I saw Julian's face, I woke up.

And I knew what I had to do, and I changed Mosswood for good.

And I know now that I will never lose myself that way ever again.

What about the others?

They just followed you?

Deep down, there were many of us who were.

Uneasy about where we were headed.

Your Beacon, what happened to him?

He was unhappy for a long time.

One day he left us.

Didn't say good-bye, nothing.

I had no idea Carmen pursued legal action.

It was never filed.

It just withered as a Medical Board complaint against Sheldon Poole.

My guess is that Glen Fisher probably k*lled it.

I imagine it goes a lot higher than Glen Fisher.

When did this happen?



Well, what the hell am I supposed to do?

I'm trying to - Case, right?

Like, "No más, no más." Frickin' Roberto Durán...

D.A. Hutchinson, I need to talk to you for a second, if I can.

Shouldn't you be back in Dorchester?

Well, I think you know exactly what I've been up to, since you've had that guy tailing me, right?

Sorry, guys.

So what about tonight?

I was looking for some good read, And I picked up your campaign finance record.

Hey, can't you take a hint?

This isn't the time, all right?

I was looking at 2003.

That's the first year after you got voted in, and it was the same year that a certain case.

Didn't come to court.

The plaintiff was Carmen Bell.

Give me a minute.

Some really interesting donations made that year.

There was, Sheldon Poole.

Gave $6,000.

And Glen Fisher...

he gave $5,000.

- Gene Marcus...

- I had support.

So what's the problem?

There's four other huge contributions.

Here's my take on that.

I think each of them was a payoff for some case that you managed to squash, and then somebody ended up discredited or put in an institution or someplace worse.

That's ridiculous, and completely unverifiable.

There's a lot of smoke here.

I don't even know what you managed to do.

While you were in office, what you put under the carpet.

You try to indict me on any of this, You'll get laughed out of court.

Maybe so, but I think there's enough.

For a newspaper to print a pretty good story.

It's an election year.

We all know how that plays out.

To be clear, I want Julian Walker's case kicked to Family Court where it belongs, and I want his charges dropped to manslaughter.

I'm glad you see it my way.


Thanks for coming.

Divers are down there now.

Glad you called.

What happened with Hutchinson?

I think I scared him, because he kicked Julian's case back to Family Court.

Good work.

You must be relieved.

I helped him trace the call, you know?

Yes, he did.

Excuse me, officer.

Can you take a look at this?

Hey, um, I'm sorry.

I was so wrong.

Let's forget about it.

I guess my job is kind of everything to me.

I've invested so much.

I just...

I got worried.


We found a car down here.

Wedged under some rocks.

It's about 30 feet down.

Anything inside?

Looks like a young Jane Doe.

She was in the driver's seat.

You okay?

I just need a minute.

We're here live at Edgewater Detention Center, where Julian Walker, the 13-year-old.

Mosswood member and double-homicide suspect...



And back to foster care.

This on the heels...

Step back, please.

Can I have a second, please?

I know you're angry with me, but I hope we can work through it.

At least you're not in that place anymore.

That's the best I can do for now, but next step, we get you home.

Where's home?

What do you mean?

Home is home.

Harry said that I might never go back to Mosswood.

Well, he's wrong.

He tells me the truth.

He's wrong, because I'll never stop.

Ma'am, you need to step away, please.

I love you.

I love you.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I wonder if she drove herself down there.

Stop doing this to yourself.

Or if they k*lled her first and then put the...

Here, just eat.

You'll feel better.

Dad, I don't need a sandwich.

Just eat it.

I'm sorry.


I know it's awful, but at least you can finally forget about her and get back to your life.

I don't want to forget about her.

I don't believe in forgetting people, Dad.

You know, when's the last time we had a real conversation about Mom?

Or anything important, quite frankly?

Let's remember where we are, all right?

That's right.

Keep smiling.

Make sure the customers are f*cking happy.

You want to go back to the way things were?

Guess what, Dad?

I hated the way things were.

Heather, stop it.

You're embarrassing me.

Mom made things tolerable for me in this town, barely, and all you think about is yourself!

Okay, now, that's bullshit.

You're the most important thing to me.

You don't act like it.

I don't know why I stay here!

He's up in his room.

If you could get him to come downstairs and eat, that would help.

I'll see what I can do.



I wanted to ask you something.

Yeah, I heard.

You nervous about the trial?

'Cause I can lay it out for you.

I thought that they would start over when they died.

But that's not true, is it?

Nobody really knows for sure what happens when you die.

If they say they do, they're lying.

I'm the one that should be dead.

Don't say that.

My mother says that I'm not guilty.

But I know that I am.

I did it.

I did it.

It's more complicated than that.

When do you stop being guilty?

When is it over?

I'm not sure.

You know how I-I told you that...

I also went to foster care after an accident?

Because your mother couldn't take care of you?

She was sick.


Sometimes she was quiet.

Sometimes she was the opposite.

It would come out of nowhere.

I wanted it to stop.

You started the fire.

That hooded thing that you keep seeing, you told me it's real.

But have you ever thought that maybe it's the guilt?

I'd stare it down next time you see it.

Because it'll ruin you if you let it.

Will you do that?


you aren't real.

You're not real.

You aren't real.

You're not...


Guys, really, it's 430 in the morning.
